english in the streets

Post on 07-Apr-2015






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By Cristina Ruiz Madueño, 2º B LS

English: light & beauty Spanish: luz y belleza PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 18-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: PULL & BEAR, clothing company Spanish: PULL & BEAR, compañía de ropa PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 18-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: Goldenpoint Spanish: Punto Dorado PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 18-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: Vanity Spanish: Vanidad PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 23-11-2010 Place: C/ Virgen de los Reyes (Jaén)

English: GUINNESS draught Spanish: Proyecto GUINNESS PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: Irish Pub MORRISON’S Spanish: MORRISON’S Pub Irlandés PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: Coffee/Breakfast Spanish: Café/Desayuno PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: IceCream Spanish: Helado PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: YES, your english school Spanish: SI, tu escuela de inglés PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: Change Spanish: Cambio PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo d España (Jaén)

English: Boulevard English Center Spanish: Centro de Inglés Boulevard PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Manuel Caballero Vengala (Jaén)

English: Mail Boxes Spanish: Buzones PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Manuel Caballero Vengala (Jaén)

English: Coffee Pub Spanish: Café Pub PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Manuel Caballero Vengala (Jaén)

English: Diamond Spanish: Diamante PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Manuel Caballero Vengala (Jaén)

English: Gastronomic Spanish: Gastronómico PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Manuel Caballero Vengala (Jaén)

English: Wellness Spanish: Bienestar PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Andrés Segovia (Jaén)

English: The English Corner, Language School Spanish: Escuela de idiomas, La Esquina Inglesa PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 21-11-2010 Place: C/ Ovispo Alonso Suarez (Jaén)

English: Little Kings Spanish: Pequeños reyes PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 26-11-2010 Place: Avda. Barcelona (Jaén)

English: Shop online Spanish: Tienda online PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 26-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

English: Travel Plan Spanish: Plan de viaje PHOTOGRAPHY Date: 26-11-2010 Place: Avda. Paseo de la Estación (Jaén)

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