enter data into all yellow cells. 2019-2020 school … · 2019-07-01 · 6 evidence-based...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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LEA Name: Lansingburgh Central School DistrictENTER DATA INTO ALL YELLOW CELLS. LEA BEDS Code: 4900601060000

School Name: Knickerbacker Middle School

2019-2020 School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP)

Contact Name Carrie Phelan Title PrincipalPhone (518) 233-6811 Email cphelan@lansingburgh.org

Website for Published Plan www.lansingburgh.org


Implementation is required no later than the first day of regular student attendance.


DIRECTIONS: The SCEP must be submitted with the signatures of those who participated in the development of the SCEP. The individuals identified in the "Stakeholder Participation" tab shall provide their signatures in the space below.

If the school is unable to secure the signatures of an individual in the space below, the school shall write "Addendum Attached," in the space for the signature and provide, in a separate document, a brief written explanation as to why it was unable to secure that individual's signature along with the most recent contact information for that individual. In addition, that member must be provided the opportunity to submit in writing the reason he/she did not sign.

If an individual identified below has objections or concerns related to the SCEP, that team member shall note "Addendum Attached," next to his or her signature and provide, in a separate document, an explanation of the specific objections or concerns.

Name Title Signature Date

Kelly Smith Director of Curriculum and Staff Development

Rebecca McGrouty Director of Curriculum and Staff Development

Carrie Phelan Principal of Knickerbacker Middle School

Sheila Shover Parent

Giovanna Gavin Parent

Jeff Pasinella Parent

Ellen Gordon Guidance Secretary

Elaine McHargue Teaching Assistant

Kenyon Mosconi Teaching Assistant

Colleen Buff TOSA, ELA Teacher


Cat Stockton SS Teacher

Krystal Debrosky Spanish Teacher

Stacey Muscato SS Teacher

Carla Natale Social Worker

Phil Faseun Guidance Counselor

Regina Felio Math Teacher

Peter Fusco KMS Assistant Principal

Nancy Andress CASDA, OEE

Lindsay Gibson Special Education Teacher


Statement of Assurances

By signing this document, the Local Education Agency certifies that:


1. The School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) has been developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and others in accordance with the requirements of Shared-Decision Making (CR 100.11) to provide a meaningful opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the development of the plan and comment on the plan before it is approved.

x 2. The SCEP has been formally approved by the school board and will be made widely available through public means, such as posting on the internet, distribution through the media, and distribution through public agencies.

x3. The SCEP will be implemented no later than the beginning of the first day of regular student attendance.

x 4. The SCEP contains at least one evidence-based intervention.

x5. Professional development will be provided to teachers and school leaders that will fully support the strategic efforts described within this plan.




Evidence-Based Intervention

Evidence-Based Intervention: All CSI and TSI schools must implement at least one evidence-based intervention as part of its SCEP. The intervention identified must meet the criteria of a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 evidence-based intervention under ESSA. More information can be found at http://www.nysed.gov/accountability/evidence-based-interventions

Schools may choose one of three options for identifying their evidence-based intervention:

1) Selecting a strategy from the State-Supported Evidence Based Strategies located at: http://www.nysed.gov/accountability/state-supported-evidence-based-strategies

2) Selecting an evidence-based intervention identified through either the What Works Clearinghouse, Social Programs That Work, or Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development

3) Identifying an evidence-based intervention on its own that meets the criteria for Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3.

Directions: Place an "X" in the box next to the path the school has chosen for identifying its evidence-based intervention and follow the corresponding directions for that path.


If selected, indicate below the specific strategy found at http://www.nysed.gov/accountability/state-supported-evidence-based-strategies that the school is implementing in 2019-20.

Strategy the school will implement:

Clearinghouse-IdentifiedIf selected, indicate below the specific intervention or program to be implemented, the clearinghouse (What Works, Social Programs that Work, or Blueprints for Healthy Youth) that has concluded this strategy is effective, and the rating or score the clearinghouse has given this strategy.

Strategy the school will implement:Clearinghouse

Rating from Clearinghouse

x School-IdentifiedIf selected, indicate below the specific intervention or program to be implemented, the evidence tier that the school believes this intervention falls under, and a hyperlink to research that supports that this strategy meets the ESSA standard for a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 evidence-based intervention. If no hyperlink is available, or if the supporting study requires a fee to view, then the school must submit the supporting research as an attachment when submitting the SCEP.

Strategy the school will implement: Social Emotional Learning Curriculum (CASEL)

ESSA Evidence-Based Tier (1, 2, 3) 1-Second Step (Social Emotional Curriculum)

Link to research or citation (if citation is used then research must be submitted separately with the SCEP)


Additional Evidence-Based Interventions (Optional)

All schools must implement at least one Evidence-Based Intervention. Schools implementing more than one Evidence-Based Interventions can use the space below to identify additional evidence-based interventions the school has selected.

Trauma Sensitive Classroom Initiative Building Wide


Meaningful Stakeholder Participation

Meaningful Stakeholder Participation: The SCEP must be developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and in secondary schools, students, and in accordance with §100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations. All schools are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the "Requirements for Meaningful Stakeholder Participation" section of the SCEP Completion Guide.

Instructions: List the stakeholders who participated in developing the SCEP. Boxes should be added as necessary. The school shall obtain the signatures of the individuals identified below on the SCEP Cover Page tab.

Name TitleKelly Smith Director of Curriculum and Staff DevelopmentRebecca McGrouty Director of Curriculum and Staff DevelopmentCarrie Phelan Principal of Knickerbacker Middle School Sheila Shover ParentGiovanna Gavin ParentJeff Pasinella ParentEllen Gordon Guidance SecretaryElaine McHargue Teaching AssistantKenyon Mosconi Teaching AssistantColleen Buff TOSA, ELA TeacherCat Stockton SS TeacherKrystal Debrosky Spanish TeacherStacy Muscato SS TeacherCarla Natale Social WorkerPhil Faseun Guidance CounselorRegina Felio Math TeacherLindsay Gibson Special Education TeacherPeter Fusco Assistant PrincipalNancy Andress CASDA, OEE

Instructions: Identify the dates when the school engaged with stakeholders to cover the five different steps involved in developing a SCEP. Include the initials of those involved in each meeting. The initials should correspond with the names identified above. When applicable, note up to two ideas that were discussed at these meetings as possible options that the school ultimately decided not to pursue.

SCEP Steps Date(s) this was done with stakeholders Initials of those involved If applicable: Ideas discussed but not pursued (up to 2)Reviewing multiple sources of feedback to identify needs and root causes

January 2019, February 2019 BOE Mtg, March 2019 Admin Mtg KS, CP, GR, MV, RM, CB

Determining priorities and goals based on the needs identified January 2019 Conference at the Plaza-May 30, 2019 Insight

Survey ReviewedKS, CB, RM, CP, District Admin


Identifying an evidence-based intervention

February 2019, May 1, 2019 CP, KS, RM, NA, DR


Scheduling activities to occur during the year to reach these goals and priorities, and identifying benchmarks for the goals identified

January 2019-Developed a plan to increase participation on NYS Assessments, February 2019-Presented plan to the BOE and started to create goals for 2020, March 2019-Parent Meetings, continued to work with stakeholders on goals for 2020 and held assemblies to share information with students about the purpose of the test and importance of participation, April 2019-Began working with K-12 Insights on parent, staff and student surveys, May 2019-Survey data reviewed, began to work with CASDA OEE and began to work on state plan, June 2019-Presented at faculty meeting to teacher and staff to report state feedback, SCEP Committee met on June 7th to work on goals, June 13th committee meeting to finalize plan CP, KS, RM, NA, DR

Identifying a plan to communicate the priorities to different stakeholders

June 2019-Staff meeting 6/3, BOE presentation and approval of anticipated 6/24, published to the website and submitted to NYSED July 1st, Sept. 2019 SCEP Committee will roll out goals at the 9/4 faculty meeting

CP, KS, RM, NA, DR Stakeholders present at the 6/7, 6/19 SCEP Mtg: RM, CP,


TSI schools only: Identify how the perspectives of stakeholders associated with the identified subgroup(s) have been incorporated into the SCEP

Stakeholder group How the perspectives of this group have been incorporated into the SCEPTeachers responsible for teaching each identified subgroup

Parents with children from each identified subgroup.

Secondary Schools: Students from each identified subgroup


English Language Arts

A1. ELA Baseline Data: Provide the most recently available information.

2017-2018 NYS ELA Assessment data.Fountas and Pinnell reading assessmentsELA midterm and final exams

B1. SCEP Goal for English Language ArtsTSI schools: Identify the subgroup AND the subgroup goal for each identified subgroup.

Based on the 2017-2018 ELA Academic Achievement Data, our students will achieve at or above the 78.1% Measure of Interim Progress (MIP) on the 2020-2021 ELA State Test.

100% of ELA teachers will participate in PD in order to implement balanced literacy which will be reflected in grade level consensus maps with common teaching points, common language and assessments by June 2020.

C1. Area(s) of Need: Indicate the area(s) of need that have emerged in the SCEP Development Team's review of data, practices, and resources, that if addressed, could result in improvements towards this goal.

There is a need for grade level consensus maps for ELA, which allow teachers to share common teaching points, language, and assessments. These consensus maps will allow for differentiation among texts, mini lessons, and appropriate materials. ELA teachers need to continue with implementation and embedded professional development in the area of balanced literacy - in order to develop cohesive mini lessons, unit plans, and curriculum maps that include common language, teaching points, and benchmark assessments.

D1. Action Plan - August 2019 through January 2020

D2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

D3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

D4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Improve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school will take, in chronological order, between August and January to make progress towards this goal.

August 2019 August 2019 ELA teachers grade 6-8 will participate in balanced literacy PD to begin creating online consensus maps aligned with Next Gen standards.

Sept 2019 November 2019 ELA teachers will begin implementing units with common teaching points and language.Sept 2019 January 2020 ELA teachers will continue to create/adapt consensus maps by grade level to reflect common teaching points, language and

assessments.Sept 2019 January 2020 TOSA will facilitate ELA department meetings in which teachers will develop lessons that offer opportunities for student

ownership through meaningful classroom discussions and problem solving.Sept 2019 January 2020 ELA teachers will participate in ongoing embedded balanced literacy PD with staff developer, Kirsten Widmar.Sept 2019 January 2019 TOSA will provide ongoing professional support through monthly department meetings to support balanced literacy

implementation.Sept 2019 January 2020 ELA teachers and Special Education teachers will meet biweekly during common planning time to discuss the role of the

special educator as a support role in the balanced literacy classroom.November 2019 January 2020 ELA teachers will develop common mid year benchmarks.


E1. Mid-Year Benchmark(s) - Identify what the school would expect to see in January to know it is on track to reach its goal. While this can be descriptive, schools should use quantifiable data when applicable.

By January, teachers will have participated in 12 sessions of balanced literacy professional development. Teachers will have implemented balanced literacy instruction using common teaching points and common language. Teachers will have created and administered a mid-year benchmark by the end of the month.

F1. Action Plan - January 2020 through June 2020

F2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

F3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

F4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Improve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school envisions taking in the second half of the school year IF it determines that the August to January steps have been successful.

January 2020 June 2020 ELA teachers will continue to create/adapt consensus maps by grade level to reflect common teaching points, language and assessments aligned with NextGen standards.

January 2020 June 2020 TOSA will facilitate ELA department meetings in which teachers will develop lessons that offer opportunities for student ownership through meaningful classroom discussions and problem solving.

January 2020 June 2020 ELA teachers will participate in ongoing embedded balanced literacy PD with staff developer, Kirsten Widmar.January 2020 June 2020 TOSA will provide ongoing professional support through monthly department meetings to support balanced literacy

implementation.January 2020 February 2020 TOSA and ELA teachers will facilitate data analysis of benchmark assessments.Sept 2019 January 2020 ELA teachers and Special Education teachers will meet biweekly during common planning time to discuss the role of the

special educator as a support role in the balanced literacy classroom.April 2020 June 2020 ELA teachers will develop common end of year benchmarks.June 2020 June 2020 TOSA and ELA teachers will facilitate data analysis of benchmark assessments in order to revise consensus maps.










A1. Mathematics Baseline Data: Provide the most recently available information. iXl - Researched based program.

B2. SCEP Goal for MathematicsTSI schools: Identify the subgroup AND the subgroup goal for each identified subgroup.

Based on the 2017-2018 Math Academic Achievement Data, our students will achieve at or above the 82.4% Measure of Interim Progress (MIP) on the 2020-2021 Math State Test.

100% of math teachers will work to develop instructional lessons and approaches that develop student stamina, ownership and perseverance as measured by increased student completion of quarterly benchmarks; November, January, May (State Test), June (Final).

C1. Area(s) of Need: Indicate the area(s) of need that have emerged in the SCEP Development Team's review of data, practices, and resources, that if addressed, could result in improvements towards this goal.

Math teachers will continue to create/adapt consensus maps by grade level to increase rigor and student stamina. District needs access to Zipgrade or similar program that does item analysis.

D1. Action Plan - August 2019 through January 2020D2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

D3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

D4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school will take, in chronological order, between August and January to make progress towards this goal.

September 2019 September 2019 September 20, 2019 1/2 Day Professional Development Across Grade Level and Department to edit and redevelop fall benchmark (Follow up 1/2 day PDs to address the remaining benchmarks)

October 2019 November 2019 Monthly department meetings and conference days (10/31) including special education teacher - Working to create shared materials that push questioning techniques to foster stamina, student ownership and perseverance which address benchmark goals. Teachers will continue to work to add resources and common teaching points on consensus maps.

November 2019 November 2019 Benchmark #1November 2019 November 2019 CPT - Analyze grade level benchmarks - Use of Zip Grades or similar program that does item analysis.November/Dec. 2019

December 2019Department Meeting - Post benchmark #1 share results to see what needs to be supported across grade levels.

January 2020 January 2020 Benchmark #2 - The Process Continues throughout the year for each and every benchmark.


E1. Mid-Year Benchmark(s) - Identify what the school would expect to see in January to know it is on track to reach its goal. While this can be descriptive, schools should use quantifiable data when applicable.

Teachers will use data from Benchmarks 1 and 2 to identify instructional needs of students who do not meet specified benchmarks.

F1. Action Plan - January 2020 through June 2020F2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

F3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

F4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school envisions taking in the second half of the school year IF it determines that the August to January steps have been successful.

January 2020 January 2020 Discuss the results of the January Benchmark at the Math Department meeting in January. February 2020 May 2020 Math department meeting to share DDI and targeted skills and preparation for NYS Assessments. Teachers will also identify students that

need additional targeted instruction and develop a plan of intervention in order to prepare them for NYS Assessments.May 2020 June 2020 Preparation of Mathematics Final.









Survey: Parent Communication

A1. Survey Question: Provide the survey question for which the school is looking to improve its results On the May Insight Survey, only 43% of the parents agreed that teachers regularly inform them about their child's progress.

A2: Baseline Data: Provide the most recent survey results for the question identified above and indicate if the results come from students, families, or staff. 43% of the parents responding wanted more consistent information about how the child is doing academically and 45% of the parents said

they were satisfied with communication they received from school.

B1. SCEP Goal for Survey Question For the 2019-2020 school year, the Parent Advisory Committee will increase parent and family satisfaction to improve communication to 10 percentage points through the use of an online parent group.

C1. Area(s) of Need: Indicate the area(s) of need that have emerged in the SCEP Development Team's review of data, practices, and resources, that if addressed, could result in improvements towards this goal.

Parent Involvement in Supporting Students' Learning, Need for better communication between home and school, Need to address social media resources rather than current communication tools,

D1. Action Plan - August 2019 through January 2020D2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

D3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

D4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school will take, in chronological order, between August and January to make progress towards this goal.

August 2019 September 2019 1. Inform all staff about the Parent Advisory Committee (via a meeting or screencastify presentation) 2. Inform all staff about the monthly newsletter that will be created by the committee, and what teachers' roles will be in filling it out 3. Communicate with Aaron Bogart about adding a link to the newsletter on Facebook and the school website

September 2019 October 2019 1. Gather information from the Guidance Office about what first languages are spoken by parents and families in our district 2. Establish Parent Advisory Committee and hold first meeting 3. Create Parent and Family needs Assessment on Google Forms and share the link with Aaron Bogart to post on the school Facebook and website (Paper survey as an alternative) 4. Newsletter information will be shared with parents at Open House, as well as on the school website and Facebook 5. A paper copy newsletter will be available for 10th period classes on a monthly basis for students to take home

October 2019 November 2019 1. Establish segments that will be included in the Newsletter 2. Analyze the survey results as to which topics or concerns parents would like assistance with this school year (This will be one of our segments) 3. Establish other segments which could include: Positive Happenings at KMS, Classroom topics by subject area, Team information,etc. 4. Begin providing information for each segment to create the Newsletter 5. Share Newsletter link with Aaron Bogart

November 2019 December 2019 1. Create and administer a Google Forms Survey and send the link ot Aaron Bogart to post on the school Facebook and website. This will help the committee to assess parent and family satisfaction of communication (Paper survey as an alternative) 2. Update the Newsletter 3. Share Newsletter link with Aaron Bogart


December 2019 January 2020 1. Analyze the Satisfaction Survey- Have we made progress from our baseline data of 45% satisfaction? 2. Make necessary adjustments 3. Check in with guidance as to new first languages we need to assist with 4. Update the Newsletter 5. Share Newsletter link with Aaron Bogart

E1. Mid-Year Benchmark(s) - Identify what the school would expect to see in January to know it is on track to reach its goal. While this can be descriptive, schools should use quantifiable data when applicable.

Analysis of satisfaction survey to analyze progress in improving by 10 percentage points.

F1. Action Plan - January 2020 through June 2020F2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

F3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

F4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school envisions taking in the second half of the school year IF it determines that the August to January steps have been successful.

January 2020 February 2020 1. Update Newsletter 2. Share Newsletter link with Aaron Bogart 3. Create Google Form Survey and share the link with Aaron Bogart to post on the school Facebook and website. This will help the committee to assess parent and family satisfaction of communication (Paper survey as an alternative)

February 2020 March 2020 1. Analyze survey results- are we increasing % satisfaction of communication? 2. Update Newsletter 3. Share Newsletter link with Aaron Bogart

March 2020 April 2020 1. Update Newsletter 2. Share Newsletter link with Aaron BogartApril 2020 May 2020 1. Create final Google Form Survey on Parent and Family satisfaction of communication and share survey link with Aaron Bogart 2. Update

Newsletter 3. Share Newsletter link with Aaron BogartMay 2020 June 2020 1. Update Newsletter 2. Share Newsletter link with Aaron Bogart 3. Create staff survey as to effectiveness of the Parent Advisory

CommitteeJune 2020 July 2020 1. Analyze final survey results from parents and staff- Did we meet our target of an increase of 10 percentage points? What can we do

differently for next year?











A1. Social Emotional Baseline Data: Provide the most recently available information.

Based on the May Insight Student Survey, 45% of students see a need for improving respect for fellow students and staff and express concerns about threats and bullying.

B1. SCEP Goal for SEL (if required) or School Identified Area (if ELP goal is not required)

During the 2019-2020, school year the guidance office and climate committee will use K-12 Insight survey results to address SEL related areas identified as problematic. School leadership and staff will implement evidence-based systems to reduce identified problem areas.

C1. Area(s) of Need: Indicate the area(s) of need that have emerged in the SCEP Development Team's review of data, practices, and resources, that if addressed, could result in improvements towards this goal.

Insight Student Survey Results, Parent Feedback, Student Referral Data, Student Focus Groups

D1. Action Plan - August 2019 through January 2020D2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

D3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

D4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school will take, in chronological order, between August and January to make progress towards this goal.

July 2019 August 2019 Guidance will plan for the implementation of Second Step in Grade 6.July 2019 August 2019 Guidance will develop schedule for the 2019-20 school year. Review Second Step pre-post assesements. Develop post assessment survey -

focusing on key topics; - threats and bullying, appropriate social interactions. treating others with respect. -Sept 4 Sept 15 In faculty meeting we will rollout plan to teachers - Finalize schedule (Grade 6) - Introduce to climate committee Sept 15 Sept 30 Guidance department will conduct Survey to 6th grade in classroom - pre-assessment for students Oct. 1 Oct 15 Climate Committee will discuss K12 Insight survey results with select students regarding disrespect toward teachersOct15 Dec 30 Climate committee will develop a SMART plan to address student disrespect to adults in the building. Oct 1 Dec 30 Counselors will start the Second Step program in 6th grade classrooms. Oct 1 Dec 30 Guidance and administration will work together with Parent Advisory Committee to develop a plan for bullying education to parents.


E1. Mid-Year Benchmark(s) - Identify what the school would expect to see in January to know it is on track to reach its goal. While this can be descriptive, schools should use quantifiable data when applicable.

At the mid point of the year we plan on giving the 6th grade students an assessment similar that they took at the start of the year for Second Step. We will also give all of the students a survey similar to the DTSDE tenets survey to give us a baseline for the School Climate Committee to use as they implement their initiative to address student disrespect.

F1. Action Plan - January 2020 through June 2020F2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

F3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

F4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school envisions taking in the second half of the school year IF it determines that the August to January steps have been successful.

Jan 1 Jun 30 Continue implementation of the Second Step CurriculumJan1 Jun 30 Climate committee implement SMART plan building wide. Including addressing the issue of disrespect towards teachers. Plan developed with

student focus groups.February1 Feb 30th Administration and guidance will work with the Parent Advisory Committee to execute plan to educate parents on bullying and school

response to conflicts.June 1 June 15 End of the year assessment for the Second Step program.June 15th June 30th Guidance will assess the results of the Second Step program. Adminstration and Guidance will perform a school wide survey reassessing

building climate around respect for fellow students and staff as well as concerns about threats and bullying.










Chronic Absenteeism

A1. Chronic Absenteeism (CA) or School-Selected Baseline Data: Provide the most recently available information

Using School Tools. NYSED attendance data and attendance records from 2019-2020 to check chronic and severe student absences.

B1. SCEP Goal for Chronic Absenteeism (if required) or School-Selected (if CA goal is not required)

During 2019-2020 school year, school leaders and the attendance committee will formalize current protocols in writing to track and address chronic absenteeism to under 20%.

C1. Area(s) of Need: Indicate the area(s) of need that have emerged in the SCEP Development Team's review of data, practices, and resources, that if addressed, could result in improvements towards this goal.

There are a number of needs in addressing chronic absenteeism: 1.Formalize a written goal and roles of each member of the attendance committee . 2. Set up Google spreadsheet for attendance data to track at risk students. 2. Review system for parent notification. 3 Schedule bi monthly meeting dates for the school year. 4. Formalize venues of promoting importance of attendance to students and families. Another way to improve attendance issues is to revisit the protocol and processes related student suspension.

D1. Action Plan - August 2019 through January 2020D2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

D3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

D4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school will take, in chronological order, between August and January to make progress towards this goal.

Sept 2019 January 2020 Meet regularly as a committee to review the protocols for the year and individual support staff and administration roles Train new secretary to adapt to the Google sheet to track data and information that should be updated weekly.

Sept 2019 January 2020 Review Google sheet for incoming 6th grade students who were at risk during previous year. Sept 2019 January 2020 Attendance committee will meet to review the attendance letter that will be sent out to parents and clarify thresholds for excused and

unexcused tardies and absences. Each letter sent out will be copied by attendance secretary and given to guidance secretary who will file them in students guidance file.

Sept 2019 January 2020 Finalize how parents will be notified, robo calls, letters and texts.Sept 2019 January 2020 Guidance counselor role clarified to be first line of assessment for at risk students throughout the school year. Begin with students who show 5

or more unexcused tardies or late as early as September. Identify barriers that exist for the absences. Sept 2019 January 2020 Guidance counselors begin to call parents, meet with students and set up parent meetings for those students who continue to be at risk and

enter these dates of communication in Google sheet. Sept 2019 January 2020 Committee members will add dates of phone calls, meetings with students and any interventions to the Google sheet for the committee to

review and track interventions. Sept 2019 January 2020 If student is absent consistently for 10 days with no parent contact or medical excuse CPS is to be contacted by guidance counselor per past

practice. If student is absent 20 or more days and no medical information is provided and its impacting students education CPS is also contacted by guidance counselor.

Sept 2019 January 2020 If student has 20 absences or lates review with committee for next step of intervention which may include school counselor to contact CPS , homevisit, referral to school social worker for environmental concerns, mental health concerns or referral to PINS.

Sept 2019 January 2020 Social Worker and administration will focus on intensive and chronic cases that still exist after a series of interventions.


Sept 2019 January 2020 Guidance counselors continue to monitor students progress weekly throughout the year to identify any new students at risk and will report out at bi monthly meetings.

Sept 2019 January 2020 Promote attendance awareness through guidance department facebook or website as well as district website. Inform parents at open house and other parent events throughout the year.

Sept 2019 January 2020 Develop a visual recognition for students in the building regarding attendance to promote a positive climate Sept 2019 January 2020 Developing a plan and protocol which involve a counselor working closely with our top 10% at risk students to improve seat time and prevent


E1. Mid-Year Benchmark(s) - Identify what the school would expect to see in January to know it is on track to reach its goal. While this can be descriptive, schools should use quantifiable data when applicable.

Expect to see clarification of role for attendance committee and overall defined system and protocol. Goal is to see 20% or less of chronic absenteeism when reviewed in June.

F1. Action Plan - January 2020 through June 2020F2. Start Date: Identify the projected start date for each activity.

F3. End Date: Identify the projected end date for each activity.

F4. Steps to Address Areas of Need and Achieve Goal: In each cell below, identify the steps the school envisions taking in the second half of the school year IF it determines that the August to January steps have been successful.

January 2020 June 2020 Guidance counselors continue to monitor students progress weekly throughout the year. Report findings to committee and add interventions and communications to Google sheet.

January 2020 June 2020 Guidance counselors continue to look at the google sheet to see any new students who have reached the threshold and continue to add interventions to Google sheet.

January 2020 June 2020 Committee continue to review high risk cases and refer to social worker and administration. January 2020 June 2020 Finalize list for students who will need a PINS referral before deadline of March 1st. January 2020 June 2020 Continue to promote awareness through newsletters, social media school websites and school events. January 2020 June 2020 Review attendance committee roles, discuss adjustments or changes for next school year. January 2020 June 2020 Implement protocols and processes regarding suspensions developed during the first part of the year and continue to monitor suspension rate.









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