enterprise europe network

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Information about the Enterprise Europe Network Launch Conference 2015



Launch ConferenceBrussels, 8-9 June




Press Room













VIP room

Grand Hall

Catering: Coffee breaks and working lunches are served in the Restaurant and Riverside areas. A permanent coffee station is also available in the Grand Hall

Matchmaking: Meetings 1-1

Info Point

PC corner: Four PC stations and a printer are available to conference delegates near the Info Point

WiFi: Free WiFi access is provided to all delegates within the conference venue. In case of any technical problem, please refer to the Info Point

The Egg floor plan

Guest user name: EEN 2015 GuestPassword : EENconf2015


13.00 -14.30

Registration – Meet & Greet – Welcome Coffee

14.30 -16.00


16.00 - 16.30

Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

16.30 - 18.30

16.30 - 17.30

17.30 - 18.30


Grand Hall Auditorium Studio Aquarium Cinema

Enterprise Europe Network Services: vision, pilot actions & where we are going

Masterclass in local visibility

Resource & energy efficiency services for SMEs

Essentials: IT tools

Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)

A special moment to relax, enjoy live music entertainment and catch up with Network colleagues in the Restaurant and Riverside areas.

R1 R2 R3 R6

All about Your Europe Business

Cross-SG meeting, hosted by Sector Group Healthcare

Sector Group BioChemTech

Meet Enterprise Europe Network Japan

How can the Network assist SMEs to engage successfully in the public market?

Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity: Innovate2Succeed!

Top 10 tips for profile writing

Riverside meeting rooms

Matchmaking: Meetings 1-1


9.00 -10.30

Delivering quality & results: kick-off

SME Instrument: the big picture

Access to finance: COSME services & instruments

Essentials: get to know the Network

Sector Group Tourism & Cultural Heritage

The first meeting of the Thematic Contact Persons for Clusters

Sector Group Textile & Creative Industries

IPR Helpdesk Ambassadors

10.30 - 11.00

11.00 -12.30

Transferring good practice to the regions

SME Instrument: Key Account Management & coaching

SME Globetrotters: the hitchhiker’s guide to EU internationalisation services

Essentials: get to know the Network

Delivering quality & results breakout:benchmarking – performance indicators

Delivering quality & results breakout:reporting & monitoring

Delivering quality & results breakout:partnership process

Delivering quality & results-breakout: advisory services outcomes

12.30 -14.00

14.00 -15.00

Access to finance:

Delivering quality & results: wrap-up

Essentials: contracts

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Meet EUREKA European Standardisation & SMEs

Making IMP3rove

15.00 -16.00

connecting companies & investors

Start-up Europe & Innovation Radar

Essentials: contracts

Inter-consortia meeting: partners from The Netherlands, Germany & Denmark

Profile dissemination possibilities

Supporting the promo-tion of safe chemicals managements: REACH

work for you

16.00 -16.30

16.30 -18.00

20.30 -23.30

Grand Hall Auditorium Studio Aquarium Cinema R1 R2 R3 R6

Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break




Matchmaking: Meetings 1-1

Make time to pick up your badge!

9.00 -10.30

Delivering quality & results: kick-off

SME Instrument: the big picture

Access to finance: COSME services & instruments

Essentials: get to know the Network

Sector Group Tourism & Cultural Heritage

The first meeting of the Thematic Contact Persons for Clusters

Sector Group Textile & Creative Industries

IPR Helpdesk Ambassadors

10.30 - 11.00

11.00 -12.30

Transferring good practice to the regions

SME Instrument: Key Account Management & coaching

SME Globetrotters: the hitchhiker’s guide to EU internationalisation services

Essentials: get to know the Network

Delivering quality & results breakout:benchmarking – performance indicators

Delivering quality & results breakout:reporting & monitoring

Delivering quality & results breakout:partnership process

Delivering quality & results-breakout: advisory services outcomes

12.30 -14.00

14.00 -15.00

Access to finance:

Delivering quality & results: wrap-up

Essentials: contracts

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Meet EUREKA European Standardisation & SMEs

Making IMP3rove

15.00 -16.00

connecting companies & investors

Start-up Europe & Innovation Radar

Essentials: contracts

Inter-consortia meeting: partners from The Netherlands, Germany & Denmark

Profile dissemination possibilities

Supporting the promo-tion of safe chemicals managements: REACH

work for you

16.00 -16.30

16.30 -18.00

20.30 -23.30

Grand Hall Auditorium Studio Aquarium Cinema R1 R2 R3 R6

Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break

Riverside meeting rooms


Welcome address:

Zaiga Liepiņa Ministry of Economics of Latvia

Deputy State Secretary

Jyrki Katainen European Commission

Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness

Kristin Schreiber European Commission

DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsDirector

Session moderated by

Cathy Smith

Keynote speech:

Nicolas Brusson BlablaCar

co-founder and COO


Auditorium 14:30 - 16:00



Nicolas Brusson is a co-founder and the COO of BlablaCar — a long-distance ride-sharing platform that matches people seeking to travel with drivers already going the same way. In 2014 BlaBlaCar raised $100 million to grow its ride-sharing community globally. BlaBlaCar now operates in 19 countries with 20 million members. Around 3 million people travel with BlaBlaCar every month. The company counts 300 employees with 11 offices around the world.

Nicolas started his career working for start-ups in Silicon Valley during the 2000 boom, moved on to executive and investor roles, and finally worked as a venture capitalist in London, before leading BlaBlaCar’s global expansion. He holds an MBA from INSEAD, an MSc in Optics from the Ecole Supérieure d’Optique and an MSc in Applied Physics from Paris XI University.


He tweets @nbrusson

Co-Founder & COO of

Nicolas Brusson

Enterprise Europe Network Services: vision, pilot actions and where we are going

Everyone knows what the Network does, but how do we shape a coherent action plan for SMEs out of the vast service range at our disposal? This workshop will provide an opportunity for newcomers and experienced practitioners to discuss (and practice) the best ways to match clients with services to create impact and achieve results. Combining case studies with panel discussions the session is designed to let everyone have their say – so don’t just come and listen, be prepared to dive in, take part and join the discussion.

Masterclass in local visibility

This participatory session will reveal the Network’s secrets of success in increasing local visibility, enhancing communications and winning clients. Participants will be able to learn from the experts, share their experiences and pinpoint essential success factors that can be replicated across Europe.

Drawing inspiration from remarkable Network successes, the masterclass will provide practical information and ideas for a wide range of Network partners including those dealing with communications, stakeholder relations and client management.

This hands-on, high energy session is a must for Network partners seeking to improve their local visibility, attract more clients, enhance their communications and develop win-win relationships with stakeholders.

16:30 - 18:30 Workshop


• Sven Schade European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Muriel de Grande Gunnar Matthiesen Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises



16:30 - 18:30 Workshop


• Triin Udris Oxford Innovation Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom

• Lucía Díaz Martín Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento Enterprise Europe Network Spain

• Iliana Philipova Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa Enterprise Europe Network Bulgaria


Resource & energy efficiency services for SMEs

The Enterprise Europe Network helps SMEs understand and embrace the long-term benefits of improving their resource efficiency. Its advice on access to finance, eco-innovation and green entrepreneurship is enabling an increasing number of SMEs to become more resource efficient and competitive.

This workshop will explore how the Network can provide new value-added services in this exciting area of growth and opportunity, aided by new tools that can help more SMEs take a greener road to success.

Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)

Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) are an important driver of industrial competitiveness in Europe, offering huge potential for SME growth. KETs are six technologies that have been identified by the European Commission as key to strengthening Europe’s capacity for industrial renewal and innovation and addressing societal challenges.

To help SMEs better understand KETs, an online inventory of European KETs technology platforms has been developed. The session will explore how the inventory can be used to promote the uptake of KETs by SMEs and how it can complement and enhance Network services.

16:30 - 17:30 Workshop


• Patrick De Smedt Eva Revilla Peñaranda European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Cliona Howie Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Cantabria Enterprise Europe Network Spain

• Michal Miedzinski Technopolis Group Belgium


17:30 - 18:30 Workshop


• Mathieu Moreau European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Dr. Petra Püchner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum

• David Golding Innovate UK Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom

Essentials: IT tools

This session will cover the essentials of the Enterprise Europe Network IT Platform (previously called Merlin) with a special focus on the dissemination of partnering profiles and on the management of expressions of interest.

In addition, participants will learn about improvements that are foreseen in the coming months as well as the involvement of the Network in IT matters through its designated IT Champions.

16:30 - 18:30 Workshop


• Jean-François Le Roux Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


1111Coffee breaks & working lunches are served in the Restaurant and Riverside areas.

A permanent coffee station is also available in the Grand Hall.

All about Your Europe Business

This session offers an introduction to the Your Europe Business portal and explains its direct links to the Enterprise Europe Network.

The meeting will also incorporate a brainstorming session on the best ways to consolidate and improve the cooperation between the Network and Your Europe Business. Come along with your ideas and suggestions on how to enhance this cooperation for the benefit of SMEs.

Meet Enterprise Europe Network Japan

Enhance your internationalisation credentials and learn about opportunities for cooperation with Japan in 2015. This informative session will focus in particular on:

> “Welcome to Europe” — a 3-day incoming mission welcoming a Japanese delegation which provides opportunities for Network partners to promote their region in Japan and enables their SME clients to showcase their technologies.

> “About Japan” cross-cultural workshops which are aimed at raising interest about Japan across the Network and increasing EU SMEs knowledge about cross-cultural issues when doing business in Japan.

16:30 - 17:30 Meeting


• Valentina Pierantozzi Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

17:30 - 18:30 Meeting


• Jessica Michelson EU-Japan Centre Enterprise Europe Network Japan


Riverside meeting rooms


Cross-SG meeting, hosted by Sector Group Healthcare

The session aims to meet participants who are interested in healthcare issues and to discuss their interest in joining the Healthcare Sector Group. It will also bring together chairs and representatives of the other Sector Groups to pinpoint common interests and potential cross-Sector Group activities.

Come along to learn more about the big issues that are important for SMEs in the healthcare sectors and how they relate to other areas of economic activity.

How can the Network assist SMEs to engage successfully in the public market?

The session will explore how Network partners can help SMEs tap into the huge business opportunities in the public market.

Using best practice examples from the Network, the session will highlight how Network partners can help suppliers better understand how public procurement works through a combination of support, pro-active engagement and education.

Instead of examining procurement laws, the session will instead focus on the practical questions that come up when SMEs want to bid for a public tender. Come along to share your experiences and discuss with experts from the Network.

16:30 - 17:30 Meeting


• Juan-J. Carmona Schneider ZENIT GmbH Enterprise Europe Network Germany


17:30 - 18:30 Meeting


• Angelika Höss ABZ Bayern Enterprise Europe Network Germany

• Pascal Verheye Vlaams Gewest Enterprise Europe Network Belgium

Riverside meeting rooms

Sector Group BioChemTech

The meeting offers a timely opportunity for a progress update on the group’s main actions. Participants will also be able to hear from three new sub-groups: Pharma and Drug Development; Biorenewables; and Funding/Financing. The short meeting will also provide an opportunity to introduce new members to the Group.

Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity: Innovate2Succeed!

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the EIMC service will be delivered as Innovate2Succeed (I2S). It will provide tailored support to approximately 600 SMEs to help them enhance their innovation management capability, resulting in increased effectiveness in generating and commercially exploiting, their ideas.

Beneficiaries will undergo an in-depth diagnostic assessment of their business and a bespoke package of support will then be designed and delivered to embed innovation management capability within the company.

Come and hear how we are rolling this programme out as part of our Enterprise Europe H2020 activities in 2015/16.

16:30 - 17:30 Meeting


• Tim Benzie Greenwich Research & Enterprise Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom

17:30 - 18:30 Meeting


• Martin McGurk Max Adam Innovate UK Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom

Hosted by RTC North


Riverside meeting rooms


A special moment to relax, enjoy live music entertainment & catch up with Network colleagues in the Restaurant and Riverside areas

Top 10 tips for profile writing

Top 10 Tips for Profile Writing is a short tutorial co-presented by Jenny Lawson and Tim Benzie who alongside other dedicated Enterprise Europe Network volunteers, have developed and held training sessions for profile writers, internal reviewers and external reviewers.

The session will highlight common mistakes that prevent publication, and will offer concrete advice to profile creators and internal reviewers on how to write better quality profiles for swifter validation.

17:30 - 18:30 Meeting


• Jenny Lawson City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom

• Tim Benzie Greenwich Research & Enterprise Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom


18:30 - 20:00Restaurant & Riverside areas

Riverside meeting rooms


Delivering quality & results: kick-off

Network activities and services aim to achieve a positive and significant impact on SMEs’ competitiveness and their capacity to innovate. Achieving this impact depends on successful Network collaboration, increased synergies between Network partners and local/regional/national stakeholders and on efficient co-operation with the EASME and the European Commission. Central to achieving this aim is ensuring and maintaining high levels of quality.

The session will explore how the Code of Conduct will be a cornerstone of the quality system, how quality will be fully integrated into monitoring and reporting actions, and how training, mentoring and peer-learning can help the Network ensure a quality standard.

Transferring good practice to the regions

The workshop will highlight how better integration of Network partners in their region can create synergies and facilitate the transfer of good practices.

Using examples and good practices from Network partners, the session will also examine the advantages of cross-regional cooperation as a means of enhancing the Network’s services.

09:30 - 10:30 Workshop


• Dorota Przyłudzka European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Erwan Le Guen Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

• Lutgart Spaepen Vlaams Gewest Enterprise Europe Network Belgium


• Susan Carroll Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

09:30 - 10:30 Workshop


• Adela Hradilova, JIC, Enterprise Europe Network Czech Republic

• Daniel Rettich Berlin Partner for Business and Technology Enterprise Europe Network Germany

• Előd Dinnyés Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Győr -Moson-Sopron Enterprise Europe Network Hungary

• Thando Sililo Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria Enterprise Europe Network Germany


• István Németh, European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


SME Instrument: the big picture

Since its launch in 2014, the SME Instrument has generated a lot of attention among the SME community and beyond. Come along to learn more about its set up and progress to date.

SME Instrument: key account management and coaching

The Enterprise Europe Network recently began its Key Account Management services supporting the SME Instrument.

The session offers an opportunity to learn from the KAMs about their experiences to date and look towards the future.

09:00 - 10:30 Workshop


• Bernd Reichert Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

• Sean Burke Enterprise Ireland

• Javier Criado Nesofsky, Independent Business Innovation Coach


• Jasper Hemmes Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

11:00 - 12:30 Workshop


• Arturo Anton INNOBasque Enterprise Europe Network Spain

• Tomasz Urbanowicz Torun RDA Enterprise Europe Network Poland


• Jasper Hemmes Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises



Access to finance: connecting companies & investors

By improving its capacities in the field of access to finance, the Network could offer high quality and specialised services (e.g. brokerage events SMEs-investors, SME readiness support, etc.) and thus become a key player between fast growing companies and investors.

The workshop will examine:

> Are investors looking for cooperation / support to identify interesting companies?

> What can the Network do to help SME clients find the right investors and vice-versa?

> How can the Network support investors to do cross-border business?

> Can intangible assets represent an added value when looking for funding?

> Which access to finance services should the Network offer in the period 2017-2018?

14:00 - 15:00 Workshop


• Bernd Reichert Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

• Stefan Austermann Nbank Enterprise Europe Network Germany

• James Burnham EuropeUnlimited

• Cyrille Dubois European IPR Helpdesk

• Daniel Gassmann Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Access to finance: Building up effective basic services, and overview of COSME and other EU financial instruments

Bringing together experts in the field from the European Commission and across the Network, the workshop aims to help consortia and network partners fine-tune their basic access to finance services. In particular it will clarify the services they are expected to provide, and provide tips and advice on how to organise service delivery and local cooperation in this field.

Participants will also benefit from an update of relevant EU financial instruments to ensure they are fully up to speed.

09:00 - 10:30 Workshop


• Armando Melone European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Laurent Volle Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Bourgogne Enterprise Europe Network France

• Gaelle Saint-Drenant Chambre de Commerce et d’industrie de région Pays de la Loire Enterprise Europe Network France

• John Christopher Exemplas Holdings Ltd, Enterprise Europe Network United Kingdom

• Dr. Bertram Reddig Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband Enterprise Europe Network Germany



SME Globetrotters: the hitchhiker’s guide to EU internationalisation services

The session will highlight the different EU actions and services geared towards SME internationalisation beyond the EU. It will also explain how the Network can play an active role in promoting SME internationalisation.

As well as learning the theory, participants will be able to meet and interact with the people running these services.

Delivering quality & results: wrap-up

The session will bring together the conclusions from the four “Delivering quality & results” breakout sessions (benchmarking, reporting and monitoring, partnership process, and advisory services outcomes) and highlight the next steps for action.

11:00 - 12:30 Workshop


• Joerg Uehlin European Business and Technology Centre Enterprise Europe Network India

• Lai Tian EU Project Innovation Centre Enterprise Europe Network China

• Sara Wojewodzka China IPR Helpdesk

• Ellen Pedersen European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments

• Susanne Baden Jørgensen Cluster Excellence Denmark Enterprise Europe Network Denmark

14:00 - 15:00 Workshop


• Erwan Le Guen Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Start-up Europe & Innovation radar

Hosted by DG CONNECT, the session will present two technology-related initiatives and discuss how the Network can enhance their impact:

The Innovation Radar identifies high potential innovations and the innovators behind them in FP7, CIP and H2020 projects. It then directs these innovators towards support and services including the Enterprise Europe Network. The session will discuss: how can the Network help these innovations reach the market?

Startup Europe seeks to reinforce the links between the actors who build and scale up the start-up ecosystem. As well as providing role models and celebrating start-up success, it also helps start-ups expand their business and access funding under Horizon 2020. The session will discuss: how can the Network complement Startup Europe to build a truly connected space for start-ups in Europe?

15:00 - 16:00 Workshop


• Viorel Peca Isidro Laso Ballesteros, European Commission DG for Communications Networks Content and Technology



CinemaEssentials: get to know the Network

The session provides an overview of the Enterprise Europe Network. It aims to show how the different actors (European Commission, EASME, Network partners) work together; the main objectives of the Network; and how we can best work together to achieve them.

The session will include presentations on the European Commission, the Network as a brand, external communication and the support provided by the EASME (visual identity, success stories, etc.)

Network and Sector Groups experience will be shared by Spyros Kellidis from Enterprise Europe Network Greece.

Essentials: contracts

The session aims to provide guidance on the management of the Enterprise Europe Network contracts. Using an open and interactive approach, EASME staff will address the main questions on contracts and finance raised by participants during the course of the conference.

Send your questions via ViewPipe using the hashtag #contracts.

09:00 - 10:30 Workshop 1 1 :00 - 12:30


• Brita Hemme European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Anne Starkie-Alves Valentina Pierantozzi Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

• Spyros Kellidis Regional Development Agency of West Macedonia S.A. – ANKO Enterprise Europe Network Greece


• Maya Todorova Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

14:00 - 15:00 Workshop 15.00 - 16.00


• Muriel De Grande Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


• Marco Cortopassi Lubomir Dluhy Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

• Bart De Cock European Commission DG for Research and Innovation

Sector Group Tourism & Cultural Heritage

Tourism & Cultural Heritage Sector Group members are invited to attend the meeting. They will discuss about: results of activities/events already organised; events/activities planned for the coming months; rolling plan updating.

Delivering quality & results breakout: benchmarking

Benchmarking is a continuous improvement strategy and management tool, which helps us better understand the strengths and weaknesses of organisational processes. It is also the first step towards improving performance and work processes through networking, knowledge sharing and peer-learning.

Come to the session to learn more about how benchmarking can help Network partners deliver better services to their clients.

09:00 - 10:30 Meeting


• Maria Cristina Raffone Chamber of Commerce of Naples Enterprise Europe Network Italy

• Virginie Perron Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

11:00 - 12:30 Meeting

Session coordinator: • Dorota Przyłudzka

European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


• Clarelisa Camilleri European BIC Network

• Spela Stres Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT) at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia


Riverside meeting rooms


Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

We call it the EYE programme. So, have an eye on what is in for you and your clients!

EYE is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other participating countries. The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. It’s a win-win for both new entrepreneurs and host entrepreneurs and is implemented through local and regional actors.

Inter-consortia meeting: partners from The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark

The session will explore how we can improve the NL-DE-DK cooperation.

Incorporating presentations from the new Enterprise Europe Network consortia in Northern Germany, Denmark and in Northern Netherlands, the session will identify special focus areas, planned activities for 2015-16, joint interests and possible joint actions.

14:00 - 15:00 Meeting


• Ralph Diestelhorst Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

15.00 - 16.00 Workshop


• Annegret Meyer-Kock IB.SH Enterprise Europe Network Germany

Riverside meeting rooms

The first meeting of the Thematic Contact Persons for Clusters

This first meeting of the Thematic Contact Persons (TCP) for Clusters group will provide an opportunity for old and new group members to get to know each other, learn more about the TCP concept and outlook and find out how the Clusters group is expected to evolve.

Delivering quality & results breakout: reporting & monitoring

This interactive session will combine a general presentation of the new monitoring and reporting framework with discussions amongst small group of Network partners.

The aim is to gather quality feedback from Network partners on the most important Performance Enhancing System (PES) targets as well as the most crucial aspects of the Code of Conduct in their daily project implementation.

09:00 - 10:30 Meeting


• Susanne Baden Jørgensen, Cluster Excellence Denmark Enterprise Europe Network Denmark

11:00 - 12:30 Meeting


• Patrick De Smedt, European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Daniele Dosi Gisela Santos Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


Riverside meeting rooms


14:00 - 15:00 Meeting


• Peter Chisnall EUREKA

15:00 - 16:00 Meeting


• Julia Kümper Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences Enterprise Europe Network Germany

Riverside meeting rooms


EUREKA is a publicly-funded, intergovernmental network, involving over 40 countries. It aims to enhance European competitiveness by fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurship in Europe, between small and large industry, research institutes and universities.

EUREKA is constantly proving its value through the many innovative products, processes and services that have been launched onto the market over the last 30 years, creating additional turnover and jobs for European companies.

Come along to learn more about EUREKA and its relevance to the Network.

Profile dissemination possibilities

The focus of the session is to present and discuss the range of IT-Tools that Network partners are using to disseminate profiles among our clients.

All partners are encouraged to present their external solutions so that participants can get a better overview of what is available and find synergies or inspiration.

At the beginning participants can learn about the Enterprise Europe Network N-Support mobile app and widget which can be integrated on your partner website for profile dissemination.

Riverside meeting rooms

Sector Group Textile and Creative Industries

The Textile and Fashion Sector Group and Creative Industries Sector Group will have a joint meeting during the Annual Conference.

The purpose of this joint meeting is to enhance cross-collaboration between the two groups and define joint activities for the year 2015 and 2016. In addition, the Textile and Fashion Sector Group will evaluate the 2014 Annual Sector Group Report.

Delivering quality & results breakout: partnership process

Helping companies to find partners for business cooperation, technology transfer and collaborative research is at the heart of the Network’s mission. From the acquisition of clients requiring brokerage assistance, the organisation of events and the publication of partnership profiles down to the signature of Partnership Agreements, a well-designed partnership process is essential for the impact of Enterprise Europe Network brokerage activities on clients.

This session will explore how the quality of the different steps of the partnership process (events, profiles, expressions of interest, etc.) can be improved and better monitored and reported.

09:00 - 10:30 Meeting


• Serdal Temel Ege University Enterprise Europe Network Turkey

11:00 - 12:30 Meeting


• Makis Tikfesis Aurélie Gommenginger, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


• Anders Helt Lund Gulmann & Lund Enterprise Europe Network Client


2929Riverside meeting rooms

European Standardization and SMEs

Everything we do, eat and buy is related to standards.

Standards are valuable for business and are effective means to protect workers, consumers and the environment. Come along to the sessions to learn about the benefits for SMEs of using standards and participating in the standardization system.

Supporting the promotion of safe chemicals management: REACH

The session provides an opportunity to meet some of the Network’s national contacts for REACH and find out how you can raise awareness about REACH and the forthcoming REACH 2018 deadline.

Newcomers to the Network and experienced members will be provided with a Guide for SME advisers, produced in co-operation between European Chemicals Agency and Enterprise Europe Network. In addition, speakers from the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and from industry will present the LIFE work programme and a project example.

14:00 - 15:00 Meeting


• Ingrid Soetaert CEN CENELEC

15:00 - 16:00 Meeting


• Temenuzhka Popova European Commission DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship fnd SMEs

• Virginia Mercouri European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

Riverside meeting rooms

IPR Helpdesk Ambassadors

Interested in becoming an Ambassador for the European IPR Helpdesk? Come and meet us!

The Ambassador Scheme aims at fostering a strong network of regional IP focal points. The ultimate goal is to better reach out to SMEs in the different European regions, to raise their IP awareness and to build capacities.

As an Ambassador you will be helping us promote the European IPR Helpdesk services in your specific regions. To help you, we provide privileged access to all of our IPR materials and publications.

Delivering quality & results breakout: advisory services outcomes

The Network performs a series of activities which result in Partnership Agreements (PAs) and Advisory Services Outcomes (ASOs). Whereas the PA definition is well established, the ASOs need further explaination and guidance.

The Commission and EASME in consultation with the Enterprise Europe Network are developing Advisory Services Guidelines on the definition, reporting, quality assessment and validation process of the ASOs. These guidelines aim to facilitate the correct reporting of such services by the Network, and to enable EASME to efficiently assess and validate reports on the completed ASOs.

Come along to learn more about the process and what it means for you.

09:00 - 10:30 Meeting


• Cyrille Dubois European IPR Helpdesk

11:00 - 12:30 Meeting


• Argyro Karachaliou DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

• Darina Botsova Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


• Constantine Vaitsas PRAXI / HELP-FORWARD Network, Enterprise Europe Network Greece

• Emilie Vicq CCI Bourgogne, Enterprise Europe Network France

• Stefania Foresi Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia Enterprise Europe Network Italy


3131Riverside meeting rooms

14:00 - 15:00 Meeting 15:00 - 16:00


• Lisa Berle IMP3rove Academy

• Ewa Ali IMP3rove Academy

• Gunnar Matthiesen Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Making IMP3rove work for you

This hands-on session will discuss the ins and outs of carrying out an IMP3rove assessment. We will also look at how the IMP3rove assessment can best be linked to Enterprise Europe Network’s innovation support service range.

Practitioners from the Network and trainers from the IMP3rove Academy will be present to share experiences and discuss solutions that help you implement the IMP3rove approach in such a way that it maximises benefits to client SMEs and interfaces seamlessly with other Enterprise Europe Network services.

Interactive panel:

José Puigpelat Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Simon Poulsen Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen

Enterprise Europe Network Denmark

Lutgart Spaepen Vlaams Gewest

Enterprise Europe Network Belgium

Georgia Tzenou National Hellenic Research Foundation

Enterprise Europe Network Greece

Session moderated by

Peter Wragg European Commission

Closing remarks

Patrick Lambert Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


Pierre Delsaux European Commission

DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Deputy Director General

Keynote Speech:

Andrew O’Shaughnessy CEO of Newsweaver


Auditorium 16:30 - 18:00


Networking Gala Dinner 20:30 - 23:30

The Networking Gala Dinner will take place on Tuesday 9th June at Autoworld, a unique location in Brussels, home to over 250 vintage cars covering the story of the automobile history since its early days.

The museum is housed in a glass and metal hall, which is part of an architectural ensemble designed for the 1880 National Exhibition celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Belgian independence. Located in the Cinquantenaire Park, the complex includes the Arch of Triumph, the Royal Military Museum and the Cinquantenaire Art Museum.

Once you’re surrounded by vintage cars and immersed in good conversations, don’t forget to visit the photo booth to share the moment with your colleagues, tweet, post on Facebook or Instagram and then take home a special souvenir of a memorable evening.

The Autoworld Museum is within easy walking distance from the “European District” and well served by public transport:• metro lines #1 and #5;• tram line #81; • bus lines #61, #22, #80, #27,

#21, #60, #36.

Dress code: Smart casual

Jubelpark 11 Parc du Cinquantenaire 1000 Brussels | Belgium

Side events

Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

9.00 -10.30

Romania United Kingdom & Ireland

Austria Hungary Denmark France CzechRepublic

10.30 - 11.00

11.00 -12.30

Spain Bulgaria The Netherlands Turkey Belgium Singapore

Aquarium R1 R2 R3 R4 R6 R7

Enterprise Europe Network national meetings

SME Instrument Key Account Management & Coaching Day

Riverside Studio Cinema

9.00 -16.00

A full day of interactive sessions for the Key Account Managers and coaches of SME Instrument beneficiaries to learn, share experiences and enhance their cooperation for the future.


Grand Hallmatchmaking

Throughout the conference the Grand Hall will be open for your bilateral meetings, informal networking or friendly conversations. Come along to network, share information, company profiles and ideas, match proposals, and make useful

contacts to help provide a better service to your clients.

3737Grand Hallnetworking area

Your Europe Business Your Europe Business is a multilingual portal providing information for doing business cross-border in Europe. This website will help companies understand their rights and obligations on the European Single Market.

EU Business Centres & Networks in Asia Learn more about the services offered to European enterprises and business intermediaries.

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)Working for the safe use of chemicalsTest your knowledge on the new hazard labelling of chemical products which is compulsory from 1 June. Find out why the main EU chemicals legislation REACH has impact on non-chemical companies and what support is available for SMEs.

CEN-CENELEC European Standards for SMEs. EUREKA EUREKA brings together innovators across borders and national agencies with an international perspective. Meet us here to discuss possibilities for cooperation!

EU OSHA The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) raises awareness, disseminates information and carries out research on the importance of worker’s health and safety for European social and economic stability and growth.

European IPR Helpdesk Meet staff from the European IPR Helpdesk and disco-ver the added value services at your disposal.

IPR Helpdesks third countries The China, Latin America and South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesks offer first-line advice and support to European SMEs on intellectual property rights through response to individual business queries, e-learning tools, and in-person workshops.

Executive Agency For Small And Medium-sized Enterprises Everything you need to know about EU funding pro-grammes managed by EASME i.e. H2020 SME Instru-ment, Energy Efficiency, Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, and LIFE - EASME staff are on hand to meet you and answer all your questions!

Enterprise Europe Network Partners This booth is for all Network partners. Come here to discuss your ideas and projects with other colleagues.

European Commission Meet colleagues from the COSME Financial Instruments unit (DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - DG GROWTH) and Startup Europe (DG for Communications networks, Content & Techno-logy – DG CONNECT).


Conference venues:

The Egg:

175 Bara Street,

1070 Brussels, Belgium

Autoworld Brussels:

Jubelpark 11 Parc du Cinquantenaire,

1000 Brussels, Belgium

Emergency information:

Emergency number: 112

Police: 101

Useful information:

Taxis: +32 2 349 49 49

City code in Belgium: +32

Share your views & join the conversation:

Download the free ViewPipe app to share your views on

the conference. Use the code “EENconf” and post your

comment. You can also view the conversation on the

special ViewPipe wall in the Grand Hall.

• For iPhones go to App Store to download the free

ViewPipe app.

• For Android go to Google play to download the free

ViewPipe app.

Social media:

We’ll be tweeting live throughout the event. Join in by

posting your comments on Twitter using #EEN15 and

following @EEN_EU. You can also share your pictures and

comments on our Facebook page: “Enterprise Europe

Network EU”


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Enhance your networking experience by using your One

Tap delegate badge. By tapping badges delegates can stay

connected beyond the conference and keep in touch on the

Network issues that matter.

Shuttle buses:

Conference shuttle buses will run in the morning and evening

of 8th and 9th June between The Egg and the main Brussels

hotels. For further information on timing and drop off points just

ask at the Info Point.

Getting around in Brussels:

Find real-time information on Brussels’ metro, bus and tram

services at www.stib-mivb.be. Download the free app or consult

the schedules online.

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