enp from the polish perspective. core aspects of polish eastern neighbourhood policy presentation...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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ENP from the Polish perspectiveENP from the Polish perspective.. CCore aspects of ore aspects of PPolish olish eastern eastern neighboneighbouurhood policyrhood policy

PresentationPresentation scheme: scheme:1.1. Political debate:Political debate: (n (new dimension of neighboew dimension of neighbouurhoodrhood, o, official fficial

statements and commentsstatements and comments) )

2.2. Public debate – media and Polish eastern policy, media and ENPublic debate – media and Polish eastern policy, media and ENPPa)a) oopinions on ENP:pinions on ENP:b)b) sselected aspects of ENP elected aspects of ENP c)c) Poland’s eastern policy and ENPPoland’s eastern policy and ENPd)d) Postulates concerning polish eastern policy and ENPostulates concerning polish eastern policy and ENPP

3.3. Academic research Academic research (ENP shortcomings and advantages) (ENP shortcomings and advantages)4.4. Postulates concerning Polish eastern policy and ENP in Polish Postulates concerning Polish eastern policy and ENP in Polish


Political debatePolitical debate

New dimension of neighboNew dimension of neighbouurhoodrhood Official statements and comments on ENPOfficial statements and comments on ENP

Euroenthusiasm and optimismEuroenthusiasm and optimism Achieve Poland’s FP goals (by means of ENP or by Achieve Poland’s FP goals (by means of ENP or by

searching an ally?)searching an ally?) Achieve EU’s FP goals Achieve EU’s FP goals Influence EU’s foreign policy and actively take part in Influence EU’s foreign policy and actively take part in

its creationits creation Relations with Ukraine and BelarusRelations with Ukraine and Belarus

PuPublic debate – media and Polish blic debate – media and Polish eastern policy, media and ENPeastern policy, media and ENP

EU’s positive connotation in the EastEU’s positive connotation in the East Little presence of the ENP in the mediaLittle presence of the ENP in the media Opinions on ENP:Opinions on ENP:

In general ENP as a program is not being criticized In general ENP as a program is not being criticized ((ENP compared to Partnership for PeaceENP compared to Partnership for Peace))

ENP is an evidence of EU’s greater interest in the ENP is an evidence of EU’s greater interest in the East (until recently southern dimension was the most East (until recently southern dimension was the most important)important)

Caucasus – inclusion of three Caucasus countries in Caucasus – inclusion of three Caucasus countries in ENP is being praisedENP is being praised

PuPublic debate – media and Polish blic debate – media and Polish eastern policy, media and ENPeastern policy, media and ENP

Selected aspects of ENSelected aspects of ENP:P: MMembership prospects for Ukraine embership prospects for Ukraine (demanding approach & (demanding approach &

modest approach)modest approach) IIndividual approach for Ukraine ndividual approach for Ukraine

Poland’s eastern policy and ENPPoland’s eastern policy and ENP How can Poland make use of the ENP to achieve its own How can Poland make use of the ENP to achieve its own

goals?goals? ENP as means of strengthening Polish position in the EUENP as means of strengthening Polish position in the EU WWork for leveling EU’s southern and eastern dimension ork for leveling EU’s southern and eastern dimension

Searching an ally Searching an ally EU’s eastern policy EU’s eastern policy PPolish eastern policy: Ukraine and Belarus olish eastern policy: Ukraine and Belarus

PuPublic debate – media and Polish blic debate – media and Polish eastern policy, media and ENPeastern policy, media and ENP

Conclusions:Conclusions: Little mention given to ENPLittle mention given to ENP Very general terms Very general terms No profound analysis of recently taken steps No profound analysis of recently taken steps

and actions within the ENPand actions within the ENP

Academic research (Batory Foundation, East Academic research (Batory Foundation, East European Democratic CentreEuropean Democratic Centre,, Centre for Centre for

Eastern StudiesEastern Studies)) ENP shortcomingENP shortcomings:s:

GGeneral termseneral terms Great aspirations and limitedGreat aspirations and limited offer offer Is EU’s vision adequate to challengesIs EU’s vision adequate to challenges?? FoundsFounds NNeighbours’ interest in future accessioneighbours’ interest in future accession EEU UU Unwillingnwillingnessness to share the costs of transformation to share the costs of transformation Asymmetrical situation Asymmetrical situation and uand unequal treatment nequal treatment EU-Russia conflict of interests over Eastern EuropeEU-Russia conflict of interests over Eastern Europe ENP – too ENP – too narrow for democratic Ukrainenarrow for democratic Ukraine

Academic researchAcademic research

ENP advantagesENP advantages ENP as an end to marginalization of post-ENP as an end to marginalization of post-SSoviet oviet

Eastern Europe countriesEastern Europe countries FlexibilityFlexibility PPossibility of ossibility of a a very active EU’s engagementvery active EU’s engagement Less ambiguity as far as accession is concernedLess ambiguity as far as accession is concerned

Postulates concerning Polish Postulates concerning Polish eastern policy and ENPeastern policy and ENP

More responsibility from Poland More responsibility from Poland (Ukraine and (Ukraine and Belarus)Belarus)

MMore active ore active Polish engagementPolish engagement More coordinationMore coordination ENP: less words more actionENP: less words more action ENPENP:: should be directed to achieving clearly should be directed to achieving clearly

measurable progressmeasurable progress ENP needs to be backed up by substantial ENP needs to be backed up by substantial

financial supportfinancial support


QuestionQuestion: :

Could Poland become a bridge Could Poland become a bridge betweenbetween Western and Eastern Europe? Western and Eastern Europe?

after EU access Poland is border country of EU,after EU access Poland is border country of EU,

Poland have to cope with illegal immigrants from Poland have to cope with illegal immigrants from EEastern countriesastern countries, , possibilities of terrorism,possibilities of terrorism,

Polish government should try to build neighbourhood relations with Polish government should try to build neighbourhood relations with non-EU countries based on EU-policynon-EU countries based on EU-policy, , own experience own experience onon historical historical issues in Affairs with issues in Affairs with EEastern neighbours.astern neighbours.

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