environment psychology study of body posture

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Er. Amit Pokhrel

M.Sc. Urban Design and Conservation

IIIrd semester student

Khwopa Engineering College

Environment Psychology

A case study on Body Posture

Environment Psychology

• Environment Psychology is the scientific study of environmental processes and

behaviour in humans. Biological, behavioral, cognitive and socio-cultural

perspectives inform the way we approach their research into the human condition.

• Environment psychology has produced rapid expansion in knowledge, particularly

in the fields of cognition. This growth has been fuelled by the emergence of new

interdisciplinary approaches, advances in imaging technologies and a broader

public interest in applications of psychology.

• Environment Psychology provides us with a sophisticated framework for understanding the complex interactions between biological, behavioral, cognitive

and socio-cultural factors that influence thought, emotions, postural attitudes,

posture and behaviour.

The Position and Postural Attitudes of

Child, Posture

• Posture is defined as the way you hold your body when you are standing,

sitting or lying down, whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose.

Good posture allows your body to function properly, while bad posture can

cause pain and spinal irregularities.

• People spend long hours sitting while reading, studying, playing

games,stretching body parts, laboring over assignments, working in labs,

jumping, standing etc., often times in prolonged, awkward, and static


• Figure: stretching posture

Analysis of Posture

• Posture can signal both the enduring characteristics of a person (character,

mental behavior, etc.), and his or her current emotions and attitudes.

Therefore, posture can be considered in the context of a given situation, and it

is independent.

• Here we see, the case of a child with different body postures. and the

psychological behavior of her is quite distinguishing from her emotional

activities. As we know child behavior is different from adults, they like to

play more and they play themselves alone and like to do many activities.

• The figure shows change in the body posture.

• While analyzing the position and postural attitudes of the

child, we should consider the perception too to study the body

posture. Although the perception of emotion in a child is an

important social skill, very little is known about how emotion

is determined from.

• For a child It is very difficult to consciously maintain proper


• Mood influences muscle tone, energy level, and one's internal

sense of well-being. • Thus, body posture can reveal a person's current state of mind.

Anger, sadness, and disgust are by far the most recognized

body postures that are indicative of emotions.

Conclusion • Mood influences play the most important role to maintain the postural

attitudes of the body. Here in this case study, it seems,somehow the body

posture is related with the child psychology and behavior to attend the

position like that as well as for a child It is very difficult to consciously

maintain proper posture. As we know the child loves to play and engage on

their own activities, it shows the strong relationship between the body

structure and psychological behavior.

Different body postures within a 10 minutes time

Artful representation of the body Posture

Environment Psychology-A case study on Posture

Submitted by Amit Pokhrel

M.Sc. Urban design & conservation(MSC06908) Submitted to

Khwopa Engineering College Post-graduate department of Urban design & conservation

Libali, Bhaktapur

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