enhancerpoint mutation results homeotic transformation ... · phobic chromatography (phenyl...

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4. M. Kondo et al., ibid. 262, 1874 (1993); M. Nogu-chi et al., ibid., p. 1877; S. M. Russell et al., ibid.,p. 1880.

5. C. J. McMahan et al., EMBO J. 10, 2821 (1991).6. S. Gillis and K. A. Smith, Nature 268, 154 (1977).7. B. J. Brandhuber, T. Boone, W. C. Kenney, D. B.

McKay, Science 238, 1707 (1987); J. F. Bazan,ibid. 257, 410 (1992).

8. J. F. Bazan, Immunol. Today 11, 350 (1990).9. S. Srinivasan, C. J. March, S. Sudarsanam, Pro-

tein Sci. 2, 277 (1993).10. K. Grabstein and M. Kennedy, personal commu-

nication.11. J. Yodoi et al., J. Immunol. 134, 1623 (1985).12. T. Takeshita et al., J. Exp. Med. 169, 1323 (1989).13. J. Suzuki et al., Int. Immunol. 1, 373 (1989).14. J. S. Greenberger et al., Fed. Proc. 42, 2762

(1983).15. PBTs were selected from fresh PBMCs by E-

rosette formation, and CD4+ and CD8+ subsetswere further isolated by antibody affinity to para-magnetic microspheres with magnetic cell sorter(MACS, Miltenyi Biotec, Sunnyvale, CA). T cellswere activated for 72 hours with PHA followed by24 hours in IL-2-containing medium. T cell blastswere then harvested, washed, and used. Testcultures contained 50,000 T cells per culture or2000 CTLL cells per culture. Culture medium wassupplemented as described [K. Grabstein et al.,J. Exp. Med. 163, 1405 (1986)], and 0.5 liCi of[3H]thymidine was added for the last 4 hours ofculture. Cells were collected onto glass fiberfilters and radioactivity was determined by ava-lanche gas ionization.

16. PBMCs, prepared from fresh whole blood byFicoll Hypaque density gradient centrifugation,were activated by culture with PHA as describedabove for PBTs (15).

17. IL-i5 was purified from 64 liters of supernatant ofCV-1/EBNA cells by ultrafiltration (YM-30), hydro-phobic chromatography (Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B), anion-exchange chromatography (DEAESephacel and Mono 0 fast protein liquid chroma-tography), reversed-phase HPLC (C4, 5 pm)eluted with an acetonitrile gradient in 0.1% tri-fluoroacetic acid (TFA) [D. L. Urdal et al., J.Chromatogr. 296, 171 (1984)], reversed-phaseHPLC eluted with an n-propanol gradient in TFA,and SDS-PAGE.

18. Proteins were electroblotted from the SDS gel to aPVDF membrane. The protein band correspond-ing to the IL-15 activity was cut out, and thesequence of the 33 NH2-terminal residues wasdetermined by Edman degradation. Two degen-erate oligonucleotide mixtures encoding all pos-sible codon usages of residues 1 to 6 and thecomplement of all possible codon usages ofresidues 26 to 31 (omitting position 3 of Val31)were synthesized. First-strand cDNA synthesizedfrom CV-1/EBNA mRNA was amplified by PCRwith the oligonucleotide mixtures as primers. Thisyielded a 92-bp DNA fragment that was clonedinto pBluescript SK. A hybridization probe pre-pared from this DNA fragment was used to isolatea cDNA clone containing the complete IL-i5coding region from a cDNA library constructedfrom CV-1/EBNA mRNA essentially as described[D. M. Anderson et al., Cell 63, 235 (1990)].

19. A simian IL-i5 probe was prepared by labeling ofthe purified simian IL-i5 cDNA with random prim-ers. Northern blot analysis with this probe identi-fied the human IMTLH bone marrow-derived stro-mal cell line as a source of human IL-15 mRNA.Southern (DNA) blots of pools of an IMTLH cDNAlibrary were probed to identify a positive pool andsubsequently to isolate a human IL-15 cDNA.

20. A PCR-generated DNA fragment, containing thesimian IL-15 coding region minus the 48-aminoacid leader sequence, was ligated into a yeastexpression vector that directs secretion of therecombinant protein into the yeast medium [V.Price et al., Gene 55, 287 (1987)]. RecombinantIL-15 was purified from the yeast supernatant asdescribed above for the CV-1-derived IL-15 pro-tein, excluding ultrafiltration and ion exchange.The purity and concentration of IL-15 were con-


firmed by amino acid analysis.21. Human PBMCs from one donor (5 x 1 05 per

culture) were cultured with irradiated PBMCs (5 x105 per culture) from either an allogeneic donor(CTL) or from the autologous donor (LAK) incultures containing various concentrations of ei-ther IL-2 or IL-15, or no cytokine. Cultures weredone as described [M. B. Widmer et al., J. Exp.Med. 166,1447 (1987)] and harvested after 6 days(LAK) or 7 days (CTL) and assayed for cytolyticactivity against 51Cr-labeled targets. The lysis as-say contained various numbers of the respondingperipheral blood lymphocytes cultured with 1000labeled targets in 200 pi of medium in V-bottomedwells, and supernatants were collected after 4hours of incubation. Lytic units were calculated asthe inverse of the fraction of the responding culturerequired to generate 50% (CTL) or 30% (LAK) ofthe maximum specific 51Cr release.

22. Mikpl was purchased from Nichirei Corp., Tokyo,Japan; TUl 1 and TU27 were provided by K.Sugamura, Sendai, Japan; 2A3 was produced atImmunex.

23. C. W. Dunnett, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 50, 1096(1955).

24. Activated PBMCs (16) were incubated for 2 hoursin medium without PHA or growth factors. IL-15and IL-2 binding were carried out at 40C for 60min in RPMI 1640 containing 3% bovine serumalbumin and 0.1% NaNO3. IL-2 and IL-15 wereradiolabeled as described [L. Park et al., J. Biol.Chem. 261, 4177 (1986)] and retained biologicalactivity. Preliminary experiments established thatequilibrium binding was obtained under theseconditions (J. Giri and M. Ahdieh, personal com-munication).

25. YT cells used are a subclone of the human NK-likeYT cell line and were provided by M. Caligiuri,Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, NY.

26. We thank S. D. Lupton and R. J. Tushinski for theIMTLH cell line, M. R. Comeau and D. P. Gearingfor the IMTLH cDNA library, T. Hollingsworth forDNA sequence analysis, C. J. March and M.Gerhart for protein sequence analysis, R. Jerzy forthe cDNA cloning plasmid, J. King for the yeastexpression construct, T. W. Tough and L. Erick-son for technical assistance, and M. B. Widmerand M. K. Spriggs for reviewing the manuscript.

22 November 1993; accepted 4 April 1994

Enhancer Point Mutation Results in a HomeoticTransformation in Drosophila

Mary Jane Shimell, Jeffrey Simon, Welcome Bender,Michael B. O'Connor*

In Drosophila, the misexpression or altered activity of genes from the bithorax complexresults in homeotic transformations. One of these genes, abd-A, normally specifies theidentity of the second through fourth abdominal segments (A2 to A4). In the dominantHyperabdominal mutations (Hab), portions of the third thoracic segment (T3) are trans-formed toward A2 as the result of ectopic abd-A expression. Sequence analysis anddeoxyribonuclease I footprinting demonstrate that the misexpression of abd-A in twoindependent Hab mutations results from the same single base change in a binding site forthe gap gene Kruppelprotein. These results establish that the spatial limits of the homeoticgenes are directly regulated by gap gene products.

The establishment of correct segmentalidentity in Drosophila melanogaster requiresthe proper function and expression of geneslocated in the antennapedia and bithoraxcomplexes [reviewed in (1-3)]. In the bitho-rax complex, loss-of-function mutations typ-ically result in transformations of posteriorsegments toward more anterior fates, where-as the ectopic activation of homeotic genesalong the anterior-posterior axis producesdominant, gain-of-function phenotypes inwhich anterior segments are transformedtoward more posterior identities (4-8). Theinitial activation of homeotic gene expres-sion appears to be regulated by the segmen-

M. J. Shimell and M. B. O'Connor, Department ofMolecular Biology and Biochemistry and Develop-mental Biology Center, University of California, Irvine,CA 92717, USA.J. Simon, Department of Biochemistry, University ofMinnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, and Department ofBiological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA.W. Bender, Department of Biological Chemistry andMolecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School,Boston, MA 02115, USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 13 MAY 1994

tation gene products (9-15). For example,mutations in the gap gene hunchback (hb)result in an anterior shift of Ubx expression(12), whereas mutations in Kruppel, knirps,and giant cause ectopic activation of Abd-B(13-16). In several cases, incomplete ho-meotic regulatory elements containing hbbinding sites have been shown to conferspatially restricted patterns of gene expres-sion when positioned next to a LacZ reportergene (9-11). However, as a result of thelarge size of homeotic regulatory regions (50to 100 kb), the precise roles of these indi-vidual elements within the context of a

complete regulatory domain has remainedelusive.We have studied the Hab-1 and Hab-2

mutations, two gain-of-function alleles thatectopically express the abd-A protein(ABD-A). The Hab-1 and Hab-2 alleleswere discovered by E. B. Lewis and I.Duncan, respectively, and Lewis has pro-posed that they likely affect a homeoticregulatory element (4, 15). The Hab muta-tions cause dominant transformations ofportions of T3 toward A2 as a result of

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ectopic abd-A expression (4, 6, 17). Themost common phenotype observed is theloss of haltere or third leg (or both) (4, 17).Less frequently, a transformation of halteretoward wing is also observed (18). Whenoriginally isolated, the Hab-1 allele occa-sionally caused a partial transformation ofAl toward A2 (4). In recent analysis, thistransformation is not observed. We at-tribute the difference to the accumulationof genetic modifiers in the stock, becausethe penetrance and expressivity of the phe-notype can be enhanced in certain geneticbackgrounds (17). We have also found thatthe penetrance of the phenotype is depen-dent on temperature. Approximately 9% ofindividuals who inherit the Hab-2 chromo-some show some type of transformation at18'C, 35% show transformation at 250C,and 50% show a phenotype at 290C. Anexamination of abd-A expression in Habmutant embryos reveals that abd-A proteinis expressed anterior to its normal paraseg-ment 7 (PS 7) boundary within PS 5 and aportion of PS 6 (Fig. 1, A and B) (6). Thispattern of misexpression is consistent withthe observed transformations.

Recombination experiments have placedHab-1 within the abd-A gene and associatedregulatory sequences (4, 17). This regionencompasses approximately 80 kb of DNAthat includes the 30-kb abd-A transcriptionunit as well as 50 kb of 5' regulatory se-quences. In previous reports, mutations thatectopically activate homeotic genes havebeen shown to be associated with chromo-somal aberrations (19-23). These lesionshave included insertions, deletions, and trans-locations that rearrange regulatory sequencesin the non-coding portions of these genes. Incontrast, Southern blot analysis of Hab muta-tions failed to detect any aberrations along theentire length of the abd-A transcription unit

and within the 50 kb of upstream regulatoryDNA (24).

If the Hab alleles are point mutations,we reasoned that they must affect one of theregulatory elements that direct abd-A ex-pression. We have described an 11-kb frag-ment from the large abd-A intron (Fig. 2A)that directs the expression of a LacZ report-er construct with an anterior boundary inPS 7 (25). The sequences responsible fordirecting this pattern in early embryos werenarrowed to a 1.7-kb Sal I-Xba I fragmentby a series of hybrid dysgenesis-induceddeletions of the 11-kb fragment and by an.additional LacZ germline transformationconstruct (Fig. 2A). We have referred tothe regulatory sequences that control theearly boundaries of homeotic expressionpatterns as initiator elements (25, 26) andrefer to this particular fragment as theiab-2 (1. 7) initiator.

To test whether the Hab-1 mutation waslocated within the minimal iab-2 (1.7) ini-tiator sequence, transformant lines weremade with the Hab-1 1.7-kb Sal I-Xba Ifragment inserted upstream of a LacZ re-porter gene (27). Transformant embryoscontaining Hab-1 sequences driving LacZshow an early ectopic stripe of LacZ expres-sion in PS 5 at the cellular blastoderm stageas well as a band of staining within thecentral block that is wider and more intensethan that of transformant embryos contain-ing wild-type (WT) iab-2 (1.7) sequences(Fig. 1, C and D). The ectopic expressionpersists during gastrulation, and, by thecompletion of germ-band extension, thepattern of LacZ misexpression is similar tothat of ABD-A misexpression (Fig. 1, Band F). These results demonstrate that thelesion associated with the Hab- 1 phenotypeis located within the iab-2 (1.7) fragment.

The Hab- 1 lesion was identified by the

sequencing of the 1.7-kb Hab-1 fragmentand the equivalent fragment from a stockcontaining the background chromosome onwhich Hab- 1 was induced (28). A single Gto A transition was identified at base 251within the Hab-1 fragment (Fig. 2B). Todetermine whether the Hab-2 chromosomealso contained a lesion at or near this site,a 285-base pair (bp) fragment centeredabout the Hab-1 mutation (Fig. 2B) wasamplified from Hab-2 hemizygous DNA bypolymerase chain reaction (PCR) and se-quenced (28). The same G to A transitionwas identified in the Hab-2 DNA. Therewere four DNA sequence polymorphismsfound on the Hab-2 chromosome and itsparent but not on Hab- 1 and its backgroundchromosome (Fig. 2B). These polymor-phisms demonstrate that these two lesionsare the result of independent mutationalevents.

To reveal which regulatory proteins


+30 +34 +38 +42 +46 +50 +54 +58


S X S-.*-iab-2(1.7)

B_.5''- - _ _o



; Hab-1, Hab-2

c ~ ~ s














Fig. 1. ABD-A misexpression caused by a A:mutation in the iab2(1.7) fragment. (A) A dis- . Xsected (6), wild-type (WT) embryo at the germ-band extended stage (6 hours of development)stained with ABD-A antibody. The PS 7 anteriorlimit of ABD-A expression is indicated with abracket. For all embryos, anterior is on the left. _ A(B) A dissected Hab-2 embryo showing misex-pression of ABD-A in PS 5 and PS 6. (C and E)Expression of LacZ directed by the iab-2(1.7)fragment and (D and F) the equivalent fragmentfrom an Hab-1 chromosome. (C) and (D) are E_ventral views of early gastrulation embryos,whereas (E) and (F) show dissected germ-band extended embryos. Embryos in (C) and(D) were hybridized to antisense, digoxigenin-labeled LacZ RNA (27), whereas embryos in(E) and (F) were stained with a LacZ antibody(27). Note the anterior ectopic stripes of LacZ activity directed by the Hab fragment [bracket in (B)and arrowhead in (D)]. The location of the WT band of LacZ staining in (C) has been positioned bythe double-staining of embryos with digoxigenin-labeled LacZ RNA probes and antibodies to ftzand eve. For (E), we previously determined that the location of the anterior staining boundarydirected by the iab-2 enhancer is located at the PS 6-PS 7 border (25).






a~10CAG1UL5*00TAYAY@ 750


WC -33 995

Fig. 2. Location of the Hab- 1 and Hab-2 muta-tions. (A) Physical map of the abd-A transcrip-tion unit and the locations of the iab-2(1 1) andiab-2(1. 7) fragments within the large intron.Diagnostic restriction sites are Sal (S) and Xba(X). (B) Sequence of that portion of the iab-

2(1.7) fragment that binds gap and pair-rulegene products (28, 31). The location of the Habmutations are indicated with an arrow. The foursingle-base polymorphisms that distinguishHab-1 from the Hab-2 chromosome are high-lighted in reverse type. The lower base is foundin the Canton S and Hab-2 chromosomes, whilethe upper base is found in the bx8 and Hab-1chromosomes (28). The KR binding site dis-rupted by the Hab mutations is enclosed in thestipled box. Additional sites protected by EVEare outlined by the clear box, while HB sites areenclosed in the black boxes (31).

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might control the iab-2 initiator element, weintroduced the WT iab-2 (1.7) LacZ expres-sion construct into various gap and pair-rulemutant backgrounds (29). In a Kruppel mu-tant, we observed ectopic stripes of lacZexpression in PS 5 similar to that exhibitedin Hab- 1 mutants. An examination of thesequence surrounding the Hab base changerevealed that the altered G base was imbed-ded in the sequence GAAAGGGTGAA,which matches a consensus Kr protein (KR)binding site in 9 out of 11 bases (30). Gelshift and deoxyribonuclease (DNase) I foot-printing experiments were conducted to de-termine whether KR bound to this site orother sites in the iab-2 (1.7) sequence. A gelmobility-shift analysis of iab-2 (1.7) se-quences revealed that KR binds to only asingle fragment that contains the consensusKR binding site (31). The DNase I foot-printing of iab-2 (1.7) and Hab- 1 sequencesconfirmed that KR binds to the consensussequence and that binding is disrupted bythe Hab- 1 lesion (Fig. 3). Although wecannot formally exclude the possibility thatsome other protein also binds to this site, wewere able to confirm the importance of

WT Hab


><XOX OX OXP- 9__ __ ____-



Hab-1 and [I0Hab-2 sc

C /




Fig. 3. The DNase footprinting of KR protein toWT and Hab-1 mutant sequences. Lanes la-beled WT illustrate the DNase cleavage lad-der of a 147-bp HinP fragment (coordinates171 to 318, Fig. 2B) from the iab-2(1.7) frag-ment. Lanes labeled Hab show the DNasecleavage ladder of an identically engineeredpiece of DNA from the Hab-1 mutant. In laneslabeled +KR or -KR, protein extracts (1 X = 8pLg, 1 OX = 80 [ig) were used from KR express-ing (+) or nonexpressing (-) bacterial cells(39). Maxam-Gilbert sequencing reactions are

shown in the leftmost lanes (GA and TC). Thesequences shown is the opposite from thatshown in Fig. 2B.


Kruppel protein concentration in the gener-ation of the Hab phenotype, by askingwhether the penetrance of the Hab pheno-type was affected in a Kr heterozygote. Wefound that in a Kr/+;Hab-1/+ background,the number of flies exhibiting a Hab pheno-type increases to 19% (268 flies scored),compared to the 1.5% (785 flies scored)exhibited by sibling flies carrying the CyObalancer chromosome (+/CyO;Hab-11+).Animals of the genotype Kr/+ also show aweakly penetrant gain-of-function pheno-type that partially overlaps the Hab phe-notype. In control crosses, we found thatthe penetrance of the Kr-dominant phe-notype was only 3.5% (254 flies scored).Taken together, these results demonstratethat KR, acting through the iab-2 region,represses the expression of abd-A anteriorto PS 7. This finding fulfills the predictionmade by Lewis "that Hab damages a regu-latory element adjacent to [abd-AJ in sucha way as to reduce its affinity for a repres-sor" (4).

The Kruppel gene has been implicatedto play both active and repressive roles inearly Drosophila development (32). The Krgene product is a zinc finger protein thatforms a bell-shaped concentration gradi-ent within the central portion of theDrosophila embryo (32, 33). In pre-cellularembryos, the central domain of KR ex-pression accumulates peak levels of pro-tein in PS 6 and 7. Protein levels fall offsharply on either side of this domain, suchthat no protein is detected anterior of PS3 or posterior of PS 9. The region-specificrepression that we observe (in PS 3 to 5,but not in PS 7 to 9) may reflect either theinteraction with a second anteriorly local-ized protein such as hunchback or a differ-ence in the way that KR binds at high andlow concentrations (or both). Recent ex-periments have demonstrated that at highconcentrations KR can bind to a singlesite as a dimer, whereas at low concentra-tions it occupies the same site as a mono-mer (34). This alteration in binding stoi-chiometry could influence in vivo protein-protein interactions. We note that severalHB binding sites exist within the iab-2(1.7) initiator (Fig. 2B), and we specu-late that efficient repression anterior to PS7 could require the binding of both HBand KR proteins and perhaps a physicalinteraction between the two.

The pair-rule nature of the iab-2(1.7)!LacZ expression suggests that stripe forma-tion also involves a pair-rule gene product.A likely candidate is the even-skipped pro-tein, which both binds to the iab-2(1.7)fragment and is required for iab-2 (1.7)activity (31). These observations suggestthat the iab-2(1.7) initiator is similar tothat of other previously described bithoraxenhancers from the bx and pbx regions that

SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 13 MAY 1994

appear to set early spatial expression do-mains through short-range interactionsbetween pair-rule activators and gap-generepressors (9-1 1). Because none of theseisolated elements faithfully reproduce acomplete homeotic expression pattern,however, it has been difficult to assess theirroles within the intact bithorax complex.The results described here demonstrate thatindividual regulatory elements do contributeto the control of homeotic genes withinintact complexes.

Point mutations in the regulatory se-quences of higher eukaryotes are very rare.One of the few cases in which regulatorypoint mutations cause a phenotype is inthe P-globin cluster, where lesions in theCCAAT and TATA boxes have beenassociated with certain forms of P thal-assemia (35). In another case, a singlebase change that prevents the binding ofthe GATA1 transcription factor causesthe Greek form of hereditary persistence offetal hemoglobin (36). In Drosophila, asingle base-sequence polymorphism withinthe rosy promoter has been shown to alterlevels of rosy gene expression (37). Therarity of regulatory point mutations prob-ably reflects both a small target size andseveral forms of regulatory redundancy. Itis also possible that many regulatory mu-tations cannot be recovered because theyproduce severe phenotypic consequences,such as dominant lethal mutations.

The recovery of two independent mu-tations at the same base within the iab-2regulatory sequences is unusual. The ho-meotic transformation obviously contrib-uted to the isolation of these mutants, butit is curious that, with perhaps hundreds ofregulatory-protein binding sites within ho-meotic gene clusters, more mutations ofthis type have not been isolated. Theexplanation may lie in an unusual combi-nation of circumstances that is peculiar tothe structure of the iab-2 initiator ele-ment. In many cases, individual controlelements contain a multitude of bindingsites for a given regulatory protein, andmutation in any one site may have onlylimited effects Ifor example, (38)1. In ad-dition, control elements themselves maybe redundant. Our analysis of the iab-2regulatory domain has revealed no otherfragments capable of producing a patternlike that of iab-2(1.7). This lack of con-trol-element duplication, together withthe single KR binding site may have madethe iab-2 initiation element especially sus-ceptible to regulatory point mutations.


1. M. Peifer, F. Karch, W. Bender, Genes Dev. 1, 891(1987).

2. I. Duncan, Annu. Rev. Genet. 21, 285 (1987).

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3. T. Kaufman, M. Seeger, G. Olsen, Adv. Genet. 27,309 (1990).

4. E. Lewis, Nature 276, 565 (1978).5. R. White and M. Akam, ibid. 318, 567 (1985).6. F. Karch, W. Bender, B. Weiffenbach, Genes Dev.

4, 1573 (1990).7. S. Celniker, D. Keelan, E. Lewis, ibid. 3, 1424

(1989).8. R. Mann and D. Hogness, Cell 60, 597 (1990).9. S. Qian, M. Capovilla, V. Pirotta, EMBO J. 10,

1415 (1991).10. ibid., 12, 3865 (1993).11. C. Zhang, J. Muller, M. Hoch, H. Jackle, M. Bienz,

Development 113, 1171 (1991).12. R. White and R. Lehmann, Cell 47, 311 (1986).13. K. Harding and M. Levine, EMBO J. 7, 205 (1988).14. V. Irish, A. Martinez-Arias, M. Akam, ibid. 8,1527

(1989).15. D. Lindsley and G. Zimm, Eds., The Genome of

Drosophila melanogaster (Academic Press, SanDiego, CA, 1992).

16. J. Reinitz and M. Levine, Dev. Biol. 140,57 (1990).17. I. Duncan, personal communication; J. Simon,

unpublished results.18. The paradoxical transformation of haltere to wing

may be caused by a low level of ABD-A proteinthat represses Ubx but is not high enough totransform cells to A2. As a result, a Ubx loss-of-function transformation is observed.

19. L. Frischer, F. Hagen, R. Garber, Cell 47, 1017(1986).

20. E. Jorgenson and R. Garber, Genes Dev. 1, 544(1987).

21. S. Celniker and E. Lewis, Proc. NatI. Acad. Sci.U.S.A. 90,1566 (1993).

22. H. Gyurkovics, J. Gausz, J. Kummer, F. Karch,EMBO J. 9, 2579 (1990).

23. D. Cribbs, A. Pattatucci, M. Pultz, T. Kaufman,Genetics 132, 699 (1992).

24. F. Karch, W. Weiffenback, J. Simon, W. Bender,unpublished data.

25. J. Simon, M. Peifer, W. Bender, M. O'Connor,EMBO J. 9, 3945 (1990).

26. J. Simon, A. Chiang, W. Bender, M. J. Shimell, M.O'Connor, Dev. Biol. 158,134 (1993).

27. An EMBL3 library was constructed from Hab-1homozygotes, and the Hab-1 containing phagewas identified by hybridization with the 11.0-kbSal fragment illustrated in Fig. 2A. The Hab-1and Canton S 1.7-kb Sal I-Xba subfragmentsfrom the 11.0-kb Sal fragment were cloned intothe Ubx/LacZ reporter vector described by Qian,Capovilla, and Pirrota (9) and integrated into theDrosophila genome by P element-mediatedgermline transformation [G. M. Rubin and A. C.Spradling, Science 218, 348 (1982)]. The w+transformant lines were established and exam-ined for LacZ expression by in situ hybridization[D. Tautz and C. Pfeifle, Chromosoma 98, 81(1989)] or by staining with anti-p3-galactosidaseantibody (25). Antisense LacZ RNA was pre-pared from a pBluescript 11 KS(+) vector (Strata-gene) containing the LacZ-coding region. Theplasmid was linearized with Eco RI, and thedigoxygenin-labeled LacZ probe was preparedby T7 transcription in the presence of digoxigeninuridine triphosphate. Hybridizations, washes, andhistochemical staining were performed accordingto the procedures of J. Jiang, D. Kosman, T. Ip,and M. Levine [Genes Dev. 5, 1881 (1991)].Embryos were mounted in a solution of 70%glycerol for photography.

28. The 1.7-kb Sal l-Xba fragment shown in Fig. 2Awas subcloned in Bluescript II KS+ (Stratagene)and sequenced with standard methods. Thebackground chromosome from bx8/Df(P2) flieswas also cloned and sequenced. The bx8 allelewas obtained in the same mutagenic screen asHab-1 and should be isogenic to Hab-1 at allbases except for that which represents the Hab- 1lesion (E. B. Lewis, personal communication).Chromosomal DNA from Hab-2/Df(P2) flies wasamnplified by PCR with the use of the 1-2 and 3-4pairs of primers indicated in Fig. 2B. To eliminatePCR artifacts, the amplified products were se-quenced directly with the use of the Silver se-

quence system (Promega, Madison, WI). Thebackground chromosome for Hab-2 was CantonS, and its entire 1.7-Kb Sal l-Xho fragment wassequenced by standard methods.

29. To examine the effects of gap and pair-rule geneproducts on the expression of the iab-2(1. 7) frag-ment, transformant lines containing this constructwhere crossed into the following mutant back-grounds: hb14F, Kr2, kni"D, gtyA, till10 eve'13, andDf(2R) Scb (ftz). All mutants except ftz altered thepattern, but only Kr mutants showed an expres-sion pattern reminiscent of that produced by theHab mutants.

30. J. Treisman and C. Desplan, Nature 341, 335(1989).

31. M. Shimell and M. O'Connor, unpublished data.32. M. Pankratz and H. Jackle, in The Development of

Drosophila melanogaster, M. Bate and A. Martin-ez-Arias, Eds. (Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryPress, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1993), pp. 467-517.

33. U. Rosenberg et al., Nature 319, 336 (1986).34. F. Sauer and H. Jackle, ibid. 364, 454 (1993).35. H. Kazazian et al., Cold Spring Harbor Symp.

Quant. Biol. 51, 371 (1986).36. M. Berry, F. Grosveld, N. Dillon, Nature 358, 499

(1992).37. D. Curtis, S. Clark, A. Chovnick, W. Bender,

Genetics 122, 653 (1989).38. W. Driever, G. Thomas, C. Nusslein-Volhard, Na-

ture 340, 363 (1992).39. KR protein was produced in BL21 (DE3) cells

containing plasmid pARKr [D. Stanojevic, T.Hoey, M. Levine, ibid. 341, 331 (1989)]. Proteinextracts were prepared from cells containing orlacking the pARKr plasmid [F. Studier, A. Rosen-berg, J. Dunn, J. Dubendorff, Methods Enzymol.185, 60 (1990), as modified by T. Hoey and M.Levine, Nature 332, 858 (1988)]. Protein determi-

nations were made with the Pierce BCA proteinassay kit. For footprinting experiments, DNA frag-ments were end-labeled with 32p by a Klenowfill-in reaction. The footprinting procedure wascarried out as described by Stanojevic et al.(above). with the following changes: The 50-mIbinding reaction was composed of 100 mM KCI,35 mM Hepes (pH 7.9), 10 mM MgCI2, 1 mMdithiothreitol, 0.1 mM ZnCI2, 12% glycerol, and0.06% Nonidet P-40 and included 50,000 countsof end-labeled DNA, 2 g±g of poly (dl-dC) (Phar-macia), and 5 g1 of protein extract in 4 M urea andZ buffer (T. Hoey and M. Levine, above). Either 24or 48 ng of DNase was used in the footprintingreactions, which proceeded for 4 min on ice andwere stopped by the addition of EDTA (to 50 mM)and phenol. The reactions were electrophoresedin 6% polyacrylamide-8 M urea wedge gels. Thesequencing reactions were a modified version ofA. Maxam and W. Gilbert [D. Bencini, G. O'Dono-van, J. Wild, BioTechniques 2, 4 (1984)].

40. We thank E. Lewis and 1. Duncan for sharingmutant stocks and for many informative discus-sions on the origin and properties of Hab muta-tions; special thanks is also due to 1. Duncan forsuggesting that we look at the penetrance of theHab phenotype in a Kr heterozygote. We alsothank J. Treisman and C. Desplan for the an-tisense LacZ plasmid; C. Desplan for the pARKrplasmid; T. D. Nguyen for making a nested dele-tion series for the sequencing of the Canton Siab-2(1.7) fragment; and L. Marsh and R. Warriorfor comments on the manuscript. Supported bygrants from PHS (M.B.O. and W.B.), a fellowshipfrom the Medical Foundation/Charles King Trust(J.S.), and a University of Minnesota Mc-Knight Land grant (J.S.).

13 December 1993; accepted 29 March 1994

Cloning of a Grb2 Isoform withApoptotic Properties

Isabelle Fath, Fabien Schweighoffer, Isabelle Rey,Marie-Christine Multon, Janine Boiziau, Marc Duchesne,

Bruno Tocque*Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) links tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins toa guanine nucleotide releasing factor of the son of sevenless (Sos) class by attaching tothe former by its Src homology 2 (SH2) moiety and to the latter by its SH3 domains. Anisoform of grb2 complementary DNA (cDNA) was cloned that has a deletion in the SH2domain. The protein encoded by this cDNA, Grb3-3, did not bind to phosphorylatedepidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) but retained functional SH3 domains and in-hibited EGF-induced transactivation of a Ras-responsive element. The messenger RNAencoding Grb3-3 was expressed in high amounts in the thymus of rats at an age whenmassive negative selection of thymocytes occurs. Microinjection of Grb3-3 into Swiss 3T3fibroblasts induced apoptosis. These findings indicate that Grb3-3, by acting as a dominantnegative protein over Grb2 and by suppressing proliferative signals, may trigger activeprogrammed cell death.

We screened 500,000 recombinant phagescarrying DNA from human placenta withan oligonucleotide probe derived from thehuman grb2 sequence (1). Nine of tenclones contained inserts that were identical

Rh6ne-Poulenc Rorer, Centre de Recherche de Vitry-Alfortville, 13 quai Jules Guesde-BP1 4, 94403 Vitry surSeine Cedex, France.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 13 MAY 1994

to the grb2 sequence; however, we identi-fied one clone with a deletion in the SH2domain (2). Analysis of the remaining se-quence revealed an identity with grb2, evenin the 5' and 3' noncoding regions. Theopen reading frame of the cloned DNAencoded a 177-amino acid sequence withtwo SH3 domains flanking the incompleteSH2 domain (Fig. 1). The amino acidsdeleted in the SH2 domain (amino acids 60


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Enhancer point mutation results in a homeotic transformation in DrosophilaMJ Shimell, J Simon, W Bender and MB O'Connor

DOI: 10.1126/science.7909957 (5161), 968-971.264Science 

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