erp buyers guide

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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An overview of leading ERP Providers, together with expert commentary and advice to help you make the right decision.



ContentsIntroduction 3


Benefits & Pitfalls of ERP Systems 6

Advice for a Successful ERP Implementation 8

ERP Directory

Agresso 10

BusinessBox 11

CitiXsys 12

ECi Software Solutions 13

Epicor Software 14

IFS 15

Micronet Systems 16

MYOB Enterprise Solutions 17

NetSuite 18

Ostendo 19

Professional Advantage 20

Progress Pacific 21

Solarsoft 22

Syspro 23

Tectura 24

Usage Business Solutions 25

COSS Systems 26

Happen Business 26

MicroChannel Services 26

Star Business Solutions 26



Determining which ERP solution to implement is an important strategic decision for

your business. Not only does it represent a major investment of time and money, it

will also be closely integrated with all of your key business processes and require

significant organizational change.

That said, the business case for implementing a new ERP can be very compelling indeed. The right

system can deliver improved visibility and insights into your business, streamline your processes and

reduce duplication, lower your costs, improve customer management & sales efforts, and provide a

scalable foundation for growing your business.

Nonetheless, as a large, infrequent, and difficult to reverse decision, choosing a new ERP system

should be done carefully and with due consideration of your business objectives and requirements.

The good news is you have plenty to choose from! Over the past several years, technological change

and market forces have combined to drive significant improvements in the functionality, ease of use,

and accessibility of ERP solutions. Software-as-a-service and cloud technologies are growing rapidly

and re-shaping the competitive landscape, although their market share is still less than you might think

given the press coverage – for example, only 16% of manufacturers who installed an ERP in 2010

opted for software-as-a-service, according to research by Panorama Consulting.

Here at Software Shortlist, we advocate a business-driven approach to software selection. Forget

about specific technologies to start with – first and foremost you should define your business

objectives and requirements, and only then start to look at what solutions are available.

Start by defining what it is you expect a new system to deliver and then prioritise your various

business requirements. Ensure you involve people from all parts of your business, so that you build

a complete understanding of what is happening in your business and how it could be improved.

Importantly, work out what it is worth to you to achieve these outcomes and when you need them.

By Xavier Russo, Managing Director of Software Shortlist


Once the business requirements are clearly understood, you can translate them into specific software

requirements. Here you define and flesh out the features & characteristics that will be used to evaluate

ERP solutions, so it’s important you prioritize them – for example, by distinguishing between ‘must

haves’ and ‘nice to haves’. Most decisions of this magnitude require trade-offs so the clearer you are

on your priorities, the easier it is to make the appropriate judgement calls later on.

The third step is then going out to the market to understand your full range of options. Be wary of just

relying on systems you already know about or are familiar with – the ERP market changes rapidly and

without a broad consideration you may unwittingly miss out on some excellent options.

You can quickly narrow down the long or medium list of options to a targeted shortlist by filtering on

your ‘must have’ requirements. For instance, you may choose to rule out options that exceed a certain

budget, don’t offer tailored solution for your industry sector, lack particular functionality, or aren’t

available to be installed on your own in-house servers.

"First and foremost you should

define your business objectives and

requirements, and only then start

to look at what ERP solutions are


Once you have your shortlist of strong candidates, you’re then well placed to evaluate them in detail.

Talk with their representatives, arrangement demonstrations with your own data, get references from

existing and previous customers, understand the full cost of implementation and use, and explore in

depth how well they can meet your needs. Remember that your choice of implementation partner may

be just as important as the solution that you implement. Typically a small cross-functional evaluation

committee is an effective way to manage this process.


1. Understand business needs. Focus on the outcomes you want to achieve and clearly articulate how and where a new system should improve your business performance.

2. Define ERP requirements: Translate your business needs into specific, prioritized requirements for a new ERP system. Distinguish between ‘must haves’ and ‘nice to haves’.

3. Identify options: Conduct a broad search of available solutions. The market changes rapidly, so make sure you look beyond just the systems you are already familiar with.

4. Shortlist candidates: Apply your requirements to quickly filter out solutions and arrive at a manageable list of strong candidates to consider in more detail.

5. Evaluate & decide: Involve a cross-functional team to thoroughly evaluate shortlisted solutions. Ask detailed questions, talk to references, get demonstrations, and do whatever it takes to make sure you’re confident that the chosen system will meet your business needs.

5 steps to effective ERP selection

Remember: time invested in a robust selection process is time well spent indeed. As engineers

sometimes say “It’s easier to make changes on paper than in concrete”. Choosing your ERP is much

the same: don’t rush ahead to implementation without make sure that you’ve put in place the right

foundations for your future business success.

Our aim here at Software Shortlist is to help you with that selection process. This Buyers Guide

provides you with an overview of many leading ERP providers, both system vendors and their

implementation partners. You can also take advantage of our free and award-winning “Get A Shortlist”

service – simply submit your requirements and we’ll seek to match you with a shortlist of 2-3 relevant

solution providers from our extensive network. Although the decision is ultimately yours, we can help

make your selection process faster and more effective.


Benefits & Pitfalls of ERP Systems

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is integrated software to support

your core business processes like customer relationship management (CRM), sales

management, material requirements planning (MRP), production scheduling, project

management, inventory control, financial management (AR, AP, GL) and so on.

Less Paperwork

As an integrated system, one key benefit of an ERP is the reduction of paperwork. All communication

between departments, as far as it related to the core business, goes through the system. This saves

staff time, improves communication quality, and eliminates an important source of errors.

Improved Productivity

Improved productivity is a major benefit that can be achieved because, when properly applied, the

ERP system reduces wastage of time and material. Built-in intelligence and rules can be applied, for

instance so that similar production orders are combined to make more efficient use of the workforce,

machines and materials.

Lower Costs

Lower costs (as a percentage of turnover) can be achieved with the right ERP. For instance, together

with appropriate cooperation from your suppliers, a new ERP system may make it possible to

implement a just-in-time purchasing policy. This can reduce the costs of stock keeping considerably

and set free capital that would otherwise be invested in inventory.

Reliable Performance

Another benefit that is very important but not as easy to translate into money is the value of smooth

and reliable operation. Successful ERP users are more able to keep to agreements with clients

regarding to delivery on full and in time, and can communicate more effectively about the progress of a

project or a specific production order.

Typical benefits of a new ERP system:

By John Zuyderduyn


Wrong motive for ERP

A commonly made mistake is choosing an ERP with the wrong motive in mind. A classic example is

companies who opt for ERP in order to clean up their messy way of operating. This will almost always

end up in a disaster. The old maxim: ‘rubbish in – rubbish out’ still counts. To avoid this pitfall, make

sure you first improve your procedures to a reasonable standard before trying to implement an ERP.

Underestimating the effort

It is still all too frequent that companies underestimate the efforts required to successfully implement a

new ERP. After all, an ERP is the backbone of your business systems and needs to take into account

all of your key business processes. This can be very complex, and implementation typically requires

much time and effort.

Underestimating the cost

Sometimes an ERP supplier gives an offer that looks clear, but may contain open ended issues that

cause considerable problems later on. Always make sure you’ve considered all cost components and

how particular scenarios may affect your contract. Similarly, it is critical to conduct a robust cost/

benefit analysis before selection and implementation. This pitfall can cost an enterprise dearly if it

later appears that the costs of an ERP system (lease, licence, maintenance, costs of implementation)

outweigh the financial benefits.

Choosing the wrong ERP

It is important to avoid a mismatch in scale for ERP systems – a small or medium sized company

should avoid buying too big a system, and instead implement one that is more appropriate to their

requirements and budget (with some room to grow, of course). Another related issue is choosing the

wrong type of ERP – for instance, there are project oriented ERPs and production-line oriented ERPs.

Make sure you choose a system that aligns with the type of business you operate.

An ERP system is a critical tool for any enterprise in which core procedures can be supported by

software. There are significant benefits to implementing an ERP but also many pitfalls that you can fall

into. If you can avoid the common pitfalls, your ERP implementation and subsequent usage are much

more likely to be successful.

Common pitfalls with ERP systems:



Advice for a Successful ERP Implementation

A recent study of nearly 1500 IT change initiatives published in the Harvard Business

Review found that, on average, IT projects had a cost overrun of 27%. Their even more

alarming finding was that at least 1/6 of projects came in significantly late and over

budget (70% over schedule, 200% over budget).

Choose the best software, based on your requirements and budget. If you have to compromise

on software functionality due to budget constraints make sure this is clearly communicated to all

involved. Don’t allow the business to start customising the software to fill those gaps afterwards.

Budget appropriately in the first place. A general rule of thumb is that the implementation

consulting costs will be the same as the software (a 1 to 1 relationship). The cost can be reduced but

will generally be on the basis of you performing more of the functions in house.

Ensure you have a clear understanding of what is included in the software and the

implementation cost. Are all the modules demonstrated to you included, what is the maintenance

cost and when does it start, is there enough licenses to cover the users involved.

Assign a Project Manager and ensure that they are clear of what that role involves and that they are

given the appropriate authority within your organisation.

Ensure that there are realistic project plans put in place. These plans don’t need to cover every minute

task but at least have the major milestones and tasks documented with time frames and responsibilities.

Be prepared to alter plans and resourcing, if needed. This may include revising the go live date if

important tasks are delayed. Realise that some of the “bells and whistles” may come later.

Have regular project meetings to manage progress, discuss issues and the like. Ensure you have

mechanisms to document and monitor these items.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some practical tips on how to avoid major over-

runs and achieve a successful ERP implementation.

By Trish Hall (CEO of Star Business Systems)


Remember to look after your implementation team and others impacted by the new software.

Change can be difficult for many, you may have to nurture some as loosing staff or having unhappy

and unproductive staff during critical phases of your implementation can be very costly. Similarly,

burning out your implementation team can be very costly.

Don’t underestimate the time required for data conversion. Make sure that you have a clear

understanding of what data is to be converted. Sometimes organisations can spend huge amounts of

time, effort and money converting years of historical data for no real benefit.

Be prepared to alter some of your business processes. If something has been done a particular

way for the past 5 years, does it really mean it has to be done that way going forward? Be open to

alternative ways to achieve the same outcome.

Carefully consider what customisations are required and resist “scope creep”. If customisations

are required, ensure that your team test them adequately and don’t just leave it to your consultants.

Ensure that adequate training is provided to your staff. Some staff may need to be trained on the

same function more than once. Train not just on how to use the software but also on any changes in

the business processes. Show your staff how the system will help them with their jobs.

Top 3 tips for a strong ROI on your ERP system

1. Plan Carefully. Planning throughout the process is fundamental. From the very outset plan how your software selection process will progress, what the budget is, who should be involved, what requirements need to be met also. After the selection plan the project in terms of timing and resources to get the job done, continue to plan and revisit the plan throughout the project. After the implementation, plan on continuing improvement. At all stages have mechanisms in place to monitor progress and to address issues as and when they arise.

2. Be Flexible. Be flexible and listen to your staff and partner in terms of ways to improve your processes. Encourage thinking outside the box and feedback of all types throughout the implementation process and beyond. Recognise improvements as they are suggested and implement them if it makes good business sense to do so.

3. Use It!. You’ve implemented the system for a reason: to get your return on investment you need to follow through and use it properly. Strive to make maximum use of the tools that the new system provides. This will help ensure that the expected efficiencies are achieved and that the reporting provides you with the information to manage your business better and maximise revenue and/or minimise costs.


Agresso Australia Suite 5, Jones Bay Wharf 26-32 Pirrama Road Pyrmont, NSW, 2009 Australia

Phone: +612 8570 9000 Fax: +612 9518 8055

Agresso New Zealand Level 16, Vodafone on the Quay 157 Lambton Quay Wellington, New Zealand

Phone: +64 4 462 4092 Fax: +64 4 460 5252


Agresso implements and supports the AGRESSO Business World ERP solution, helping progressive and savvy organisations manage their evolving needs effectively.

With over 3,500 customers, 10,000+ deployments and 1.8 million users Worldwide, Agresso ERP systems serve a wide range of mid-market, people and service-centric organisations in both public and private sectors. Focus on both private and public organisations which value being able to change their ERP without reimplementation or even external IT resources differentiates Agresso from other ERP vendors.

AGRESSO enables organisations to replace multiple, disparate third-party and internal systems, with a complete and integrated role-focused ERP solution.

AGRESSO Business World offers the following solutions:• Business Process Automation• Field Force• Financial Management• Human Resources and Payroll• Procurement Management• Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting• Project Costing and Billing• Reporting and Analytics

Key Benefits:• Introduce a “Can Do” attitude to address any pressure

to change – swiftly and at the lowest possible cost• Satisfy even the most diverse management and

operational reporting requirements• Eliminate inefficiencies across all administrative

processes• Control risk and improve process controls• Eliminate the costs of maintaining multiple legacy

systems and minimise total cost of ownership and cost of change


BusinessBox 1st Floor, 3 Royal Exchange Court 85D Queen Street Glasgow, G1 3DB United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 843 289 0427


BusinessBox puts the Cloud at the heart of your business – providing access to a suite of tools that are totally integrated to enable greater productivity and reduce business risk. Having been designed and built by a team who understand the challenge of running a successful business, it is aimed at organisations who want to get more from the people they employ. Whether it be a reduction of administration around holiday approvals and timesheets or understanding exactly where you are with each of your sales BusinessBox has got it covered.

BusinessBox provides multi-lingual modules covering many aspects of business allowing you to access manage and control your workflow anywhere day or night. Meaning managers can make decisions based on real time information.

Maintaining business records in filling cabinets and employing an army of staff to manage them is a thing of the past. Our software platform takes those records online and provides all staff with a mechanism to manage and update those records through self-service.

As our modules are integrated, it allows the information to be used cleverly. For example – attend a sales meeting on Wednesday and it will automatically appear in your timesheet at the end of the week. These features and benefits can be crucial to companies; by making better use of the administrator’s time ultimately the company becomes more efficient – saving not only time but money!

There are many other software options for businesses today; however BusinessBox provides a system that is fully integrated. Our clients benefits from fantastic features that save time and money.

Build the most effective box for your business by selecting the modules of most benefit – what could be better than having all your records held securely in one place, set up once and synchronised with your business. Get started by choosing the items your business needs and we’ll do the rest…it really couldn’t be any easier to start benefiting from our technology in the Cloud!


CitiXsys Australia Pty. Ltd. Tower 2, Level 20 201 Sussex Street Sydney, NSW, 2000 Australia

Phone: +612 9006 1616 Fax: +612 9006 1515


Thousands of stores in over 45 countries are running iVend Retail from CitiXsys and are more profitable and efficient. CitiXsys Technologies is one of the largest SSP and has a strong focus on Retail, Warehouse & Inventory Management, offering innovative software solutions to its customers.

Enhancing modern retail industry experience, iVend Retail is a SAP Certified, fully integrated, comprehensive Retail Management Solution to manage head office and in-store processes. iVend Loyalty, iVend eCommerce, iVend Mobility and Retail Analytics are a few integrated modules making iVend the right choice for modern retailers of any size. iVend Retail is seamlessly integrated into SAP Suite of Business Management Applications and can be integrated to any standard Business Management Application through its API’s.

CitiXsys Retail Solutions aim to optimize the entire retail process covering head office, store back office and in-store operations, adding value to the customer’s shopping experience while maximizing returns to the retailer’s investment.

iVend Retail Management Suite helps retailers improve efficiency and gain a unified view of their customer. With a history of innovation, industry expertise and desire for excellence, CitiXsys inspires customers to build lasting competitive advantage.

CitiXsys Retail Solutions help retailers deliver an integrated shopping experience, whether their customers conduct their business in the store, online on an eCommerce Portal, or on a mobile device. iVend Retail Management Suite helps retailers improve their efficiencies and gain a holistic view of their retail business.

Headquartered out of New York, CitiXsys has its own offices in USA, UK, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, Australia and India, with affiliates worldwide.


ECi Software Solutions 4400 Alliance Gateway Freeway Suite 154 Fort Worth, TX 76177 USA

Phone: +1 800 959 3367 +1 682 831 0827

ECi Software Solutions Australia Suite 27, 799 Springvale Rd Mulgrave, VIC 3170 Australia

Phone: +613 8544 1300

ECi Software Solutions

ECi M1™ was created to meet the rapidly changing needs of manufacturers. This intuitive software solution is designed for small to medium manufacturers including job shops, custom and mixed mode manufacturers and make-to-order manufacturers. M1 provides total integration and automation from quoting through invoicing.

Example M1 functionality for daily manufacturing operations includes:

• Maintaining contact details for customers and suppliers • Scheduling production to efficiently make use of

resources • Managing production jobs through job costing • Controlling inventory of raw materials, finished goods

and sub-assemblies • Analysing pre- and post- sales activities• Ensuring quality and managing warranties

Developed for Microsoft SQL Server, ECi M1 runs on Windows XP/7/2003/2008 which makes it easy to learn, run and maintain. M1 also offers integration with everyday email and document tools, and state-of-the-art navigation methods to allow users to quickly find what they are looking for. You can also make the software work for your unique business processes using the M1 design studio, a simple and flexible customization tool.

Implementation: With ECi’s streamlined implementation methodology, M1 can be implemented in half the time and at a fraction of the cost of traditional ERP systems. Get a fixed quote* for implementation services and expect to “go live” within 3-4 months.

Support: M1 support maintenance includes unlimited telephone and online support, and all software updates.

Training: Training is a major contributor to the successful implementation and optimization of your software. We provide you with the tools and support necessary to ensure your success.


Epicor Software Corporation 18200 Von Karman Ave., Suite 1000 Irvine CA 92612 USA Phone: +1 949 585 4000 Fax: +1 949 585 4091

Epicor Software Sydney Level 34, 101 Miller Street North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia

Phone: +612 9927 6200 Fax: +612 9927 6298

Epicor Software

Epicor Software Corporation (recently combined with Activant Solutions Inc.) is a global leader delivering business software solutions to the manufacturing, distribution, retail and services industries.

With nearly 40 years of experience serving midmarket organizations and divisions of Global 1000 companies, Epicor has more than 33,000 customers in over 150 countries. Epicor enterprise resource planning (ERP), point of sale (POS), supply chain management (SCM), and human capital management (HCM) enable companies to drive increased efficiency and improve profitability.

With a history of innovation, industry expertise and passion for excellence, Epicor inspires customers to build lasting competitive advantage. Epicor provides the single point of accountability that local, regional and global businesses demand. The Company’s headquarters are located in Livermore, California, with offices and affiliates worldwide.

For more information, visit


IFS Australia Level 1, Suite 7, 796 High St Kew East, VIC 3102 Australia

Phone: +613 9862 3800


IFS is a Swedish public company founded in 1983 that develops, supplies, and implements IFS Applications, a component-based extended ERP suite built on SOA technology.

IFS Applications combine industry-specific components, developed in close cooperation with customers and leading industry partners, with standard business components needed by all types of organisations.

IFS focuses on agile businesses where any of four core processes are strategic: Service & asset management, manufacturing, supply chain and project. IFS Applications is a powerful project-based ERP solution with tightly integrated project management functionality enabling companies to manage projects and assets, control costs, increase supply chain efficiencies, and measure performance. Some industries that we focus on include Mining & Resources; Oil & Gas; Construction & Engineering; Utilities; Manufacturing; Pulp & Paper; Service & Facilities Management; Aerospace & Defence.

IFS Applications never locks you in. You can implement the components you need, when you need them. IFS Applications easily co-exist with other applications when best-of-breed point solutions are required to effectively support a process. You can also quickly configure IFS Applications to meet the rapidly changing needs of your industry or the global marketplace. That means it costs you less to be agile.

Some of IFS Customers in Australia and New Zealand include AB Equipment, Alliance Contracting, Atherton & Sons, Babcock, Closed Loop, Dairy Australia, EuroLift, Geo Fabrics, Hawker Pacific, Icon Engineering, LTQ, Ngarda, Process Group, Uhde Shedden, and Visy.

The company has 2,000 customers and is present in more than 60 countries with 2,800 employees in total.


Micronet Systems Level 2, 2-4 Merton Street Sutherland, NSW 2232 Australia

Phone: +612 9542 2000 Fax: +612 9542 2100

Micronet Systems

Micronet Systems (Australia) provides innovative business software for small to medium-sized companies. Since its first generation product in 1983, over 2,000 companies in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and South Africa have installed Micronet software.

Micronet offer solutions for a diverse range of industries including franchise groups, wholesale distributors, service contractors, importers, retailers, and light manufacturing.

Micronet’s suite of products include comprehensive inventory control, warehouse management, integrated financials, sales and/or job management, retail, business intelligence and a suite of end-to-end web-based tools for ’online’ trading. Micronet’s e-commerce strategy enables customers to take advantage of SaaS hosting.

Micronet’s range of programs are directly supported by their in-house help desk and R&D development teams.

The Micronet Advantage Suite forms the nucleus for all Micronet integrated solutions. The central database is specifically designed to run efficiently on centralised servers using ‘thin client’ technology with Microsoft’s Windows server-based operating system; and for larger organisations, the Citrix Metaframe range of operating system enhancements.

Micronet’s integrated modules can be altered to your requirements using a series of built-in system parameters; eliminating the need for program changes. Complete with a comprehensive report generator, reports can be customised and then directed to a range of outputs. Reports support data ‘drilling’ and for customers needing secure access to the database data by standard third party programs and tools, the Advantage Suite has an ODBC option available.

For more information visit


MYOB Enterprise Solutions 12 Wesley Court Burwood East, VIC 3151 Australia

Phone: 1300 555 110

MYOB Enterprise Solutions

MYOB EXO Business is a complete fully integrated financial and business management system consisting of modules supporting Finance, CRM, Job Costing, Point of Sale, Fixed Assets, Stock management and Reporting.

EXO Business will give you a true business management view of your entire operation. Working with an MYOB Enterprise Solutions Partner, EXO Business can be customised to your business requirements and processes and provide a unified view of the internal and external factors affecting your business,

MYOB EXO Business gives you direct access to the ‘big picture’ information you need to make critical business decisions.



NetSuite ERP provides comprehensive, proven accounting / ERP capabilities that integrate with your broader back-office, sales and service processes.

NetSuite ERP takes your business beyond traditional accounting software by providing comprehensive financials including accounting, budgeting, financial reporting and more.

Key Benefits:

1. Get instant visibility into real-time financial and operational performance across your entire company.

2. Streamline all back-office processes across financial management, revenue management, order management, billing and inventory management.

3. Improve accountability and compliance with robust, auditable accounting and powerful reporting.

4. Reduce IT costs and get automatic upgrades with an ERP solution delivered completely in the cloud.

5. Get secure access to your financials from anywhere—all you need is a web browser or mobile device.

6. Drives efficient integrated processes from order to cash through to procure to pay.

NetSuite Corporate Headquarters 2955 Campus Drive, Suite 100 San Mateo, CA 94403-2511 USA

Phone: +1 650 627 1000 Fax: +1 650 627 1001

NetSuite Australia Pty Ltd Suite 2, Level 13, 100 Arthur Street North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia

Phone: +612 9464 6100 Fax: +612 9464 6111


Development-X Limited Development Office PO Box 76-131 Manukau City 2241 New Zealand

Australia Free Phone: 1800 151 251 NZ Free Phone: 0508 111 999

Contact: Liz Keith


Ostendo® Operations Software is a popular choice for small to medium size businesses. We help business entrepreneurs run business smoother, make accurate decisions easier and get results faster.

Development-X Limited designed and developed Ostendo® for manufacturers; engineering and fabrication job shops; service and repairs; trades and projects; distributors, importers and retail. Ostendo® adds advanced inventory, job costing, manufacturing, service, distribution and dynamic reporting to your accounting system. Ostendo® integrates with the popular accounting systems to create a complete ERP software solution of your choice.

About 1000 businesses in Australia and New Zealand use Ostendo® to gain a business advantage in:

• Inventory & Purchasing• Landed Costing• MRP & Inventory Replenishment• Job Costing & Projects• Labour, Timesheets & Job Tracking• Distribution, Service & POS• CRM, Call Centre & Quoting• Manufacturing & Assembly• Configured Custom Products including Features

& Options• Reporting, Graphical Workflows & Advanced Scripting• Web Services, Mobility, Remote Access & 3rd Party

Software Integration• Accounting Software Integrations include MYOB,

QuickBooks and sage Pastel.

Ostendo® is affordable and assists your staff to focus on profitable work, higher return activities and the real business goals. Make your operations team more effective and put them in the driving seat of the operations system. Improve customer service and responsiveness to problems and change. Increase efficiency in areas like order planning. Reduce costs and improve profitability through more accurate quoting and costing. We want to assist you to improve your business performance with Ostendo®.

Find an Ostendo® Reseller in your Region:



Professional Advantage North America 4820 30th Avenue South, Suite 201 Fargo, ND 58104 USA

Phone: +1 701 235 2363 Fax: +1 701 235 2391

Professional Advantage Sydney Level 16, 124 Walker Street North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia

Phone: +612 9919 8900 Fax: +612 9956 6930

Professional Advantage

Professional Advantage works with companies who seek to improve the performance of their business through the application of technology. By focusing on solutions across all major organisational areas we help them to:

• Increase revenues and profits• Control and reduce costs• Improve efficiencies• Achieve better value from information• Better manage performance of overall business down

to individuals• Improve planning achieve better returns on assets and


What distinguishes Professional Advantage is the breadth and depth of solutions we can offer to improve performance across an entire organisation such as:

• Accounting and ERP Systems• Marketing Automation & Customer Relationship

Management• Business Intelligence & Enterprise Planning• Collaboration, Workflow & Portals• Retail Management• Infrastructure & Managed Services• Membership & Events Management

Our 250-strong team in 6 offices across Australia and internationally has successfully worked with over 1000 organisations including well known companies such as AFL, Starbucks Coffee Australia, Harvey Norman, Hays Personnel, Muffin Break, Ooh Media, Webjet, Austar and many others.

Our customers report strong benefits from projects executed by Professional Advantage. Examples include Austar saving close to $1.7mln per annum by implementing a new inventory system and NQR achieving an annual cost reduction of $250,000 through the implementation of an integrated retail and financial management system.

In almost two decades since its founding, Professional Advantage has won numerous vendor and business awards that recognise its market, technical and customer satisfaction leadership and acheivements.


Progress Pacific Suite 302, 161 Walker Street North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia

Phone: +612 9460 1158 Fax: +612 9460 1163

Progress Pacific (An ASG Group Company)

Progress Pacific does SAP Business One.

The Product: SAP BUSINESS ONE is SAP’s affordable ERP solution specifically designed for Small-to-Medium sized Enterprises. SME’s have benefitted by employing the world’s premier business software vendor’s easy-to-use application that has been based on best business practice. Check out some of these SAP B1 References.

The Partner: PROGRESS PACIFIC (an ASG Group Company), primarily specialises on SAP products and services. Our experienced senior consultants provide a premier end-to-end service at affordable rates. Our exceptional response to queries, the customised training and the overall quality of our implementation and support, will ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

Click on the above red links for more information.


Solarsoft Business Systems 45 Vogell Road, Suite 700 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3P6 Canada

Phone: +1 905 224 2222 Fax: +1 905 224 2221


Solarsoft provides modern business software solutions and IT services to small and medium-sized enterprises in North America, Europe and Asia. More than 2,000 companies rely on Solarsoft to bring clarity and efficiency to their daily operations.

We can improve the performance of your manufacturing operations. From engineering and assembly to high-volume repetitive processes, our systems will help you tune yield, productivity and quality, creating new possibilities for your business. Our ERP solutions for discrete manufacturing are designed specifically industries such as plastics and rubber, stamping and forge, automotive supply chains, and general manufacturing.

Solarsoft has been developing software for food and drink manufacturers since 1990. Our software is specifically designed to support the manufacture and distribution of chilled, frozen and ambient food products.

We also supply integrated management information systems and packaging software to the entire spectrum of packaging manufacturing companies. Over 600 paperboard packaging companies use our ERP packaging software to boost operational efficiency and profitability.

Our manufacturing execution and intelligence solutions provide a clear view of manufacturing performance and key metrics throughout each plant and across the entire factory network.

For more information please visit:


SYSPRO Software Pty Ltd Suite 1102, Level 11 201 Miller Street North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia

Phone: +612 9870 5555 Fax: +612 9929 9900 Local Call Australia: 1300 882 311

Singapore Phone: +65 6256 1921

USA & Americas Toll free: 800 369 8649

Canada Phone: +1 (604) 451 8889

UK & Europe Phone: +44 161 876 4498

Africa and the Middle East Phone: +27 (0) 11 461 1000


SYSPRO is an award-winning software recommended by industry analysts for medium to large manufacturers and distributors, as well as divisions of multi-national organisations.

SYSPRO’S Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions give manufacturers and wholesalers visibility and control over their financial, manufacturing and distribution operations. Over 50 seamlessly integrated modules are available for a scalable solution tailored to specific business needs. Companies need never go outside of SYSPRO and its built-in functionality to gain increased operational effectiveness.

SYSPRO, formed in 1978, is used by more than 14,500 companies globally. SYSPRO’s ability to grow with its customers and its adherence to developing technology based on the needs of customers is why SYSPRO enjoys one of the highest customer retention rates in the industry.

Advanced Budgeting & Planning Solutions Inventory Forecasting, Inventory Families and Groupings, Inventory Optimization, Requirements Planning, Factory Scheduling.

Execution & Operational Solutions Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, Tracking of Shipped Goods, Billing, Manufacturing Control, Cost Control, Factory Documentation, Sales Orders, Blanket Sales Orders and Releases, Trade Promotions, Counter Sales, Configuration Options, Quotations.

Management & Control Solutions Workflow Services, Power Tailoring, Electronic Signatures, Office Automation and Messaging, General Ledger, Assets Register, Projects and Contracts, Activity Based Costing.

Why choose SYSPRO SYSPRO has over 30 years of experience. It’s fast and easy to implement, it’s built based on industry standards and new technology trends, and it offers world-class support.


Tectura Corporate Headquarters 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 205 San Mateo, CA 94402 USA

Phone: +1 866 278 6662

Tectura Sydney Level 34, Northpoint, 100 Miller St. North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia

Phone: 1300 832 887 Fax: +612 9409 0401


Tectura is a worldwide provider of business consulting services and the largest provider of Microsoft Dynamics globally. With experience of over 5,000 client implementations, Tectura recognises that each organisation has complex needs which require a tailored approach, specific to their industry. Tectura applies its extensive industry knowledge and best practices approach to provide Microsoft Dynamics ERP, CRM and technology solutions throughout Asia Pacific, the Americas and EMEA.

As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Tectura can bring extensive business and technology resources to deliver increased efficiency, project acceleration and a competitive edge to diverse clients including mid-sized companies and divisions of large enterprises.

Tectura has a huge depth of experience in solving the pressing business and technology challenges relevant in key industries and sectors, including:

• Retail

• Discrete Manufacturing

• Process Manufacturing (Life Sciences, Food, Beverage, Chemicals)

• Distribution (Fuel, Retail, Wholesale)

• Equipment Distribution Service Maintenance and Repair

Tectura is a single source of expertise and resources for your most important business and technology challenges. By tailoring standardised Microsoft Dynamics ERP, CRM and technology solutions, Tectura provides companies with solutions that fit their business needs and result in sustained competitive advantage and high return on investment. The depth of industry experience, close partnership with Microsoft, global presence and local success is how Tectura makes a distinctive difference for their clients.


Usage Business Solutions

Whether you are looking for Financial Software to enable better cash flow management, CRM Software to help build profitable customer relationships, or Business Management Software to improve efficiencies, we have the solution for you.

Usage Business Solutions represents Sage Pastel, a leading developer of business management, accounting and ERP software solutions. As Sage Pastel International’s CDP (Channel Development Partner) in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Indonesia, our role is to build a channel of Resellers & Business Partners by providing lead generation, support, consulting, training & certification courses, sales and marketing.

The Sage Pastel range, comprising Sage 50, Sage Pastel Partner and Sage Pastel Evolution extends from entry level start-up business solutions through to corporate mid-tier enterprise level solutions:

• My Business – Revolutionise your start-up business by managing customers, suppliers, income and expenses, item costs and bank accounts. Both on-line and desktop versions available.

• Pastel Xpress Start-Up – An innovative and affordable single-user, single-company accounting software package for start-up and small businesses.

• Pastel Xpress – An accounting software package for small business finance management, allowing up to three users.

• Pastel Partner – A powerful multi-company, multi-currency core accounting software solution catering for 1-20 users. Add modules as your business grows.

• Pastel Evolution – An integrated ERP software solution and management tool which provides comprehensive functionality and add-on modules to manage all aspects of your business. Available in an Enterprise version (1-1000 users) and Professional version (1-5 users).

Please view our website: for case studies and further details.

Usage Business Solutions 4/1051 Pacific Highway Pymble, NSW 2073 Australia

Phone: +612 9440 7216 Fax: +612 9144 1290

Sales updates:





29-33 Pitt Street Mortdale, NSW 2223 Australia

Phone: +612 9570 4696 Fax: +612 8569 1858

Happen BusinessHappen Business Pty Limited is a privately owned company founded in Australia, to commercialise, develop and sell the mission-critical business application (including a back-office accounting system) known as Jim2 Business Engine, with the primary focus being to provide a front-end interface to manage business workflow, business processes, and to provide a quality system framework.

Suite 5, 401 Pacific Highway Artarmon, NSW 2064 Australia

Phone: 1300 440 444

MicroChannel Services Pty LtdMicroChannel Services is a multi-award-winning business solutions provider, servicing small to mid-sized businesses, corporate divisions and government agencies in Australia. Founded in 1995, MicroChannel assists hundreds of clients to leverage business technology for commercial success. We sell and support a full range of ERP systems from Microsoft, SAP and Sage.

10 / 663 Victoria Street Abbotsford, VIC 3163 Australia

Phone: +613 8415 8315 Fax: +613 8415 8333

Star Business SolutionsStar is a leading provider of Business and Accounting Software Solutions. These include ERP, CRM, Payroll, HR, Financials and the full business suite needs. We cater for the small organisation needing basic functionality to medium & large businesses and Not For Profit’s needing a more complete and robust solution. See all offices

700 Plaza Drive Secaucus, NJ 07094 USA

Phone: +1 800 961 0288

COSS SystemsAt COSS, we trace where waste and inefficiencies are hurting profits. Waste from having too little information and automation, as well as spending too much time on non-productive operations hurting your shop. With COSS comes decades of experience in integrated manufacturing software implementations in job and machine shops across America.

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