entrepreneurship workshop 1/2

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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Marianne Bergskaug and Lars Monrad-Krohn held this workshop on May 3rd, 2010. It was held in Ris, Oslo, Norway NOTE: This presentation is Not mine.


Purpose, Vision and

Goals.Entrepreneurship, part one

Marianne Bergskaug Lars Monad-Krohn 3.may 2010

The purposeDo you have a definite purpose that guides your ambitions, visions and


Talk with the person next to you about the word purpose

Napoleon Hill

• ”What a different story people would have to tell if they would adopt a definite purpose and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all- consuming purpose”

• (Law of Sucsess)

What it is that you are good

at?What is it that

you love to do?

Write down all the things you are good at.

What are your Talents?

Fall In Love with An IdeaWhen you fall in

love with an idea, it guides you….you

do not guide it anymore

You are not on this

planet to live

someone Elses dreamLive your own dream

When you have the

right purpose you

easily develop the rigth vision. When you have the right vision, you will quickly recognize the

right goal

10 minutts breake

• Coffee and tea

What is a Vision?

A vision doesen`t exist in the present, and it may or may not be reached in the future

Fix on your vision, then plot your

course. there


Now we look at the case from last time

• Sara and John

Let us review what we covered

• We establish our purpose.

• We build our vision.

• We set our goals.

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