enterprise search in_drupal_pub

Post on 07-May-2015






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Adding Enterprise Search To A Website


✤ Introduction to Apache Solr

✤ Drupal’s Apache Solr what you get out of the box✤ Hooks

✤ Other Apache Solr Modules✤ Apache Solr Views✤ Apache Solr Attachments✤ Apache Solr Multiserver

Introduction to Apache SolrHistory

✤ Apache Foundation Project

✤ Uses Lucene

✤ Super fast

Introduction to Apache SolrConfiguration - solrconfig.xml

✤ Request Handlers✤ Standard✤ Dismax✤ Spellchecker✤ MLT✤ Update✤ and many more

✤ Query Response Writers✤ XML, JSON, Python, Php, Phps, Ruby, Custom

Introduction to Apache SolrConfiguration - Schema.xml

✤ Types✤ Raw - int, long, string, date, double, etc✤ Custom - Made up of raw plus

✤ analyzers - index and query✤ tokenizers - break up content

✤ WhitespaceTokenizerFactory✤ KeywordTokenizerFactory

✤ filters✤ SnowballPorterFilterFactory✤ SynonymFilterFactory✤ StopFilterFactory✤ EdgeNGramFilterFactory

Introduction to Apache SolrConfiguration - Other Stuff

✤ Multi core

✤ Geo Local

✤ Field Collapsing

✤ Solr Cell

✤ Indirectly - Web Crawling

Introduction to Apache SolrSummary

✤ History

✤ solrconfig.xml

✤ schema.xml

✤ other stuff

Apache Solr Module out of box

✤ Settings

✤ Search Index✤ Cron or Manual✤ Triggered by standard Drupal search API’s

✤ Filters (Facets)

✤ Content Bias

✤ Search Fields

Apache Solr Module out of box


✤ hook_apachesolr_update_index

✤ hook_apachesolr_modify_query

✤ hook_apachesolr_prepare_query

✤ hook_apachesolr_search_result

✤ hook_apachesolr_types_exclude

✤ hook_apachesolr_node_exclude

✤ hook_apachesolr_sort_links_alter

Apache Solr Module out of box


✤ Packed with features

✤ Hooks

Other Apache Solr Modules

✤ Apache Solr Views

✤ Apache Solr Attachments

✤ Apache Solr Multiserver

Other Apache Solr Modules Solr Views

✤ Requires Views 3 (still in beta)

✤ Amazing possibilities

Other Apache Solr Modules Solr Attachments

✤ Apache Tika

✤ Triggered on Node Upload

✤ Full text indexing

✤ Large number of supported types • HTML, XML, MS Office, Open Office, Epub, audio, video, images


Other Apache Solr Modules (Almost)


✤ Supports different indexes and servers✤ RELOAD

✤ Use cases✤ Multilingual✤ Different Types of indexes✤ Index control

Other Apache Solr Modules Summary

✤ Apache Solr Views

✤ Apache Solr Attachments

✤ Apache Solr Multiserver


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