enterprise europe network uk style guide - presentation

Post on 17-Aug-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Website style guide

Digital evolution

Online users

• sit forward – magazine readers sit back• task-focused• no attention span• short on time • rarely get to the end

Users scan the page, picking out words, sentences and visual cues.

Scan reading

Golden rule; the rule of 2s

1st two words in headline1st two lines in para1st two paras

It’s important for users and search engines

Headline replicates in URL and H2, so important to frontload with keyword

In time, we’ll be more tactical with our content


•Contact websites that can, and would want to, write about your story•Ask them to include a link in their content, back to yours

Anchor text

•Make sure backlinks are a hyperlinked keyword, so ‘regional funding’ rather than something generic like ‘Enterprise Europe Network’ or ‘EEN website’

Backlinks and anchor text boost your content’s SEO credibility

Make sure you include alt text that describes the image – important for Google

Blog about your workwebsite > news & stories > blog

How does your traffic perform on site? …UTM you links

utm_source=south_eastutm_medium=emailutm_campaign=newsletter(campaign term)(campaign content)


Preparing for the next generation site

spend approval

we are here

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