english for independent kids - 3-workslide

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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Английски за самостоятелни деца - трета част - работен слайд. Предстои публикуването на учебната тетрадка (трета част).


know how – part three – topics and reflections

At school

I like school. I can learn so many things at

school: how to read, write, draw, sing, etc.

I’ve got lots of friends here. We study, talk,

play and laugh together. Our teacher is very

kind and intelligent. She explains everything

very well and she always asks for our opinion.

She gives us interesting quizzes and games

and teaches us how to solve problems.

There is a library at school and we can borrow

and read plenty of interesting books. I adore

books, especially science fiction!

I like sports and most of all basketball. We’ve

got the best basketball team at all times!

We spend fantastic time during our holiday

camps. I learned how to light a fire, how to

prepare my meals and how to survive in the

wild. And, do you know what – I like the long

evening hours around the fire. We talk and

joke and laugh so much!

So, I feel terrific at school. What about you?

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John shared with us...
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Point of view...

know how – part three – topics and reflections

How to Walk Down the Street

Walking is a great way to get where you need

to go. You can see fascinating things and see

different people. Just think of all interesting

sites that are just waiting for you to be


Walking is a very healthy activity for people of

all ages. The more you walk, the stronger you

become. But now, let's talk about basic rules

that we should know when we are in the street.

Signs exist for a reason. Don't ignore them.

Sidewalks and crosswalks are created for

walkers. They are our friends.

While walking along the sidewalk, you may

come across some uneven pavement. Pay

attention so you don't fall.

Even if you are walking along the sidewalk,

you should always remain alert. Sometimes

drivers forget about pedestrians. It is

important for a pedestrian to never forget

about the drivers.

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Must read!
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Keep walking...

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Let us introduce wikiHow…

So, what do you think?

We found there some great resources for you.

There are three very good reasons to offer you

their information: 1.It is useful and interesting.

2. It is in English. 3. It can give you some great

food for thought. Do you agree?

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Keep sharing...
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Our discoveries...

know how – part three – topics and reflections

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know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Now you try to explain how you prepare your

favourite meal. Step by step. Could you?












know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

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Clear as daylight!

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

How do you do your

homework? Is it fast?

Count point by point how

you do it (in brief).

Next you can see wikiHow

steps and compare the two

approaches – yours and


know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Do you like clocks? Are you sure? Why?




know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

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know how – part three – topics and reflections

To be a student – it is not an easy job! There

are so many things to do… Sometimes there

are difficult decisions to make… It has been

shown that one of the biggest problems is the

lack of order… How to cope with this? Let’s


know how – part three – topics and reflections

What did you find in your backpack? Was it a total

mess? We don’t believe it. Describe, please ;)





know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

We use notebooks here, in Bulgaria. Is this a better

idea? What do you think?



know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

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Child's play!

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Everybody wants this! But how to be a good

student – that’s the question. Is there a

recipe? We don’t know…

Just read and think about it…

know how – part three – topics and reflections

How do you feel that? What is your point of view?





know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Do you like reading in the library? Why?





know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Do you put off work for late? Does it work for you?





know how – part three – topics and reflections

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That sounds like good advice:)

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Writing good letters – this is one of the

greatest arts nowadays. Don’t you think?

There are so many details you should

consider. People are different. Everybody’s

got a unique point of view because of his/her

unique experience. But first of all we need to

know how to arrange our own thoughts in

order to be understood well.

Read these step-by-step instructions and

discuss the matter…

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Could you make a scheme of a letter? What to

write first? What is next? Imagine you need to

write a brief letter to a good friend. What do

you want to tell him/her? How would you write

this? There is a big difference between

speaking and writing, you know? Now, how

would you finish the letter? After finishing it,

read your letter out loud.

Does it sound acceptable?

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Now you can see some very good examples

(samples) of letters on the following pages.

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

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___________________ Thank you, wikiHow!
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You are great!

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Giving and receiving directions

It’s your turn now

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to...?

Извинете, бихте ли ми казали как да стигна до…

... the bus station ...автобусната спирка

Excuse me, do you know where the ... is?

Извинете, знаете ли къде е ...?

... post office ... пощата

I'm sorry, I don't know. Съжалявам, не знам.

Sorry, I'm not from around here.

Съжалявам, не съм оттук.

I'm looking for ... Търся ...

… this address ... този адрес

We’ll give you some phrases and you’ll try to use them in

a conversation with a foreigner or in a correspondence

with asking and giving detailed directions to a friend who

is going to visit your town/city and see you. He/she needs

to know how to find your address.

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Am I on the right road for ...?

На прав път ли съм за ...?

Edinburgh Единбург

Is this the right way for ...?

Това ли е правилният път за ...?

Aberdeen Абърдийн

Do you have a map? Имате ли карта?

Can you show me on the map?

Може ли да ми покажете на картата?

It's this way. По този път е.

It's that way. По онзи път е.

You're going the wrong way.

На грешен път сте.

You're going in the wrong direction.

Вървите в неправилната посока.

know how – part three – topics and reflections

Take this road. Вървете по този път.

Go down there. Слезте там.

Take the first (turning) on the left.

Завийте по първата улица (на първата

пресечка) вляво.

Take the second (turning) on the right.

Завийте по втората улица (на втората пресечка)


Turn right at the crossroads.

На кръстовището завийте надясно.

Continue straight ahead for about a mile.

Продължете направо около 1 миля.

(1 миля ≈ 1,6 километра)

Continue past the fire station.

Продължете покрай пожарната.

know how – part three – topics and reflections

You'll pass a supermarket on your left.

Ще минете покрай супермаркет, който се пада

от лявата Ви страна.

Keep going for another ... Продължете още ...

hundred yards 100 ярда (около 91 метра)

two hundred metres 200 метра

half a mile половин миля (около 800 метра)

kilometre километър

It'll be ... Ще Ви се падне ...

on your left отляво

on your right отдясно

straight ahead of you точно пред вас

Was it easy or difficult for you to give/receive directions?

May be there are some phrases you’d like to share…




know how – part three – topics and reflections Back to school again :) Do you like Geography?

There is something for you…

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Teacher says...

know how – part three – topics and reflections

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East or West -
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home is best!
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English proverb

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections

know how – part three – topics and reflections


know how – part three – topics and reflections

The House of My Dream

First of all I'd like to say that all of us have our

own ideas and dreams about a perfect home,

because "home" can't mean the same to

everybody. But I'm sure that for all people home

is not just a place to live in. Home is your little

world where you live according to your own

rules and interests. It's a place where you feel

comfort, warmth and reliability, that's why we

say "East or West, home is best" and the

English say "My home is my castle". In my

opinion home always awakens the best feelings

and high emotions in people's souls. But what

an ideal home is everybody decides for himself.

It goes without saying that nowadays there are

a lot of types of dwellings, that's why everyone

can choose a house he or she likes. For

instance some people prefer semi-detached

houses or duplexes (as the Americans call

them). I think that such houses attract them

because they are less expensive than mansions

or bungalows, for example. You also have

neighbours you can always turn to if you need

something, but at the same time your

Do you have a diary? Not yet?! It’s a fantastic way to say

what you think and how you feel, you know… Take a

notebook (try to decorate it the way you want to look for this

purpose) and try to describe the house of your dream. Good


know how – part three – topics and reflections

neighbours can disturb you while repairing their

part of the house or when they listen to music too

loudly. But in general I'm sure that it's quite

pleasant to live in a semi-detached house.

Other people like cottages and farmhouses. I

think that people, who prefer these types of

dwelling, are fond of nature, fresh air and they

want to have calm and measured rhythm of life.

Usually they keep the poultry and the cattle. One

of advantages living in such a house is that you

have your own land where you can grow fruits

and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant

various beautiful flowers there that will warm

your heart, lay out an orchard, etc. You can also

build some outhouses like a green-house, a

garage, a tool shed, an arbour. The most

important disadvantage of living in a farmhouse

or in a cottage, to my mind, is that it takes a lot of

time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a

car it isn't a problem for you. That's why I'd like to

live in a cottage after I retire.

(From www.englishtopics.net)

Do you have a diary? Not yet?! It’s a fantastic way to say

what you think and how you feel, you know… Take a

notebook (try to decorate it the way you want to look for this

purpose) and try to describe the house of your dream. Good


How do you like that? Now it’s your turn to try…

Take your diary and describe your dream. Do it your


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to be continued

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