english - gdsalwan · answer. what does this show about his character. 2. relate two incidents...

Post on 08-Mar-2020






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Class IX

General Instruction:-

1. Subject wise practice assignments to be attempted on ruled sheets.

2. Revise the chapters covered till date.


1. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your


Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside………….

2. A number of beggars are found roaming near the red light who are involved in cases of

purse snatching and stealing. You are Asmita/Asim of Moti Bagh, Delhi. Write a letter to

the Editor of a national daily expressing your concern at their growing numbers and how

these children are forced into this network causing trouble to the lives of the people.(200-

250 words)

Answer the following questions based on the novel –

1. Do you think George was a committed worker in the bank ? Give reasons for your

answer. What does this show about his character.

2. Relate two incidents which bring out the high-spirited nature of Montmorency.

3. Harris like any other human being is both ‗egoist and ungrateful at times‘ .In the light of

this remark, draw a brief character sketch of Harris.

4. Give a brief character sketch of the narrator Jerome.

Literature Reader

Answer the following –

1. As Juliette write a diary entry the day you find out how Gaston has tricked you.

2. The convict says, ―They have made me what I am, they have made me a thief.‖ Explain

the circumstances that made the convict a thief.

3. Bring out the parallels between the life of man and actors on stage with reference to the

poem ‗The Seven Ages‘.

4. As the poet, write a diary entry about the day you heard the solitary reaper sing in the


5. Bring out the symbolism in the poem, ― The Road Not Taken‖

6. Bring out the irony in the story ―The Best-Seller‖

Change the following into reported speech-

1. John said, "I love this town."

John said ___________________

2."Do you like soccer?" he asked me.

He asked me_____________________

3."I can't drive a lorry," he said.

He said___________________

4."Be nice to your brother," he said.

He asked me_____________________

5."Don't be nasty," he said.

He urged me _________________________

6."Don't waste your money" she said.

She told the boys ______________________________

7."What have you decided to do?" she asked him.

She asked him ____________________________

8."I always wake up early," he said.

He said ___________________________

9."You should revise your lessons," he said.

He advised the students________________________

10."Where have you been?" he asked me.

He wanted to know____________________

11."Where is your sister?" she asked me.

She asked me ___________________

12."Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.

She told the boys___________________

13."Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

She asked him _____________________________

14."Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

He wanted to know __________________________

15."Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.

The stuntman advised the audience________________________









8. -













21. –

22. –












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Section A

1. When an object is thrown vertically upwards. What is its velocity at the highest


2. Why is circular motion with constant speed called accelerated motion?

3. An object starting from rest covers 20 metres in first 2 seconds & 160 metres in next

4 seconds. What is its velocity after 7 seconds from the start?

4. A car a moving at rate of 72km/h and applies brakes which provide a retardation of

5 ms-2

.How much time does the car takes to stop? How much distance does the car

cover before coming to rest? What would be the stopping distance needed if speed of

the car is doubled?

5. Derive all the three equations of motion for uniform acceleration using graphical


6. Why does a scooter tend to skid while executing a sharp turn?

7. Name and define three different types of inertia & give an example of each.

8. Deduce law of conservation of momentum using third law of motion.

9. At what height above the earth‘s surface would the value of acceleration due to

gravity be half of what it is on the surface? Take radius of earth to be R.

10. Consider a heavenly body which has a mass twice that of the earth and radius thrice

that of the earth .What will be the weight of the book on this heavenly body, if its


on earth is 900 N?

11. The density of ice is 918kgm-3

and that of sea water is 1,030kgm-3

.An iceberg floats

with a portion 224 litres outside water. Find the volume of iceberg.

12. Prove that acceleration due to gravity is independent of mass of the body.

13. Two persons do the same amount of work. The first person does it in 10 s and the

second, in 20 s. Find the ratio of the power used by the person to that by the second


14. How can you justify that a body kept at a greater height has larger energy?

15. A body of mass 3.0kg and another body of mass 10 kg are dropped simultaneously

from a height of 14.9m.Calculate their Momenta, their Potential energies and

kinetic energies when they are 10m above the ground.

Section B (Practical based questions)

1. A student is given a bag of cotton in one hand and an iron bar in another hand. Both

objects are of same mass of 25kg but in reality one is felt heavier than other by him.


2. While performing the experiment based on ‗Archimedes principle‘ Rama took a glass

stopper of 10cm3 volumes and observed its weight as 40g using a spring balance. Then, he

immersed the glass stopper completely in tap water. What will be the weight of glass

stopper now?

3. How can a small mass such as a bullet kill a person when fired from gun?

4. In an experiment, a student put an egg into a container filled with water, it sinks in water

but when a lot of salt is dissolved in water, the egg begins to float. What should that student

observe technically? Give reason.

5. On the Earth, a stone is thrown from a height in a direction parallel to the Earth‘s

surface while another stone is simultaneously dropped from the same height. Which stone

would reach the ground first and why?


1. State the effect of marked temperature changes in aquatic environment.

2. Which bacterium causes peptic ulcers? Who discovered the above pathogen for the

first time?

3. In desert plants, rate of water loss gets reduced due to the presence of which


4. It is difficult to pull out the husk of coconut tree. Comment.

5. Name the target organs for the following diseases:

(a) Hepatitis targets———.

(b) Fits or unconsciousness targets ———.

(c) Pneumonia targets ———.

(d) Fungal disease targets ———.

6. Animals of colder regions and fishes of cold water have thicker layer of

subcutaneous fat. Describe why?

7. Why is epidermis important for the plants?

8. If you are provided with some vegetables to cook. You generally add salt into the

vegetables during cooking process. After adding salt, vegetables release water.

What mechanism is responsible for this?

9. Label a, b, c and d. given in Fig. Give the function of (b)





10. Define the terms and give one example of each

(a) Bilateral symmetry

(b) Coelom

(c) Triploblastic

11. A motor car, with its glass totally closed, is parked directly under the sun. The

inside temperature of the car rises very high. Explain why?

12. Carbon dioxide is necessary for plants. Why do we consider it as a pollutant?

13. Explain giving reasons

(a) Balanced diet is necessary for maintaining healthy body.

(b) Health of an organism depends upon the surrounding environmental conditions.

(c) Our surrounding area should be free of stagnant water.

(d) Social harmony and good economic conditions are necessary for good health.

14. Differentiate between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissues. Draw

well labelled diagram.

15. What are the characteristic features of dicot plants in reference to stem and roots?

16. To observe cells in onion peel, which part is mounted on the slide? Which chemical

compound is used to mount the specimen?

17.Draw a neat diagram of plant cell and label any three parts which differentiate it

from animal cell.

18.What is a cause of swine flu, bird flu and ebola? What is a vector? What are the


19.Name the different components of xylem and draw a living component?

20.Give examples of organisms belonging to kingdom protista.

(a) Based on structure for locomotion

(b) Based on mode of nutrition

21.Give schematic representation showing classification of:

(a) plant kingdom

(b) animal kingdom

22. State the significance of meristematic tissues in plant on the basis of

their location.

23. A student observed a leaf and identified it as a reticulate venation. Write down

other two features of this plant.

24. Rabies virus is spread by the bite of infected dogs and other animals.

(a) What happens to the person who is bitten by rabid dog?

(b) Write any two symptoms and signs of rabies infected person.

(c) Mention any two preventive measures given to patient after a rabid

animal bite.



Answer the following questions in 80-100 words each.

Q1.How do physiographic regions of India complement each other ?

Q2. What is the current anti poverty strategy of the government for the promotion of

economic growth ?

Q3. How does latitude affect the climate of India ?

Q4. How can you say that elections in India are free & fair and democratic ?

Q5. How democracy can enhance the dignity of the citizens ?

Q6. What is the relation between occupational structure & development ?

Q7. State three reasons of the variation in the wages of farm labourers all over India.

Q8. Why is educated unemployment a peculiar problem in India ?

Q9. What challenges are ahead of India with respect to poverty alleviation ?

Q10. What was Hitler‘s propaganda to gain power ?

Q11. State the main causes which are a threat to ecosystem.

Q12. Which areas in India are sparsely populated in India & why ?

Q13. How does the principle of ―universal adult franchise‖ work in Indian democracy ?

Q14. How democracy improve the quality of decision making ?

Q15. ― The PM is the real executive head of our country . Elucidate.‖

Q16. How tropical rain forest help in maintaining green cover?

Q17. ―Large population considered a liability rather than an asset .‖ is it true or false ?


Q18. In what manner does the election commission monitor the election campaigns ?

Q19.Why should ministers have the final say in technical matters ?

Q20. Give a brief description of any five medicinal plants.

Q21.explain any five causes of deforestation in India under the colonial rule.

Q22. Discuss the major reasons of poverty in India.

Q23.What is model code of conduct for election campaign ?


Answer the following questions in 80-100 words each :

Q1.Describe Treaty of Versailles.

Q2.What are the significant features of the National Population Policy 2000 ?

Q 3.What steps have been taken by the government to protect the flora & fauna of the

country ?

Q4. Explain any five ways in which the lives of the villagers and foresters were affected by

forests Acts.

Q5. Describe the events leading to economic crisis in Germany .

Q6. Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do

you agree ?

Q7. ―The employment structure is characterised by self employment in primary sector.‖


Q8.How can we check the quality of the election process ?

Q9.Discuss the significant differences between the Himalayan & the Peninsular rivers.

Q10. What do you know about ―scientific forestry‖?

Q11.Give arguments in favour of democracy.

Q12.Elections in China do not represent people‘s verdict. Explain.

Q13. What is preamble ?Explain its significance.

Q14. ―Formation of Indian constitution was no less a struggle than that of South Africa.‖

Do you agree. Explain with five arguments.

Q15. Explain the impact of World War 1 on European society and polity.

Q16. What was the condition of women in France before the revolution ?

Q17. Mention any three features of Himalayan mountains .

Q18. How president Mugabe changed the constitution of Zimbabwe ?

Q19. How peninsular plateau of India was formed ?

Q20.Give a brief description about the woodcutter community of Java –the Kalangs.

Q21. On the outline political map of India mark the following:

1. A high density state

2. A mountain peak located in Eastern Ghats

3. A salt water lake of India

4. A national park

5. A biosphere reserve

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