epa, small drinking water systems, 2005

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  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Small Drinking Water Systems:

    State o the Industry andTreatment Technologies to Meetthe Sae Drinking Water ActRequirements

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    EPA 600/X-05/021November 2005

    Small Drinking Water Systems:State o the Industry and Treatment Technologiesto Meet the Sae Drinking Water Act Requirements


    Chrstopher A. Impelltter, Crag L. Patterson, Roy C. Haught, and James A. Goodrch

    Water Supply and Water Resources DvsonNatonal Rsk Management Research LaboratoryCncnnat, OH 45268

    Ths report was compled n cooperaton wth Shaw Envronmental, Inc.Under EPA Contract EP-C-04-034 WA1-03 and WA 2-03

    Work Assgnment Manager - Crag L. PattersonWater Supply and Water Resources Dvson

    Natonal Rsk Management Research LaboratoryCncnnat, OH 45268

    Natonal Rsk Management Research Laboratory

    Oce o Research and DevelopmentU.S. Envronmental Protecton Agency

    Cncnnat, OH 45268

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005



    The EPA has not subjected ths report to nternal revew. Thereore, the research results presented

    heren do not, necessarly, refect Agency polcy. Menton o trade names o commercal products does

    not consttute endorsement or recommendaton or use.

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005



    Ths document summarzes the current natonal statstcs or small drnkng water systems (servng less

    than ten thousand people). It descrbes the current status o regulatons, treatment technologes, source

    water ssues, dstrbuton system characterstcs, waste resdual ssues, securty/emergency response,

    and montorng as these ssues pertan to small systems. Ths objectve o ths document s to provde

    researchers n the Water Supply and Water Resources Dvson n the Natonal Rsk Management Research

    Laboratory wth a bass to desgn and mplement uture research projects that wll ocus on the most

    pressng needs o small systems. The majorty o ths report ncludes data and normaton acqured

    between June 1, 2004 and October 1, 2005, and most o the work was completed on November 1, 2005.

    Secton 5.6, related to small systems treatment opton aordablty and denton o unreasonable rsk

    to health, presents more recent updates (perormed n August 2006) based on revewer comments.

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    The U.S. Envronmental Protecton Agency (EPA) s charged by Congress wth protectng the Natons

    land, ar, and water resources. Under a mandate o natonal envronmental laws, the Agency strves to

    ormulate and mplement actons leadng to a compatble balance between human actvtes and the ablty

    o natural systems to suppor t and nurture le. To meet ths mandate, EPAs research program s provdng

    data and techncal support or solvng envronmental problems today and buldng a scence knowledge

    base necessary to manage our ecologcal resources wsely, understand how pollutants aect our health,

    and prevent or reduce envronmental rsks n the uture.

    The Natonal Rsk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) s the Agencys center or nvestga-

    ton o technologcal and management approaches or preventng and reducng rsks rom polluton

    that threaten human health and the envronment. The ocus o the Laboratorys research program s

    on methods and ther cost-eectveness or preventon and control o polluton to ar, land, water, and

    subsurace resources; protecton o water qualty n publc water systems; remedaton o contamnated

    stes, sedments and ground water; preventon and control o ndoor ar polluton; and restoraton o

    ecosystems. NRMRL collaborates wth both publc and prvate sector partners to oster technologes

    that reduce the cost o complance and to antcpate emergng problems. NRMRLs research provdessolutons to envronmental problems by: developng and promotng technologes that protect and

    mprove the envronment; advancng scentc and engneerng normaton to support regulatory and

    polcy decsons; and provdng the techncal support and normaton transer to ensure mplementaton

    o envronmental regulatons and strateges at the natonal, state, and communty levels.

    Ths publcaton has been produced as part o the Laboratorys strategc long-term research plan. It s

    publshed and made avalable by EPAs Oce o Research and Development to assst the user com-

    munty and to lnk researchers wth ther clents.

    Sally Guterrez, Drector

    Natonal Rsk Management Research Laboratory

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Table of Contents1.0 Introducton ..................................................................................................................................1-1

    1.1 Goals and Objectves o ths Document .................................................................................1-11.2 Document Organzaton .........................................................................................................1-1

    2.0 Current Status and Issues o Small Drnkng Water Systems ......................................................2-12.1 Introducton ............................................................................................................................2-1

    2.2 Prole o Small Systems n the U.S. .......................................................................................2-12.3 Status o Drnkng Water Plant Volatons ...............................................................................2-42.4 Source Water Issues ..............................................................................................................2-52.5 Common Current Treatment Technologes .............................................................................2-52.6 Partculate/Turbdty Removal Technologes ...........................................................................2-8

    2.6.1 Smple Fltraton .............................................................................................................2-82.6.2 Advanced Fltraton ........................................................................................................2-92.6.3 Reverse Osmoss (RO) .................................................................................................2-9

    2.7 Chemcal Contamnant Removal............................................................................................2-92.7.1 Ion Exchange (IX) ..........................................................................................................2-92.7.2 Sorpton Technologes ....................................................................................................2-92.7.3 Other Technologes ......................................................................................................2-10

    2.8 Bologcal Contamnant Removal .........................................................................................2-10

    2.8.1 Chlornaton ..................................................................................................................2-102.8.2 Ultravolet Lght (UV) ....................................................................................................2-102.8.3 Ozone ..........................................................................................................................2-102.8.4 Other Dsnecton Technologes ...................................................................................2-10

    2.9 Dstrbuton System Inrastructure ........................................................................................2-102.9.1 Storage Facltes..........................................................................................................2-142.9.2 Pumpng acltes .........................................................................................................2-162.9.3 Dstrbuton Lnes .........................................................................................................2-16

    2.10 Remote Telemetry Supervsory Control and Data Acquston (SCADA) ..........................2-172.11 Key Questons ......................................................................................................................2-202.12 Reerences ...........................................................................................................................2-22

    3.0 Regulatory Background ...............................................................................................................3-13.1 Sae Drnkng Water Act (SDWA) ...........................................................................................3-1

    3.2 SDWA Provsons ...................................................................................................................3-13.2.1 Natonal Prmary Drnkng Water Regulatons (NPDWR) ...............................................3-13.2.2 Natonal Secondary Drnkng Water Regulatons (NSDWR) ..........................................3-23.2.3 Contamnant Canddate Lst (CCL) ................................................................................3-2

    3.3 Current Regulatory Issues .....................................................................................................3-23.3.1 Perchlorate .....................................................................................................................3-23.3.2 Arsenc ...........................................................................................................................3-23.3.3 Complance wth Surace Water Treatment Rule ............................................................3-33.3.4 Stage 1 and 2 Dsnecton Byproducts (DBP) Rules .....................................................3-43.3.5 Proposed Ground Water Rule ........................................................................................3-53.3.6 Methyl Tertary Butyl Ether (MTBE) ................................................................................3-53.3.7 Radonucldes ................................................................................................................3-5

    3.4 Source Water Assessments ...................................................................................................3-63.5 Wellhead Protecton ...............................................................................................................3-73.6 Vulnerablty Assessments (VA), Emergency Plannng and Securty .....................................3-73.7 Varances and Exemptons ....................................................................................................3-8

    3.7.1 Small System Varances ................................................................................................3-83.7.2 Exemptons ....................................................................................................................3-8

    3.8 DWSRF .................................................................................................................................3-93.9 Key Questons ........................................................................................................................3-93.10 Reerences .............................................................................................................................3-9

    4.0 Source Water Issues....................................................................................................................4-14.1 Background ...........................................................................................................................4-14.2 Drnkng Water Research Program Mult-Year Plan ...............................................................4-1

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    4.2.1 Long-Term Goals ...........................................................................................................4-14.2.2 Ongong and Future Research ......................................................................................4-1

    4.3 Source Water Assessments ...................................................................................................4-24.3.1 Delneaton .....................................................................................................................4-24.3.2 Contamnaton Sources .................................................................................................4-24.3.3 Susceptblty Determnaton ..........................................................................................4-3

    4.3.4 Publc Involvement .........................................................................................................4-34.3.5 Benets o Source Water Assessment Plans (SWAPs) .................................................4-34.3.6 Source Water Protecton ................................................................................................4-3

    4.4 Other Source Water Assessment and Protecton Tools .........................................................4-34.4.1 Santary Survey .............................................................................................................4-34.4.2 Wellhead Protecton Program (WHPP) ..........................................................................4-3

    4.5 Sustanablty o Communty Water Systems (CWSs) ............................................................4-44.6 EPA Source Water Assessment and Protecton Programs ....................................................4-44.7 Key Questons ........................................................................................................................4-44.8 Reerences .............................................................................................................................4-4

    5.0 Treatment Processes ...................................................................................................................5-15.1 Introducton ...........................................................................................................................5-15.2 Packaged Fltraton ...............................................................................................................5-1

    5.2.1 Fltraton .........................................................................................................................5-25.2.2 Bag Fltraton ..................................................................................................................5-35.2.3 Cartrdge Fltraton .........................................................................................................5-45.2.4 Membrane Fltraton .......................................................................................................5-45.2.5 Ultra Fltraton (UF) ........................................................................................................5-4

    5.3 Dsnecton ............................................................................................................................5-45.3.1 Dsnecton by Chlornaton ...........................................................................................5-55.3.2 Dsnecton by Ozonaton ..............................................................................................5-65.3.3 Advanced Oxdaton Process or Dsnecton & Destructon ..........................................5-65.3.4 Dsnecton System Observatons .................................................................................5-7

    5.4 Sorpton Technologes ............................................................................................................5-75.4.1 Ion exchange (IX) ...........................................................................................................5-85.4.2 Actvated Alumna (AA) and Iron-based Meda ..............................................................5-8

    5.4.3 Powdered Actvated Carbon/Granular Actvated Carbon (PAC/GAC) ............................5-85.5 Lme Sotenng .......................................................................................................................5-95.6 Aordablty o Recommended Treatment Technologes and Protectveness o Publc Health

    by Varance Technologes or Small Systems .........................................................................5-95.7 Pont-o-Use/Pont-o-Entry (POU/POE) Applcatons ..........................................................5-10

    5.7.1 POU/POE Treatment Cost ...........................................................................................5-115.7.2 Use o POU/POE Treatment and Bottled Water n Small Systems ..............................5-11

    5.8 Key Questons ......................................................................................................................5-135.9 Reerences ...........................................................................................................................5-13

    6.0 Dstrbuton Systems ....................................................................................................................6-16.1 Dstrbuton System Overvew ................................................................................................6-16.2 Dstrbuton System Issues .....................................................................................................6-16.3 Inrastructure Issues ..............................................................................................................6-16.4 Operatonal Issues .................................................................................................................6-2

    6.4.1 Bolm Growth................................................................................................................6-26.4.2 Ntrcaton .....................................................................................................................6-36.4.3 Fnshed Water Storage and Agng ................................................................................6-4

    6.5 Contamnaton Events ............................................................................................................6-46.5.1 Cross-connecton Control ..............................................................................................6-46.5.2 Permeaton and Leachng ..............................................................................................6-56.5.3 Intruson and Inltratons ................................................................................................6-6

    6.6 Dstrbuton System Summary................................................................................................6-66.7 Key Questons ........................................................................................................................6-76.8 Reerences .............................................................................................................................6-7

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    7.0 Waste Resduals Generated by Small Systems ..........................................................................7-17.1 Introducton ............................................................................................................................7-17.2 Types o Waste Resduals and Dsposal ................................................................................7-17.3 Lqud Resduals Handlng & Dsposal ...................................................................................7-1

    7.3.1 Drect Dscharge o Lquds ............................................................................................7-27.3.2 Indrect Dscharge o Lquds .........................................................................................7-3

    7.3.3 Land Dsposal o Lquds ................................................................................................7-37.4 Sold Resduals ......................................................................................................................7-47.4.1 Land Dsposal o Solds .................................................................................................7-47.4.2 Land Applcaton o Solds .............................................................................................7-47.4.3 Incneraton o Solds and Lquds ..................................................................................7-4

    7.5 Technologcally Enhanced Normally Occurrng Radoactve Materal (TENORM) Resduals 7-47.6 Conclusons and Future Research .........................................................................................7-57.7 Key Questons ........................................................................................................................7-57.8 Reerences .............................................................................................................................7-5

    8.0 Homeland Securty/Emergency Response ..................................................................................8-18.1 Background and Drectves ....................................................................................................8-1

    8.1.1 Boterrorsm Act .............................................................................................................8-18.1.2 Homeland Securty Presdental Drectve (HSPD)-7 - Crtcal Inrastructure Identcaton,

    Prortzaton, and Protecton ..........................................................................................8-18.1.3 HSPD-8 - Natonal Preparedness ..................................................................................8-18.1.4 HSPD-9 - Deense o Unted States Agrculture and Food ...........................................8-18.1.5 HSPD-10 - BoDeense or the 21st Century ................................................................8-18.1.6 EPAs Strategc Plan or Homeland Securty ..................................................................8-2

    8.2 EPAs Homeland Securty and Emergency Response Intatves and Resources ..................8-28.3 Threats and Rsks to the Water Supply ..................................................................................8-3

    8.3.1 Chemcal and Radologcal Contamnants .....................................................................8-38.3.2 Bologcal Contamnants ................................................................................................8-38.3.3 Rsk Assessment and Mtgaton ....................................................................................8-3

    8.4 Response Protocol Toolbox....................................................................................................8-38.5 Recommended Procedures or Securng Small Systems ......................................................8-48.6 Inrastructure and Bulk Water ................................................................................................8-4

    8.7 Telemetry ...............................................................................................................................8-58.8 Early Warnng Systems or Drnkng Water Systems .............................................................8-58.9 Dsnecton n Dstrbuton Systems .......................................................................................8-68.10 Preparedness Assessment or Handlng Threats ...................................................................8-68.11 Local/State Emergency Plannng Commttees .......................................................................8-78.12 Alternatve Drnkng Water Supples n the Event o an Incdent ............................................8-78.13 Key Questons ........................................................................................................................8-88.14 Reerences .............................................................................................................................8-8

    9.0 Remote Montorng and Control ...................................................................................................9-19.1 Introducton ............................................................................................................................9-19.2 Ratonale or Onlne Montorng .............................................................................................9-19.3 Selecton and Implementaton o Supervsory Control and Data Acquston (SCADA) Systems .. 9-19.4 Fundamentals o SCADA .......................................................................................................9-3

    9.4.1 Montorng Equpment ....................................................................................................9-39.4.2 Control Equpment .........................................................................................................9-49.4.3 Data Collecton and Processng Unt(s) .........................................................................9-49.4.4 Communcaton Meda and Feld Wrng ........................................................................9-4

    9.5 Remote Telemetry Applcatons or Small Systems ................................................................9-49.5.1 West Vrgna Remote Montorng Case Study ...............................................................9-49.5.2 Puerto Rco Remote Montorng Case Study .................................................................9-5

    9.6 General Securty Issues wth Remote Montorng .................................................................9-79.7 Contamnaton Warnng Systems ...........................................................................................9-79.8 Key Questons ........................................................................................................................9-79.9 Reerences .............................................................................................................................9-7

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    10.0 Summary ...................................................................................................................................10-110.1 Introducton ..........................................................................................................................10-110.2 Memorandum o Understandng (MOU) wth the Natonal Rural Water Assocaton (NRWA) ..... 10-110.3 Chapter-Specc Key Questons ..........................................................................................10-1

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    List of Figures

    Fgure 2.1 PWSs by system type ......................................................................................................2-2Fgure 2.2 Small systems by system type - FY2004 .........................................................................2-2Fgure 2.3 Number o people served by system type - All systems FY2004 ....................................2-2Fgure 2.4 Number o PWSs or each servce populaton group .......................................................2-3Fgure 2.5 Populaton served, servce connectons and number o systems - CWSs only FY2004 .2-3Fgure 2.6 Drnkng water system owners FY 2004-159,796 total systems ...................................2-4Fgure 2.7 Volatons reported FY2005 .............................................................................................2-4Fgure 2.8 Drnkng water system volatons or all system szes - FY2005 ......................................2-5Fgure 2.9 Volatons reported or systems servng populaton rom 25-10,000 - FY2005 ......................2-5Fgure 2.10 MCL volatons vs. populatons served FY2005 ...............................................................2-6Fgure 2.11 Source water comparson by sze category .....................................................................2-6Fgure 2.12 Percentage o ground water plants usng each treatment technque ...............................2-7Fgure 2.13 Percentage o surace water plants usng each treatment technque ..............................2-7Fgure 2.14 Percentage o mxed plants usng each treatment technque ..........................................2-8Fgure 2.15 Percentage o CWSs wthn each system servce populaton category that have a

    clearwell type nshed water storage .............................................................................2-15

    Fgure 2.16 Average number o mles o dstrbuton mans (publc vs. prvate systems) ..................2-16Fgure 2.17 Publc vs. prvate average annual ppe replaced (or CWSs) 5-year average ................2-17Fgure 2.18 System servce connectons ..........................................................................................2-18Fgure 2.19 Average number o mles o ppes n dstrbuton systems prvately owned .......................2-18Fgure 2.20 Average number o mles o ppes n dstrbuton systems publcly owned ........................2-19Fgure 2.21 Percentage o ppe n each age category or CWSs ......................................................2-19Fgure 2.22 Percentage o Ppe n Each Age Category by Source or CWSs...................................2-20Fgure 2.23 Percentage o ground water CWS plants (lackng 24/7 operator presence) that have

    SCADA systems or process montorng or control........................................................2-21Fgure 2.24 Percentage o surace water CWS plants (lackng 24/7 operator presence) that have

    SCADA systems or process montorng or control........................................................2-21Fgure 3.1 Structure o the DWSRF program ...................................................................................3-7

    List of Tables

    Table 2.1 Technologes or norganc contamnants ......................................................................2-11Table 2.2 Technologes or volatle organc contamnants .............................................................2-11Table 2.3 Technologes or synthetc organc contamnants ..........................................................2-12Table 2.4 Technologes or radonucldes ......................................................................................2-12

    Table 2.5 Technologes or dsnecton ..........................................................................................2-13Table 2.6 Technologes or ltraton ...............................................................................................2-13Table 2.7 Complance technology or the Total Colorm Rule .......................................................2-14Table 2.8 Percentage o CWSs (wthn each system servce populaton category) that have treated-

    water storage, beore dstrbuton system. .....................................................................2-15Table 2.9 Percentage o CWSs (wthn each system servce populaton category) that have treated-

    water storage wthn the dstrbuton system. .................................................................2-15Table 2.10 System servce connectons by system owner ..............................................................2-20Table 3.1 Reduced montorng or radonucldes .............................................................................3-6Table 5.1 Surace Water Treatment Rule complance technologes or dsnecton ........................5-1Table 5.2 Surace Water Treatment Rule complance technologes or ltraton ..............................5-2Table 5.3 Summary o dsnectant characterstcs relatng to bocdal ecency ..................................... 5-5Table 5.4 Key Feature Summary o commonly used POU/POE technologes ..............................5-12

    Table 9.1 Amenablty o treatment technologes to remote montorng used or small water ...................9-2Table 9.2 Cost estmates o SCADA system components ..............................................................9-5Table 9.3 Puerto Rco remote montorng system component costs ...............................................9-6

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    Fgure 5.1 Partcle sze dstrbuton o common contamnants and assocated ltraton technology....5-3Fgure 5.2 Clogged Prelter ..............................................................................................................5-3Fgure 6.1 Dstrbuton System as a Reactor ..................................................................................6-3Fgure 6.2 Negatve Pressure Transent Assocated wth a Power Outage .......................................6-6Fgure 7.1 Federal regulatons governng the dsposal o resduals..................................................7-2Fgure 9.1 Possble layout o remote montorng system ..................................................................9-3

    Fgure 9.2 Schematc layout o the small sytstem n San German, Puerto Rco ..............................9-6

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    AA Actvated Alumna

    ABPA Amercan Backfow PreventonAssocaton

    ANSI Amercan Natonal StandardsInsttute

    AOP Advanced Oxdaton Processes

    APG Annual Perormance Goal

    APM Annual Perormance Measure

    ASCE Amercan Socety o Cvl Engneers

    ASDWA Assocaton o State Drnkng WaterAdmnstrators

    AWQC Ambent Water Qualty Crtera

    AWWA Amercan Water Works Assocaton

    BAT Best Avalable Technology

    BMP Best Management Practces

    CCL Contamnant Canddate Lst

    CESQG Condtonally Exempt Small QuanttyGenerator

    CFR Colorm Rule

    CSO Combned Sewer Overfows

    CT Contact Tme

    CWA Clean Water Act

    CWS Communty Water System

    DBP Dsnecton By-Product

    DBPR Dsnecton By-Product RuleDE Datomaceous Earth

    DHS Department o Homeland Securty

    DWSRF Drnkng Water State Revolvng Fund

    EBCT Empty Bed Contact Tme

    ED Electrodalyss

    EPA Envronmental Protecton Agency

    EPCRA Emergency Plannng and CommuntyRght-to-Know Act

    EPTDS Entry Pont to the DstrbutonSystem

    ERP Emergency Response Plan

    ETV Envronmental TechnologyVercaton

    FBRR Flter Backwash Recycle Rule

    GAC Granular Actvated Carbon

    GFH Granular Ferrc Hydroxde

    GPM Gallons per Mnute

    GWUDI Ground Water Under Drect Infuence

    HAA5 Haloacetc Acds

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    HFGP Horzontal Flow Gravel Prelter

    HSPD Homeland Securty PresdentalDrectve

    IT Inormaton TechnologyIUP Intended Use Plan

    IX Ion Exchange

    LEPC Local Emergency PlannngCommttee

    LGR Local Government Rembursements

    LLRW Low-level Radoactve Waste

    LT1ESWTR Long Term 1 Enhanced SuraceWater Treatment Rule

    LT2ESWTR Long Term 2 Enhanced SuraceWater Treatment Rule

    M/R Montorng and Reportng

    MCL Maxmum Contamnant Level

    MCLG Maxmum Contamnant Level Goal

    MF Mcroltraton

    MGD Mllon Gallons per Day

    MHI Medan Home Income

    MOU Memorandum o Understandng

    MRDLG Maxmum Resdual Dsnectant LevelGoal

    MTBE Methyl Tertary Butyl Ether

    MWCO Molecular Weght Cut-oNAS Natonal Academy o Scence

    NDWAC Natonal Drnkng Water AdvsoryCouncl

    NDWC Natonal Drnkng WaterClearnghouse

    NRMRL Natonal Rsk ManagementResearch Laboratory

    NF Nanoltraton

    NHSRC Natonal Homeland SecurtyResearch Center

    NIPDWR Natonal Interm Prmary DrnkngWater Regulatons

    NOM Natural Organc Matter

    NPDES Natonal Polluton DschargeElmnaton System

    NPDWR Natonal Prmary Drnkng WaterRegulatons

    NRC Natonal Research Councl (alsoused or Nuclear RegulatoryCommsson n Chapter )

    NRWA Natonal Rural Water Assocaton

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    NSDWR Natonal Secondary Drnkng WaterRegulaton

    NSF Natonal Santaton Foundaton

    NTNCWS Non-Transent Non-Cmmunty WaterSystem

    NTU Nephelometrc Turbdty Unts

    O3 Ozone

    O&M Operaton and Mantenance

    OCMS Onlne Contamnant MontorngSystem

    OEM Oce o Emergency Management

    ORD Oce o Research and Development

    PAC Powdered Actvated Carbon

    PDCO Pore Dameter Cut-o

    PDD Presdental Decson Drectve

    POE Pont-o-Entry

    POTW Publcly Owned Treatment WorksPOU Pont-o-Use

    ppb Parts per bllon

    PTA Packed Tower Aeraton

    PVC Polyvnyl Chlorde

    PWS Publc Water System

    RCRA Resource Conservaton andRecovery Act

    RD Reerence Dose

    RMCL Recommended MaxmumContamnant Level

    RO Reverse Osmoss

    RPTB Response Protocol Toolbox

    SAB Scence Advsory Board

    SBA Strong Base Anon

    SCADA Supervsory Control and DataAcquston

    SDWA Sae Drnkng Water Act

    SDWIS State Drnkng Water InormatonSystem

    SEMS Securty Emergency ManagementSystems

    SEMS/ICS Standardzed EmergencyManagement System/IncdentCommand System

    SSCT Small System ComplanceTechnology

    SSF Slow Sand Flter

    SWAP Source Water Assessment Plan

    SWP Source Water Protecton

    SWR Sold Waste Resduals

    SWTR Surace Water Treatment Rule

    TCLP Toxcty Characterstc LeachngProcedure

    TCR Total Colorm Rule

    T&E Test and Evaluaton

    TENORM Technologcally Enhanced NaturallyOccurrng Radoactve Materal

    THM Trhalomethane

    TMDL Total Maxmum Daly Load

    TNCWS Transent Communty Water System

    TOC Total Organc Carbon

    TT Treatment Technque

    TTHM Total Trhalomethanes

    UCMR Unregulated ContamnantsMontorng Rule

    UF Ultraltraton

    USACE Unted States Army Corps oEngneers

    UV Ultravolet lght

    VA Vulnerablty Assessment

    VOC Volatle organc compound

    WBA Weak Base Anon

    WHP Well Head Protecton

    WHPA Well Head Protecton Area

    WHPP Well Head Protecton Plan

    WSD Water Securty Dvson

    WSWRD Water Supply and Water ResourcesDvson

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    Ths report was submtted n partal ulllment o contract number EP-C-04-034 WA1-03 and 2-03 by

    Shaw Envronmental, Inc. under the sponsorshp o the Unted States Envronmental Protecton Agency.

    The authors extend ther thanks to EPA Regon 5 revewers: Ronald Kovach, Mguel Del Toral, Sahba

    Rouhan, and Wllam Spauldng. The authors would also lke to thank Erc Bssonette, Jenny Belansk,

    and Francne St. Dens n the EPAs Oce o Water or ther comments. Lastly, the authors extend ther

    deepest apprecaton to the Natonal Rural Water Assocaton, speccally Jerry Bberstne and Dr. John

    Regner or ther comments and suggestons. Collaboraton wth NRWA s made possble through a

    Memorandum o Understandng between the EPA and NRWA.


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  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Chapter 1Introduction

    1.1 Goals and Objectves o ths

    DocumentThe objective o this document is to summarize the

    existing status o drinking water supply in the United

    States (U.S.) with particular emphasis on small sys-

    tems (i.e., systems serving less that 10,000 people).

    This document will then orm the backdrop to crat a

    research plan that will serve as a roadmap or research-

    ers in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-

    cys (EPAs), Oce o Research and Development

    (ORD), Water Supply and Water Resources Division

    (WSWRD) by providing ocus and direction to the

    WSWRDs research eorts. Specically, the Strategy

    or Small Systems Research aims to:

    Provide timely and appropriate research that willcontribute to small system management schemesor reducing Sae Drinking Water Act (SDWA)violations and public health risks.

    Chart a research course that will drive newtechnologies and improve existing technologieswith emphasis on costs/benets (reduce costsand increase simplicity).

    This strategy document ocuses on the current state o

    the ollowing items as they pertain to small systems

    and on the direction o uture research activities orthese items:

    Source water issues


    Treatment processes

    Distribution systems

    Residuals Management

    Homeland Security

    Overall Utility Management

    All research planning in the document should be in

    the context o the six-year review o National Primary

    Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) and the ve-

    year update o the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL).

    Note that the last NPDWR review was in August 2002

    and the last CCL update was in February 2005.

    1.2 Document OrganzatonThis document is organized into the ollowing sec-


    Chapter 1 Introduction This section presents a

    brie introduction to this report

    Chapter 2 Current Status and Issues o Small

    Drinking Water Systems

    Chapter 3 Regulatory Background This section

    presents a brie background o the

    regulations impacting operators o small

    drinking water systems

    Chapter 4 Source Water Issues

    Chapter 5 Treatment Processes

    Chapter 6 Distribution Systems

    Chapter 7 Waste Residuals

    Chapter 8 Homeland Security/Emergency Response

    Chapter 9 Remote Telemetry

    Chapter 10 Summary

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  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Chapter 2Current Status andIssues o Small

    Drinking WaterSystems

    2.1 IntroductonThis Chapter provides an introduction to the current

    status o small drinking water systems and the issues

    acing small systems in maintaining compliance and

    providing sae drinking water to the populace served

    by these systems. The chapter begins with a detailed

    snapshot prole (Section 2.2) o the distribution o

    small systems based on the number o people served

    and then provides brie overviews on the compliance

    status (Section 2.3) o these small systems and source

    water issues (Section 2.4). This chapter also provides

    a brie introduction to the ollowing topics:

    Common technologies currently used by smallsystems to treat source water to meet drinkingwater standards (Sections 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8),

    Distribution system inrastructure (including

    storage acilities, pumping acilities and

    distribution lines) currently employed by small

    systems (Section 2.9),

    Status o the use o remote telemetry to monitor

    small systems operation (Section 2.10)

    Key questions to be answered through ongoing

    research (Section 2.11)

    2.2 Prole o Small Systems n theU.S.

    The EPAs Sae Drinking Water Inormation System

    (SDWIS) estimates that there are 159,796 public

    water systems (PWSs) in the U.S. (EPA, 2005a). The

    SDWIS is a living database and portions o it are pe-

    riodically updated. The prole data presented in thissection includes a conglomeration o data extracted

    periodically rom the SDWIS during the preparation

    o this report (between 2004 and 2005). Depend-

    ing upon when the data was extracted and when the

    underlying SDWIS was updated, the exact numbers

    and percentages or individual categories described

    in the gures may vary slightly. However, the over-

    all trends and statistics are consistent throughout the

    period during which the SDWIS was updated. Most

    o the SDWIS updates were perormed between the

    years 2000 and 2005; where inormation is available,

    the specic year o the data presented is clearly identi-

    ed. Unless otherwise stated, the graphs and statistics

    relating to system types, population served, ownership,

    violations, sizes, treatment scheme, piping distance

    were all developed using the Pivot tables underlying

    SDWIS (EPA, 2005b). Pivot tables are multidimen-sional spreadsheets/databases that provide analytical

    processing capability. The Pivot tables allow or quick

    summarization, cross-tabulation, and analysis o large

    amounts o data.

    A PWS is any water system which provides water to

    at least 25 people or at least 60 days annually. These

    PWSs provide water rom wells, rivers and other

    sources to the majority (~85%) o the population in

    the U.S. and territories (EPA, 2005b). The PWSs are

    classied as ollows:

    Community Water Systems (CWS) A watersystem which supplies drinking water to 25 ormore o the same people year-round in theirresidences.

    Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems(NTNCWS) A water system which supplieswater to 25 or more o the same people atleast six months per year in places other thantheir residences. Some examples are schools,actories, oce buildings, and hospitals thathave their own water systems.

    Transient Non-Community Water Systems

    (TNCWS) A water system which provideswater in a place such as a gas station orcampground where people do not remain orlong periods o time. These systems do not haveto test or treat their water or contaminants thatpose long-term health risks because ewer than25 people drink the water over a long period (6months/year). They still must test their wateror microbes and several chemicals.

    There are diering standards or PWSs o dierent

    sizes and types. Most (approximately 55%) o the

    PWSs in the U.S. belong to the TNCWS variety (EPA,

    2005b). Figure 2.1 illustrates the percentage break-down o the dierent system types. Most o these

    systems represent the very small category (serving 25

    500 people). Figure 2.2 shows the breakdown o

    the number o small systems by system type. For the

    purposes o this document, a small system is dened

    as a CWS, NTNCWS, or TNCWS serving ewer than

    10,000 persons (please note that a PWS serving 3001-

    10,000 persons may be reerenced as medium in some


    While most o the PWSs are TNCWSs, the vast majority

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    o people using PWSs actually obtain their water rom

    CWSs. As illustrated in Figure 2.3, approximately

    90% o all people using public drinking water systems

    obtain their water rom CWSs. Figure 2.4 shows the

    breakdown o system types by population category.

    As indicated, approximately 84% o CWSs serve

    populations o 3,300 or less. TNCWSs are mostlyrepresented in the very small category.

    There are 159,796 CWSs, which includes both large

    and small systems. There exists a great discrepancy

    between the number o systems and the distribution o

    the population served. Very small CWSs account or

    57% o the total number o systems, although these






    Figure 2.1 PWSs by system type (EPA,2005b).

    System Type


    Very Small (25-500)

    Small (501-3300)

    Medium (3301-10,000)
























    Figure 2.2 Small systems by system type - FY2004 (EPA, 2005b).





















    Figure 2.3 Number o people served by system type - All systems FY2004 (EPA, 2005b).

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    systems serve less than 2 percent o the population

    served by CWSs. In contrast, the large and very large

    systems account or roughly 7 percent o the total

    number o systems but serve over 80% o the popula-

    tion. Figure 2.5 shows a breakdown o population

    served, number o service connections, and number o

    systems or CWSs by system size.

    PWSs are owned by various governmental, tribal, pub-

    lic, or private entities. There is a relationship between

    system size and ownership, with the vast majority o

    very small systems (25-500 persons served) being

    privately owned and a majority o larger systems being

    owned by local government. Figure 2.6 shows the

    breakdown o ownership or all systems.

























    0 4













    Very Small








    Very Large


    System Type

    Figure 2.4 Number o PWSs or each service population group (EPA, 2005b).









    System Size













    2,594,626 7,333,945 9,473,250 32,152,151 32,984,472

    4,957,131 20,137,604 27,346,264 99,808,668 120,246,010

    30,006 14,212 4,707 3,541 372

    Very Small Small Medium Large Very Large

    Service Connections



    Figure 2.5 Population served, service connections and number o systems - CWSs onlyFY2004 (EPA, 2005b).

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005



    ViolationsThe SDWIS classifes drinking water system violations

    into the ollowing our major categories:

    Maximum contaminant level (MCL) violations;

    Chapter 3 discusses MCLs in detail.

    Treatment Technique (TT) violations; according

    to EPA, a treatment technique is a required

    process intended to reduce the level o a

    contaminant in drinking water. A ew examples

    o treatment techniques are disinection,

    fltration, and aeration (urther discussed in

    Chapter 3).

    Monitoring or Reporting (M/R) Violations.

    These violations are primarily record-keeping


    Violations other than the three types mentioned


    Figure 2.7 shows the breakdown o system violations

    or all PWSs. This fgure shows that most PWS viola-

    tions are attributed to M/R.

    Figure 2.8 shows system violations by population

    served, number o systems, and violation type. Verysmall systems have the largest number o violations,

    with the vast majority o these being M/R violations.

    Figure 2.9 shows the breakdown o system violations

    or small systems. Figure 2.9 looks very similar to

    Figure 2.8 because the total violation statistics are

    overwhelmingly dominated by small systems. Very












    Very Small 25-500

    Small 501-3,300

    Medium 3,301-10,000

    Large 10,001-100,000

    Very Large >100,000

    Federal Govt Local Govt Tribal Govt Private Public/Private State Govt Unknown

    3,374 14,522 583 101,108 5,580 4,328 1,796

    307 10,755 210 6,210 885 959 306

    106 3,681 32 658 145 130 161

    71 2,878 6 407 69 43 110

    0 312 0 53 6 4 1

    Figure 2.6 Drinking water system owners FY 2004-159,796 total systems (EPA, 2005b).







    Maximum Residual DisinfectantLevel

    Treatment Technique

    Monitoring or Reporting


    Figure 2.7 Violations reported FY2005 (EPA, 2005b).

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    small systems also experience the greatest number o

    MCL and TT violations. In addition, PWSs experi-

    enced a total o 145,962 MCL violations (2005 data),

    with 135,495 (93%) o the violations attributed to

    small systems (population served less than 3,300).

    Figure 2.10 illustrates the relationship between the

    number o MCL violations and population served.

    Very small systems (those serving 25 to 500 people)

    experience approximately one MCL violation orevery 80 persons served, which is the highest ratio o

    all system service population categories. In compari-

    son, very large systems (population served greater

    than 100,000) experience approximately one MCL

    violation or every 196,204 persons served.

    2.4 Source Water IssuesPWSs obtain drinking water rom either surace or

    ground water sources. Over 90% o the PWSs obtain

    their water rom ground water sources, with a vast

    majority (87%) o those using ground water being

    represented by small systems (serving a populationless than 3,300). Figure 2.11 shows the distribution o

    water sources, by each o the ve size categories.

    Source waters rom streams, rivers, lakes, or aquiers

    are used to supply private water systems and PWSs.

    The source water moves within a watershed via

    overland fow (i.e., surace water), shallow subsurace

    storm fow or ground water fow. The surace water

    is vulnerable to contamination rom both surace

    runo and ground water inltration. Ground water

    can become contaminated through inltration rom

    the surace, incursion o contaminants rom under-

    ground storage tanks, septic systems, injection wells,

    or by naturally occurring substances in the soil or rock

    through which it fows. These issues are discussed in

    urther detail in Chapter 4.

    2.5 Common Current TreatmentTechnologes

    Most PWSs treat drinking water so that it will be sae

    and palatable or the consumer. The application o a

    specic TT depends on source water quality, system

    size, and operator sophistication. Figures 2.12, 2.13

    and 2.14 illustrate the variety and percent predomi-

    nance o individual TTs used by the dierent size

    classes o PWSs.

    Very Small 25-500

    Small 501-3,300

    Medium 3,301-10,000

    Large 10,001-100,000

    Very Large >100,000






    5 20 0 01

























    MCL MaximumResidual

    Disinfectant Level



    Monitoring or



    Figure 2.8 Drinking water system violations or all system sizes - FY2005 (EPA, 2005b).







    Maximum Residual Disinfecta


    Treatment Technique

    Monitoring or Reporting


    Figure 2.9 Violations reported or systems servingpopulation rom 25-10,000 - FY2005 (EPA, 2005b).

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005

























    Very Small








    Very Large


    Figure 2.10 MCL violations vs. populations served FY2005 (EPA, 2005b).



    5,704 1























    Very Small(25-500)




    Very Large(>100,000)

    Ground Water

    Surface Water

    Figure 2.11 Source water comparison by size category (EPA, 2005b).

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Figure 2.12 Percentage o ground water plants using each treatment technique (EPA, 2002).













    100 orless








    System Service Population

    Disinfection with no

    additional treatment

    Other chemical addition

    Ion exchange,

    activated alumina,


    Filtration other than

    direct or conventional

    Direct filtration

    Conventional filtration



    Figure 2.13 Percentage o surace water plants using each treatment technique (EPA, 2002).











    System Service Population

    100 orless








    Disinfection with no

    additional treatment

    Other chemical addition

    Ion exchange,

    activated alumina,


    Filtration other than

    direct or conventional

    Direct filtration

    Conventional filtration



  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Figure 2.14 Percentage o mixed plants using each treatment technique (EPA, 2002).












    Disinfection with no

    additional treatment

    Other chemical addition

    Ion exchange,activated alumina,


    Filtration other than

    direct or conventional

    Direct filtration

    Conventional filtration




    System Service Population

    100 orless








    The individual TTs are designed to be eective in

    removing one or more types o contaminants includ-

    ing particulate, chemical and biological contaminants.

    Depending upon the type o contamination present in

    the source water, one or more TTs may be applied by

    the PWS to provide sae drinking water to consum-

    ers. A general discussion o available TTs to remove

    particulate (Section 2.6), chemical contaminants (Sec-

    tion 2.7) and biological contaminants (Section 2.8)

    is presented in this Chapter. A more comprehensive

    discussion o TTs is presented in Chapter 5.

    2.6 Partculate/Turbdty RemovalTechnologes

    Particulate and turbidity removal is an almost univer-

    sally used technology or the primary treatment o

    drinking water. The primary means o particulate re-

    moval is by means o simple ltration either by using

    media ltration (e.g., sand lter) or by the use o bag

    and/or cartridge lters. Advanced ltration techniques

    include membrane ltration and other technologies.

    This section provides a very brie overview o these


    2.6.1 Simple FiltrationFiltration is a process or removing particulate matter

    rom water by passage through porous media. There

    are numerous types o ltration processes. Some com-

    mon ltration processes are summarized below (these

    descriptions are available in many standard text books,

    where applicable reerences have been provided or

    specic usage and equipment descriptions):

    Slow Sand Filtration is a process where untreatedwater percolates slowly down through a layero ne sand, then through a layer o gravel, andultimately collects in a system o underdrains.A biological layer or schmutzdecke orms onthe surace o the sand, trapping small particles.The schmutzdecke also helps to degrade organic

    material in the water.Diatomaceous Earth (DE) also known as pre-

    coat or diatomite ltration, can be used todirectly treat low turbidity raw water suppliesor chemically coagulated, more turbid watersources. DE lters consist o a pre-coat layer oDE, approximately 1/8-inch thick, supported bya septum or lter element (EPA, 1998).

    Conventional Filtration is a method o treatingwater to remove particulates. The methodconsists o the addition o coagulant chemicals,fash mixing, coagulation-focculation,

    sedimentation and ltration.

    Direct Filtration also known as dead-endltration is similar to conventional ltrationwith the sedimentation process omitted.

    Packaged Filtration consists o all o the ea-

    tures o ltration chemical addition, focculation,

    sedimentation, ltration mounted as a unit on a

    rame or simple hookup o pipes and services. It

    is most widely used to treat surace water supplies

    or removal o turbidity, color, and coliorm organ-

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    isms with ltration processes. Packaged ltration is

    oten used to treat small community water supplies,

    as well as supplies in recreational areas, state parks,

    construction sites, ski areas, and military installations

    (NDWC, 1996).

    2.6.2 Advanced FiltrationMembrane Filtration Membrane ltration (as

    dened under the Long Term 2 EnhancedSurace Water Treatment Rule-LT2ESWTR) isa pressure-driven separation process in whichparticulate matter larger than 1-micrometer isrejected by an engineered barrier, primarilythrough a size-exclusion mechanism and whichhas a measurable removal eciency or atarget organism that can be veried throughthe application o a direct integrity test (EPA,2003a). Some common types o membraneltration are:

    Microltration is a pressure-driven membraneltration process that typically employshollow-ber membranes with a pore sizerange o approximately 0.1 0.2 micrometers(nominally 0.1 micrometers) (EPA, 2003a).

    Ultraltration is a pressure-driven membraneltration process that typically employshollow-ber membranes with a pore size rangeo approximately 0.01 0.05 micrometer(nominally 0.01 micrometers) (EPA, 2003a).

    Nanoltration is a pressure-driven membrane

    separation process that employs the principleso reverse osmosis to remove dissolvedcontaminants rom water and is typicallyapplied or membrane sotening or the removalo dissolved organic contaminants (EPA,2003a).

    2.6.3 Reverse Osmosis (RO)RO resembles membrane ltration processes in that

    contamination rom water is removed by the use

    o a membrane. However, unlike membrane ltra-

    tion where water is orced through a media leaving

    behind the contaminant, RO uses hydraulic pressure

    to oppose the liquid osmotic pressure across a semi-permeable membrane, orcing the water rom the

    concentrated solution side to the dilute solution side.

    Thus, the RO membrane allows the passage o the

    solvent (water) but not the dissolved solids (solutes).

    Since the membrane is non-porous, the water does

    not travel through pores, but rather dissolves into

    the membrane, diuses across, and then dissolves

    into the permeate (EPA, 1998b). RO can eectively

    remove nearly all contaminants rom water includ-

    ing arsenic (III), arsenic (V), barium, cadmium,

    chromium (VI), radium, natural organic substances,

    pesticides, and microbiological contaminants. The

    liquid produced is demineralized water.

    2.7 Chemcal ContamnantRemoval

    Chemical contaminants are commonly removed using

    ion exchange and sorption technologies. This sectionprovides a brie overview o these technologies along

    with other TTs that are used to remove chemical con-

    taminants in drinking water.

    2.7.1 Ion Exchange (IX)Ion exchange involves the selective removal o charged

    inorganic species rom water using an ion-specic

    resin. The surace o the ion exchange resin contains

    charged unctional groups that hold ionic species by

    electrostatic attraction. As water containing undesired

    ions passes through a column o resin beds, charged

    ions on the resin surace are exchanged or the unde-

    sired species in the water. The resin, when saturatedwith the undesired species, is regenerated with a solu-

    tion o the exchangeable ion (EPA, 1998b).

    Generally, resins can be categorized as anion exchange

    or cation exchange resins. Anion exchange resins se-

    lectively remove anionic species such as nitrate (NO3),

    sulate (SO42), or fuoride (F) and exchange them

    or hydroxyl (OH) or chloride (Cl) ions. Cation

    exchange resins are used to remove undesired cations

    such as cadmium (Cd2+) or Barium (Ba2+) rom water

    and exchange them or protons (H+), sodium ions

    (Na+) or potassium ions (K+) (EPA, 1998b). The pH

    o the source water is important when employing IX

    resins. For example, uranium exists in water at pH

    levels o 6.0 and higher as a carbonate complex, which

    is an anion, and thus has a strong anity or anion

    resin in the chloride orm. The process is eective

    on water with a pH o up to 8.2. A higher pH could

    result in uranium precipitation; a lower pH changes

    the nature o uranium to non-ionic and/or cationic spe-

    cies, which would prevent the exchange reaction rom

    operating eciently. It is advisable to control the inlet

    water pH to above 6.0. Sudden pH changes to below

    5.6 can dump any previously removed uranium o the

    resin (DeSilva 1996).

    2.7.2 Sorption TechnologiesAdsorption involves the removal o ions and molecules

    rom solution and concentrating them on the surace

    o adsorbents. Adsorption is driven by the interacial

    orces o the ions and the adsorbent. Adsorption media

    employed at drinking water plants include granular

    activated carbon, activated alumina, and iron media.

    Sorption technologies are used or the removal o

    organics, taste and odor, and inorganic contaminants

    (such as arsenic).

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    2.7.3 Other Technologies

    Aeration Technologies Aeration technologies aretypically used or removal o volatile organiccompounds and or removal o excess carbondioxide. In general, aeration is the contacting othe water with air wherein the target chemical

    is transerred rom the water to the air stream.There are a number o methods used or themixing o air and water including packedaeration towers, shallow tray air strippers,mechanical aeration, and spray aeration.

    Sotening Sotening is used to remove calciumand magnesium ions rom water. Types otechnologies used include ion exchange,chemical focculation, and precipitation.

    Electrodialysis (ED) Another less commonlyused technology or chemical removal is ED,which is a process in which ions are transerred

    through ion-selective membranes by means oan electromotive orce rom a less concentratedsolution to a more concentrated solution (EPA,2003a). ED is very eective in removingfuoride and nitrate, and can also remove barium,cadmium, and selenium (NDWC, 1997).

    Reverse Osmosis Can remove many chemicalcontaminants eectively. See Section 2.6.3 orurther details.

    2.8 Bologcal Contamnant

    RemovalDisinection is a process or reducing the number opathogenic microbes in water and is required by the

    Surace Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) or all PWSs

    that obtain their water rom surace water or ground

    water under the infuence o surace water. In addition,

    PWSs must maintain a residual level o disinectant

    in the distribution system per 40 CFR 141.72. It is

    required that, at the point where the water enters the

    distribution system, the residual disinection con-

    centration not all below 0.2 mg/L. In addition, the

    residual disinection concentration must be maintained

    throughout the distribution system such that non-de-

    tection results are measured in no more than 5% o thesamples collected each month.

    2.8.1 ChlorinationChlorine is the most common method used or disin-

    ection. There are a number o methods o delivery

    and chemical reactions utilized or chlorination. These

    include chlorine gas, chloramines, chlorine dioxide,

    and sodium hypochlorite. The goal o all these meth-

    ods is to release ree chlorine in the orm o hypochlo-

    rite, or in the case o chloramines, combined available

    chlorine (NH2Cl and NHCl2).

    2.8.2 Ultraviolet Light (UV)Contaminated water is exposed to UV light, which

    penetrates the cell walls o an organism. UV disrupts

    the organisms genetic material which inactivates the

    organism. A special lamp generates the radiation that

    creates UV light by striking an electric arc through

    low-pressure mercury vapor (low-pressure UV). Thislamp emits a broad spectrum o radiation with intense

    peaks at UV wavelengths o 253.7 nanometers (nm)

    and a lesser peak at 184.9 nm. Research has shown

    that the optimum UV wavelength range to destroy bac-

    teria is between 250 nm and 270 nm. At shorter wave-

    lengths (e.g.185 nm), UV light is powerul enough to

    produce ozone, hydroxyl, and other ree radicals that

    destroy bacteria (NDWC, 2000).

    2.8.3 OzoneOzone is a colorless, very unstable gas that is eective

    as an oxidizing agent in removing bacteria with a rela-

    tively short exposure time. Since the gas is unstableand has a very short lie, ozone generators are used to

    produce ozone gas on site.

    2.8.4 Other Disinection TechnologiesThere are a number o other disinection technologies

    used in ultra pure water applications, but are not ap-

    plicable nor typically used in water supply situations.

    These include ammonium compounds, non-oxidizing

    biocides (i.e. ormaldehyde), heat, and peracetic acid.

    Tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 present candidate

    technologies or treatment o inorganic contaminants,

    volatile organic contaminants, synthetic organic con-taminants, radionuclides, disinection, and ltration

    respectively. Table 2.7 identies compliance technol-

    ogy or the Total Coliorm Rule.

    2.9 Dstrbuton SystemInrastructure

    Drinking water is delivered rom a water treatment

    acility to its customers by means o a distribution

    system. This inrastructure generally consists o a

    combination o three key elements: treated water stor-

    age acilities (e.g., ground storage tanks, elevated stor-

    age tanks, standpipes, hydropneumatic tanks), pump-ing acilities (e.g., booster pumps, piping, control,

    pump building), and the distribution lines (e.g., piping,

    valves, re hydrants, meters). Most o the distribution

    system inrastructure is located underground, making

    it more dicult to detect problems such as leaks and

    pipe deterioration. Various standards and procedures

    or design, material selection, plumbing code, opera-

    tion, and maintenance have been established that help

    maintain the integrity o the system (EPA, 1999). The

    distribution system issues acing small systems are

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    Table 2.1 Technologies or inorganic contaminants (NDWC, undated).

    Unit Technology Limitations*Operator Skill

    Level Required Raw Water Quality Range

    1. Actvated Alumna (a) AdvancedGround waters, competng anon concentratons wllaect run length.

    2. Ion Exchange IntermedateGround waters wth low total dssolved solds, com-petng on concentratons wll aect run length.

    3. Lme Sotenng (b) Advanced Hard ground and surace waters

    4. Coagulaton/ Fltraton (c) Advanced Can treat wde range o water qualty.

    5. Reverse Osmoss (RO) (d) Advanced Surace water usually requre preltraton.

    6. Alkalne Chlornaton (e) Basc All ground waters.

    7. Ozone Oxdaton Intermedate All ground waters.

    8. Drect Fltraton Advanced Needs hgh raw water qualty.

    9. Datomaceous Earth Fltraton Intermedate Needs very hgh raw water qualty.

    10. Granular Actvated Carbon Basc Surace waters may requre preltraton.

    11. Elecrodalyss Reversal Advanced Requres preltraton or surace water.

    12. Pont o Use (POU)-IX () Basc Same as Technology #2.

    13. POU-RO () Basc Same as Technology #5.

    14. Calcum Carbonate Precptaton (g) Basc Water wth hgh levels o alkalnty and calcum.

    15. pH and Alkalnty Adjustment(chemcal eed) (g) Basc All ranges.

    16. pH and Alkalnty Adjustment(lmestone contactor) (h) Basc

    Waters that are low n ron and turbdty. Raw watershould be sot and slghtly acdc.

    17. Inhbtors Basc All ranges.

    18. Aeraton () Basc Waters wth moderate to hgh carbon doxde content.

    Limitation Footnotesa) Chemicals required during regeneration and pH adjustments may be dicult or small systems to handle.b) Sotening chemistry may be too complex or small systemsc) It may not be advisable to install coagulation/ltration solely or inorganics removal.d) I all o the infuent water is treated, post-treatment corrosion control will be necessary.e) pH must exceed pH 8.5 to ensure complete oxidation without build-up o cyanogen chloride.) When POU devices are used or compliance, programs or long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by water utility

    to ensure proper perormance.g) Some chemical eeds require high degree o operator attention to avoid plugging.h) This technology is recommended primarily or the smallest size category.i) Any o the rst ve aeration technologies listed or volatile organic contaminants (Table 2.2) can be used.

    Table 2.2 Technologies or volatile organic contaminants (NDWC, undated).

    Unit TechnologyLimitations

    (see ootnotes)Operator Skill Level

    RequiredRaw Water

    Quality Range

    1. Packed Tower Aeraton (PTA) (a) Intermedate All ground waters.

    2. Dused Aeraton (a,b) Basc All ground waters.

    3. Mult-Stage Bubble Aerators (a,c) Basc All ground waters.

    4. Tray Aeraton (a,d) Basc All ground waters.

    5. Shallow Tray Aeraton (a,e) Basc All ground waters.

    6. Spray Aeraton (a,) Basc All ground waters.

    7. Mechancal Aeraton (a,g) Basc All ground waters.8. Granular Actvated Carbon (GAC) (h) Basc All ground waters.

    Limitation Footnotesa) Pretreatment or the removal o microorganisms, iron, manganese, and excessive particulate matter may be needed. Post-treatment disinec-

    tion may have to be used.b) May not be as ecient as other aeration methods because it does not provide or convective movement o the water thus limiting air-water

    contact. It is generally used only to adapt existing plant equipment.c) These units are highly ecient; however, the eciency depends upon the air-to-water ratio.d) Costs may increase i a orced drat is used. Slime and algae growth can be a problem but can be controlled with chemcials such as copper

    sulate or chlorine.e) These units require high air-to-water ratios (100-900 m3/m3).) For use only when low removal levels are needed to reach a MCL because these systems may not be as energy ecient as other aeration

    methods because o the contacting system.g) For use only when low removal levels are needed to reach an MCL because these systems may not be as energy ecient as other aeration

    methods. The units oten require large basins, long residence times, and high energy inputs, which may increase costs.h) See table 2.3 or limitations regarding these technologies.

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    Table 2.3 Technologies or synthetic organic contaminants (NDWC, undated).

    Unit TechnologyLimitations

    (see ootnotes)Operator Skill Level

    RequiredRaw Water Quality Range

    and Considerations

    1. Granular Actvated Carbon (GAC) (h) Basc Surace water may requre preltraton.

    2. Pont o Use GAC (a, h) Basc Surace water may requre preltraton.

    3. Powdered Actvated Carbon (b, h) Intermedate All waters

    4. Chlornaton (c) Basc Better wth hgh qualty waters.

    5. Ozonaton (c) Basc Better wth hgh qualty waters.

    6. Packed Tower Aeraton (PTA) (d) Intermedate All ground waters.

    7. Dused Aeraton (d,e) Basc All ground waters.

    8. Mult-Stage Bubble Aerators (d,) Basc All ground waters.

    9. Tray Aeraton (d,g) Basc All ground waters.

    10. Shallow Tray Aeraton (d,) Basc All ground waters.

    Limitation Footnotesa) When POU devices are used or compliance, programs or long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by water utility

    to ensure proper perormance.b) Most applicable to small systems that already have a process train including basins, mixing, precipitation or sedimentation, and ltration. Site

    specic design should be based on studies conducted on the systems particular water.c) See the Surace Water Treatment Rule compliance technology tables or limitations associated with this technology.d) Pretreatment or the removal o microorganisms, iron, manganese, and excessive particulate matter may be needed. Post-treatment disinec-

    tion may have to be used.

    e) May not be as ecient as other aeration methods because it does not provide or convective movement o the water thus limiting air-watercontact. It is generally used only to adapt existing plant equipment.

    ) These units are highly ecient; however, the eciency depends upon the air-to-water ratio.g) Forces may increase i a orced drat is used.h) Pretreatment or removal o suspended solids is an important design consideration. Spent carbon must be regenerated or disposed properly.

    Table 2.4 Technologies or radionuclides (NDWC, undated).

    Unit TechnologyLimitations

    (see ootnotes)Operator Skill Level

    RequiredRaw Water Quality Range

    and Considerations

    IX (a) Intermedate All ground waters.

    Pont o Use (POU) IX (b) Basc All ground waters.

    Reverse Osmoss (RO) (c) Advanced Surace waters, usually requre preltraton.

    POU RO (b) Basc Surace waters, usually requre preltraton.

    Lme Sotenng (d) Advanced All waters.

    Green Sand Fltraton (e) Basc

    Co-precptaton wth Barum Sulate ()Intermedate to

    Advanced Ground waters wth sutable water qualty

    Electrodalyss/Electrodalyss Reversal Advanced All ground waters.

    Pre-ormed Hydrous ManganeseOxde Fltraton (g) Intermedate All ground waters.

    Limitation Footnotesa) The regeneration solution contains high concentrations o the contaminant ions. Disposal options should be careully considered beore

    choosing the technology.b) When POU devices are used or compliance, programs or long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by water utility

    to ensure proper perormance.

    c) Reject water disposal options should be careully considered beore choosing this technology. See other RO limitations described in the Sur-ace Water Treatment Rule Compliance Table.

    d) The combination o variable source water quality and the complexity o the chemistry involved in lime sotening may make this technology toocomplex or small surace water systems.

    e) Removal eciencies can vary depending on water quality.) This technology may be very limited in application to small systems. Since the process requires static mixing, detention basins, and ltration; it

    is most applicable to systems with suciently high sulate levels that already have a suitable ltration treatment train in place.g) This technology is most applicable to small systems that already have ltration in place.

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    Table 2.5 Technologies or disinection (NDWC, undated).

    Unit TechnologyLimitations

    (see ootnotes)Operator Skill

    Level RequiredRaw Water Quality Range

    and Considerations

    Free Chlorne (a,b) BascBetter wth hgh qualty. Hgh ron or manganese may requresequestraton or physcal removal.

    Ozone (c,d, h) Intermedate

    Better wth hgh qualty. Hgh ron or manganese may requre

    sequestraton or physcal removal.

    Chloramnes (e) IntermedateBetter wth hgh qualty. Ammona dose should be temperedby natural ammona levels n water.

    Chlorne Doxde () Intermedate Better wth hgh qualty.

    Onste Oxdant Generaton (g) Basc Better wth hgh qualty.

    Ultravolet (UV) Radaton (h) BascRelatvely clean source water requred. Iron, natural organcmatter and turbdty aect UV dose.

    Limitation Footnotesa) Providing adequate CT may be a problem or some water supplies.b) Chlorine gas requires special caution in handling and storage, and operator training.c) Ozone leaks represent hazard: air monitoring required.d) Ozone used as primary disinectant (i.e., no residual protection).e) Long CT. Requires care in monitoring o ratio o added chlorine to ammonia.) Chlorine dioxide requires special storage and handling precautions.g) Oxidants other than chlorine not detected in solution by signicant research eort. CT should be based on ree chlorine until new research

    determines appropriate CT values or electrolyzed salt brine.

    h) No disinectant residual protection or distributed water.

    Table 2.6 Technologies or ltration (NDWC, undated).

    Unit TechnologyLimitations

    (see ootnotes)Operator Skill Level

    Required Raw Water Quality Range and Considerations

    Conventonal Fltraton(ncludes dual-stage anddssolved ar fotaton (a) Advanced

    Wde range o water qualty. Dssolved ar fotaton s moreapplcable or removng partculate matter that doesntreadly settle: algae, hgh color, low turbdty--up to 30-50nephelometrc turbdty unts (NTU) and low-densty turbdty.

    Drect Fltraton (ncludesn-lne ltraton (a) Advanced

    Hgh qualty. Suggested lmts: average turbdty 10 NTU;maxmum turbdty 20 NTU; 40 color unts; algae on a case-by-case bass.

    Slow Sand Fltraton (b) BascVery hgh qualty or pretreatment. Pretreatment requred raw water s hgh n turbdty, color, and/or algae.

    Datomaceous EarthFltraton (c) Intermedate

    Very hgh qualty or pretreatment. Pretreatment requred raw water s hgh n turbdty, color, and/or algae.

    Reverse Osmoss (d,e,) Advanced

    Requres preltratons or surace water-may nclude re-moval o turbdty, ron, and/or manganese. Hardness anddssolved solds may also aect perormance.

    Nanoltraton (e) IntermedateVery hgh qualty o pretreatment. See reverse osmosspretreatment.

    Ultraltraton (g) Basc Hgh qualty or pretreatment.

    Mcroltraton (g) Basc Hgh qualty or pretreatment requred.

    Bag Fltraton (g,h,) Basc

    Very hgh qualty or pretreatment requred, due to lowpartculate loadng capacty. Pretreatment hgh turbdtyor algae.

    Cartrdge Fltraton (g,h,) Basc

    Very hgh qualty or pretreatment requred, due to lowpartculate loadng capacty. Pretreatment hgh turbdty

    or algae.

    Backwashable DepthFltraton (g,h,) Basc

    Very hgh qualty or pretreatment requred, due to lowpartculate loadng capacty. Pretreatment hgh turbdtyor algae.

    Limitations Footnotesa. Involves coagulation. Coagulation chemistry requires advanced operator skill and extensive monitoring. A system needs to have direct ull-time

    access or ull-time remote access to a skilled operator to use this technology properly.b. Water service interruptions can occur during the per iodic lter-to-waste cycle, which can last rom six hours to two weeks.c. Filter cake should be discarded i ltration is interrupted. For this reason, intermittent use is not practical. Recycling the ltered water can remove

    this potential problem.d. Blending (combining treated water with untreated raw water) cannot be practiced at risk o increasing microbial concentration in nished water.e. Post-disinection recommended as a saety measure and or residual maintenance.. Post-treatment corrosion control will be needed prior to distribution.g. Disinection required or viral inactivation.h. Site-specic pilot testing prior to installation likely to be needed to ensure adequate perormance.i. Technologies may be more applicable to system serving ewer than 3,300 people.

  • 8/4/2019 EPA, Small Drinking Water Systems, 2005


    urther discussed in Chapter 6. The ollowing is a

    brie description o each o the key distribution system

    inrastructure elements.

    2.9.1 Storage FacilitiesStorage acilities may be closed tanks or reservoirs and

    are designed to store treated water (ground storage)

    or to maintain adequate service pressure (elevated,hydropneumatic, or ground storage that is built at a

    location to act as elevated storage).

    A clearwell tank is generally the rst treated water stor-

    age tank and is located at the end o the treatment train

    or at the end o a well system. Their primary purpose is

    to provide or contact time when chemical treatment ad-

    ditives (e.g., chlorine) are used. These storage structures

    have limited use as storage reservoirs due to their loca-

    tion. The added storage or reserve capability o clear-

    wells are an advantage or small system operators that

    need time or maintenance o equipment or structures,

    or other storage needs such as re fows, but this is nottheir intended use. Utilities should not rely on clearwell

    storage as their only means o reserve or the distribution

    system. The clearwell tank also serves as a reservoir

    or the storage o ltered water o sucient capacity to

    prevent the need to vary the ltration rate with varia-

    tions in demand. Clearwell tanks provide both a treated

    water reserve or delivery to the distribution system and

    additional detention time or more eective disinec-

    tion (EPA, 1999). Figure 2.15 shows the percentage o

    CWSs that use clearwell tanks or treated-water storage.

    Table 2.7 Compliance technology or the Total Coliorm Rule (NDWC, undated).

    40 CFR 141.63(d) - Best technologies or othermeans to comply

    (Complexity level indicated) Comments/Water Quality Concerns

    Protectng wells rom contamnaton, e.g., place-ment and constructon o well(s) (Basc).

    Ten State Standards and other standards (AWWA, 1995) apply; nteracngwth other programs essental (e.g., source water protecton program).

    Mantenance o a dsnecton resdual or dstrbu-ton system protecton (Intermedate).

    Source water consttuents may aect dsnecton: ron, manganese, organ-cs, ammona, and other actors may aect dosage and water qualty. TotalColorm Rule (TCR) remans unspecc on type/amount o dsnectant, aseach type ders n concentraton, tme, temperature, pH, nteracton wthother consttuents, etc.

    Proper mantenance o dstrbuton system: pperepar/replacement, man fushng programs,storage/reservor, and O&M programs (ncludngcross-connecton control/backfow preventon),and mantenance o postve pressure throughout(Intermedate).

    O&M programs partcularly mportant or smaller systems needng to man-tan water purty. States may vary on dstrbuton protecton measures.See also EPAs Cross-Connecton Control Manual (EPA, 2003b)

    Fltraton and/or dsnecton o surace water orother ground water under drect nfuence; or dsn-ecton o ground water (Basc thru Advanced).

    Same ssues as cted above under mantanng dsnecton resdual;pretreatment requrements aect complexty o operaton. Reer to SuraceWater Treatment Rule Complance Technology Lst; and other regulatonsunder development.

    Ground waters: Complance wth State WellheadProtecton Program (Intermedate). EPA/State Wellhead Protecton Program mple

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