enzone nutrition manual...that remain engrained into your lifestyle forever. so you ‘get in’ and...

Post on 03-Jan-2021






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D"I"E"T"S""""!!Chances are up until now you may have tried a few diets with varying results? The thing that all ‘diets’ tend to have in common is that they don’t create permanent eating changes which are essential to getting (and keeping) a person in shape. Diets only work when you are “on your diet”. This causes the “I’m on my diet” then “I’m off my diet” problems that are responsible for the yo-yo of losing weight and then gaining weight that you may have experienced already. True body shape success comes down to creating permanent healthy eating habits that become a natural part of your lifestyle. And no, this doesn’t mean you have to ‘cut out’ any of your favourite foods or drinks, you just have to learn to be flexible with your eating. After 10 years of coaching people to get healthy and in shape (Yes, that’s 10 years of research and continual learning from renowned experts) I can confidently tell you the BEST way to do this is to keep it simple and manageable. A lot of people look for a complicated solution involving strict eating ‘rules’ and a complete overhaul of all the food they eat which is usually far too difficult. What is actually required is SIMPLICITY. Gradually developing healthy eating habits that remain engrained into your lifestyle forever. So you ‘get in’ and ‘stay in’ great shape. If you’ve tried a few of these ‘diets’ you might be skeptical about how simple what we advise you to do is going to sound. However, what we want you to imagine is just how big an impact it will have on your body and health to make simple changes that last a lifetime, compared to going on a fad diet only to come back off it again soon after (and repeat!!!) People usually give up on common diets because they are too restrictive, they give them low energy or the food choices are just not appetising enough. It’s time for a NEW WAY OF THINKING…. !!! !


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N"U"T"R"I"T"I"O"N"""A"N"D"""C"R"E"A"T"I"N"G"""H"A"B"I"T"S""!Instead of rules, cutting things out, counting points/calories, diet shakes or any other regimented diet plan. We are going to give you 9 Flexible Eating Habits to put in place. When you have these habits engrained into your lifestyle, your results will be AMAZING. Results are ALWAYS about being consistent. Here are a few POWERFUL quotes. “Your body is always a reflection of what you do regularly and consistently!” “Eating the RIGHT way to lose fat and get your muscles toned ALSO makes your hair, skin, teeth and nails healthy and reduces your risk of getting ill, and it is great for mental health too.” So with these in mind…. I’m now going to show you the ULTIMATE 9 HABITS to healthy eating success but just before I do, I quickly want to talk to you about… Speed of success. In terms of ‘the pace’ you have to work through these habits there is no perfect speed. You might already be doing some of these things or be keen to get fully immersed straight away, in which case get started with all 9 right away and keep working on them until they come naturally and you eat that way without having to think too much about it. If it seems all too overwhelming to make all of these changes right away, then we just break them down with what you feel comfortable with. So start with the top 2 habits and introduce first. As soon as you feel confident with those habits you can bring in the next 2 and, then the 2 after that and so on. The goal is to get you living by all 9 of these habits and eating this way every day without having to think about it. !! !

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!Most people fail at their healthy eating because they don’t plan ahead of time. They end up out and about or at work with nothing ready to eat and the only food available to them is convenience types. Don’t make this mistake! Make some time to plan what you are going to be eating so you don’t get caught out. Allow yourself time to prepare your meals in whichever way works best for you. Some people batch cook a load of food at the weekend and divide into portions for the week. Others like to prepare their next day’s lunch the night before. !2.""""E"A"T"""E"N"O"U"G"H"""P"R"O"T"E"I"N"""""

!In my 10 years as a coach, the NUMBER 1 thing I’ve found people DONT do is eat enough protein. Most people don’t eat anywhere near enough. You need to eat protein at Every Single Meal. So 3-4 portions of protein a day is what is required. And it needs to be a good sized amount too. There is a HUGE list of protein foods to give you ideas further on in this book and plenty of protein sources even if you’re a vegetarian. Eat one at every meal and you’ll get results VERY quickly. !



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3."""A"L"W"A"Y"S"""H"A"V"E"""C"O"N"V"E"N"I"E"N"C"E"""P"R"O"T"E"I"N"""S"N"A"C"K"S"""O"N"""""""""""""H"A"N"D""""""!YES protein is THIS important. I never go anywhere without some instant protein food on me, it simply helps make sure you eat enough. Remember, enough protein each day you can expect to get very good results - very quickly. You’ll see in our food lists some great examples of these… My favourites are: Quest Bars, FAGE Total Greek 0% yoghurt, whole nuts and protein shakes. !


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Vegetables are VITAL for health. With good health comes a good body, not to mention the extra energy they give you without making you put on fat. Add some veggies at every meal, throw some spinach, rocket & watercress leaves on the side of your plate. Steam up some broccoli or asparagus, boil some peas & carrots. Stir fry some cabbage, onions, tomatoes and peppers. There’s a massive list of vegetables further on. Add some to every meal and eat as many as possible. Fruit is OK too, BUT fruit has sugar in it. With foods like ‘Fage 0% Total Greek yoghurt’ you could add some berries, likewise in your protein smoothies, etc. But go easy on your fruit… Just once or twice a day - focus mainly on veggies. !!



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!Use the super healthy coconut oil (solid at room temp) to cook in, use olive oil as a dressing and eat a few nuts, seeds and some avocado once a day to get your body some healthy fats. Oily fish is essential for omega 3 fats so eat some of that where you can, if you don’t like it see our fish oil supplement below. There is a healthy fats list in the food table as well. You don’t need too much but some each day is essential. !



!In case you are wondering starchy carbs are the stodgy types of carbs like rice, potatoes, pasta, oats etc. There’s a list of them in the food table below Now it IS important that you have SOME of these but if you eat too much starchy carbs you WON’T change shape. SO my advice is this; eat a small portion (the size of your fist or less) a maximum of once per day and in your evening meal. For the BEST results I recommend to eat them only on days you have done our workout! For the other times, you do need to get used to having meals that are just protein and vegetables, which is easy when you follow our example meal plans and recipes further on in this nutrition guide. Don’t take this the wrong way either, that doesn’t mean you are forever bound to eating starchy carbs only on ‘exercise days’, we know that this is not always possible and there’s going to be the odd occasion that this guideline gets in the way. In habit 9 we teach you how to account for these occasional times. BUT for MOST of the time be smart with starchy carbs. !



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!You need to learn and practice how to build/cook all your meals from scratch and single ingredients. If it’s a pre-made, pre-packaged, ready to eat type of meal it is not going to be healthy for you or get the results you want. This goes for ready-made sauces and flavourings too. You need to use our recipes to learn how to build sauces from scratch using ingredients like tomato purees, yoghurt, soft cheeses and herbs and spices. Just making your meals from scratch makes them healthy and happy. DON’T forget to make lots, then you can save yourself time by eating the leftovers for the next meal (or 2). !8.""""W"A"T"E"R","""W"A"T"E"R","""W"A"T"E"R"!"""""

!Aim to drink 2 litres of water per day. Buy a 2 litre bottle, fill it up and carry it with you. A BIG reason people put on fat is that they drink hundreds of extra calories per day in drinks… Fizzy drinks, energy drinks, milk shakes, alcoholic drinks etc carry an awful lot of these extra calories and can easily cause you to gain weight if you’re not aware. But so are some touted ‘health drinks’ like fruit juices and cordials. GET RID OF THEM ALL in your day to day life. None of them are necessary and all of them will stop you seeing results. Your predominant drink of choice from now on is WATER. If you want it flavoured, add lemon or lime to it. Again, we understand that there will be times when you have occasional alcoholic drinks, flavoured drinks etc and we have taken care of how to manage this in guideline 9. !


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Listen you DON’T have to completely cut out your favourite treats, cakes, sweets, pizza, alcoholic drinks (or anything else that you love to eat/drink) in order to get in shape, in fact the opposite usually happens if you try to do so. . What you need to aim for is to get 90% of your food to be the healthy food (like in the habit guides above and food table below). This then leaves you a 10% window to have a little bit of whatever you fancy such as a cheeky dessert each week or a few drinks at the weekend. If you do good things 90% of the time you will STILL get awesome results AND you don’t ever have to miss out on having fun at the social events, taking the odd treats OR for those times when you’ve got caught hungry with no decent options available and you end up grabbing some convenience food. You can do it all guilt free and NEVER consider that you have ‘screwed up’ and simply call it a 10%. Clients have asked me how to work this out so here’s a quick guide of how you MIGHT fit it in… based on 3 meals and a healthy snack each day (that’s 21 meals and 7 snacks each week). 10% is roughly 2 meals, and a snack you can have every week. How you integrate this to your schedule will be personal to you. For me it would look like a big steak dinner out with chips and a cheesecake desert and a few bottles of corona OR it might just be one heavy drinking session for a celebration (you do have to swap treat drinks (i.e. alcohol) for treat food if you’re doing boozy ones). There is a lot of scope in this for you… it might be as simple as a decent meal and a few glasses of wine at the weekend. This gives you all the flexibility you need, you just have to be reasonably sensible and balanced with it, if you’re not losing fat you will have to alter how much 10% stuff you are having . So keep measuring, and modifying. BUT the point is not have ANY set in stone boundaries or hard and fast ‘RULES’ in your eating. Simple rule of thumb: Eat healthily most of the time and then have a little bit of what you fancy. Sound good so far? Let me show you exactly how to put this all together…!!!!!!! !

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P"U"T"T"I"N"G"""E"V"E"R"Y"T"H"I"N"G"""T"O"G"E"T"H"E"R""!In the next few pages of this guide you will find a food list which is broken down into the best sources of Proteins, Vegetables, Fruits, Fats, and Carbohydrates. We even include a list of Herbs, Spices and Condiments you can include. This should act as reference and as a HUGE list of ingredients that you can use to create your delicious healthy meals. REMEMBER…. Get the PROTEIN in first. !E"X"A"M"P"L"E"""M"E"A"L"""P"L"A"N""""

!After the food list you will find an EXAMPLE meal plan. This is to show you HOW a week’s meals could look to fit the guidelines. The reason we don’t give you extensive meal plans to “just follow” is because: 1) They are never going to suit everybody. 2) You need to learn how to make your own meal plans to fit your needs and schedule. This meal plan gives you an EXAMPLE. Use it as a TEMPLATE to create your own plan that will work for you. It’s EASY to substitute foods. So, for example, if you’re going by the meal plan but you don’t like fish, swap it for a meat option. If you’re a vegetarian, swap meat for a vegetarian protein option and so forth. !R"E"C"I"P"E"""B"O"O"K"""G"""V"E"R"Y"""I"M"P"O"R"T"A"N"T"!""""

!To accompany this Nutrition Plan is our tailor made Recipe Book (you’ll find this in the manuals/ guides download section of the website also). This gives you LOTS of breakfasts, lunches, evening meals and ideas for sauces, dressings and sides etc. A LOT of the meals in the meal plan below are directly from our recipe book. PLEASE USE our recipes to inspire you to create healthy meals and give you lots of examples of the best meals to eat and when to eat them. !T"H"E"""A"C"C"O"U"N"T"A"B"I"L"I"T"Y"""G"R"O"U"P""""

!We have a private group on Facebook dedicated to individual nutrition help for our members. It involves posting food updates this may sound a little intimidating but please don’t let it be (everyone is the same boat). The results have been AMAZING, not only do you feel obliged to eat well as you have to account for it in the group BUT you get individual help and suggestions for improvements you can make. To qualify for the guaranteed results we do need you to be a part of this. You can join that now here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1190152880999057/?fref=ts ! !

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!Coaching is INDIVIDUAL. This guide is to get you started if you need further help, then you MUST ask us. We are relying on you to be honest with us so we can help you in your situation. If you’re not making the progress you want, then we cannot help you unless you ask. Please reach out and post questions in our Private Facebook Group (you should have been added, if not just add Tim Megginson and I’ll put you in). We want to help so PLEASE ask! !! !

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Mark Humphreys and I’ll put you in) .

We want to help so PLEASE ask!



F"O"O"D"""L"I"S"T"S""!Here are the food lists to help you: !PROTEINS (EVERY SINGLE MEAL) ! ! !Meat & Poultry Fish & Seafood Legumes Beef Buffalo Bison Lamb Pork Chicken Turkey All Eggs Duck Goose Wild Game Meat Back Bacon (remove fat) Natural Ham Mince beef Minced Turkey Beef Steak 90% (or above) Pork Sausages, Vegetarian Quorn Meats Eggs Protein Powder (as below) Dairy & Legumes

Mackerel (Tinned/ Packet Mackerel) Salmon Tinned Salmon Smoked Salmon Sardine (tinned or fresh) Sea Bass Cod Crayfish Kipper / Packet Kipper Halibut Herring Perch Mussels Prawns Trout Shark Sole Swordfish Squid Sardine/Pilchard Shellfish Tuna fish Canned Tuna Tuna Steak

Lentils Chick Peas Kidney Beans

Dairy Cottage Cheese Feta Cheese Parmesan Cheese Goats Cheese Soft Cheese (for cooking) Yoghurt – we have noticed that some yoghurt can still have hidden added sugar in, we ONLY recommend ‘Fage’ Total Greek yoghurt 0% fat (we cannot guarantee any others).

Protein Quick Hits Protein is SO important to eat regularly to keep it burning fat. That it will be worth your while to get some easily accessible ‘on the go’ protein snacks you can have for convenience.

Quest Bars These are awesome high protein but relatively healthy snacks. NOTE – we don’t recommend other protein bars. Can be bought from www.amazon.co.uk

Protein Shakes Another way you can get some protein in on the go. Also useful after workouts. We recommend buying ‘whey isolate’ protein. You could buy and Flavour for mixing with water for quick shakes. And a non-flavoured for smoothies (see last section for details) buy from www.myprotein.com


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VEGETABLES (EAT LOTS) ! ! !A to Ce Ch to L M to Z Aubergine Asparagus Artichoke Brussels Sprouts Broccoli Beans in a Pod Beans (Green) Beans (String or Runner) Beetroot Carrots Cauliflower Celery

Chilli Pepper Courgette Fennel Garlic Kale Leek Lettuce

Mushrooms Onion Peas Mange Tout Sugar snap Peas Petit Pois Pumpkin Rocket Shallots Spinach Sweet Pepper Squash Tomato Turnip Tinned Tomatoes Plum Tomatoes Watercress


FRUIT (EAT SPARINGLY – Best Fruit Options Labelled with **) ! ! !A to C G to Pa P to Z Apples ** Apricots Blackberries ** Blackcurrant ** Blueberries ** Cherries ** Cranberries **

Grapefruit Kiwifruit Lemon ** Lime ** Mango Melon Oranges Passion Fruit

Peaches Pears Plums Pomegranate ** Raspberries ** Redcurrants ** Strawberries ** Tangerines


HEALTHY FATS (GET SOME IN DAILY) (with nuts and seeds a small handful a day is the recommended amount) ! !Healthy Fats Nuts and Seeds Avocado (raw) Almond Butter Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Cold) Coconut Oil (to cook) Butter (to cook or for recipes) Peanut Butter

Brazil Nuts Cashew Nuts Chia Seeds Hazel Nuts Macadamia Nuts Pecan Nuts

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Cashew Nut Butter

Pumpkin Seeds Pine Nuts Pistachios Sunflower Seeds Sesame seeds Walnuts


HERBS, SPICES, CONDIMENTS & SHOP BOUGHT EXTRAS ! ! !Herbs & Spices Condiments Shop Bought Extras Oregano Paprika Parsley Peppermint Rosemary Saffron Sage Natural Sea Salt Spearmint Tarragon Thyme Turmeric Wasabi Horseradish Basil Bay leaf Black Pepper Cardamom Seeds Cayenne Chilli Powder Chives Cinnamon Cloves Coriander Cumin Dill Weed Fennel Seed Fenugreek Garlic Ginger Mustard Seed Nutmeg

Olive oil Apple Cider Vinegar Balsamic vinegar Lemon Juice Lime Juice Natural Sea Salt NB: NEVER Table Salt

Pure tomato puree Pure tomato passata Tinned Chopped Tomatoes Coconut Milk Easy Thai Curry Kit – red, green or yellow. ‘Free From’ Curry Sauces – any free from gluten, preservatives, additives Soft Cheese (low fat) Makes some great sauces for chicken (can be purchased from Tesco, Sainsbury’s and other supermarkets) Almond butter Cashew Nut Butter Hazelnut Butter (can be purchased from Holland & Barrett) Mustard (gluten free)

!! !

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STARCHY CARBOHYDRATES (FOLLOW GUIDELINES WITH THE STARCH) ! !Starchy Vegetables & Fruits Starchy Carbs Sweet Potato New Potatoes Potatoes Parsnips Swede Bananas Pineapple

White Rice Brown Rice Wild Rice Microwave Rice Oats Cous Cous Quinoa (microwaved or fresh) Rice Noodles Rice Flour Pasta Gluten Free Pasta Vegetable Pasta Wholemeal Pasta


LIQUID (FOR DRINKING & COOKING) ! !For Drinking For Cooking Herbal tea Fruit Tea Spice Tea (cinnamon, liquorice) Green tea (aim for leaves) Water (bottled or filtered) Coffee Bean Coffee (Max 2 per day) Normal “builders’ Tea (max 2 per day)

Almond milk Coconut milk (including canned) Milk (buy small amounts only for tea and coffee and some sauces)

!!!!!!!!! !

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!E"X"A"M"P"L"E"""M"E"A"L"""P"L"A"N"!!On the next page you will find our Example meal plan. Remember this is to help you make your own meal plan, not to give you a cut and copy set of meals to follow, by all means use it to follow and help, but we want you to get into the habit of planning your own meals based on the guidelines and this is just an example for you. Use it to inspire some ideas for your own food choices. You’ll find some of the recipes for these meals in the RECIPE BOOK provided in the back of this booklet. please use the recipe book in combination with this guide to make this simple and help you get results quickly. As for 10% options (treat food and drinks). We haven’t added any in to this. 10% foods/drinks are an ‘as and when’ thing. Obviously the options are endless in that. We do the 10% as an option to give you flexibility and allow you to have the odd thing and not feel like you’ve ‘gone wrong’ with your eating. So if you end having the odd 10%, just put it down to that. Remember the goal is to be consistent, keep it flexible and keep going with it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!Day Meal 1 Meal 2 Meal 3 Snacks +



3 Egg Ham Omelettes Spinach, Watercress

Poultry Salad (see recipe book) + Avocado

Beef Chilli + Handful Rice + Any Steamed Veg (make double for lunch)

1 x Quest bar 2 x Coffee 2 litres water


Half Tub 0% Fage Total Greek Yoghurt Any Berries Cinnamon

Last night’s Chilli Avocado Spinach Watercress Leaves

Baked garlic Salmon (make enough for lunch) Asparagus

1 x Protein Shake with water 2 x herbal tea 2 litres of water


2 x 90% Pork Sausages 1 Fried Egg (in coconut oil) Salad Leaves

Salmon Salad Add a few seeds and Nuts if you wish Apple

Butter Chicken Curry Small handful rice Steamed Broccoli

Yoghurt & Berries with cinnamon 2 x builders tea 2 litres of water


Smoothie, made with Avocado, Spinach, Kale, Mixed Frozen Berries and PROTEIN POWDER

Tuna & Nut Salad Apple + Handful nuts

Steak Stir Fry Peppers Bean Sprouts Cabbage Balsamic Vinegar to Taste (make double)

1 x Quest bar 2 x Coffee 2 litres water


Half Tub 0% Fage Total Greek Yoghurt Any Berries Cinnamon

Re Heat Stir Fry in Microwave

Chicken Kebab Skewers Onion Pepper Courgette New Potatoes (make double)

1 x Protein Shake with water 2 x herbal tea 2 litres of water


Sausage Fried Egg Bacon Hot Tomato Salad Leaves

Left over Chicken kebabs

Home Made Beef Burgers Home Made Chips (cheat meal options)

Yoghurt & Berries with cinnamon 2 x builders tea 2 litres of water


Egg, Ham and Chorizo Omelette Salad Leaves

Sunday Roast Dinner Gluten Free Gravy No Yorkshires

Half Tub 0% Fage Total Greek Yoghurt Any Berries Cinnamon

1 x Quest bar 2 x Coffee 2 litres water 1 X Desert Choice (cheese cake)


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!There is a lot of controversy around supplements. Healthy Food is always most important. However, there are few supplements that will boost your health very quickly and therefore your results, we advise the following, which are made from natural food extracts to give you extra nourishment (and faster results). Greens formula - a blend of 22 vegetable and fruit extracts. Contains lots of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Mixes with water and is orange-flavoured to taste. Great for speeding up fat loss and brings excellent health improvements. Can be bought directly from us (suitable for vegetarians). High Strength, High Grade Omega 3 Fish Oil – high quality fish oil that reduces internal inflammation. Great for losing fat and toning up. Buy it directly from us. Here are a few extra tips we have found have really helped people over the years.!!!C"O"U"R"G"E"T"T"I"""&"""C"A"U"L"I"F"L"O"W"E"R"""R"I"C"E""

!This is basically courgette that is spiralised (like spaghetti) you can buy it ‘ready made’ from the supermarkets or purchase a spiraliser and make it yourself with fresh courgettes. This is an excellent trick as it seems like you’re eating pasta and is a lovely vegetable alternative for most meals. Cauliflower rice is boiled or steamed cauliflower mashed up, sounds odd, but gives a similar texture to rice. !S"M"O"O"T"H"I"E"S"""&"""B"L"E"N"D"S""

!Smoothies & Blends can be great but you need to ADD Protein. These are a great way of making a healthy meal that is quick and simple and gets a lot of goodness in. I make smoothies all the time with my blender using mixed vegetables, seeds, nuts & frozen berries BUT the important thing is you must add protein powder to them. Remember every meal must have protein. To do this buy some non-flavoured whey protein powder to add to your smoothie it will not affect the taste. We recommend myprotein.com and purchase ‘unflavoured whey isolate’. !E"A"T"I"N"G"""O"U"T""

!These guidelines are nearly always manageable when eating out. Just check out the ‘grill’ section of the menu. There you will find meat/fish options so you get your protein in, that’s the main goal, I normally have mash instead of chips and most restaurants will have veggie sides, so you can usually do this quite easily. !!!!

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R E M E M B E R !

Keep Going…

“Nutrition is a Journey not a destination.”It won’t be perfect, but you can make consistently better decisions and continue to learn as you go. The people with the best bodies simply ‘decided’ to eat healthily and then they kept going.

To your Health, Body and Fitness,Mark Humphreys, Creator of Enzone Health & Fitness

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