environmental microbiology and biotechnology.pptx

Post on 23-Feb-2018






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EnvironmentalMicrobiology and

BiotechnologyBiol 473

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What is Environment?Interaction of all biotic and abiotic factors

Abiotic factors include air, water, soil,minerals, sunlight, rain

Biotic factors include animals, plants,

microorganisms, human beings

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BiosphereBiosphere is the living part of the planet


All areas or ecos!stems

Ecos!stem can live without us, we cannot

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Biotechnolog! "echni#ues for utili$ing living organisms or

their parts for ma%ing products

 "ransgenic animals, plants, microorganisms

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Biotechnolog! "reatment of contaminated ecos!stems&olid wastes, contaminated air, li#uid wastes

It includes use of microorganisms

E'amples are bacteria, !east and even

unicelluar protists

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(rowth of Biotech )ompanies in (erman!

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Industries that are ma%ing di*erent products in (erman!

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+icroorganismsound ever!where

&peci-c to speci-c environments

We can get a solution out of the problem

E'ample salinit! tolerance in the organismsliving in saline areas

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.nderstanding the role of

microorganism in biogeochemical c!cles+icroorganisms pla! ver! important roles

 "hese ma%e the resources available for theplants

If we e'hausted our land for some nutrients

then microorganisms can help

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+icroorganisms and waste/s

treatment+icroorganisms are the natural decomposers

We can use this propert! to clean up almostever! %ind of wastes

+icroorganisms are used for cleaning solid

wastes, li#uid wastes and even have potentialfor cleaning nuclear wastes

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C"2 evolved

"2 con./m0tion

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0rganic matter'ermented

Acetic Acid

12  )02


)14  )02  120


Biogas production

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Waste water treatment

plants)10 )02 5 120


+i'ed processes

+ultiple microbes


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0'idation ond

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)10 0rganic acid )02 5 12& 5 13 5 )14

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6rin%ing water testingE. coli

 "hresholds of various bacteria

seudomonas in hospitals

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&olid waste treatments

&olid wastes could not onl! bedegraded b! bacteria but we canconvert it to useful products li%e


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0il spills(ulf oil and gas spill

+ethane utili$ed b! bacteria, about 2,tons

0il also used b! bacteria

But problem is ano'ic $ones in sea leading todisturbed ecos!stem

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uclear waste6einococcus

1ave pigments and absorption mechanisms

0ther as well8 "he bacteria, called Geobacter sulfurreducens,

transfer electrons via the pilus to the metals thatthe! feed o* of "ransferring the electrons gives thebacteria energ! It also changes the ioni$ation stateof the metal, changing it to a form that precipitatesout of water A colon! of Geobacter  living near apile of nuclear waste would e'tract the uranium,ma%ing it easier to handle and remove:

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+icroorganisms can provide

useful solutions for dealing withman! environmental problems

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