environment pollution

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Environment and Problems Faced By It


Heal the world

By:Manish Aggarwall


Save these and even those,

protect them and conserve


Global warming

Global Warming measurable increases in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere.

There are only estimate 2,500 tigers in

the world

These are the one

Spread of new speciesOrganisms can be carried around the world in holds of ships, stuck

inside the tread of cars trees, in crop such as bananas that where shipped from country to country, and by other

means. in the wile to survive they adapt there self and a new species is


Wildlife and earth

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Save from these and using these

SurveyFor survey such as those such as those as those carried out for the red list (up, right) be valid and useful, they have to carried out scientifically. Observations and record must be precise and accurate. Everything about the survey must be kept exactly the same every time observation are repeated, change in the number of individuals counted.



•Extreme risk of extinction

•Giant ibis


•Does not survive any where

•Falkland wolf, Martinique parrot


•High risk of extinction in the wild


What have you done??

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Why is conservation important?

Nothing in natural world in constant. However, The needs of an increasing human population for food and space in huge effect on habitats and on their plant and animals. Spices are being extinct everyday. Conservation is important because it aims to protect the natural world, to prevent species going extinct as a result of man’s activities and to prevent further habitat damage.

Conditions for life

All living things have basic requirement in order to survive. In the case of the polar bears shown right, the arctic , with an adequate food supply. They must be safe from predators and able reproduce. If all of these are present they will survive.

Tigers estimate that there are fewer than 2,500 left in world.

Protecting areas

One of the one main the conservationists seek

to protect areas. These are areas in which all of

organisms in an area - whether the habitat is

desert, woodland, wetland, or a coral reef in the

sea- are protected from hunting, deforestation

and other damage.

Elephants are killed for their tusk(now banned

but still are killed)

Science or tourismSome people think it is most important to protect the scenery, particular as that is what the general is interesting in. The beauty of protected areas brings tourism and with in money. On the other hand, many conservationists argue that the entire ecosystem is what matter most, less attractive species .

Into the future


Egg donorScientists remove an egg cell from a female sheep and extract the nucleus containing genetic material from the egg cell to form an enucleated cell.

Genetic donorAt the same time, scientists collect a cell containing a nucleus with genetic material from a second sheep. The nucleus from the donor cell is removed.

Enucleated cell and nuclear fusionScientists use electricity to fuse the enucleated cell from the egg donor with the nucleus from the genetic donor.

Embryo developmentThe fused egg cell and nucleus divides and grows to form a sheep embryo.

Embryo implantationScientists implant the sheep embryo into the uterus of a third sheep, which acts as a surrogate mother.

Birth of cloneThe surrogate mother goes through a normal pregnancy and gives birth to a sheep that is a clone of the genetic donor.

Case study - whale

Caught for their blubber and bones

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Continued threat

Between 1904 and 1967, more than 350,000blue whales were killed in the southern hemisphere. In 1967,they were given legal protection, not all countries with this.

Fact fileThere are two groups of whales:

Toothed and baleen. Blue whales are largest creature ever to have lived on

earth. If whales swim too close to the shore they may be stranded to

beach. In some places, the blue whale populations are now growing in

size. Climate change may mean many blue whales will die lack of


Case study- rain forest


fact file

Rainforest once covered around 14% of the earth’s land

surface. Today they cover just 6% and if it continued it will disappear in 40 years. Rainforest plant have been in traditionally medicines for

100 of years . Economic assistance from rich countries can help to save rainforests areas. 500 years ago there were around 10

million Indians living in Amazonian rainforest. Now there are less than


Half of all animals and plant species in the

world live in rainforests

Trail of destructionTrees are cut down for their wood, such as mahogany, which is valuable. The process of harvesting the wood destroys everything else around it too, as habitat vanish, soil is lost due to erosion and air and water are polluted.


War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.A rebellion is not legally considered a war; to entitle the armed forces of the rebels to the rights and privileges of belligerents, the government they serve must be organized so as to be in a position to meet the duties resting on belligerents, that is, they must have the power to maintain law and order within the regions occupied by them and to carry on war on a large scale by land, sea, or air.

Caution !!!

Click on image to watch


International hostilities sometimes continue for long periods of time without being acknowledged as wars. The Korean War was regarded by the U.S. government as a police action. Conflicts or wars in which major powers purposely refrain from employing all their armed strength are often known as limited wars. Short of peace, such limited wars are now recognized as a preferable alternative to the specter of nuclear war.International wars are generally terminated by treaty, and civil wars by a peace proclamation. The usages, customs, and treaties of nations have formed a system of laws of war.

Armored Soldiers in


Conclusion- death or peace

Death and sacrifice for brave and peace for them who understand it.

Smart bomb

World war 1World War I, military conflict, from August 1914 to November 1918, that involved many of the countries of Europe as well as the United States and other nations throughout the world. World War I was one of the most violent and destructive wars in European history. Of the 65 million men who were mobilized, more than 10 million were killed and more than 20 million wounded. The term World War I did not come into general use until a second worldwide conflict broke out in 1939 (see World War II). Before that year, the war was known as the Great War or the World War.

More war (Video)

Pollution and global warming


Our selfishness to our kind, Comfort and so on !!!

Global Warming or Climate Change, measurable increases in

the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses.

Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming

brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse

gases, in the atmosphere.

What had become of them after Acid rain (gift from humanity)

Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Effect, the capacity of certain gases in the atmosphere to trap heat emitted from Earth’s

surface, thereby insulating and warming the planet. Without the thermal blanketing of the natural

greenhouse effect, Earth’s climate would be about 33°C (about 59°F) cooler—too cold for most living

organisms to survive.

How global warming???

Now what ? Global warming

Now cannot because Deforestation

CO2 absorb by trees

Pollution in our breathing

Greenhouse started 200 years ago

Result increase in temp


Pollution, contamination of Earth’s environment with materials that

interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of

ecosystems (living organisms and their physical surroundings). Although some environmental pollution is a result of

natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by human


How to heal the world???

Use the RRR (Recycle reuse and you know) formula . Make your caste humanity not Muslim, Indians, etc. Instead of deforestation use you common sense

(reforestation). Distribute your book who effort them. Read red data book and watch channels like

discovery, news, etc. Save your fuel and while save your time, money and

start of something big. If you see them as animal we were even some day

those or we are now worst. Teach them the way or describe them the way as you

teach . World is not that big you think the way to heal

maybe in meters or even in centimes sometimes even less.


Thank you

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