epc oral presentation 2 script

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Effective Public Communication [COM 30103]

Assignment: Oral Presentation (Part 2)

Name: Foo Ji Sun

Student ID: 0323550

Module: Effective Public Communication [COM 30103]

Lecturer: Persis Rodrigues

Session: September 2015

Submission Date: 26th January, 2016 (Tuesday)

Presentation Date: 26th January, 2016 (Tuesday)

what are parks? a park is a piece of public land in or near a city that is kept free of houses and other buildings and can be used for recreation and exercise.

the park im going to talk about today is taman bukit jalil. this park considered a public park which is located in buiit jalil. the park was established in the 1990s. the size of the park is about 80 acres and has several small lakes and a small rainforest. it even has displays of several gardens of other countries which we will talk about later

alright somwe are going to talk about the structures and monuments in the park. this is one of the monuments near the first entrance of the park, dont really know what it is to be honest. all i know is that is lights up at night. one of the most abundant sturctures in the park are gazebos which will provide shade and shelter in case of rain. next there are many playgrounds near the first entrance of the park as well as exercising stations along the roads.

as for the international gardens, people actually come here from all around the country just to see these gardens.

English style Dutch windmill Japanese Zen Chinese Zen Malaysian style garden a kampung house a garden from Iran apparently Balinese architecture form Indonesia Canadian garden, you can see the totems Thai garden and finally a Peruvian pyramid

as for the activities, you can jog, play football on the fields, take a stroll on the reflexology foot paths, play in the playgrounds, play badminton, cycle or just feed the fish and turtles in the lake. some couples even use the park as a wedding photoshoot location. after your adventures you can settle down at the vendors in the parking lots and have some ice cream or other foods and drinks

finally, for the materials used, read from slides

this is my reference

thank you

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