erp ax-user-requirements-ucd

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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ERP- User Requirements Methods

Prepared By: Ahmed Rafik

- User Centered Design (UCD)- 3 Key Principles of UCD- Required Steps of UCD- Methods of User Requirements- Interview Method- Group Task Analysis


User Requirements Approach

User Centered Design (UCD):It is a product development approach focus on the end-users of a product.

Collecting User Requirements

Testing Prototype Design

UCD 3 Key Principles:

User Requirements Methods

User Profile Persona Scenarios

Required Steps of User Centered Design (UCD):

User Requirements Approach

Learn About The Product

Learn About Users

Conduct A Method

Methods of User Requirements


Card Slot

Field Study

Focus Group Interview

Want & Needs


Group Task Analysis

ERP Conducts Interview & Group Task Analysis

Interview Method

-In user requirement, Users are the experts.-Begin the interview that there are no right or wrong answers.-Your role, Make everyone participate.-Use Mind Mapping to take your notes.-Make your question have only one issue.-Use “Acknowledge tokens”, speakers expect reaction from the listener.-Judge the responses.-Begin with general questions and follow-up with specific questions.-Keep your questions under 20 words.-Use terms that are familiar to the user


-Don’t interrupt the speaker until finish his words.-Don’t use double negative in the same sentence. -Don’t Try to answer for them.-Don’t criticize anyone answers you.-Don’t use words like “Sometimes, Most, Few, Some, rarely”.-Don’t put your prestige in the question.-Don’t make the user predict the future.-Avoid Bias in your questions.-Avoid Leading Questions.

Interview Method


Group Task Analysis (GTA Method)

In a GTA, participants work in small groups and discuss the steps involved in completing a particular task in order to create a task flow.

Group Task Analysis:Is used to identify the steps users take to complete a particular task, and the sequence of those steps.

Group Task Analysis (GTA Method)

Task analysis method produces three key results:

User-Centered Task Flow Task Objects Prototype GUI

Task AnalysisTask to Object


Object to GUI Mapping

Group Task Analysis (GTA Method)

Type of data You can collect:

End Point

What is the trigger that makes users start the task?

TriggerHow does the user know when the task is complete?

Standard Steps

Every step that users take in order tocomplete the task

Decision Points

What choices users have to make?


These are steps that users take only in certain cases.

Additional Information

Group Task Analysis (GTA Method)

-Have personality. Be personable and approachable. Also, remember to smile!-Ask questions. There is no point collecting data that you do not understand. Ask questions throughout.-Stay focused. Small diversions, if relevant, are appropriate, but try to get back on track quickly. Asking participants to turn off all cell-phones at the beginning of the session will also go a long way to keeping them focused on the activity at hand.-You are not a participant. Ask the questions and let participants answer them. Also, do not offer your opinions because you could bias your participants’ responses.-Keep the activity moving. You need to control the direction of the activity and level of detail participants are providing or else you will never finish your activity.

Moderator Checklist:

Group Task Analysis (GTA Method)

-Keep the participants motivated and encouraged. A little encouragement goes a long way. Also keep an eye on your participants’ energy levels.-No critiquing. As a moderator, you should never challenge what a participant has to say. It’s OK for a participant to disagree with a fellow participant, but remind everyone that there are no wrong ideas – there are simply different experiences and perspectives.-Everyone should participate. In a group activity, it can take a great deal of energy to draw out the quiet participants, but it is important to do so. This can be done by calling on individuals by name and making eye contact,.-No one should dominate. When you notice a participant is beginning to dominate the group, try to call on others in the group to balance things out and use body language to quiet down the dominant participant (e.g., turning your back to the participant, not making eye contact).

Moderator Checklist (Cont.):

Ahmed Rafik – ERP

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