enigma: editing timeline

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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Music Video Development:

4th November

I spent 2 hours importing the footage off the three tapes and onto iMovie. I then started to import that footage into Final Cut Express.

5th November

I had a double lesson (2 hours) editing. So far the beginning 10 seconds is finalised and I am now up to the first verse. I plan for it to start off as a basis. Once I have a basic outline of cuts, I will then concentrate on the timings between transitions to get a pattern.

8th November

I spent one lesson researching about cut counting to follow a certain rhythm. I compared “Enigma” to Muse’s “Uprising”. Henry who does Music came in and helped me identify the pattern. It’s mostly 4, 4 but then it changes at the solo to 6. I then spent another hour editing the footage. I have now gotten up to the guitar solo to include the power paint.

12th November

I edited from 11:30am till 2:30pm, through lunch as well. I enhanced the power paint using final cuts colour correction. I am satisfied with the opening and the beginning of the song. I am also happy with the ending 5 seconds. I put on a prism blurring effect and enhanced it so it would go black at the end of the video. I am still working on the solo part which involves the powder paint, as I still haven't got it right. The cuts to the build up are perfectly suited the music and does build up certain excitement to the music videos climax, which is the sudden slow change

19th November

I started to put in some effects and I also sorted out some the issues concerning shot pace, transitions and being in sync. I also added more footage of the powder paint, enhanced the colour, making it lighter and brighter so it is clearer to see, as well as slow-motion.

26th November

I spent another two hours doing some final tweaks to the music video before the edit screening in the final weeks to Christmas. I have extended the power paint shots in the video, starting them earlier than I originally planned. I also took on board what the band suggested when I showed them a rough draft and I worked with their specifications. I also worked on my blog in improving my mark with more evidence, work sheets and generally improving the blogs function to make it easy to find things.

3rd December

I have done the last tweaks to the video and now planning to wait until the screening. Then after Christmas I will respond to criticism and improve the video.

17th December

We held a screening for our music videos to get general feedback and areas we can improve on. I also used survey monkey and got more results.

10th January

I have analysed the feedback and I have started to add additional filters and change some sections which don't flow better or transition well.

I got my friend Sophie, who does Music Tech and is a musician to help me synchronise the videos up better, because that was a issue raised from the feedback.

Previous FilterVintage Look: RGB Adjustments and Vignette

filter added

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