
Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Could I live without the internet?

Bolozan AlexandruGrupa 8101Specializarea :IEA, Anul IProfesor coordonator: Daniel Mihai Frumuşelu


What exactly is the Internet?


The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to link several billion devices worldwide. It is an international network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government packet switched networks, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services.


The Internet has become the Archimedean point in our daily life. Almost nothing gets done without it nowadays. The more we rely on it, the more it seems impossible to live without it. It is undoubtedly the most reliable machine Man has ever made.


The truth is that no one can’t live without the internet nowdays and that is because of many factors:


1. The Internet is becoming more and more essential to getting and keeping a job. Increasingly, companies are moving their recruitment efforts online, and larger numbers of job-seekers each day are putting their resumes onto career sites on the Web. More and more frequently, those without Internet access find themselves taking what's left after the electronic job matches already have been made


2. More and more consumer transactions are being done online It is more efficient and definitely more convenient for shoppers, because it allows them to shop from the comfort of their own homes. Consumers are able to take advantage of the best prices through online auctions, which allow shoppers to name their own prices for goods or services. And, when "traditional" routes fail, the Internet often is the only way to get that hard-to-find item you really want, or need.


3. E-mail is by far the most inexpensive and efficient way to communicate with persons outside of local calling areas. Many Web sites now offer e-mail service free of charge. Internet Web sites, e-mail, and more advanced technologies such as Internet phone service and videoconferencing, are incomparable tools to organize communities and strengthen the people.


However the Internet can totally damage our lifes. From personal experiences I can say that the internet can make you become an addict,wich is the third most addictive thing after drugs and alchool. Once you fall a pray to this drug of internet, it is very difficult to come back from there.The internet addiction can be of any kind such as, a student might be addicted to the social networking sites or the gaming sites and in the extreme cases.


Let’s imagine a world without the internet

With no online facilities, a considerable part of our time would be spent waiting in long lines at banks, post offices, or government offices. You would be waiting for days or even weeks for your mail to arrive from another corner of the world. Suddenly, you will realize that your fast-paced life is running at a snail's pace.


Also with no way to communicate using emails, instant messaging, chat, or social media, we would have to resort to those old ways of communicating with people. We would have to resort to the option of a face-to-face interaction, telephone conversation.

So let’s have

a chit-chat!


All in all, I must sincerelly say that I would not be able to survive without the internet and that is because I am an online shop addict and also because I consider that the communication through internet is the best way that It is.

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