english for medical use - sanitaracraiova.spiruharet.ro · trataţi ca atare toate adjectivele pe...

Post on 02-Sep-2019






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Once a nurse, always a nurse.




I acknowledge that the special training I have received has prepared me as a

responsible member of the Community.

I promise to care for the sick with all the skills I possess, no matter what their race,

creed, colour, politics or social status, sharing no effort to conserve life, alleviate pain and

promote health.

I promise to respect at all times the dignity of the patients in my charge.

I promise to hold in confidence all personal information entrusted to me.

I promise to keep my knowledge and skills at the professional level and to give the

highest standard of nursing care to my patients.

I promise to carry out intelligently and loyally medical instructions given to me.

I promise that my personal life shall at all times bring credit to my profession.

I promise to share in the responsibility of other professions and citizens for promoting

health locally, nationally and internationally.

By Gwenyth E. Woodberry (For use in graduation ceremonies in Schools of

Nursing, based on the International Code of Nursing Ethics)








i: i lung tea [ti:] - ceai

æ e deschis, aproape de a bad [bæd] - rău; prost

Λ a scurt şi închis ca în „sapă”

cut [kΛt] - tăiat; a tăia

drug [drΛg] - medicament, drog

puls [pΛls] - puls

glove [glΛv] - mănuşă

ə simbol fonetic similar cu ă nurse [sistə] - asistentă

sister [sistə] - soră

k simbol similar consoanei c case [keis] - caz

cut [kΛt] - tăiat; a tăia

η n ca în „lângă” long [loη] - lung

з simbol fonetic similar cu j rouge [ru:З] - roşu

dз simbol fonetic similar cu românescul gi

joint [dЗæm] - încheietură, articulaţie

syringe [serindЗ] - seringă

bandage [bendidЗi] - bandaj

θ pronunţat ca un s cu limba între dinţi death [deθ] - moarte

health [helθ] - sănătate

ð pronunţat ca un z cu limba între dinţi with [wið] - cu

românescul ş

shut [∫Λ t] - închis, a închide

shop [∫op] - magazin, a face cumpărături

sugar[∫ugə] - zahăr

wash [wo: ∫] - a spăla


românescul „ci, ce”

much [mΛt∫] - mult, multă

lunch [lΛnt∫] - masa de prânz

stretcher [stret∫ə] - targă, brancardă

watch [wot∫] - ceas


se pronunţă u

ward [wo:rd] - salon de spital

well [wel] - bine

woman [wumən] - femeie

word [wə:rd] - cuvânt


Pronunţia unui cuvânt se redă între paranteze drepte sau bare oblice (/ /).

Aceasta se numeşte transcriere fonetică şi se realizează prin simboluri fonetice.

Două puncte (:) plasate după un sunet indică citirea mai lungă a acestuia!










a [ei] în silabe deschise face1, name

a [æ] în silabe închise man [mæn] - om, bărbat

ar [ar] are* [a:r] - eşti, suntem, sunteţi, sunt

car [k a:r] - maşină, autoturism

al [ol] all [o:l] - toţi, toate

ball2 [bo:l] - bilă; minge

hall [ho:l] - hol

ay [ei] day3 [dei] - zi

ea [i] tea [ti:] - ceai

ee [i:] feet [fi:t] - picioare

sleep [sli:p] - somn; a dormi

oo [u] book [buk] - registru; carte

good [gud] - bun**

foot [fu:t] - laba piciorului

oo [u:] room [ru:m] - cameră, încăpere

oo [o] floor [flo:r] - podea; etaj, cat

oo [a] blood [blΛd] - sânge

c [s] înainte de e şi i cell [sel] - celulă

city [siti] - oraş

gh [f] cough [ka:f] - tuse; a tuşi

ph [f] photo [foutou] - fotografie

sh [ş] shut [∫Λt] - închis, a închide***

th [θ] month [manθ] - lună (calendaristică)

mouth [mauθ] - gură

th [ð ] they [ðei] - ei, ele

the [ðə] - articol hotărât

w [u] well - bine

1 Face - intră în componenţa cuvântului facebook: face - faţă, book - registru, carte.

2 Ball - intră în componenţa cuvântului football: foot - laba piciorului, ball - minge. 3 Day - intră în componenţa expresiei Happy birthday! sau A happy birthday to you! Vă va fi astfel uşor să reţineti şi cuvântul

birth - naştere.



A [ei] F [ ef ] K [kei] P [pi:] V [vi:]

B [bi:] G [dзi:] L [el ] Q [kju:] W [dΛblju:]

C [si:] H [eit∫] M [em] R [a:] X [eks]

D [di:] I [ ai] N [en] S [es] Y [wai]

E [ i:] J [dзei] O [ou] T [ti:] Z [zed]



* Are [a:r] este forma verbului to be - a fi pentru:

- persoana a II-a singular - (tu) eşti,

- persoana a I plural - (noi) suntem,

- persoana a II-a plural - (voi) sunteţi,

- persoana a III-a - (ei, ele) sunt.

** În limba engleză adjective sunt invariabile, ele nu se schimbă după gen, număr şi caz:

bad - rău, rea, răi, rele

cut - tăiat, tăiată, tăiaţi, tăiate

fine - frumos, frumoasă, frumoşi, frumoase

good - bun, bună, buni, bune

happy - fericit, fericită, fericiţi, fericite

long - lung, lungă, lungi

red - roşu, roşie, roşii

shut - închis, închisă, închişi, închise

yellow - galben galbenă, galbeni, galbene

Trataţi ca atare toate adjectivele pe care le întâlniţi în acest curs şi pe care din raţiuni de spaţiu nu le-am tradus cu toate

formele de număr, gen, caz.

*** Există în limba engleză foarte multe cuvinte care sunt deopotrivă adjective şi verbe sau substantive şi verbe.

address - adresă; a (se) adresa

bath - baie; a face baie

book - registru, carte; a rezerva (un loc, bilet, etc.)

box - cutie; a pune în cutie; a boxa

cut - tăiat; a tăia

drink - băutură; a bea

face - faţă, a înfrunta, a sta cu faţa spre

fish - peşte, a pescui

help - ajutor; a ajuta

shut - închis; a închide

talk - discuţie, a discuta, a sta de vorbă

Citiţi, traduceţi şi reţineţi următoarele cuvinte (Read, translate and remember the following words):

car, ball, all, day, tea, coffee, feet, book, good, very good, well, very well, room, living room, floor, blood, city, cough,

photo, shut, address, month, they, bad, bed, sister, nurse, cut, bath, bathroom, much, very much, thank you very much.


bath [ba:θ] - baie

lunch [lΛnt∫] - (masa de) prânz

month [manθ] - lună (calendaristică)

much [mΛt∫] - mult, multă

new [niu] - (adj.) nou, nouă, noi

with [wið] - cu



1. Citiţi pronumele personale de mai multe ori cu voce tare (Read the personal pronouns several times, loudly).


I I [ ai ] - eu4 We [ ui ] - noi

II You [ iu ] - tu, dumneata You [ iu ] - voi, dumneavoastră


He [ hi ] - el

She [ ∫i ] - ea

It [ it ] - el, ea

They [ ðei ] - ei, ele

I [ai] se scrie întotdeauna cu majusculă chiar şi în cazul în care se află în interiorul unei propoziţii.

It se foloseşte pentru a desemna:

lucruri - It is my office. It is a book. It is a foot. It is a mouth.

animale - It is my cat. it is my dog.

plante - It is a flower. It is a tree. It is grass.

fenomene ale naturii - It is windy.

noţiuni abstracte,

ora - It is five o’clock. It is one o’clock.

vremea, anotimpurile - It is sunny. It is hot. It is summer. It is cold. It is winter.

distanţa - It’s two kilometers to the hospital.

It is [it iz] - (El, Ea) Este. It is NOT [it iz] - (El, Ea) NU este.

Este obligatorie folosirea lui it ca subiect al popoziţiei. În limba engleză nu se formulează propoziţii fără subiect.



4. Priviţi imaginile şi numiţi pronumele personale în limba engleză (Look at the pictures and tell the personal ronouns in English):

Eu Noi Tu Ea El

El, Ea El, Ea Ei Voi

2. Repetaţi următoarele propoziţii şi memoraţile (Repeat and memorise the following sentences):

It is morning [mo:niη] - Este dimineaţă. Good morning - Bună dimineaţa.

4 Amintiţi-vă propoziţia I love you - Te iubesc, pe care cu siguranţă aţi auzit-o de nenumărate ori, şi veţi constata că deja vă sunt cunoscute 3 pronume personale: I - eu, You - tu, dumneata, You - voi, dumneavoastră.

5 Şi această sintagmă vă este cunoscută din expresia foarte uzitată It’s okay - Este în regulă.


It is afternoon [a:ftənu:n] - Este după- amiază. Good afternoon - Bună ziua.

It is evening [ i:vniη] - Este seară. Good evening - Bună seara.

It is night [nait] - Este noapte. Good night - Noapte bună.

Good bye - La revedere.

3. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ. (Read the sentences above in the negative).



De regulă, pluralul substantivelor în limba engleză se formează adăugând teminaţia -s la forma de singular.

Singular Plural

a nurse two nurses

a doctor two doctors

a hospital two hospitals

an ambulance two ambulances

a case two cases

Dacă substantivul se termină în: ch, sh, s, ss, x, zz şi o precedat de consoană se adaugă terminaţia -es

Singular Plural

a watch two warches

a fish two fishes

a bus buses

a glass two glasses

a box two boxes

a buzz two buzzes

a tomato two tomatoes

Dacă terminaţia ch se pronunţă [k] se adaugă doar desinenţa de plural, s: epoch - epochs.

Cuvintele de origine străină şi abrevierile terminate în o formează pluralul doar prin adăugarea terminaţiei s: photo - photos,

kilo - kilos.

Substantivele compuse exprimate în scris printr-un singur cuvânt adaugă terminaţia de plural la cel de-al doilea termen.

Singular Plural

a classroom two classrooms

Substantivele terminate în - y precedat de o consoană schimbă pe - y în - i şi adaugă terminaţia – es la plural.

Singular Plural

allergy allergies

a pharmacy two pharmacies

a surgery two surgeries

a body6 two bodies

Transformarea nu are loc dacă y este precedat de o vocală sau în cazul substantivelor proprii: boy – boys, day – days; the


Pronunţia substantivelor la numărul plural este:

[-s] după k, f, p, t: shocks, proofs, lamps, joints;

[-z] după consoane sonore şi după vocale: gloves, tables, boys;

[-iz] după sunetele /s/, /z/ /dз/: classes, noses, bandages.

6 Acest cuvânt vă este cunoscut din sintagma preluată de limba română şi atât de folosită în limbajul cotidian: bodyguard -

gardă personală, gardă de corp! Body înseamnă, prin urmare, corp, trup dar şi cadavru iar guard - gardă, pază, a păzi, a apăra.


Exercises [eksərsaisiz]: Citiţi la plural următoarele substantive. Încercaţi să reţineţi toate aceste cuvinte (Read the

following nouns in the plural. Try to remember all these words):

car, ball, day, room, living room, floor, city, cough, photo, address, month, bad, bed, sister, nurse, cut, bath, bathroom, hospital,

ambulance, case, watch, fish, bus, glass, box, buzz, tomato, allergy, pharmacy, surgery, body, doctor, lunch, hall, mouth, night,



Articolul nehotărât în limba engleză este ”a” [ə] - un, o.

1. Precede substantivele la singular: a teacher, a student, a classroom;

2. Se pronunţă [ə] când cuvântul care urmează începe cu:

a) consoană: a doctor, a good nurse;

b) w, y: a woman, a year;

c) u - când acesta se pronunţă [iu]: a European country.

3. Are forma an [ən] când cuvântul care urmează începe cu o vocală sau h mut:

an Englishman

an accident [ən eksidənt] - un accident

an hour [ən auə] - o oră.

4. Se foloseşte:

a) cu substantive care denumesc: o profesie, naţionalitatea, religia:

I am a nurse.

He is an Englishman. I am a Romanian.

I am not a Catholic, I am an Orthodox.

b) cu cuvintele: man, woman, child:

The doctor is a woman not a man. A child is sick.


Articolul hotărât în limba engleză este ”the”:

1. Se plasează înaintea substantivului pe care îl determină.

2. Se pronunţă [ðə] când precede un cuvânt care începe cu:

a) consoană: the patient;

b) w, y: the window, the year;

c) u în silabă separată: the United States of America

Se pronunţă de asemenea [ðə] când precede cuvântul one: the one.

3. Se pronunţă [ði] când precede un cuvânt care începe cu o vocală:

the arm - braţul

the English patient - pacientul englezesc


4. NU se foloseşte cu:

a) nume proprii de: persoane, ţări, oraşe (excepţii: the United States of America, the

Sudan, the Hague);

b) substantivele: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother;

c) substantive care denumesc zilele săptămânii: Sunday is holiday;

d) anotimpurile anului: Summer is the second sason of the year;

e) mesele zilei: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

1. Citiţi şi traduceţi (Read and translate):

the window, the car, the arm, the day, the English patient, the ice, the living room, the floor, the woman, the city, the

photo, the address, the month, the mouth, the United States of America, the bathroom, the English nurse, the Romanian doctor,

the hour, the American woman, the old man.

2. Adăugaţi a sau an şi traduceţi (Add a or an and translate):

car, ball, cough, day, book, room, ward, floor, woman, city, laugh, photo, address, month, bed, sister, bathroom,

Englishman, Romanian, hour, American businessman.


breakfast [brekfəst] - mic dejun

buzz - bâzâit

country - ţară

desk - masă de scris, birou, pupitru

dinner [dinə] - cină

European [iurə´piən] - european

glass - pahar

hour [auə] - oră

tomato - roşie

year - an

În limba engleză, substantivele care denumesc ocupaţii, profesii, sunt substantive de gen comun, caracteristice limbii

engleze, acestea având aceeași formă pentru masculin şi feminin:

administrator - administrator, administoare

artist - artist, artistă

client - pacient, pacientă/client, clientă

engineer [enginiər] - inginer, ingineră

friend [frend] - prieten, prietenă

journalist [dзənəlist] - jurnalist, jurnalistă

leader [lidə] - conducător, conducătoare

member [membə] - membru, membră

partner [pa:rtnə] - pertener, parteneră

president [prezidənt] - preşedinte, preşedintă

resident - rezident, rezidentă

student - student, studentă

În aceiaşi categorie se încadrează substantive din domeniul medical:











paediatrician [pidiətrin∫n] - pediatru





CULTURAL NOTE: Client means patient in the NHS (National Health System), in Great Britain.


Exercises: Citiţi următoarele abrevieri (Read the following abbreviations)

ASAP or asap - as soon as possible

ADM - Admission Date

a.m. - ante meridiem

BP - blood pressure

CNS - central nervous syste

CXR - chest X-ray

DCH - Diploma in Child Health

DCP - Diploma in Clinical Pathology

DOB - Date of Birth

DPH - Diploma in Public Health

eod - every other day

GP- General Practitioner

HIH - Healthcare In Home

p.m. - post meridiem

VIP - Very Important People



Acum, că v-aţi alcătuit un vocabular din cuvintele studiate, puteţi formula enunţuri scurte cu ajutorul pronumelor personale şi a

verbelor pe care sigur le ştiţi de la televizor din presă, de pe internet!

TO CUT - a tăia TO DRINK - a bea TO LIKE - a plăcea TO TALK7 - a sta de vorbă

I cut - eu tai I drink - eu beau I like - îmi place I talk - eu vorbesc

You cut - tu tai You drink - tu tai You like - îţi place You talk - tu vorbeşti

He cuts - el taie He drinks - el bea He likes - îi place He talks - el vorbeşte

She cuts - ea taie She drinks - ea bea She likes - îi place She talks - ea vorbeşte

We cut - noi tăiem We drink - noi bem We like - ne place We talk - noi vorbim

You cut - voi tăiaţi You drink - voi beţi You like - vă place You talk - voi vorbiţi

They cut - ei/ele taie They drink - ei/ele beau They like - le place They talk - ei/ele vorbesc

TO SHUT - a închide TO MEET - a întâlni TO THANK - a mulţumi TO HELP - a ajuta

I shut - eu închid I meet - eu (mă) întâlnesc I thank - eu mulţumesc I help - eu ajut

You shut - tu închizi You meet - tu (te) întâlneşti You thank - tu mulţumeşti You help - tu ajuţi

He shuts - el închide He meets - el (se) întâlneşte He thanks - el mulţumeşte He helps - el ajută

She shuts - ea închide She meets - ea (se) întâlneşte She thanks - ea mulţumeşte She helps - ea ajută

We shut - noi închidem We meet - noi (ne) întâlnim We thank - noi mulţumim We help - noi ajutăm

You shut - voi închideţi You meet - voi (vă) întâlniţi You thank - voi mulţumiţi You help - voi ajutaţi

They shut - ei/ele închid They meet - ei/ele (se) întâlnesc They thank - ei/ele mulţumesc They help - ei/ele ajută


TO ADD - a adăuga TO SHARE - a împărtăşi TO COMMENT - a comenta TO POST - a posta

I add - eu adaug I share - eu împărtăşesc I comment - eu comentez I post - eu postez

You add - tu adaugi You share - tu împărtăşeşti You comment - tu comentezi You post - tu postezi

He adds- el adaugă He shares - el împărtăşeşte He comments - el comentează He posts - el posteză

She adds - ea adaugă She shares - ea împărtăşeşte She comments - ea comentează She posts - ea postez’

We add - noi adaugăm We share - noi împărtăşim We comment - noi comentăm We post - noi postăm

You add - voi adaugaţi You share - voi împărtăşiţi You comment - voi comentaţi You post - voi postaţi

They add - ei/ele adaugă They share - ei/ele


They comment - ei/ele


They post - ei/ele postează

TO SAVE - a salva TO LINK - a lega, a uni TO SEE - a vedea, a întâlni TO GO - A MERGE

I save - eu salvez I link - eu leg I see - eu văd I go - eu merg

You save - tu salvezi You link - tu legi You see - tu vezi You go - tu mergi

He saves- el salvează He links - el leagă He sees - el vede He goess - el merge

She saves - ea salvează She links - ea leagă She sees - ea vede She goes - ea merge

We save - noi salvăm We link - noi legăm We see - noi vedem We go - noi mergem

You save - voi salvaţi You link - voi legaţi You see - voi vedeţi You go - voi mergeti

They save - ei/ele


They link - ei/ele leagă They see - ei/ele văd They go ei/ele merg

7 De câte ori aţi auzit sintagma talk show? Este o emisiune în care se dezbat diverse subiecte. Deci, acest cuvânt vă este cunoscut din sintagma preluată de limba română şi atât de folosită în limbajul cotidian: talk - discuţie, a discuta, a sta de vorbă; show - spectacol; a arăta, a etala, a demonstra existenţa. Exemple: I show my tests to the doctor.Tests show you are ill. This diagram shows the evolution of his temperature.


1. Citiţi şi traduceţi (Read and translate):


I cut the bandage.

She cuts the bandages.

The nurse cuts the bandages.

Cut the bandages!


I drink coffee in the morning. I like coffee.

She drinks tea. She likes coffee.

Doctors drink much coffee. They like coffee.

Drink the coffee!


I talk with the doctor.

She talks with the doctor.

The woman talks with the doctor.

They talk with the patients.

Doctors talk with patients.


I shut the car.

She shuts the book.

The nurse shuts the window.


I thank the doctor.

She thanks the doctor.

The woman thank the doctor.

Patients thank the doctors.

My mother thanks father for coffee.


I meet the hospital manager in the morning.

We meet in the hall.

She meets my father.

My father meets his sister this evening.


I help you.

The nurse helps the patients.

Nurses and doctors help sick people.

Help me, please!


The nurse saves the patient from death.

Nurses and doctors save sick people.



I see a woman in the room.

The woman sees the doctor for the first time.

Doctors see patients in the morning.

She sees blood on the floor.


I go to the hospital to see a doctor.

The teacher goes to school.

The woman goes to the shop.

The sick man goes to the hospital to see a doctor

Nurses and doctors go to hospital every morning.


I box all my old books.

The nurse boxes the syrenges and medicines.


Doctors link cancer to fast food.

They link obesity to fast food, too.

A corridor links the two wards.


I add all my patients to my friends list.

I add a friend to my list every day.

’It is a happy day for your mother’, father adds.


I share my food with my sister.

She shares the room with a friend.

The patients share the ward.

Two patients share the bed.

I share my pain with my best friend.



Thank you (very much) - Mulţumesc (foarte mult) Excuse me - Scuză-mă, Scuzaţi-mă

Thanks - Mulţumesc, Mersi Pardon (me) - Scuză-mă, Scuzaţi-mă

You're welcome - Cu plăcere (I'm) Sorry - Îmi pare rău, Scuză-mă, Scuzaţi-mă

Please - Vă rog, Te rog It’s okay/That’s okay - (Este) în regulă


1 one [uan] 4 four [for] 7seven ['sevn] 10 ten [ten]

2 two [tu:] 5 five [faiv] 8 eight [eit] 11 eleven [ilevn]

3 three [θri:] 6 six [siks] 9 nine [nain] 12 twelve [tuelv]

Numeralele de la 13 la 19 se formează adăugând terminaţia teen [ti:n] numeralelor de la 3 la 9.

13 thirteen [θərti:n]

14 fourteen [forti:n]

15 fifteen [fifti:n]

16 sixteen [sixti:n]

18 eighteen [eiti:n]

19 nineteen [nainti:n]

Numeralele 20, 30, 40, 50 ... 90 se formează adăugând terminaţia ty [ti] numeralelor de la 2 la 9.

20 twenty 60 sixty

30 thirty [θərti] 70 seventy

40 forty 80 eighty

50 fifty8 90 ninety

21 twenty-one, 22 twenty-two, 23 twenty-three, 24 twenty-four,

25 twenty-five, 26 twenty-six, 27 twenty-seven, 28 twenty-

eight, 29 twenty-nine

61 sixty-one, 62 sixty-two, 63 sixty-three, 64 sixty-

four, 65 sixty-five, 66 sixty-six, 67 sixty-seven, 68

sixty-eight, 69 sixty-nine

31 thirty-one, 32 thirty-two, 33 thirty-three, 34 thirty-four... 71 seventy-one, 72 seventy-two, 73 seventy-three...

41 forty-one, 42 forty-two, 43 forty-three, 44 forty-four... 81 eighty-one, 82 eighty-two, 83 eighty-three...

51 fifty-one, 52 forty-two, 53 forty-three, 54 forty-four... 91 ninety-one, 92 ninety-two, 93 ninety-three...

100 - one hundred [hΛndrəd] [hΛndrid]9; 101 - one hundred and one...; 200 - two hundred; 212 - two hundred and

twelve; 267 - two hundred and sixty-seven; 300 - three hundred, 399 - three hundred and ninety-nine.

1,000 - one thousand [θauzənd]; 1,001 - one thousand and one...; 2,000 - two thousand; 2,400 - two thousand and four

hundred; 3,246 - three thousand two hundred and forty-six; 46,793 - forty six thousand, seven hundred ninety three.

1,000,000 - one million [miliən]; 1, 732,000 - on million, seven hundred and thirty-two; 2,000, 000 two million...; 4,000,

000 four million...; 5 000 000 five million; 712,500,051 - seven hundred twelve million, five hundred thousand, fifty- one.

Folosiţi virgulă, nu punct, pentru a separa milioanele şi miile (Use a comma not a point to separate millions and


8 Vă aduceţi aminte expresia foarte folosită şi în română: fifty-fifty?

9 Există anumite diferenţe de factură fonetică, ortografică, lexicală, gramaticală între varianta britanică şi cea americană a limbii

engleze. Astfel, în varianta britanică hundred se pronunţă [hΛndrəd] iar în varianta americană a limbii engleze [hΛndrid].



Cuvintele hundred, thousand, million NU se folosesc la plural când sunt plasate după un numelal. Folosite

la plural, acestea devin substantive şi nu sunt precedate de numerale:

Hundreds of ambulances are in the streets - Sute de ambulanţe sunt pe străzi.

Thousands of people are sick every year - Mii de oameni sunt bolnavi în fiecare an.

Millions of people use drugs - Milioane de oameni folosesc droguri.

Exercises: 1. Exersaţi numărând (Practice by counting):

a) de la 30 - 50 din unu în unu;

b) de la 1 la 100 din zece în zece;

c) de la 80 -175 din cinci în cinci;

d) de la 100 la 1000 din sută în sută;

e) de la 1000 la 10.000 din mie în mie;

f) de la 15 milioane la 20 de milioane din milion în milion.

2. Alegeţi numeralul care exprimă cifra corectă din prima coloană (Coose the correct numeral for the figure in the first column):

20 two twenty twelve

15 five fifty fifteen

30 thirteen thirty three

12 twenty twelve two

50 five fifty fifteen

90 ninety nine nineteen

13 threeteen three thirteen

70 seventeen seventy seven

11 ten and one eleven double one

80 eight eighty eighteen

40 fourteen forty four

14 four fourteen forty

60 six sixteen sixty




TIPS! Folosim sintagma o'clock la ora fixă fără minute. (We use o'clock10 when there are NO minutes).

Folosim sintagma It is sau It's pentru a răspunde la întrebarea care se referă la timp în acest moment (We

use It is or It's to respond to the questions that ask for the time right now.

It is one o’clock - Este ora 1 It is seven o’clock - Este ora 7

It is two o’clock - Este ora 2 It is eight o’clock - Este ora 8

It is three o’clock - Este ora 3 It is nine o’clock - Este ora 9

It is four o’clock - Este ora 4 It is ten o’clock - Este ora 10

It is five o’clock - Este ora 5 It is eleve o’clock - Este ora 11

It is six o’clock - Este ora 6 It is twelve o’clock - Este ora 12


1. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negative (Read the sentences above in the negative).

TIP! Folosiţi at + time pentru a indica ora unui anume eveniment (Use AT + time to give the time of a specific event).

- I drink coffee in the morning at seven o’clock.

- She meets the hospital manager at twelve a.m.

- Doctors see patients at eight a.m.

It is morning. It is time for coffee.

It is five o’clock. It’s time for tea.

2. Exersaţi exprimarea orei (Practice your English by telling the time):

10 Vă aduceţi aminte schiţa lui I.L.Caragiale Five o’clock? Clock înseamnă ceas (de masă, de perete), orologiu.


To tell the time people usually use a clock or a watch.

We measure time in seconds, minutes and hours. There are two common ways of telling the time.

1. Hour + Minutes:

2:10 - It's two ten;

2:25 - It's two twenty-five;

6:34 - It's six thirty-four.

2. Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour.

PAST - ŞI - For minutes from 1 to 30

TO - FĂRĂ - For minutes from 31 to 59

2:10 - It's ten past two;

2:20 - It's twenty past two;

2:35 - It's thirty-five two three;

2:59 - It's one to three.


2:15 - It's a quarter past two

3:45 - It's a quarter to four.


2:30 - It's half past two.

12:30 - It's half past twelve.

- So, there are 24 hours in a day, there are 60 minutes in an hour and there are 60 seconds in a minute.

- There are 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour, there are 30 minutes in half an hour and there are 45 minutes in three

quarters of an hour.

- When it's past the hour we say "past".

- When it's before the hour we say "to".

- 30 minutes is half an hour and 15 minutes is quarter of an hour.

- The 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods called a.m. - Latin ante meridiem in English: before mid day and

p.m. - Latin post meridiem in English: after mid day.

1. Citiţi şi reţineţi (Read and remember):

Este 9 şi 5 - It is five (minutes) past nine

Este 9 şi 10 - It is ten past nine

Este 9 şi 15 - It is a quarter past nine

Este 9 şi 20 - It is twenty past nine

Este 9 şi 25 - It is twenty- five past nine

Este 9 şi jumătate - It is half past nine

Este 10 fără 25 - It is twenty-five (minutes) to ten

Este 10 fără 20 - It is twenty to ten

Este 10 fără un sfert - It is a quarter to ten

Este 10 fără 10 - It is ten to ten

Este 10 fără 10 - It isten to ten

Este 10 fără 5 - It is five to ten

2. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus folosind formele contrase it’s şi it isn’t (Read the sentences above using the short forms it’s and it



3. Citiţi ora pe ceasurile de mai jos (Read the time on the watches below):

4. Citiţi ora de pe ceasurile de mai jos (Read the time on the clocks below):


5. Priviţi ceasurile şi spuneţi ora (Look at the clocks and tell the time). Incepeţi cu (Begin with): In picture ... It is...o’clock




2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

Folosiţi numeralele cardinale pentru citirea numerelor de telefon.

Reguli (Rules):

- 0 (zero) se citeşte [ ∂u];

- dacă primele două sau ultimele două cifre sunt identice se foloseşte cuvântul double; această regulă nu se aplică şi în

cazul în care cifrele din mijloc sunt identice.

- What is your phone number?

- My phone number is 321-507 – three two-one, five-oh-seven.


1. Read the following Emergency Contacts in Bucharest:

US Embassy 021 210 40 42

Embassy of Canada 021 222 98 45

Embassy of the United Kingdom 021 312 03 03

Australian Consulate 021 206 22 00

Emergency number (Police, Ambulance, Fire Department) 112

2. Ask your colleagues to tell you their telephone numbers.




Numeralele ordinale se formează adăugând sufixul - th la numeralul cardinal corespunzător, precedat de articolul hotărât

the. Excepţie fac numeralele cardinal 1, 2, 3. Acestea au formele:

THE FIRST [fərst] - 1st

- primul, prima

THE SECOND [sekənd] - 2nd

- al doilea, a doua

THE THIRD [θərd] - 3rd

- al treilea, a treia

4 th fourth 14 th fourteenth 24 th twenty-fourth 60 th sixtieth

5 th fifth 15 th fifteenth 25 th twenty-fifth 70 th seventieth

6 th sixth 16 th sixteenth 26 th twenty-sixth 80 th eightieth

7 th seventh 17 th seventeenth 27 th twenty-seventh 90 th ninetieth

8 th eighth 18 th eighteenth 28 th twenty-eighth 100 th one hundredth

9 th ninth 19 th nineteenth 29 th twenty-ninth 1,000 th one thousandth

10 th tenth 20 th twentieth 30 th thirtieth 1,000,000 th one millionth

11 th eleventh 21 st twenty-first 31 st thirty-first

12 th twelfth 22 nd twenty-second 40 th fortieth

13 th thirteenth 23 rd twenty-third 50 th fiftieth

Observaţi că:

- în cazul numeralelor terminate în y acesta se transformă în ie şi apoi sufixul – th.

- în cazul numerelor compuse numai ultima cifră este un numeral ordinal.

1. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai jos de mai multe ori (Read the sentences below several times):


There are seven days, five working-days (weekdays) and two holidays in a week. A day has twenty- four hours. There are

two parts in a day - the day and the night.

Monday [mΛndei] is the first day of the week. - Luni este prima zi a săptămânii.

Tuesday [tiuzdei] is the second day of the week. - Marţi este a doua zi a săptămânii.

Wednesday [wenzndei] is the thirs day of the week. - Miercuri este a treia zi a săptămânii.

Thursday [θəzdei] is the forth day of the week. - Joi este a patra zi a săptămânii.

Friday [fraidei] is the fifth day of the week. - Vineri este a cincea zi a săptămânii.

Saturday [setədei] is the sexth day of the week. - Sâmbătă este a şasea zi a săptămânii.

Sunday[sΛndei] is the seventh day of the week. - Duminică este a şaptea zi a săptămânii.

Sunday is the last day of the week. - Duminică este ultima zi a săptămânii.

Sunday is a holoday. - Duminică este sătbătoare.

The period of twenty-four hours is divided into morning, afternoon, evening and night. A day begins in the morning and

ends in the evening.

In the morning, until 12 o’clock a.m. we say Good morning, in the afternoon, between 12 a.m. and 6 p.m., we say Good

afternoon, in the evening, after 6 p.m. till late at night, we say Good evening.

If it is night and we go to bed we say Good night.


- What day is it today? - Ce zi este astăzi?

- It is Monday today - Este luni astăzi. Today is Monday - Astăzi este luni.

- It is the first day of the week - Este prima zi din săptămână.

Exercises: 1. Exersaţi întrebarea şi răspunsul de mai sus cu celelalte zile ale săptămânii (Practice the question

and answers above using all the other days of the week).


There are twelve months in a year. Here are their names in order:

January [geniuəri] - January is the first month of the year. - Ianuarie este prima lună a anului.

February [februəri] - February is the second month of the year. - Ianuarie este a doua lună a anului.

March [ma:rt∫] - Mach is the third month of the year. - Martie este a treia lună a anului.

April [eipril] - April is the forth month of the year. - Aprilie este a patra lună a anului.

May [mei] - May is the fifth month of the year. - Mai este a cincea lună a anului.

June [jun] - June is the sixth month of the year. - Iunie este a şasea lună a anului.

July [julai] - July is the seventh month of the year. - Iulie este a şaptea lună a anului.

August [ogəst] - August is the eigth month of the year. - August este a opta lună a anului.

September [septembə] - September is the ninth month of the year. - Septembrie este a noua lună a anului.

October [oktoubə] - October is the tenth month of the year. - Octombrie este a zecea lună a anului.

November [nouvembə] - November is the eleventh month of the year. - Noiembrie este a unsprezecea lună a anului.

December [disembə] - December is the twelfth month of the year. - Decembrie este a douăsprezecea lună a anului.

December is the last month of the year. - Decembrie este ultima lună a anului.

Some months have thirty days, others have thirty-one. February has only twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. There are fifty-

two weeks in a year, or three hundred and sixty- five. Some years have three hundred and sixty- six days.

With the exception of May and June, months are shortened as follows: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.

- What month is it? - Ce lună este?

- It is August - Este august.


1. Exersaţi întrebarea şi răspunsul de mai sus cu celelalte luni ale anului (Practice the question and answers above using all the

other month of the year).



We write the date in English in different ways. The most common way in British English is to write the day of the month

first, then the month (starting with a capital letter) and then the year.

REMEMBER! În limba engleză exprimarea datei se face cu ajutorul numeralului ordinal. (In English, they use the ordinal

numeral to express date).

Anii se citesc în două feluri:

în stilul oficial: 1999 – one thousand nine hundred and ninety - nine;


1878 = one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight;

1154 = one thousand one hundred and fifty-four,

în engleza vorbită se citesc cifrele luate două câte două: 1999 – nineteen ninety-nine.

1878 = eighteen seventy-eight;

1154 = eleven fifty-four;

DAR 2001 = two thousand (and) one; 2005 = two thousand (and) five; 2009 = two thousand (and) nine.

Este 22 mai 2016. It is 22nd of May 2016.

It is May 22nd 2016.

Este 15 iulie 2012. It is 15th of July 2012.

It is July 15th 2012.

Este 1 decembrie 2014. It is 1st of December 2014.

It is December 1st 2014.

The date may be written in different ways: 2nd December, 2016; 2 December, 2016; December 2nd, 2016; December 2,


In written American English, the month is placed before the day and year.

CULTURAL NOTE: Dates are expressed differently in American English and in British English.

Day/month/ year is AmE whereas in BrE it is Month/day/year

In correspondence the use of figures for date should be avoided as they may be understood differently in U.S.A For

example, Thanksgiving Day in the USA is on November 24th each year. In British English we write 24/11/2016. In American

English this is written 11/24/2016.

TIP! Folosim numeralul cardinal pentru a indica etajul într-o clădire (We use the cardinal numeral to indicate the floor

of a building: His office is on the fourth floor.



Parts of the days

(in the morning, in the afternoon, in

the evening)

Days of the week

(on Monday, on Tuesday, on Thursday)


(at noon, at night, at 7 o’clock a.m.)

Month of the year

(in January, in February, in May)

Days of the month

(on 24th of January, on 1st May )

Holidays without the word day

(at Easter, at New Year’s Eve)


(in 1999, in 2017)


(on June 14, on my birthday)


(in the twenty-first century)

Holidays with the word day

(on Christmas day, on Labour Day)


IN TIME - before the start or deadline - I am in time for the test. (a few minutes early)

ON TIME - at the exact time planned - The operation begins on time. (at the planned time)



- What day is today? What’s the date today?

- Today is the 2nd of June 2016. If you don’t know what day it is, you must look at the calendar.

- When is your birthday?

- My birthday is on September 20.


1. Citiţi datele următoare în engleză (Read the following dates in English):

25 august 1768 14 februarie 1989 20 septembrie 1978

12 ianuarie 1243 8 martie 2000 9 iulie 1978

1 aprilie 2003 25 decembrie 1967 4 martie 1977

2 iulie 1645 31 decembrie 1979 1 aprilie 2012

2. Completaţi propoziţiile de mai jos (Complete the sentences below):

1. There are 365 days in a .

2. There are 12 in a year.

3. There are 52 in a year.

4. There are 7 in a week.

6. There are 24 in a day.

7. There are 60 in an hour.

8. There are 60 in a minute.

3. Completaţi propoziţiile de mai jos (Complete the sentences below):

1. The first month of the year is .

2. The month after is July.

3. The last month of the year is .

4. The month before May is .

5. October is after and before.

6. is before April and after .

7. is before and after July.

8. The month with the least days is .

9. The sixth month of the year is .

10. The month of the year is March.

11. The month of the year is October.

12. is the eighth month of the year.

13. February is the month of the year.

14. May is the month of the year.

3. Alegeţi răspunsul corect (Choose the correct answer):

1. The first month of the year is...

a) January

b) December

2. The last month of the year is...

c) January


d) December

3. There are ____ months in a year.

a) 7

b) 12

c) 365

4. April comes before...

a) March

b) May

5. ____ is the shortest month.

a) February

b) May

6. ____ is the twelfth month.

a) November

b) December

7. The seventh month is....

a) June

b) July

c) August

8. April is ____ month.

a) fourth

b) the fourth

9. November is the ____ month.

a) eleven

b) eleventh

10. Winter starts in ____.

a) November

b) December

11. We use the preposition ____ with months.

a) in

b) on

c) at


It is time to go to the x-ray. - Este timpul să mergeţi la radiografie.

It i stime to take the medicine - Este timpul să luaţi medicamentul.

It is time to change your position. - Este timpul să schimbaţi poziţia.


4. Citiţi (Read):

1. It is time to have breakfast - Este timpul să luăm micul dejun.

2. It is time to have lunch - Este timpul să luăm prânzul.

3. It is time to have dinner - Este timpul să luăm cina.

4. It is time to go home - Este timpul să mergem acasă.

5. It is time to work hard - Este timpul să muncim serios.

6. It is time to read the contract - Este timpul să citim contractul.


7. It is time to sign the contract - Este timpul să semnăm contractul.

8. It is time to call our business partner - Este timpul să-l sunăm pe partenerul nostru de afaceri.

9. It is time to talk/discuss with our business partner - Este timpul să discutăm/vorbim cu partenerul nostru de afaceri.

10. It is time to visit the site - Este timpul să vizităm şantierul.

11. It is time to inspect the site - Este timpul să inspectăm şantierul.

12. It is time to control the works - Este timpul să controlăm lucrările.

13. It is time to contract new works - Este timpul să contractăm noi lucrări.

14. It is time to say good bye - Este timpul să spunem la revedere.


It is not time to go to the x-ray. - Nu este timpul să mergeţi la radiografie.

It is not time to take the medicine - Nu este timpul să luaţi medicamentul.

It is not time to change your position. - Nu este timpul să schimbaţi poziţia.

5. Citiţi propoziţiile de la exerciţiul 4 la intorogativ şi negativ (Read the sentences in exercise 4 in the interrogative and negative).



What is blood pressure?

When the heart beats, it pumps blood round the body to give it the energy and oxygen. As the blood moves, it pushes

against the sides of the blood vessels. The strength of this pushing is blood pressure.

How you can tell if you have high blood pressure

To know what your blood pressure is, you must have it measured. Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure

cuff. Blood pressure is measured in ‘millimetres of mercury’ (mmHg) and is written as two numbers. For example, if your reading

is 120/80mmHg, your blood pressure is ‘120 over 80’.

What do the numbers mean?

Every blood pressure reading consists of two numbers or levels. The first (or top) number is the systolic blood pressure.

It is the highest level your blood pressure reaches when your heart beats.

The second (or bottom) number is your diastolic blood pressure. It is the lowest level your blood pressure reaches as

your heart relaxes between beats.

What is high blood pressure?

You probably have high blood pressure (hypertension) if your blood pressure readings are consistently 140 over 90, or

higher. Low blood pressure is sometimes referred to as hypotension and typically describes blood pressures of 90/60mmHg, or


2. Folosiţi numeralele învăţate pentru a citi diagrama de mai jos care se referă la valorile tensiunii (Use the numerals learned to

read the chart below which refers to blood pressure values):


High blood pressure






130 Pre-high blood pressure


110 Ideal Blood pressure






40 50 60 70 80 90-100





Singular Plural

Man - bărbat Men - bărbaţi

Woman - femeie Women - femei

Lady - doamnă Ladies - doamne

Gentleman - domn Gentlemen - domni

Boy - băiat Boys - băieţi

Girl - fată Girls - fete

Person - persoană People - oameni


Male Female Relationship

Father - tată Mother - mamă Parent - părinte

Son - fiu Daughter - fiică Child - copil

Husband - soţ Wife - soţie Spouse - soţ, soţie

Brother - frate Sister - soră Sibling - frate sau soră

Grandfather - bunic Grandmother - bunică Grandparent(s) - bunic(i)

Grandson - nepot de bunic Granddaughter - neapoată de bunic Grandchild - nepot de bunici

Uncle - unchi Aunt - mătuşă Parent's sibling - fratele/sora părintelui

Nephew - nepot de unchi Niece - nepoată de unchi Sibling's child - copilul fratelui/sorei

Cousin - văr Cousin - verişoară Aunt/Uncle's child - copilul



Friend - prieten(ă) Neighbor - vecin(ă)

Girlfriend - prietenă Employee - angajat(ă)

Boyfriend - prieten Employer - angajator/angajatoare/patron

Roommate - coleg(ă) de cameră Boss - şef(ă)

Deskmate - coleg(ă) de bancă Colleague - coleg(ă)

Classmate - coleg(ă) de clasă Co-worker - collaborator/colaboratoare

Schoolmate - coleg(ă) de şcoală Partner - partener(ă)


Single - necăsătorit Married - căsătorit

Widow - văduvă Widower - văduv

Divorced - divorţat, divorţată




I My [mai] - al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele Our [auə] - al nostru, a noastră, ai

noştri, ale noastre

II Your [iouə] - al tău, a ta, ai tăi, ale tale Your [iouə] - al vostru, a voastră, ai

voştri, ale voastre

III His [hiz] - al, a, ai, ale lui

Her [hər] - al, a, ai, ale ei

Its [itz] - al, a, ai, ale lui, ei (pt. neutru)

Their [ðeə] - al, a, ai, ale lor

REMEMBER! Adjectivele posesive sunt invariabile şi însoţesc un substantiv, precedându-l.

1. Citiţi, traduceţi şi reţineţi (Read, translate and remenber):

- My name, your name, his name, her name, our name, your name, their name.

- My address, your address, his address, her address, our address, your address, their address.

- My arm, your arm, his arm, her arm, our arms, your arms, their arms.

- My doctor, your doctor, his doctor, her doctor, our doctor, your doctor, their doctor.

- My patient, your patient, his patient, her patient, our patient, your patient, their patient.

- My foot, your foot, his foot, her foot, our feet, your feet, their feet.

- My country, your country, his country, her country, our country, your country, their country.

2. Repetaţi adjectivele posesive de mai jos de mai multe ori cu voce tare şi apoi faceţi scurte propoziţii potrivit modelului: (Repeat

the possesive adjectives below several times in a loud voice and then make short sentences according to the model):

Model: It is my hat - Este pălăria mea.

My hat is new - Pălăria mea este nouă.

Our hats are new - Pălăriile noastre sunt noi.

after: http://englishelxnb1.wordpress.com/2012/11/05/possession-1-possessive-adjectives/


1. Traduceţi după model folosind adjectivele posesive (Translate by the model using the possessive adjectives):

Este pălăria mea - It is my hat.


- Este maşina mea; este maşina ta; este maşina lui; este maşina ei; este maşina noastră; este maşina voastră; este

maşina lor;

- Este numele meu; este numele tău; este numele lui; este numele ei; este numele nostru; este numele vostru; este

numele lor;

- Este oraşul meu; este oraşul tău; este oraşul lui; este oraşul ei; este oraşul nostru; este oraşul vostru; este oraşul lor;

- Este cartea mea; este cartea ta; este cartea lui; este cartea ei; este cartea noastră; este cartea voastră; este cartea lor.

- Este ora şapte. Este dimineaţă. Bună dimineaţa. Este timpul pentru micul dejun.

- Este ora cinci. Este după amiză. Nu este dimineaţă. Bună ziua. Este timpul pentru ceai.

- Este seară. Bună seara. Nu este după amiază. Este noapte. Noapte bună.




1. A. Citiţi propoziţiile următoare cu atenţie (Read the following sentences carefully):

This is a man. - Acesta este un bărbat.

This is a woman. - Aceasta este o femeie.

This is our child. - Acesta este copilul nostru.

This is a businessman. - Acesta este un om de afaceri.

This is a businesswoman. - Aceasta este o femeie de afaceri.

This is our cardiologist. - Acesta este cardiologul nostru.

This is the nurse. - Aceasta este asistenta.

This is your tea. - Acesta este ceaiul tău.

This is his bed. - Acesta este patul lui.

This is his cup. - Aceasta este ceaşca lui.

This is a foot. - Acesta este un picior.

This is my car. - Aceasta este maşina.

This is a good car. - Aceasta este o maşină bună.

This is our department. - Acesta este department ul nostru.

This is their town. - Acesta este oraşul lor.

This is their address. - Acesata este adresa lor.

This is our room. - Aceasta este camera noastră.

This is your arm. - Acesta este braţul tău.

This is her face. - Aceasta este faţa ei.

This is the book. - Acesta este registrul.

This is our English patient. - Acesta este pacientul nostru englez.

This is a sick person. - Aceasta este o persoană bolnavă.

This is her wheel chair. - Acesta este scaunul ei cu rotile.

This is your medicine for pain. - Acesta este medicamentul dvs. pentru durere.


This is your medicine for fever. - Acesta este medicamentul dvs. pentru febră.

This is your medicine for infection. - Acesta este medicamentul dvs. pentru infecţie.

This is your medicine for nausea. - Acesta este medicamentul dvs. pentru greaţă.



B. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ. (Read the sentences above in the negative).


C. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la interogativ. (Read the sentences above in the interogative).



2. A. Citiţi propoziţiile următoare cu atenţie (Read the following sentences carefully):

That is a man and that is a woman. - Acela este un bărbat şi aceea este o femeie.

That is our child. - Acela este copilul nostru.

That is a businesswoman and that is a businessman. - Aceea este o femeie de afaceri şi acela este un om de afaceri.

That is our cardiologist. - Acesta este cardiologul nostru.

That is the nurse. - Aceea este asistenta.

That is her chair. - Acela este scaunul ei.

That is your tea. - Acela este ceaiul tău.

That is his bed. - Acela este patul lui.

That is his cup. - Aceea este ceaşca lui.

That is a foot. - Acela este un picior.

That is my car. - Aceea este maşina.

That is a good car. - Aceea este o maşină bună.

That is our school. - Aceea este şcoala noastră.

That is their town. - Acela este oraşul lor.

That is their address. - Aceea este adresa lor.

That is our room. - Aceea este camera noastră.

That is your arm. - Acela este braţul tău.

That is her face. - Aceea este faţa ei.

That is the book. - Acesta este registrul.

That is our English patient. - Acela este pacientul nostru englez.

That is a sick person. - Aceea este o persoană bolnavă.

That is her wheel chair. - Acela este scaunul ei cu rotile.



B. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ. (Read the sentences above in the negative).


C. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la interogativ. (Read the sentences above in the interogative).

WHAT [ wot ] - CE

WHO [ hu ] - CINE



3. Answer the questions by: This is a/an...., That is a/an …

What is this? .

What is this? .

What is this? . (use: man)

Who is this? . (use: doctor)

What is this? . (say: woman)

Who is this? . (say: nurse)

Who is this? . (say: old woman)

Who is this? . (say: old man)


What is this? .

What is this? .

What is that? .

What is that? . (say: bandage)

What is that? .

What is that? .

What is that? (use: child) .

What is that? . (use: face)

What is that? . (use: mouth with teeth)

What is that? . (use: blood in a syringe)

What is that? .

What is that? .

What is that? . (use: use sick child)


What is this? . (use: use sick woman)

What is this? . (use: strecher)

What is that? . (use: operating table)

What is this? . (use: wheel chair)

What is that? . (use: syringe needle)


This is my

friend, James. Hi James. I'm Laura

brother, George. Hi George. I'm Laura

sister, Carla. Hi Carla. I'm Laura

father, Mr. Ford. Helo Mr. Ford. I’m Mark.

mother, Mrs. Ford. Helo Mrs. Ford. I’m Mark.

teacher, Ms. Black. Helo Ms. Black. I’m William.

boss, Mr. Brown. Helo Ms. Black. I’m William.

co-worker11, David White. Hi Ben. I'm Dick.

partner, Ann Brown. Hi Ann. I’m Mary Wright.

1. Învăţaţi dialogurile de mai jos care vă ajută să prezentaţi două persoane una alteia sau să vă prezentaţi singur

(Learn the dialogues that helps you introduce people to each other or to introduce yourself):

You: - David, this is Gerald. Gerald this is David.

Gerald: - Nice to meet you David. David is your first name and what is your last name?

David: - Nice to meet you too, Gerald. My last name is Irons.

11 Worker - muncitor. Este un substantiv provenit din verbul to work - a munci, a lucra. Ca substantive, work înseamnă

muncă, lucrare, treabă.

În limba engleză foarte multe substantive se formează prin adăugarea terminaţiei er la verbul care defineşte acţiunea. Vă sunt

cunoscute cuvinte precum: drink - băutură, a bea; play (inscripţionat pe telecomandă) - joc, a juca, a pune în funcţiune.

Adăugând la aceste cuvinte terminaţia er vom obţine substantivele drinker - băutor, player - jucător (care intră în sintagme de

genul: foolball player, basketball player etc.). Substantivul teacher, bunăoară, care vă este cunoscut, provine din verbul to

teach - a preda, a învăţa pe altcineva, a instrui.


- Hello, I am Mr. Vlad. Dan Vlad. I’m from Bucharest, Romania.

- Hello, I am Mrs. Popescu. Maria Popescu. I’m from Craiova, Romania.

- Hello, my name is William Brown. I am from London, England.

- Good morging. I am your nurse. My name is Catherine Green.

- That is the doctor. Your doctor, the cardiologist.

2. Acum prezentaţi-vă pe dumneavoastră înşivă (Now introduce yourself):


black - negru, neagră, negri

consultation office - cabinet medical

first [fə:st] - primul, prima, primii, primele

first name - prenume

last - ultimul, ultima, ultimii, ultimele

last name - nume de familie

man [men] - bărbat, om; men [men] - bărbaţi

meet - a (se) întâlni

name [neim] - nume

nausea [no:zia] - greaţă

old [ould] - bătrân, bătrână, bătrâni, bătrâne

partner [pa:tnər] - partener

people [pi:pl] - oameni; persoane; popor

remember [rimembər] - a ţine minte

rule [ru:l] - regulă

too [tu:] - de asemenea

town [taun] - oraş

wife [waif] - soţie

woman [umən] - femeie; women [uimin] - femei

worker [wərkər] - muncitor, muncitoare

young [jang] - (adj.) tânăr, tânără tineri, tinere



Învăţaţi bine conjugarea verbului A FI! Puteţi exprima multe lucruri cu acest verb! (Learn the conjugation of the verb TO BE

very well! You can express a lot with this verb!).


I am - eu sunt I am not - eu nu sunt Am I? - sunt eu?

You are - tu eşti You are not - tu nu eşti Are you? - eşti tu?

He is - el este He is not - el nu este Is he? - este el?

She is - ea este She is not - ea nu este Is she? - este ea?

It is - el, ea este It is not - el, ea nu este Is it? - este el, ea?

We are - noi suntem We are not - noi nu suntem Are we? - suntem noi?

You are - voi sunteţi You are not - voi nu sunteţi Are you? - sunteţi voi?

They are - ei, ele sunt They are not - ei, ele nu sunt Are they? - sunt ei, ele?


- I’m, you’re, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, they’re.

- I’m not, you’re not, he’s not, she’s not, it’s not, we’re not, they’re not.


- I’m not, you aren’t, he isn’t, she isn’t, it isn’t, we aren’t, they aren’t.


Verbul to be formează negativul prin adăugarea negaţiei not la forma de afirmativ.

Verbul to be formează interogativul prin inversarea locului predicatului cu subiectul; (începeţi întotdeauna

întrebarea cu am, are, is...)


1. Împerecheaţi corect formele din cele două coloane (Match the two columns):

I are you is he am she are it are we is you are they is

2. Scrieţi formele verbale corecte pentru fiecare pronume personal (Write the correct forms of the verb to be for each pronoun):

Pronoun To be









3. Conjugaţi în engleză cu voce tare (Conjugate in English in a loud voice):


Eu sunt asistentă

Tu eşti asistentă…

Eu nu sunt doctor

Tu nu eşti doctor…

Sunt eu asistentă?

Eşti tu asistentă?…

Eu sunt român

Tu eşti român …

Eu nu sunt englez

Tu nu eşti englez …

Sunt eu român?

Eşti tu român …?

Eu sunt director

Tu eşti director …

Eu nu sunt muncitor

Tu nu eşti muncitor …

Sunt eu director?

Eşti tu director?…

4. Scrieţi cuvintele în ordinea corectă (Write the words in the correct order):

not I am teacher a .


am I engineer an .


is she not teacher a .


my she is partner .


I am friend your .


we are partners ?


we are partners yes, .


businessmen not are they .


is not she Carla .


he not is doctor a .


is he economist an .



they are Romanian ?


What is your country ?


5. Completaţi cu (Complete with): my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their :

1. You're Samantha. name's Samantha.

2. He's Tim. name's Tim.

3. I'm Mary. name's Mary.

4. They're Sonia and Katherine. names are Sonia and Katherine.

5. She is Karen. name is Karen.

6. That is the Big Ben. name is the Big Ben.

7. We are the Green family. family name is Green.

8. It is the Royal London Hospital. name is the Royal London Hospital.

6. Traduceţi (Translate):

a) Este pacienta mea; este pacienta ta; este pacienta lui; este pacienta ei; este pacienta noastră; este pacienta voastră;

este pacienta lor.

b) Nu este camera mea; nu este camera ta; nu este camera lui; nu este camera ei; nu este camera noastră; nu este

camera voastră; nu este camera lor.

c) El este colegul meu. El nu este colegul tău. El este colegul lui. El nu este colegul ei. El este colegul nostru. El nu este

colegul vostru. Ele sunt colegele noastre.

d) Ea este sora mea. Ea nu este sora ta. Ea este sora lui. Ea nu este sora ei. Ea este sora noastră. Ea nu este sora

voastră. Ele sunt surorile voastre.

e) Este luni? Da, este luni. Nu, nu este luni, este marţi. Este duminică? Da, este duminică. Nu, nu este duminică, este

vineri. Este sfârţit de săptâmână? Da, este sfârţit de săptâmână.

f) Este ora 1? Da, este ora 1. Nu, nu este ora 1, este ora 12 şi 45.

7. Completaţi propoziţiile de mai jos şi folosiţi adverbele here - aici şi there - acolo: (Complete the sentences below and use the

adverbs here and there):

1. This is a . The stethoscope is .

2. That is a . The hospital ward is .

3. This is an . The intensive care ward is .


4. That is a . The intensive care monitor is .

5. That is a . The thermometer is .

6. This is a . The oxigen mask is not .

7. This is a . The brain is , in the freezing box.

8. That is a . The surgical scissors is not .

9. This is a . The surgical knife is , on the opeerating table.

10. That is a . The bone is . 8. Completaţi cu formele verbului a fi (Fill in with the forms of the verb to be):

1. Leeds and Birmingham cities in England.

2. Paris the capital of France.

3. Mike and Arthur from London.

4. My parents in Switzerland to visit their friends.

5. What time it?

6. it late?

7. No, it early.

8. It nine o’clock.

9. What day it, today?

10. It Friday.

11. it already Friday?

12. your name Baker?

13. Who in the manager’s office?

14. What their names?

15. How you?

16. How your friends?

17. How your parents?

18. Where you from?

19. Where they from?

20. Where your co-workers from?

21. What your address?

22. Why the partners late?

23. Who he?

24. What it?


1. Citiţi cu voce tare urmăroarele propoziţii, traduceţi-le şi încercaţi să le memoraţi (Read the following sentences

aloud, translate them and try to memorise them):

a) I am a manager. You are a manager. He is the manager. My friend is a manager. She is the secretary. We are the

managers. You are the engineers. They are the managers. My partners are managers.

b) I am a Romanian. You are a Romanian. He is a Romanian. My friend is Romanian. She is a Romanian. It is

Romanian. We are Romanian. You are Romanian. They are Romanian. My partners are Romanian.

c) I am not English.You are not English. He is not English. She is not English. We are not English. They are not English.

My partners are not English.

d) I am an orthopaedist. You are an orthopaedist. He is an orthopaedist. My partner is my friend. My partner and my

friend is an orthopaedist. She is a secretary. She is not an engineer. We are cardiologists. You are my partners and you are

doctors. They are my partners and friends. They are doctors.

e) I am good. I am a good man. I am a good cardiologist. I am a good doctor. You are good. You are a good man, too.

You are a good orthopaedist. You are a good doctor. He is my friend. He is good. He is a good man. He is my coleague. He is a

good pharmacist and co-worker, too. She is my secretary. She is good. She a good secretary. It is an ambulance. It is a good

ambulance. We are good. We are good people. We are good nurses and doctors, too. You are good people. You are good

managers and doctors, too. They are our friends and partners. They are good. They are good managers and cardiologists.

f) I am not bad. I am not a bad woman. I am not a bad person. I am not a bad nurse. You are not bad. You are not a bad

man. He is not bad. He is not a bad cardiologist. She is not bad. She is not a bad secretary. It is not bad. It is not a bad

orthopaedist. We are not bad. We are not bad people. You are not bad. You are not bad dentists and pharmacists. They are not

bad. They are not well. They are sick.



1. A. Citiţi propoziţiile următoare cu atenţie (Read the following sentences carefully):

These are men. - Aceştia sunt bărbaţi.

These are women. - Acestea sunt femei.

These are our child. - Aceştia sunt copiii noştri.

These are businessmen. - Aceştia sunt oameni de afaceri.

These are businesswomen. - Acestea sunt femei de afaceri.

These are our cardiologists. - Aceştia sunt cardiologii noştri.

These are the nurses. - Acestea sunt asistentele.

These are their wheel chairs. - Acestea sunt scaunele lor cu rotile.

These are their beds. - Acestea sunt paturile lor.

These are their medicines. - Acestea sunt medicamentele lor.

These are feet. - Acestea sunt picioare.

These are our cars. - Acestea sunt maşinile noastre.

These are good cars. - Acestea sunt maşini bune.

These are bandages. - Acestea sunt bandaje.


These are your arms. - Acestea sunt braţele tale.

These are faces. - Acestea sunt faţe.

These are the book. - Acestea sunt registrele.

These are the English patients. - Aceştia sunt pacienşii englezi.

These are sick persons. - Acestea sunt personae bolnave.

These are your medicines for pain. - Acestea sunt medicamentele dvs. pentru durere.

These are your medicines for fever. - Acestea sunt medicamentele dvs. pentru febră.

These are your medicines for infection. - Acestea sunt medicamentele dvs. pentru infecţie.

These are your medicines for nausea. - Acestea sunt medicamentele dvs. pentru greaţă.



B. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ. (Read the sentences above in the negative).


C. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la interogativ. (Read the sentences above in the interogative).



2. A. Citiţi propoziţiile următoare cu atenţie (Read the following sentences carefully):

Those are men and those are women. - Aceia sunt bărbaţi şi acelea sunt femei.

Those are our children. - Aceia sunt copiii noştri.

Those are businessmen and those are businesswomen. - Aceia sunt oameni de afaceri şi acelea sunt femei de afaceri.

Those are our cardiologists. - Aceia sunt cardiologii noştri.

Those are the nurses. - Acelea sunt asistentele.

Those are their beds. - Acelea sunt paturile lui.

Those are feet. - Acelea sunt picioare.

Those are good cars. - Acelea sunt maşini bune.

Those are wards. - Acelea sunt saloane.

Those are their addresses. - Acelea sunt adresele lor.

Those are our rooms. - Acelea sunt cameele noastre.

Those are arms. - Acelea sunt braţe.

Those are faces. - Acelea sunt faţe.

Those are the books. - Acelea sunt registrele.

Those are our patients. - Aceia sunt pacienţii noştri.

Those are sick persons. - Aceia sunt persoane bolnave.

Those are their wheel chairs. - Acelea sunt scaunele lor cu rotile.



B. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ. (Read the sentences above in the negative).


C. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la interogativ. (Read the sentences above in the interogative).




Citiţi şi reţineţi (Read and remember):

- What is this?

- This is an office. This office is large and clean. It is very modern, too. There are a lot of things in this office: two desks

and two chairs for the nurses, two shelves and computers on each desk. One computer is on, one is off.

This is the door and that is the window. The door is closed; the window is open and it is opposite the door. This is the

floor and that is the ceiling. Lamps are on the ceiling above the desks and on the desks, too.

The floor is down, the ceiling is up. The floor is under our feet, the ceiling is above our heads. Those desks are in

front of the window and those chairs are behind the desks.

What are those? Those are shelves. Those shelves are against the wall and between them a modern clock that tells

the right time. Plants are all over this office.

- What are these, and what are those?

- These are the sheets of paper and those are files. These sheets of paper are in this drawer and those files are on

those shelves.


above [əbΛv] - deasupra

behind [bihaind] - în spatele

ceiling [silin] - tavan

clean [kli:n] - curat; a face curat, a curăţa

drawer [drowər] - sertar

fever [fivər] - febră

for - pentru

infection - infecţie

in front of [in frΛnt əv] - în faţa

large [la:dЗi] - spaţios, larg, mare

opposite [opəzit] - vizavi

pain [pein] - durere

sheets of paper [∫i:tz əv peipə] - coli/foi de hârtie

shelf [∫elf] - raft

thing [θing] - lucru




De exemplu (For example):

afraid speriat to be afraid - a-i fi teamă, a fi speriat

cold frig, rece to be cold - a fi rece, a-i fi frig

early devreme to be early - a fi devreme, a ajunge devreme

glad bucuros, încântat to be glad - a fi bucuros, încântat

hot fierbinte to be hot - a fi fierbinte, a-i fi foarte cald

hungry flămând to be hungry - a-i fi foame

late târziu to be late - a fi târziu, a ajunge târziu

right corect to be right - a avea dreptate

sorry întristat, mâhnit to be sorry - a-i părea rău

thisrty însetat to be thisrty - a-i fi sete

warm cald to be warm - a fi cald, a-i fi cald

wrong greşit to be wrong - a greşi

Citiţi, exersaţi şi memoraţi următoarele exemple (Read, practice and memorize the following examples):

to be hungry - a-i fi foame, a fi flămând

e.g. I am hungry, you are hungry, he is hungry...,

I am not hungry, you are not hungry, he is not hngry...,

Are you hungry?, Is he hungry, Is she hungry?...)

to be thisrty - a-i fi sete, a fi însetat;

e.g. I am thirsty, you are thirsty, he is thirsty...,

I am not thirsty, you are not thirsty, he is not thirsty...,

Are you thirsty?, Is he thirsty, Is she hungry; Are they thirsty?...)

to be right - a avea dreptate; a fi corect;

e.g. I am right, you are right, he is right...,

I am not right, you are not right, he is not right...,

Are you right?, Is he right, Is she right; Are they right?...)

to be wrong - a nu avea dreptate, a greşi;

e.g. I am wrong, you are wrong, he is wrong...,

I am not wrong, you are not wrong, he is not wrong...,

Are you wrong?, Is he wrong, Is she wrong; Are they wrong?...)

to be glad - a se bucura, a fi încântat/bucuros;

e.g. I am glad, you are glad, he is glad...,

I am not glad, you are not glad, he is not glad...,

Are you glad?, Is he glad, Is she glad; Are they glad?...)

to be sorry - a-i părea rău;

e.g. I am sorry, you are sorry, he is sorry...,

I am not sorry, you are not sorry, he is not sorry...,

Are you sorry?, Is he sorry, Is she sorry; Are they sorry?...)

to be late - a întârzia, a fi în întârziere; It is late - Este târziu.

to be early - a veni/ajunge devreme; It is early - Este devreme.

to be over - a se termina; Work is over - Munca s-a terminat.


to be in a hurry [hari] = to hurry - a se grăbi;

to be cold - a-i fi frig; It is cold - este frig/este rece (despre vreme) - se poate referi şi la lucruri: My coffee is cold);

to be hot - a-i fi foarte cald, a fi fierbinte; It is hot - este foarte cald/zăpuşală (despre vreme) - se poate referi şi la

lucruri: Tea is hot - Ceaiul este fierbinte);

to be warm - a-i fi cald; It is warm - este cald (despre vreme) - se poate referi şi la lucruri).

1. Citiţi cu atenţie conjugarea expresiilor formate cu verbul to be: (Read carefully the conjugation of the phrase formed

with to be):

To be hungry


I am hungry - (mie) mi-e foame I am not hungry - nu mi-e foame Am I hungry? - mi-e foame?

You are hungry - (ţie) ţi-e foame You are not hungry - nu ţi-e foame Are you hungry? - ţi-e foame?

He/She is hungry - (lui/ei) i-e foame He/She is not hungry - nu i-e foame Is he/she hungry? - i-e lui/ei foame?

It is hungry - i-e foame (d. animale) It is not hungry - nu-i e foame Is it hungry? i-e foame?

We are hungry - (nouă) ne e foame We are not hungry - nu ne e foame Are we hungry? - ne e foame?

You are hungry - (vouă) vă e foame You are not hungry - nu vă este foame Are you hungry? - vă e foame?

They are hungry - (lor) le e foame They are not hungry - nu le este foame Are they hungry? - le e (lor) foame?

To be thirsty


I am thirsty - (mie) mi-e sete I am not thirsty - (mie) nu mi-e sete Am I thirsty? - mi-e sete?

You are thirsty - (ţie) ţi-e sete You are not thirsty - (ţie) nu ţi-e sete Are you thirsty? - ţi-e sete?

He/She is thirsty - ( lui)/ (ei) i-e sete He/She is not thirsty - lui/ei nu i-e sete Is he/she thirsty? - i-e lui/ei sete?

It is thirsty - i-e sete (d. animale) It is not thirsty - nu-i e sete Is it thirsty? i-e sete?

We are thirsty - (nouă) ne e sete We are not thirsty - (nouă) nu ne e sete Are we thirsty? - ne e sete?

You are thirsty - (vouă) vă e sete You are not thirsty - (vouă) nu vă este sete Are you thirsty? - vă e sete?

They are thirsty - (lor) le e sete They are not thirsty - (lor) nu le este sete Are they thirsty? - le e sete?


1. Exersaţi expresiile de mai sus traducând următoarele propoziţii. Incepeţi întrebările cu formele am, is, are după caz. (Practice

the above phrases by translating the following sentences. Begin questions with am, is, are as appropriate).

1) (Mie) Mi-e foame. Tie ţi-e foame? (Mie) Nu-mi este foame. Sunt bine. Lui îi este foame. Căţelului îi este foame. Femeii îi

este foame. Nouă ne este foame. Lor le este foame. Copiilor le este foame.

2) (Mie) Mi-e sete. Tie ţi-e sete? (Mie) Nu-mi este sete. Sunt bine. Lui îi este sete. Ei îi este sete. Ne este sete.

3) (Mie) Mi-e frig. Tie ţi-e frig? (Mie) Nu-mi este frig. Sunt bine. Lui îi este frig. Ei îi este frig. Nouă ne este frig. Lor le este

frig. Este frig. Nu este cald.

4) (Mie) Mi-e cald. Tie ţi-e cald? (Mie) Nu-mi este cald. Sunt bine. Lui îi este cald. Ei îi este cald. Nouă ne este cald. Lor le

este cald. Este cald. Nu este frig.

5) Eu am dreptate. Tu ai dreptate. El are dreptate. Directorul (nu) are dreptate. Am eu dreptate? Noi avem dreptate? Are

el/ea dreptate?

6) Eu geşesc. Tu greşeşti. El greşeşte. Directorul (nu) greşeşte. Noi greşim. Am eu dreptate? Greşesc ei? Ei nu greşesc.

7) Doctorii greşesc vreodată? Unii doctori greşesc. Când doctorii greşesc nu este bine pentru pacienţi.

8) Am întârziat? Nu ai întârziat. A întârziat directorul (este directorul în întârziere)? Nu a întârziat (nu este în întârziere).

A venit devreme.


9) Au întârziat (ei)? Nu (ei) au întârziat. (Ei) Au venit devreme.

10) Am venit devreme? Nu, nu aţi venit devreme. Aţi venit la timp.

11) Îmi pare rău. Nu-mi pare rău. Îţi pare rău? Le pare lor rău? Le pare rău. Îi pare lui rău? Nu-i pare rău. Îi pare rău

doctorului? Nu-i pare rău. Îi pare ei rău? Îi pare rău. Nu-i pare rău.

12) Munca s-a terminat. Munca nu s-a terminat. S-a terminat munca? Operaţia s-a terminat. Operaţia nu s-a terminat.

Şedinţa s-a terminat? Şedinţa s-a terminat. Şedinţa nu s-a terminat.

13) Este târziu? Da este târziu. Nu, nu este târziu, este devreme.

14) Este devreme? Da este devreme. Nu, nu este devreme, este târziu.

15) Este cald? Da este cald. Nu, nu este cald, este frig.

16) Este frig? Da este frig. Nu, nu este frig, este cald.

17) Este apa rece? Da este rece. Nu, nu este rece, este bună.

18) Este apa fierbinte? Da este fierbinte. Nu, nu este fierbinte, este rece. Nu, este bună.

19) Te grăbeşti/Eşti grăbit? Da, este târziu şi mă grăbesc/sunt grăbit.

2. Completaţi cu formele verbului a fi (Fill in with the forms of the verb to be):

a) - What your name?

- My name Stephn Brown.

b) - Who you?

- I Stephan Brown. I your nurse.

c) - Who Stephan Brown?

- I .

d) - you Stephan Brown?

- Yes I .

e) - Who she?

- She my wife.

f) - Who they?

- They Mr. and Mrs. Brown.


Aşa numitele Wh-Questions permit vorbitorului să afle mai multe informaţii despre diferite subiecte:



Pronunţie Semnificaţie Ce indică

WHAT [wat] Ce Obiectul/Idea/Acţiune

WHEN [wen] Când Timpul

WHERE [weə] Unde Locul

WHO [hu] Cine Persoana

WHICH [wi t∫] (pe) Care Persoana, Lucrul

WHY [wai] De ce Motivul

HOW [hau] Cum Modalitatea

HOW MUCH [hau mat∫] Cât, câtă Cantitatea; Preţul

HOW MANY [hau meni] Câţi, câte Cantitatea

WHAT TIME [wat taim] (La) ce oră Timpul, ora





- Who

are you? - Cine eşti? - I am Mary. I am the doctor. - Sunt Mary. Sunt doctoriţa.

is he? - Cine este el? - He is Mr. Black, the engineer. - Este domnul Black, inginerul.

is she? - Cine este ea? - She is Mrs. Black. She is the teacher.

are you? - Cine sunteţi voi? - We are Mary and Tom. - Suntem Mary şi Tom. We are your

co-workers. - Noi suntem colaboratorii voştri.

are they? - Cine sunt ei? - They are our partners - Sunt partenerii noştri..


- What is

your name? - Cum te/vă cheamă?

(Care este numele


- My name is... - Mă cheamă... (Numele meu este...)

his name? - Cum îl cheamă? - His name is... - Îl cheamă...

her name? - Cum o cheamă? - Her name is... - O cheamă...

- What are your names? - Cum vă cheamă?

(Care sunt numele voastre?)

- Our names are Mary Smith and Tom Brown.

their names? - Cum îi cheamă? - Their names are... - Îi/Le cheamă...



- How old

are you? - Câţi ani ai? - I am 48 (years old) - am 48.

is he/she? - Câţi ani are el/ea? - He/she is 32 (years old) - are 32.

is the manager? - Câţi ani are


- The manager is 51 (years old) - Directorul are 51.

are you? - Câţi ani aveţi? - We are 20. - Avem 20 de ani

are they? - Câţi ani au ei? - They are 24 and 26 (years old) - Au 24 şi 26.

are the workers? - Câţi ani au


- The workers are not old. - Muncitorii nu sunt bătrâni.


- Where

are you? - Unde eşti? - I am in my consultation office. - Sunt în cabinetul meu.

is he? - Unde este el? - He is in his office - El este în biroul lui.

is the manager? - Unde este


- The manager at the hotel - Managerul este la hotel.

is she? - Unde este ea? - She is in the classroom - Ea este în clasă.

is the client? - Unde este pacientul? - The client is with the doctor - pacientul este cu doctorul.

are we? - Unde suntem noi? - We are near the firm - Suntem lângă firmă.

are you? - Unde sunteţi voi? - We are in town - Suntem în oraş.

are they? - Unde sunt ei? - They are in the restaurant - Sunt în restaurant.


- Where

are you from? - De unde eşti/sunteţi? - I am from Craiova, Romania - Sunt din Craiova, Romania.

is he from? - De unde este el?

- He/She is from... - El/Ea este din...

is our doctor from? - De unde este

doctorul nostru?

is she from? - De unde este ea?

is the patient from? - De unde este


are they from? - De unde sunt ei/ele?

- They are from...- Sunt din... are their partners from? - De unde sunt

partenerii lor?

are the patients from? - De unde sunt



întrebare nu se referă la o activitate ci la stare

- How

are you? - Ce (mai) faci? - I’m fine, thank you.

is he? - Ce (mai)face el? - He is fine. - Este bine.

is your father? - Ce (mai) face tatăl tău? - My father is fine - Tata este bine.

is your friend? - Ce (mai) face prietenul - My friend is fine - Prietenul meu este bine.



is she? - Ce (mai) face ea? - She is fine. - Este bine.

is your mother? - Ce (mai) face mama ta? - My mother is fine - Mama este bine.

is your teacher ? - Ce (mai) face

profesoara ta?

- My friend is fine - Profesoara mea este bine.

are you? - Ce (mai) faceţi (voi/


- We are fine, thank you. - Suntem bine, mulţumim.

are they? - Ce (mai) fac ei/ ele? - They are fine. - Sunt bine.

are your children? - Ce (mai) fac copiii tăi? - They are fine, thanks. - Sunt bine, mulţumesc.

are your friends? - Ce (mai) fac prietenii


- They are fine. - Sunt bine.

HOW MUCH IS? (pentru singular) HOW MUCH ARE? (pentru plural) - CÂT COSTĂ?

- How much

is this book? - Cât costă această carte? This book is 20 lei - Această carte costă 20 de lei.

is a room in this hotel? - Cât costă o

cameră în acest hotel?

It’s 50 euros - Costă 50 de euro.

is a cup of coffee? - Cât costă o cafea? It’s 5 lei - Costă 5 lei.

are the books? - Cât costă cărţile? The books are 45 lei - Cărţile costă 45 de lei.

Citiţi cu atenţie şi reţineţi (Read carefully and remember):




I am from Argentina. I am Argentinian. I come from Argentina.

I am from Australia. I am Australian. I come from Australia.

I am from Belgium. I am Belgian. I come from Belgium.

I am from Brazil. I am Brazilian. I come from Brazil.

I am from Canada. I am Canadian. I come from Canada.

I am from China. I am Chinese. I come from China.

I am from Denmark. I am Dane. I come from Denmark.

I am from France. I am French. I come from the France.

I am from Germany. I am German. I come from Germany.

I am from Greece. I am Greek. I come from Greece.

I am from India. I am Indian. I come from India.

I am from Japan. I am Japanesse. I come from Japan.

I am from Mexico. I am Mexican. I come from Mexico.

I am from Norway. I am Norwegian. I come from Norway.

I am from Portugal. I am Portuguese. I come from Portugal.

I am from Russia. I am Russian. I come from Russia.

I am from Spain. I am Spanish. I come from Spain.

I am from Sweden. I am Swedish. I come from Sweden.

I am from the Netherlands. I am Dutch. I come from Netherlands.

I am from America/The States. I am American. I come from America/The States.



1. Acum citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la persoanele a II-a singular - you - şi I plural - we: (Now read the above sentences in the

second persons singular - you - and firt person plural - we).

2. Citiţi următorul dialog (Read the following dialogue):

- Doctor, please, may I disturb you?

- Yes Mary. What’s the matter?

- Can you receive one of my relatives? She wants to apply for a job in this hospital and she needs some pieces of


- What’s her name?

- She’s Ann Smith, she is my sister-in-law.

- How old is she?

- She is 35 years old

- Where does she work?

- She works at St Mark’s Hospital, in the intensive care department.

- What’s her job/position?

- She is a Senior Head Nurse.

- What’s her educational qualification?

- She has a bachelor and a master degree in nursing.

- Ok, tell her to come at half past twelve.

- Thank you doctor.

3. Traduceţi folosind Wh-questions (Translate using Wh-questions):


1. Ce sunt eu? Eşti profesoară. Eşti femeie. Eşti englezoaică.

2. Ce eşti tu? Sunt doctor. Sunt bărbat. Sunt român.

3. Ce este ea? Este dentist. Este femeie. Este americancă.

4. Ce este el? Este muncitor. Este bărbat. Este francez.

5. Ce este? Este un salon de spital. Este un spital. Este un birou.

6. Ce suntem noi? Suntem asistenţi. Suntem bărbaţi şi femei. Suntem germani.

7. Ce sunteţi voi? Suntem manageri de spital. Suntem bărbaţi. Suntem austrieci.

8. Ce sunt ei/ele? Sunt studenţi. Sunt spanioli.

9. Cum te cheamă?/Cum vă cheamă? Mă cheamă Thomas.

10. Cum o cheamă? O cheamă Maria.

11. Cât este ora? Este ora 12 după amiază.

12. La ce oră eşti la birou? (What time...)

13. La ce oră este şedinţa/întâlnirea (meeting)?

14. La ce oră este pauza de masă (lunch break)?


1. Cine sunt eu? Eşti/Sunteţi doamna Middleton. Eşti/Sunteţi profesoara noastră.

2. Cine eşti tu? (Eu) Sunt Samantha. Sunt secretara.

3. Cine este el? (El) Este domnul Ford. Este managerul spitalului.

4. Cine este ea? (Ea) Este doamna Newman. Este colega lor.

5. Cine suntem noi? (Voi) Sunteţi Mary şi John. Sunteţi asistenta şi doctorul.


6. Cine sunteţi voi? (Noi) Suntem domnul şi doamna Williamson. Suntem familia Williamson.

7. Cine sunt ei? Sunt copiii nostri. Sunt medici.

8. Cine este acesta? Acesta este cardiologul.

9. Cine este acela? Acela este farmacistul.


1. Unde sunt eu? Eşti/Sunteţi în clasă.

2. Unde eşti tu? (Eu) Sunt în camera mea.

3. Unde este el? (El) Este în biroul lui.

4. Unde este ea? (Ea) Este în oraş.

5. Unde este casa ta? Este lânga parc.

6. Unde suntem noi? (Voi) Sunteţi în salonul vostru.

7. Unde sunteţi voi? (Noi) Suntem în oraş. Suntem într-un (in a) magazin.

8. Unde sunt ei? (Ei) Sunt în Germania.

9. De unde eşti? Sunt din România, din Cluj.

10. De unde este ea? Este din Germania.

11. De unde sunteţi voi? Eu sunt din Anglia şi el este din Rusia.


1. De ce eşti aici? Sunt aici pentru că aceasta este biroul meu.

2. De ce suntem aici? Suntem aici pentru că acesta este salonul nostru.

3. De ce sunt (ele) aici? Pentru că ele sunt laborante (medical laboratory assistants) şi acesta este laboratorul (laboratory).

4. De ce te grăbeşti? Mă grăbesc pentru că este târziu.

5. De ce ne grăbim? Ne grăbim pentru că este târziu. Ne grăbim fiindcă am întârziat (suntem în întârziere).

6. De ce se grăbeşte el? De ce se grăbeşte doctorul? Se grăbeşte pentru că pacientul este într-o stare gravă (in a serious


7. De ce se grăbeşte ea? (Ea) Se grăbeşte pentru ca să fie acolo (to be there) la timp (in time).

8. De ce se grăbeşte profesoara? (Ea) Se grăbeşte pentru că (ea) a întârziat.

9. De ce se grăbesc partenerii noştri cu lucrarea? (Ei) Nu se grăbesc.


1. Cât costă o consultaţie în această clinică?

2. Cât costă analizele medicale (lab tests) în această clinică particulară?

3. Cât costă toate medicamentele mele?

4. Cât costă o radiografie pulmonară (lungs x-rays)?

5. Cât costă o zi de spitalizare (hospitalization day) pentru o persoană care nu este asigurată (insured)?

4. Completaţi cu is sau are (Complete with is or are):

1. The patient and the docor in the consultation office.

2. There no additional fees for doctors.

3. The syrenges, the needles and the surginal scissors in the sterilization room.

4. The organs to be transplanted in the plane.

5. We in the emergency room and ready for work.

6. Our new ambulance in the hospital garage.

7. They French, from Paris.

8. He at the clinic this evening.


9. Where medicines kept?

10. Medicines kept in the medicine cupboards.

11. you thirsty? I not thirsty.

12. the patient hungry?

13. it late?

14. What those?

15. Who these?

5. Vorbiţi despre o cunoştinţă de-a dumneavoastră. Prezentaţi acea persoană, referiţi-vă la numele, prenumele său, la sex,

vârstă, naţionalitate, educaţie, ocupaţie, stare civilă, (Speak about an acquaintance of yours. Introduce him/her referring to first

and last names, sex, age, nationality, education, occupation, family status).

6. Citiţi şi memoraţi (Read and remember):

This is Romania.

Q - What is Romania? Is Romania a city?

A - No, Romania isn't a city. Romania is a country. Romania

is a country in south-east Europe. It is my country. It is my

native country. I am from Romania, you know. I am a

Romanian like many of my co-workers.

Q - So, your nationality is Romanian.

A - Yes, my nationality is Romanian. I speak Romanian.

Q - What is Romania like? What is your country like?

A - Romania is a large country. It is beautiful. It is on the

Danube river.

Q - And Bucharest? Is Bucharest a city or a country?

A - Bucharest is a city, a capital city.

Q - Is Bucharest in Hungary?

A - No, Bucharest isn't in Hungary. Bucharest is in Romania.

Bucharest is the capital city of Romania. Cluj, Timişoara, Iaşi,

Braşov, Sibiu, Craiova are also cities in Romania. I am from

Craiova. Craiova is my town.

Citiţi dialogurile şi rezolvaţi exerciţiile (Read the dialogues and solve the exercises):

After someone greets you and introduces herself/himself to you it is important to give a proper answer:


I’m very pleased/happy/glad to meet you.

It’s (very) nice to meet you!

It’s a pleasure to meet you!

It’s my pleasure to meet you!


Pleased/Happy/Glad to meet you.

Nice to meet you!

My pleasure.



People who work in health care profession deal with patients every moment.

As some patients spend a lot of time in the hospital doctors and nurses get to know them very well, others are in the

hospital for only a day or two. Others are outpatients - their surgery or procedure takes places during the day and they go home

the same night.

Communication is important in either cases. Nurses communicate with patients all day, every day. Communication may

be formal for example when the nurse instructs a client how to use a piece of equipment, or informal when the nurse greets the

patient and makes small talk.

Today, the nurse is at the end of her shift, but a new patient has been admitted, so she stops to check on her:


Nurse: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. My name is Mary and I am one of the nurses that will take care of you here.

Patient: Nice to meet you. You look really young to be a nurse.

Nurse: Really? That’s nice to hear.

Patient: I am 75 years old, so, everyone is young compared to me.

Nurse: Good to see you joking! Well, I see you are here for a hip operation.

Patient: Yes, Dr. Blackpool, the orthopaedic surgeon comes to see me later.

Nurse: Are you nervous about the operation.

Patient: No. I am sure everything will be alright.

Nurse: Great! I am happy to hear this. Now, my shift is over and I need to leave, but I’ll be here at 7 am.

Patient: Good night.

Când faceţi cunoştinţă cu cineva şi sunteţi salutat cu expresia:

- How do you do - Îmi pare bine de cunoştinţă, răspundeţi

- How do you do.

- Mr. Brown: Good morning, Mrs. Salm.

- Mrs. Salm: Good morning, Mr. Brown. How are you?

- Mr. Brown: I'm fine, thanks, and you?

- Mrs. Salm: I'm fine, too. Mr. Brown, this is my husband Michael. Michael this is Mr. Brown my dermatologist.

- Mr. Salm: Pleased to meet you.

- Mr. Brown: Pleased to meet you, too. Are you from Germany, Mr. Salm?

- Mr. Salm: Yes, from Ludwisburg. And you, are you from London?

- Mr. Brown: No, I'm from Manchester, but I live in London now.

- Mrs. Salm: Well, goodbye Mr. Brown.

- Mr. Brown: Yes, goodbye.


care [keə] - grijă, a îngriji

communication - comunicare

do [du] - a face Reţineţi acest verb! Este foaarte

important! L-aţi auzit în întrebarea: Do you spek English?

- Vorbeşti/Vorbiţi englezeşte?

glad - încântat, bucuros

health [helθ] - sănătate

husband [hazbənd] - soţ

joke - glumă, a glumi

know [nəu] - a şti, a cunoaşte

leave [li:v] - a pleca

make small talk - a face conversaţie

may - a putea

meet - a întâlni, a cunoaşte

need - a avea nevoie

nice [nais] - plăcut,drăgut, frumos

Nice to meet you! - Încântat să vă cunosc! /Încântat de


others [aðə] - alţii

pleased - încântat, bucuros, mulţumit, vesel

Pleased to meet you! - Încântat să vă cunosc! /Încântat de


procedure [prəsiЗə] - procedură

profession - profesie

shift - schimb

spend - a petrece

surgery [sədЗəri] - intervenţie chirurgicală

take [teik] - a lua

take place - a avea loc

talk [to:k] - convorbire, conversaţie, a vorbi Ştiţi acest

cuvânt! La toate televiziunile sunt talk-show-uri. Show -

spectacol; a arăta



1. Răspundeţi la întrebări (Answer the questions):

1. What nationality is Mr. Bown?

2. What country is Mr. Salm from?

3. What nationality is Mr. Salm, German or British?

4. Is Mr. Salm a teacher?

5. What country is Mr. Bown from?

6. Who is a teacher?

7. Who is from Germany, Mr. Bown or Mr. Salm?

2. Puneţi cuvintele în ordinea firească (Put the words in the proper order):

are Brown Mr. you ?


Good How morning. you are ?


your is name Mrs. Brown.


the is that manager ?


from Where they are ?


What you country from are ?


What you nationality are ?


What is nationality he ?



What she is ?


How you are today ?


How your wife is ?


Where the is teacher ?


He not in is the classroom ?


3. Alegeţi întrebarea corectă pentru răspunsurile de mai jos (Choose the proper question):

1. My name is Dorian.

a) What be your name?

b) What your name is?

c) What is your name?

2. My parents are from Romania.

a) Where your friends are from?

b) Where come your friends from?

c) Where are your parents from?

3. I am 52 years old.

a) How old years are you?

b) How many years have you?

c) How old are you?

4. Yes, I am happy.

a) Are you happy?

b) You are happy?

c) Do you is happy?

5. My phone number is 0779358734.

a) What be your phone number?

b) What your phone number is?

c) What is your phone number?

6. No, my wife is short.


a) Is your wife tall?

b) Is tall your wife?

c) Your wife is tall?

7. My birthday is in August.

a) When is your birthday?

b) When your birthday is?

c) When be your birthday?

8. I am from Romania.

a) Where is you from?

b) Where are come from you?

c) Where are you from?


THERE [ðeə] - ACOLO THEIR [ðeə] - AL (A, AI, ALE) LOR

She is there. - Ea este acolo.

The boys are not there. - Băieţii nu sunt acolo.

Are you there, now? - Eşti acolo, acum?

Who is there? - Cine este acolo?

The doctor is there. - Doctorul este acolo.

Go there! - Du-te acolo!

Our car is there. - Maşina noastră este acolo.

Who is their manager? - Cine este directorul lor?

Their manager in a woman. - Directoarea lor este o femeie.

What is their country? - Care este ţara lor?

Their country is Austria. - Austria este ţara lor.

What are their names? - Cum se numesc?

Their names are Cliff and Mat. - Se numesc Cliff şi Mat.

Where is their office? – Unde este biroul lor?


THERE + IS [ðeə iz] - SE AFLĂ, ESTE (pentru singular)

THERE + ARE [ðeə a:r] - SE AFLĂ, SUNT (pentru plural)

1. Citiţi şi reţineţi (Read and remember):

There is

traffic in this city.

paper in the fax machine.

time for lunch in a restaurant.

coffee in the cups.

food12 on the plate.

12 Food - mâncare, hrană - este forte cunoscut din sintagma fast food - mâncare pregătită şi servită rapid. Fast - repede,



There are

people in the hospital.

sick persons in the ward.

books on my desk.

newspapers on the tables.

chairs in the waiting room.

workers on the site.

TIP! Folosiţi there când vorbiţi despre ceva pentru prima data, şi it pentru detalii.

There’s a box on my desk. - Se află o cutie pe biroul meu.

It’s red. - Este roşie.


1. Alege varianta corectă (Choose the correct form): There is? or There are?

1. in my office.

2. a in the garage.

3. some on the .

4. a in the hospital ward. (say: telephone)

5. in the room.

6. many in the street. (say: house)

7. in the living room.

8. days in a week13.

9. an in the fridge.

10. lots of in our city. (say: hotels)

13 Cuvântul week - săptămână - intră în componenţa cunoscutei sintagme weekend - sfârşit de săptămână. End - sfârşit, a

(se) sfârşi, a (se) termina.


11. a near here? (say: bank)

12. many in our town. (businesspeople)





2. Citiţi propoziţiile de la exerciţiul 1 la negativ şi interogativ. (Read the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative and interrogative):

3. Completaţi cu formele corecte ale verbului to be (Fill in with the correct forms of to be):

1. there any person from that department here?

2. there water in the bottle?

3. there good hotels in this area?

4. there man nurses in this hospital?

5. there any doctors in your family?

6. there a cheap restaurant near here?

7. There not water in the swimming-pool.

8. There not air14 in the lift.

9. There not serious problems about your feet.

10. There not interesting films on TV tonight.

11. There some beautiful flowers in the ward.

12. There a modern sports centre near here.

13. There a lot of tea in the box.

14. There a famous university in Cambridge.

15. There comfortable benches in the park.

16. There a big table in the conference room.

18. How many apples there on this plate?

19. How many medicines there in our solar system?

20. How many weeks there in a semester?

4. Spuneţi ce se află în şi lângă spital (Say what there is inside and near the hospital): Începeţi cu (Begin with): In the hospital

there is a…, In the hospital there are…

In the hospital Near the hospital

conference room old buildings

staff restaurant shops

14 Air [eə] - aer, a aerisi - cuvânt care intră în componenţa sintagmei airbag.


drinks machine bus station

library new hotel

wards parks

operatin rooms ambulance station


air [eə] - aer, a aerisi

all over the country [ol ovə ðə world] - în toată ţara

all over the place [ol ovə ðə world] - peste tot

apple [æpl] - măr

bank [benk] - bancă (instituţie)

begin [bighin] - a începe

bench [bent∫] - bancă (în parc)

building [bildiη] - clădire

businesspeople - oameni de afaceri

conference room - sala de conferinţe

flower [flauə] - floare

fridge [fridз] - frigider

house [haus] - casă

interesting [intristiη] - interesant

library [laibrəri] - bibliotecă

machine [mə∫in] - mecanism, aparat

newspaper [nizpeipə] - ziar

paper [peipə] - hârtie

staff - personal

street - stradă

table [teibəl] - masă

team [ti:m] - echipă

tonight - astă seară

traffic - circulaţie, trafic

water [wotə] - apă, a uda



Cuvântul like care înseamnă a plăcea, a dori, a semăna cu dar şi ca, ca şi, asemenea, precum şi care a devenit foarte

popular odată cu apariţia Facebook-ului unde sunteţi invitaţi „să daţi like” poate fi derutant prin multele sale sensuri:

I like coffee - Îmi place cafeaua.

I would like a coffee, please - Aş vrea o cafea, vă rog.

He looks like a doctor - Pare a fi doctor/Arată ca un doctor.

I am like my mother - Sunt ca mama.

Alăturat verbului a fi, acest cuvânt este folosit şi pentru a cere informaţii despre lucruri şi persoane.

Întrebările de genul What are you like - Cum eşti tu?, Cum sunteţi dumneavoastră? se referă la personalitatea sau

aspectul cuiva. Răspunsul poate fi: I am tall/ I am short/ I am hard-working/ I am a good person - Sunt înalt/ Sunt slab/ Sunt

muncitor/un om bun.

What is your friend like - Cum este prietena ta? She is a nice person - Este o persoană drăguţă. She is tal land beautiful -

Este înaltă şi frumoasă.

Se pot cere deopotrivă informaţii despre lucruri:

What is it like? - Cum este (el/ea)? - It is new - Este nouă.

What is your room like? - Cum este camera ta? It is large and modern - Este spaţioasă şi modernă.

What is the new ambulance like? Cum este ambulanţa cea nouă? It is modern and fast fast - este rapidă.

Remarcaţi faptul că aceste întrebări se formează cu What şi NU cu How.



am I


You are a good teacher.

are you I am a good worker.

is he He is a bad man.

is your husband My husband is a good man.

is she She is a good friend.

is the nurse She is a nice woman.

is it It is cold.

is the coffee It is cold/hot/good.

is your car My car is new and fast.

is the weather The weather is fine today.

are we You are good students.

are you We are good workers.

are they They are not bad people.

are the women The women are happy.


1. Traduceţi următoarele (Translate the following):

- Cum este vremea astazi? - Este însorit. Este cald. Este o vreme frumoasă astăzi.

- Cum este doctorul? - Este un doctor bun şi un tip de treabă.

- Cum este asistenta acestui salon? Este amabilă şi muncitoare.

- Cu este procedura? Este uşoară.

- Cum este traficul în acest oraş? - Este trafic intens (heavy traffic) dimineaţa şi după amiaza.

- Cum este durerea (pain)? - Este o durere cronică (chronic pain).


- Cum este durerea pe care o simţi în picior? - Este o durere acută (sharp pain). Este o durere surdă (dull pain).

2. Change the following indirect questions into direct ones according to the model. Address your questions to a colleague and

ask him to answer them.

Model: Ask your desk mate what the doctor is like.

What’s the doctor like?

1. Ask your colleague what his friend is like.

2. Ask your colleague what his children are like.

3. Ask your colleague what his children are like.

4. Ask your colleague what blood is like.

5. Ask your colleague what his/her stomach pain is like.

6. Ask your colleague what the operation is like.





I have [hæv] - eu am I have not - eu nu am Have I? - am eu?

You have - tu ai You have not - tu nu ai Have you? - ai tu?

He has [hæz] - el are He has not - el nu are Has he? - are el?

She has - ea are She has not - ea nu are Has she? - are ea?

It has - el, ea are It has not - el, ea nu are Has it? - are el, ea?

We have - noi avem We have not - noi nu avem Have we? - avem noi?

You have - voi aveţi You have not - voi nu aveţi Have you? - aveţi voi?

They have - ei, ele au They have not - ei, ele nu au Have they? - au ei, ele?

Observaţi forma has la persoana a III-a singular!


Verbul to have formează negativul prin adăugarea negaţiei not la forma de afirmativ.

Verbul to have formează interogativul prin inversarea locului predicatului cu subiectul.

Verbul to have are şi forma have got.

Have nu poate fi totdeauna înlocuit cu have got. Se poate substitui have cu have got numai când se vorbeşte despre ideea de

posesiune, relaţii, boli (unde dobândeşte sensul de a suferi).

- What have you got? - What have you?

- I have got a book. - I have a book.

- Have you a brother? - Have you got a brother?

- Yes, I have. Yes, I’ve got one.

Această regulă NU este valabilă în cazul în care verbul to have este folosit în expresii care-i schimbă sensul de posesiune.

- They have lunch in town. - (Ei) Iau prânzul în oraş. - We have breakfast in the morning. - Luăm micul dejun



- I’ve, you’ve, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’ve, you’ve, they’ve. Acestea se folosesc numai cu have got.

- I haven’t, you haven’t, he hasn’t, she hasn’t, it hasn’t, we haven’t, they haven’t.


to have breakfast [brekfəst] - a mânca micul dejun

to have lunch [lɅnt∫] - a mânca micul prânzul

to have dinner [dinə] - a mânca cina

to have a cup of coffee/tea - a bea o ceaşcă de cafea/de ceai

to bave a backache - a-l durea spatele

to have a headache [hedeik] - a-l durea capul

to have a stomachache [stoməkeik] - a-l durea stomacul

to have a toothache [tu: θkeik] - a-l durea un dinte


to have an earache [tu: θkeik] - a-l durea un dinte

to have a cold - a fi răcit

to have a runny nose - a-i curge nasul

to have a sore throat - a-l durea în gât

to have a break - a face/lua (o) pauză

to have a good time - a se distra bine

to have a rest - a se odihni

to have a shower - a face un duş


1. Împerecheaţi corect formele din cele două coloane (Match the forms in the two columns):

I has got

you has got

he have got

she has got

it have got

we have got

you have got

they have got

2. Scrieţi formele verbale corecte pentru fiecare pronume personal (Write the correct forms of the verb to have for each


Pronoun To have got









3. Citiţi urmăroarele propoziţii şi memoraţi-le (Read and memorise the following sentences):

I have many friends I have my own business I have many good co-workers

You have many friends You have your own business You have many good co-workers

He has many friends He has his own business He has many good co-workers

She has many friends She has her own business She has many good co-workers

We have many friends We have our own business We have many good co-workers

You have many friends You have your own business You have many good co-workers

They have many friends They have their own business They have many good co-workers

4. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ cu voce tare (Read the sentences above in the negative).

5. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la interogativ cu voce tare (Read the sentences above in the interrogative).

6. Completaţi cu have sau has (Complete with have or has):


1. The boy an ice-cream.

2. The girl a cake.

3. The men a football match on Saturday afternoon.

4. The woman a cup of tea.

5. The girl a new dress for the party.

6. They a holiday in August.

7. Mr. Jones a bad temper.

8. Mrs. Jones a nice smile.

7. Spuneţi ce rude aveţi, care sunt numele lor, câţi ani au: (Say what relatives you have got, what their names are, how old they

are). Begin with: I have (got) a father. This is my father. His name is…He is …years old.

8. Împerecheaţi (Match):




sisters daughters

husband grandfather

sons uncles

grandmother brothers

aunts granddaughter

nephews nieces

grandson mother

9. Exersaţi conjugând la toate persoanele expresiile de mai jos (Practice by conjugating in all persons the phrases below):

I have breakfast in the morning I have lunch at noon I have dinner in the evening

You have breakfast in the morning You have lunch at noon You have dinner in the evening

He has breakfast in the morning He has lunch at noon He has dinner in the evening...

I have a good time with my friends I have a cold I have a break at noon

You have a good time with your friends You have a cold You have a break at noon

He has a good time with his friends He has a cold He has a break at noon

10. Traduceţi (Translate):

1. (Eu) sunt dentist. (Eu) Am mulţi prieteni dentişti.

2. (Eu) Am pauză la ora unu. (Eu) Iau prânzul cu colaboratorii mei.

3. Iau micul dejun acasă. Iau micul dejun dimineaţa cu familia mea.

4. (Noi) Suntem cu prietenii noştri. Avem pauză. Bem (use: have) o ceaşcă de cafea cu prietenii noştri când avem pauză.

5. (Ei) Se distrează bine când iau cina cu prietenii.

6. Soţia mea este răcită. Ea bea (use: have) o ceaşcă cu ceai când este răcită.

7. Copiii sunt răciţi când este frig. Îi doare capul (use: have a headache) când sunt răciţi.

8. Mă doare stomacul (use: have a stomachache) după micul dejun.

9. Pe copil îl doare un dinte (use: have a toothache).

10. Nu avem mulţi prieteni dar avem o familie de prieteni care sunt “fraţii” noştri.

11. Este frig şi mă doare spatele.

12. Şi pe mine mă doare gâtul şi îmi curge nasul din cauza (because of the) frigului.


11. Complete with have (got) or has (got):

1. I ……………..a sister and a brother.

2. Children …………………a ball and they play with it.

3. Their child ...................many picture books.

4. I and my husband ...............a small business.

5. This house ................two bathrooms.

6. A man .............two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

7. An hour .................sixty minutes.

8. My office .................two large windows.

9. A week ..................seven days and a year .............twelve months.

10. - Who .......................an extra pencil? - I ...............but it is red.

11. United States of America ..................50 states and a federal district - District of Columbia.

12. That man .................a golden watch.

13. The doctor ................a new car.

14. Why ................you a headache?

15. The man ................ a toothacke when he..................hot or cold drinks or food.

12. Change the following indirect questions into direct ones according to the model. Address your questions to a colleague and

ask him to answer them.

Model: Ask your colleague if he has got an English textbook.

Have you got an English textbook?

1. Ask your colleague if he has got brothers or sisters.

2. Ask your colleague if he has got a spouse.

3. Ask your colleagues if they have a good time on week-ends.

4. Ask your desk mate when he/she has breakfast.

5. Ask your desk mate when he/she has breakfast.

6. Ask your desk mate if he/she has any pain.

Ache - a continuous suffering or a dull pain.

Ache is usually used to refer to a discomfort that may continue longer than a pain.

Pain - a sharp, sporadic, or sudden suffering.

Pain is usually used to refer to a kind of sharp discomfort that is difficult to ignore.

Sore - a pain to the touch, swallow, or movement and usually mild. Sore is never used as a verb.

CULTURAL NOTE: Note that to be sick means ‘to vomit’ in British English.

In American English it means more generally ‘to be unwell’.



- Let’s speak about what you possess! Tell me, have you got a house or a flat?

- I have got a house. My house is in town. Our town is Craiova. It is not big. Our house has three bedrooms, a living-

room, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. I live with my wife in that house.

- You are married!

- Yes, I am married.

- Have you got children?

- Yes, We have two children, a son and a daughter. Our children have their houses. They live in their houses. Our son

has a boy and a girl, so, we have a grandson and a granddaughter. My wife is a grandmother and I am a grandfather.We are


- Have you got a car?

- We have two cars. My wife has one and I have one. Our cars are good and fast. Our cars are new. We have got new,

good, fast cars.

- What else have you got?

- Well, I have a sister and a brother; my wife has not sisters or brothers. We also have a dog and...many friends, of course.

Citiţi şi memoraţi (Read and memorise):

- Hi Samantha, it's John. I'm afraid I cannot come to work today.

Samantha: - Why? Are you OK?

John: - No, I am not. I'm ill. I've got a terrible headache, and my nose is running. I cough and my throat is sore .

Samantha: - Do you have a fever? Check your temperature!

John: - I do not have fever, so I think it is not flu. I probably have a cold because I have pain in all my muscles.

Samantha: - John, stay in bed, drink some hot tea with lemon and honey, take an aspirin, have a rest and get well


John: - Thank you, Samantha! See you!

Samantha: - See you soon, John!


1. Alegeţi formele corecte ale verbelor a fi, a avea: (Choose the correct form of the verbs to be / to have):

1. I _________ cold. ( = I feel cold) have, am

2. I ________ a cold. ( = I am sick) am, have

3. ________ a little hungry. I'm , I've

4. He ________ a lot of money. has, is

5. Romanian students ________ very intelligent. have, are

6. My sister ________ two children. has, is

7. I ________ thirsty. have, am

8. My son _____ 24 years old. has, is

9. The workers ________ good. have not, are not

10. It ________ your book. has, is

11. We ________ lunch in town with some friends. have, has

12. They ________ a house in town. have, are

13. Children _________ hungry. have, are


14. _________ you hungry? have, are

15. _________ the man hungry? is, are

16. Where _________ the man? are, is

17. Where _________ the men? are, is

18. Where _________ you? are, is

19. Where _________ your manager? are, is

20. Where _________ the workers? are, is

21. The accountant ________ in the office. is not, has not

22. The secretary ________ a cold. ( = She is sick) is, has

23. The men a football match on Saturday afternoon. have, has

24. The woman has a cup of tea. have, has

25. They a holiday in August. have, are

2. Traduceţi (Translate):

1. Mama şi tata sunt medici. Părinţii mei sunt medici buni. Ei au doi copii - un fiu şi o fiică.

2. Soţul şi soţia sunt parteneri. Ei au o afacere.

3. Ei sunt fraţii şi surorile voastre?

4. Bunicii noștri sunt foarte bătrâni. Bunicul are 83 de ani şi bunica are 81 de ani.

5. Bunicul este în dormitor cu nepotul, bunica este în grădină cu nepoata.

6. Nepoţii sunt foarte tineri. Nepoțelul are cinci ani, nepoţica are trei ani.

7. Tom şi Mary sunt unchiul şi mătuşa mea. Eu sunt nepotul lor şi sora mea este nepoata lor.

8. Ei au trei copii. Copiii lor sunt verişorii noştri.

9. Eu şi colega mea de bancă suntem în clasă. Noi suntem colege de şcoală.

10. Se află mulţi oameni în restaurant - zeci de domni şi doamne.

3. Conversaţi pe marginea următoarelor subiecte (Make conversation about the following topics):

Having breakfast in the morning. Where do you have breakfast? What time do you have breakfast?

Having lunch at noon. Where do you have lunch, at home or in town? What time do you have lunch?

Having dinner in the evening. Where do you have dinner? What time do you have dinner?

Can you name some food in English?



În limba engleză există o categorie gramaticală - numită aspect - care arată modul în care acţiunea exprimată de verb se

raportează la momentul vorbirii. Există două aspecte ale verbului în engleză - simpu şi continuu sau progresiv - care se regăsesc

la toate timpurile verbului, prezent, trecut, viitor.

Aspectul comun, arată că acţiunea verbului are un caracter obişnuit, repetat, petrecându-se zilnic, săptămânal, lunar, anual.

Aspectul continuu, arată că acţiunea verbului se petrece în momentul vorbirii în prezent, trecut sau viitor.

Timpul Prezent Simplu este folosit cu adverbe şi locuţiuni adverbiale care arată caracterul repetat al acţiunii: usually

[iujuəli] - de obicei, generally - în general, often [ofn] - adesea, always - totdeauna, ever - vreodată, never - niciodată, every

day - în fiecare zi, every week - în fiecare săptămână, every month - în fiecare lună, every year - în fiecare an, as a rule - de

regulă, etc.

Conjugarea verbului TO DO la timpul present simplu


I do - eu fac I do not do - nu fac Do I do? - fac eu?

You do- tu faci You do not do - nu faci Do you do?

He does [dɅz] - el face He does not do - nu face Does he do?

She does - ea face She does not do - nu face Does she do?

It does - el, ea face It does not do - nu face Does it do /

We do - noi facem We do not do - nu facem Do we do?

You do - voi faceţi You do not do - nu faceţi Do you do?

They do - ei, ele fac They do not do - nu fac Do they do?

Verbul to do este şi verb auxiliar şi se foloseşte pentru formarea formei de interogativ şi negativ a verbelor la timpul

present simplu.


I work - eu muncesc I do not work - eu nu muncesc Do I work? - muncesc eu?

You work - tu munceşti You do not work - tu nu munceşti Do you work? - munceşti tu?

He works - el munceşte He does not work - el nu munceşte Does he work? - munceşte el?

She works - ea munceşte She does not work - ea nu munceşte Does she work? - munceşte ea?

It works - funcţionează It does not work - nu funcţionează Does it work? - funcţionează?

We work - noi muncim We do not work - noi nu muncim Do we work? - muncim noi?

You work - voi munciţi You do not work - voi nu munciţi Do you work? - munciţi voi?

They work - ei, ele muncesc They do not work - ei, ele nu muncesc Do they work? - muncesc ei, ele?

La timpul prezent verbul primeşte terminaţiile -s, -es la persoana a III - a singular.

Terminaţia - es se adaugă verbelor terminate în ch, sh, ss, x, o.

Negativul şi interogativul verbului la timpul prezent se formează cu auxiliarul DO după schemele:

negativ: - subiect + DO/DOES NOT + verb de conjugat

interogativ: - DO/DOES + subiect + verb de conjugat


TO DO (acest verb este şi verb auxiliar şi verb de sine stătător cu sensul a face).

Don’t - este forma contrasă a lui do not: I do not work = I don’t work.

Doesn’t - este forma contrasă a lui does not: He does not work = He doesn’t work.

Observaţi că la persoana a III-a singular interogativ şi negativ terminaţia -es se adaugă auxiliarului şi nu verbului de


Expesiile to have breakfast, to have lunch, to have dinner, to have a good time, to have a

shower, to have a bath etc. unde verbul have nu are sensul a poseda, a avea formează

interogativul şi negativul cu auxiliarul to do.


1. Conjugaţi (Conjugate):

Do I have breakfast in the morning?

Do you have breakfast in the morning?...

Do I have lunch at noon?

Do you have lunch at noon?...

Do I have dinner in the evening?

Do you have dinner in the evening?...

I do not have breakfast in the morning

You do not have breakfast in the


I do not have lunch at noon

You do not have lunch at


I do not have dinner in the evening

You do not have dinner in the


2. Traduceţi (Translate):

- Mănânci micul dejun dimineaţa?

- Unde mănânci micul dejun dimineaţa?

- La ce oră mănânci micul dejun dimineaţa?

- Mănânci micul dejun în oraş?

- Nu mănânc micul dejun în oraş, mănânc micul dejun acasă cu soţia mea.

- Ce mănânci la micul dejun, dimineaţa?

- Mănânci prânzul la amiază/la ora 12?

- Unde mănânci prânzul?

- La ce oră mănânci prânzul?

- Mănânci prânzul acasă?

- Nu mănânc prânzul acasă, mănânc prânzul la spitalul unde lucrez.

- Mâncaţi prânzul în oraş cu partenerii de afaceri?

- Da, iau prânzul la un restaurant.

- Ce mâncaţi la prânz?

- Mănânci/Iei cina seara?

- Unde iei cina?

- La ce oră iei cina?

- Iei cina acasă sau în oraş?

- Nu iau cina acasă, iau cina în oraş.


- Luaţi cina în oraş cu colegii de muncă?

- Da, iau cina la un restaurant cu colaboratorii mei.

- Ce mâncaţi la cină?

- La sfârşit de săptămână (On weekend) iau cina cu familia mea.

- Sâmbăta şi duminica nu luăm cina cu partenerii de afaceri. Luăm cina cu copiii noştri sau cu prietenii.

1. Citiţi cu voce tare conjugările următoarelor verbe (Read the conjugations of the following verbs):



- a semna



- a citi



- a merge



- a şti

I sign I read I go I know

You sign You read You go You know

He signs He reads He goes He knows

She signs She reads She goes She knows

We sign We read We go We know

You sign You read You go You know

They sign They read They go They know

2. Exersaţi conjugarea verbelor, conjugându-le (cu voce tare) la interogativ şi negativ pe cele din tabelul de mai sus

(Practice by conjugating the above verbs in the interrogative and negative).

3.Completaţi cu forma corectă a verbelor din paranteză şi traduceţi propoziţiile: (Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in

brackets and translate the sentences):

1. Every day, I (drive) to work.

2. Usually, I (work) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; it (be) 12 hours a day.

3. It (be) much work because I (run) the company.

4. I (be) the manager of the company.

5. Sometimes, my driver (drive) me to my office.

6. Every month I (meet) my partner.

7. We (give) him reports about our work.

8. I always (read) the report before I (sign) it.

9. I always (speak) with the lawyer before I (sign) a contract.

10. As a rule we (meet) our partners two or three times before we (sign) a contract.

11. As a rule the lawyer (tell) me if there (be) something wrong with the contract.

12. We (discuss - a discuta) all the paragraphs of the contract.

13. Our partner (deliver) all equipments before the work (start).

14. the accountant (sign) the checks in time?

15. the workers (come) to work in time?

16. If we (not hurry), we (be late) .


4. Completaţi propoziţiile cu verbele din paranteză la negativ (Fill in the sentences with the negative form of the verbs in


1. He his job. (like)

2. They in a small flat. (live)

3. My boss English on Sundays. (study)

4. We breakfast at 8.00 a.m. (eat)

5. They from morning till night. (work)

6. I the computer in the bedroom. (use)

7. They're not very good students, they their homework. (do)

8. He to work, he always drives. (walk)

9. Mr. Salm English. (speak)

10. His partners Romanian. (speak)

5. Treceţi următoarele propoziţii la interogativ şi negativ (Make the following sentences interrogative and negative):

1. You drive to work.

2. They work on Saturdays and Sundays.

3. The secretary signs papers.

4. The manager opens letters.

5. The manager answers the telephone.

6. The secretary makes appointments with customers.

7. They deliver equipments for the company.

8. We supply equipments in parts and pieces.

9. I am late for the appointment with my partner.

10. The manager tells the secretary to call him.

11. Our accountant reads all the papers.

12. Our accountant pays all checks.

13. Their accountants sign checks every day.

14. The lawyer discusses the stipulations of the contract with the manager.

15. The partners discuss the terms of the contract.

16. We know everything about the contractor.

17. The workers do their job well.

18. People have breakfast at home in the morning.

19. We have lunch in town with a customer.

20. They have dinner in a restaurant with their partners.

21. He tells me if there is something wrong with the contract.

22. Workers hurry to finish their work in time.

23. People hurry to work in the morning.

24. There is a meeting this afternoon.

25. There are papers to sing for this meeting.

26. My wife runs our business.

27. The driver drives our car.




new cars - maşini noi

old houses - case vechi

old people - oameni în vârstă

good food - mâncare bună


1. Introduceţi adjectivele din paranteze (Insert the adjectives in parantheses):

1. I run a clinic. (large)

2. Our children live in a house. (nice)

3. We have a grandson (small).

4. Our friends have a dog. (big)

5. That driver drives a car. (fast)

6. I drink coffee. (hot)

7. I don’t like drinks. (cold)

8. The engineer reads an contract. (English)

9. The manager speaks with a contractor. (German)

10. That contractor has a partner. (Romanian)

11. We have workers in the company. (good)

12. English people have breakfasts. (large)

13. We are all people. (responsible)

14. These workers are . (busy)

15. The pencil is not good. (black)

16. The car is new. (white)

17. The window is (shut), the door is (open).

18. There are (long) pipes on the site.

19. That building is my company. (tall).

20. There is a voltage area here. (high)

21. Is this exercise ? (correct)

22. It is . (incorrect)

23. Is breakfast (free) in his restaurant?





2. Introduceţi MANY sau MUCH (Insert MANY or MUCH): 1. Do you drink coffee?

2. I don't drink coffee.

3. How cups of coffee do you drink a day?


4. Have you got money.

5. I have not money.

6. Has he got friends?

7. He hasn’t friends.

8. You have not time to do this test.

9. My husband reads books, but he doesn't read newspapers.

10. Are there people in the room?

11. Is there milk in the fridge?

12. Does your secretary answer mails?

13. Do you eat bread?

14. How times do you meet your partner?

15. How work do you have to do?

16. How hours a day do you work?

17. How is a room in this hotel?

18. How is breakfast in this restaurant?

19. How workers and engineers work on this site?

20. How hours a week do they work?

21. How children have you got?

22. How paper does the secretary use?

23. How days are there in a week?

24. How weeks are there in a year?

25. How months are there in a year?

26. How contracts have you got?

27. How English words do you know?

HOW MUCH IS? - CÂT COSTĂ? (singular)


3. Traduceţi (Translate)

1. Cât costă această lucrare?

2. Cât costă aceste lucrări?

3. Cât costă acest telefon?

4. Cât costă aceste telefoane?

5. Cât costă acest computer?

6. Cât costă aceste unelte?

7. Cât costă acest echipament?

8. Cât costă micul dejun în acest restaurant?

9. Cât costă prânzul în acest restaurant?

10. Cât costă cina aici?

11. Cât costă o cameră în acest hotel?

12. Cât costă această maşină?

13. Cât costă această casă?

14. Cât costă serviciile dumneavostră?



Hello! My name is Sandra. I am from Craiova. Let me tell you about our daily program.

I and my husband are very busy and we work every weekday from morning till night.

My husband is a businessman and he runs a company. He has got great responsibilities.

I am a doctor, a gynaecologist, I have my own business, too and I work hard. I work in a public hospital but I also run my

own clinic

We live in a house in Craiova. Craiova is a city in Romania, you know. We live alone, because our children are married

and they have their own homes.

We have to be at work at eight o’clock so, we always get up at half past six in the morning. My husband does his morning

exercises, goes to the bathroom, has/takes a shower, shaves himself and dresses.

I open the windows, make the beds, and cook breakfast. We generally eat bread and butter, ham, cheese, bacon and

eggs, and drink coffee for breakfast.

We leave home at a quarter to eight. We work hard on weeekdays: we meet people, new clients or patients, we call our

business partners, we read and sign papers, we go from one place to another, we write reports and I prescribe medicines. We

come back late, in the evening, have dinner, watch TV or read something and go to bed at about half past ten. Tomorrow is

another day!

From time to time we meet our friends, talk, go to a restaurant to have dinner and dance. Children come to us on

weekends, we have lunch or dinner, talk and stay in the garden. We have a little garden full with flowers. My husband works in

the garden when he has time. We love our life and we are happy.


- What do you usually do every morning?

- I get up at quarter to seven and do my morning exercises, I go to the bathroom and take a shower. After that I dress, have

breakfast and leave for work.

- How do you get to work?

- If I’m not in a hurry, I like to walk because my office is not far from my house and I get there in fifteen minutes. If I am late I

drive in my car because I like to be early at work.

- What time do you start work?

- I start work at nine o’clock and I can say I work very hard.

- How many hours a day do you work and what time do you come back home in the afternoon?

- As a rule I work eight hours a day and I come home at about six o’clock. I have dinner and I rest a little. Sometimes I visit

my friends or I invite them to my place.


1. Răspundeţi la următoarele întrebări (Answer the following questions):

1) What is your name?

2) Where are you from?

3) What are you? (refer to: nationality, sex, profession)

4) Where do you work?

5) Do you work every day?

6) Do you go to your office every day?

7) Are you busy at work?


8) Do you work much?

9) How much do you work? (say: from morning till night)

10) Have you got your own company?

11) Who runs it?

12) Have you got great responsibilities?

13) Where do you live? Who lives with you?

14) Have you children?

15) Do your children live with you?

16) What time do you start work every day?

17) When do you get up in the morning?

18) Do you do physical exercises in the morning?

19) Do you have breakfast in the morning?

20) Who cooks breakfast?

21) What do you have for breakfast?

22) Name your daily activities at your job.

23) What do you do in the evening?

24) Do you watch TV every evening?

25) What time do you go to bed in the evening?

26) When do you see your children?

27) Do you and your wife meet your friends?

28) What do you do then?

2. Citiţi următoarele propoziţii (Read the following sentences):

It is morning.

Every morning I wake up at 6.00 am.

I get up at 6.15 am.

I go to the bathroom and have a shower.

Then I dress.

I have breakfast at 7.15 in the morning.

After breakfast I read the morning newspaper.


At 8 o’clock I go to work. I leave home at 8 o’clock.

It is afternoon. I have lunch at noon.

I work hard all day.

It is evening.

I go home in the evening at 6.30. I come back home at 6.30 p.m.

I have dinner at 7.30 p.m.

It is night.

I go to bed at 10.30 at night.

3. Acum citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la persoana a III-a singular (Now, read the sentences above in the IIIrd person singular).

4. Exersaţi traducând următoarele propoziţii. (Practice by translating the following sentences):

- Cum te cheamă? - Câţi ani ai? - Eşti căsătorit(ă)? - Ai familie? - De unde eşti? - Eşti din capitală? - Ce eşti? - Unde

lucrezi? - Lucrezi într-o fabrică?

- Nu muncesc într-o fabrică, muncesc într-un magazin.

- Ai propria ta afacere?

- Nu, sunt vânzător.

- Şi dumneavoastră, unde locuiţi?

- Locuiesc într-un oraş.

- Cum se cheamă oraşul? / Care este numele oraşului?

- Locuiţi într-o casă sau într-un apartament?

- Locuim într-o casă, o vilă (villa) lângă centrul oraşului.

- Locuiţi cu părinții?

- Locuim cu socrii mei, părinţii soţiei mele.

- Aveţi copii?

- Da, un fiu şi o fiică.

- Sunt mari/oameni maturi?

- Da, fata are 23 şi băiatul are 21 de ani.

- Care este programul (dumneavoastră) zilnic? Sunteţi foarte ocupat în fiecare zi? Aveţi un program încărcat în fiecare zi?

- Da, suntem ocupaţi, muncim foarte mult.

- La ce oră vă sculaţi dimineaţa?

- Soţia mea se scoală devreme, la ora şase jumătate, eu mă dau jos din pat la ora şapte fără zece.

- Ce faceţi apoi?


- Îmi fac exerciţiile de dimineaţă, apoi merg la baie.

- Faceţi duş în fiecare dimineaţă?

- Da, îmi fac duş, mă spăl pe dinţi, mă bărbieresc, mă pieptăn apoi mă îmbrac.

- Unde vă îmbrăcaţi?

- Mă îmbrac în dormitor.

- Ce face soţia dumneavoastră în tot acest timp?

- Ea deschide geamurile să aerisească camerele, face patul şi pregăteşte micul dejun.

- Unde mâncaţi micul dejun?

- Mâncăm micul dejun în bucătărie, prânzul şi cina în sufragerie.

- La ce oră mâncaţi micul dejun?

- Totdeauna la ora opt fix.

- Ce mâncaţi la micul dejun?

- De regulă pâine prăjită cu unt şi dulceaţă, sau ouă fierte, brânză sau caşcaval, şuncă, costiţă câteodată.

- Şi ce beţi?

- Bem cafea, sau ceai, sau sucuri de fructe. Depinde.

- La ce oră sunteţi gata de plecare? La ce oră plecaţi la lucru?

- Plecăm la nouă fără douăzeci, nu locuim departe de birou. Eu şi soţia mea lucrăm în aceiaşi companie.

- Cum mergeţi la serviciu, cu maşina sau pe jos?

- Când vremea este urâtă, dacă plouă, ninge, este frig sau bate vântul foarte tare, mergem cu maşina.

- Cine conduce?

- Noi amândoi avem carnete de conducere, dar de obicei conduc eu.

- Şi când vremea este frumoasă, înţeleg că mergeţi pe jos.

- Aveţi dreptate, mergem pe jos mai ales primăvara şi vara, şi atunci plecăm pe la opt şi douăzeci şi cinci. Nu ne place să

ne grăbim sau să întârziem.

- Cât timp petreceţi la serviciu?

- De la nouă dimineaţa până la cinci după amiaza dar câteodată stăm până terminăm toate lucrările. Scriu rapoarte, citesc

şi semnez hârtii, discutăm problemele companiei. Este mult de lucru. Luăm prânzul în restaurantul companiei. Câteodată ne

întâlnim cu diferiți parteneri şi luăm prânzul în oraş.

- La ce oră vă întoarceţi acasă?

- De regulă, pe la ora şase fără un sfert suntem acasă.

- Unde luaţi cina?

- Ne place să cinăm acasă în zilele lucrătoare. Apoi citim ceva, privim la Tv., sau pur şi simplu stăm de vorbă.

- Ce vă place să citiţi?

- Prefer romanele, când nu citesc presa.

- Cum vă petreceţi sfârşitul de săptămână?

- Copiii vin să luăm masa, sau mergem la prieteni sau la plimbare. Ne place să avem grijă de grădina de lângă casa şi

facem asta adesea la sfârşit de săptămână.

5. Vorbiţi despre activităţile dumneavoastră diurne. (Speak about your daily activities).


another [ənaðə] - altul, alta

bacon [beikn] - costiţă

be married - a fi căsătoriţi

bread [bred] - pâine

butter [batər] - unt

call - apel; a suna, a chema

cheese [t∫i:z] - brânză

come - a veni

come back - a se înapoia

contract [kontrekt] - contract; a contracta

daily [deili] - zilnic

dress - îmbrăcăminte; rochie, a se îmbrăca

drink - băutură; a bea

egg - ou

from morning till night - de dimineaţa până seara

from one place to another - dintr-un loc în altul


from time to time - din când în când

get up - a se scula

go to bed - a merge la culcare

ham [hem] - şuncă

have / take a shower [∫auə] - a face un duş

husband [hazbənd] - soţ

invite [invait] - a invita

it's boring - este plictisitor

leave for... - a pleca la...

leave home - a pleca de acasă

own [oun] - propriu, personal

restaurant [restəroη] - restaurant

report [ripo:t] - raport

shave - a se bărbieri

start - a începe

talk - discuţie, a discuta

then [ðen] - apoi

tomorrow [tumorow] - mâine

visit [vizit] - vizită; a vizita

wake up [weik ap] - a se trezi

watch [wot∫] - a privi; a supraveghea

weekday - zi lucrătoare

write [rait] - a scrie




- Excuse me, sir, is there any hospital near here?

- Yes, there is.

- Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?

- Certainly. Go straight on, turn left at the traffic light, go along for about a hundred meters and there’s the hospital.

- Thank you very much, sir.

- Not at all.

Mrs. Barton: Excuse me. I’m looking for Mrs. Green’s room.

Secretary: It’s down this hall - the first door on the right.

Mrs. Barton: Thank you.

Citiţi următoarele întrebări şi răspunsuri şi încercaţi să le reţineţi (Read the following questions and answers and try to remember them):


- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to

the hospital?

- Go straight on.

- Go straight ahead.

- I beg your pardon, how do I get to the

Municipal Hospital?

- Go down this road and take the third to the right/left.

- You can take the bus and get off at the second/at the third


- Pardon me! How do I get to the nearest


- How can I get to the nearest Hospital?

- Can I get there by bus?

- You go straight on and take the second turning on the


- Keep straight on past park and turn to the left/ right.

- Go back for about 200 metres and there it is.

- Am I on the right way to Hospital? - Yes, you are./No, you are not.

- Where is the Ministry of Health? - It’s right down the street.

- It’s on the right/left hand.

- How can I reach to the nearest Police


- Follow this street to the end.

- Is this the way to the Municipl Hospital? - You are going on the right/ wrong way.

- You are going in the opposite direction. Go back and take

a taxi/the bus/the tube for two stations.

Prepositions of Location

Please stand behind the yellow line.

The shop is below our flat.

The shop is between the bank and the cinema.

The bus stop is nearby.


She is standing next to her husband.

Prepositions of Movement

Go across the bridge.

She walks along the river.

Walk around the building.

They're running down the hill.

He's going into the building.

He's coming out of the building.

Drive past the university.

I'm going to work.

Prepositions of location

Preposition Examples

across - peste drum

de, vizavi de

The hospital is across the street.

after - după They run after the thief.

among - printre I am happy to be among your friends.

at - la The nurse is sitting at her desk.

behind - în spatele The car is behind the building.

below - dedesuptul,


The emergency room is below our ward.

Her temperature is below 37.

between - între


The nurse is sitting between the two doctors.

in - în He is in the ward.

in front of - în faţa

The teacher is standing in front of the class.

The car is parked in front of the garage.

by - lângă The bank is by the hotel.

on - on The patient is sitting on the bed.

above - deasupra There is a lamp above the surgical table.

under - sub

The syringe is under the table.






I have to leave - trebuie

să plec

I do not have to leave

- nu trebuie să plec

Do I have to leave?

- trebuie să plec?

You have to leave

- trebuie să pleci

You do not have to leave -

nu trebuie să pleci

Do you have to leave? -

trebuie să pleci?

He/She has to leave

- trebuie să plece

He/ She does not have to

leave - nu trebuie să plece

Does he/she have to

leave? - trebuie să


We have to leave -

trebuie să plecăm

We do not have to leave -

nu trebuie să plecăm

Do we have to leave? -

trebuie să plecăm?

You have to leave -

trebuie să plecaţi

You do not have to leave -

nu trebuie să plecaţi

Do you have to leave? -

trebuie să plecaţi?

They have to leave -

trebuie să plece

They do not have to leave -

nu trebuie să plece

Do they have to leave -

trebuie să plece?


1. Conjugaţi după exemplul de mai sus (Conjugate as in the example above):

I have to sign papers every day. I have to meet clients every week

I have to be at work early. I have to read the contract.

1. Citiţi cu voce tare urmăroarele texte (Read the following texts):


- What do you have to do?

- I have to have breakfast in town. (I have to have lunch in town. I have to have dinner in town.)

I have to be early at office. I do not have to be late. I have to meet a partner. I have to speak with him. I have to tell him

something important. I also have to give him some papers/documents. I have to deliver him some equipament. I have to go to a

restaurant. I have to drive to the restaurant in my car. I have to sign a contract with him. We have to read the contract. I have to

work hard every day.

- Does the secretary have to work on Sundays? Do the workers have to work on weekends?

- Yes, the secretary has to type all the papers/documents.

b) My wife has to do the housework. She has to get up early. She has to open the windows. She has to prepare breakfast in the

morning. She also has to cook dinner in the evening. My wife has to clean the house. My wife has to be at the office in time. She

has to work all day long. She has to talk to people and clients. She has to write raports. She has to help our children.

c) - I have no money. I have to go to the bank. Where is the bank?


- I don’t know.

- Do you know?

- Yes, I do. There is a bank over there.

- Thanks very much!

2. Exersaţi citind textul de mai sus la persoana a IIIa singular respectiv plural (înlocuiţi pronumele I, We cu He, They) (Practice

reading the above text in the third persons singular and plural - replace I,We with He, They).


Când zilele săptămânii au în propoziţie funcţia de adverbe de timp, acestea sunt

precedate de prepoziţia ON.


Sunday is a holiday - Duminică este o zi de sărbătoare.

On Sunday people do not work - Duminica oamenii nu muncesc.

Monday is the first working day - Lunea este prima zi lucrătoare.

On Monday people go to work - Lunea oamenii merg la muncă.

3. Citiţi anunţul/reclama de mai jos, apoi alegeţi cuvintele corecte (Read the advertisement, then choose the correct words


1. The secretary know how to type.

a) have to

b) has to

c) don't have to

d) doesn't have to

2. A secretary be a woman. The secretary can be a man.

a) have to

b) has to

c) don't have to

d) doesn't have to

3. the secretary work on Saturdays and Sundays?

a) Do / have to

b) Does / have to

c) Do / has to

d) Does / has to

4. No, he/she go to work on Saturdays.

a) have to

b) has to

c) don't have to

d) doesn't have to

5. The secretary also answer the company's phones....

a) have to

HELP WANTED: Secretary.

- No experience necessary.

- Must type 50 words per minute.

- Work Monday-Friday, weekends off.

- Answer phones, use computer, file reports.


b) has to

c) don't have to

d) doesn't have to

6. ...and he/she file reports every week.

a) have to

b) has to

c) don't have to

d) doesn't have to

7. the secretary use a computer?

a) Do / have to

b) Does / have to

c) Do / has to

d) Does / has to

8. Yes, He or she use a computer.

a) have to

b) has to

c) don't have to

d) doesn't have to.

4. What does a secretary do? Complete with the verbs: type, open, make, sit, send, telephone, answer, file:

A secretary letters, the mail, appointments with customers or partners, at a desk,

faxes, customers and the company’s phones, reports.

5. What does a manager do? Complete with the verbs: meet, call, talk, read, sign, contract:

He new clients, he his business partners, he with his old clients, he and

papers, he new works.

6. What does a student do? Complete with the verbs: read, listen, go, write, learn, do:

A student books, to cassettes, to classes, essays, English and exercises.


can [ken] - a putea

choose [t∫u:z] - a alege

correct - corect

do [du] - a face

drive [draiv] - a şofa, a conduce maşina

go - a merge

holiday - sărbătoare; vacanţă; a petrece vacanţa

I have to tell him - eu trebuie să îi spun lui

I tell him - eu îi spun lui

important [importənt] - important

know [nəu] - a şti

must [mast] - a trebui

papers - documente

read - a citi

sign [sain] - semn; a semna

some [sam] - nişte

something [samθing] - ceva

work hard - a munci serios/greu/mult



Modul imperativ exprimă un ordin la afirmativ sau negativ şi are o singură formă, persoana a II-a singular şi plural,

identică cu infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat:

Be careful! - Ai/Aveţi grijă!/ Fii atent!/Fiţi atenţi!

Come! - Vino! Veniţi!

Come here! - Vino aici! Veniţi aici!

Come in time! - Vino la timp! Veniţi la timp!

Go! - Pleacă! Du-te! Plecaţi! Duceţi-vă!

Go there! - Du-te acolo! Duceţi-vă acolo!

Go now! - Du-te acum! Duceţi-vă acum!

Wait! - Aşteaptă! Aşteaptaţi!

Wait for me! - Aşteaptă- mă! Aşteaptaţi- mă!

Stop! - Opreşte-te! Opriţi-vă!

Start! - Incepe! Incepeţi!

Start now! - Incepe acum! Incepeţi acum!

Do that! - Fă asta! Făceţi asta!

Forma negativă Do + not + verb (la infinitiv)

Do not / Don’t be late! - Nu întârzia!/ Nu întârziaţi!

Do not / Don’t come late! - Nu veni târziu! Nu veniţi târziu!

Do not / Don’t come here! - Nu veni aici! Nu veniţi aici!

Do not / Don’t come now! - Nu veni acum! Nu veniţi acum!

Don’t go! - Nu te duce!/ Nu vă duceţi!

Don’t go there! - Nu te duce acolo! / Nu vă duceţi acolo!

Don’t go there alone! - Nu te duce acolo singur(ă)!/ Nu vă duceţi acolo singur(ă)!

Don’t wait! - Nu aştepta! Nu aşteptaţi!

Don’t wait for me! - Nu mă aştepta! Nu mă aşteptaţi!

Don’t wait for the manager! - Nu-l aştepta pe director! Nu- l aşteptaţi pe director!

Don’t stop! - Nu te opri! Nu vă opriţi!

Don’t start! - Nu începe! Nu începeţi!

Don’t do that! - Nu fă asta! Nu faceţi asta!



- Hi, who are you?

- Hi, I am John.

- Where do you live?

- I live in Romania.

- Where is Romania?

- Romania is a country in Europe.

- How old are you?

- I am 50 years old.

- What do you do? What’s your job?

- I am an engineer. I am a businessman. I have a company and I run it with success.

- Where is your company?

- It’s in Craiova.

- What is Craiova?

- Craiova is a city in south-west Romania.

- What time do you usually start work?

- I usually start work at 9.00 o’clock in the morning.

- Where is your office?

- My office is situated in a high building. I work in a company that contracts and performs erection works. We also execute

other works and provide services. We perform/execute our work in accordance with high standards and the stipulations and

conditions of our contracts. Our partners are very demanding. We have many sites all over the country.

- How many hours a day do you work?

- We work 8 hours a day on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. The working hours are from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

in working days. On Saturday and Sunday, as it is week-end, we do not work. We all work full-time. Some people in the company

work part-time.

We have a lot of equipment on our sites: cranes, tools, ladders, materials, consumables, products, test instruments. Our

personnel install, control, inspect and repair.

Some equipment is provided by the contractor. The contractors have to/must povide the tools, too. We have to/must provide

offices for the staff and employees and (work)shops for the workers. I employ people who want to work hard. I have many

employees and they are all good and responsible people.

On the site there are dangerous areas, high voltage areas, wet areas, storage areas. No access to high voltage areas is


We are all responsible for the security on the site and the works we execute.

I do everything to solve all the problems we have in the company. I do field work, too. Our engineers do field tests.

I have a secretary. Her work is very important. She sits at a desk where she types letters, opens the mail, makes

appointments with our clients/customers, sends faxes and telephones clients/customers. She gives me all the information I

need and papers to sign. She likes her job very much and she does it very well.


area [eria] - arie

all over the country - în toată ţara, peste tot în ţară

all over the place - peste tot

build [bild] - a construi

building [bilding] - clădire, construcţie

contractor - antreprenor, contractant furnizor

control - control, a controla

crane [krein] - macara

demanding [dimending] - pretenţios

do field work - a face muncă de teren

field [fild] - regiune; teren; câmp; schelă; şantier


field test - test la locul de montare/în condiţii de exploatare


employ [imploi] - a angaja

employee [imploii] - angajat

employer [imploiər] - angajator

equipment [ikuipmənt] - echipament, utileje

erect [irekt] - a înălţa, a ridica

erection [irek∫n] - înălţare, ridicare

execute [eksikiut] - executa

hand - mână; a înmâna, a înainta

high [hai] - înalt, ridicat

high standards [hai stendərdz] - standarde ridicate

high voltage [hai voltidЗ] - înaltă tensiune

in accordance with [in əkordəns wið] - în conformitate cu

in due time [in diu taim] - la timpul cuvenit, la timp

inspect - a controla, a inspecta

inspection - control, inspecţie

install [insto:l] - a instala

ladder [ledə] - scară

passageway [pesidЗwei] - canal, pasaj

provide [prəvaid] - a asigura, a aproviziona, a furniza; to

provide services - a asigura/oferi servicii; to provide

information - a oferi informaţii; to provide offices - a asigura

birouri; to provide equipment - a furniza echipament

perform [pərform] a îndeplini, a executa

repair [ripeə] - a repara

to be responsible for - a răspunde pentru, a fi responsabil cu

send - a trimite

stipulation [stipiulei∫n] - prevedere, stipulare; stipulations of

the contract - prevederile contractului

solve [solv] - a rezolva

storage [storidЗ] - depozitare

telephone - telefon; a telefona

wet - ud, umed

want [wənt] - a vrea

work - lucrare; a lucra, a munci

working hours - ore de lucru

(work)shop - atelier



1. Completaţi cu verbul work: (Complete using the verb work):

1. They in a company.

2. You in the morning.

3. She in this building.

4. We in Japan.

5. He hard.

6. I with my husband in a company.

7. She from morning till night.

2. What does our company do? Complete with the verbs: contract, perform, execute, provide

Our company and erection works. We also other works and

services for our clients or customers.

3. Folosiţi verbele următoare la imperativ afirmativ şi negativ (Use the following verbs in the affimative and negative imperative):

build, control, employ, erect, inspect, install, repair, work

4. Schimbaţi următoarele propoziţii folosind there is a…sau there are some…potrivit modelului (Change the following sentences

using there is a…or there are some…according to the model):

Model: An engineer on the site.

There is an engineer on the site.

Engineers on the site.

There are some engineers on the site.

1. Men and women in the workshop.

2. An accountant in this office.

3. Children in the park.

4. A computer on the desk.

5. Cranes on the site.

6. Equipment on the ground.

7. Many tools in the toolbox.

8. A doctor near the pacient.

9. Many factories in this town.

10. A contract on the manager’s desk.



Când conjugaţi verbele can, may, must:


1. Nu adaugaţi terminatia -s la persoana a III-a singular.

2. Adaugaţi negaţia not la afirmativ pentru a forma negativul.

3. Inversaţi subiectul cu predicatul pentru a forma interogativul.



I can - pot I cannot - nu pot Can I? - pot?

You can - poţi You cannot - nu poţi Can you? - poţi?

He can - (el) poate He cannot - (el) nu poate Can he? - poate?

She can - (ea) poate She cannot - (ea) nu poate Can she? - poate?

It can - (el, ea) poate It cannot - (el, ea) nu poate Can it? - poate (l, ea)?

We can - putem We cannot - nu putem Can we? - putem?

You can - puteţi You cannot - nu puteţi Can you?- puteţi?

They can - (ei, ele) pot They cannot - (ei, ele) nu pot Can they? - pot (ei/ele)?



I may - am voie I may not - nu am voie May I? - am voie?

You may - ai voie You may not - nu ai voie May you? - ai voie?

He may - (el) are voie He may not - (el) nu are voie May he? - are voie?

She may - (ea) are voie She may not - (ea) nu are voie May she? - are voie?

It may - (el, ea) are voie It may not - (el, ea) nu are voie May it? - are voie?

We may - avem voie We may not - nu avem voie May we? - avem voie?

You may - aveţi voie You may not - nu aveţi voie May you?- aveţi voie?

They may - au voie They may not - nu au voie May they? - au voie?



I must - trebui I must not - nu trebui Must I?

You must - trebui You must not - nu trebui Must you?

He must - trebuie He must not - nu trebuie Must he/?

She must - trebuie She must not - nu trebuie Must she?

It must - trebui It must not - nu trebui Must it?

We must - trebuim We must not - nu trebuim Must we?

You must - trebuiţi You must not - nu trebuiţi Must you?

They must - trebuie They must not - nu trebuie Must they?


1. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai jos de mai multe ori (Read the sentences below several times):

I can speak English - eu pot vorbi englezeşte.

You can speak English - tu poţi vorbi englezeşte.

He can speak English - el poate vorbi englezeşte.

She can speak English - ea poate vorbi englezeşte.

We can speak English - noi putem vorbi englezeşte.

You can speak English - voi puteţi vorbi englezeşte.

They can speak English - ei/ele pot vorbi englezeşte.

I can employ workers - eu pot angaja muncitori.

You can employ workers - tu poţi angaja muncitori.

He can employ workers - el poate angaja muncitori.

She can employ workers - ea poate angaja muncitori.

We can employ workers - noi putem angaja muncitori.

You can employ workers - voi puteţi angaja muncitori.

They can employ workers - ei/ele pot angaja muncitori.

I can provide services - eu pot oferi servicii.

You can provide services - tu poţi oferi servicii.

He can provide services - el poate oferi servicii.

She can provide services - ea poate oferi servicii.

We can provide services - noi putem oferi servicii.

You can provide services - voi puteţi oferi servicii.

They can provide services - ei/ele pot oferi servicii.

I must work hard - trebuie să muncesc serios/mult.

You must work hard - trebuie să munceşti serios/mult.

He must work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

She must work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

We must work hard - trebuie să muncim serios/mult.

You must work hard - trebuie să munciţi serios/mult.

They must work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

I must leave now - trebuie să plec acum.

You must leave now - trebuie să pleci acum.

He must leave now - trebuie să plece acum.

She must leave now - trebuie să plece acum.

We must leave now - trebuie să plecăm acum.

You must leave now - trebuie să plecaţi acum.

They must leave now - trebuie să plece acum.

I must sign a contract - trebuie să semnez un contract.

You must sign a contract - trebuie să semnezi un contract.

He must sign a contract - trebuie să semneze un contract.


She must sign a contract - trebuie să semneze un contract.

We must sign a contract - trebuie să semnăm un contract.

You must sign a contract - trebuie să semnaţi un contract.

They must sign a contract - trebuie să semneze un contract.

I may come late - am voie să vin târziu.

You may come late - ai voie să vii târziu.

He may come late - are voie să vină târziu.

She may come late - are voie să vină târziu.

We may come late - avem voie să venim târziu.

You may come late - aveţi voie să veniţi târziu.

They may come late - au voie să vină târziu.

I may leave now - am voie să plec acum.

You may leave now - ai voie să pleci acum.

He may leave now - are voie să plece acum.

She may leave now - are voie să plece acum.

We may leave now - avem voie să plecăm acum.

You may leave now - aveţi voie să plecaţi acum.

They may leave now - au voie să plece acum

I may go there - am voie să merg acolo.

You may go there - ai voie să mergi acolo.

He may go there - are voie să meargă acolo.

She may go there - are voie să meargă acolo.

We may go there - avem voie să mergem acolo.

You may go there - aveţi voie să mergeţi acolo.

They may go there - au voie să meargă acolo.

2. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai sus la negativ şi interogativ (Read the sentences above in the negative and interrogative).




















I am able to... - pot să...

You are able to - poţi să...

He/She is able to - poate să...

We are able to - putem să...

You are able to - puteţi să...

They are able to - pot să...

I am not able to - nu pot să...

You are not able to - nu poţi să...

He/She is not able to - nu poate să...

We are not able to - nu putem să...

You are not able to - nu puteţi să...

They are not able to - nu pot să...

Am I able to...? - pot să…?

Are you able to? - poţi să…?

Is he/she able to? - poate să…?

Are we able to? - putem să…?

Are you able to? - puteţi să…?

Are they able to? - pot să…?



I have to... - eu trebuie să…

You have to - tu trebuie să…

He/ She has to - el trebuie să…

We have to - noi trebuie să…

You have to - voi trebuie să…

They have to - ei/ele trebuie să…

I don’t have to - eu nu trebuie să…

You don’t have to - tu nu trebuie să…

He/ She doesn’t have to - el/ea nu trebuie să…

We don’t have to - noi nu trebuie să…

You don’t have to - voi nu trebuie să…

They don’t have to - ei/ele nu trebuie să…

Do I have to? - trebuie eu să…?

Do you have to - trebuie tu să…?

Does he/she have to? - trebuie el/ea să…?

Do we have to? - trebuie noi să…?

Do you have to? - trebuie voi să…?

Do they have to? - trebuie ei/ele să…?



I am allowed to - am voie să...

You are allowed to -ai voie să...

He/She is allowed to - are voie să...

We are allowed to - avem voie să...

You are allowed to - aveţi voie să...

They are allowed to - ei/ele au voie


I am not allowed to - nu am voie să...

You are not allowed to - nu ai voie să...

He/She is not allowed to - nu are voie să...

We are not allowed to - nu avem voie să...

You are not allowed to - nu aveţi voie


They are not allowed to - nu au voie să...

Am I allowed to? - am voie să…?

Are you allowed to? - ai voie să…?

Is he/she allowed to? - are el voie să…?

Are we allowed to? - avem voie să…?

Are you allowed to? - aveţi voie să…?

Are they allowed to? - au ei/ ele voie



1. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai jos de mai multe ori (Read the sentences below several times):

I am able to speak English - eu pot vorbi englezeşte.

You are able to speak English - tu poţi vorbi englezeşte.

He is able to speak English - el poate vorbi englezeşte.

She is able to speak English - ea poate vorbi englezeşte.

We are able to speak English - noi putem vorbi englezeşte.

You are able to speak English - voi puteţi vorbi englezeşte.

They are able to speak English - ei/ele pot vorbi englezeşte.

I am not able to speak English - eu pot vorbi englezeşte.

You are not able to speak English - tu poţi vorbi englezeşte.

He is not able to speak English - el poate vorbi englezeşte.

She is not able to speak English - ea poate vorbi englezeşte.

We are not able to speak English - noi putem vorbi englezeşte.

You are not able to speak English - voi puteţi vorbi englezeşte.

They are not able to speak English - ei/ele pot vorbi englezeşte.

Am I able to speak English? - pot eu vorbi englezeşte?

Are you able to speak English? - poţi tu vorbi englezeşte?

Is he able to speak English? - poate el vorbi englezeşte?

Is she able to speak English? - poate ea vorbi englezeşte?

Are we are able to speak English? - putem noi vorbi englezeşte?

Are you are able to speak English? - puteţi voi vorbi englezeşte?

Are they are able to speak English? - pot ei/ele vorbi englezeşte?

I have to work hard - trebuie să muncesc serios/mult.

You have to work hard - trebuie să munceşti serios/mult.

He has to work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

She has to work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

We have to work hard - trebuie să muncim serios/mult.

You have to work hard - trebuie să munciţi serios/mult.

They have to work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

I don’t have to work hard - trebuie să muncesc serios/mult.

You don’t have to work hard - trebuie să munceşti serios/mult.

He doesn’t have to work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

She doesn’t have to work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

We don’t have to work hard - trebuie să muncim serios/mult.

You don’t have to work hard - trebuie să munciţi serios/mult.

They don’t have to work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

Do I have to work hard? - trebuie să muncesc serios/mult?

Do you have to work hard? - trebuie să munceşti serios/mult?

Does he has to work hard? - trebuie să muncească serios/mult?


Does she has to work hard? - trebuie să muncească serios/mult?

Do we have to work hard? - trebuie să muncim serios/mult?

Do you have to work hard? - trebuie să munciţi serios/mult?

Do they have to work hard? - trebuie să muncească serios/mult?

I am allowed to come late - am voie să vin târziu.

You are allowed to come late - ai voie să vii târziu.

He is allowed to come late - are voie să vină târziu.

She is allowed to come late - are voie să vină târziu.

We are allowed to come late - avem voie să venim târziu.

You are allowed to come late - aveţi voie să veniţi târziu.

They are allowed to come late - au voie să vină târziu.

I am not allowed to come late - am voie să vin târziu.

You are not allowed to come late - ai voie să vii târziu.

He is not allowed to come late - are voie să vină târziu.

She is not allowed to come late - are voie să vină târziu.

We are not allowed to come late - avem voie să venim târziu.

You are not allowed to come late - aveţi voie să veniţi târziu.

They are not allowed to come late - au voie să vină târziu.

Am I allowed to come late? - am voie să vin târziu?

Are you are allowed to come late? - ai voie să vii târziu?

Is he allowed to come late? - are voie să vină târziu?

Is she allowed to come late? - are voie să vină târziu?

Are we allowed to come late? - avem voie să venim târziu?

Are you allowed to come late? - aveţi voie să veniţi târziu?

Are they allowed to come late? - au voie să vină târziu?


1. Completaţi cu verbele can, may, must (Complete with can, may, must):

1) We execute different works and provide services.

2) We perform/execute our work in accordance with the standards and conditions of the contracts.

3) We work 8 hours a day.

4) On Saturday and Sunday we not work.

5) Our personnel install, control, inspect and repair the equipment.

6) Some equipment be provided by the contractor.

7) The contractors povide the tools, too.

8) We provide offices for the staff and employee.

9) My employees be good and responsible people.

10) We all be responsible for the security on the site.

11) I do everything to solve all the problems we have in the company.

12) I do field work, too.


13) My secretary sit at a desk;

14) She type letters, open the mails, make appointments with our clients/customers, send faxes.

15) She give me all the information.

16) She not leave withour my permission.


Who's calling? - Cine este la telefon?

Can I take a message? - Imi lăsaţi un mesaj?

Do you want to leave a message? - Vreţi să lăsaţi un mesaj?

Please hold on. One moment please. - Nu închideţi/Rămâneţi pe fir. Un moment vă rog.

I'd like to speak to... - Aş vrea să vorbesc cu…

Can you tell him/her to call me? - Îi puteţi spune să mă sune?

I'll call him/her back. - Voi reveni.

Can I talk to …….? - Pot vorbi cu….

Is John there? - Este John acolo ?

I'll leave a message. - Voi lăsa un mesaj.

You have a wrong number./Wrong number. - Aţi greşit numărul.

Is this Mr. Smith? - Domnul Smith?

A: Hello. - Bună ziua.

B: Hello, I'd like to speak with Mr. Smith, please. - Bună ziua. Aş vrea să vorbesc cu domnul Smith, vă rog.

A: He's not here right now. Can I take a message? - Nu este aici acum. Să-i transmit ceva?.

B: Sure. Can you tell him to call John Roberts? - Desigur. Ii puteţi spune că a sunat John Roberts?

A: Ok, I'll give him the message. - In regulă, îi voi transmite mesajul.

B: Thanks. Bye! - Multumesc, la revedere

A: Goodbye. - La revedere.

A: Hello. - Bună ziua.

B: Hello, may I speak to Mrs. White? - Bună ziua, pot vorbi cu doamna White?

A: Who's calling, please? - Cine întreabă, vă rog?

B: This is her partner, Janet. - Sunt partenera ei, Janet.

A: Ok, I'll find her... Actually, she's not here. - In regulă, am s-o găsesc. De fapt, ea nu este aici.

B: I'll call back later then. Thank you. Goodbye. - Voi reveni / O voi suna din nou. Mulţunesc. La revedere.

A: Goodbye. - La revedere.

A: Hello. - Bună ziua.

B: Hello. Can I talk to George, please? - Bună ziua. Pot vorbi cu George, vă rog?

A: Sorry, he's busy right now. - Îmi pare rău, este ocupat acum.

B: Ok, I'll call back later. - In regulă, Voi reveni mai târziu.

A: Ok, bye. - In regulă, la reverede.



1. Formulaţi întrebări pentru partenerul dvs. (Make questions for your partner):

1. is / what / name / your ?

Partner's Response:

2. old / you / are / how ?

Partner's Response:

3. do / live / you / where ?

Partner's Response:

4. from / where / are / you ?

Partner's Response:

5. brothers / sisters / got / or / you / have ?

Partner's Response:

6. any / have / got / hobby / you ?

Partner's Response:

7. speak / languages / how / many / you / do / foreign ?

Partner's Response:

8. sports / like / you / do / any ?

Partner's Response:

9. to / do / what / like / you / do ?

Partner's Response:

10. jobs / parents' / your / are / what ?


Partner's Response:

11. who / singer / favorite / your / is ?

Partner's Response:

12. is / favorite / your / film / what ?

Partner's Response:

2. Traduceţi în engleză (Translate into English):

1. Pământul are două emisfere.

2. Pământul se învârteşte în jurul soarelui.

3. Animalele sălbatice trăiesc în pădure sau în junglă.

4. Oamenii muncesc pentru a-şi câştiga existenţa.

5. Pomii, florile şi iarba înverzesc primăvara şi se usucă toamna.

6. Ce piesă se joacă la teatru? O piesă de E. Ionescu.

7. Ce film rulează la cinema? Săptămâna asta rulează un film românesc.

8. Cu ce mânânci supa? Mănânc supa cu lingura. Mânânci supa cu furculiţa? Nu.

9. Cu ce mânânci friptura şi salata? Mănânc friptura şi salata cu furculiţa şi cuţitul.

10. Mânânci friptura şi salata cu lingura? Nu, nu fac asta.

11. Cu ce mânânci desertul? Mănânc desertul cu linguriţa sau cu furculiţa.

12. Cu ce bei ceaiul sau cafeaua? Cu ceaşca sau cu cana.

13. Ce pui în cafea zahăr sau miere?

14. Cât zahăr pui în cafea, o linguriţă sau două?

15. Cu ce tai pâinea? (Eu) Tai pâinea cu cuţitul. Câte felii de pâine să tai? Mănânci mai mult de două felii, ce crezi?

16. Ce mănâncă românii la primul fel (de mâncare)? Supa sau ciorba este primul fel la români.

17. Ce avem la felul doi? Ce să luăm la felul doi? Luăm fructe sau îngheţată ca desert?

18. Ce fel de carne preferi, porc, vită, viţel, pui, curcan sau peşte.

19. Prefer fructele de mare.

20. Sunt pe drumul cel bun spre gară? Este acesta drumul cel bun spre gară?

21. Da, mergeţi drept înainte un kilometru şi la prima intersecţie faceţi la stânga/dreapta.





I was - am fost/eram I was not - nu am fost/eram Was I - am fost/eram?

You were - ai fost/erai You were not - nu ai fost/erai Were you - ai fost/erai?

He was - el a fost/era He was not - nu a fost/era Was he - el a fost/era?

She was - ea a fost/era She was not - nu a fost/era Was she - ea a fost/era?

It was - a fost/era It was not - nu a fost/era Was it - a fost/era?

We were - noi am fost/eram We were not - nu am fost/ eram Were we - noi am fost/eram?

You were - voi aţi fost/eraţi You were not - nu aţi fost/eraţi Were you - voi aţi fost/eraţi?

They were - ei, ele au fost/erau They were not - nu au fost/ erau Were they - ei, ele au fost/erau?

Timpul trecut se foloseste cu adverbele sau locuţiunile adverbiale de timp:

yesterday - ieri,

the day before yesterday - alaltăiei,

last - trecut: last week - săptămâna trecută; last month - lina trecută; last year - anul trecut,

ago - [əgəu] - în urmă cu…, acum…; two hours ago - în urmă cu/acum 2 ore; a week ago - în urmă cu/acum o

săptămână; a month ago - în urmă cu/acum o lună; a year ago - în urmă cu/acum un an

1. Citiţi cu voce tare urmăroarele propoziţii şi memoraţi-le (Read the following sentences in a loud voice and

memorise them):

It was morning - Era dimineaţă.

It was six (o’clock) in the morning - Era ora 6 dimineaţa.

It was seven (o’clock) in the morning - Era ora 7 dimineaţa.

It was eight (o’clock) in the morning - Era ora 8 dimineaţa.

It was nine (o’clock) in the morning - Era ora 9 dimineaţa.

It was ten (o’clock) in the morning - Era ora 10 dimineaţa.

It was eleven (o’clock) in the morning - Era ora 11 dimineaţa.

It was afternoon - Era după amiază.

It was one (o’clock) in the afternoon - Era ora 1 după-amiaza.

It was two (o’clock) in the afternoon - Era ora 2 după-amiaza.

It was three (o’clock) in the afternoon - Era ora 3 după-amiaza

It was four (o’clock) in the afternoon - Era ora 4 după-amiaza.

It was five (o’clock) in the afternoon - Era ora 5 după-amiaza.

It was six (o’clock) in the afternoon - Era ora 6 după-amiaza.

It was evening - Era seară.

It was six (o’clock) in the evening - Era ora 6 seara.

It was seven (o’clock) in the evening - Era ora 7 seara.

It was eight (o’clock) in the evening - Era ora 8 seara.

It was nine (o’clock) in the evening - Era ora 9 seara.




It was Tuesday yesterday. - A fost marţi ieri.

It was Wednesday yesterday. - A fost miercuri ieri.

It was Thursday yesterday. - A fost joi ieri.

It was Friday yesterday. - A fost vineri ieri.

It was Saturday yesterday. - A fost sâmbătă ieri.

It was Sunday yesterday. - A fost duminică ieri.


1. Citiţi cu voce tare propoziţiile de mai sus la interogativ şi negativ (Read the sentences above in the interrogative and negative):

2. Citiţi cu voce tare urmăroarele propoziţii şi memoraţi-le (Read the following sentences in a loud voice and memorise them):

a) I was the manager of this company and I was very busy. Eram / Am fost managerul acestei companii şi eram foarte ocupat.

You were the accountant of this company. You were busy, too. Ai/Aţi fost economistul acestei companii. Şi tu ai

fost/dumneavoastră aţi fost ocupat.

He was a client of this company. He was not a reliable person. A fost client al acestei companii. Nu era o persoană de încredere.

She was the secretary of this company. She was a very hard-working employee. A fost secretară în această cmpanie. Era o

funcţionară foarte muncitoare.

You were engineers in that company. You were hard-working. Voi aţi fost ingineri ai acestei companii. Aţi fost muncitori.

They were our business partners. They were serious partners. Ei au fost partenerii noştri. Au fost parteneri serioşi.


I was late - eram în întârziere/am


You were late

He was late

She was late

It was late - era/a fost târziu

We were late

You were late

They were late

I was early - am ajuns devreme

You were early

He was early

She was early

It was early- era/a fost devreme

We were early

You were early

They were early

I was hungry - mi-era foame/mi-a

fost foame

You were hungry

He was hungry

She was hungry

It was hungry

We were hungry

You were hungry

They were hungry

I was thirsty - mi-era sete/mi-a fost


You were thirsty

He was thirsty

She was thirsty

It was thirsty

We were thirsty

You were thirsty

They were thirsty

I was glad - mi-a părut bine/eram


You were glad

He was glad

She was glad

We were glad

You were glad

They were glad

I was sorry - mi-a părut rău/îmi

părea rău

You were sorry

He was sorry

She was sorry

We were sorry

You were sorry

They were sorry



2. Citiţi propoziţii de mai sus la interogativ şi negativ (read the above sentences in the interrogative and negative):

3. Traduceţi fiind atenţi la verbul a fi şi expresiile în componenţa cărora intră (Translate paying attention to the phrases formed

with the verb to be):

1. (Mie) Mi-a fost foame ieri când eram la serviciu. Ţie ţi-a fost foame când ai fost fost la şcoală? Copilului i-a fot foame

ieri seară pentru că era târziu? Cred că i-a fost foame. Câinelui îi era foame. Nouă ne era foame.

2. (Mie) Mi-era sete. Tie ţi-era sete? (Mie) Nu-mi era sete. Bărbatului îi era sete. Femeii îi era sete. Nouă ne era sete.

Copiilor le era sete.

3. (Mie) Mi-a fost frig. Tie ţi-a fost frig? (Mie) Nu mi-a fost frig. Bărbatului îi era frig. Ei îi era frig. Nouă ne era frig.

Muncitorilor le era frig pentru că era iarnă. Era/A fost foarte frig. Nu era cald în camera de hotel.

4. (Mie) Mi-era cald. Tie ţi-era cald? (Mie) Nu-mi era cald. Eramt bine. Lui îi era cald. Ei îi era cald. Nouă ne era cald. Lor

le era cald. Era cald. Nu era frig.

5. Eu aveam dreptate. Tu aveai dreptate. El avea dreptate. Directorul (nu) avea dreptate. Aveam eu dreptate? Noi

aveam dreptate? Avea el/ea dreptate?

6. Eu geşeam. Tu greşeai. Inginerul greşea. Directorul nu greşea. Noi greşeam. Aveam eu dreptate? Greşeau ei? Ei nu


7. Îmi părea rău. Nu-mi părea rău. Îţi părea rău? Le părea lor rău?

8. Îi părea lui rău? Nu-i părea rău.

9. Îi părea rău directorului? Nu-i părea rău.

10. Îi părea femeii rău? Îi părea rău. Nu-i părea rău.

11. Lucrarea era gata (to be over). Lucrarea nu era gata. Era lucrarea gata?

12. Şedinţa s-a terminat (to be over) la ora 12.

13. Era târziu? Da era târziu. Nu, nu era târziu, era devreme.

14. Era devreme? Da era devreme. Nu, nu era devreme, era târziu.

15. Era cald? Da era cald. Nu, nu era cald, era frig.

16. Ceaiul era cald? Da, era cald. Nu, nu era cald.

17. Era frig? Da era frig. Nu, nu era frig, era cald.

18. Cafeaua era rece? Da, era rece. Nu, nu era rece.

19. Te grăbeai/Erai grăbit? Da, mă grăbeam/eram grăbit. Mă grăbeam pentru că era foarte târziu.



This was a good car. - Aceasta a fost o maşina bună.

This was a businessman. - Acesta a fost un om de afaceri.

This was our accountant. - Acesta a fost contabilul nostru.

This was my teacher. - Aceasta a fost profesorul meu.

This was my office. - Acesta a fost biroul meu.

This was my computer. - Acesta a fost calculatorul meu.

This was our doctor. - Acesta a fost doctoral nostru.

This was the best engineer. - Acesta era cel mai bun inginer.

This building was our company. - Această clădire a fost compania noastră.

This was our secretary. - Aceasta a fost secretara noastră.



That was my car. - Aceea a fost maşina mea.

That was a businessman. - Acela a fost un om de afaceri.

That was our accountant. - Acela a fost contabilul nostru.

That was my teacher. - Acela a fost profesorul mea.

That was my office. - Acela a fost biroul meu.

That was my computer. - Acela a fost calculatorul meu.

That woman was their partner. - Acea femeie a fost partenera noastră.

That was the best engineer. - Acela era cel mai bun inginer.

That building was our company. - Acea clădire a fost compania noastră.

That was our secretary. - Aceea a fost secretara noastră.






1. Citiţi cu voce tare propoziţii de mai sus la interogativ şi negativ (Read the sentences above in the interrogative and negative).

Repetaţi şi memoraţi următoarele întrebări (Repeat and remember the following questions):












1. Completaţi cu formele verbului a fi la timpul trecut (Complete with the forms of to be in the past tense):

1. It cold yesterday.


2. It my birthday last week.

3. I late for the meeting with the partner.

4. Our partners late for the meeting.

5. The exam difficult.

6. Our children in Berlin.

7. You in the office when I called you.

8. The holiday fun.

9. The worker early for the interview.

10. The student late for the class. (not/be)

11. We at the restaurant last night.

12. We hungry.

13. We thirsty, too.

14. The food very good. (not/be)

15. The test easy. (not/be)

16. Who that man?

17. Who the two women?

18. that your doctor?

19. they your friends?

20. Where you last month?

21. Who at the telephone?

22. I and my wife in U.S.A. two times.

23. We glad to be their business partners.

2. Alegeţi forma corectă (Choose the correct form):

1. The windows open.

a) was

b) were

2. Your friends at the party last night.

a) was

b) were

3. There a telephone on the table.

a) was

b) were

4. That our teacher of English.

a) was

b) were

5. It a nice day, today.

a) was

b) were

6. Your sister here.

a) was

b) were

7. They best fiends.

a) was

b) were


8. There a lot of people at the meeting yesterday.

a) was

b) were

9. That car very expensive.

a) was

b) were

10. In 2009 we in America.

a) was

b) were

11. Last year I a manager also.

a) was

b) were

12. Last year they our partners also.

a) was

b) were

13. My son an accountant in my company.

a) was

b) were

14. We responsible for that work.

a) was

b) were

15. My daughter married last year.

a) was

b) were








3. Schimbaţi următoarele propoziţii folosind there was a…sau there were some…potrivit modelului (Change the following

sentences using there was a…or there were some…according to the model):

Model: An engineer in the office.

There was an engineer in the office.

Engineers in the office.

There were some in the office.

1. Men and women in the building.

2. An accountant in this company.

3. Children in the park.


4. A computer on the desk.

5. Books and magazines on the tables.

6. Equipment on the ground.

7. Tools in the toolbox.

8. A doctor near the pacient.

9. Factories in this town.

10. A contract on the manager’s desk.

11. Dangerous areas in this city.

HOW MUCH WAS? - CÂT A COSTAT? (singular)


4. Traduceţi (Translate)


1. Cât a costat această lucrare?

2. Cât au costat aceste lucrări?

3. Cât a costat acest telefon?

4. Cât au costat aceste telefoane?

5. Cât a costat acest computer?

6. Cât au costat aceste unelte?

7. Cât a costat acest echipament?

8. Cât a costat micul dejun în acest restaurant?

9. Cât a costat prânzul în acest restaurant?

10. Cât a costat cina aici?

11. Cât a costat o cameră în acest hotel?

12. Cât a costat această maşină?

13. Cât a costat această casă?


- Unde ai fost ieri?

- Am fost la muncă. Am fost ocupat. Am fost în inspecţie.

- Unde aţi fost anul tecut?

- Am fost în vacanţă în Anglia.

- Soţia mea a fost la muncă ieri. Soţia mea a fost foarte ocupată ieri.

- Cine a fost acel bărbat? A fost patenerul meu.

- Am fost director şi anul trecut.

- Ce au fost părinţii tăi?

- Părinţii mei au fost ingineri.

- Era contractul corect? Era correct. Nu era corect.

- Era târziu? Era târziu. Nu era târziu.

- Era devreme? Era devreme. Nu era devreme.

- Ce zi era? Era duminică.

- Ce zi a fost ieri? A fost luni.

- Ce oră era când ei au fost pe şantiet?

- Era ora unu după amiază.

- Inginerii şi directorul erau în birourile lor.


- Voi eraţi acasă la ora 5 după amiază?

- Muncitorii şi managerul au fost pe şantier acum două zile.

- Echipamentul nu era în atelier.

- A fost echipamentul bun?

6. Răspundeţi la întrebări (Answer the quwstions)

1. How old were you last year?

2. How old was your wife last year?

3. How old were your children last year?

4. What were you last year?

5. What was your wife last year?

6. What were your children last year?

7. Where were you last night?

8. Were you at a restaurant last Sunday?

9. Were you on holiday last month?

10. Where were you yesterday afternoon?

11. Was the traffic always bad in your town?

7. Scrieţi propoziţii la trecut folosind to be (Write sentences in the past using to be):

Model: the trip to America/ beautiful

The trip to America was beautiful.

1. the city traffic / heavy

2. the hotel / expensive

3. lunch / expensive

4. breakfast / good

5. dinner / ready at 7 p.m.

6. the beds and armchairs / confortable

7. the workers / late

8. the contracts / signed

9. the works / ready

10. the partner / demanding

11. clients / exigent

8. Puneţi verbele la forma corectă (Put the verbs in the correct form):

1. My daughter (be) at the party last night. Her friends (be) there too.

2. The accountant (be) my best friend.

3. He and I (be) in the same company.

4. We (be) at their house yesterday. Now, we (be) at our house.

5. When she (be) young, my daughter (be) interested in science.

6. Now, she (be, not) interested in science anymore.

7. Now, she (be) interested in math.

8. Swimming (be) my favorite sport when I was in high school.

9. Now my favorite sport (be) tennis.

10. I (be) upset, because he (be) right.

11. Today the weather is fine but yesterday the weather (be) bad.

12. And I (be) happy because we can go outside!





I had - am avut/ aveam Had I? - am avut/aveam? I had not - nu am avut/aveam

You had - ai avut/ aveai Had you? - ai avut/ aveai? You had not - nu ai avut/aveai

He had - (el) a avut/ avea Had he? - a avut/avea? He had not - (el) nu a avut/avea

She had - (ea) a avut/ avea Had she? - a avut/avea? She had not - (ea) nu a avut/avea

It had - (el, ea) a avut/avea Had It? - a avut/avea? It had not - (el, ea) nu a avut/avea

We had - noi am avut/ aveam Had we? - am avut/aveam? We had not - noi nu am avut/aveam

You had - voi aţi avut/ aveaţi Had you? - aţi avut/aveaţi? You had not - voi nu aţi avut/aveaţi

They had - (ei, ele) au avut/aveau Had they? - au avut/aveau? They had not - (ei, ele) nu au avut, aveau

1. Citiţi cu voce tare urmăroarele propoziţii (Read the following sentences in a loud voice):

I had many friends.

You had many friends.

He had many friends.

She had many friends.

It had many friends.

We had many friends.

You had many friends.

They had many friends.

I had a car.

You had a car.

He had a car.

She had a car.

We had a car.

You had a car.

They had a car.

I had good partners.

You had good partners.

He had good partners.

She had good partners.

We had good partners.

You had good partners.

They had good partners.


1. Citiţi propoziţiile din tabelul de la punctul 1 la negativ şi interogativ (Read the sentences in paragraph 1 in the negative and


2. Conjugaţi (Conjugate):

I had breakfast in the morning.

You had breakfast in the


I had lunch at home.

You had lunch at home…

I had dinner in a restaurant.

You had dinner in a


I had a meeting


You had a meeting






I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they

COULD [kud]

I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they


COULD I, you, he, she, it, we, you,




I was able to - am fost în stare să...

You were able to - ai fost în stare


He was able to - el a fost în stare să...

She was able to - ea a fost în stare


We were able to - noi am fost în stare


You were able to - voi aţi fost în stare


They were able to - ei/ele au fost în

stare să...

I was not able to - nu am fost în stare


You were not able to - nu ai fost în stare


He was not able to - el nu a fost în stare


She was not able to - ea nu a fost în

stare să...

We were not able to - noi nu am fost în

stare să...

You were not able to - voi nu aţi fost în

stare să...

They were not able to - ei/ele nu au fost

în stare să...

Was I able to? - am fost în stare să...?

Were you able to?- ai fost în stare să ...?

Was he able to?- a fost el în stare să...?

Was she able to?- a fost ea în stare


Were we able to?- am fost noi în stare


Were you able to?- aţi fost voi în stare


Were they able to? ...- au fost ei/ele în

stare să?



I was allowed to - am avut voie să...

You were allowed to - ai avut voie să...

He was allowed to - el a avut voie să...

She was allowed to - ea a avut voie


We were allowed to - noi am avut voie


You were allowed to - voi aţi avut voie


They were allowed to - ei/ele au avut

voie să...

I was not allowed to - nu am avut voie


You were not allowed to - nu ai avut

voie să...

He was not allowed to - nu a avut voie


She was not allowed to - nu a avut voie


We were not allowed to - nu am avut

voie să...

You were not allowed to - nu aţi avut

voie să...

They were not allowed to - ei/ele nu au

avut voie să...

Was I allowed to? - am avut voie să? ...

Were you allowed to?- ai avut voie

să? ...

Was he allowed to?- a avut el voie

să? ...

Was she allowed to?- a avut ea voie

să? ...

Were we allowed to?- am avut noi

voie să? ...

Were you allowed to? - aţi avut voie

să? ...

Were they allowed to?- au avut ei/ele

voie să? ...



1. Completaţi cu timpul trecut al verbelor can, may, must (Complete with the past tense of can, may, must):

1) We execute different works and provide services.

2) We perform/execute our work in accordance with the standards and conditions of the contracts.

3) We work 8 hours a day.

4) On Saturday and Sunday we not work.

5) Our personnel install, control, inspect and repair the equipment.

6) Some equipment be provided by the contractor.

7) The contractors povide the tools, too.

8) We provide offices for the staff and employee.

9) My employees be good and responsible people.

10) We all be responsible for the security on the site.

11) I do everything to solve all the problems we have in the company.

12) I do field work, too.

13) My secretary sit at her desk.

14) She type letters, open the mails, make appointments with our clients/customers, send faxes.

15) She give me all the information.

16) She not leave the office withour my permission.

1. Citiţi propoziţiile de mai jos de mai multe ori (Read the sentences below several times):

I can speak English - eu pot vorbi englezeşte.

You can speak English - tu poţi vorbi englezeşte.

He can speak English - el poate vorbi englezeşte.

She can speak English - ea poate vorbi englezeşte.

We can speak English - noi putem vorbi englezeşte.

You can speak English - voi puteţi vorbi englezeşte.

They can speak English - ei/ele pot vorbi englezeşte.

I can employ workers - eu pot angaja muncitori.

You can employ workers - tu poţi angaja muncitori.

He can employ workers - el poate angaja muncitori.

She can employ workers - ea poate angaja muncitori.

We can employ workers - noi putem angaja muncitori.

You can employ workers - voi puteţi angaja muncitori.

They can employ workers - ei/ele pot angaja muncitori.

I can provide services - eu pot oferi servicii.

You can provide services - tu poţi oferi servicii.

He can provide services - el poate oferi servicii.

She can provide services - ea poate oferi servicii.

We can provide services - noi putem oferi servicii.

You can provide services - voi puteţi oferi servicii.


They can provide services - ei/ele pot oferi servicii.

I must work hard - trebuie să muncesc serios/mult.

You must work hard - trebuie să munceşti serios/mult.

He must work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

She must work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

We must work hard - trebuie să muncim serios/mult.

You must work hard - trebuie să munciţi serios/mult.

They must work hard - trebuie să muncească serios/mult.

I must leave now - trebuie să plec acum.

You must leave now - trebuie să pleci acum.

He must leave now - trebuie să plece acum.

She must leave now - trebuie să plece acum.

We must leave now - trebuie să plecăm acum.

You must leave now - trebuie să plecaţi acum.

They must leave now - trebuie să plece acum.

I must sign a contract - trebuie să semnez un contract.

You must sign a contract - trebuie să semnezi un contract.

He must sign a contract - trebuie să semneze un contract.

She must sign a contract - trebuie să semneze un contract.

We must sign a contract - trebuie să semnăm un contract.

You must sign a contract - trebuie să semnaţi un contract.

They must sign a contract - trebuie să semneze un contract.

I may come late - am voie să vin târziu.

You may come late - ai voie să vii târziu.

He may come late - are voie să vină târziu.

She may come late - are voie să vină târziu.

We may come late - avem voie să venim târziu.

You may come late - aveţi voie să veniţi târziu.

They may come late - au voie să vină târziu.

I may leave now - am voie să plec acum.

You may leave now - ai voie să pleci acum.

He may leave now - are voie să plece acum.

She may leave now - are voie să plece acum.

We may leave now - avem voie să plecăm acum.

You may leave now - aveţi voie să plecaţi acum.

They may leave now - au voie să plece acum

I may go there - am voie să merg acolo.

You may go there - ai voie să mergi acolo.

He may go there - are voie să meargă acolo.

She may go there - are voie să meargă acolo.

We may go there - avem voie să mergem acolo.

You may go there - aveţi voie să mergeţi acolo.

They may go there - au voie să meargă acolo.

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