eric stone speakers and artists international june 10 th, 2014 public speaking and presentation...

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Eric StoneSpeakers and Artists


June 10th, 2014 Public Speaking and Presentation

Skills Fundamentals

This workshop is specifically designed to give you access to fundamental tools, techniques and insights that cater directly to effectiveness and credibility as

leaders and communicators.

Introduction Questions

• Do you experience stage fright? Please describe.

• What blocks, if any, are you experiencing?Anxiety?

• Drawing blanks? Unwanted mannerisms? Etc.

Introduction Questions

• Do you ever have to speak impromptu? How well do you do with that?

• Do you have trouble memorizing? Reading off a teleprompter?

• Are you someone who needs to move a lot when they speak? How’s your command of the stage?


Become the charismatic speaker and communicator you’ve always wanted to be.

Whether you are in sales, marketing, or the CEO of your company, public speaking skills are immediately visible and can determine much of the outcome of your success.

What will be covered today:

• Public speaking – What is it and Why is it so important.

• Public Speaking in 4 easy Fundamentals:–Public vs Theatrical Speaking–Communication: Intention vs Emotions–The Stage–Creating Presence

Distinguishing “PUBLICNESS” when it comes to Public Speaking.

Public speaking is a craft…

…And an Art Form

I relate to it as a sport and a performance act as well.

Step One:

Distinguishing the public or theatrical realm is the First Fundamental.

• We are viewed through the eye or optic of the theatre.

• Public performance is a borrowed convention. • We did not create a new one for business interaction.

We still obey the same principles that were handed down to us by the Greeks.

We build our credibility from the physical up.


Step Two:

Second fundamental: We communicate through what we experience NOT what we wish or intend.

• Intentions are second to physical and emotional experience.• Taking command of our Physical Experience is Key

Step Three:

Third fundamental: The bare and empty nature of the stage, boardroom or television set does not allow for our “personality traits” to be visible as they are in life.

Step Four:

Fourth fundamental: Create or presence what you want and do not bring or presence what you do not want.

Basic Verbs:Stay

Be heard and SeenAnchorPlant

Take ChargeServeShare



Step Four: Continued

• You must come first, then your environment, then audience and then content.

• Basics of intentionality. “Actions are the messengers of our wishes.” We don’t always have command of our intentions behind our actions.

• We were born to communicate!

Summary of Key Points

• Communication is valuable for the other hence the importance of a good communication style and skills.

• Being at cause rather at the effect in communication.

• Voice is one aspect of communication and it is essential.

• Each person has a unique voice and a unique way of expressing that voice or voices and it includes actions.

Summary of Key Points

• We are as much defined by what we are saying as by what we are NOT saying.

• What we say or don’t says lives in the atmosphere and aura or energy field of who we are.

• Each person’s energy field is a bubble that stretches twice as wide as your arm’s length all around you.

• Body language is made up of: postures, gestures, facial expressions, voice tone and use of space which includes movement.

• In any place or situation I am busy staying or busy leaving.

• In any place or situation I belong to myself or I don’t physically, emotionally and mentally

• In any place or situation I am tense or natural and free flowing or fluid

Summary of Key Points

• In any place or situation I am in charge of myself physically or I am not

• In any place or situation I create affinity or I don’t

• In any place or situation I am hiding or I am revealing myself physically, emotionally and mentally

Summary of Key Points

Wrap up Understanding the What and Why about Public

Speaking along with the 4 PS Fundamentals leads to these benefits:

• Transformed Credibility • Undeniable Charisma• Powerful Communication Skills• Natural Self-Confidence• Boosted Professional Image• Improved Performance Skills

The Next Step

Eric Stone, PresidentSpeakers and Artists International

SUCCEED WHEN YOU SPEAK! (310) 205-9219 (Office) 8879 West Pico Blvd. Suite #4 Beverly Hills, CA

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