entrance ticket review: what were some ways in which timbuktu benefitted from trade? (give at least...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Entrance Ticket

Review: What were some ways in which Timbuktu

benefitted from trade? (give at least THREE)


1) Go over HW

2) Timbuktu’s Growth & Role of Islam

3) Timbuktu Today

4) Exit Ticket

HW: Timbuktu Reflection

Would you trade gold for salt? Examples of


1) Why did salt become a valuable resource?

2) Which was more easily obtainable, salt or gold?

3) What other items were traded for salt, besides gold?

Many early Africans left Northern Africa in search of water and fertile land

As a result, several African groups established settlements in West Africa

The Influence of Geography

Timeline of Timbuktu’s Founding

11th Century (1000-1099) Timbuktu is founded

12th century (1100-1199) Begins to play a role in trade

14th Century (1300-1399) Becomes part of Mali; becomes major center for knowledge and Islam

15th Century (1400-1499) Becomes major trading center

Timbuktu and Islam

Arab merchants traveling from Northern Africa to Western Africa introduced Islam to the region

Study of Islam promoted education and the creation of universities in Timbuktu

Modern-day Mali is 90% Muslim

Islam Statistics – Not Notes

***In 2070, there will be more Muslims in the world than Christians

Short Video – Watch/Discuss

THINK ABOUT: How has Timbuktu changed? How has it remained the same?


HW – Timbuktu Reflection

After viewing the video and the images, share your thoughts on the current state of Timbuktu.

Do you think it has been revived? Why or Why not?

Minimum 5 sentences

Use the Social/Political/Economic/Geographic framework in your analysis

Link to pictures: http://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2014/sep/16/-sp-timbuktu-portrait-of-a-city-on-the-edge-of-existence-in-pictures

Exit Ticket

What are three things you learned about Islam?

Why is Islam important to Timbuktu’s history?

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