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ED 300 069 JC 880 485

AUTHOR Bieber, Ted; And OthersTITLE Community Colleges and Students with Disabilities: A

Directory of Services and Programs.INSTITUTION American Association of Community and Junior

Colleges, Washington, D.C.; American Council onEducation, Washington, DC. HEATH Resource Center.


AVAILABLE FROM American Association of Community and Junior Colleges(AAJC) Publications, 80 South Early St., Alexandria,VA 22304 ($5.00).

PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) --Tests /Evaluation Instruments (160)

EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.DESCRIPTORS *Ancillary School Services; Community Colleges;

Emotional Disturbances; Hearing Impairments;*Learning Disabilities; Mental Retardation; NationalSurveys; *Physical Disabilities; *Special Education;Two Year Colleges; *Two Year College Students; VisualImpairments

ABSTRACTIn February 1987, a questionnaire was mailed to all

member institutions of the American Association of Community andJunior Colleges, requesting information on services provided forstudents with disabilities. The survey investigated services for awide range of disability categories, including emotionally disturbed,hearing impaired, learning disabled, mentally retarded,orthopedically handicapped, other health impaired, and visuallyimpaired. Over 650 colleges responded to the survey, identifying anextensive range of services, including counseling, on- and/oroff-campus housing, test modifications, expressive and acceptiveinterpreters, learning centers and learning disabled services,notetakers, career/job placement, resource teachers, special newstudent orientations, registration assistance, readers and scribes,tutors, transportation, and taped texts. The survey report lists eachresponding college, the name and telephone number of a contact personfor additional information, a coded list of the disability categoriesserved, and a coded list of specific programs, support services, andagreements with government or private agencies. An index to collegesby disability category served and the survey instrument are included.(AYC)

************************************************************************ Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made *

* from the original document. *


HEATH Resource CenterThe HEATH Resource Center operates the national

clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individ-uals with handicaps as a program of the American Coun-cil on Education, HEATH is an acronym for Higher Educa-tion and Adult Training for people with Handicaps. Supportfrom the United States Department of Education enablesthe Center to serve as an information exchange abouteducational support services, policies, procedures, adap-tations, and opportunities on American campuses, voca-tional-technical schools, adult education programs, inde-pendent living centers, and other training entities afterhigh school. The center gathers and disseminates thisinformation so that handicapped people, if they choose,can develop their full potential through postsecondaryeducation and training.

The HEATH Resource Center can be reached at OneDupont Circle, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036-1193. Inthe Washington, DC Metropolitan Area (202) 939-9320,Outside the Washington, DC Area toll-free (800) 54-HEATH moth numbers are Voice/I-DD.

Additional copies ofCommunity Colleges and Students with Disabilities

are available through theAmerican Association of Community and Junior Colleges @ $5.00 each.


AACJC Publications80 South Early StreetAlexandria, VA 22304


Community Colleges and Students with DisabilitiesA Directory of Services and Programs

Prepared by

Ted BieberCarol Kay

Patricia KerkstraJames Ratcliff

Iowa State University - Ames


John PrihodaIowa Valley Community College District - Marshalltown


October, 1987

Community Colleges and Students with Disabilities: Directory of Servicesand Programs was developed jointly by American Association of Community andJunior Colleges and American Council on Education to underscore the significantrole which community colleges play in providing education and training tostudents with disabilities in the United States.

John Prihoda of Iowa Valley Community College District deserves specialrecognition for his vision to create the Directory as well as his colleagues atIowa State University, Ted Bieber, Carol Kay, Patricia Kerkstra, and JamesRatcliff, for making the Directory a reality.

The Editorial Review Committee for this Directory includes representativesof American Association of Community and Junior Colleges and American Council onEducation, Department of Education, Association on Handicapped Student ServicePrograms in Postsecondary Education, and the HEATH Advisory Board. James F.Gollat3check, Donald Slowinski, James Murray, Helene Corradino, Tom Thompson,David Katz were all effective in the editorial process.

Community Colleges and Students with Disabilities: Directory of Servicesand Programs, 1987, was prepared under Cooperative Agreement No. G0084C3501awarded to the American Council on Education by the U.S. Department ofEducation.

Rhona C. Hartman, EditorDirector, HEATH Resource CenterAmerican Council on Education
















Community, technical, and junior colleges enroll nearly half of the nation'sundergraduates. They offer programs for students who plan to transfer to abaccalaureate degree-granting institution as well as career preparation programsand a full range of adult and continuing education opportunities. Because theyare responsive to community needs, are local in nature, flexible in programming,and nominal in cost, two-year colleges enroll a significant proportion ofstudents from diverse backgrounds: 43% of all black college students, 55% of allHispanic college students, 42% of all Asian college students, and 56% of allAmerican Indian students. This Directory highlights another aspect of thatdiversity -- the remarkable record of two-year college's inclusion of one of thenation's largest minorities -- those with disabilities.

For nearly half a century the American Council on Education and the AmericanAssociation of Community and Junior Colleges have shared a mutual commitment tofostering the interests of two-year institutions. Preparing this Directory hasgiven us the opportunity to review the accomplishments of American collegesover the past decade in extending educational opportunity to qualified persons,including those with handicaps. In this decade we have gone from responding toproblems created by architectural barriers to increasing access and opportunityfor persons with disabilities in the fabric of our own organizations and in thatof our member institutions.

This Directory shows that more than half of the nation's community,technical, and junior colleges educate students with a wide variety of disablingconditions. To do so, most have designated a contact person, have a variety ofprograms and services in place, and have developed effective relationships withrelevant local, state, regional, and federal agencies.

Staff at two-year institutions have provided leadership in the developmentof cost effective and creative accommodations in all areas of campus life:recruitment, admissions, and orientation; classroom, laboratory, library, andathletic facility adaptation; career planning and placement programs; andextensive incorporation of electronic technology for student use. Throughpresentations at a full spectrum of national, regional, and local conferences,as well as articles in numerous publications, administrators and staff ofcommunity colleges have,shared their ideas and expertise.

The HEATH Resource Center of the American Council on Education, whichsponsored this Directory, has had a major role in making known the educationaland training opportunities available after high school for people withhandicaps. For the past ten years HEATH has collected and disseminated a varietyof information, stimulated those coordinating services for disabled students oncampus to do the same, and promoted the development of accommodations whichenable people with disabilities to participate in regular, as well asspecialized, postsecondary programs in the least restrictive and mostproductive settings for each individual. This Directory provides anothersignificant means of communication for our members. The contact persons listedin the Directory invite your inquiries and encourage development of additionalways to educate and train students with disabilities to become productivecitizens of their communities.

Robert H. Atwell, PresidentAmerican Council on Education

Dale Parnell, PresidentAmerican Association of Community andJunior Colleges


This first edition of Community Colleges and Students with Disabilities: A

Directory of Services and Programs reflects the new and changing educational

opportunities for adults with disabilities in the United States.

Within the past decade, increasing numbers of individuals enrolled in

American institutions of higher education. Historically, many of these students

would have been denied access to postsecondary education because of specified or

unspecified limitations. These limitations include educational preparation,

academic records, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sex, and age as well as

hidden or observable handicapped conditions. In order to accommodate diverse

students, public and private institutions implemented special and supportive

programs. These programs were designed in response to the demand to provide

opportunities for successful postsecondary experiences for a heterogeneous

population of students with employment needs and characteristics different from

those pursuing postsecondary education in the past (Hippolitus, 1987).


Included in this growth and development is the proliferation of innovative

and special programs for individuals with disabilties. The expansion of

programs to include disabled students was primarily the result of federal

legislation: the Education of the Handicapped Act and Amendments (especially

P.L. 94-142), the Vocational Education Amendment of 1976 (P.L. 94-482) and

Amendments, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

A national survey by the President's Committee on Employment of the

Handicapped in 1977 reported on services and programs available to disabled

students in five hundred (500) two and four year colleges. A decade later

Thomas and Thomas reported on similar services in over 2,300 colleges and

universities. While services for disabled students exist at all levels of

postsecondary education, most analyses of current programs indicate that the

majority of students are served through the public community colleges.


The Community College Response

Programs for disabled students on community college campuses have been in

developnent for almost two decades with greatest expansion taking place since

1970 (Jarrow, 1987; Thomas and Thomas, 1986). This recognition of the disabled

students' need for access has been a thrust of community college educators in

their attempt to fulfill the mission to serve the entire community. The

majority of disabled students in the United States access higher education

through the public community colleges (AHSSPPE, 1980; NACUBO, 1981).

Over twenty years ago, Karabel (1973) reported that fully one-third of all

students entering higher educatin did so through two year schools; in

California, that figure rose to 80 percent. In fact, due to their

community-based nature, two year public institutions attracted greater numbers

of students with disabilities than did all other types of institutions (AHSSPPE,

1980). Since the highest percentage of open admissions institutions in

postsecondary education are community colleges, it is not surprising that these

institutions were the first to confront the need for disabled students' support

programs (Grant and Hoeber, 1978).

Community colleges currently provide a wide range of services and programs

for disabled students. These programs may include academic and career

counseling, diagnostic testing, vocational planning, accessible facilities and

technology, adapted educational materials, learning support centers,

transportation ass!.stance, aides and/or attendants, support groups, and

equipment loan and/or repair (Moss, 1984; Bryan and Becker, 1980; Bevilacqua and

Osterlink, 1979; McElroy, 1979; Reid, 1979; and Harkins, 1978; Caparosa, 1985).


Association on Handicapped Student Service Programs in Postsecondary Education.(1980). Alert. Muncie, IN: AHSSPPE.

Bevilacqua, T. and Osterlink, B.S. (1979). Components of a service programsfor the mainstreaming of hearing impaired students into regular universityprograms. American Annals of the Deaf, 124, 400-402.


Bryan, W.A. and Becker, K.M. (1980). Student services for the handicappedstudent. In H.Z. Sprandel and M.R. Schmidt (Eds.) New Directions forStudent Services: Serving Handicapped Students. San Francisco: JosseyBass.

Caparosa, C.A. (1985). Opportunities after high school for persons who areseverely handicapped (Cooperative Agreement No. G0084C3501). Washington,DC: HEATH Resource Center.

Grant, M.K. and Hoeber, D.R. (1978). Basic Skills Programs- Are They Working?Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education.

Harkins, J.A. (1978). Serving deFf students in postsecondary schools andimplications for Section 504. American Annals of the Deaf, 123, 47-51.

Hippolitus, P. (1987). College freshmen with disabilities: Preparing foremployment (U.S. Government Printing Office 181-519-64259). Washington, DC:Committee on Youth Development of the President's Committee on Employment ofthe Handicapped and the Education and the Handicapped (HEATH) ResourceCenter of the American Council on Education.

Jarrow, Jane E. (1987). Integration of individuals with disabilities in highereducation: A review of the literature. Journal of Postsecondary Educationand Disability, Volume 5, Number 2, 38-57. AHSSPPE.

Karabel, J. (1973). Community colleges and social stratification. Educatingthe Disadvantaged. New York: Ames Press.

McElroy, L.J. (1979). Community college services for hearing impaired studentsin Arizona (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 168 618).

Moss, J.R. (1984). A National Directory of Four Year Colleges, Two YearColleges, and Post High School Training Programs for Young People withLearning Disabilities. Tulsa, OK: Partners in Publishing.

National Association of College and University Business Officers. (1981).Management of Accessibility for Handicapped Students in Higher Education.Washington, DC: NACUBO.

President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. (1977). Gettingthrough College with a Disability: A Summary of Services Available an 500Campuses for Students with Handicapping Conditions. Washington, DC:President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped.

Thomas, C.H. and Thomas, J.L. (1986). (Eds). Directory of college facilitiesand services for the disabled. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.



In February, 1987, a survey requesting information describing services

designed for students with disabilities was mailed to all member institutions of

the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. The survey requested

information pertaiing to a wide range of disability categories including

emotionally disturbed, hearing impaired, learning disabled, mentally retarded,

orthopedically handicapped, other health impaired, and visually impaired.

Program and services information were also requested.

A copy of the survey instrument is provided in Appendix on page 1-41.

Over 650 collegs responded to the survey. Each college provided the name,

address, and telephone number of its contact person or institutional

representative as well as descriptions of programs/Services offered and

populations served. The colleges surveyed offer a vast array of services.

These services and their identifying codes are provided below:

(C) Counseling - Services including assessment as well as personal, social,

vocational, and academic counseling.

(Ca) On-campus housing, some of which is accessible to mobility impaired


(H) Test modifications - Alternatives to traditional test taking practices.

May include oral response to taped questions, print enlarger or

other reading device, permission for extra time, and alternative,

testing locations, and Extended time - The willingness of campus

administrators and faculty to allow more than the "usual" time to

complete a diploma, certificate, or degree program. May also refer

to "extra time" allowed for completing research papers, exams, or

other assignments.

(I) Interpreters - Qualified individuals, skilled in both expressive and

acceptive interpreting, responsible for translating oral lectures

and class discussion to hearing impaired students.



(L) Learning Centers and LD Services - Facilities or centers where

developmental, learning disabled, and/or remedial students can

receive individualized or small group instruction, academic support

activities, and other forms of academic assistance. Services for

learning disabled students may include use of recorded texts,

notetakers and extended time for tests. Comprehensive LD prograrn

offer diagnostic testing, individualized education plans, and

specialized tutoring.

(N) Notetakers - Individual students who take notes in class and provide

copies to students whose disabilities prevent effective notetaking.

(0) Housing - Off campus housing

(P) Career/job planning placement - Activities including pre-employment

counseling and instruction, small group or individualized sessions

designed to acquaint students with career options and opportunities,

employer contacts and post-employment follow-up. May include job

seeking skills such as resume writing classes, assertiveness

training, interview arrangements, coop placement, and assistance in

seeking changes in employment.

(R) Resource teacher - An educator responsible for providing direct or

coordinated services to disabled students.

(Ra) New student orientation - A special orientation program which may

include assistance from a mobility instructor, maps with curb cuts

desighated, access ramps, tactile format maps, and/or maps inlarae

print or in a cassette form. Registration assistance - Special

assistance during the registration process which may include special

advising, course selection, and assistance with the manual,

touch-tone, or automated processes. Orientation may also include

academic preparation and assessment of readiness for specific

academic classes.



(Rd) Readers and Scribes - Students or paraprofessionals designated as

readers for assiginments ani examinations or individuals who assist

visually impaired, orthopedically, or learning disabled students in

writing tests.

(T) Tutorr - Individuals, either peer.or paraprofessional, enlisted to

provide academic assistance in a particular subject. Can be

tutorial, remedial, or developmental.

(Tr) Transportation - Some of which is accessible to mobility impaired


(X) Taped texts - Access to a comprehensive library of taped texts,

resource materials, and general references.

The purpose of this Directory is twofold. It is designed to inform

students, their parents, counselors, faculty, end administrators of the

strategies and services availab.a to students disabilities through the

commmnity colleges in the United States. Secondly, the Directory provides a

networking opportunity for current providers who seek information describing

other institutional offerings.


No attempt was made to evaluate the programs and services listed in the

Directory. Additionally, the authors did not assess the quality of one program

over another. It is the responsibility of the user to investigate the programs

closely to determine the degree to which they will meet specific needs.

All of the colleges listed offer catalogs, brochures, and/or program sheets.

Thase materials may be obtained by writing or calling the institutional

representative indicated for each college. The printed materials and telephone

conversations will be helpful prior to scheduling an on-campus visit.

Prospective students may wish to take these investigatory steps at least six

months. prior to enrolluant.





Each community college represented in the Directory is listed as a separate

entry and provides:

1. the college - name, address, and telephone number of the contact

person/institutional representative

2. a listing of the disabled populations served and the special programs

and services available for the populations.

An example of institutional entries is provided below.

Contact/ Disabilities


Anchorage CC2533 Providence Dr.Anchorage, AR 99508

Telephone Served

Doran Vaughn ELDOVISM907-786-1570


Specific Programs: A W V JSupport Services:ITCPCaLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

The colleges are listed in alphabetical order by state. However, users may

be interested in identifying colleges through their programs or services for a

specific disability. In that case, readers may wish to use the separate index

at the end of the Directory. The index lists college programs according to type

of disability and provides the name of the college, city, state, and the page

number of the specific entry. An example is provided below:


The following colleges offer programs and services for learningdisabled students.


Saddleback Community College




Disabilities Served

D = Developmental

E = Emotional

I = Hearing

L . Learning

Support Services

C = Counseling

Ca= On Campus Housing

H = Test Modofications

I = Interpreters



N = Head Injured

0 = Orthopedic

S = Speech

V = Visual

Other Codes

C . College

CC = Community College

JC = Junior College

TC = Technical College

Specific Programs

A = Academic

J = Jobseeking Skills

V = Vocational Training

W = Work Adjustment

L = Learning Center and LD Lervices

N = Notetakers

0 = Off Campus Housing

P = Job Placement

R = Resource Teachers

Ra= Registration Assistance

Rd= Readers or Scribes

T = TutorialRemedial

Tr= Transportation

X = Taped Texts

Agency Agreements

L = Public, Regional or Local

0 - Other Federal State

P = Private, National, State, or


R = State Voc Rehab

V = Federal Veterans Adm.


In order to help readers to understand what programs are like for students

with disabilities on community college campuses, several vignettes were selected

by the editor. These programs are not necessarily the most comprehensive or

longest serving or necessarily most noteworthy, but they illustrate the

development and range of services which according to the following Directory are

operating in more than half of the nation's community colleges today.

William Rainey Harper College, IL

The Disabled Student Services department came into existence in 1973 because

of a community interest in serving hearing impaired students. Today, these

students represent the second largest disability group on campus, and they can

now benefit from a specialized English as a Second Language Program for the

Hearing Impaired. Learning disabled students, which is the largest disability



population on campus, benefit from remedial instruction, tutoring, special

advising and diagnostic testing.

Over the years, as the enrollment of disabled students has climbed, new

populations and needs have emerged. In the past academic year, sixteen

traumatically brain injured students were able to take part in a support group,

receive specialized training and advising about how to reformulate their

personal/vocational goals.

New and old sources of funding from the Department of Rehabilitation

Services and from the Job Training Partnership Act have opened doors of

vocational opportunity and provided financial support to the approximately 300

students who will be served in this academic year.

Essex Community College, ND

The Office of Special Services at Essex Community College in Baltimore

County, Maryland is now in its 6th year of operation. When it was established

in 1981, 16 disabled students had been identified. Now between 160 and 200

students with a full range of disabling conditions register with the office each

semester, the largest group of which is learning diasbled.

A11 contact with the Office is purely voluntary on the part of the student,

and the type and amount of contact can range from students requesting

notification of instructors once a semester to daily mobility assistance, weekly

professional tutoring, or occasional taping of textbooks or brailling of

materials for classes.

Essex has attracted many learning disabled students by employing a fulltime

educational specialist in learning disabilities and offering an array of

services from professional tutoring to a special section of a "How to Study"

course just for LD students.

Essex Community College provides a tuition waiver for individuals who

receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Income

(SSDI). This has increased the number of students who are clients of the



Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and has fostered more interaction

between the two agencies.

The college also works with local educational agencies, special education

programs, Easter Seal Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Epilepsy

Association, and the Maryland Rehabilitation Center as well as private

rehabilitation and insurance companies to help successful transition both to and

from the college.


The following colleges are also known to provide services to students with

disabilities. The colleges listed below have either sent information about

their campus to HEATH for the Campus Resource File and/or have one or more staff

who are members of Association of Handicapped Student Service Programs in

Postsecondary Education, the nation's professional organization which promotes

the concerns of postsecondary education and disability issues. For details

about membership and related publications contact ABSSPPE, P.O. Box 21192,

Columbus, OH 43221. (614) 488-4972 (Voice/TDD). Contact each college directly

for additional information about their programs and services.

Contra Costa College2600 Mission Bell DriveSan Pablo, CA 94806(415) 235-7800Terry Armstrong

Shasta CollegeP.O. Box 6006Redding, CA 96099-6006(916) 241-3523Maureen Cooney

Chipola Junior CollegeMarianna, FL 32446(904) 526-2761Bob Tanton

St. Mary's Junior College2500 S. Sixth StreetMinneapolis, MN 55454(612) 332-5521Deborah Churchill

Bergen Community College400 Paramus RoadParamus, NJ 07652(201) 447-7142Jane Garafano

Union County College1033 Springfield AvenueCranford, NJ 07016(201) 276-2600

J. Harrison Morson



Manatee Community College5840 26th StreetBradonton, FL 34207(813) 755-1511Paul Nolting

Floyd Junior CollegeP.O. Box 1864Highway 75Rome, GA 30163-1801(404) 295-6307Louellen McMillan

Reinhardt CollegeWaleska, GA 30183(404) 479-1454Connie Cogdell

Elgin Community College1700 Sparton DriveELgin, IL 60120(312) 888-7361Margaret Parker

Illinois Central CollegeOffice 234CEast Peoria, IL 61635(309) 694-5131Diane Reiss

Moraine Valley Community College10900 S. 88th Avenue, B252Palos Hills, IL 60465(312) 974-4300Cheryl Bailey

Dundalk Community College7200 Sollers Point RoadBaltimore, MD 21222(301) 522-5762Vincent Chillemi

Essex Community College7201 RossvilleBaltimore County, MD 21237(301) 522-1641Kathleen McSweeney

Hagerstown Business CollegeOffice of Public InformationP.O. Box 2809Hagerstown, MD 21741(301) 739-2670Esther Bryant

Santa Fe Community CollegeP.O. Box 4187Santa Fe, NM 87501(505) 471-0200Augustina Snideman

Hostos Community College500 Grand ConcourseBronx, NY 10451(212) 960-1109Michael Stimola

Laguardia Community CollegeCommunity Service Programs31 -10 Thomson AvenueLong Island City, NY 11101(718) 626-2700Fern Khan

Onondaga Community CollegeRt. 173Syracuse, NY 13215(315) 469-7741Rosemary Kelly

Villa Maria College of Buffalo240 Pine Ridge RoadBuffalo, NY 14225(716) 896-0700Alicia Meyers

Mt. Hood Community College26000 SE Stark StreetGresham, OR 97030(503) 667-7650Pat Hall

Community College of Beaver CountyCollege DriveMonaca, PA 15061-2588(412) 775-8561Jacklyn Valenta

Luzerne County Community CollegeProspect Street and Middle RoadNanticoke, PA 18634(717) 829-7399Esther Liuzzi

Laredo Junior CollegeWest End Washington StreetLaredo, TX 78040(512) 722-0521Miranda Lopez



Hagerstown Junior College751 Robinwood DriveHagerstown, MD 21740(301) 790-2800Lynn Schlossberg

Berk& re Community CollegePittE..ald, MA 01201(413) 499-4660Brenda MacDonald

Delta CollegeUniveristy Center, MI 48710(517) 686-9096Dave Murley

New River Community CollegeDrawer 1127Dublin, VA 24084(703) 674-4121 x357,358Jeananne Dixon

Thomas Nelson Community CollegeBox 9407Hampton, VA 23670(804) 825-2827Thomas Kellen

Madison Area Technical College211 North Carroll StreetMadison, WI 53703(608) 266-5142



Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities

College / Address

Anchorage CC

2533 Providence Dr

AnChorage. AK 99508

Kenai Peninsula CC

Box 848

S na

Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Doran Vaughn ELDOVISN


Kuskokwim CC

Box 368

Bethel, AK 99955

Northwest CC

Pouch 400

Nome. AK 99762

Tanana Valley CC

4280 Geist Rd

Fairbanks, AK 99701

Atmore State JC

1-65 ii.Hwy 21

Atmore, AL 36502

Gadsden State JC

George Wallace Dr

Gadsden. AL 35999

J F Ingram'State JC

Box 209

Deatsville, AL 36022

Jefferson State JC

2601 Carson Rd

Birmingham, AL 35215

John M Patterson State JC

3920 Troy Hwy

Montgomery, AL 36116

Lurleen B Wallace State JC

P 0 Drawer 1418

Andulsia, AL 36420

Northwest Alabama State JC

Rt 3 Box 77

Phil Campbell,. AL 35581

Patrick Henry State JC

Monroeville, AL 36460

S D Bishop State JC

351 N Broad St

Mobile. Al, 36690

Snead State JC

PO Box Drawer D

Boaz. AL 35957

Walker C

1400 Gamble Ave

Jas r L 35501

Mississippi County CC

P 0 Drawer 1109

Blytheville, AR 72315

Dr. Kathleen O'Dell L 0 V I


Lucy Spgrk


Lola Tobuk


Chris W Butzen


Curtis Fayard

205. 368-8118

Dale Hill





Dr Barbara Bond


Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPCaLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : C L

A enc A reements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I C 0 Ca R L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : C L R

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCRRdH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T C P 0

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPCaLRdH Ra

Agency Agreements: RI

E L D Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P Tr

205-285-5177 Agencv. Agreements:

Tony Warren E L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C P L Rd N X H Ra

205.853-1200 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Norman D Bruce L 0 V I Specific Programs: V J

Support Services : T C P Rd H Ra

205-284-9356 Agency Agreements: R

James L Smith 0 Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P L

205-222.6591 Agency Agreements:

Dorothy Campbell L V I Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCLRdNXH205.993-5331 Agency Agreements: 0

Bobby Westbrook E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCLTr Rd N H Ra

205.575-3156 A enc Agreements:

Carrie K Moore E D 0 V I S Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCRdNH Ra205.690-6423 Acency Agreements:

Bobbie Lassco L 0


James E West

Specific Programs: V J

Support Services : T L

Agency Agreements:


Dr John H Wheeler


E 0 Specific Programs: A

SupporNrvices : T C Ra

A enc A reements: R

LDOVI Specific Programs: W

Support Services : C P L

Agency Agreements:

- D- 1 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

North Arkansas CC Dr Jerry Cash E L D 0 V I N Specific Programs:

Pioneer Ridge Support Services :ITCCaLRdNXH Ra

Harrison. AR 72601 501.743-3000 Agency Agreements: V R

Phillip County CC Steve Jones L Specific Programs: A V

P 0 Box 785 Support Services : T C P L

Helena. AR 72342 501-338.6474 AgencYAgreements: V R

Rich Mountain CC Carol Maddox V Specific Programa: A

601 Bush St Support Services : C Rd X

Mena. AR 71953 501-394-5012 AgencyAgreements:

Southern Arkansas U Wayne Taylor Specific Programs:

SAU Tech Station Support Services :

Camden, AR 71701 501-574-4504 Agency Agreements:

Arizona Western C William J Sims E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs:AWVJ

P 0 Box 929 Support services : T C P Ca R L X Ra

Yuma, AZ 85364 602-726-1000 Agency Agreements:

Central Arizona C Joan Bowen Specific Programs:

Woodruff at Overfield Rd Support Services :

Coolidge, AZ 85228 - 602-723-4141 Agency Agreements:

Gateway CC Jan Davie ELDOVISR Specific Programs:AWVJ

108 N 40th St Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Phoenix, AZ 85034 602- 275 -8500 Agcy Agreements: V R 0 L

Glendale CC Mark Ferris E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

6000 W Olive Ave Support Services :ITCPLTr RdNXH Ra

Glendale, AZ 85302 602-934-2211 Agency Agreements: R 0

Mesa CC Judith Taussig L 0 V I N Specific Programs:

1833 W Southern Ave Support Services : I Rd N X Ra

Mesa, AZ 85282 602-827-3333 Agency Agreements: R

Navajo CC Eta M Yazzie E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Ned A Hutathli Center Support Services : T C Ca L Rd N X H

Tsaile, AZ 86511 602-724-3311 itgency_Agreements: V R P

Northland Pioneer C Ron Petersen E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

1200 E Hermosa Drive Support Services :TCPRLTr Ra

Holbrook, AZ 86025 602-537-2996 Agency Agreements: 0

Phoenix CC Ginney Bugh ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A

1202 W Thomas Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

Phoenix, AZ 85013 602-264-2492 Agenc_vitgreements:

Pima CC Jeff Hipskind L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

2202 W Anklam Rd Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Tucson, AZ 85709 602-884-6688 Agency' Agreements: R 0

Rio Salado CC Helen Sprawls E 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

640 N 1st Ave Support Services : C X Ra

Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-256-7722 Agency Agreements:

Scottsdale CC Mary Dolores Duggan E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

9000 E Chaparral Rd Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Scottsdale, AZ 85256 602-941-0999 Agency Agreements: V R L

South Mountain CC Valerie A Lipon L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

7050 S 24th St Support Services : I T C P L Rd N H Ra

Phoenix, AZ 85040 602-243.6661 Agency Agreements: 0

Yavapai C Dianne Albrecht E L D 0 V I Specific Programs: A J

110 E Sheldon St s Support Services : I T C P Ca L

Prescott, AZ 86301 602-445.7300 Agency Agreements:

Allan Hancock C Michael McMahon L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

800 S College Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH Ra

Santa Maria, CA 93454 805. 922-6966 Agency Agreements: R

- D- 2-


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

American River C

4700 College Oak Dr

Sacramento, CA 95841

Antelope Valley C

3041 W Ave K

Lancaster, CA 93536

Bakersfield C

1801 Panorama Dr

Bakersfield. CA 93305

Barstow CC

2700 Barstow Rd

Barstow. CA 92311

Butte C

3536 Campus Dr

Oroville. CA 95965

C of Alame4ra

555 Atlantic Ave

Alameda. CA 94501

C Of San Mateo

1700 W Hillsdale

San Mateo. CA 94402

C Of The Canyons

26445 N Rockwell Canyon Rd

Valencia. CA 91355

C Of The Desert

43-500 Monterey Ave

palm Desert. CA 92260

C of the Redwoods

7351 Tompkins Hill Rd

Eureka, CA 95501

C of the Sequoias

915 S Mooney Blvd

Visalia, CA 93291

C of the Siskiyous

800 College Ave

Weed, CA 96094

Cabrillo C

6500 Soqvel Dr

Aptos,_CA 95003

Cerritos C

11110 E Alondra Blvd

Norwalk CA 90650

Cerro Coso CC

3000 College Heights Blvd

Ridoecrcrest CA 93555

Chaffney C

5885 Haven Ave

Alta Loma, CA 91701

Citrus CC

1000 W Foothill Blvd

Glendora CA 91740

Jon P James E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra916-484.8529 Agency Agreements: R

Dr Joy McCaslin L OVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH Ra805.949-1538 Agency Agreements: R

Donald M Johnson L 0 V I S Specific Prevam14: A V J

Support Services :ITCPCaRLTr Rd N X H Ra805-395.4334 Agency Agreements:

Gene Pfeifer E L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCRTr Rd N X Ra619. 252-2411 R

Donna Marie Ferro LDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCCaRLTr RdNXH Ra916-895.2455 Agency Agreements: R

Merge Maloney L 0 V I Specific Programs: A W J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr Rd N X H Ra

415-748-2326 Agency Agreements: R

Jackie Rose E L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCP.R L415-574.6215 Agency Agreements:

Frances 8 Wakefied ELOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCRL

805-259.7800 Agency Agreements:

Dr DianeNRamirez LDOVIN Specific Programs: A W J

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH Ra619-346.8041 Agency Agreements: R L P

Mary C Thompson ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : ITCPCaLRdNXH Ra707-443-8411 Agency Agreements: R 0 L

Don Mast L OVISN Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr RdNXH Ra

209.733-2050 Agency Agreements: R L

Karen Z LDOVSN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C Ca R L Tr Rd N X H Ra

916.938-4462 Agency Agreements: R L P

Frank Lynch L OVISN Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPRLTr Rd N X H Ra408. 429-6379 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Dr Bob Hughlett L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH Ra13-860-2451 A enc A reements: R 0

Susan Smith L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra619.375-5001 A-enc Agreements: R P

Bill Hewitt L D 0 V I Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCPRL714.987-1737 Agency Agreements:

Marilyn Rose L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPCaRLTr Rd N X H Ra

818.914-8677 Agency Agreements: R 0

City C of San Francisco Hortensia Chang L 0 V I Specific Programs: A

50 Phelan Ave Support Services :ITCRLSan Francisco, CA 94112 415-239-3381 Agency Agreements:


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Coastline CC

11460 Walker Ave

Fountain Valley, CA 927nR

Columbia CC

P 0 Box 1849

',3otumbia, CA 95310

Compton CC

1111 E Artesia Blvd

Compton, CA 90221

Cosumnes River C

8401 Center Pkwy

Sacramento, CA 95823

Crafton Hills C

11711 Sand Canyon Rd

Yucaipa, CA 92399

Cuesta C

PO Box 8106

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

Cuyamaca C

2950 Jamacha Rd

El Ceon CA 92020

Cypress C

9200 Valley View St

ess CA 90293

Deanna CC

21250 Stevens Crk Blvd

Cupertino, CA 95014

East Los Angeles C

1301 Brooklyn Ave

Monterey Park, CA 91754

El Camino C

1607 Crenshaw Blvd

Torrance, CA 90506

Evergreen Valley C

2095 Yerba Buena Rd

San Jose, CA 95135

Feather River C

Hwy 708,Golden Eagle Dr

Quincy CA 95971

Pat G Arlington

714. 751-9776

Paul LoCkMan


Adrienne Foster

213. 637-2660

Diane Adeszko

916. 686-72'6

Marty D Licer:o


Dr Lynn Frady


Donne Leigh


Laurel Best

D I N Specific Programu:AWVJ

Support Services : I T C N Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0 P

L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCCaRLTr Rd N X N Ra

Agency Agreements: R

L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdWKH RaAgencyAgreements: R

0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCLRcINXII Ra

Agency Agreements: R

E L 0 V I N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLTr RdNKH RaAgency Agreements: R

LOVISN Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXII Ra

Agency Agreements: R

L 0 V I N Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L N X H Ra

A encv Agreements; R

L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNKH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0 L

L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPRLTr RdNKI1 Ra

Agency Agreements: V R L

L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdKX11 Ra

Agency Agreements:

E L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C R L

Agency Agreements:

L 0 V I N Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : ITCPORLTr Rd N X H Ra

A enc Agreements: R


Dr StevenLSellitti LDOVISN

408. 996-4958

Joseph S Najar


Dr Steven Fasteau


Barbara I Horrocks


Connie Litz


Foothill CC

12345 Et Monte Rd

Los Altos Hills CA 94022

Laura Paulson


LDVISN Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCRdNXH Ra

A enc A reement : V R

Frenso City C

1101 E University Ave

Fresno, CA 93741

Fullerton C

321 E Chapman

Fullerton, CA 92634

Gavilan JT CC

5055 Santa Teresa Blvd

Gilroy, CA 95020

Glendale CC

1500 N Verdugo Rd(CB 114)

Glendale, CA 91208'

Janice M Emerzian L 0 V I S N

209. 442-8237

Kenneth Edward

714. 871-8000

Carol Cooper

408. 847-1400

Nancy Knight

818. 240-1000



Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R L

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPLRdliKll Ra

Agency Agreements; V R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdliKH Ra

A enc A riements: R

LOVISN Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : ITCPRLRdNKH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

- D. 4 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Golden West C Paula Mucciaro L 0 V I S

15744 Golden West St

Huntington Beach, CA 92707 714. 895-8721

Grossmont CC Mimi Lee L 0 V I S N

8e00 Grossmont College Dr

El Colon, CA 92020 619.465-1700

Hartnett C Wayne Davis L 0 V I S N

156 Homestead Ave

Salinas, CA 93901 408.755-6760

Irvine Valley C William Hewitt L 0 V I

5500 Irvine Center Dr

Irvine, CA 92662 714. 559-3243

John Adams CC Center Sharon Fain E L D 0 V I

31 Gough St

San Francisco, CA 94103 415. 239-3082

Kings River CC Lynn S Mancini L 0 V I S N

995 N Reed Ave

Reedley. CA 93654 209.638-3641

Lake Tahoe CC Abel Nunez E L 0 V I S N

PO Box 14445

South Lake Tahoe. CA 95702 916.541-1629

Laney C Carol/ J Dalessio ELDOVISN900 Fallon St

Oakland, CA 94607 415.464-3428

Long Beach City C Donald E Schmalzried ELDOVISN4901 E Carson St

Long Beach, CA 90808 253-420-4272

Los Angel-es City C Chad Woo ELOVISN855 N Vermont Ave

Los Angeles, CA 90029 213-669.4218

Los Angeles Harbor C Patricia Banday L 0 V I S N

1111 Figueroa Pl

Wilmington. CA 90744 213. 518-1000

Los Angeles Mission C Rosemarie Menager L 0 V I S N

1212 San Fernando Rd

San Fernando, CA 91340 818.365-8271

Los Angeles Pierce C Norman Crozer L 0 V I S N

6201 Winnetka

Woodland Hills, CA 91371 818. 719-6430

Los Angeles Southwest C Henryette Fisher

1600 W Imperial Hwy

Los Angeles, CA 90047 213-777-2225

Los Angeles TradeTechnical C Deloris Powell L 0 V I

400 W Washington Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-746-0800

Los Angeles Valley C Dr Robert Scott E L 0 V I S N

5800 Fulton Ave

Van Nuys, CA 91401 818:781.8542

Marin CC Dist Marie Castoldi L D 0 V I

Kentfield, CA 94904

Merced CC

3600 M St

Merced, CA 95348


Robert Lenz


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRIWNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCP1RdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCPL Tr

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T C Ca L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCRLIWNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPRLTr RdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPRIRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPCaRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :TCRLMNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0 L

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C R N H Ra

A ency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I C Ca R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : ITCPORLTr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPRL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I T C Tr RdNXH Re

Agency Agreements: V

D 5


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Merritt C Kerry Compton E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

12500 Campus Dr Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Oekton. CA 94608 415-436-2429 Agency Agreements: R

Mira Costa CC Dr Ronald Baker L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

One Banrnard Dr Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Oceanside. CA 92056 619-757-2121 Agency Agreements;

Modesto JC Robert C Williams L D 0 V I Specific Programs: A W J

435 College Ave Support Services : T C P R Tr

Modesto. CA 95350 209.575-6225 Agency Agreements:

Monterey Peninisula C Martha Kanter ELDOVI Specific Programs: A V J

980 Fremont Blvd Support Services : I T C P R L

Monterey. CA 93940 408. 646-4070 Agency Agreements:

Moorpark C Jan Zaboski L 0 V I N Specific Programs:. A V J

7075 Campus Support Services : I T C P L Tr RdNXH Ra

Moorpark. CA 93021 805-529-2321 Agency Agreements;

Mt San Antonio C Mayme G Thornton L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

1100 N Grand Ave Support Services : ITCPRLTr Rd N X H Ra

Walnut. CA 91789 714.594-5611 Agency Agreements: R

Mt San Jacinto C Debbi May L 0 V I N Specific Programs: A W V J

1499 N State St Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

San Jacinto CA 92383 714-654-8011 Agency Agreements: R

Napa Vattey C JoAnn Busenbark N Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P L Rd N X Ra

NOW. CA 94558 707-253-3080 Agencv Agreements;

North Orange Conty CC Christine B Terry L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

9200.Valley View Ave '. Support Services : I J T C P Rd N Re

Cypress. CA 90630 714-995-0255 Agency Agreements; L

Ohlone C Fred Hilke 0 V I S N Specific Programs:AWVJ

43600 Mission Blvd Support Services : ITCPRNXH Re

Fremont. CA 94539 415.659-6140 Agency Agreements;VROLP

Orange Coast C Dr Kenneth Ortiz L 0 V I Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I J T C P L

Costa MeSe, CA 92628 714.432-5042 Agency Agreements:

Palomar C Gene Zevin E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

1140 W Mission Rd Support Services : I T C P 0 R L Tr Rd H X H Re

2,11 Marcos. CA 92069 714-744.1150 Agency Agreements; R

Pasadena City C' John E Tulley L 0 V I S N Specific Programe:AWVJ

1570 E Colorado Blvd Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Pasadena. CA 91106 818.578-7272 Agency Agreements; R 0

Riverside City C William May L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V

4800 Magnolia Ave Support Services : I T C R L

MiversidS. CA 92506 714.644-3240 Agency Agreements;

Sacramento City C James R Hinerman L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

RN 117 3835 Freeport Blvd Support Services : I T C R L

teCr ______9 -4 -75 A enc A r ements V R

Saddleback C Loma Hopkins E L D 0 V I

28000 Maguerite Pkwy

Milsion_Vielo. CA 92692 714.831-4885

San Bernardino Valley C Dr Fritz Hjermstad E L D 0 V I S N

701 S Vernon Ave

SenLiernardino. CA 92410 714. 888-6511

San Diego CC District Dr Emmett Casey L D 0 V I S N

3375 Camino Del Rio South

San Diego. CA 92108 619.584-6983

- D- 6 -

Tr Rd N X H Re

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPRL Tr

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : ITCRLRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements: R 0 L P


Support Services : ITCPRLTr RdNXH Re

Agency Agreements; R


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

San Francisco CC Center

31 Gough St

San Francisco. CA 94611

San Joaquin Delta C

5151 Pacific Ave

Stockton. CA 95207

San Jose City C

2100 Moorpark Ave

San Jae, CA 95128

Santa Ana C

17th at Bristol

Santo Ana. CA 92706

Santa Barbara City C

721 Cliff Dr

Santa Barbara. CA 93109

Santa Clarita CC

26455 N Rockwell Rd

Vole:vie. CA 91355

Santa Monica C

1900 Pico Blvd

Santa Monica. CA 90405

Santa Rosa JC

1501 Mendocino Ave

Santa Rosa. CA 95409

Sierra CC

5000 Rocklin Rd

Rocklin. CA 95677

Skyline C

3300 College Dr

San Bruno, CA 94002

Solano CC

4000 Suisun Valley Rd

Suisun CA 94585

Southwestern C

900 Otay Lakes Rd

Chula Vista, CA 92010

Taft C

29 Emmons Park Dr

Taft. CA 93268

Ventura C

4667 Telegraph Rd

Ventura. CA 93003

Victor Valley C

18422 Bear Valley Rd

Victorville, CA 92392

Vista C

2020 Milvia St

Berkeley. CA 94704

West Hills C

300 Cherry Lane

Coalinga, CA 93210

West Los Angeles C

4800 Freshman Dr

Culver City, CA 90230

Sharon Fain ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdXH415-239.3082 Agency Agreements: R 0 L

Mark Mekjavich L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C P 0 R L Rd N X H Re

209. 474-5132 Agency Agreements: R 0 L P

Nancy Gressley L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCRIRdNXH Re408 -288 -3746 Agency Agreements:

Dr John West L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCRL Tr714-667-3061 Agency Agreements:

Dr Gilbert Robledo L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services.:ITCPRLTr Rd N X H Re805.965-0581 Agency Agreements; R 0

Frances B Wakefield E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

Support Services :1TCRLTr RdNXH Re805-259.7800 A enc A reements: R

Dr Judith Schwartz L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra213-452.9265 Agency Agreements: R

Elizabeth Carlson L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPRdNXH Ra707-W4580 Agency Agreements: R

Waert L Hancock E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V

Support Sarvice5 :ITCCaLRdNXH Re916.663-2777 Agency Agreements:

Linda Van Sciver E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Re415-355-7000 Agency Agreements: V R I.

Will H Berm L 0 V I S N Specific Programe:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXN Re707464-7145 Agency Agreements: R 0

Diane Branmcn E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH Re619. 421-6700 Agency Agreements: V R

Karen A Kuckreja D V I Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P 0 Ca R L

805-763.4282 Agency Agreements:

Orlene Murphy E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPRLTr Rd N X H Re805-644-5388 1geiyg,lcArentsemeVROLPCynthia Allen L 0 V I Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCRRd'NXH Re619-245.4271 Agency Agreements: R

Beverly Hemmer 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCRLTr Rd N X H Rs

415. 841-8431 A enc Agreements: R L P

P J De Maris LDOVISN Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C P 0 Ca R L Tr Rd H X H Re

201-935.0801 Agency Agreements: R

Burton,Amos ELDOV1SN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPRLRdNXH Re213. 836-7110 .1gencv Agreements: R

D- 7-


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

West Valley CC Linda Erx!elking L VISN Specific Programs: A W V J

14000 Fruitvale Ave Support Services : I T C P R L Tr RdHXH Ra

Saratoga, CA 95070 408.867-2200 Agency Agreements: R L

Yuba CC District Lugene oJayu Simpson L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

2088 N Beale Rd Support Services : T C R L

M r vil e CA 95901 916-741.6711 A A reements: V 0

Grant MacEwan CC Brenda Moore A Specific Programs:ITCPLRdNXH Ra

t0030 107 St- Edmonton Support Services : E L 0 V I S N

Alberta. CN 403-462.5594 Agency Agreements: V n

Aims CC Joann Wilcox L 0 V I N Specific Programs:

P 0 Box 69.5401 W 20th St Support SerAces :ITNXH

Greeley. CO 80632 303-330.8008 Agency xgreements_t_

Arapahoe CC Mary Fig E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

5900 S Santa Fe Dr Support Services : I7CPORLRdNXH Ralittleton. CO 80160 303-797.5610 Agency Agreements:

CC of Aurora Ted May E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

791 Chambers Rd Suite Support Services :ITLRdNXH Ra

Aurora, CO 80011 303-360.4790 Agency Agreements:

CC of Denver Jackie King E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

Box 400 1111 W Colfax Support Services : LTCPORLTr Rd N X H Re

penver. CO 80204 303-556-3300 Agency Agreements: R

Colorado Mountain C Eeda Wanetowicu L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

1301 Grand S" port Services :CRLRdNXH Ra

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 303.945-8691 Agency Agreements: R 0

Front Range CC Don Archer D 0 V I Specific Programs: A W V J

3645 West 112th Ave Support Services : T C P L Rd N X H '4

Westminster, CO 80030 303-466.8811 Agency Agreements:

Northeastern JC Dr Terry Barnes E L D V Specific Programs: A V J

100 College Dr Support Services :YCP0 Ca L Rd N H

Sterling, CO 80751 303-522.6600 Agency Agreements:

Pikes Peak CC William B Flynn E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: V

5675 S Academy Blvd Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH OaColorado Springs, CO 80906 303. 576-7711 Agency Agreements:

Pueblo CC Chris A Campos E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V

900 W Orman Ave Support Services : I T C R L Rd N X H Ra

Pueblo. CO 81004 303. 549-3318 Agency Agreements: V R

Red Rocks CC Alice Wooster ELDOVI Specific Programs: A V J

12600 W 6th Ave Support Services : I T C P 0 L

Golden. cs180401 303-988.6160 Agencyjgreemento:

Greater Hartford CC William Edmonds E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

61 Woodland St Support Scleices : I C L X H Ra

Ha f rd CT 06105 20 0- 17 A A

Greater New Raven St Tech C Madeline Leveille E L D O V I S H Specific Programs:

88 Bassett Rd Support Services : T C P H Ra

North HavefT 06473 203-234.3341 Agency Agreements: V R

Housatonic CC Natalie Bieber L Specific Programs: A J

510 Barnum Ave Support Services : T C R L

pridgeport. CT 06608 203.579-6402 Agency Agreements:

Manchester CC Dr Susan Lincoln L D 0 V I

60 Bidwell St

Manchester CT 06040 203.579-6406

Mettatuck CC Doris O'Connor, RN

750 Chase Pkwy

Waterbury, CT 06708 203. 575-8035


Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P R L

A enc A re nt

Specific Programs:

Support ServicestITCPRIRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:



College I Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities.Served Services

Mitchell C Susan T Plante L V

Pequot Ave

New London. CT 06320 203-442-2331

Mohegan CC John Perch

Mahan Dr

Norwich. CT 06360 203.886-1931

Northwestern Connecticut CC Albert T Pimentel

Park Place East

yinsted. CT 06098 203-379.8543

Quinebaug Valley CC

QVCC Box 59

panielson. CT 06239 203.774-1130

South Central CC Nancy W Deveau,RN

60 Sargent Dr

Mew Haven. CT 06511 203-789-7058

Thames Valley State Technical Linde Jacobsen Phd


574 New London Turnpike

Norwich. CT 06360 203-886-0177

Tunxis CC Dr David Smith

Rt 6 & 177

Farmington. CT 06032 203-677-7701

Delaware Tech&CC-Terry Wilma M Sudler

1832 H DuPont Pkwy

Dover. DE 19901 302-736.5390

Delaware Helen Williams


333 Shipley St

Wilmington. DE 19801 302-571-5315

Brevard CC Doris Rader

1519 Clearlake Rd

Cocoa, FL 32922 305-632-1111

Broward CC Pat Latona

3501 S W Davie Rd

Ft Lauderdale, FL 33314 305-475-6527

Daytona Beach CC Mary Hills

1200 Volusia

pavtona Beach. FL 32014 904255-8131

Edison CC Dr H J Barnett

8099 Cot Pkwy SW

Ft Myers. FL 33906 813-489-9216

0 Florida CC-Jacksonville Paula Miller

4501 Capper Rd

Jacksonville, FL 32218

Gulf Coast CC

5230 W Highway 98

panama City. FL 32401 904-769-1551

Hillsborough CC Magali



Dr StephenJHerman ELDOVI



Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C Ce L N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R L

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P O Ce L N

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: 0

Specific Programs:








Linda Van Oaten

39 Columbia

Tampa. FL 33622

Indian River CC

3209 Virginia Ave

Ft Pierce. FL 33454



Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A

support Services :TCRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: J

Support Services :ITCPLNH RaAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPRLTr RdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A J V

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C L Rd X H Re

A Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLTr RdNXH RaA A reements: R 0 L



Katherine M Johnson



Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A V J W

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V 0

Specific Programs: W V J

Support Services :ITCPLTr RdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R 0

D- 9


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Lake City CC

Route 7 Box 7

Lake City, FL 32055

Lake-Sumter CC

Dodie Pedlow ELDOVISN


Jane Miller ELDOVISN

Leesburg. FL 32788 904-787-3747

Manatee CC Fredi Brown E L 0 V I S N

P 0 Box 1849

Bradenton, FL 33507 813.755-1511

Miami Dade CC-Woflson Campus Paula Epstein E L 0 V I

300 NE 2nd Ave

Miami, FL 33132 305.347-3072

Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center Dr Carol Cooper E L D 0 V I

950 NW 20th St

Miami. FL 33127 305-347-4238

Miami-Dade CC-North Campus Paul Edwards E L D 0 V I S

11380 NW 27th Ave

Miami, FL 33167 305-347-1272

Miami-Dade CC-South Campus Bob Joyce ELDOVISN11011 SW 104th St

Miami, FL 33167 305-347-2124

North Florida JC Hank Reidelberger

1000 Turner Davis

Madison, FL 32340 904-973-2288

Okaloosa-Walton JC Georgette Wells L 0 V I S

100 College Blvd

Niceville, FL 32578 904-678-5111

Palm Beach JC Gail Tomei L 0 V I S

4200 S Congress Ave

Lake Worth, FL 33461 305-439-8057

Penscola JC Karen Goodman ELDOVISN1000 Cdllege Blvd

Penscola, FL 32504 904-476-5410

Polk Comunity C Owen Lee L 0 V I

999 Ave H NE

Winter Haven, FL 33881 813-297-1000

Santa Fe CC Dr Al Block L 0 V I S N

3000 NW 83rd St

Gainesville FL 32602 904.395-5069

Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Patsy Frenchman ELDOVISNCt

Box 1530

Gainesville, FL 32602 904-395-5265

Seminole CC Dr Marguerite Culp E L 0 V I S N

Weldon Blvd

Sanford, FL 32771 305-323-1450

South Florida CC Ken Stifler ELDOVISN600 W College Dr

Avon Park, FL 33285 813-453-6661

St Johns River LZ Annette Jones ELOVISN5001 St Johns Ave

Palatka, FL 32077 904.328-1571

St Petersburg Jr C Dr James Goss L V I

P 0 Box 13489

St Petersburg, FL 33733 813-341-3257

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPCaLRdNH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPLRdNH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C R L H N Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R L

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH RaAgency_Agreements: R

Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCPORLNAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPLRdNH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Progress:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPORLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0 L P

Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P R Rd N Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCRdXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0 L

- D-10


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Tallahassee CC

444 Appleyard Dr

Tallahassee, FL 32304

Sylvia Deloach E L 0 V I S N


Specific Programs: A

Support Services :

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L P

Valencia CC

P 0 Box 3028

Orlando FL 32802

Margaret F Edmonds ELDOVISN


Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R L

Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C Dr W Worth Bridges ELOVISN Specific Programs: A


Box 28 ABAC Station Support Services : T C P Ca L H Pa

Trifton, GA 31793 912-386-3230 Agency Agreements:

Bainbridge JC

Hwy 84 East

Bainbridge, GA 31717

Joan Fryer LOVIS


Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Brunswick JC

Altama at Fourth

Brunswick. GA 31523

Leon Rice LOVI


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P L H

Arency Agreements: L

Dekalb C-Central Campus

555 N Indian Creek Dr

Clarkston, GA 30021

DrMHolly Lumpkin ELOVISN


Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T P 0 Cal.RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Gainesville JC

PO Box 1358

Gainesville, GA 30503

Stephen Tilley ELDOVISN


Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P 0 L

Agency Agreements: R

Macon JC

5357 Raley Rd

Macon, GA 31297

Gerri Rogers L 0 V I


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Oxford C of Emory U Jack Atkinson 0 Specific Programs: A

Box 1328 Support Services :

Oxford, GA 30267 404-786.7051 Agency Agreements:

South Georgia C

S Peterson Ave

Douglas, GA 31533

J Marion Franklin E L


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C

Agency Agreements: R

Guam CC

Box 23069

Guam Main Facility, GU 96921

Ginger Porter


LOVISN Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I C P H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Honolulu CC

874 Dillingham Blvd

Honolulu. HI 96817

Rona Wong LDOVIS


Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X H

Agency Agreements: R

Kapiolani CC

4303 Diamond Heed Road

Honolulu. HI 96816

Ralph Ohara ELOVIN

808. 734-9214

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Kauai CC

3-1901 Kaumualii Hwy

Lihue, HI 96766

Frances I Dinnan E L D 0 V I


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Leeward CC-Komo Mai Center

96-045 Ala Ike

Pearl City. HI 96782

Marie L Ruane ELDOVISN


Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCRLTr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Maui CC

310 Kaahumanu Ave

Kahului, HI 96732



Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCCaLN Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Windward CC

45-720 Keaahala Rd

Kaneohe, HI 96744

Charles K Kitten E L D 0 V I S


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L Rd N H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Clinton CC

1000 Lincoln Blvd

Clinton, IA 52732

Jan Paulson ELDOVISN


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

D-11 - 29

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Des Moines Area CC Kim Linduska ELDOVI Specific Programs: A V J

2006 S Ankeny Blvd Support Services :ITCLRdNXH Ra

Ankeny, IA 50021 515-964-6628 Agency Agreements: R L P

Eastern Iowa CC District Jacqueline K Bales E L 0 V I Specific Programs:

Scott Com Col Belmont Rd Support Services : I T C R L

Bettendorf. IA 52803 319 359-7531 Agency Agreements:

Ellsworth CC Lori Mulford E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

1100 CollegeAve Support Services : T C P 0 Ca R L

Iowa Falls, IA 50126 515-648-4611 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Hewkeye Institute of Dianne Shoultz ,ELOVISN Specific Programs: A V J


P 0 Box 8015 Support Services : J T C P 0 L Tr H.Ra

Waterloo, IA 50704 319-234-5745 Agency Agreements: V R

Indian Hills CC Mary Stewart L 0 Specific Programs: A V J

Grandview !, Elm Support Services : T C Ca R L Tr Rd N X H Ra

Ottumwa, IA 52501 515-683-5245 Agency Agreements: R L

Iowa Central CC Carl H Larson E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs: A W J V

330 Avenue M Support Services : T C P Ce L Tr H Ra

Fort Dodge, IA 50501 515-576-3103 Agency Agreements:

Iowa Lakes CC Too Herbst E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:AWJV

3200 College Dr Support Services : T C P 0 Ca R L H

Emmetsburg, IA 51334 712 852-3554 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Iowa Western CC Rey Olsen E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W J V

2700 College Rd Support Services : I T C P 0 CaLRdNXH Re

Council Bluffs, IA 51502 712-325-3252 Agency Agreements: R L

Kirkwood CC John Clancy E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W J V

Linn Hall Rm 122A SupporriServices :'ITCPOLTrH Ra

Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 316-398-5570 Agency Agreements: V R L

Kirkwood CC-Skill Center Wendell Maastad E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W J V

Linn Hall Rm 122A Support Services : I T C P 0 L Tr H Re

Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 319-398-5455 Agency Agreements: V R L

Marshalltown CC Eileen Mitchell E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J V

3700 S Center Support Services : J T C P 0 Ca R L

Marshalltown, IA 50158 515-752-7106 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Muscatine CC Dr Jean Goodnow E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

152 Colorado St Support Services :TCPRLXH Ra

Muscatine, IA 52761 319-263-8250 Agency Agreements; V R

North Iowa Area CC Susan Norton L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

500 College Dr Support Services : T C 0 R L Rd H

Mason City, IA 50401 515-421-4365 Agency Agreements:

Northeast Iowa Tech Kathy Hartl E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:


Box 400 Support Services : T C P 0 L H Ra

Calmar, IA 52132 319-562-3263 Agency Agreements:

Jim Arneson E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:Northeast Iowa Tech


10250 Sundown Rd

Peosta, IA 52068

Northwest Iowa Technical C

Hwy 18 West

Sheldon, IA 51201

Scott CC

500 Belmont Rd

Bettendorf, IA 52722


John Pell


Kathleen Larkin




Support Services : T C 0 L Rd N H Ra

Agency Agreements: I R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services ;TCPORLRdXHAgency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A W J V

Support Services :ITCPRLTr RdNXH RaAgency Agreements; R

- D-12 -

3 0

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Southeastern CC

1015 S Gear Ave

West Burlington, IA 52655

Southwestern CC

1501 Townline Road

Creston, IA 50801

Waldorf C

Jan Galbraith


Gary 00Daniets




forest City. IA 50436

Western Iowa Technical CC

4647 Stone Ave

Sioux City. IA 51102

C of Southern Idaho

315 Falls Ave W

Twin Falls. ID 83301

North idaho.0

1000 W Garden Ave

Coeur d'Alene. ID 83814

Belleville Area C

2500 Carlyle Rd

Belleville. IL 62221

Blackhawk C-Quad Cities Camps

6600 34th Ave

Moline. IL 61265

C of DuPage

22nd St & Lambert Rd

Glen Ettyn. IL 60137

C of Lake County

19351 W Washington St

Grayslake, IL 60030

Susanne Tjornhom


Brenda Porter


Jim Palmer



Dr Eli T Ross


Pat Brian




Elaine Coffey


Val Burke


Bill Freitag

2232 S Storey Rd

CGaarlesSbaurirld: :: :1401


Cathy White







Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T C R L

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P R L H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R L P

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T C Ca R

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C Ca L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I C P 0 Ca L Tr Rd N X Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCCaRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPTr Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I T C L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPCaLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P R Rd N H Ra

A enc A reements:

Chicago City-Wide C

30 E Lake St

Chicago, IL 60601

Colby CC

1255 S Range

Cot I 6T101

Felician C

3800 W Peterson Ave

Chicago, IL 60659

Frontier CC

R R 1

Fel-Meld, IL 62837

Illinois Central C

Rm 234C

East Peoria, IL 611635

John A.Logan

Rm C203

Carterville, IL 62918

Joliet Junior C

1216 Houbolt Ave

Joliet. IL 60436

Carol Hayse


Gary Schultz

913-46 9

Sister Nary



L 0


Jerry R HefLey


Nancy Davidson


Terry Crain





Carol Erjavec




Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:VROP

Specific Programs A

Support Services : T C Ca Ra

A enc Areements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C Ca R L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C R

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :TCR

Agency Agreements: R

- D-13 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Kankakee CC Maurice Manuel L Specific Programs: A V J

P 0 Box 888 Support Services :TCPL

Kankakee. IL 60901 815.933-0200 Agency_Agreements:

Lake Land C Cynthia A Avery L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

South Rt 45 Support Services : I T C P L N X H Ra

Mattoon, IL 61938 217-235-3131 Agency Agreements:

Lewis & Clark CC Nicholas J Moehn ELOVIN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCORLTr Rd N X H Ra

Godfrey, IL 62035 618-466-3411 Agency Agreements: V R 0 L P

Lincoln Land CC James Coup L 0 V I N Specific Programs: A V J

Shepherd Rd Support Services :ITCPORLRdNXH Ra

Springfield, IL 62708 217-786-2233 Agency Agreements: R 0

Lincoln Trail C Susan Polgar E L D O V I S Specific Programs: A V J

R R 3 Support Services :TCPRLRdNXH Ra

Robinson, IL 62454 618-544-8657 Agency Agreements:

McHenry County C Ed Elsner E L D O V I Specific Programs: V J

Rt 14 & Lucas Rd Support Services : ITCRL

Crystal Lake, IL 60014 815-455-3700 Agency Agreements:

Morton C Patricia Valente E L 0.V I S N Specific Programs: A V

3801 S Central Ave Support Services :ITCRdNXH Ra

Cicero, IL 60650 312-656-8000 Agency Agreements: V R

Oakton CC Phyllis Deutsch E L D O V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

1600 E Golf Rd Support Services :TCPLRdXH Ra

Des Plaines, IL 60016 312-635.1656 Agency Agreements: R

Olney Central C Nancy Wallace L I Specific Programs: A V

Rt 3 Support Services :ITCR

Olney. IL 62450 618-395-4351 Agency Agreements:

Parkland C Jane Mcore E L D O V I S N Specific Programs:

2400 W Bradley Support Services :CPOLRdNXH Ra

Champaign. IL 61821 217-351-2200 Agency Agreements:

Prairie State C Elena Andree-Crain E L D O V I S N Specific Programs: A V

202 S Halstead St Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH Ra

Chicago Hts, IL 60411 312-756.3110 Agency Agreements:

Richland CC Teena Zindel L 0 V I N Specific Programs: A


2425 Federal Dr

Decatur, IL 62526

Rock Valley C

3301 N Mulford Rd

Rockford. IL 611G7

Sauk Valley CC

173 IL Rt 2.

Dixon. IL 61021

Shawnee C

Rm 204 Shawnee College Rd

Ullin, IL 62992

Southeastern Illinois C

Rt 4 Box 510

Harrisburg IL 62946

Spoon River C

RR #1

Canton, IL 61520

'Springfield C in Illinois

1500 N 5th

Springfield, IL 62702


Cynthia Hill


Doris Hall


Don Slayter


L 0


Dana Keating



Dr Paul E Langan


Vincent Flammini





Support Services : I T L Rd N X H

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T C L N H Ra


Specific Programs: V

Support Services :ITCPRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdU Ra

A enc Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Seryices :TCPRLTrita

Agency Agreements: 0 R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : C R

Agency Agreements:

- 0-14 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Triton C

2000 Fifth Ave

River Grove. IL 60171

Wabash Valley C

2200 College Dr

Mt Carmel. IL 62863

Waubonsee CC

Rt 47

Sugar Grove. IL 60554

William Rainey Harper C

Algonquin & Roselle Rds

Palatine, IL 60067

Indiana Voc Tech C

2325 Chester Blvd

Richmond. IN 47374

Indiana Voc Tech C

1 West 26th St

Indianapolis, IN 46206

Colby CC

1255 S Range

Colby. KS 67701

Ft Scott CC

2108 Horton

Ft Scott. KS 66701

Garden City CC

801 Campus Dr

Garden City, KS 67846

Hesston C

Box 3000

Hesston, KS 67062

Highland CC

Hwy 36

Highland, KS 66035

Hutchinson CC

1300 N Plum

Hutchinson, KS 67502

Independence CC

College Ave&Brookside Dr

Independence, KS 67301

Johnson County CC

12345 College at Quivira

Overland Park, KS 66212

Kansas City, Kansas CC

7250 State

Kansas City, KS 66112

Neosho County CC

1000 S Allen

Chanute, KS 66720

Pratt CC

Hwy 61-Administration Bldg

Pratt. KS 67124

Ashland CC

1400 College Dr

Ashland KY 41101

Ann Sullivan L D 0 V I Specific Programs: V

Support Services : :TCPIRdNXH Ra312-456-0300 Agency Agreements: R

Norman Brown L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P 0 R L Rd N X H Ra

618.262-8641 Agency Agreements: R

Robert W Baker *L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPORLTr RdNXH Ra312-466-4811 Agency Agreements: R

Tom Thompson E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH Ra312-397-3000 Agency Agreements: R

Patricia Rush L 0 V I S Specific Programs: V

Support Services : I T C L Rd X

317-966-2656 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Brenda Nicodemus L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra317-929.4983 Agency Agreements: V R

Gary Schultz L 0 Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C Ca Ra

913-462-3984 Agency Agreements:

Jonnie Bonner E L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P R L N H Ra

316.223-2700 Agency Agreements: V R

Roger D Hamilton L Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCCaRLRd X316. 276-7611 Agency Agreements: V R

Al Yoder E L I Specific Programs: A

Support ServicesITCRLRd X316. 327-8130 Agency Agreements: 0

David R Arendale L Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C 0 Ca L Ra

913.442-3236 Agency Agreements: V R L

Mary Coplen E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra316.665-3563 Agency Agreements: 0

Don Mitchell E L V Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Rd N X H

316-331-4100 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Edward L Franklin L D 0 V I Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPRL Tr913-541-3872 Agency Agreements:

Linda DeMarais E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R913.334-1100

Robert H Geiger


George Douglas


Marie S Blake


E L D V Specific Programs:

Support Services : C L H

Agency Agreements: R L

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPCaLRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements: V R 0

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P R N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

D15 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Jefferson CC

109 E Broadway

Loui vie_.__KY 40202_

Lexington CC

2060 Oswald Bldg Cooper Dr

Lexington. KY 40506

Madisonville CC

University Dr

A 4 1

Carolyn E Claxton RN ELVIS


Frances Hunter


Deborah M Cox

Maysville CC

RT 2

Maysville. KY 41056

Paducah CC

Alben Barkley Dr


0 8 1-2250

Bob Tobia



Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH Ra"Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPCaLTr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P

A A, A reements:



Gail Cross Ridgeway ELDOVISN

0 44 1

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P L Rd X H Ra

Al, A ts:VRLPSoutheast CC

College Rd

Cumberland. KY 40823

St Catherine C

St Catherine. KY 40061

Bossier Parrish CC

2719 Airline Dr North

Bossier City. LA 71111

Delgado CC

615 City Park Ave

New Orleans, LA 70119

Cape Cod CC

James P Blair 0


Stanley Katz



Douglas Peterson 0


Dowlas0Wells Phd ELDOVISN


Frank Doherty

West Barnstable, MA 02668 617-362-2131

Greenfield CC Dr Hyrum Huskey

One College Dr.

Greenfield, MA 01301 413.774-3131

Holyoke CC Isabel B Huskey

303 Homestead

Holyoke. MA 01040 413.773-3749

Massasoit CC John R Otis Jr

One Massasoit Blvd

Brockton. MA 02402 617-588-9100

Middlesex CC Dorothy O'Connell

Springs Rd

Bedford, MA 01730 617-272-7342

North Shore CC Linde Budd

3 Essex St

Beverly. MA 01915 617.927-6722

Rubin RussellNorthern Essex CC

100 Elliot South

Haverhill. MA 01830

Ouinsigamond CC

670 W Boylston

Worcester. MA 01606

Anne Arundel CC

101 College Pkwy

Arnol 2101






617-374-0721 TOO 372



Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I C Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I C Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : C

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: W J

Support Seniors :ITCP

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C P L Rd N H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: J

Support Services : T C P L

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCPRdNH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: W

Support Services :TCORRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L N H

Agency Agreements;

Specific Programs: A W J V

Support r4rvices : ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Dr Kevin McKenna E L 0 V I S N


Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPL Ra

Agency Agreements:

Hermice Littleton

301-269- 07

L 0 V I Specific Programs: V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

A enc A reements

- D16


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Catonsville CC

800 S Rolling Rd

Baltimore. MD 21228

CC of Baltimore

2901 Liberty Hts Ave

Baltimore. MD 21215

Cecil CC

1000 North East Rd

North East. MD 21901

Chesapeake C

Jill Brooks



L Rowena Wingfield 0 V I S


Dr Freeman Galoff


Assc Dean Sdt Spprt



PO Box 8

We Mills. MD 21679 301-822-5400

Frederick CC James G Morrison L 0 I

7932 Opossumtown Pike

Frederick. MD 21701 301-694-1250

Garrett CC Stephen Herman ELDOVISNBox 151

McHenry, MD 21541 301-387-6666

Harford CC Norman E Tracy E L D 0 V 1 S

401 Thomas Run Rd

Bet Air. MD 21014 301.846-4316

Howard CC Janice Marks E L 0 V I S N

Little Patuxent Pkwy

Columbia. MD 21044 301.992-4822

Montgomery C-Rockville Campus Paula Ottinger E L D 0 V I S N,

51 Mannakee St

Rockville, MD 20850 301-279.5058

Prince Georges CC

301 Largo Road

larga, M0 20772

Soutt.ern Maine Voc Tech Inst

2 F(.rt Rd

South Portland. ME 04106

University of Maine-Augusta

Augusta, ME 04330

Bay de Roc CC

2001 N Lincoln Rd

Escanaba. MI 49829

Delta C


University Center, MI 48710

Grand Rapids JC

143 Bostwick NE

Grand Rapids. MI 49503

Henry Ford CC

5101 Evergreen Rd

Dearborn, MI 48128

Highland Park CC

Glendale at Third

M14114xtfIrk. MI 48203

Kalamazoo Valley CC

6767 West 0 Ave

Kalamazoo MI 49009

Carrie R Johnson L D 0 V I S N


Gail Christiansen E L 0 V I S N


Sally Harwood



Marlene Paavilainen E L 0 V I S N


Dave Hurley


Doris Parsons


616. 456-3798

Theodore Hunt Jr


ivanita Taylor




Fred Ritherford




Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R L p

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Aareements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I T P L N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A C

Support Services :TCOH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P N

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCRLTr RdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R L

Specific. Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgeticY_Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J V

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPO CaRLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITC Tr Rd N H

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T C L Rd N X H

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCCaRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C Ca L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R L

Specific Programs: A W J V

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

D-17 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Kellogg CC John M Rinke E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

450 North Ave Support Services :TCPOLRdNXH Ra

igtle Creekt_MI 49016 616.965-3931 Agenc Agreements: R

Kirtland CC Carole J Chilton E L 0 I Specific Programs: A V

45 College Dr Support Services :ITCPL

Roscommon. MI 48653 517.275-5121 Agency Agreements:

Lake Michigan C Sherry Hoadley-Pries E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: V J

2755 E Napier Ave Support Services :ITCPLRd NX H Re

Benton Harbor. MI 49022 616.927-3571 Agency Agreements: R 0 L P

Lansing CC Velma Lohmann E L D 0 V -I S N Specific Programs: A V J

430 N Capitol Support Services : I T C P R L Rd N X H Ra

Lansing. MI 48901 517-483-1207 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Macomb CC Dr vernon Moore ELDOVIN Specific Programs:AWVJ

14500 12 Mile Rd Support Services : I T P R L Rd N X H Ra

Warren. MI 48093 313-445-7420 Agency Agreements: V R 0

MidMichigan CC Donna L Gilmet E L D 0 V I Specific Programs:

1375 S Clare Ave Support Services :ITCPLRdNXIi Ra

Harrison. MI 48623 517-386-7792 Agency Agreements_

Montcala CC Karen Holt E L D 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

MCC Instr West Support Services :ITCPTr Rd11::11 Re

Sidney. MI 48885 517.328-2111 Agency Agreements:

Mott CC Margurite Fordyce E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

1401 E Court St Support Services :ITCRLTr RdNXH Ra

Flint MI 48502 313-762.0399 Agency Agreements:VROLP

Muskegon CC Linda Beghtol E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J


221 S Ouarterline Rd

Muskegon. MI 49442

Northwestern Michigan C

1701 E Front St

Travers: City MI 49684

Oakland CC

739 S Washington

Royal Oak, MI 48067

Schootcraft C

18600 Haggerty

Livonia. MI 4815?

Southwestern Michigan C

Cherry Grove Rd

Dowagiac. MI 49047

St Clair County CC

323 Erie St

Port Huron., MI 48060

Suomi C

Hancock. MI 49930

Washtenaw CC

4800 E Huron River Dr

Ann Arbor. MI 48106

Weyne County CC

8551 Greenfield Rd

Detroit. MI 48228

West Shore CC

3000 N Stiles Rd

ScottvilleM1 49454


Denyse Everett



Sylvia Berggruen RN ELDOVIN


Sirrka Gudan







Gerri VerHowe-Barber E L D 0 V I S N


Denise Huss


Marjorie Cash


Terri White




Deborah Wright




Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P 0 Ca RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :IT;i2LRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0 L P

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R P

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TLH

Agency Agreements: P

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITC Tr Rd N H

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPCa RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

-D-18 36

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Alexandria Tech Inst Orin Lundberg

1601 Jefferson

Alexandria. MN 56308 612-762.0221

Anoha-Ramsey CC Ann Sidoti 0 I

11200 Mississippi Blvd NW

coon Rapids. MN 55433,_ 612. 427-2600

Austin CC Jennifer Davis ELDOVISN1600 NW 8th Ave

Austin; MN 55912 507. 433-0538

Brainerd CC Linda Lade ELDOVISNW College Dr

Brainerd, MN 56401 218. 828-2514

Inver Hills CC Gini Spurr L 0 V I S N

8445 College Trail

Inver Grove Hts, MN 55075 612. 450-8628

Lakewood CC Awe Harmon L 0 V I

3401 Century Ave N

White Bear Lake, MN 55110 612. 779-3200

Minneapolis CC Judy Schuck E L 0 V I

1501 Hennepin Ave

Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-341-7590

Normandale CC Dr Karen Hanson

9700 France Ave S

Bloomington, MN 55431 612. 830-9377

North Hennepin CC Evelyn L Panchyshyn

7411 85th Ave N

Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 612. 424-0725

Northeast Metro Tech Inst Connie Bohns

3300 Century Ave

White Bear Lake, MN 55110 612. 779-5769

Northland CC Allen Nichols

Hwy 01

Thief River Falls. MN 56701

Rochester CC

Highway 14 East

hes r MN 55904

U of Minnesota-Crookston

Bede Student Center

Crookston, MN 56716

U of Minnesota-Waseca

Waseca, MN 56093

Willmar CC

Willmar. MN 56201

Worthington CC

1450 College Way

Worthington, MN 56187

Forest Park CC

5600 Oakland Ave

St Louis, MO 63110

Ea6i C:sitral C

218. 681-2181

Joyce Hackett

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :CPRL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCORLTr Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 P

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C L N H Ra

Agency Agreements: 0

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :TCPO Ca R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:VI/GIP

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPOLRdNH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T P Ra

Agency Agreements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

L 0 V I Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPOLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: V

Support Services : I T C P N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :1TCRX

Agency Agreements: V R


507-28 -723

Laurie Wilson


Lucy Oliver

507. 835-1000

Dale Wright

ELOVISN Specific Programs: A W V

Support Services :TCLRdNH RaA enc A reements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPCaLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

ELDOVI Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Agreements:


612. 231-5115

Cheryl Huenel-Nawara ELDOVISN


Monica Hebert

314-63Loren L Stamp

Union, MO 63084 314-583-5193


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P 0 R L N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R L

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCLRdXH Ra


Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH ReAgenci Agreements: R



College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Jefferson C Bill Bay E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V

P 0 Box 1000 Support Services :TCPLRdNXII RaHillsboro. MO 63050 314-789.3951 Agency Agreements: R

Longview CC Connie Flick-Hruska, E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

500 SW Longview Rd Support Services :ITCPLRdNXII Re

1M_SuMi_tt. MO 64081 816-763.7777 Agency Agreements: V R

Maple Woods CC Marilyn Donatello E L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

2601 NE Barry Rd Support Services :TCPLRdX Re

Kansas City. MO 64156 816-436-6500 Agency Agreements:

Mineral Area C Margaret Scobee E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

Special Needs Serivces Support Services : I T C P 0 R L Tr RdNXII Re

Flat River. MO 63601 314-431-4593 Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Moberly Area JC Shirley White E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs:

College and Rollins Support Services :CPL Re.

Moberly. MO 65270 816-263.4110 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Penn Valley CC Malcolm L 0 V I S "Decific Programs: A V

3201 Southwest Trafficway Support Services : T C P L Rd N N Re

Kansas City. MO 64111 816-932-7618 Agency Agreements: R

Pioneer CC . Larry Guillot E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

2700 E 18th St Support Services :TCPL Re

Kansas City, MO 64127 816. 483-3500 Agency Agreements: V R

St Louis CC-Florissant Valley Mike Huebner L OVIN Specific Programs: A

3400 Pershall Rd Support Services : I T C P L Tr RdNXII Re

St Louis, MO 63135 314-595-4551 Agency AgreementSi_RO

St Louis CC-Meramec Maggie Glad E L D 0 V I Specific Programs:

11333 Big Bend Blvd Support Services :

Kirkwood. MO 63122 317-966.7500 Arency Agreements:

State Fair CC Gay Groves E L O V I Specific Programs:

1900 Claredon Rd Support Services :

Sedalia. MO 65301 816-826-7100 Agency Agreements:

Three Rivers CC Brad Barwick E L V Specific Programs:

Three Rivers Blvd Support Services : T C L Rd X N Re

Popular Bluff, MO 63901 314. 686-4101 Agency Agreements;

Copiah-Lincoln JC Pamela Truhett L 0 V I S Specific Programs: V J

PO Box 457 Support Services : T C P Ca L Re

Wesson. MS 39191 601. 643-5101 Agency Agreements: V 0

East Central JC Raymond McMullan 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V

Broad St Support Services : T C Ca Rd X N Re

Decatur. MS 39327 601-635.2111 Agency Agreements: V R

East Mississippi JC Dr James Sensing ELDOVISN Specific Programs:AWVJ

PO Box 158 Support Services : C P Ca R L Tr N Re

Scooba. MS 39358 601. 476-8442 Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Mississippi Delta JC Sherilyn Jones E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Box 668 Support Services : I T C P R L Rd 14

Moorhead. MS 38761 601-246.5631 Agency Agreements:

Mississippi Gulf Coast JC Thomas Beavers ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

PO Box 100 Support Services : I T C P R L N X N Re

Gautier, MS 39553 601. 497-9600 AgencyAgreements:

Pearl River JC Dr 0 C Dauewhauer E L 0 Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P Ca

Poputarville. MS 39470 601.795-6801 ISISNYASEIrlBlackfeet CC Patrick Head E L 0 I Specific Programs:

P08 819 Support Services : Ca R L X

LIimujirowtT 59417 406. 338-5429 Agency Agreements:

- D-20 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Dawson CC Diane Dohrmenn L 0 V I S Specific Programs:Box 421 Et:pport Services : T C Rd N

Glendive, MT 52219 406.10:23210___________ Agency AgreementsFlathead Valley CC Ron Wheatley E L 0 V I Specific Programs: A W V JFVCC Support Services : P R L Rd N ReKalispell, NT 59901 406-755.5222 Agency Agreements:

Anson Technical C Ken Crysel ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A W V JP 0 Box 68 Support Services :ITCPRLTrNX ReAnenville NC 28007 7041261333 Agency Agreementst

!Radon Technical C Vincent Rowels ELDOVIS Specific Programs: A W VHwy NC 41 PO Box 6 Support Services :ITCPRLTr Rd H ReDublin. NC 28332 919.862-2164 AfienCyAgretmetitliCaldwell CC Tony Deal ELDOVIS Specific Programs: A W V J1000 Hickory Blvd Support Services : ITCPRLTrNX RaHudson, NC 28638 704-728.4323 Agency Agreements:

Cepe Fear Technical Institute Carl Nalpess E L 0 V I Specific Prlgrams:

411 N Front St Support Services : zepNxWilmington. NC 28405 919-343.0481 Agency Agreements:

Carteret Technical C Sandra Hewitt D S Specific Programs:

3505 Arendell St Support Services : Cu R L X

Morehead City. NC 28557 919. 247-4448 Agency Agreements: V L PC F Hubert Garner L 0 0 V I Specific Programs: A VCentral'Caroline Technical

1105 Kelly Dr

Sanford. NC 27330

Central Pioiront CC

508 Terrell Bldg

919. 775-5401

CostasSloukouvalas LDOVI

aa 28 704-342-6556

Cleveland Technical C

137 S Post Rd

Shelby. NC 28150

Cravend CC

P 0 Box 885

New Bern, NC 28560 919-633-2498

Davidson County CC Dr Randall Mellon L

P 0 Box 1287'

LexingtonIKL27293 704149-8186

Edgecogbe Technical C Tommy Anderson L D V

2009 W Wilson

Tarboro. NC 2r61,6____

Fayetteville Tech Inst Robbin J MacGregor ELDOVISN2201 Hull Rd


Noel Lykins

Support Services C

Ammo' Agreements:

Specific Programs: A W V

Support Services :ITCPRLRdN RaA 1L. r s- 0


Elizabeth Barker ELDOVI


19 0.

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I N

Agencv Agreement":

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPI.RdX11 Ra

AGenCY Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : C R L


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T P L Tr Rd N Ra

-1.4. rGaston C

Counseling Center

patios. NC 28034

Guilford Technical CC

PO Box 309


John T James



Isothermal CC

P 0 Box 804

Soinciale, NC 28160

James Sprunt Technical C

P 0 Box 398

Kenansvitle, NC 28349

James Gripper Phd ELDOVISN

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : ITCPLTr RdNXH Ri

Michael Croussore ELDO V Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C L Rd N H Ra

704-286.3636 Agericy Agreements;

Rita 8 Brown LD3VIS Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C L N H Re

919.296-1341 Agency Agreements:

- D21


College / Address Contact / Telephone lisabilities Served Services

Lenior CC

PO Box 188

Kinston. NC 28501

Martin CCMartin Enterprises

615 Washington St

WItLi_wast_on. NC 27892

Maylend Technical C

P 0 lox 547

;truce Pine. NC 28777

Nash Technical C

PO Box 7488

RockY_Mcalt. NC 27801

Pamlico Tehcnical C

PO Box 185

Greatitoro. NC 28529

Pitt CC

PO lox 7007

irgenville. NC 28530

Randolph Technical C

Box 1009

Asheboro. NC 2720

Richmond Technical C

PO Box 1189

Hamlet. RC 28345

Roanoke-Chosen Technical C

Rt 2Box 46A

thokft. NC 27910

Robeson Technical C

PO Box 1420

Lumberton, NC 28359

Rockingham CC

Opportunity Center

Wentworth, NC 27375

Sandhills CC

2200 Airport Rd

rinehurst, NC 28374

Southeastern CC

PO Box 151

Whiteville. NC_28472

Southwestern Technical C

275 Webster Rd

SYlve, NC 28779

Technical C of Alamence

Jimmy Kerr Rd-PO Box 623

Now River, NC 27258

TriCounty CC

PO Box 40US 64

Vance Granville CC

PO lox 917


Earl Rountree


Becky Renn


Ronald McKinney

E L D O V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C Rd N

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCPRTr Rd N

Agency Agreements:

ELDVI Cpecific Programs: A

Support Services :ICPL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Agreements:

E L V I Specific Programs:

Support Services :

UenCY Agreements:

L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P 0 L Tr Rd Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

L D V Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P R L Rd N Re

Agency Agreement ;: V R

E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNX Ra

Agency Agreements: R

ELDVI Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services : 7 C L

Agency Agreement*: R

ELDOVIS Specific Programs: AWVJ

Support Services :ITCPLTr Rd N H ka

Agency Agreeme ts: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Agreements:

E L 0 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C L N H Re

Agency Agreements: R

E L 0 0 Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Agreements:

E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P 0 L Rd N H Re

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A W 1/1

Support Services : ITCPLTr Rd N X Re

Agency Agreements: V R 0

E L 0 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Re

A. ,j. A reement V R

E L O O V I S Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P L Rd X Re

ts: V R


Dr Jacquelyn Jeffers

919. 443-4011

Joann Credle

919. 249-1851

E B Bright


Rebekah Megerfen


Diane Honeycutt


Lynn Phelps


Joyce Beetty,EdD



Ken Query


Mary Miller


Richard Wilson

704-586.474__Monroe McVey E L O O V I S N


Ida A Timpson

7i - 837 -..10

Peggy Whittaker

919-4 061

Wake Technice, C Or Phares Nye

9101 Fayetteville Rd

Raleigh. NC 27603

L I Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPR Tr Rd N

Agency Agreements: R

- 0-22 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Servil.cs

Wayne CC Shirley Boyd L D V I Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Goldsboro. NC_21530 919-735.5151 Agency Agreements:

Western Piedmont CC Cindy Voegeli E L 0 V I Specific Programs: A

1001 Burkemont Ave Support Services : I T C P L Tr RdNXH RaMorganton, NC 28655 704-437.8688 Agency Agreements: R 0 L

Wilkes CC Rex Williams E L D V I Specific Programs: A V J

PO Box 120 Support Services : T C P Ra

Wilkesboro, NC 28697 919.167-7136 Agency Agreements: V R

Wilson County Tech Inst Cleve Cox E L D 0 V I Specific Programs: A

902 Herring Ave Support Services :ITCPRLRd NWilson, NC 27893 919.291-1195 Agency Agreements:

Bismark JC Jennifer Gladden ELDOVIS Specific Programs:AWVJ1500 Edwards Ave Support Services :TCPCaLRdNXH RaBismark. ND 58501 701-224-5433 Agency Agreements:

Lake Region CC Lois Cogdill 0 V I Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPCaL RaDevils Lake, ND 58301 701-662.8683 Agency Agreements:

North Dakota State C of Paula Ahles E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:


Counseling Center

Wah on ND 58075 701-671.2327

University of North


Box 1326

Williston, ND 58801 701.572-6736

Central CC-Grand Island Campus Dr Lynn Black

PO Box C

Grand Island, NE 68802 308.384-5220

Central CC-Hastings Campus Cindy Foxhm n

Box 1024

Hastings -, NE 68901 402.463-9811

Central CC-Platte Campus Jane Birkholz

PO Box 1027

Columbus, NE 68601 402.564-7132

Metropolitan Technical CC Mark A Carta

PO Box 3777

Omaha, NE 68103 402.449-8504

Mid-Plains CC Area Donald Rockafellow

416 N Jeffers

North Platte NE 69101 308.534-9265

Support Services :ITCPCaLTr RdNXH Raenc Agreements: V R 0

0 V I Specific Programs: A V




Northeast Technical CC Nancy Schede ELDOVIBox 469

Norfolk, NE 68701 402.371-2020

Southeast CC-Lincoln Gerald Gruber 0 I S

8800 0 St

Lincoln, NE 68520 402.471-3303

U of Nebraska School of Tech Gerald Huntwork L 0


Support Services : T Ca R L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : C P

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: V J

Support Services :TCP0 Ca

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :CPL Ra

Agency Agreements: r 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P R L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P 0 Ca R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: V

Support Services : T

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: V J

Support Services :CPL Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: V J

UNSTA Box 69 Support Services : T C P Ca R L Tr Ra

Curtis, NE 62025 308.367-4124 Agency Agreements: V R

New Hampshire Voc/Tech Dr Robert Urekew E L 0 V I Specific Proi7rams:


2020 Riverside Dr Support Services :ITCPOBerlin, NH 03570 603.752-1113 Agency Agreements:

- D-23


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

White Pines C

140 Chester St

Chester. NH 03036

Dr Faith PrestPn 0 V I


Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C P

Agency Agreements;

Atlantic CC

Black Horse Pike

Nays Landing. NJ 08330

Paula Stewart ELDOVISN

609. 625-1111

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R P

Brookdale CC

Newman Springs Rd

Lincroft, NJ 07738

Beth Donnelly ELDOVI


Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P R L

Agency Agreements:

Burlington CC-Pemberton

Pemberton Browns-Mills Rd

Pemberton, NJ 08068



Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C L X Ra

Agency Agreements:

County C of Morris Claire Mintor E 0 V I S Specific Programs: A W V J


RT 10 & Center Grove Rd Support Services : I T C P Rd N Ra

Randolph. NJ 07869 201-361.5000 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Cumberland County C

Box 517

Vineland, NJ 08360

Maud Fried-Goodnight ELDOVISN


Glouchester County C

College Center

Sewell. NJ 08080

Engird J Hudak Jr ELDOVIM


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPCaRLTr RdNXH Ra

ftemnfAsreements: R 0 L P

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T P R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V P

Hudson County CC

900 Bergen Ave

Jersey City, NJ 07306

Dr Fereshte



Mercer County CC

1200 Old Trenton Rd

Trenton, NJ 08690

Fred Weiner


L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :TCPRLRdMXH RaAgency Agreements:

Middlesex County C

PO Box 3050.155 Mill Rd

Edison. NJ 08818

Elaine Weir ELDOVI'S N


Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0

Ocean County C

College Dr

Toms River, NJ 08753

Nancy Polonitza ELDOVISN


Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPRLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Somerset County C

P 0 Box 3300

Somerville, NJ 08876

Richard Trotman


L 0 V I Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPLRdM RaAgency Agreements:

Sussex County CC

105 N Church Rd

Sparta, NJ 07871

Albuquerque Tech Voc Inst

525 Buena Vista SE

Albuquerque, NM 87106

Penny Gluck ELDOVISN


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : 1TCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Gle*s M Bennett ELDOVISN


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P L Rd X H Re

Agency Agreements: 0

Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis

417 Schepps Blvd

Clovis, NM 88101

Eastern New Mexico U-Roswell

P 0 Box 6000

Roswell, NM 88202

Lovina Mack


ELDOVI SN Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P L Rd H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Tim Czerny


L I Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I C Ca L N Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

New Mexico JC Dr Steve Maier V

Lovington Hwy

Hubbs, Nr,88240 505. 392-4510

New Mexico St U-Alamogordo Doris Lynch F L D 0 V I S

P 0 Box 477

Alamogordo NM 88310 505-473-3723

Specific Programs:

Support Services : C P Rd H

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :TCPLXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R P



College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

New Mexico St U-Dona Ana


Box 30001-Dept 30A

Dr G Lawrence Sharp

as Cruces. NM 88003 505-646-1118

San Juan C Nancy Wray

4601 College Blvd

Farmington. NM 87401 505-326._._3311

U of New Mexico-Los Alamos Susan J Joyce

4000 University Dr

cos Alamos, NM 87544 505. 662-5919

Clark County CC Autumn Keyes-Ita

3200 E Cheyenne Ave

North Las Vegas, NV 89030 702. 643-6060

Truckee Meadows CC James Claybrook

7000 Dandini Blvd

Reno. NV 89512 702-673.7060

Western Nevada CC Bill Davies

2201 W Nye Lane

Corson City. NV 89701 702.887-3011

Academy of Aeronautics R J Wear

Ls Guardia Airport

Flushing, NY 11371 718-429-6600

Adirondrack CC Richard Mates

Bay Rd

Glens Falls, NY 12801 518.793-4491

Branson ORT Tech Inst Yaffe Liebman

44 East 23rd Street

New York, NY 10010 212-677-7420

Cayuga CC David E Charland

1 Franklin St.

Auburn, NY 13021 315.25-1743

Clinton CC Nancy Rathbun

Rt 9

Plattsty 1,11. 12901 518.561-6650

Columbia-Greene CC Bernardine J La


P 0 Box 1000

Hudson. NY 12534

CC of Finger Lakes

Student Health Center

Canandaigua, NY 14424

Corning CC

Spencer Hill

Corning. NY 14830

Dutchess CC

DCC Pendell Rd

Poughkeepsie, MY 12601

Erie CC

121 Ellocott St

Buffalo. NY 14203

Herkimer County CC

Reservoir Rd

Herkimer, NY 13350

Hudson Valley CC

80 Vandenburgh

Troy. NY 12180


ELDOVISN Specific Programs:AWVJ








Support Services : C P 0 R L X H

Agency Agreements: R 0 L P

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :TCPRRdNXH ReAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T R L N H Re

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C L Re

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : C R L Rd N H Re

Agency Agreements:





Patricia Bizzaro RN ELDOVISN


Meta Spiegler


Kathleen Sortino


Kathy Hoffman




Robert M Ichihana


Pablo Negron






Specific Programs: J

Support Services : T C P

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: J

Support Services : T R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R L P

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPORLTr Rd N X HAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P O R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R L P

Specitic Prbgrams:

Support Services : P

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPORLRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements: V R

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Jefferson CC

Coffeen St

Watertown, NY 13601

Kingsborough CC

2001 Oriental Blvd

Brooklyn. NY 11235

hater Dei C

Riverside Dr

Oqdensburg, NY 13669

Mohawk Valley CC

Sandy Timerman



Dr Anthony Colarossi E L 0 V I S N


Fr L Andrews L V I


Maryanne LOVIDiMeo-Brindisi

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L Tr Rd H Ra

Agency_Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : C P R L Tr

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

1101 Sherman Dr Support Services : T C L Tr

Utica, NY 13501 315-797-9530 Agency Agreements:

Monroe CC Elaine Goldstein E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

1000 E Henrietta Rd Support Services :ITCRdNXH Ra

Rochester, NY 14623 716-424-5200 Agency Agreements: V R

Nassau CC Dr VictortiMargolis L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

Stewart Ave Support Services : I T C P R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Garden City, NY 11530 516-222-7138 Agency Agreements: R

Niagara County CC Monica R Puller* E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A W V J

3111 Saunders Settlement Rd Support Services :ITCPOLRdNXH RaSanborn, NY 14132 716-731-3271 Agency Agreements: V R 0

Orange County CC Rubye Smith L 0 V I S Specific Programs: A

Rm 325 College Commons Support Services :TCPRdNX Ra

Middletown, NY 10940 914-343-1121 Agency Agreements: R

Paul Smith's C Carol McKillip L V I S Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPCaRLRdXH Ra

Paul Smith's, NY 12970 518-327-6425 Agency Agreements: 0 P

Queensborough CC Elliot Rosman ELOVI Specific Programs: A J

Science Bldg-Room S132 Support Services : I T C P Ca

Bayside, NY 11364 718. 681-6257 Agency Agreements:

Rockland CC Ellen Spergel

145 College Rd

Suffern, NY 10901 914-356.4650

SUNY Ag&Tech-Morrisville Lisa Oristian

Counseling Ctr-Adm Bldg

Morrisville, NY'13408 315-684-6071

SUNY Alfred State C Kathryn Fosegen

Rm 203 Hinkle Library

Alfred, NY 14802 607-587-4122

SUNY C of Ag&Tech Wayne Morris

Cobbleskin, NY 12043

SUNY C of Technology-Canton

Cornell Dr-F08 224

Canton, NY 13617

SUNY C of Technology-Delhi

Bush Hall

Delhi, NY 13753

Schenectady County CC

78 Washington Ave

Schenectady, NY 12305

Suffolk County CC

533 College Rood

Selden NY 11784


Debora Camp


Anne Oles

E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

E L 0 V I S Specific Programs:

Support Services : I C 0 Ca L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: 0

LOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCP0 Ca R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services : C P Ca L X Ra

Agency Agreements: 0 P

E L 0 V Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCP0 Ca R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 P

607 746.4168

Caryl Purdue

L 0 V I S Specific Programs: V

Support Services :TCPO Ca Rd X H Ra

Agency Agreements:


Doris G Stratmann




Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

AN,...CV Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: V

Support Services :TCP0 Ca Rd X H Ra

A enc A reements:

- D-26 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Tompkins Cortland CC

170 North St

Dryden, NY 13053

Ulster CC

Vanderlyn Hall Rm 881

Stone Ridge, NY 12484

Westchester CC

75 Grasslands Road

YeihlleNY 10595

Belmont Technical C

120 Fox-Shannon Pl

St lairsville OH 4'950

James E Hull


James Quirk



Ronald Brown


Vickie Whinnery

614-6 -9500




Specific Programs:

Support Services : C L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: V

Support Services : ITCPRLTr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreement,: V R 0 L

Specific Programs:

Support Services : P L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPL RaA- A reements: V R

Central Ohio Technical C

University Dr

Newark, OH 43055

Chatfield C

St Rt 251Adm Bldg

St Martin, OH 45118

Cincinnati Technical C

3520 Central Pkwy

Cincinnati, OH 45223

Clark Technical C

570 E Leffel

Springfield, OH 45505

Clermont C of U of Cincinnati

725 CoP.lege Drive

Batavia, OH 45103

Columbus State CC

550 E Spring St

Columbus, OH 43216

Cuyahoga CC

2900 Community College Ave

Cleveland, OH 44103

Edison State CC

1973 Edison Dr

Piqua, OH 45356

Firelandt C

901 Rye Beach Rd

Huron OH 44839

Phyllis Thompson LOVISN


Sr Agatha Fitzgerald ELDOVISN


David Cover


Thomas O'Neill



Career Planning



Linda Wetters


Robert Berger


Linda DeSue







Hocking Technical C


tvalsonville. OH 45764

Lakeland CC

Rt 306 & 1.90

Mentor, OH 44060

Lima TecI CC-Ohio St U Lima

4240 Campus Dr

Lima, OH 45804

Lorain County CC

1005 N Abbe Road

Elyria, OH 44035

Marion Technical CC

1465 Mt Vernon Ave

Marion, OH 43302

Catherin Dyer


John F Locker


Johanna Martin


Steve Higgins

419. 228-2641

Jean Barton




B A Harper






Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :TCPOLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C L Rd

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCPLRd NXH

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C P L H Re

Agency Agreements: R L

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I T C L Rd N X d Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCRLTr Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C P Ca R L N X H Ra

Agency Agreements; V R

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCL Tr

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: 0

Specific Programs:

Support. Services : C

Agency Agreements:

- D-27 -


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T P L

Agency Agreements:

College / Address

Miami U-Hamilton

1601 Peck Blvd

Hamilton, OH 45011

Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Connie Van Frank E L D 0 V I


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C R

Agency Agreements:

Muskingum Are Technical C

1555 Newark

Zanesville, OH 43731

North Central Technical C

2441 Kenwood Circle

Mansfield OH 44901

Donna Cole


ELOVIS Specific Programs:

Support Services : C N H Ra

Agency Agreements:




ELOVIS Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLTr RdNXH ka

Agency Agreements: R L P

Northwest Technical C

Box 246-A Rt 1

Archbold, OH 43502

Keith Van Horn


Ohio St UMarion

1465 Mt Vernon Ave

Marion, OH 43302

M Weston




Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :TCPCaLX Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I C

Agency Agreements:

Ohio U-Chillicote

W Fifth St-P0 Box 629

Chillicothe OH 45601

Asst Dir Student



E L Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C

Agency Agreements: R

Rio Grande C

Counseling Center

Rio Grande. OH 45674

Shawnee State CC

940 Second St

Portsmouth, OH 45662

Sinclair CC

444 W Third St

Dayton, OH 45402

Ron Adkins


ELOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPCaRLRdNH RaA encY_Agreements: V R 0

Richard R Howard


0 V I Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPO CaLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements-

Constance Grant


ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

South,rn State CC

100 Hobart Dr

Hillsboro OH 45133

Sharon Purvis


ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Stark Technical C

6200 Frank Ave NW

Canton, OH 44720

Wallace Hoffer


ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCPOLTr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:VROLP

U of Toledo-Community/Tecil C

2801 W Bancroft*St

Toledo, OH 43608

U of Akron

Spicer Hall Rm 110

Akron, OH 44325

Tessie Mae Seaman E L D 0 V I


Grace Olmstead


Specific Programs:

Support Services : T

Agency Agreements:

ELOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCPO Ca L Rd N H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Wayne CUniversity Of Akron

10470 Smucker Road

Orryille, OH 44667

Wright Et U-Lake Campus

7600 State Route 7U3

Celina, OH 45822

Youngstown St U

Youngstown, OH 44555

Bacone C

pluskotiee, OK 74403'

Helene Thall


LOVI Specific Programs:

Support Services : T

Agency Agreements: V R

Donald Krischak PhD L 0 V I


Dr George E




Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :TCPL

A enc A reements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : C P 0 Ca L H Ra

Agency Agreements:

Marlene Smith


E L Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C L

Agency Agreements:

D-28 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

El Reno JC

Box 370

El Reno, OK 73036

Murray State C

Byrd St

Tishomingo, OK 73460

Northeastern Oklahoma A&14 C

Second&I Sts NE

Mier!, OK 74354

Northern Oklahoma C

1220 E Grand

Tonkawa, OK 74653

Oklahoma City CC

7777 S May Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 73159

Oklahoma St U-Tech Branch


4th&Mission Rd

Okmulgee, OK 74447

Rogers State C

Will Rogers&College Hill

Claremore OK 74017

Owen Jenkins



Dr GeorgeWDouglas ELOVIS


Dr J 0 Wilhoit


Specific Programs:

Support Services : C P 0 L Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A W J

Support Services :TCPOCaRLXH RaAgency Agreements: R 0

L 0 Specific Programs: V

Support Services :TCP Ca

Agency Agreements: L

Dr Clane Kirtley 0


Dr Annearie Shirazi


Billie Coakley


Dr Gary Walker




Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPCaLXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCCaLRdH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R L P


Rose State C

6420 SE 15th

Midwest City, OK 73110

Seminole JC

PO Box 351

Seminole, OK 74868

Tulsa JC

6111 E Skelly Dr

Tulsa, OK 74135

Blue Mountain CC

Box 100

Pendleton OR 97801

Clackamas CC

19600 S Molalla Ave

META Cit OR 97045

Clatsop CC

Astoria, OR 97103

Linda Jansen


Melody Hulbert



Bobbie Woodward


Cynthia Hilden



Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C R L

A. Agreement

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCPH

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R



David Campbell

Lane CC

4000 E 30th Ave

Eu ene OR 97405 503-747-4501

Lane CC Howard F Bird

1059 Williamette St

Eugene, OR 97401

Linn-Benton CC

6500 SW Pacific Blvd

Albany, OR 97321 503-928-2361

Portland CC Sherry A Robinson

12000 SW 49th

Portland OR 97219 503-244-6111

Rogue CC Dr Tenison Haley

3345 Redwood Hwy

Grants Pass, OR 97527 503-479-5541


Bruce Lower



Dolores May


Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I T C R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH ReA Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:



Paula Grigsby





Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency tareements: R

Specific Programs: A W V J

support Services :ITCRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R L P

- 0.29 -

4 7.

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Southwestern Oregon CC

1988 Newmark Ave

Coos Bay. OR 97420

Umpqua CC

P 0 Box 967

Roseburg, OR 97470

Bucks County CC

Swamp Rd

Newtown. PA 18940

Butler County CC

College Drive

ButlerPA 16001

CC of Allegeny County

808 Ridge Ave

Pittsburg, PA 15212

CC of Allegeny County-South


1750 Clairton Rd

West Mifflin, PA 15122

CC of Allegheny County-North


1130 Perry Hwy

Pittsburgh, PA 15237

CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus

595 Beatty

Monroeville, PA 15146

CC'of Philadelphia

1700 Spring Garden St

Philadelphia, PA 19130

Delaware County CC

Career&Counsetipg Center

Media, PA 19063

Harcun JC

Montgomery Ave

Bryn Mawr. PA 19010

Harrisburg Area CC

3300 Cameron Street Rd

Harrisburg. PA 17110

Lackwanna JC

901 Prospect Ave

Scranton, PA 18505

Lehigh County CC

Main Street Ave

Schnecksville, PA 18078

Mount Aloysius JC

William Penn Hwy

Cresson PA 16630

Or Sharon Barnett ELOVISN

503. 888-7405

Gail Philippart


Marie Cooper

Z15. 968-8000




412. 287-8711

Mary Beth Doyle


412. 237-4612

Diane Krovocheck

412. 469-6215

Kathleen White


Edward Gill



Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCRLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R L

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCRLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : ITCPLRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPOLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs: A V J


Sharon Thompson


Art Smith


Shelby Reiser



Support Services :ITCPLRdNH Re

Agency Agreements: 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : ITCPOLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: 0

LOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXN Ra

Agency Agreements: R

L Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCPCa Pd N H

Agency Agreements:

Northamptom County Area CC

3835 Green Pond Rd

Bethlehem, PA 18017

Pennsylvania Inst of Tech

800 Manchester Ave

Media, PA 19063

Reading Area CC

10 S 2nd St

Readirg, PA 19603

Linda D Brittain ELDO V


Dr Chet MAclewicz


Kathleen M Foster


Daniel Dalton




Cheryl A Ashcroft


Martha Fitzgerald


Diane Adams

215. 372-4721




Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCPL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: J

Support Services :TCPRL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I T C P Ca R L N H

Agency Agreements: V L P

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : ITCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPOLH Re

Agency Agreements: 0

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCLRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements: R

- 0 -30 -


College / Address

Westmoreland CC

Student Development

Uwe te. PA 1 697

Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Mary Ellen Beres

Carolina Regional C-UPR

Call Box CR

Carol R 00630


Box 160

Ramey. PR 00604

Dawson C

350 Selby St-Westmont

ouebec.Cenada. 11321W7

CC of Rhode Island-Knight


400 East Ave

Warwick. RI 02886

Aiken TC

PO Drawer 696

Aiken. SC 29812___

Beaufort TC

100 S Ribeut Rd

Beaufort. SC 29901

Denmark TC

PO Box 327

Penmark. SC 29042

Florence-Darlington TC

PO Drawer F-8000

41 -125-4189

Ivette Marrero

09- 000

Hermino Riveria


Joan Wolforth


Julie M White


E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH ReAen A reements: V R

E 0 V Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C

Aen A reements:

ELOVIS Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N H

Agency Agreements: R

L 0 V I Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

ELOVI Specific programs:

Gloria Busch-Johnson L 0 V I


Frances McCullough L


Robert M HeMby L 0


David V Barr


Support Services : :TCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: J

Support Services : T C P L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A W V

Support Services : I T P N X

Agency Agreements: R 0 L

Specific Programs: V J

Support Services : T C P Ca L Tr

Agency Anreements: R

Sreenville TC

PO Box 5616 Station B

Gegenvilte. SC 29606

Horry Georgetown TC

PO Box 1966

Conway. SC 29526

Midlands 7C

PO Box 2408

Columbia,SC 29202

Piedmont TC

PO Box 1467

,Greenwood S 648

Spartanburg Methodist C

nertanburg. SC 29301

Spartanburg TC

PO Drawer 4386

S r anbur! SC 9305 3. 9 816

Hazel P Hall


John Lawing




Willie Osborn L 0 V


Dick Shelton

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C P 0 C1LRdNXH ReA! A reements- V

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPCaLNH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :ITCPOLRdNn RaAgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements:

803- 3- 7

Narsi Waldrop

803. 576-3911

Argy Pantazis

ELOVI Specific Programs:

Support Services :

A enc A reements:

0 V I Specific Programs: A

Support Services !TCPCaLNH RaAgencv_Agreements; R

Sumter Area TC

506 N Guignard Dr

Sumter. SC 29150

Tri-County TC

PO Drewer 587

on C 29670

Gail Carter


Glenn Hellenga

803- 61

E L D 0 V I N Specific Programs: V

Support Services :ITCP0 Rd N H Re

A Etc Arr ements: R L

E D 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L

Agency Agreements:VROLP

ELOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P L


Trident TC Gait R Fielding L O V I S Specific Programs: V

PO Box 10367 Support Services :ITCP. I N X H Ra

Charleston,_SC 29403 §OE2ggSS>gLXngcArecfnents:VR

- D-31 -

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Williamsburg TC

601 Lane Rd

Kingstree, SC 29556

Chattanooga State TC

4501 Amnicola Hwy

Chattanooga. TN 37406

Cleveland State CC

Office of Stdn Dev

Cleveland. TN 37320

Columbia State CC

Hampshire Pike

Coumbia. TN 38401

Dyersburg State CC

Box 648

Dyersburg. TN 38025

Jackson State CC

2046 N Pkwy

Jackson. TN 38301

Nashville St Tech Inst

120 White Bridge Rd

Nashvitle,_TN 37209

James Tanner Jr


C Larry Lewis


Adrian Strother


Jerry Battles


L Specific Programs:

Support Services : C P R L Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P 0 Ca R L Tr Rd N H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCP0 Ca R L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P R L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services : T C P H

Agency Agreements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services : C H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

V I S Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCRdNXH

Agency Agreements: L

E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

E L D 0 V I Specific Programs:

Support Services :

As .CY Agreements:

V I Specific Programs:

Roane State CC

Patton Ln

Harriman. TN 37748

St Tech Inst of Knoxville

PO Box 19802

Knoxville. TN 37939

State Technical


S9V3 Macon Cove

limUL_TN 38134

.ties Technical Institute

TY::':ox 246

-BlouniVille. TN 37617

Volunteer State CC

Nashville Pike

Gal atin In 37066

Deters State CC

sY.J0 Davy Crockett Pkwy

Morristown. TN 37813

CC of Micronesia

PO Box 159-Kolnia

ponape Islmnd. TO 96941

Alvin CC

3110 MUstang Rd

Alvin. TX 77511

Amarillo C

PO Bon 447

Amarillo TX 79110

Angelina C

Box 1768

Lufkin, TX 75902


PO Box 2285

Austin. TX 78768

Dean Charles D Rorie V


Kenneth Atwater


Jocelyn Irby


-tricia Bailey


Malcolm McCern


Maxine Ford


Vickie Blair


Petty RmPA

e45. 452-8600

Ann Bowen


Makir Ke,ter

JoAnn Anderson


Marshall Mitchell


Wilton Kiliam


Lynne Houston


Support Services :

Agency Agreements:

0 Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Agreements:

E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I T C P Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

E L D 0 V I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPRdNXH Ra

At Agreements:

E L D O V I S SdeOfic Programs:

Support Services : I T C L H

Agency Agreements: V

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCOLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0 L P

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0 L

E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C Ca N Ra

Agency_Agreements: V R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services : ITCPRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 L

- D-32 -


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Bee County C

3800 Charco Rd

Beeville, TX 78102

Brazosport C

500 College Dr

j.eke Jackson, TX 77566

Brookhaven C

3939 Valley View Ln

Dallas.. TX 75234

Cedar Valley C

3030 N Dallas Ave

Lancaster. TX 75134

C of the Mainland

8001 Palmer Hwy

Texas City. TX 77591

Collin County CC

2200 University

McKinney. TX 75069

Cooke County C

1525 W California

Gainesville. TX _76240

Del Mar C

Baldwin at Ayers

Corpus Cristi. TX 78415

Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC

3737 Motley Dr

Mesquite, TX 75150

El Centro C-Dallas County CC

Main & Lamard

Dallas, TX 75202

El Paso CC

PO Box 20500

El Paso, TX 79998

Gallaudet Rgn Center-Eastfield


3737 Motley Dr

Mesquite, TX 75150

Galveston C

4015 Ave Q-N216

Galveston, TX 77550

Grayson County C

6101 Grayson Dr

Denison, TX 75020

Houston CC

320 Jackson Hill St

TX 70

Lamer University-Orange

410 Front St

Orange TX 77630

Lee C

PO Box 818

Baytown. TX 77520

McLennan CC

1400 College Dr

Waco YX 76708

Patrice L Myers


Morris Paschall




Jeri Davis E L D O V I S


Pamela Gist



Dr Marcella Derrick



Stephanie Reinhardt

214. 548-9971

Dr Eddie Hadlock


Jo Ann Luckie


Reva 0 Rattan




214. 324-7032

Leslie Skibell


Ann Lemke



915. 594-2426

Rachel Miller


Thelma White



Charlotte Bullars

214. 465-6030

Bobby R Young

1 -868-074

Dr Robert Harris


Ed Moak

713. 425-6400

Marylea Henderson


Specific Programs:

Support Services : C Ca H Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

support Services : T C PAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements; R L

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCLUXH Re

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: J

Support Services :TCPLRdH Re

Agency Agreements: R P

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C L Re

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C R L Tr RdNXH Re

AgerCY_Agreements: R 0 e

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I TCPORLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: R 0 L

Specific Programs: W V J

Support Services : ITCPORLTr RdNXH ReAgency Agreements; R 0 L P

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :TCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements: V R P

Specific Programs:

Support Services :

Agency Agreements:

L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCLRdNRa.

Agency Agreements: V R

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: V J

iupport Services :ITCCaLRdN Ra

igencv Agreements: R L

E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs:

Support Services :ICPLRdNH Ran : R

ELDOVIN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCP1RdNH Re

Agency Agreements; V R L

0 I Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPORN Re

Agency Agreements: V

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH ReAgenc A reements: R

D-33 5 1

College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Midland C Richard Saldana ELOVISN Specific Programs:AWVJ

3600 Garfield Support Services :ITCPORLNH Ra

Midland. TX 79705 915-685.4505 Agency Agreements: V R L

Mountain View C Donna Richards E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

4849 W Illinois Ave Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

Dallas. TX 75211 214.333-8699 Agency Agreements: R

Navarro C Kenneth Martin L 0 V I Specific Programs: A V

PO Box 1170 Support Services :TCL

Corsicana. TX 75110 214.874-6501 Agency Agreements:

North Harris County C District Keme G Turner ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

233 Bernier Suite 150 Support Services :ITCPLRd X

Houston. TX 77060 713-875.1515 Agency Agreements: R

North Lake C Mary G Ciminelli E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

5001 N MacArthur Support Services :ITCPLRdNXg Rn

Irving. TX 751118AmyIcAgreements:ROdessa C Dr Roy Hart E L D 0 V I S Specific Programs:

201 W University Ave

Odessa. TX 79764

Palo Alto C

1400 W VIllaret

Son Antonio, TX 78224

Paris JC

2400 Clirksville

Paris. TX 75460

Richland C

12800 Abrams Rd

pets,. TX 75243

San Antonio C

1300 San Pedro Ave

Son_Antonio, TX 78284

San Jacinto C District

8060 Spencer

pasadena. TX 77505

South Plains C

1400 College Ave

Levellend TX 79336

Tarrant County JC

828 Harwood

Hurst. TX36054

Tarrant County JC

5301 Campus Dr

Fort Worth, TX 76119

Temple JC

2600 S First Street

Temple. TX 76501

Texarkana C

2500 N Robison Rd

Texarkana. TX 75501

Texas Southmost C

80 Fort Brown

Brownsville. TX 78520

Texas State Tech Inst

Support Services : T C Ca L N Ra

915-335-6430 Agency Agreements:

Barbara Ganz L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : T L Rd N X H Ra

512.921-5291 Agency Agreements: 0

Troy Williamson Phd E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPCaRLRdNH Ra

214-784.940 , Agency Agreements; V R

Larry Bonner ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

214.238-6180 Agency Agreements: R

Thomas Hoy ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Ra

512.733-2347 Agency Agreements:VROLP

Dr Clayton Kelley E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : C Ca L

806.894-961 enc A reements: V R

Joyce Brewer E L D 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH Re

817-281.7860 Aaencv Agreements: R

Elizabeth Davis L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITC Ca Rd N X H Re

Agency Agreements: R

Earl Campbell ELDOVI Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCPO Ca L

Agency Agreements:

ELDOVIS Specific Programe:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCPLRdN Ra

214. 832-1611 Agency Agreements: R

Dr Otivia Rivas ELDOV'SN Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C Rd X H

512-544.8213 Agency Agreements: V R

Dr Curtis Liston 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P Ca L Tr

Agency Agreements;


Gayle Truelock ELVSN



B J Murdock

Waco. TX 78551 817-799.3611



College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Texan State Tech Inst

PO Box 2628

Harlingen, TX 78551

Trinity Valley CC

Athens, TX 75751

Tyler JC

Box 9020

Tvler, TX 75169

Western Texas C

S College Ave

Snyder, TX 79549 915 -573 -8511

Wharton County JC Pat Joyce

911 Outing Hwy

Wharton, TX 77488 409-523.4560

Dixie C

Pauline Kelly


Dr Algia Allen


Vickie Geisel


Bettie McQueen




Dir Counseling Ctn

St George, UT 84770 801-673-4811

Salt Lake CC Larry Landward

PO Box 30808 College Ctn

Salt take, UT 84130 801-967.4006

Snow C Boyd Brady

150 E College Ave

Ephraim, UT 84627 801-283-4021

Utah Valley CC Elaine Smiley

1200 S 800 West

Orem, UT 84058

Blue Ridge CC

Box 80

Wevers Cave, VA 24486

Eastern Shore CC

RT 1 Box

Melfs. VA 23410 804-787-3972

J Sergeant Reynolds CC W A Howlett

P 0 Box 32040

Richmond, VA 23261 804-786-5987

John Tyler CC Jacqueline Theus

13101 Jefferson Davis Hwy

Chester VA 23831 804.796-4046

Lord Fairfax CC Pr Gerald Carson

PO Box 47

Middletow, VA 22645 703. 869-1120

Mountain Empire CC Carolyn Helms

.MECC Drawer 700

Big Stone 0a0, VA 24219

Northern Virginia CC

4001 Wakefield Chapel Dr

Annadate, VA 22003 703-323-3195

Piechont Virginia CC Dr James Schmidt

RT 6 Box 1A

Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-973-4205

Rappahannock CC Alan Harris

PO Box 287 South Campus

Glens VA 23149 804-758.5324








Carole C Grove L OVIS


Richard E Jenkins LOVI





Specific Programs:

Support Services : Ca L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: 0 R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L N Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCCal.RdNXhRaA enc Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : T C Ca L Rd X H


Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCCaRLRdNH ReAgency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C Ca L Rd Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : I T C L Rd H

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services : T C R Rd X H Re

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPRLTrXH RaAgency Agreements: R P

Specific Programs:

Support Services : ITCPRLTr Rd N X H Re

Agency Agreements: R 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :ITC Tr Rd N X H Re

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPLRdNH ReA enc A reements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCPLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements; R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH Re703-523 -2400 Agency Agreements:

Dr Max L Bassett E L 0 V I S N Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P L N H Re

A A ements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I C P

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: J

Support Services : I T C P 0 Rd H Re

A enc A reements: V L



- D-35


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Southern Seminary JC

Buena Vista. VA 24416

Southwest Virginia CC

Richlands, VA 24641

Wytheville CC

1000 E Main St

Wytheville. VA 24382

Champlain C

163 S Williard St

Dr Joseph L Carter

703. 261-6181

Gary Medlin

703. 965-2553

James Presgraves


Jackie Burke

L V Specific Programs:

Support Services : A T C L

Agency Agreements:

0 V I S Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C

Agency Agreements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services : I T C P 0 L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

E L 0 V I N Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :ITCCaRLRdNH ReO L P


TCRLRdNXH RaAsienzy_lgre. P

Agreements: R

Centralia C Kay Odegaard ELDOVIN Specific Programs: A

600 W Locust Support Services : I


Clark CC

1800 E McLoughlin Blvd

Columbia Basin C

2600 N 20th Ave

Pasco, WA 99301

Everett CC

801 Wetmore Ave

Everett, WA 98201


pea Moines, WA 9819$

Lower Columbia C

1600 Maple

Longview. WA 98632 :06:577-3406

North Seattle CC Barbera McFalls

9600 College Way N

Seattle, WA 98301

Olympic C

16ta hester

Bremerton, WA 98310 206-476 4607

Barry Brodhiak

Duane Henry

. 0

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : ITCPRLRdNXH Ra

eements: V R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C P L Rd X H Re

Agency Agreements: R

L 0 V I S N Specific Programs: A

Support Services : ITCRLRdNXH Re

Agency Agreements;

ELDOVISN Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :TCPCaRLRdNX,.

Agmcv_Agrf~s;V_RLELDOVISN Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements4

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A

Support Services : I T C P L Rd N X H Ra

Aiencv Agreements:

ELDOVISN Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCRdNXH ReAgrelt


Debbie Meadows


Diane Ohlman



Renna Pierce


Carol McNair


Anna Hoey-Dorsey

Pierce C

9401 Farweat Dr SW

Tacoma, WA 98498

Seattle Central CC

1701 Broady

Seattle, WA 98122

Shoreline CC

16101 Greenwood Ave N

Seattle. WA 98133

Skagit Valley C

2405 College Way

Byernon. WA 98273

South Seattle CC

6000 16th Ave SW

Seettle, WA 98106

Spokane CC

N 181D Green St

S ka WA 99004

206. 964-65?7

E L D 0°V I S N

Kithern J Carlstrom ELDOV1SN

Nancy Field ELDOVISN


Gerald jordheim


Dr Ruben Cedeno


Calvin T Kary

509.5 6.7039

Specific Programa: A V J

Support Services :ITCPORLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements:VROLP

Specific Programs:AWVJ

Support Services :ITCDO Ca R I. Tr Rt1MXH Re

Agency Agreements: R 0 L

Specific Programs: A

Support Services :TCDNH Re




Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCRLRdNRX Re

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services :ITCLRdNXH Ra

A A reement.

- 0-36


College / Address Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services

Spokane Falls CC Ben C Webinger LOOVIDisabled Stdnt Sers Rm 129

Spokane, WA 99204 504. 459-3543

Tacoma CC Bounie Bennedsen E L 0 V I S

5900 S 12th St

Tacoma, WA 98465 206-566-5094

Walla Walla CC Dick Cook ELOOVISN$0C Tausick Way

Walla Walla, WA 99362 509-527-4262

Yakima Valley CC Mark Cornett L 0 V I

I6th&Nob Hill Blvd

Yakima. WA 9890 509-5 -24

Clackhawk Tech Inst Christine Flottum ELOOVISN6004 Prairie Rd

Janesville, WI 53547 608-757-7796

Fox Valley Tech Inst Shary Schwabenlender E L D 0 V I S N

1825 N Bluemound Dr

Appleton, WI 54913 414-735-5679

Gateway Tech Inst Jo Krohn-Bailey E L D 0 V I S N

1001 S Main St

W1ne. WI 53403 414-631-7379

Lakeshore Tech Inst George Gunde L 0

1290 North Ave

Cleveland, WI 53015 414-458-4183

Milwaukee Area Tech C George Sippl E L D 0 V I S N

1015 N 6th St

Milwaukee, WI J2303 414-278-6837

North Central Tech Inst Lois Gilliland ELDOVISN1000 Campus Dr

Wausau, WI 54401 715-675.3331

Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst Jerome L Miller ELDOVISN2740 W Mason St

Green Bay VI 54307 414-498-5470

Northwest Center-Marinette Stephen Richer E L D 0 V I

Bay Shore Box 500

Marinette, WI 54143 715-735-7470

Southwest Wisconsin Voc Tech James Struss E L D 0 V I


Route 1 Box 500

Fennimore, WI 53809 608-822-3262

VTAE District 1 Tech Inst Robert Benedict ELDOVISM620 W Clairemont Ave

Eau Claire,__WI 5(.701 715-831-6280

Waukesha County Tech Inst Judy Jorgensen E L D 0 V I S N

800 Main St

Pewaukee, WI 53072 414-691-5392

Western Wisconsin Tech Inst Phillip Malin E L D 0 V I S N

7th8Main Sts

La Crosse, WI 54601 608-785-9144

Wisconsin Indiaithead Tech Inst George Pratt ELDOVISN505 Pine Ridege Drive

Shell Lake. WI 54871 715-468.2815

Fairmont State C F Julian L 0 V I

244A Administration

Fairmont, WV 26554 304. 367-4216

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCL Re

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCPCa L

A enc A reements:

- 0-37


Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P R L Rd X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0 P

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C R L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services : ITCPORLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : T C P 0 R L Re

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :ITCORLTr RdNXH RaAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services :TCPORLTr RdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R 0 L

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I T C P R L Tr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: V 0

Specific Programs:

Support Services : T C

Agency Agreements:

Specific Progvams:

Support Services : ITCPORL

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services : ITCP0';LRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: J

Support Services : T C R L N A

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ITCPO CaLRdNXH ReAgency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A W V J

Support Services :TCPORLRdNXH RaAgency Agreements: V R L

Specific Programs:

Support Services : C Ca H Re

Awcy Agreements:

College / Address

Parkersburg CC

Rt 5 Box 167-A

Parkersburg. WV 26101 304-424-8000

Southern West Virginia CC John P Russell Jr

SWVCC neapsey Branch

Logan, WV 25601 304-752-5900

Southern West Virginia CC Glen Prichard

Contact / Telephone Disabilities Served Services


Williamson, WV 25661

West Virginia Northern CC

College Square

Wheeling. WV 26003

West Virginia State C

108 Hill Hall

Institute._WV 25112

Casper C

125 College Dr

Casper, WY 82601

Laramie County CC

1400 E College Dr

Cheyenne, WY 82007

Sheridan C

3059 Coffeen Ave

Sheridan, WY 82801

Western Wyoming CC

P 0 Box 428

Rock Springs NY 82901


Robert Wycherley


Betty Randle





Norman D Ball


Caron Mellblcm


Dr Norma Campbell


Wm Marty Kelsey






Specific Programs:

Support Services :TCLRdXH Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A V

Support Services : C L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: J

Support Services :CPL Ra

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs:

Support Services :ICPLRdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R

Specific Programs: A W J

Support Services :TCLRdXH

fgency Agreements: R

Specific Programs:

Support Services : I Ca L

Agency Agreements:

Specific Programs: A J

Support Services :I.TCRLTr RdNXH Ra

Agency Agreements: R 0

0 V I

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : I C Ca L Rd N X H Ra

Agency Agreements: V R 0

Specific Programs: A V J

Support Services : C Ca L

Agency Agreements:

- D-38 -


Index of Colleges

Colleges that serve emotionally disabled students Colleges that serve emotionally disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C GA 11 CC of Rhode Island-Knight Campus RI 31 El Paso CC TX 33 J F Ingram State JC AL 1

Albuquerque Tech Vac Inst NM 24 Caldwell CC NC 21 El Reno JC OK 29 Jackson State CC TN 32Alvin CC TX 32 Cape Fear Technical Institute NC 21 Ellsworth CC IA 12 Jefferson C MO 20Amarillo C TX 32 Carolina Regional C-UPR PR 31 Erie CC NY 25 Jefferson CC NY 26

American River C CA 3 Casper C WY 38 Evergreen Valley C CA 4 Jefferson CC KY 16

Anchorage CC AK 1 Cayuga CC NY 25 Fayetteville Tech Inst NC 21 Jefferson State JC AL 1

Angelina C TX 32 Cedar Valley C TX 33 Firelands C OH 27 John Adams CC Center CA 5

Anson Technical C NC 21 Central CC-Platte Campus NE 23 Flathead Valley CC MT 21 John Tyler CC VA 35Arapahoe CC CO 8 Centralia C WA 36 Florence-Darlington TC SC 31 Joliet Junior C IL 13

Arizona Western C AZ 2 Champlain C VT 36 Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9 Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15

Ashland CC KY 15 Chatfield C OH 27 Forest Park CC MO 19 Kapiolani CC HI 11

Atlantic CC NJ 24 Chattanooga State TC TN 32 Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37 Kauai CC HI 11

Atmore State JC AL 1 Chesapeake C MD 17 Frontier CC IL 13 Kellogg CC MI 18

Austin CC_ TX 32 Chicigo City-Wide C IL 13 Ft Scott CC KS 15 Kingsborough CC NY 26Austin CC MN 19 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 Gadsden State JC AL 1 Kirkwood CC IA 12

Bacone C OK 28 Clacks as CC OR 29 Gainesville JC GA 11 Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12

Barstow CC CA 3 Clark CC WA 36 Garrett CC MD 17 Kirtland CC MI 18Bay de Noc CC MI 17 Clark County CC NV 25 Gaston C NC 21 Lackwanna JC PA 30Bee County C TX 33 Clark Technical C OH 27 Gateway CC AZ 2 Lake City CC FL 10

Belleville Area C IL 13 Clatsop CC OR 29 Gateway Tech Inst WI 37 Lake Michigan C M! 18

Belmont Technical C OH 27 Cleveland State CC TN 32 Gavilan JT CC CA 4 Lake Tahoe CC CA 5

Bismark JC ND 23 Clinton CC IA 11 Glendale CC AZ 2 Lake-Sumter CC FL 10

Blackfeet CC MT 20 Clinton CC NY 25 Glouchester County C NJ 24 Lakeland CC OH 27Blackhawk C-Quad Cities IL 13 Collin County CC TX 33 Grand Rapids JC MI 17 Lamar University-Orange TX 33Blackhawk Tech Inst VI 37 Columbia Basin C WA 36 Grayson County C TX 33 Lane CC OR 29Bladen Technical C NC 21 Columbia State CC TN 32 Greater Hartford CC CT 8 Lane CC OR 29Blue Mountain CC OR 29 Cora-UPR PR 31 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8 Laney C CA 5

Brainerd CC MN 19 County C of Morris NJ 24 Greenfield CC MA 16 Lansing CC MI 18Bramson ORT Tech Inst NY 25 Crafton Hills C CA 4 Guilford Technical CC NC 21 Leeward CC-Kama Mai Center HI 11

Brazosport C TX 33 Cravend CC NC 21 Gulf Coast CC FL 9 Lehigh County CC PA 30Brevard CC FL 9 Cumberland County C NJ 24 Harford CC M) 17 Lenior CC NC 22

Brookdale CC NJ 24 Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Harrisburg Area CC PA 30 Lewis & Clark CC IL 14

Brookhaven C TX 33 Dekalb C-Central Campus GA 11 Hawkeye Institute of Technology IA 12 Lexington CC KY 16

Broward CC FL 9 Del Mar C TX 33 Henry Ford CC MI 17 Lincoln Trail C IL 14

Bucks County CC PA 30 Delaware County CC PA 30 Herkimer County CC NY 25 Linn-Benton CC OR 29

Burlington CC-Pemberton NJ 24 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9 Hesiton C KS 15 Long Beach City C CA 5

Butler County CC PA 30 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9 Highland Park CC MI 17 Longview CC MO 20

C Of San Mateo CA 3 Delgado CC LA 16 Highline CC WA 36 Lorain County CC OH 27

C Of The Canyons CA 3 Delta C MI 17 Hillsborough CC FL 9 Los Angeles City C CA 5

C of DuPage IL 13 Des Moines Area CC IA 12 Houston CC TX 33 Los Angeles Valley C CA 5

C of Southern Idaho ID 13 Dixie C UT 35 Howard CC MD 17 Lower Columbia C WA 36

C of the Mainland TX 33 Dutchess CC NY 25 Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Macomb CC MI 18

C of the Redwoods CA 3 East Central C MO 19 Hutchinson CC KS 15 Manatee CC FL 10

CC of Allegeny County PA 30 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Independence CC KS 15 Maple Woods CC MO 20

CC of Allegeny County-South PA 30 Eastern Icwa CC District IA 12 Indian River CC FL 9 Marion Technical CC ON 27

CC of Allegheny-Boyce PA 30 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Iowa Central CC IA 12 Marshalltown CC IA 12

CC of Aurora CO 8 Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC T,. 33 Iowa Lakes CC IA 12 Massasoit CC MA 16

CC of Denver CO 8 Edison CC FL 9 Iowa Western CC IA 12 Mattatuck CC CT 8

CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Edison State CC OH 27 Isothermal CC NC 21 Maui CC HI 11

CC of Micronesia TQ 32 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33

57- 1-2 -


Colleges that serve emotionally disabled students Colleges that serve emotionally disabled students

College Pg St College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Mayland Technical C NC 22 North Lake C TX 34 Red Rocks CC CO 8 Southwestern CC IA 13

McHenry County C IL 14 North Seattle CC WA 36 Richland C TX 34 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18

McLennan CC TX 33 North Shore CC MA 16 Richmond Technical C NC 22 Southwestern Oregon CC OR 30Merced CC CA 5 Northamptom County Area CC PA Rio Grande C OH 28 Southwestern Technical C NC 22Mercer County CC NJ 24 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Calmar IA 12 Rio Salado CC AZ 2 Spartanburg TC SC 31

Merritt C CA 6 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Peosta IA 12 Roane State CC TN 32 Spokane CC WA 36Metropolitan Technical CC NE 23 Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19 Roanoke-Chowan Technical C NC 22 Spoon River C IL 14

Miami Dade CC-Woflson Campus FL 10 Northeast Technical CC NE 25 Robeson Technical C NC 22 Springfield C in Illinois IL 14

Miami U-Hamilton OH 28 Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37 Rochester CC MN 19 St Clair County CC MI 18

Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center FL 10 Northeastern JC CO 8 Rockland CC NY 26 St Johns River CC FL 10

Miami-Dade CC-North Campus FL 10 Northern Essex CC MA 16 Rogers State C OK 29 St Louis CC-Meramec MO 20

Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10 Northern Virginia CC VA 35 S D Bishop State JC AL 1 St Tech Inst of Knoxville TN 32

Mid-Michigan CC MI 18 Northland Pioneer C AZ 2 SUNY Ag&Tech-Morrisville NY 26 Stark Technical C OH 28

Mid-Plains CC Area NE 23 Northwest CC AK 1 SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26 State Fair CC IJ 20

iliddlesex CC MA 16 Northwest Center-Marinette WI 37 SUNY C of Technology-Canton NY 26 Suffolk County CC NY 26

Middlesex County C NJ 24 Northwest Iowa Technical C IA 12 Saddleback C CA 6 Sumter Area TC SC 31

Midland C TX 34 Northwest Technical C OH 28 San Antonio C TX 34 Sussex County CC NJ 24

Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37 Northwestern Michigan C MI 18 San Bernardino Valley C CA 6 Tacoma CC WA 37

Mineral Area C MO 20 Oakland CC MI 18 San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Tallahassee CC FL 11

Minneapolis CC MN 19 Oakton CC IL 14 San Jacinto C District TX 34 Tanana Valley CC AK 1

Mississippi Delta JC MS 20 Ocean County C NJ 24 San Juan C NM 25 Tarrant County JC TX 34

Mississippi Gulf Coast JC MS 20 Odessa C TX 34 Sandhills CC NC 22 Technical C of Alamance NC 22

Moberly Area JC MO 20 Ohio U-Chillicote OH 28 Santa Clarita CC CA 7 Temple JC TX 34

Mohegan CC CT 9 Oklahoma City CC OK 29 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 Texarkana C TX 34

Monroe CC NY 26 Oklahoma St U-Tech Branch Okmulgee OK 29 Schenectady County CC NY 26 Texas Southmost C TX 34

Montcalm CC MI 18 Olympic C WA 36 Schoolcraft C MI 18 Texas State Tech Inst TX 35

Monterey Peninisula C CA 6 Paducah CC KY 16 Scott CC IA 12 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9

Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MD 17 Palomar C CA 6 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Three Rivers CC MO 20

Morton C IL 14 Pamlico Tehcnical C NC 22 Seattle Central CC WA 36 Tri-County CC NC 22

Mott CC MI 18 Paris JC TX 34 Seminole CC FL 10 Tri-County TC SC 31

Mountain Empire CC VA 35 Parkersburg CC WV 38 Seminole JC OK 29 Truckee Meadows CC NV 25

Mountain View C TX 34 Parkland C IL 14 Sheridan C WY 38 Tulsa JC OK 29

Murray State C OK 29 Patrick Henry State JC. AL 1 Shoreline CC WA 36 Tyler JC TX 35

Muscatine CC IA 12 Pearl River JC MS 20 Sierra CC CA 7 U of Akron OH 28

Muskegon CC MI 18 Penscola JC FL 10 Sinclair CC OH 28 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19

Muskingum Area Technical C OH 28 Phoenix CC AZ 2 Skyline C CA 7 U of Minnesota-Waseca MN 19

Navajo CC AZ 2 Piedmont TC SC 31 Snow C UT 35 U of Toledo-Community/Tech C OH 28

Neosho County CC KS 15 Piedmont Virginia CC VA 35 South Central CC CT 9 Ulster CC NY 27

New Hampshire Voc/Tech C-Berlin NH 23 Pierce C WA 36 South Florida CC FL 10 Umpqua CC OR 30

New Mexico St U-Alamogordo NM 24 Pikes Peak CC CO 8 South Georgia C GA 11 University of Maine-Augusta ME 17

New Mexico St U-Dona Ana Branch NM 25 Pioneer CC MO 20 South Plains C TX 34 Utah Valley CC UT 35

Niagara County CC NY 26 Portland CC OR 29 Southeast CC-Lincoln NE 23 VTAE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37

Normandale CC MN 19 Prairie State C IL 14 Southeastern CC NC 22 Valencia CC FL 11

North Arkansas CC AR 2 Pratt CC KS 15 Southeastern CC IA 13 Vance Granville CC NC 22

North Central Tech Inst WI 37 Pueblo CC CO 8 Southern Maine Voc Tech Inst ME 17 Ventura C CA 7

North Central Technical C OH 28 Queensborough CC NY 26 Southern State CC OH 28 Volur;eer State CC TN 32

North Dakota State C of Science ND 23 Quinebaug Valley CC CT 9 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 Walker C AL 1

North Harris County C District TX 34 Quinsigamond CC MA 16 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 Walla Walla CC WA 37

North Idaho C ID 13 RappahanntA CC VA 35 Southwest Wiscovin Voc Tech Inst WI 37 Walters State CC TN 32

Southwestern C CA 7 Washtenaw CC MI 18

- 1-3 -

5$- 1-4 -


Colleges that serve emotionally disabled students Colleges that serve learning disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37 Westmoreland CC PA 31 CC of Denver CO 8 Copiah-Lincoln JC MS 20Wayne County CC MI 18 Wharton County JC TX 35 CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Cora-UPR PR 31West Los Angeles C CA 7 Wilkes CC NC 23 CC of Micronesia TQ 32 Corning CC NY 25West Shore CC MI 18 William Rainey Harper C IL 15 CC of Philadelphia PA 30 Crafton Hills C CA 4West Virginia Northern CC WV 38 Willmar CC MN 19 CC of Rhode Island-Knight Campus RI 31 Cravend CC NC 21West Virginia State C WV 38 Wilson Clinty Tech Inst NC 23 Cabrillo C CA 3 Cuesta C CA 4Westchester CC NY 27 Windward CC HI 11 Caldwell CC NC 21 Cumberland County C NJ 24Western Iowa Technical CC IA 13 Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Inst WI 37 Cape Cod CC MA 16 Cuyahoga CC OH 27Western Nevada CC NV 25 Worthington CC MN 19 Cape Fear Technical Institute NC 21 Cuyamaca C CA 4Western Piedmont CC NC 23 Wytheville CC VA 36 Casper C WY 38 Cypress C CA 4Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37 Yavapai C AZ 2 Catonsville CC MD 17 Davidson County CC NC 21

Youngstown St U OH 28 Cayuga CC NY 25 Dawson C 31Cedar Valley C TX 33 Dawson CC MT 21

Colleges that serve learning disabled students Central CC-Grand Island Campus NE 23 Daytona Beach CC FL 9Central CC-Hastings Campus NE 23 Deanza CC CA 4

College St Pg College St Pg Central CC-Platte Campus NE 23 Dekalb C-Central Campus GA 11Central Carolina Technical C NC 21 Del Mar C TX 33

Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C GA 11 Bismark JC ND 23 Central Ohio Technical C OH 27 Delaware County CC PA 30Academy of Aeronautics NY 25 Blackfeet CC MT 20 Central Piedmont CC NC 21 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9Adirondrack CC NY 25 Blackhawk C-Quad Cities IL 13 Centralia C WA 36 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9Aiken TC SC 31 Blackhawk Tech Inst WI 37 Cerritos C CA' 3 Delgado CC LA 16Aims CC CO 8 Bladen technical C NC 21 Cerro Coso CC CA 3 Delta C MI 17Albuquerque Tech Voc Inst NM 24 Blue Mountain CC OR 29 Chaffney C CA 3 Denmark TC SC 31Alexandria Tech Inst MN 19 Blue Ridge CC VA 35 Champlain C VT 36 Des Moines Area CC IA 12Allan Hancock C CA 2 Brainerd CC MN 19 Chatfield C OH 27 Dixie C UT 35Alvin CC TX 32 Brazosport C TX 33 Chattanooga State TC TN 32 Dutchess CC NY 25.Amarillo C TX 32 Brevard CC FL 9 Chesapeake C MD 17 East Central C MO 19American River C CA 3 Brookdale CC Ni 24 Chicago City-Wide C IL 13 East Los Angeles C CA 4Anchorage CC AK 1 Brookhaven C TX 33 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 East Mississippi JC MS 20Angelina C TX 32 Broward CC FL 9 Citrus CC CA 3 Eastern Iowa CC District IA 12Anne Arundel CC MD 16 Brunswick JC GA 11 City..0 of San Francisco CA 3 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24Anson Technical C NC 21 Bucks County CC PA 30 Clackamas CC OR 29 Eastern New Mexico U-Roswell NM 24Antelope Valley C CA 3 Burlington CC-Pemberton NJ 24 Clark CC WA 36 Eastern Shore CC VA 35Arapahoe CC CO 8 Butler County CC PA 30 Clark County CC NV 25 Eestfield C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33Arizona Western C AZ 2 Butte C CA 3 Clark Technical C OH 27 Edgecombe Technical C NC 21Ashland CC KY 15 C Of San Mateo CA 3 Clatsop CC DR 29 Edison CC FL 9Atlantic CC NJ 24 C Of The Canyons CA 3 Clermont C of U of Cincinnati OH 2/ Edison State CC OH 27Atmore State JC AL 1 C Of The Desert CA 3 Cleveland State CC TN 32 El Camino C CA 4Austin CC MN 19 C of Alameda CA 3 Clinton CC NY 25 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33Austin CC TX 32 C of Lake County IL 13 Clinton CC IA 11 El Paso CC TX 33Bacone C OK 28 C of the Mainland TX 33 Colby CC IL 13 El Reno JC DK 29Bainbridge JC GA 11 C of the Redwoods CA 3 Colby CC KS 15 Ellsworth CC IA 12Bakersfield C CA 3 C of the Sequoias CA 3 Collin County CC TX 33 Erie CC NY 25Barstow CCBay de Noc CC




C of the SiskiyousCC of Allegeny County




30Colorado MountaiN CColumbia Basin C

CD 8

WA 36Everett CCEvergreen Valley C

WA 36CA 4

Beaufort TCBee County CBelleville Area CBelmont Technical C








CC of Allegany County-SouthCC of Allegheny County-NorthCC of Allegheny-BoyceCC of Aurora







Columbia CCColumbia State CCColumbia-Greene CCCplumbus State CC

CA 4

IN 32NY 15CH 27

Fairmont State CFayetteville Tech InstFeather River CFelician C

WV 37NC 21

CA 4

IL 13

Compton CC CA 4 Flathead Valley CC MT 21



Colleges that serve learning disabled students Colleges that serve learning disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Florence-Darlington TC SC 31 Houston CC TX 33 Lakeland CC OH 27 Metropolitan Technical CC NE 23

Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9 Howard CC MD 17 Lakeshore Tech Inst WI 37 Miami Dade CC-Woflson Campus FL 10

Foothill CC CA 4 Hudson County CC NJ 24 Lakewood CC MN 19 Miami U-Hamilton OH 28

Forest Park CC MO 19 Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Lamar University-Orange TX 33 Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center FL 10

Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37 Hutchinson CC KS 15 Lane CC OR 29 Miami-Dade CC-North Campus FL 10

Frederick CC MD 17 Illinois Central C IL 13 Lane CC OR 29 Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10

Frenso City C CA 4 Independence CC KS 15 Laney C CA 5 Mid-Michigan CC MI 18

Frontier CC IL 13 Indian Hills CC IA 12 Lansing CC MI 18 Mid-Plains CC Area NE 23

Ft Scott CC KS 15 Indian River CC FL 9 Laramie County CC WY 38 Middlesex CC MA 16

Fullerton C CA 4 Indian, voc Tech C IN 15 Leeward Cf-Komo Mai Center HI 11 Middlesex County C NJ 24

Gadsden State JC AL 1 Indiana .:oc Tech C IN 15 Lehigh County CC PA 30 Midland C TX 34

Gainesville JC GA 11 Inver Hills CC MN 19 Lenior CC NC '2 Midlands TC SC 31

Galveston C TX 33 Iowa Central CC IA 12 Lewis & Clark CC IL J1 Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37

Garden City CC KS 15 Iowa Lakes CC IA 12 Lexington CC KY lii Mineral Area C MO 20

Garrett CC MO 17 Iowa Western CC IA 12 Lima Tech CC-Ohio St U Lima OH 27 Minneapolis CC MN 19

Gateway CC AZ 2 Irvine Valley C CA 5 Lincoln Land CC IL 14 Mira Costa CC CA 6

Gateway Tech Inst WI 37 Isothermal CC NC 21 Lincoln Trail C 1L 14 Mississippi County CC AR 1

Gavilan JT CC CA 4 J F Ingram State JC AL 1 Linn-Benton CC OR 29 Mississippi Delta JC MS 20

Glendale CC AZ 2 J Sargeant Reynolds CC VA 35 Long Beach City C CA 5 Mississippi Gulf Coast JC MS 20

Glendale CC CA 4 Jackson State CC TN 32 Longview CC MO 20 Mitchell C CT 9

Glouchester County C NJ 24 James Sprunt Technical C NC 21 Lorain County CC OH 27 Moberly Area JC MO 20

Golden West C CA 5 Jefferson C MO 20 Lord Fairfax CC VA 35 Modesto JC CA 6

Grand Rapids JC MI 17 Jefferson CC KY 16 Los Angeles City C CA 5 Mohawk Valley CC NY 26

Grant MacEwan CC CN 8 Jefferson CC NY 26 Los Angeles Harbor C CA 5 Mohegan CC CT 9

Grayson County C TX 33 Jefferson State JC AL 1 Los Angeles Mission C CA 5 Monroe CC NY 26

Greater Hartford CC CI 8 John A Logan IL 13 Los Angeles Pierce C CA 5 Montcalm CC MI 18

Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8 John Adams CC Center CA 5 Los Angeles Southwest C CA 5 Monterey Peninisula C CA 6

Greenfield CC MA 16 John M Patterson State JC AL 1 Los Angeles Trade-Technical C CA 5 Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MD 17

Greenville TC SC 31 John Tyler CC VA 35 Los Angeles Valley C CA 5 Moorpark C CA 6

Grossmont CC CA 5 Johnson County CC KS 15 Lower Columbia C WA 36 Morton C IL 14

Guam CC GU 11 Joliet Junior C IL 13 Macomb CC MI 18 Mott CC MI 18

Guilford Technical CC NC 21 Kalamazoo Valley CC MI 17 Macon JC GA 11 Mountain Empire CC VA 35

Gulf Coast CC FL 9 Kankakee CC IL 14 Manatee CC FL 10 Mountain View C TX 34

Harcum JC PA 30 Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15 Manchester CC CT 8 Mt San Antonio C CA 6

Harford CC MD 17 Kapiolani CC HI 11 Maple Woods CC MO 20 Mt San Jacinto C CA 6

Harrisburg Area CC PA 30 Kauai CC HI 11 Marin CC Dist CA 5 Murray State C OK 29

Hartnell C CA 5 Kellogg CC MI 18 Marion Technical CC OH 27 Muscatine CC IA 12

Hawkeye Institute of Technology IA 12 Kenai Peninsula CC AK 1 Marshalltown CC IA 12 Muskegon CC MI 18

Henry Ford CC MI 17 Kings River CC CA 5 Massasoit CC MA 16 Muskingum Area Technical C OH 28

Herkimer County CC NY 25 Kingsborough CC NY 26 Mater Dei C NY 26 Nassau CC NY 26

Hesston C KS 15 Kirkwood CC IA 12 Mattatuck CC CT 8 Navajo CC AZ 2

Highland CC KS 15 Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12 Maui CC HI 11 Navarro C TX 34

Highland Park CC MI 17 Kirtland CC MI 18 Mayland Technical C NC 22 Neosho County CC KS 15

Highline CC WA 36 Kuskokwim CC AK 1 Maysville CC KY 16 New Hampshire Voc/Tech C-Berlin NH 23

Hillsborough CC FL 9 Lackwanna JC PA 30 McHenry County C IL 14 New Mexico St U- Alamogordo NM 24

Hocking Technical C OH 27 Lake City CC FL 10 McLennan CC TX 33 New Mexico St U-Dona Ana Branch MK 25

Holyoke CC MA 16 Lake Land C IL 14 Merced CC CA 5 Niagara County CC NY 26

Honolulu CC HI 11 Lake Michigan C MI 18 Mercer County CC NJ 24 Normandale CC MN 19

Horry Georgetown TC SC 31 Lake Tahoe CC CA 5 Merritt C CA 6 North Arkansas CC AR 2

Housatonic CC CT 8 Lake-Sumter CC FL 10 Mesa CC AZ 2 North Central Tech Inst WI 37

-1-7- -1-8-


Colleges that serve learning disabled students Colleges that serve learning disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

North Central Technical CNorth Dakota State C of Science

OH 28ND 23

Patrick Henry State JCPaul Smith's C

AL 1

NY 26San Bernardino Valley CSan Diego CC District

CA 6

CA 6

Southwestern Michigan CSouthwestern Oregon CC

MI 18OR 30

North Harris County C DistrictNorth Hennepin CC

TX 34

MN 19Pearl River JCPenn Valley CC

MS 20MO 20

San Francisco CC CenterSan Jacinto C District

CA 7

TX 34Southwestern Technical CSpartanburg TC

NC 22SC 31

North Idaho C ID 13 Pennsylvania Inst of Tech PA 30 San Joaquin Delta C CA 7 Spokane CC WA 36North Iowa Area CC IA 12 Penscola JC FL 10 San Jose City C CA 7 Spokane Falls CC WA 37North Lake C TX 34 Phillip County CC AR 2 San Juan C NM 25 Spoon River C IL 14North Orange County CC CA 6 Phoenix CC AZ 2 Sandhills CC NC 22 Springfield C in Illinois IL 14North Seattle CC WA 36 Piedmont TC SC 31 Santa Ana C CA 7 St Clair County CC MI 18North Shore CC MA 16 Piedmont Virginia CC VA 35 Santa Barbara City C CA 7 St Johns River CC FL 10Northamptom County Area CC PA 30 Pierce C WA 36 Santa Clarita CC CA 7 St Louis CC-Florissant Valley MO 20Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Calmar IA 12 Pikes Peak CC CO 8 Santa Fe CC FL 10 St Louis CC-Meramec MO 20Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Peosta IA 12 Pima CC AZ 2 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 St Petersburg Jr C FL 10Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19 Pioneer CC MO 20 Santa Monica C CA 7 St Tech Inst of Knoxville TN 32Northeast Technical CC NE 23 Pitt CC NC 22 Santa Rosa JC CA 7 Stark Technical C OH'28Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37 Polk Comunity C FL 10 Sauk Valley CC IL 14 State Fair CC MO 20Northeastern JC CO 8 Portland CC OR 29 Schenectady County CC NY 26 Suffolk County CC NY 26Northeastern Oklahoma A&M C OK 29 Prairie State C IL 14 Schoolcraft C MI 18 Suomi C MI 18Northern Essex CC MA 16 Pratt CC KS 15 Scott CC IA 12 Sussex County CC NJ 24Northern Virginia CC VA 35 Prince George's CC MD 17 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Tacoma CC WA 37Northland CC MN 19 Pueblo CC CO 8 Seattle Central CC WA 36 Tallahassee CC FL 11Northland Pioneer C AZ 2 Queensborough CC NY 26 Seminole CC FL 10 Tanana Valley CC AK 1

Northwest Alabama State JC AL 1 Quinebaug Valley CC CT 9 Seminole JC OK 29 Tarrant County JC TX 34Northwest CC AK 1 Quinsigamond CC MA 16 Sheridan C WY 38 Tarrant County JC TX 34Northwest Center-Marinette WI 37 Randolph Technical C NC 22 Shoreline CC WA 36 Technical C of Alamance NC 22Northwest Iowa Technical C IA 12 Rappahannock CC VA 35 Sierra CC CA 7 Temple JC TX 34Northwest Technical C OH 28 Reading Area CC PA 30 Sinclair CC OH 28 Texarkana C TX 34Northwestern Michigan C MI 18 Red Rocks CC CO 8 Skagit Valley C WA 36 Texas Southmost C TX 34Oakland CC MI 18 Richland C TX 34 Skyline C CA 7 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9Oakton CC IL 14 Richland CC IL 14 Snead State JC AL 1 Three Rivers CC MO 20Ocean County C NJ 24 Richmond Technical C NC 22 Snow C UT 35 Tompkins Cortland CC NY 27Odessa C TX 34 Rio Grande C OH 28 Solano CC CA 7 Tri-County CC NC 22Ohio St U-Marion OH 28 Riverside City C CA 6 Somerset County C NJ 24 Tri-County TC SC 31Ohio U-Chillicote OH 28 Roane State CC TN 32 South Central CC CT 9 Trident TC SC 31Okaloosa-Walton JC FL 10 Roanoke-Chowan Technical C NC 22 South Florida CC FL 10 Trinity Valley CC TX 35Oklahoma City CCOklahoma St U-Tech Branch Okmulgee

OK 29OK 213

Robeson Technical CRochester CC

NC 22MN 19

South Georgia CSouth Mountain CC

0A 11AZ 2

Triton CTruckee Meadows CC

IL 15NV 25

Olney Central C IL 14 Rock Valley C IL 14 South Plains C TX 34 Tunxis CC %I 9Olympic C WA 36 Rockland CC NY 26 South Seattle CC WA 36 Tyler JC TX 35Orange Coast C CA 6 Rogue CC OR 29 Southeastern CC IA 13 U of Akron OH 28Orange County CC NY 26 Rose State C OK 29 Southeastern CC NC 22 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19Paducah CC KY 16 SUNY Ag&Tech-Morrisville NY 26 Southeastern 1111nois C IL 14 U of Minnesota-Waseca MN 19Palm Beach JC FL 10 SUNY Alfred State C NY 26 Southern Maine Voc Tech Inst ME 17 U of Nebrask. School of Tech Ag NE 23Palo Alto C TX 34 SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26 Southern Seminary JC VA 36 U of New Mexico-Los Alamos NM 25Palomar C CA 6 SUNY C of Technology-Canton NY 26 Southern State CC OH 28 U of Toledo-Community/Tech C OH 28Pamlico Tehcnical C NC 22 SUNY C of Technology-Delhi NY 26 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 Ulster CC NY 27Paris JC TX 34 Sacramento City C CA 6 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 Umpqua CC OR 30Parkersburg CC WV 38 Saddleback C CA 6 Southwest Wisconsin Voc Tech Inst WI 37 University of Maine-Augusta ME 17Parkland C IL 14 Salt Lake CC UT 35 Southwestern C CA 7 Utah Valley CC UT 35Pa.Adena City C CA 6 San Antonio C TX 34 Southwestern CC IA 13 VTAE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37



- 1-10 -


Colleges that serve learning disabled students Colleges that serve developmentally disabled students

College St PnI College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Valencia CCVance Granville CCVentura CVictor Valley C

FL 11 Westchester CCNC 22 Western Iowa Technical CCCA 7 Western Nevada CCCA 7 Western Piedmont CC

NY 27

IA 13NV 25NC 23

Central Carolina Technical CCentral Piedmont CCCentralia CChaffney C

NC 21

NC 21WA 36CA 3

Fox Valley Tech InstFront Range CCGadsden State JCGainesville JC

WI 37CO 8

AL 1

GA 11Volunteer State CC TN 32 Western Texas C TX 35 Chatfield C OH 27 Grand Rapids JC MI 17Wabash Valley CWake Technical C

IL 15 Western Wisconsin Tech InstNC 22 Westmoreland CC


Chattanooga State TCChesapeakr C

TN 32MD 17

Grant MacEwan CCGrayson County C

CN 8

TX 33Waldorf C IA 13 Wharton County JC TX 35 Chicago -Wide C IL 13 Greater Hartford CC CT 8Walla Walla CC WA 37 Wilkes CC NC 23 Cincinnatl .echnical C OH 27 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8Walters State CC TN 32 William Rainey Harper C IL 15 Clackamas CC OR 29 Guilford Technical CC NC 21Washtenaw CC MI 18 Williamsburg TC SC 32 Clark CC WA 36 Harrisburg Area CC PA 30Waubonsee CC IL 15 Willmar CC MN 19 Clark County CC NV 25 Henry Ford CC MI 17Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37 Wilson County Tech Inst NC 23 Clark Technical C OH 27 Herkimer County CC NY 25Wayne C-University Of Akron OH 28 Windward CC HI 11 Clatsop CC OR 29 Highline CC WA 36Wayne CC NC 23 Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Inst WI 37 Cleveland State CC TN 32 Hillsborough CC FL 9Wayne County CC MI 18 Worthington CC MN 19 Clinton CC NY 25 Honolulu CC HI 11West Hills C CA 7 Wright St U-Lake Campus OH 28 Clinton CC IA 11 Houston CC TX 33West Los Angeles C CA ,7 Wytheville CC VA 36 Coastline CC CA 4 Hudson Valley CC NY 25West Shore CC MI 18 Yakima Valley CC WA 37 Collin County CC TX 33 Indian River CC FL 9West Valley CC CA 8 Yavapai C AZ 2 Columbia Basin C WA 36 Iowa Central CC IA 12West Virginia Northern CC WV 38 Youngstown St U OH 28 Columbia State LC TN 32 Iowa Lakes CC IA 12West Virginia State C WV 38 Yuba CC District CA 8 Cooke County C TX 33 Iow.1 Western CC IA 12

Corning CC NY 25 Isothermal CC NC 21Colleges that serve developmentally disabled students Cravend CC NC 21 J F Ingram State JC AL 1

Cumberland County C NJ*24 J Sergeant Reynolds CC VA 35College St Pg College St Pg Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Jackson State CC TN 32

Deaoza CC CA (4 James Sprunt Technical C N( 21Albuquerque Tech Voc Inst NM 24 Brookhaven C TX 33 Del Mar C TX 33 Jefferson C Mu 20Alvin CC TX 32 Broward CC FL 9 Delaware County CC PA 30 John A Logan IL 13Amarillo C TX 32 Burlington CC-Pemberton NJ 24 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9 John Adams CC Center CA 5Anchorage CC AK 1 Butler County CC PA 30 Delgado CC LA 16 John Tyler CC VA 35Angelina C TX 32 Butte C CA 3 Delta C MI 17 Johnson County CC KS 15Anson Technical C NC 21 C of DuPage IL 13 Des Moines Area CC IA 12 Kauai CC HI 11Arapaho' CC CO 8 C of Southern Idaho ID 13 Dixie C UT 35 Kirkwood CC IA 12Arizona Western C AZ 2 C Of The Desert CA 3 Dutchess CC NY 25 Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12Ashland CC KY 15 C of the Mainland TX 33 East Central C MO 19 Lackwanna JC PA 30Atlantic CC NJ 24 C of the Redwoods CA 3 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Lake City CC FL 10Atmore State JC AL 1 C of the Siskiyous CA 3 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Like-Sumter CC FL 10Austin CC MN 19 Caldwell CC NC 21 Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33 Lamar University-Orange TX 33Austin CC TX 32 Cape Cod CC MA 16 Edgecombe Technical C NC 21 Labe CC OR 29Bee County C TX 33 Carteret Technical C NC 21 Edison CC FL 9 Lane CC OR 29Belleville Area C IL 13 Cayuga CC NY 25 Edison State CC OH 27 Laney C CA 5Belmont Technical C OH 27 CC of Allegeny County PA 30 El Centro C-Dallas County TX 33 Lansing CC MI 18Bismark JC ND 23 CC of AllegenyCounty-South Campus PA 30 El Paso CC TX 3: Laramie County CC WY 38Blackhawk Tech Inst WI 37 CC of Allegheny County-North Campus PA 30 El Reno JC OK 29 Leeward CC-Komo Mai Center HI 11Bladen Technical C NC 21 CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus PA 30 Ellsworth CC IA 12 Lenior CC NC 22Blue Mountain CC OR 29 CC of Denver CO 8 Fayetteville Tech Inst NC 21 Lexington CC KY 16Brainerd CC MN 19 CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9 Lincoln Trail C IL 14Brazosport C TX 33 CC of Micronesia TQ 32 Foothill CC CA 4 Linn-Benton CC OR 29Brookdale CC NJ 24 Cedar Valley C TX 33 Forest Park CC MO 19 Long Beach City C CA 5

- 1-12 -

67 68

Colleges that serve developmentally disabled students Colleges that serve developmentally disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Longview CC MO 20 North Lake C TX 34 Saddleback C CA 6 Technical C of Alamance NC 22Lorain County CC OH 27 North Orange County CC CA 6 San Antonio C TX 34 Temple JC TX 34Lower Columbia C WA 36 North Seattle CC WA 36 San Bernardino Valley C CA 6 Texarkana C TX 34Macomb CC MI 18 North Shore CC MA 16 San Diego CC District CA 6 Texas Southmost C TX 34Manchester CC CT 8 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Calmar IA 12 San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9Marin CC Dist CA 5 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Peosta IA 12 San Joaquin Delta C CA 7 Tri-County CC NC 22Marion Technical CC OH 27 Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19 San Juan C NM 25 Triton C IL 15Marshalltown CC IA 12 Northeast Technical CC NE 23 Sandhills CC NC 22 Truckee Meadows CC NV 25Martin CC-Martin Enterprises NC 22 Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19Massasoit CC MA 16 Northeastern JC CO 8 Schenectady County CC NY 26 U of Minnesota-Waseca MN 19Mattatuck CC CT 8 Northland Pioneer C AZ 2 Scott CC IA 12 U of Toledo-Community/Tech C OH 28Maui CC HI 11 Northwest Center-Marinette WI 37 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Ulster CC NY 27Mayland Technical C NC 22 Northwest Iowa Technical C IA 12 Seattle Central CC WA 36 Utah Valley CC UT 35McHenry County C IL 14 Northwest Technical C OH 28 Seminole JC OK 29 Valencia CC FL 11McLennan CC TX 33 Northwestern Michigan C MI 18 Shoreline CC WA 36 Vance Granville CC NC 22Mercer County CC NJ 24 Oakland CC MI 18 Sierra CC CA 7 VTAE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37Metropolitan Technical CC NE 23 Oakton CC IL 14 Sinclair CC OH 28 Walla Walla CC WA 37Miami U-Hamilton CH 28 Ocean County C NJ 24 South Central CC CT 9 Walters State CC TN 32Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center FL 10 Odessa C TX 34 South Florida CC FL 10 Washtenaw CC MI 18Miami-Dade CC-North Campus FL 10 Oklahoma City CC OK 29 Southeastern CC IA 13 Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10 Oklahoma St U-Tech Branch Okmulgee OK 29 Southeastern CC NC 22 Wayne CC NC 23Mid-Michigan CC MI 18 Olympic C WA 36 Southeastern Illinois C IL 14 Wayne County CC MI 18Mid-Plains CC Area NE 23 Paducah CC KY 16 Southern State CC OH 28 West Hills C CA 7Middlesex County C NJ 24 Palomar C CA 6 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 West Los Angeles C CA 7Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37 Paris JC TX 34 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 West Shore CC MI 18Mineral Area C MO 20 Parkersburg CC WV 38 Southwest Wisconsin Voc Tech Inst WI 37 West Virginia Northern CC WV 38Mira Costa CC CA 6 Parkland C IL 14 ;outhwestern CC IA 13 West Virginia State C WV 38Mississippi County CC AR 1 Patrick Henry State JC AL 1 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18 Westchester CC NY 27Mississippi Delta JC MS 20 Penscola JC FL 10 Southwestern Technical C NC 22 Western Iowa Technical CC IA 13Mississippi Gulf Coast JC MS 20 Phoenix CC AZ 2 Spartanburg TC SC 31 Western Nevada CC NV 25Moberly Area JC MO 20 Piedmont Virginia CC VA 35 Spokane Falls CC WA 37 Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37Modesto JC CA 6 Pierce C WA 36 St Clair County CC MI 18 Wharton County JC TX 35Monroe CC NY 26 Pikes Peak CC CO 8 St Louis CC-ileramec MO 20 Wilkes CC NC 23Montcalm CC MI 18 Pioneer CC MO 20 St Tech Inst of Knoxville TN 32 William Ra!ney Harper C IL 15Monterey Peninisula C 6 Portland CC OR 29 Stark Technical C OH 28 Willmar LC MN 19Montgomery C-Rockville Campus oi 17 Prairie State C IL 14 Sumter Area TC SC 31 County Tech Inst NC 23Mountain View-C 11 34 Pratt CC KS 15 SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26

,WilsonWindward CC HI 11

Muscatine CC IA 12 Prince George's CC MD 17 Sussex County CC NJ 24 Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Inst WI 37Muskegon CC MI 18 Pueblo CC CO 8 Tat C CA 7 Worthington CC MN 19Navajo CC AZ 2 Quinebaug Valley CC CT 9 Tarrant County JC TX 34 Wytheville CC VA 36Neosho County CC KS 15 Randolph Technical C NC 22 Yavapai C AZ 2New Mexico St U-Alamogordo NM 24 Rappahannock,CC VA 35New Mexico St U-Dona Ana Branch NM 25 Red Rocks CC CO 8Normandale CC MN 19 Richland C TX 34North Arkansas CC AR 2 Richmond Technical C NC 22North Central Tech Inst WI 37 Roane State CC TN 32North Dakota State C of Science NO 23 Roanoke-Chowan Technical C NC 22North Harris County C District TX 34 Robeson Technical C NC 22North Idaho C ID 13 Rogue CC OR 29North Iowa Area CC IA 12 S D Bishop State JC AL 1

- 1-13 -


- 1-14 -


Colleges that serve orthopedically disabled students Colleges that serve orthopedically disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C GA 11 C Of The Desert CA 3 Clermont C of U of Cincinnati OH 27 El Camino C CA 4

Adirondrack CC NY 25 C of Alameda CA 3 Cleveland State CC TN 32 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33

Aik4n TC SC 31 C of DuPage IL 13 Clinton CC IA 11 El Paso CC TX 33

Aims CC CO 8 C of Lake County IL 13 Clinton CC NY 25 El Reno JC OK 29

Albuquerque Tech Voc Inst NM 24 C of Southern Idaho ID 1: Colby CC IL 13 Ellsworth CC IA 12

Allan Hancock C CA 2 C of the MaWand TX 33 Colby CC KS 15 Erie CC NY 25

Alvin CC TX 32 C of the RedwAds CA 3 Collin County CC TX 33 Everett CC WA 36

Amarillo C TX 32 C of the Sequoias CA 3 Colorado Mountain C CO 8 Evergreen Valley C CA 4

American River C CA 3 C of the Siskiyous CA 3 Columbia Basin C WA 36 Fairmont State C WV 37

Anchorage CC AK 1 CC of Allegeny County PA 30 Columbia CC CA 4 Fayetteville Tech Inst NC 21

Angelina C TX 32 CC of Allegeny County-South Campus PA 30 Columbia State CC TN 32 Feather River C CA 4

Anne Arundel CC MD 16 CC of Allegheny County-North Campus PA 30 Columbia-Greene CC NY r Firelands C OH 27

Anoha-Ramsey CC MN 19 CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus PA 30 Columbus State CC OH 27 Flathead Valley CC MT 21

Anson Technical C NC 21 CC of Aurora CO 8 Compton CC CA 4 Flore6ce-Darlington TC SC 31

Antelope Valley C CA 3 CC o, Baltimore HD 17 Copiah-Lincoln JC MS 20 Florida CC-Jacksonville 11 9

Arapahoe CC CO 8 CC of Denver CO 8 Cora-UPR PR 31 Forest Park CC MO 19

Arizona Western C AZ 2 CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Corning CC NY 25 Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37

Ashland CC KY 15 CC of Micronesia TO 32 Cosumnes River C CA 4 Frederick CC MD 17

Atlantic CC NJ 24 CC of Philadelphia PA 30 County C of Morris NJ 24 Frenso City C CA 4

Austin CC TX 32 CC of Rhode Island-Knight Campus RI 31 Grafton Hills C CA 4 Front Range CC CO 8

Austin CC MN 19 Cabrillo C CA 3 Cravend CC NC 21 Frontier CC IL 13

Bainbridge JC GA 11 Caldwell CC NC 21 Cuesta C CA 4 Ft Scott CC KS 15

Bakersfield C CA 3 Cape Cod CC MA 16 Cumberland County C NJ 24 Fullerton C CA 4

Barstow CC CA 3 Cape Fear Technical Institute NC 21 Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Gainesville JC GA 11

Bay de Noc CC MI 17 Carl Sandburg C IL 13 Cuyamaca C CA 4 Galveston C TX 33

Bee County C TX 33 Carolina Regional C-UPR PR 31 Cypress C CA 4 Garrett CC MO 17

Belleville Area C IL 13 Catonsville CC MD 17 Dawson C 31 Gaston C NC 21

Belmont Technical C OH z7 Cayuga CC NY 25 Dawson CC MT 21 Gateway CC AZ 2

Bismark JC E0 23 Cedar Valley C TX 33 Deanza CC CA 4 Gateway Tech Inst WI 37

Blackfeet CC MT 20 Central CC-Platte Campus NE 23 Dlkalb C-Central Campus GA 11 Gavilan JT CC CA 4

Blackhawk C-Quad Cities Campus IL 13 Central Carolina Technical C NC 21 Del Mar C TX 33 Glendale CC AZ 2

Blackhawk Tech Inst WI 37 Central Ohio Technical C OH 27 Delaware County CC PA 30 Glendale CC CA 4

Bladen Technical C NC 21 Central Piedmont CC NC 21 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9 Glouchester County C NJ 24

Blue Mountain CC OR 29 Centralia C WA 36 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9 Golden West C CA 5

Bhp) Ridge CC VA 35 Cerritos C CA 3 Delgado CC LA 16 Grand Rapids JC MI 17

Bossier Parrish CC LA 16 Cerro Coso CC CA 3 Delta C MI 17 Grant MacEwan CC CN 8

Brainerd CC MN 19 Chaffney C CA 3 Denmark TC SC 31 Grayson County C TX 33

Bramson ORT Tech Inst NY 25 Champlain C VT 36 Des Moines Area CC IA 12 Greater Hartford CC CT 8

Brazosport C TX 33 Chatfield C OH 27 Dixie C UT 35 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8

Brevard CC FL 9 Chattanooga State TC TN 32 Dutchess CC NY 15 Greenfield CC MA 16

Brookdale CC NJ 24 Chesapeake C MD 17 East Central C MO 19 Greenville TC SC 31

Brookhaven C TX 33 Chicago City-Wide C IL 13 East Central JC MS 20 Grossmont CC CA 5

Broward CC FL 9 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 East Los Angeles C CA 4 Guam CC GU 11

Brunswick JC GA 11 Citrus CC CA 3 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Guilford Technical CC NC 21

Bucks County CC PA 30 City C of San Francisco CA 3 Eastern Iowa CC District IA 12 Gulf Coast CC FL 9

Burlington CC-Pemberton NJ 24 Clackamas CC OR 29 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Harford CC MD 17

Butler County CC PA 30 Clark CC FA 36 Eastern Shore CC VA 35 Harrisburg Area CC PA 30

Butte C CA 3 Clark County CC NV 25 Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33 Hartnell C CA 5

C Of San Hato CA 3 Clark Technical C OH 27 Edison CC FL 9 Hawkeye Institute of Technology IA 12

C Of The Canyons CA 3 Clatsop CC OR 29 Edison State CC OH 27 Henry Ford CC MI 17

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Colleges that serve orthopedically disabled students Colleges that serve orthopedically disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Highland Park CC MI 17 Lake-Sumter CC FL 10 Metropolitan Technical CC NE 23 North Harris County C District TX 34Highline CC WA 36 Lakeland CC OH 27 Miami Dade CC-Woflson Campus FL 10 North Hennepin CC MN 19Hillsborough CC FL 9 Lakeshore Tech Inst WI 37 Miami U- Hamilton 1 OH 28 North Idaho C ID 13Hocking Technical C OH 27 Lakewood CC MN 19 Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center FL 10 North Iowa Area CC IA 12Holyoke CC MA 16 Lamar University-Orange TX 33 Miami-Dade CC-North Campus FL 10 North Lake C TX 34Honolulu CC HI 11 Lane CC OR 29 Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10 North Orange County CC CA 6Houston CC TX 33 Lane CC OR 29 Mid-Michigan CC MI 18 North Seattle CC WA 36Howard CC MD 17 Laney C CA 5 Mid-Plains CC Area NE 23 Earth Shore CC MA 16Hudson County CC NJ 24 Lansing CC MI 18 Middlesex CC MA 16 Northampton County Area CC PA 30Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Laramie County CC WY 38 Middlesex County C NJ 24 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Calmar IA 12Hutchinson CC KS 15 Lee C TX 33 Midland C TX 34 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Peosta IA 12Illinois Central C IL 13 Leeward CC-Komo Mai Certer HI 11 Midlands TC SC 31 Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19Indian Hills CC IA 12 Lehigh County CC PA 30 Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37 Northeast Technical CC NE 23Indian River CC FL 9 Lenior CC NC 22 Mineral Area C MO 20 Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37Indiana Voc Tech C IN 15 Lewis & Clark CC IL 14 Minneapolis CC MN 19 Northeastern Oklahoma A&M C OK 29Indiana Voc Tech C IN 15 Lexington CC KY 16 Mira Costa CC CA 6 Northern Essex CC MA 16Inver Hills CC MN 19 Lima Tech CC-Ohio St U Lima OH 27 Mississippi County CC AR 1 Northern Oklahoma C OK 29Iowa Central CC IA 12 Lincoln Land CC IL 14 Mississippi Delta JC MS 20 Northern Virginia CC VA 35Iowa Lakes CC IA 12 Lincoln Trail C IL 14 Mississippi Gulf Coast JC HS 20 Northland Pioneer C AZ 2Iowa Western CC IA 12 Linn-Benton CC OR 29 Moberly Area JC MO 20 Northwest Center-Marinette WI 37Irvine Valley C CA 5 Long Beach City C CA 5 Modesto JC CA 6 Northwest Iowa Technical C IA 12Isothermal CC NC 21 Longview CC MO 20 Mohawk Valley CC NY 26 NorthAest Technical C OH 28J Sargeant Reynolds CC VA 35 Lorain County CC OH 27 Mohegan CC CT 9 Northwestern Michigan C MI 18Jackson State CC TN 32 Los Angeles City C CA 5 Monroe CC NY 26 Oakland CC MI 18James Sprunt Technical C NC 21 Los Angeles Harbor C CA 5 Montcalm CC MI 18 Oakton CC IL 14Jefferson C MO 20 Los Angeles Mission C CA 5 Monterey Peninisula C CA 6 Ocean County C NJ 24Jefferson CC NY 26 Los Angeles Pierce C CA 5 Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MD 17 Odessa C TX :4Jefferson State JC AL 1 Los Angeles Trade-Technical C CA 5 Moorpark C CA 6 Ohio St U-Marion OH 28John A Logan IL 13 Los Angeles Valley CA 5 Morton C IL 14 Ohlune C CA 6John Adams CC Center CA 5 Lower Columbia C WA 36 Mott CC MI 18 Okalousa-Walton JC FL 10John M Patterson State JC AL 1 Lurleen B Wallace State JC AL 1 Mountain Empire CC VA 35 Oklahoma City CC OK 29John Tyler CC VA 35 Macomb CC MI 18 Mountain View C TX 34 Oklahoma St U-Tech Okmulgee OK 29Johnson County CC KS 15 Macon JC GA 11 Mt San Antonio C CA 6 Olympic C WA 36-Joliet Junior C IL 13 Madisonville CC KY 16 Mt San Jacinto C CA 6 Orange Coast C CA 6Kalamazoo Valley CC MI 17 Manatee CC FL 10 liqrray State C OK 29 Orange County CC NY 26Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15 Manchester CC CT 8 muscatine CC IA 12 Oxford C of Emory U' GA 11Kapiolani CC HI 11 Maple Woods CC MO 20 MuskEgon CC MI 18 Paducah CC KY 16Kauai CC HI 11 Marin CC Dist CA 5 Muskingum Area Technical OH 28 Palm Beach JC FL 10Kellogg CC MI 18 Marion Technical CC OH 27 Nassau CC NY 26 Palo Alto C TX 34Kenai Peninsula CC AK 1 Marshalltown CC IA 12 Navajo CC AZ 2 Palomar C CA 6Kings River CC CA 5 Massasoit CC MA 16 Navarro C 34 Paris JC TX 34Kingsborough CC NY 26 Mattatuck CC CT 8 NW Hampshire Voc/Tech C-Berlin NH 23 Parkersburg CC WV 38Kirkwood CC IA 12 Maui CC HI 11 New Mexico St U-Alamogordo NM 24 Parkland C IL 14Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12 Maypsille CC KY 16 New Mexico St U-Dona Ana Branch NH 25 Pasadena City C CA 6Kirtland CC MI 18 McHenry County C IL 14 Niagara County CC NY 26 Patrick Henry State JC AL 1

Lackwanna JC PA 30 McLennan CC TX 33 Normandale CC MN 19 Pearl River JC MS 20Lake City CC FL 10 Merced CC CA 5 North Arkansas CC AR 2 Penn Valley CC MO 20Lake Land C IL 14 Mercer County CC NJ 24 North Central Tech Inst WI 37 Penscola JC FL 10Lake Michigan C MI 18 Merritt C CA 6 North Central Technical C OH 28 Phoenix CC AZ 2Lake Region CC ND 23 Mesa CC AZ 2 North Dakota State C of Science ND 23 Piedmont TC SC 31

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Colleges that serve orthopedically disabled students Colleges that serve orthopedically disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Piedmont Virginia CC VA 35 Santa Barbara City C CA 7 St Johns River CC FL 10 Valencia CC FL 11Pierce C WA 36 Santa Clarita CC CA 7 St Louis CC-Florissant Valley MO 20 Vance Granville CC NC 22Pikes Peak CC CO 8 Santa Fe CC FL 10 St Louis CC-Meramec MO 20 Ventura C CA 7

Pima CC AZ 2 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 St Tech Inst of Knoxville TN 32 Victor Valley C CA 7

Pioneer CC MO 20 Santa Monica C CA 7 Stark Technical C OH 28 Vista C CA 7

Pitt CC NC 22 Santa Rosa JC CA 7 State Fair CC MO 20 Vclunteer State CC TN 32Polk Comunity C FL 10 Sauk Valley CC IL 14 State Technical Institute-Memphis TN 32 Waue.311 Valley C IL 15Pentland CC OR 2; Scnenectady County CC NY 26 Suffolk County CC NY 26 Walker C AL 1

Prairie State C IL 14 Schoolcraft C MI 18 Sumter Area TC SC 31 Walla Walla CC WA 37Pratt CC KS 15 Scott CC IA 12 Sussex County CC NJ 24 Walters State CC TN 32Prince George's CC MD 17 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Tacoma CC WA 37 Washtenaw CC MI 18Pueblo CC CO 8 Seattle Central CC WA 36 TallahasseeCC FL 11 Waubonsee 'CC IL 15

Queensborough CC NY 26 Seminole CC FL 10 Tanana Valley CC AK 1 Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37Quinebaug Valley CC CT 9 Seminole JC OK 29 Tarrant County JC TX 34 Wayne C-University Of Akron OH 28Quinsigamond CC MA 16 Shawnee C IL 14 Tarrant County JC TX 34 Wayne County CC MI 18Rappahannock CC VA 35 Shawnee State CC OH 28 Technical C of Alamance NC 22 West Hills C CA 7

Red Rocks CC CO 8 Sheridan C. WY 38 Temple JC TX 34 West Los Angeles C CA 7

Richland C TX 34 Shoreline CC WA 36 Texarkana C TX 34 West Shore CC MI 18Richland CC IL 14 Sierra CC CA 7 Texas Southmost C TX 34 West Valley CC CA 8Richmond Technical C NC 22 Sinclair CC OH 28 Texas State Tech Inst TX 35 West "Arginia Northern CC WV 38Rio Grande C OH 28 Skagit Valley C WA 36 Texas State Tech Inst TX 34 West Virginia State C WV 38Rio Salado CC AZ 2 Skyline C CA 7 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9 Westchester CC NY 27Riverside City C CA 6 Snead State JC AL 1 Tompkins Cortland CC NY 27 Western Iowa Technical CC IA 13Roane State CC TN 32 Snow C UT 35 Tri-Cities Technical Institute TN 32 Western Nevada CC NV 25Robeson Technical C NC-22 Solana CC CA 7 Tri-County CC NC 22 Western Piedmont CC NC 23Rochester CC MN 19 Somerset County C NJ 24 Tri-County TC SC 31 Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37Rock Valley C IL 14 South Central CC CT 9 Trident TC SC 31 Western Wyoming CC WY 38Rockland CC NY 26 South Florida CC FL 10 Triton C IL 15 Westmoreland CC PA 31Rogers State C OK 29 South Mountain 'C AZ 2 Truckee Meadows CC NV 25 Wharton County JC TX 35Rogue CC OR 29 Southeast CC KY 16 Tulsa JC OK 29 White Pines C NH 24Rose State C OK 29 Southeast CC-Lincoln NE 23 Tyler JC TX 35 William Rainey Harper C IL 15S D Bishop State JC AL 1 Southeastern CC NC 22 U of Akron OH 28 Willmar CC MN 19SUNY Ag &Tech- Morrisville NY 26 Southeastern CC IA 13 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19 Wilson County Tech Inst NC 23SUNY Alfred State C NY 26 Southern Maine Voc Tech Inst ME 17 U of Minnesota-Waseca MN 19 Windward CC HI 11SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26 Southern State CC OH 28 U of Nebraska School of Tech Ag NE 23 Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Inst WI 37SUNY C of Technology-Canton NY 26 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 U of Toledo-Community/Tech C OH 28 Worthington CC MN 19SUNY C of Technology-Delhi NY 26 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 Ulster CC NY 27 Wright St U-Lake Campus OH 28Sacramento City C CA 6 Southwest Virginia CC VA 36 Umpqua CC OR 30 Wytheville CC VA 36Saddleback C CA 6 Southwest Wisconsin Voc Tech Inst WI 37 University of Maine-Augusta ME 17 Yakima Valley CC WA 37Salt Lake CC UT 35 Southwestern C CA 7 University of North Dakota-Williston ND 23 Yavapai C AZ 2

San Antonio C TX 34 Southwestern CC IA 13 Utah Valley CC UT 35 Youngstown St U OH 28San Bernardino Valley C CA 6 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18 VTAE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37 Yuba CC District CA 8

San Diego CC District CA 6 Southwestern Oregon CC OR 30

San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Southwestern Technical C NC 22

San Jacinto C District TX 34 Spartanburg Methodist C SC 31

San Joaquin Delta C CA 7 Spartanburg TC SC 31

San Jose City C CA 7 Spokane CC WA 36

San Juan C NM 25 SpokaneTalls CC WA 37

Sandhills CC NC 22 St Catherine C KY 16

Santa Ana C CA 7 St Clair Cuunty CC MI 18

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Colleges that serve visually disabled students Colleges that serve visually disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Abraham Caldwin Agriculture C GA 11 C of Lake County IL 13 Clinton CC IA 11 El Reno JC OK 29Adlrondrack CC NY 25 C of Southern Idaho ID 13 Collin County CC TX 33 Ellsworth CC IA 12Aiken TC SC 31 C of the Mainland TX 33 Colorado Mountain C CO 8 Erie CC NY 25Aims CC CO 8 C of the Redwoods CA 3 Columbia_Basin C WA 36 Everett CC WA 36Albuquerque Tech Vac Inst NM 24 C of the Sequoias CA 3 Columbia CC CA 4 Evergreen Valley C CA 4Allan Hancock C CA 2 C of the Siskiyous CA 3 Columbia State CC TN 32 Fairmont State C WV 37Alvin CC TX 32 CC of Allegeny County PA 30 Columbia-Greene CC NY 25 Fayetteville Tech Inst NC 21Amarillo C TX 32 CC of Allegeny County-South Campus PA 30 Columbus State CC CH 27 Feather River C CA 4American River C CA 3 CC of Allegheny County-North Campus PA 30 Compta CC CA 4 Firelands C OH 27Anchorage CC AK 1 CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus PA 30 Copiah-Lincoln JC MS 20 Flathead Valley CC MT 21Angelina C TX 32 CC of Aurora CO 8 Cora-UPR PR 31 Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9

Anne Arundel CC MD 16 CC of Baltimore MD 17 Corning CC NY 25 Foothill CC CA 4

Anson Technical C NC 21 CC of Denver CO 8 Cosumnes River C CA 4 Forest Park CC MO 19Antelope Valley C CA 3 CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 County C of Morris NJ 24 Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37Arapahoe CC CO 8 CC of Micronesia TQ 32 Grafton Hills C CA 4 Frenso City C CA 4

Arizona Western C AZ 2 CC of Philadelphia PA 30 Cravend CC NC 21 Front Range CC CO 8Ashland CC KY 15 CC of Rhode Island-Knight Campus RI 31 Cuesta C CA 4 Ft Scott CC KS 15Atlantic CC NJ 24 Cabrilln C CA 3 Cumberland County C NJ 24 Fullerton C CA 4

Austin CC MN 19 Caldwell CC NC 21 Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Gadsden State JC AL 1

Astin CC TX 32 Cape Cod CC MA 16 Cuyamaca C CA 4 Gainesville JC GA 11Bainbridge JC CA 11 Cape Fear Technical Institute NC 21 Cypress C CA 4 Galveston C TX 33Bakersfield C CA 3 Carl Sandburg C IL 13 Dawson C 31 Garrett CC MD 17Barstow CC CA 3 Carolina Regional C-UPR PR 31 Dawson CC MT 21 Gaston C NC 21Bay de Noc CC MI 17 Casper C WY 38 Daytona Beach CC FL 9 Gateway CC AZ 2

Bee County C TX 33 Catonsville CC MD 17 Deanza CC CA 4 Gateway Tech Inst WI 37Belleville Area C IL 13 Cayuga CC NY 25 Dekalb C-Central Campus dA 11 Gavilan JT CC CA 4

Belmont Technical C OH 27 Cedar Valley C TX 33 Del Mar C TX 33 Glendale CC CA 4Bismark JC ND 23 Central Carolina Technical C NC 21 Delaware County CC PA 30 Glendale CC AZ 2Blackhawk C-Quad Cities Campus IL 13 Central Ohio Technical C OH 27 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9 Glouchester County C NJ 24Blackhawk Tech Inst WI 37 Central Piedmont CC NC 21 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9 Golden West C CA 5

Bladen Technical C NC 21 Centralia C WA 36 Delgado CC LA 16 Grand Rapids JC MI 17Blue Mountain CC OR 29 Cerritos C CA 3 Delta C MI 17 Grant MacEwan CC CN 8Blue Ridge CC VA 35 Cerro Cosa CC CA 3 Des Moines Area CC IA 12 Grayson County C TX 33Brainerd CC MN 19 Chaffney C CA 3 Dixie C UT 35 Greater Hartford CC CT 8Bramson ORT Tech Inst NY 25 Champlain C VT 36 Dutchess CC NY 25 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8Brazosport C TX 33 Chatfield C OH 27 Dyersburg State CC TN 32 Greenfield CC MA 16Brevard CC FL 9 Chattanooga State TC TN 32 East Certral C MO 19 Greenville TC SC 31Brookdale CC NJ 24 Chesapeake C MD 17 East Central JC MS 20 Grossmont CC CA 5

Brookhaven C TX 33 Chicago City-Wide C IL 13 East Los Angeles C CA 4 Guam CC GU 11Broward CC FL 9 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Guilford Technical CC NC 21Brunswick JC GA 11 Citrus CC CA 3 Easern Iowa CC District IA 12 Gulf Coast CC FL 9

Bucks County CC PA 30 City C of San Francisco CA 3 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Harford CC MD 17Burlington CC-Pemberton NJ 24 Clackamas CC OR 29 Eastern Shore CC VA 35 Harrisburg Area CC PA 30Butler County CC PA 30 Clark CC WA 36 Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33 Hartnell C CA 5

Butte C CA 3 Clark County CC NV 25 Edgecombe Technical C NC 21 Hawkeyo Institute of Technology IA 12C Of San Mateo CA 3 Clark Technical C CH 27 Edison CC FL 9 Henry Ford CC MI 17C Of The Canyons CA 3 Clatsop CC OR 29 Edison State CC OH 27 Herkimer County CC NY 25C Of The Desert CA 3 Clermont C of U of Cincinnati OH 27 El Camino C CA 4 Highland Park CC MI 17C of Alameda CA 3 Cleveland State CC TN 32 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33 Highline CC WA 36

C of DuPage IL 13 Clinton CC NY 25 El Paso CC TX 33 Hillsborough CC FL 9

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77 78

Colleges that serve visually disabled students Colleges that serve visually disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Hocking Technical C OH 27 Lakewood CC MN 19 Miami U-Hwilton OH 28Holyoke CC MA 16 Lamar University-Orange TX 33 Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center FL 10Honolulu CC HI 11 Lane CC OR 29 Miami-Dade CC-North Campus FL 10Harry Georgetown TC SC 31 Lane CC OR 29 Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10Houston CC TX 33 Laney C CA 5 Mid-Michigan CC MI 18Howard CC MO 17 Lansing CC MI 18 Mid-Plains CC Area NE 23Hudson County CC NJ 24 Laramie County CC WY 38 Middlesex CC NA 16Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Leeward CC-Komo Mai Center HI 11 Middlesex County C NJ 24Hutchinson CC KS 15 Lehigh County CC PA 30 Midland C TX 34Illinois Central C IL 13 Lenior CC NC 22 Midlands TC SC 31Independence CC KS 15 Lewis & Clark CC IL 14 Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37Indian River CC FL 9 Lexington CC KY 16 Mineral Area C MO 20Indiana Voc Tech C IN 15 Lima Tech CC-Ohio St U Lima OH 27 Minneapolis CC MN 19Indiana sac Tech C IN 15 Lincoln Land CC IL 14 Mira Costa CC CA 6Inver Hills CC MN 19 Lincoln Trail C IL 14 Mississippi County CC AR 1

Iowa Central CC IA 12 Linn-Berton CC OR 29 Mississippi Deltt. JC MS 20Iowa'Lakes CC IA 12 Long Beach City C CA 5 Mississippi Guff Coast JC MS 20'owa Western CC IA 12 Longview CC MO 20 Mitchell C CT 9Irvine Valley C CA Lorain County-CC OH 27 Moberly Area JC MO 20Isothermal CC NC 21 Lord Fairfax CC VA 35 Modesto JC CA 6J Sargeant Reynolds CC VA 35 Los Angeles City C CA 5 Mohawk Valley CC NY 26Jackson State CC TN 32 Los Angeles Harbor C CA 5 Mohegan CC CT 9James Sprunt Technical C NC 21 Los Angeles Mission C CA 5 Monroe CC NY aJefferson C MO 20 Los Angeles Pierce C CA 5 Montcalm CC MI 18Jefferson CC KV 16 Los Angeles Trade-Technical C CA 5 Monterey Peninisula C CA 6Jefferson CC NY 26 Los Angeles Valley C CA 5 Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MO 17Jefferson State JC AL 1 Lower Columbia C WA 36 Moorpark C CA 6John A Logan IL 13 Macomb CC MI 18 Morton C IL 11John Adams CC Center CA 5 Macon JC GA 11 Mott CC MI 18John M Patterson State JC AL 1 Madisonville CC KY 16 Mountain Empire CC VA 35John Ty:er CC VA 35 Manatee CC FL 10 Mountain View C TX 34Johnson County CC KS 15 Manchester CC CT 8 Mt San Antonio C CA 6Kalamazoo Valley CC MI 17 Maple Woods CC MO 20 Mt San Jacinto C CA 6Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15 Marin CC Dist CA 5 Murray State C OK 29Kapiolani CC HI 11 Marion Technical CC OH 27 Muscatine CC IA 12Kauai CC HI 11 Marshalltown CC IA. 12 Muskegon CC MI 18Kellogg CC MI 18 Massasoit CC MA 16 Muskingum Area Technical C OH 28Kenai Peninsula CC AK 1 Mater Dei C NY 26 Nashville St Tech Inst TN 32Kings River CC CA 5 Mattatuck CC CT 8 Nassau CC NY 26Kingsborouga CC NY 26 Maui CC HI 11 Navajo CC AZ 2

Kirkwood CC IA 12 Mayland Technical C NC 22 Navarro C TX 34Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12 Maysville CC KY 16 Neosho County CC KS 15Lackwanna JC PA 30 McHenry County C IL 14 New Hampsiire Voc/Tech C-Berlin NH 23Lake City CC FL 10 McLennan CC TX 33 New Mexico JC 4M 24Lake Land C IL 14 Merced CC CA 5 New Mexico St U-Alamogordo NM 24Lake Michigan C MI 18 Mercer County CC NJ 24 New Mexico St U-Cona Ana Branch NM 25Lake Region CC ND 23 Merritt C CA 6 Niagara County CC NY 26Lake Tahoe CC CA 5 Eesa CC AZ 2 Normandaln CC MN 19Lake-Sumter CC FL 10 Metropolitan Technical CC NE 23 North Arkansas CC AR 2

Lakeland CC OH 27 Miami Dade CC-Woflson Campus FL 10 North Central Tech Inst WI 37

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7 9


North Central Technical CNorth Dakota State C of ScienceNorth Harris County C DistrictNorth Hennepin CCNorth Idaho CNorth Iowa Area CCNorth Lake CNorth Orange County CCNorth Seattle CCNorth Shore CCNorthamptom County Area CCNortheast Iowa Tech Inst-CalmarNortheast Iowa Tech Inst-PeostaNortheast M-tro Tech InstNortheast Technical CCNortheast Wisconsin Tech InstNortheastern JCNorthern Essex CCNorthern Virginia CCEorthland CCNorthland Pioneer CNorthwest Alabam# State JCNorthwest Center-MarinetteNorthwest Iowa Technical CNorthwest C

Northwestern Michigan COakland CCOakton CCOcean County COdessa COhio St U-MarionOhlone COkaloosa-Walton JCOklahoma City CCOkiahomi St U-Tech Branch OkmulgeeOlympic COrange Coast COrange County CCPaducah CCPalm Beach JCPalo Alto CPalomar CPamlico Tehcnical CParis JCParkersburg CCParkland CPasadena City CPatrick Henry State JC.

Paul Smith's CPenn Valley CC

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St Pg

OH 28

W 14MN 19

ID 13

IA 12

TX 34

CA 6

WA 36

MA 16

PA 30

IA 12

IA 12





MA 16

VA 35

MNAZ 192

AL 1

WI 37

IA 12


MI 18

IL 14

W 11OH 28

CA 6

FL 10

OK 29


TiCA 6

NC 22

WV 38

IL 14

CA 6

AL 1

NY 26

MO 20

Colleges that serve visually disabled students Colleges that serve visually disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Pennsylvania Inst of Tech PA 30 San Diego CC District CA 6 Spartanburg Methodist C SC 31 University of Maine-Augusta ME 17Penscola JC FL 10 San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Spartanburg TC SC 31 University of North Dakota-Williston ND 23Phoenix CC AZ 2 San Jacinto C District TX 34 Spokane CC WA 36 Utah Valley CC UT 35Piedmont TC SC 3: San Joaquin Delta C CA 7 Spokane Falls CC WA 37 VTAE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37Piedmont Virginia CC VA 35 San Jose City C CA 7 St Clair County CC MI 18 Valencia CC FL 11Pierce C WA 36 San Juan C NM 25 St Johns River CC FL 10 Vance Granville CC NC 22Pikes Peak CC CO 8 Sandhills CC NC 22 St Louis CC-Florissant Valley MO 20 Ventura C CA 7Pima CC AZ 2 Santa Ana C CA 7 St Louis CC-Meramec NO 20 Victor Valley C CA 7Pioneer CC MO 20 Santa Barbara City C CA 7 St Petersburg Jr C FL 10 Vista C CA 7Pitt CC NC 22 Santa Clarita CC CA 7 St Tech Inst of Knoxville TN 32 Volunteer State CC TN 32Polk Comunity C FL 10 Santa Fe CC FL 10 Stark Technical C OH 28 Wabash Valley C IL 15Portland CC OR 29 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration. Ct FL 10 State Fair CC MO 20 Walla Walla CC WA 37Prairie State C IL 14 Santa Monica C CA 7 State Technical Institute-Memphis TN 32 Walters State CC TN 32Pratt CC KS 15 Santa Rosa JC CA 7 Suffolk County CC NY 26 Washtenaw CC MI 18Prince George's CC MD 17 Schenectady County CC NY 25 Sumter Area TC SC 31 Waubonsee CC IL 15Pueblo CC CO 8 Schoolcraft C MI 18 Sussex County CC NJ 24 Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37Queensborough CC NY 26 Scott CC IA 12 Tacoma CC WA 37 Wayne C-University Of Akron OH 28Quinebaug Valley CC CT 9 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Taft C CA 7 Wayne CC NC 23Quinsigamond CC MA 16 Seattle Central CC WA 36 Tallahassee CC FL 11 Wayne County CC MI 18Randolph Technical C NC 22 Seminole CC FL 10 Tanana Valley CC AK 1 West Hills C CA 7Rappahannock CC VA 35 Seminole JC OK 29 Tarrant County JC TX 34 West Los Angeles C CA 7Reading Area CC PA 30 Shawnee C IL 14 Tarrant County JC TX 34 West Shore CC MI 18Red Rocks CC CO 8 Shawnee State CC OH 28 Technical C of Alamance NC 22 West Valley CC CA 8Rich Mountain CC AR 2 Sheridan C WY 38 Temple JC TX 3r West Virginia Northern CC WV 38Richland C TX 34 Shoreline CC WA 36 Texarkana C TX 31 West Virginia State C WV 38Richland CC IL 14 Sierra C.: CA 7 Texas Southmost C TX 1 Westchester CC NY 27Richmond Technical C NC 22 Sinclair CC OH 28 Texas State Tech Inst TX 34 Western Iowa Technical CC IA 13Rio Grande C OH 28 Skagit Valley C WA 36 Texas State Tech Inst TX 3o Western Piedmont CC NC 23Rio Salado CC AZ 2 Skyline C CA 7 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9 Western Texas C TX 35Riverside City C CA 6 Snow C UT 35 Three Rivers CC MO 20 Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37Roane State CC TN 32 Solana CC CA 7 Tompkins Ctland CC NY 27 Western Wyoming CC WY 38Roanoke-Chowan Technical C MC 22 Somerset County C NJ 24 Tri-County CC NC 22 Westmoreland CC PA 31Robeson Technical C NC 22 South Central CC CT 9 Tri-County TC SC 31 Wharton County JC TX 35Rochester CC MN 19 South Florida CC FL 10 Trident 1C SC 31 White Pines C NH 24Rock Valley C IL 14 South Mountain CC AZ 2 Trinity Valley CC TX 35 Wilkes CC ' NC 23Rockland CC NY 26 South Plains C TX 34 Triton C IL 15 William kainey Harper C IL 15Rogers State C OK 29 South Seattle CC WA 36 Truckee Meadows CC NV 25 Willmar CC MN 19Rogue CC OR 29 Southeastern CC IA 13 Tulsa JC OK 29 Wilson County Tech Inst NC 23Rose State C OK 29 Southern Maine Voc Tech Inst ME 17 Tyler JC TX 35 Windward CC HI 11S D Bishop State JC AL 1 Southern Seminary JC VA 3C U of Akron OH 28 Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Inst WI 37SUNY Ag&Tech-Morrisville NY 26 Southern State CC OH 28 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19 Worthington CC MN 19SUNY Alfred State C NY 26 South:on West Virginia CC WV 38 U of Minnesota-Waseca MN 19 Wright St U-Lake Campus OH 28SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 U of New Mexico -Los Alamos NM 25 Wytheville CC VA 36SUNY C of Technology-Canton NY 26 Southwest Virginia CC VA 36 U of Toledo - Community /Tech C OH 28 Yakima Valley CC WA 37SUNY C of Technology-Delhi NY 26 Southwest Wisconsin Voc Tech Inst WI 37 Ulster CC NY 27 Yavapai C AZ 2Sacramento City C CA 6 Southwestern C CA 7 Umpqua CC OR 30 Youngstown St U OH 28Saddleback C CA 6 Southwestern CC IA 13 Yuba CC District CA 8Salt Lake CC UT 35 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18San Antonio C TX 34 Southwestern Oregon CC OR 30San Bernardino Valley C CA 6 Southwestern Technical C NC 22

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Colleges that serve hearing disabled students Colleges that serve hearing disabled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C G A 11 C Of The Desert CA 3 Cleveland Technical C NC 21 El Camino C CA 4

Academy of Aeronautics Y 25 C of Alameda CA 3 Clinton CC NY 25 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33

Adirondrack CC Y 25 C of DuPage IL 13 Clinton CC IA 11 El Paso CC TX 33

Aiken TC C 31 C of Lake County IL 13 Coastline CC CA 4 El Reno JC OK 29

Aims CC 0 C of Southern Idaho ID 13 Collin County CC TX 33 Ellsworth CC IA 12

Albuquerque Tech Vac Inst M 24 C of the MaWand TX 33 Colorado Mountain C CO 8 Erie CC NY 25

Allan Hancock C A 2 C of the Redwoods CA 3 Columbia Basin C WA 36 Everett CC WA 36

Alvin CC X 32 C of the Sequoias CA 3 Columbia CC CA 4 Evergreen Valley C CA 4

Amarillo C X 32 CC of Allegeny County PA 30 Columbia State CC TN 32 Fairmont State C WV 37

American River C A 3 CC of Allegeny County-South Campus PA 30 Columbia-Greene CC NY 25 Fayetteville Tech Inst NC 21

Anchorage CC A K 1 CC of Allegheny County-North Campus PA 30 Columbus State CC OH 27 Featner River C CA 4

Angelina C X 32 CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus PA 30 Compton CC CA 4 Firelands C OH 27

Anne Arundel CC D 16 CC of Aurora CO 8 Cooke County C TX 33 Flathead Valley CC MT 21

Anoha-Ramsey CC N 19 CC of Baltimore MD 17 Copiah-Lincoln JC MS 20 Florence-Darlington TC SC 31

Anson Technical C C 21 CC of Denver CO 8 Cora-UPR PR 31 Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9

Antelope Valley C A 3 CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Corning CC NY 25 Foothill CC CA 4

Arapahoe CC 0 8 CC of Micronesia TO 32 Cosumnes River C CA 4 Forest Park CC MO 19

Arizona Western C A Z 2 CC of Philadelphia PA 30 County C of Morris NJ 24 Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37

Ashland CC Y 15 CC of Rhode Island-Knight Campus RI 31 Crafton Hills C CA 4 Frederick CC MD 17

Atlantic CC J 24 Cabrillo C CA 3 Cravend CC NC 21 Frenso City C CA 4

Austin :C N 19 Caldwell CC NC 21 Cuesta C CA 4 Front Range CC CO 8

Austin CC X 32 Cape Cod CC MA 16 Cumberland County C NJ 24 Ft Scott CC KS 15

Bainbridge JC GA 11 Cape rear Technical In:,itute NC 21 Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Fullerton C CA 4

Bakersfield C A 3 Cars Sandburg C IL 13 Cuyamaca C CA 4 Gadsden State JC AL 1

Barstow CC A 3 Casper C WY 38 Cypress C CA 4 Gainesville JC GA 11

Bay do ioc CC I 17 Catonsville CC MD 17 Dawson C 31 Galveston C TX 33

Bee County C X 33 Cayuga CC NY 25 Dawson CC MT 21 Garrett CC MD 17

Belleville Area C L 13 Cedar Valley C TX 33 Daytona Beach CC FL 9 Gaston C NC 21

Belmont Technical C 0 H 27 Central Carolina Technical C NC 21 Deanza CC CA 4 Gateway CC AZ 2

Bismark JC D 23 Central Ohio Technical C OH 27 Dekalb C-Central Campus GA 11 Gateway Tech Inst WI 37

Blackfeet CC T 20 Central Piedmont CC NC 21 Del Mar C TX 33 Gavilan JT CC CA 4

Blackhawk C-Quad Cities Campus I L 13 Centralia C WA 36 Delaware County CC PA 30 Glendale CC CA 4

Blackhawk Tech Inst I 37 Cerritos C CA 3 Delaware TechaCC-Terry DE 9 Glendale CC AZ 2

Bladen Technical C NC 21 Cerro Cosa CC CA 3 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9 Glouchester County C NJ 24

Blue Mountain CC OR 29 Chaffney C CA 3 Delgado CC LA 16 Golden West C CA 5

Blue Ridge CC VA 35 Champlain C VT 36 Delta C MI 17 Grand Rapids JC MI 17

Brainerd CC MN 19 Chatfield C OH 27 Des Moines Area CC IA 12 Grant MacEwan CC CN 8

Bramson ORT Tech Inst NY 25 Chattanooga State TC TN 32 Dixie C UT 35 Grayson County C TX 33

Brazosport C TX 33 Chesapeake C MD 17 Dutchess CC NY 25 Greater Hartford CC CT 8

Brevard CC FL 9 Chicago City-Wide C IL 13 East Central C NO 19 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8

Brookdale CC NJ 24 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 East Central JC MS 20 Greenfield CC MA 16

Brookhaven C TX 33 Citrus CC CA 3 East Los Angeles C CA 4 Greenville TC SC 31

Broward CC FL 9 City C of San Francisco CA 3 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Grossmont CC CA 5

Brunswick JC GA 11 Clackamas CC OR 29 Eastern Iowa CC District IA 12 Guam CC GU 11

Bucks County CC PA 30 Clark CC WA 36 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Guilford Technical CC NC 21

Burlington CC-Pemberton NJ 24 Clark County CC NV 25 Eastern New Mexico U-Roswell NM 24 Gulf Coast CC FL 9

Butler County CC PA 31 Clark Technical C OH 27 Eastern Shore CC VA 35 Harford CC MD 17

Butte C CA 3 Clatsop CC OR 29 Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33 Hartnell C CA 5

C Of San Mateo CA 3 Clermont C of U of Cincinnati OH 27 Edison CC FL 9 Hawkeye Institee of Technology IA 12

C Of The Canyons CA 3 Cleveland State CC TN 32 Edison State CC OH 27 Henry Ford CC MI 17

- 1-27 -


- 1-28 -


Colleges that serve hearing disabled students Colleges that serve hearing disabled students

College et Pg Col lee St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Herkimer County CC NY 25 Lake-Sumter CC FL 10 Mesa CC AZ 2 Normandale CC MN 19Hesston C KS 15 Lakeland CC OH 27 Metropolitan Technical CC NE 23 North Arkansas CC AR 2Highland Park CC MI 17 Lakewood CC MN 19 Miami Lade CC-Woflson Campus FL 10 North Central Tech Inst WI 37Highline CC WA 36 Lamar University - Orange TX 33 Miami U-Hamilton OH 28 North Central Technical C OH 28Hillsborough CC FL 9 Lane CC OR 29 Miami-Dade CC-Medical Center FL 10 North Dakota State C of Science ND 23Holyoke CCHonolulu CC


HI 11Lane CCLaney C

OR 29CA 5

Miami-Dade CC-Nwth CampusMiami-Dade CC-Svuth Campus

FL 10FL 10

North Florida JCNorth Harris County C District

FL 1rTX 34

Horry Georgetown IC SC 31 Lansing CC MI 18 Mid-Michigan CC MI 18 North Hennepin CCHouston CCHoward CC

TX 33MD 17

Laramie County CCLee C

WY 38TX 33

Mid-Plains CC AreaMiddlesex CC

NE 23MA 16

North Idaho CNorth Iowa Area CC


NHudson County CC NJ 24 Leeward CC-Komo Mai Center HI 11 Middlesex County C NJ 24 North Lake C TX 34Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Lehig' County CC PA 30 Midland C TX 34 North Orange County CC CA 6Hutchinson CC K- 15 Lenior CC NC 22 Midlands TC SC 31 North Seattle CC WA 36Illinois Central C IL 13 Lewis b Clark CC IL 14 Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37 North Shore CC MA 16Indian River CC FL 9 Lexingt.n CC KY 16 Mineral Area C MO 20 Northamptom County Area CC PA 30Indiana Voc Tech C IN 15 Lima Tech CC-Ohio St U Lima OH 27 Minneapolis CC MN 19 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Calmar IA 12Indiana Voc 'tech C IN 15 Lincoln Land CC IL 14 Mira Costa CC CA 6 Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-PeostaInver Hills CC MN 19 Lincoln Trail C IL 14 Mississippi County CC AR 1 Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19Iowa Central CC IA 12 Linn-Benton CC OR 29 Mississippi Delta JC MS 20 Northeast Technical CC NE 23Iowa Lakes CC IA 12 Long Beach City C CA 5 Mississippi Gulf Coast JC MS 20 Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst WIIowa Western CC IA 12 Longview CC MO 20 Moberly Area JC MO 20 Northern Essex CC MA 176Irvine Valley CJ Sergeant Reynolds CC

CA 5

VA 35Lorain County CCLord Fairfax CC

OH 27VA 35

Modesto JCMohawk Valley CC

CA 6

NY 26Northern Virginia CCNorthland CC


Jackson State CC TN 32 Los Angeles City C CA 5 Mohegan CC a 9 Northland Pioneer C AZ 2James Sprunt Technical C NC 21 Los Angeles Harbor C CA 5 Monroe CC NY 26 Northwest Alabama State JC AL 1Jefferson CJefferson CC

MO 20KY 16

Los Angeles Mission CLos Angeles Pierce C

CA 5

CA 5

Mon'calm CCMonterey Peninisula C

MI 18CA 6

Northwest Center-MarinetteNorthwest Iowa Technical C


IA 172Jefferson CC NY 26 Los Angeles Trade-Technical C CA 5 Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MD 17 Northwest Technical C OH 28Jefferson State JC AL 1 Los Angeles Valley C CA 5 Morrpark C CA 6 Northwestern Connecticut CC CT 9John Adams CC Center CA 5 Lower Columbia C WA 36 Mc C IL 14 Northwestern Michigan C MI 18John M Patterson State JC AL 1 Macomb CC MI 18 MoiA CC MI 18 Oakland CC MI 18John Tyler CC VA 35 Macon JC GA 11 Mount Aloysius JC PA 30 Oakton CC IL 14Johnson County CC KS 15 Madisonville CC KY 16 Mountain Empire CC VA 35 Ocean County C NJ 24Kalamazoo Valley CC MI 17 Manatee CC FL 10 Mountain View C TX 34 Odessa C TX 34Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15 Manchester CC CT 8 Mt San Antonio C CA 6 Ohlone C CA 6Kapiolani CC HI 11 Maple Woods CC MO 20 Mt San Jacinto C CA 6 Okaloosa-Walton JC FL 10Kauai CC HI 11 Marin CC Dist CA 5 Hurray State C OK 29 Oklahoma City CC OK 29Kellogg CC MI 18 Marion Technical CC OH 27 '!uscatine CC IA 12 Oklahoma St U-Tech Branch Okmulgee OK 29Kenai Peninsula CC AK 1 Marshalltown CC IA 12 Muskegon CC MI 18 Olney Central C ILKings River CC CA 5 Massasoit CC MA 16 Muskingum Area Technical C OH 28 Olympic C WA 6Kingsborough CCKirkwood CC

NY 26IA 12

Mater Dei CMattatuck CC

NY 26CT 8

Nachville St Tech InstNassau CC

TN 32NY 26

Orange Coast COrange County CC NY

CKAY 1466

Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12 Maui CC HI 11 Navajo CC AZ 2 Paducah CCKirtland CC MI 18 Mayland Technical C NC- 22 Navarro C TX 34 Palm Beach JC FL 10Lackwanna JC PA 30 Maysville CC KY 16 New Hampshire Voc/lech C-Berlin NH 23 Palo Alto C TX 34Lake City CC FL 10 McHenry County C IL 14 New Mexico St U-Alamogordo NM 24 Palomar C CA 6Lake Land C IL 14 McLennan CC TX 33 New Mexico St U-Dona Ana Branch NM 25 Pamlico Tehcnical C NC 22Lake iichigan C MI 18 Merced CC CA 5 mi'lara County CC NY 26 Paris JC TX 34Lake Region CC ND 23 Mercer County CC NJ 24Lake Tahoe CC CA 5 Merritt C CA 6

- 1-29 -


- 1-30 -


Colleges that serve hearing disabled students Colleges that serve hearing di.,bled students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Parkersburg CC WV 38 Saddleback C CA 6 Southwestern C CA 7 Umpqua CC OR 30

Parkland C IL 14 Salt Lake CC UT 35 Southwestern CC IA 13 University of Maine-Augusta ME 17

Pasadena City C CA 6 San Antonio C TX 34 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18 University of North Dakota- Williston ND 23

Patrick Henry State JC AL 1 San Bernardino Valley C CP 6 Southwestern Oregon CC OR 30 Utah Valley CC UT 35

Paul Smith's C NY 26 San Diego CC District CA 6 Southwestern Technical C NC 22 J'AE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37

Penn Valley CC MO 20 San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Spartanburg Methodist C SC 31 Valencia CC FL 11

Pennsylvania inst of Tech PA 30 San Jacint C District TX 34 Spartanburg TC SC 31 Vance Granville CC NC 22

Penscola JC FL 10 San Joaquin Delta C CA 7 Spokane CC WA 36 Ventura C CA 7

Phoenix CC AZ 2 San Jose City C CA 7 Spokane Falls CC WA 37 Victor Valley C CA 7

Piedmont TC SC 31 San Juan C NM 25 St Clair County CC MI 18 Vista C CA 7

Piedmont Virginia CC V; 35 Sandhills CC NC 22 St Johns River CC FL 10 Volunteer State CC TN 32

Pierce C WA 36 Santa Ana C CA 7 St Louis CC-Florissant Valley MD 20 Wabash Valley C IL 15

Pikes Peak CC CO 8 Santa Barbara City C CA 7 St Louis CC-Meramec ND 20 Wake Technical C NC 22

Pima CC AZ 2 Santa Clarita CC CA 7 St Petersburg Jr C FL 10 Walla Walla CC WA 37

Pioneer CC MO 20 Santa Fe CC FL 10 St Tech Inst of Knoxville TN 32 Walters State CC TN 32

Pitt CC NC 22 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 Stark Technical C OH 28 bashtenaw CC MI 18

Polk Comunity C FL 10 Santa Monica C CA 7 State Fair CC MO 20 Waubonsee CC IL 15

Portlaro' CC OR 29 Santa Rosa JC CA 7 State Technical Institute-Memphis TN 32 Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37

Praie., State C IL 14 Schenectady County CC NY 26 Suffolk County CC NY 1.; Wayne C-University Df Akron OH 28

Pratt CC KS 15 Schoolcraft C MI 18 Sumter Area TC SC 31 Wayne CC NC 23

Prince George's CC MD 17 Scott CC IA /2 Sussex County CC NJ. 24 Wayne County CC -------MI-18

Pueblo CC CO 8 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Tacoma CC WA 37 West Hills r CA 7

Queensborough CC NY 26 Seattle Central CC WA 36 Taft C CA 7 West Los Angeles C CA 7

Quinebaug Valley CC CT 9 Seminole CC FL 10 Tallahassee CC FL 11 West Shore CC MI 18

Quinsigamond CC MA 16 Seminole JC OK 29 Tanana Valley CC AK 1 West Valley CC CA 8Rappahannock CC VA 35 Shawnee C IL 14 Tarrant County JC TX 34 West Virginia Northern CC WV 38

Reading Area CC PA 30 Shawnee State CC OH 28 Tarrant County JC TX 34 West Virginia State C WV 38

Red Rocks CC CO 8 Sheridan C WY 38 Technical C of Alamance NC 22 Westchester CC NY 27

Richland C TX 34 Shoreline CC WA 36 Temple JC TX 34 Western Iowa Technical CC IA 13

Richland CC IL 14 Sierra CC CA 7 Texarkana C TX 34 Western Piedmont CC NC 23

Richmond-Technical C NC 22 Sinclair CC OH 28 Texas Southmost C TX 31 Western Texas C TX 35

Rio Grande C OH 28 Skagit Valley C WA 36 Texas State Tech Inst TX 34 Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37

Rio Salado CC AZ 2 Skyline C CA 7 Texas State Tech Inst TX 35 Western Wyoming CC WY 38

Riverside City C CA 6 Snow C UT 35 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9 Westmoreland CC PA 31

Roane State CC TN 32 Solano CC CA 7 Tompkins Cortland CC NY 27 Wharton County JC TX 35

Roanoke-Chowan Technical C NC 22 Somerset County C NJ 24 Tri-County CC NC 22 White Pines C NH 24

Robeson Technical C NC 22 South Central CC CT 9 Tri-County TC SC 31 Wilkes CC NC 23

Rochester CC MN 19 South Florida CC FL 10 Trident TC SC 31 William R .ney Harper C IL 15

Rock Valley C IL 14 South Mountain CC AZ 2 Trinity Valley CC TX 35 Willmar CC MN 19

Rockland CC NY 26 South Seattle CC WA 36 Triton C IL IS Wilson County Tech 'nst NC 23

Rogers State CRogue CCRose State CS D Bishop State JCSUNY Ag&Tecn-MorrisvilleSUNY Alfred State CSUNY C of Ag&TechSUNY C of Technology-DelhiSacramento City C




NY 26NY 26

NY 26NY 26CA 6

Southeas. CC-LincolnSoutheastern CCSoutheastern Illinois CSouthern Maine Voc Tech InstSouthern State CCSouthern West Virginia CCSouthern Hest Virginia CCSouthwest Virginia CCSouthwest Wisconsin Voc Tech inst

NE 23IA 13

IL 14HE 17OH 28WV 38WV 38VA 36WI 37

Truckee Meadows CCTulsa JCTyler JCU of AkronU of Minnesota-CrookstonU of Minnesota-WasecaU of New Mexir Los AlamosU of Toledo-C,,anunity/Tezh C

Ulster CC

NV 25OK 29TX 35OH 28MN 19MN 19NM 25OH 28NY 27

Windward CCWisconsin Indianhead Tech InstWorthington CCWright St U-Lake CampusWytheville CCYakima Valley CCYavapai CYoungstown St UYuba CC District

HI 11WI 37:iii 19

OH 26VA 36WA 37AG 2

OH 28CA 8

- 1-31 -

87- 1-32 -

Colleges that serve head injured students Colleges that serve head injured students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C GA 11 Centralia C WA 36 Everett CC WA 36 Kings River CC CA 5

Adirondrack CC NY 25 Cerritos C CA 3 Fayetteville Tech :nst NC 21 Kingsborough CC NY 26Aims CC CO 8 Cerro Coso rC CA 3 Feather River C CA 4 Kirkwood CC IA 12Albuquerque Tech Voc Inst NM 24 Champlain VT :s6 Firelands C OH 27 Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12Allan Hancock C CA 2 Chatfield C OH 27 Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9 Lackwanna JC PA 30Alvin CC TX 32 Chattanooga State TC TN 32 Foothill CC CA 4 Lake City CC FL 10Amarillo C TX 32 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 Forest Park CC MO 19 Lake Land C IL 14American River C CA 3 Citrus CC CA 3 Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37 Lake Michigan C MI 18Anchorage CC AK 1 Clackamas CC OR 29 Frenso City C CA 4 Lake Tahoe CC CA 5

Anson'Technical C NC 21 Clark CC WA 36 Fullerton C CA 4 Lake-Sumter CC FL 10Antelope Valley C CA 3 Clark County CC NV 25 Gainesville JC GA 11 Lakeland CC OH 27Arapahoe CC CO 8 Clark Technical C OH 27 Galveston C TX 33 Lamar University-Orange TX 33Ashland CC KY 15 Clatsop CC OR 29 Garrett CC MD 17 lane CC OR 29Atlantic CC NJ 24 Cleveland State CC TN 32 Gateway CC AZ 2 Laney C CA 5

Austin CC MN HI Clinton CC NY 25 Gateway Tech Inst WI 37 Lansing CC MI 18Austin CC TX 32 Clinton CC IA 11 Gavilan JT CC CA 4 Laramie County CC WY 38Bay de ticc CC MI 17 Coastline CC CA 4 Glendale CC CA 4 Leeward CC-Komo Mai Center HI 11Bee County C TX 33 Collin County CC TX 33 Glendale CC AZ 2 Lenior CC NC 22Belleville :area C IL 13 Columbia Basin C WA 36 Glouchester County C NJ 24 Lewis & Clark CC IL 14Belmont Technical C OH 27 Columbia CC CA 4 Grand Rapids JC MI 17 Lexington CC KY 16Blackhawk C-Quad Cities Campus IL 13 Columbia State CC TN 32 Grant MacEwan CC CN 8 Lima Tech CC-Ohio St U Lima OH 27Blackhawk Tech Inst WI 37 Compton CC CA 4 Grayson County C TX 33 Lincoln Land CC IL 14Brainerd CC MN 19 Cosumnes River C CA 4 Greater Hartford CC CT 8 Linn-Benton CC OR 29Broward CC FL 9 Crafton Hills C CA 4 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8 Lona Beach City C CA 5

Bucks County CC PA 30 Cuesta C CA 4 Greenfield CC MA 16 Longview CC MO 20Butler County CC PA 30 Cumberland County C NJ 24 Grossmont CC CA 5 Lorain County CC OH 27Butte C CA 3 Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Guam CC GU 11 Los Angeles City C CA 5

C Of The Canyons CA 3 Cuyamaca C CA 4 Guilford Technical CC NC 21 Los Angeles Harbor C CA 5

C Of The Desert CA 3 Cypress C CA 4 Gulf Coast CC FL 9 Los Angeles Mission C CA 5

C of DuPage IL 13 Deanza CC CA 4 Hartnell C CA 5 Los Angeles Fierce C CA 5

C of Lake County IL 13 Dekalb C-Central Campus GA 11 Hawkeye InstKute of Technology IA 12 Los Angeles Valley C CA 5

C of the Mainland TX 33 Delaware County CC PA 30 Henry Ford CC MI 17 Lower Columbia C WA 36C of the Redwoods CA 3 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9 Herkimer County CC NY 25 Macomb CC MI 18C of the Sequoias CA 3 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9 Highline CC WA 36 Manatee CC FL 10C of the SisKiyous CA 3 Delgado CC LA 16 Hillsborough CC FL 9 Marshalltown CC IA 12

CC of Allegeny County FA 30 Delta C HI 17 Howard CC MD 17 Mattatuck CC CT 8

CC of Allegeny County-South Campus PA 30 Dixie C UT 35 Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Maui CC HI 11

CC of Allegheny County-North Campus PA 30 East Central C MO 19 Hutchinson CC KS 15 McLennan CC TX 33

CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus PA 30 East Los Angeles C CA 4 Illinois Central C a 13 Merced CC CA 5

CC of Aurora CO 8 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Indian River CC FL 9 Mercer County CC NJ 24

CC of Denver CO 8 Eastern New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Inver Hills CC MN 19 Merritt C CA 6

CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Eastfie.d C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33 Iowa Lakes CC IA 12 Mesa CC AZ 2

CC of Philadelphia PA 30 Edison State CC OH 27 Iowa Western CC IA 11 Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10

Cabrillo C CA 3 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33 Jackson State CC TN 32 Middlesex CC MA 16

Cape Cod CC MA 16 El Paso CC TX 33 Jefferson C MO 20 Middlesex County C NJ 24

Catonsville CC MD 17 El Reno JC OK 29 Joira Tyler CC VA 35 Midland C TX 34

Cedar Valley C TX 33 Ellsworth CC IA 12 Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15 Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37

Central Ohio Technical C OH 27 Erie CC NY 25 Kapio;ani CC HI 11 Mira Costa CC CA 6

Mlogg CC MI 18 Mississippi Delta JC MS 20

- 1-33 -

89- 1-34 -


Colleges that serve head injured students Colleges that serve head injured students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Mississippi Gulf Coast JC MS 20 Parkland C IL 14 Sheridan C WY 38 Tri-County TC SC 31

Monroe CC NY 26 Pasadena City C CA 6 Shoreline CC WA 36 Trinity Valley CC TX 35Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MD 17 Penscola JC FL 10 Sierra CC CA 7 Truckee Meadows CC NV 25Moorpark C CA 6 Phoenix CC AZ 2 Sinclair CC OH 28 U of Akron OH 28Morton C IL 14 Pierce C WA 36 Skyline C CA 7 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19Mott CC MI 18 Pikes Peak CC CO 8 Snow C UT 35 U of New Mexico-Los Alamos NM 25Mountain View C TX 34 Pima CC AZ 2 Solana CC CA 7 Ulster CC NY 27Mt San Antonio C CA 6 Pioneer CC MO 20 South Florida CC FL 10 Umpwl CC OR 30Mt San Jacinto C CA 6 Portland CC OR 29 South Plains C TX 34 Utah !alley CC UT 35Muscatine CC IA 12 Prairie State C IL 14 Southern Maine Voc Tech Inst ME 17 VTAE Nstrict 1 Tech Inst WI 37Muskegon CC MI 18 Pratt CC KS 15 Southern State CC OH 28 Valencia CC Ft 11

Napa Valley C CA 6 Prince George's CC MD 17 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 Ventura C CA 7

Nassau CC NY 26 Pueblo CC CO 8 Southwestern C CA 7 Vista C CA 7

Navajo CC AZ 2 Quinsigamond CC NA 16 Southwestern CC IA 13 Volunteer State CC TN 12New Mexico St U-Dowd Ana Branch NM 25 Rappahannock CC VA 35 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18 Walla Walla CC WA 37Niagara County CC NY 25 Reading Area CC PA 30 Southwestern Oregon CC OR 30 Washtenaw CC MI 18Normandale CC MN 19 Richland C TX 34 Spartanburg TC SC 31 Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37North Arkansas CC AR 2 Richland CC IL 14 Spokane CC WA 36 West Hills C CA 7

North Central Tech Inst WI 37 Richmond Technical C NC 22 St Clair County CC MI 18 West Los Angeles C CA 7

North Dakota State C of Science ND 23 Rio Grand6 C OH 28 St Johns River CC FL 10 West Valley CC CA 8North Harris County C District TX 34 Rio Salado CC AZ 2 St Louis CC-Florissant Valley MO 20 West Virginia Northern CC WV 38North Idaho C ID 13 Rochester CC MN 19 Stark Technical C OH 28 West Vircinia State C WV 38North Iowa Area CC IA 12 Rockland CC NY 26 Sumtar Area TC SC 31 Westchecter CC NY 27North Lake C TX 34 Rogue CC OR 29 Sussex County CC NJ 24 Western Nevaua CC NV 25'North Orange County CC CA 6 SUNY Alfred State C NY 26 Tallahassee CC FL 11 Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37North Seattle CC WA 36 SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26 Tarrant County JC TX 34 Westmoreland CC PA 31

North Shore CC MA 16 Sacramento City C CA 6 Tarrant County JC TX 34 Wharton County JC TX 35Northamptom County Area CC PA 30 San Antonio C TX 34 Technical C of Alamance NC 22 William Rainey Harper C IL 15Northeast Iowa Tech Inst - Calmar IA 12 San Bernardino Valley C CA 6 Texas Southmost C TX 34 Wisconsin Indtanhead Tech Inst WI 37Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Peosta IA 12 San Diego CC District CA 6 Texas State Tech Inst TX 34 WArthington CC MN 19Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19 San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Thames 'Alley State Technical t CT 9 Wytheville CC VA 36

Neotheast Wisconsin Tech Instnorthern Virginia CC

WI 37VA 35

San Jacinto C DistrictSan Joaquin Delta C

TX 34CA 7

Tri-County CC NC 22 Youngstown St U OH 28

Northland Pioneer C AZ 2 San Jose City C CA 7 Colleges that serve speech impaired studentsNorthwest Technical C C1 28 San Juan C NM 25

Northwestern Michigan COakland CC

MI 18mr 18

Sandhills CCSanta Clarita CC

NC 22CA 7

College St Pg College St Pg

Oakton CC IL 14 Santa Fe CC FL 10 Abraham Baldwin Agriculture C GA 11 Angelina C TX 32

Ocean County C NJ 24 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 'Ibuquerque Tech Voc Inst NM 24 Anson Technical C NC 21

Ohlone C CA 6 Santa Monica C CA 7 Allan Hancock C CA 2 Antelope Valley C CA 3

Oklahoma City CC OK 29 Santa Roca JC CA 7 Alvin CC TX 32 Arapahoe CC CO 8

Oklahoma St U-Tech Branch Okmulgee OK 29 Schenectady County CC NY 26 Amarillo C TX 32 Arizona Western C AZ 2

01rflc C WA 36 Schoolcraft C MI 18 American River C CA .1 Ashland CC KY 15

Paducah CC KY 16 Scott CC IA 12 Anchorage CC AK 1 Atlantic CC NJ 24

Palo Alto C TX 34 Scottsdale CC AZ 2

Palomar C CA 6 Seattle Central CC WA 36

Paris JC TX 34 Seminole CC FL 10

Parkersburg CC WV 38 Seminole JC OK 29

91- 1-35 - - 1-36 -


Colleges that serve speech impaired students Colleges that serve speech impaired students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg College St Pg

Austin CC MN 19 Cincinnati Technical C OH 27 Firelands C CH 27 J Sergeant Reynolds CC VA 35Austin CC TX 32 Citrus CC CA 3 Florida CC-Jacksonville FL 9 Jackson State CC TN 32Bainbridge JC GA 11 Clackamas CC OR 29 Foothill CC CA 4 James Sprunt Technical C NC 21Bakersfield C CA 3 Clark CC WA 36 Forest Park CC MO 19 Jefferson C MO 20Barstow CC CA 3 Clark County CC NV 25 Fox Valley Tech Inst WI 37 Jefferson CC KY 16Bay de Noc CC MI 17 Clark Technical C OH 27 Frenso City C CA 4 Jefferson State JC AL 1Bee County C TX 33 Clatsop CC OR 29 Ft Scott CC KS 15 John Tyler CC VA 35Belleville Area C IL 13 Cleveland State CC TN 32 Gadsden State JC AL 1 Kansas City, Kansas CC KS 15Belmont Technical C OH 27 Clinton CC NY 25 Gainesville JC GA 11 Kellogg CC MI 18Bismark JC ND 23 Clinton CC IA 11 Galveston C TX 33 Kings River CC CA 5Blackhawk C-Quad Cities Campus IL 13 Collin County CC TX 33 Garrett CC MD 17 Kingsborough CC NY 26Blackhawk Tech Inst WI 37 Colorado Mcuntain C CO 8 Gateway CC AZ 2 Kirkwood CC IA 12Bladen Technical C NC 21 Columbia Basin C WA 36 Gateway Tech Inst WI 37 Kirkwood CC-Skill Center IA 12Blue Mountain CC OR 29 Columbia CC CA 4 Gnvilan JT CC CA 4 Lackwanna JC PA 30Blue Ridge CC VA 35 Columbia State CC TN 32 Glendale CC CA 4 Lake City CC FL 10Brainerd CC MN 19 Compton CC CA 4 Glendale CC AZ 2 Lake Land C IL 14Brevard CC FL 9 Copiah-Lincoln JC MS 20 Gclden West C CA 5 Lake Michigan C MI 18Brookhaven C TX 33 Cora-UPR PR 31 Grand Rapids JC MI 17 Lake Tahoe CC CA 5Broward CC FL 9 Corning CC NY 25 Grant MacEwan CC -CN 8 Lake-Sumter CC FL 10Bucks County CC PA 30 Cosumnes River C CA 4 Grayson County C TX 33 Lakeland CC OH 27Butler County CC PA 30 County C of Morris NJ 24 Greater Hartford CC CT 8 Lane CC OR 29Butte C CA 3 Cuesta C CA 4 Greater New Haven St Tech C CT 8 Laney C CA 5C Of The Canyons CA 3 Cumberland County C NJ 24 Greenfield CC MA 16 Lansing CC MI 18C of GuPage IL 13 Cuyahoga CC OH 27 Grossnont CC CA 5 Laramie County CC WY 38C of the Mainland TX 33 Cypress C CA 4 Guam CC GU 11 Leeward CCKomo Mai Center HI 11C of the Redwoods CA 3 Dawson CC MT 21 Guilford Technical CC NC 21 Lenior CC NC 22'C of the Sequoias CA 3 Daytona Beach CC FL Gulf Coast CC FL 9 Lexington CC KY 16C of the Siskiyous CA 3 Deanza CC CA 4 Harford CC MD 17 Lima Tech CC-Ohio St U Lima OH 27CC of Allegeny County PA 30 Dekalb C-Central Campus GA 11 Hartnell C CA 5 Lincoln Trail C IL 14CC of Aliogeny County-South Campus PA 30 Delaware County CC PA 30 Hawkeye Institute of Technology IA 12 Linn-Benton CC OR 29CC of Allegheny-Boyce Campus PA 30 Delaware Tech&CC-Terry DE 9 Henry Ford CC MI 17 Long Beach City C CA 5CC of Aurora CO 8 Delaware Tech&CC-Wilmington/Stanton DE 9 Herkimer County CC NY 25 Longview CC MO 20CC of Baltimore MD 17 Delgado CC LA 16 Highline CC WA 36 Lorain County CC OH 27CC of Denver CO 8 Delta C MI 17 Hillsborough CC FL 9 Los Angeles City C CA 5CC of Finger Lakes NY 25 Dixie C UT 35 Honolulu CC HI 11 Los Angeles Harbor C CA 5CC of Micronesia TQ 32 East Central C MO 19 Horry Georgetown TC SC 31 Los Angeles Mission C CA 5CC of Philadelphia PA 30 East Central JC MS 20 Houston CC TX 33 Los Angeles Pierce C CA 5Cabrillo C CA 3 East Los Angeles C CA 4 Huward CC MD 17 Los Angeles Valley C CA 5Caldwell CC NC 21 East Mississippi JC MS 20 Hudson County CC NJ 24 Lower Columbia C WA 36Cape Cod CC MA 16 Eastern. New Mexico U-Clovis NM 24 Hudson Valley CC NY 25 Manatee CC FL 10Carteret Technical C NC 21 Eastfield C-Dallas Cnty CC TX 33 Hutchinson CC KS 15 Marshalltown CC IA 12Cedar Valley C TX 33 Edison State CC OH 27 Indian River CC FL 9 Mattatuck CC CT 8Central Ohio Technical C OH 27 El Centro C-Dallas County CC TX 33 Indiana Voc Tech C IN 15 Maui CC HI 11Cerritos C CA 3 El Paso CC TX 33 Indiana Voc Tech C IN 15 McLennan CC TX 33Cerro Cosa CC CA 3 El Reno JC OK 29 Inver Hills CC MN 19 Merced CC CA 5Chatfield C OH 27 Ellsworth CC IA 12 Iowa Central CC IA 12 Mercer County CC NJ 24Chattanooga State TC TN 32 Erie CC NY 25 Iowa Lakes CC IA 12 Merritt C ,CA 6Chesapeake C MD 17 Everett CC WA 36 Iowa Western CC IA 12 Miami-Dade CC-North Campus FL 10Chicago City-Wide C IL 13 Fayetteville Tech Inst NC 21

- 1-37 -

9:3- 1-38 -


Colleges that serve speech impaired students Colleges that serve speech impaired students

College St Pg College St Pg College St Pgf College St Pg

Miami-Dade CC-South Campus FL 10 Ocean County C NJ 24 San Antonio C TX 34 Sumtcr Area TC SC 31

Mid-Plains C( Area NE 23 Odessa C TX 34 San Bernardino Valley C CA 6 Sussex County CC NJ 24

Middlesex CC MA 16 Ohlone C CA 6 San Diego CC District CA 6 Tacoma CC WA 37

Middlesex County C NJ 24 Okaloosa-Halton JC FL 10 San Francisco CC Center CA 7 Tallahassee CC FL 11

Midland C TX 34 Oklahoma City CC OK 29 San Jacinto C District TX 34 Tanana Valley CC AK 1

Milwaukee Area Tech C WI 37 Oklahoma St U-Tech Branch Okmulgee OK 29 San Joaquin Delta C CA 7 Tarrant County JC TX 34

Mineral Area C MO 20 Olympic C WA 36 San Jose City C CA 7 Tarrant County JC TX 34

Mira Costa CC CA 6 Orange County CC NY 26 San Juan C NM 25 Technical C of Alamance NC 22

Mississippi Delta JC MS 20 Paducah CC KY 16 Sandhills CC NC 22 Texarkana C TX 34

Mississippi Gulf Coast JC MS 20 Palm Beach JC FL 10 Santa Clarita CC CA 7 Texas Southmost C TX 34

Moberly Area JC MO 20 Palo Alto C TX 34 Santa Fe CC FL 10 Texas State Tech Inst TX 34

Monroe CC NY 26 Palomar C CA 6 Santa Fe CC Work Exploration Ct FL 10 Thames Valley State Technical C CT 9

Montgomery C-Rockville Campus MO 17 Paris JC TX 34 Santa Monica C CA 7 Tri-County CC NC 22

Morton C IL 14 Parkersburg CC WV 38 Santa Rosa JC CA 7 Tri-County TC SC 31

Mott CC MI 18 Parkland C IL 14 Schenectady County CC NY 26 Trident TC SC 31

Mountain Empire CC VA 35 Pasadena City C CA 6 Schoolcraft C MI 18 Trinity Valley CC TX 35

Mountain View C TX 34 Patrick Henry State JC AL 1 Scott CC IA 12 Truckee Meadows CC NV 25

Mt San Antonio CA 6 Paul Smith's C NY 26 Scottsdale CC AZ 2 Tyler JC TX 35

Murray StateState C OK 29 Penn Valley CC MO 20 Seattle Central CC WA 36 U of Akron OH 28

Muscatine CC IA 12 Penscola JC FL 10 Seminole CC FL 10 U of Minnesota-Crookston MN 19

Muskegon CC MI 18 Phoenix CC AZ 2 Seminole JC OK 29 Ulster CC NY 27

Muskingum Area TeChnical C OH 28 Piedmont Virginia CC VA 35 Sheridan C WY 38 Umpqua CC OR 30

Nashville St Tech Inst TN 32 Pierce C WA 36 Shoreline CC WA 36 Utah Valley CC UT 35

Nassau CC NY 26 Pikes Peak CC CO 8 Sierra CC CA 7 VTAE District 1 Tech Inst WI 37

Navajo CC AZ 2 Pima CC AZ 2 Sinclair CC OH 28 Valencia CC FL 11

New Mexico St U-Alamogordo NM 24 Pioneer CC MO 20 Skyline C CA 7 Vance Granville CC NC 22

New Mexico St U-Dona Ana Branch NM 25 Pitt CC NC 22 Snow C UT 35 Ventura C CA 7

Niagara County CC NY 26 Portland CC OR 29 Solano CC CA 7 Vista C CA 7

Normandale CC MN 19 Prairie State C IL 14 South Florida CC FL 10 Volunteer State CC TN 32

North Central Tech Inst WI 37 Pratt CC KS 15 South Mountain CC AZ 2 Walla Walla CC WA 37

North Central Technical C OH 28 Prince George's CC MD 17 South Plains C TX 34 Waukesha County Tech Inst WI 37

North Dakota State C of Science ND 23 Pueblo CC CO 8 Southeast CC-Lincoln NE 23 West Hills C CA 7

North Harris County C District TX 34 Quinsigamond CC MA 16 Southeastern Illinois C IL 14 West Los Angeles C CA 7

North Idaho C ID 13 Rappahannock CC VA 35 Southern Maine Voc Tech Inst ME 17 West Valley CC CA 8

North Iowa Area CC IA 12 Reading Area CC PA 30 Southern State CC OH 28 West Virginia Northern CC WV 38

North Lake C TX 34 Richland C TX 34 Southern West Virginia CC WV 38 West Virginia State C WV 38

North Orange County CC CA 6 Richmond Technical C NC 22 Southwest Virginia CC VA 36 Westchester CC NY 27

North Seattle CC WA 36 Rio Grande C OH 28 Southwestern C CA 7 Western Nevada CC NV 25

North Shore CC MA 16 Rio Salado CC AZ 2 Southwestern CC IA 13 Western Wisconsin Tech Inst WT. 37

Northamptom County Area CC PA 30 Roane State CC TN 32 Southwestern Michigan C MI 18 Westmoreland CC PA 31

Northeast Iowa Tech Inst-Calmar IA 12 Robeson Technical C NC 22 Southwestern Oregon CC OR 30 Wharton County JC TX 35

Northeast Iowa Teel Inst-Peosta IA 12 Rochester CC MU 19 Southwestern Technical C NC 22 William Rainey Harper C IL 15

Northeast Metro Tech Inst MN 19 Rockland CC NY 26 :;okane CC WA 36 Willmar CC MN 19

Northeast Wisconsin Tech Inst WI 37 Rogue CC 29 Springfield C in Illinois IL 14 Windward CC HI 11

Northern Virginia CC VA 35 S D Bishop State JC AL 1 St Clair County CC MI 18 Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Inst WI 37

Northland Pioneer C AZ 2 SUNY Ag&Tech-Morrisville NY 26 St Johns River CC FL 10 Worthington CC MN 19

Northwest Icwa Technical C IA 12 SUNY Alfred State C NY 26 Stark Technical C OH 28 Wytheville CC VA 36

Northwest technical C OH 28 SUNY C of Ag&Tech NY 26 Youngstown St U OH 28

Northwestern Michigan C MI 18 SUNY C of Technology-Delhi NY 26

Oakton CC IL 14 Sacramento City C CA 6

- 1-39 -

95- 1-40 - 96


9. Emotional

10. 'Awnings

11. Mental

12. Orthopedic

13. Visual

14. Hewing

18. Speech

16. Heed Injured

17. Other



For lines 1 through Splease Nit the name.address. and phonenumber of DisabledServices ContactPerson.



1. Disabled Services Contact Person 2. Phone

& Institution

4. Street or Room Number 5. Street or Building 6. City 7. State e. ZipFor Ilneell-111 which Indicate DISABILITY. please follow these Directions: Chock the appropriate boas*. In columns ma "other Indicate specific programe/earvIcesragenclesavailable. if you use abbrevistions due to spec* limitations. plies* Indicate In the lower nght corner of the survey what the abbreviations represent.











i° Its-3 A


SEYlla e> 1-


'3g illOther








S 0.,aE4Oc







4 iiir.1


e c.Zi* 7,


National.State. or


Regional.or Local(SWAY]

20. Please enclose at materials brochures, or syllabi used to provide information or to market your programs. This will help us describeyour programs and services

21. Your contribution to this effort is greatly appreciated. Would you like to receive a copy of the completed survey?(circle one) yes or no

22. Please return II to: Dr. John Prihoda. Presidentlows Valley Community College DistrictBox 536Marshalltown, Iowa 50158








Number of Community Colleges Serving Students With Disabilities in Each State


El 0Ei 1 to 5

Ei 6th 1011 to 20

21 to 35

36 to 50IIII over 50

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ERIC Clearinghouse forJunior Colleges DEC 16


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