england under the heel of the jew

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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South f r /canal

We both have beard about " Raoialiam ". bot wefail to Loeate it where ia it 1

The only RaRciali41m that exista and should existamongst UfJ t!M .A.li1n Menanc• who, as this little book conveys to

us, are the White Asia,ica the Jew1 !

1 have bad this little book reprinted, from the works of

the Late Dr. Clarke, simplJ because (although it was written in 1921)

it eonYeys to us Descendants of Boer and Briton, that ~ t ~ t n tben this

E n g J i ~ b Doetor endeavoured to pro•e to us tba ' we were getting away

from the CrtU eauae of our 19XJra.tion from each other, and that there

were real Eoglishmen in England who understood our troubles .•

Furthermore, so very Yery few South Africflnt, both

A frika.ans and English spcak:ing know · the facts wbioh are recordad ÏQonr Ca}'e Blue books pertaining to the Cause of the Jameaon•s Raid

and the Boer War.

Herein you will read about the Jew Phillips and

o t J u ~ r s , plot, tbi1 same Jew (now Sir Pbillips) who to-day residee in

the former ReAidence of one of our old Dutch Governors' h o u ~ e s , waa

one of those who were directly concerned in this big question inSouth Africa.

May Dntch and Englisb descendants ( as well aa

other European deacendants) carefully read tbia book1et, pooder oTer

it and realise bow we have been purpo&tly ~ e p c ~ r a t « l ; 1tbere our fore

fathers ~ o t on weil together.

As our E n g l i ~ h Settlers and Voortrekkera fought

~ a c la oth1r in these Jew-made Wars, u we fongh t eogtthtr 1n the laatGreat War (alao for the Jew) let ua now decide to figh• togetlur,to save what our forefathers fought for ancl tMant "' 'o po11e11.



Yourt for t/u 0CJUII,


ProTincial Leader (Na ai)Soath Afriean National Party,


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Jewi8h Commerce lays siege t r ) ~ o n t h Africa Je\v invasion of the

TransvBa) : Gohl-control brt,edR w ~ t s and revolutions. Banking,

~ ~ ~ n g l i s h autl J•'wish . Thta p e r i l o u ~ p o ~ i r i o u of an expJ(,jt(,d nation.

-' 'Control," not n1oney, supplit·d by Jews. Exan1ple, the CloverfieldMine. Germany d e p e n d ~ on E n ~ l a . n d ' s gnld. The Germt1n State claima

and u ~ e s a.Jl monies and seeurities rlepos ited in G"r':llan bRn ks. Sonth

Africa.n Racial Strife the work of JewH frorn ; (;!'rrnany . Jew-made

Golll I.,aw. Lady .Phillips plead..: for u a f r i ( ~ n ( l l y ( j t ~ r t u a n y " on thtll P.\""e

of t h ~ war. Tl1e Bttg(larl Rnilway. (;,,n. Srnnts on the mines. T h ~ Phillips- Beit r ~ l a t i o n s . The Jew curse in tiouth Africa. The Letttrs .

The .Jatneson Raid.

..·· .. : ~ ' ....·.

',.. .-:'{.

·. .



:,   .

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EXTRACTS A ~ L ) ~ J M A H I E H F J H J ~ l

' ' ousanHY

w. E. BLELOCH AN O A. E. O'FLAHERTY.----------·---

Judaeo Gcrmany.--Germany was then under the .JieeJ

of the Jew.()ur a . u t h o r a ~ hrgin hy calling attention to the world danger bidden in

the "organiaed use of commercial privilege'' by the J udaeo-Gennau

Ernpire.. They show that the ''political" and "eomtnercial" agrnt8 ofthie power, if not identica.l, are yet always w o r k i n ~ in unison. India,

I'ersia, Turkey, Egypt and North Africa have ail been aubject to its

predatory attentions, and it was imt>ORsible for them to have ovflrlooked

Sou th Africa.

)ew Jnvasion of the Transvaal. GoJd-ControJ breeds Wars

and Revolutions.

1 is now many years sinee tTudaeo-Germany marked out the Transvaa)

for its prey. The attraction of Gold for the J ew is i rrest.ible. The means

by whioh he s e c u r e ~ it R.re & matter of very small account so long as he

Recures control. Oold ha.s uucanny powers, as Sombert, points out; and

the exploiting methods of . the .Lords of .Lucre are d ~ r k .and d e v i o u ~ . Having exploited and tnastered aU the

~ e c r e t s ·tba.t lie hi ·


in money, thP.yare ~ ~ o b 1 e to make it perform most wonderful and often contradictory

tbings. "To him that bath shall be given'' i1 truer of Gold tban any·

thing' fllse. 'l'hey caU n1oney •liquid capital.' perhaps, beca.nse i t is so hard

to hold. I t finda its own level; but its level is in the (Jew) Banks, and

no sooner hu it go there then it acquires new power &8 'potential capit·

al' . . . . ln the late eighties of last century 3 per cent. wa.sreekoned as a sound percenta.ge for a non-professional investor in Eng

)snd. At the same time, the purchasing power of gold was not lesathnn 50 per c·ent. more than it is to-day. To-day, however, when it pnr

c h a s ~ s ao litt1e, it commands t w i ~ e as much 'interest'! In other w o r d s ~ one bas to pay twice (or three times) as mnch gold for the use of gold,

whilst it is lesa by half than it s previons value in purcbaaing goods. A

grf'at time for Shylock, the money lender, the man who controls the

gold-power ! . . . . l t ia thia power wbich has justified the age·

long and instinctive h ~ t r e d nf ' n ~ u r y . ' I t is that b ~ o u g h t the world to a

season of strikes and revolutionary activities shortly before the war.



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"As "·e shall see in n later <·ltapter, th gold-power, organiAed at t h ~ f•xpeusc of t htt nntion in evt!ry (•onutry exce pt l.;.ennany" · \vhirh is so

cotupletely J ttdaiNPdt h : ~ . t


is aln1ost

i ntp n ~ s i h l e t o d i s c o v ~ r

a dividingline ·•harl not Ptl 1 ~ · o p p t · . - ~ . . . : e d t lu· w o r l t • · r ~ al\d h ~ t l the u to rr!\ (,) nf.ionnry aets nnd t h o n g h t ~ , it l1n.d n)!'\o i u v n d ( ~ t 1 t l1e p r o < ~ e s ~ of e x c h a n g t ~ , preye<l npon Jlrodu .~ e r nnd e o n ~ t l l n e r , and tunde tlH' oltl 1-\killed e t u p l o y ~ r and uscfnl distributor (nlifldletnan) the ~ e r v a n t R of imperaonal agenciesbehind which lay the G o l d ~ P o w e r : ' (27)

Banking, English and )udaeo-German.

Our llllthor:S P-Xp]ain that the E · · g l i ~ h nank fllerdy p r o v i c h ~ s ft "safe

d••posif' for the ~ a v i n ~ s nf the moderntely well-off, but for t . h ~ .Jewf i n ~ n c i ( " r it is 1-\ sonrce of inunenso power. Tlu,y tu;ght lulve a.dded that

~ . , r a n k f u r t · a r n - M a i n is i t ~ R ~ ' i r i t u n l h o m ~ . lly tueans of biliA, overdrafts,

b a n k e r ~ s references and c r · ~ d i t of al i k i n d ~ . t n a ~ u i f 1 e < l hv an fHiroit coin .' .

hinat1on of the ~ e r v i c e s of severa.l different bankq, the Jt1Wt:-\h bankcrs

are able to u ~ t ~ the d ( ~ p o s i t s and sn,. iu of the r t ~ R t of the nation.

'• .c\ genern.t ion or two agn the privn tc hn.n advan red ruoney to clienf.s

on t l l f ~ i r ch:trNcter. A HlH n' H lm nker was h i ~ con t i d ~ n t an rl connsellor.

The (Jew) financiers witl. the Gold }lowPr have invaded that q n i ~ t rPnlm;

they have antalgnnla,ted t lte Atnall hanks inlo hu ger n n c h i n e ~ ,

tohoseboflr·l& t h ~ y control .for tht.ir own J>nt·1 oses. I•riva te h n ~ i ue!-SPS ha re

heen fltm terl into li rn itcd c.,ntpn u Î • ) ~ con trolled by fi nnnci•)rR. [n An1erica.

the banks are e v t ~ n rnort' the· i u ~ t 1 · 1 n n e H t..;; nf thP conrpteri 1! g millionnirt-•s.. . . . I Il Germany t h t ~ organ i ~ n . t ion of the nat ion al r e s o u n · f ~ ~ r:tr tUOr\•

c o m p h ~ t e . It i:;; ronBr1:ou3ly n.a.tiontrl. For thnt ! · e n ~ ~ n it not ouly n r l , ~ n n • · P s the fortunes of the (iwiuner"' and Hat h e n a n ~ ' ' (nnd the othP.r J e w ~ ) : "' it

n1dR t h ~ crEld it, of e'·pry i nd l:'\1 rinlist who r.cnues w i tl in its w i d e - s w e ~ p i n gsystem." (28)

[It doe$: hut whenever the .rew-pow('l' le n d ~ it s nid. it Rf r c n ~ t h e n ~ itshondR on the prodneer and r P d n e t · ~ bin1 to a ~ t n t • • of abje1·t s l a v ~ r y , in\vhich the native Gf'rman finds hitnsfllf to-rln.y J

The Perilous Position of an Exploited Nation.

As onr antltorR point ont, w h ~ t is trnP nf an inrlivirlnal also true of

a p e o p h ~ . It Î-5 easy to ensla\·e a people l•y n ~ u ~ r y and n • o n ~ y - c o n t r o l it is an individual. If a man horrows tuoney of a Jew, that. n1an is

the .Jew's s l a v ~ . 1\s Mr. W. ~ f . Hughes aRked the ( ~ a n n n n Street

meeting, ' ' wha.t is the good of our being a wea.lthy nation if the wenlthis ali in the b a n d ~ of the .Jew's 1" So long as R o t h ~ c h i l d s , CaRsels,Sa1nuels, JoelR, Ra.ssoons and Phillipses are in control, 1il•erals mAyprate a-bont. "liberty," but the Jt'W's have takeu it away !

" If either an individual or a peuple lose control of the Gold- Powerwith which t h ~ i r e n e r g i P ~ or a s ~ e t s arc a ~ ~ o c i a t e d , thf.ly arrive at, er.ono

n•ical or politit-al servitude. . . . A Count1·y n1ay appear to he rich



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O\ving to the ~ r P a t n P ~ ~ nf i t f ~ f ' r o • l ' l · l i , · e nntput: it . - ~ ' ' l p • · s noti.-·e t.ilr\tt l h ~ Jlt()plt frf tht• :·,,untr} :\tt ÏttlprnvisPd au.! und•\r :llit"n rnnt1o1 [:tn•l

t tuntPI nli•·H n.t lhat. ~ ~ . . . . . A ; t t t t '"''11 '" ' intlividn;\1 tna.v lw•

rn inet.l ''Y : H ~ ~ " ' wÎf\! ion w i .h tunney .ca}'itn' orer '\l; h Î( 'h n.not 11 ·r h n ~ cout roi

J'his is wlt.·tl /i,,ll h'l.JiJ'tufJl ·ùt , ~ · o u th Afr;rn. The ( ;o]d- P o w ~ r iswielded hy J . w • t g n P r ~ l • l t ~ \ \ · = - - Thf\y are not. tn\·flsting. tlu•y are div ..:-;t

i n ~ . T l u ~ y d ~ p : \ r t with thE- Ye!')tlnP-nt., of tbA land they lutve c . l e ~ i , o i l e d .. . . . Powerful e o n n t r i e ~ [11ndcr Jcw i n ~ p i r : \ t Î o n 1 thrPatPn to go to\ v a r ' ' - - w a r ~ nrc th<' .'fewe' harvt1:-\t! -·-"in ordcr tha.t tl1eir [.Jew] Jiuan

cier·" may confer th " 'hPn fit!'\' nf t h•'Î r inV(•stnu•nt s or )nans u pi)H y•'t. unexplnit.,•d cou.1t ries, A.n•l hn,TÎil!l nnr.P g••t a foothold. thPy use t . h t ~ r i c h ~ s they acq,lÎrP (l'rnnt theuatives) for

m a k i n ~ furth«'t·

c o n q n e ~ t s . ' ' (29)

ln t h i ~ way tht- . J e w ~ nf thP ~ \ 1 e h t . l h ~ · · ~ e l l ( ~ l t a f t . b a t ~ k ~ t l by the in1perialprHver of (i••rtuany. olttaiuc.J eontnl of the A u ~ t r . d i ; t t t :ipt·ltP-r, whieh e\'PDin t i t r ~ f ~ of \\ar th•'.Y Hold tnore eh(l:tply tn t.he- 1 H l C ~ of Briti:l.n t,hau toB r i t . n n J t i ~ ~ ~ l a j e t y · R (}overnrnent iu itH t ·xfr , !HIP r u ~ · · , . l . "'[he enal

ar('a'-' nf En!!laud \\'t'n' only j n ~ t , Rnved fron1 a ~ i r u i l a r fat.f-!; while the~ o r r y t ~ , J f • of t h ~ T r a n ~ n \ R l gold-licld• l a a ~ rea.:h••c1 i t ~ rlilna.x whPn thernere r u t n H ~ or ~ u n r a n t . e t • of the agt.•nts ot' etl(••ny 1mn kM can he 1 1 ! - \ ~ d tt>

dPJH·ivn th :-.; ~ o n n try of i n:tt 11'al e n d o w n l P H t ·uHl hy tha.t. Aet to ohLtti l

poli tirai rouf roi. \vhich exP.rted to preveut t,he re:,l ! > r o g r t t s ~ of thec n u u t r ~ · 1\ lh l t':X.p1nit it lnnr( ' hPn.rtl-l'!Oïsly. At bit,h'r t 'OSt \Ve leartat rromthe (tcrtnnn Jc,v thn,t h i ~ •t•apital.' intrnnHced under ~ h , ~ l t t ~ r of a ~ n r i t i ~ h ' litui1ed liahility t ~ o • • • r a n . r . a d i ' - g n i ~ e ( l State-lnllll, in t e n u ~ over whiehour State h n ~ no control. Nt-xt this ~ o - c ~ J l , , d 'capit.ar of the <;enua.n.h•,\' is f'·•·t{'lPHt ly nnthing nt•'re thf\n :t pronaisc oi which h i ~ owo eontrolu a h l e ~ hiut fn R\'oid tlu• fnlfihuont. ,. (29)

By thi8 n 1\1u 'n v rP t hc J"w i" ab l · t.o .c xp1 i touiintts which he h n ~ kiudly r•ntt-t·nt•·cl f. , p a t . n • n Î ~ P .

thP ull tJnno .. t, t lH'•

·•control' ' not Money Supplied by Jews.-ExampJe:

The CloverfieJd Mine.

tl·•w J.,w8 ~ P t ~ o m e t h i n g fnr nothi11g is WPII i l l n s t r · a t ~ d in the c a ~ e of the GlnrE:'rfi t11•1 ru i n ~ ~ 1'1ac p o ~ ! : S t - ' ~ : " ' ion of t t rn ine waw nht aittt"<l hythe ··Cnntrol', on 1heir unrl,.,•·btkiug t• ) "find the n1oney nt't·essnry to

eqnip a.nd devf'lop t h · ~ t u i n e . ' ~ 1 , h , ~ p r o u t i ~ e nf th<· Jew G·. rul:\ l l hank·

w a ~ ali thnt "'as re(tnired. The plallt. the,\· ot·dcred bitS lH'ver earned

anything, fttHl the pPoplc w),., put it up e l n s ~ , l i t do,vn at their owndi8cretion. Bnt elit] t h ~ Jew-Uontrollose? ()n the contrary. T h ~ Jew

Golrl PototJ• ntrlkt!f f i . ~ nlucla 1 1 • h t ~ n a. p r o p ~ r t y ix proved httd a . ~ when it

JJroued yooJ. l t is t.lae 'ot·diuary ~ h n r e h o l d t r who lo:o-e the Uoutrolth rives

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The tnine wa.s originn.ily ~ o t rot• not.hiug front 1he St"te. l ~ a t e r it \VaS

ncquired hy S. Xt·ntnalln nnd CP . who soltl it fc)r ! ~ 0 0 , 0 0 0 fully p a i t l ~ np ~ l a a r e " ' in the comp.nty ,vhich Wè\8 r e g i ~ t e r e d "HritiHh" in theT r n . n ~ v n n l in 1U03. 'l'lu.  chairtn:Hl r e p r e R e n t ~ X enmann, a.1ul so lloes t i l t ~ R e c r l · t ~ a r y . On the BoHr<l ure H f ' h r n i c - s o n n d i u ~ tH\ID•'s of ~ ~ { ' ~ ~ r ! ' \ . T. II.Ottin"h.-rg, M ~ \ X F'r·anckc (alte1·nate J. l i . 1{uh1mann ), (). S. (lol(lnulu

('tltt!1'nate P. })rPJfuJJ).

~ f r . Frnncke reprt'!"<•nted Goertz and Co., or ra.tht·r, the JP-\v-- GenHJ\11

banks bt)hind ( ~ o t ' r t ~ anrl ()o.

No" t l t i ~ tnine is w o r t l t l e ~ ~ . And vet. t t u ~ '•Control" still c o n t r o l ~ ~ : , ..nnd although the plant. is idle it h a . ~ "enrnerl'" i t ~ cost tnn.ny titnfS cn·er!I t w n ~ not t-he plant t hat did it. bnt the a . t . t r a ~ r ve ·force of Golrl- Power.

~ o o n it, wa8 kno\\'n that tl1e Jew-(;,'rtunn hank F;nliled on 1t, t l u ~fJrift:·dt J>Ubfic ' U ' ( ~ S dr·aunt fO ~ U J . J s c • r i l one tttil/1:on. pound8 f 1n the thirt e t ~ U )'f-'r\l':o' of itl"3 lire ( 1 17) Clo't'rfi,·ld hnd not prodncerl a.n ou nee ofgqld. bnt the · 'Control' ' hnd flnnrisl1e(l exet'etlingl,r !

Germany depends on England's GoJd.

T l u ~ . J n d a e o - ( ~ f · r m n n nationnlc·ontrol c l o r n i n a t e ~ tbP world'R trnrle and

prodnctiou. 1n seiE-dt.'fence othf'r nn.tionR are d ri veu to ~ e t up ·national

confr(•l of th(lir owu. ()uc'' .in cntnplete rontrnl of thP nUfJtUI f•f Snuth

A f r i c ~ Gern1any r.ttnt .rpwry \viii he i n , · t t l n e r a l d ~ . J t ' w r y having ol,tained

snpreme power nV('r (}Prrnany's l i n a n e · · ~ , can wield a.ll tl1e lu'w"r of(i-er·n•Rny in thP inter('st of . J e w t ~ r y . \ ~ o n e .Jew h a ~ thP whole .J.)w tribewit}JÎn his ~ l , i n , and can eonnn :lnd the hPlp of the ot.lHT trP)(\ in his

i n t ~ · r e : - ; t the Dr("'yfnfi (•.:tse f ~ ~ r X a t n p l t · - .Jf'wry ('an H ~ f · t,lu, f'ntire.

natio11a.l pt•\\·or of ( ;( ' f lHat ly to fnrtlu. r .Jewry'R projects. '·'J'hP eontpe

titor \VÎt.hont Hta1 f!-:tid h ~ t s to f a ~ e t h t ~ whole of the (}pnnan nat innaJ re

~ O U t T r . c ; and c1·t-dit. i t ~ . r:-tilwn.y', Rhipping and mPtirnlat•'•l co-opPrationh e t w t ~ • ' n i J t d n s t r Î P . ~ r r q t l i t · i t t . ~ one another'!" prn··ln•·b;, the whoh• har.lu·tl,

at P\'Cry runtnent of the day r ~ ' i n f n r C " e < l , hy a ~ p e e i : t l i ~ ' f•citw;ttÎonal

~ Y ' ' 4 ' 1 H . edueation huren.nx. the (•J•t·r:l.tinn of h:lnl\:' an<l a g ( ' t l r . i " ~ , JlPilet.r:lt

in , ll -< u rp n g' o r c1 ' --l r o '· t r v:d r { i 1 o t her (.· H1n t.r ie --:, n nd liHn lly (l'u' 11-ing t.he u n o r g a n i ~ P d by t h ~ t.l1 rt •at c·ning prP!'t Îg'è of it:-\ ar and l heh(lrrors ol wnr.

" 1n t i H ~ Gennan e r t ~ P the !n .. ul11cieucy (,f g11ld hn.s hPPn 1nore than

c o t u p e n ~ a t e d hy i n Y t ' s t i n ~ every trnnsaetion 'vith the whole nationalcr••dit. An oun(·e of gold in Ger.nauy d o e ~ 1nore \vork than Ola.ny

o u n ~ · e s in any other country. . . . .

'•So long as indnstry f tHd tra,!P. are h a ~ e r l on cotnpet.ition, the minimum

unit that cnn ~ n r v i v e in these generations is n nuit which has nnthing l e ~ s t han Rnverei power. . . . .



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" l t hf.lre, in South 1\frica, thA.t the main a.ttack on the Rt,it.ish' C:old basis' bas hflgun. Even in J . . ~ o t · d !\1 i l n e r ' ~ ti1ne a J ew dircctor nfan e ~ s ~ n t i a l l . v Oerman.Jew ' l - I r ) u ~ e ~ i n JohnnlltRhnrg threatcned to have

tl1P gold 1narket retnovcd t,·, Ne'v York.'' (:\4 -- [,)

The German State Claims and Uses a)] Monies and

Securities Deposited in German Banks.

[Tt. m n ~ t he rcmenlbf\red in •l· ·nlh1g with "( }ennnn ' ' tiuance that the

"(iernlf\n" h n n k ~ nre .Jcw .hank:-:. n.ttd, tn ull iut.-uts :nHl p u r p o s c ~ . the

(Jertnnn Etnpire \'fRS und l:": n .J •.". Etnpirn. 'l,he f ~ e n n a u ~ : r n p 1 r e is HH

.Tewish ns cvcr t.he H.otuan Ernpir•' w a ~ Hntn!\n. The r n h t n people

hnv•' h,.en aud are i t ~ willin!.! or nuwilling- ~ t a " e ~ . cautionH f ' t f ' R ~ n r y if ( l f H ~ is tn lltH]el' .'-' tnn-.l the ::; tory \ ~ h t c i 1 our anrhnrs nnfol(ll

d'l'hf' .Tt>w, Sir 'LionP1 Phillips, t f , . ~ f l d that his ' 1 • 'lPll asn p ~ in t lH· ( 'l ,:rntl '(' l IJf in ' ' ' ') ;' " ! l t ~ t l l ~ ( · ' ( ~ · r · r n C(IU\rnl

liog inthH11l \ 't \ did not ;,,,:\i<l the 'utistake ' c•f d t ï " ' · d ! n ~ aYailahl" c:•sh in

the enen1y hauks before the \\'ar. [Tho..:e n ~ t n t e . J r w ~ rnacl•• no ' n t i ~ t . ; , k e ' 1h" h a u k ~ werP no ' t ~ n e t n y h : l n k ~ - tn t.hern. they w P r ~ ~ .Jf.'\V hankR and

tb(li r ow u. Th PY \'\'Pre J·;ng1H H l ' ~ Al IP ln Î · · ~ t lu•n, a8 l l t t ~ arhl t.ht• P-n ti re.J ••w ttihe arr g l a u d ' ~ en<'tni<.':' lJO\V. Hf) tn :11frlr how tl:ir.k the u n o n ~ tlage of ·l,•yality' t h e ~ · pnt (ln.J lttP threat to hn\·P the gnltl tna.rketrPtnoved front l..,.,ndon 1o New ·y· .r k woHl( l 11• \1 lu.• t 'IllJ •ty un\v wh(•nwarliiH• e.\prnclitnre h:\s nlteretl HJI p r t • v i o n ~ Îld(•rnntinua.l r e l a t i o n ~( , r h ! ~ il l 1 ) 17. 'r hHt ()r 19 1 ! ) . . , . \\ t lt wh at \\' l tIle t : l t erf'J · ~ y 1he b:n1 ! 'l'h1·ir own ec·on• •nlÎl"ts arltnit t hat bank ru p t e ~ · tl•reat-ens t.o ov•·rwht·lru fht'tn. Bnt they an• u · r a . n ~ to e t . onr RouthAfril"an ~ n l d a ~ a i n ~ t ft b:uddng gnaranft•t' - ~ l ~ i ï t ..f rnii)j,,us for a S•'l'npof pUJ•er which ~ o u t l t Afri•·an g ~ t l d ,,ill lnake ~ P f ) ( l . TIIC r:old-P(I"t'1'will he theirs.'' (36) (Clo\·•·riidd over :.gaiu '!H n. na•i,,n .t ~ e n le

South African Racial Strife the work of Jews from


,L'l'he H r ~ t thiug to he f'aid altollt X a t i n n n l i ~ l l l and nndaliAtH in ~ o n t h Afrir.a. i ~ : i t ÎR tlu.• ddilH·rate ( T f ' ~ t i o n pf a ro,·pf,onR r:-tf•e whicl1 is n ~ · i t h • · r l>ntrh nor En .dir.;h, ., h ::t J.·,vish. r ( )ur n n t h P l ' ~ say "( ierl l l : l f l , H l ,uttl 1e E < · h . f o ; t ~ ( _ ) l l l l l a n n , 'Ln·xr.;;:, \ \ r t ' r n h P r ~ nnd t h ~ r ~ F i t at . not n n r f "· ( :eru1a11s ,, t l t ~ n P h i 1 l tt nd R.•t , · h i l d are " E n ~ l i ~ h " ] ' · T l u ~ r P . w : l ~

nt•vt•r n \Vnnl of: w i a l i ~ u 1

in tite () • · a H ~ P

Free State till tl1e Haid,whi,·h w a ~ o r g a n i ~ r d in thf' '(iornrr Jiqn:-;e! l·y t l . t ~ . l e w ~ , nn(l t•ndfld the

t,·;·i•·nl ,.o.operation or' HII<Hl•·' H'Jti J].,fuH.•.rr. ft ÎR t l u ~ w i t n e s ~ nl' alJ•1-:ntdi::\hHlPH wh,, ha\·f' travellt.••l in th·· ··"ttutry d n r i u ~ thf' l a ~ t fift.v y e a r ~ tl.n: lhf) di··-f.ingni;..;ftjng 4 · 1 r : t r : \ f ' t t > r Ü : t i t ~ S ol' t h l ~ J r t n · ~ \ l l n e n t by l h > e havet.. f'Jt c o n r t P : ' k 1 1 n l n e ~ ~ \ n d lH>'l ;Îtality. This lnt:o' he( ' l l the P:xperient·pt•f l,ot11 tite writers on the Yt!lclt. and on tht) ba1ttlefield foo .. , ( 4!',)

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" T he tru t h n f t he ~ o n th A t ' ica n ( 1 Hi c u l t \" i l t 1-; • 1 . l.ta•al\vu_ys hePn tite ohjPet. of the ..:\.nglo-Gel'U.Jdtl p:·e.;:--i (that is,

t. h • •JudaPo - ( i rl'ut a 11 - o n t rn l ù p r P i n t hP E l g \ s h 1a n -g - u : q ~ to ( ' t ' t ' a t ~ l'tH:inl dis<·ord. . . . l ï u ~ qnatTPl ht•twrPH])utc), aud l · : u p : \ i ~ h is elti.efly a r t i H c i a l . ~ au(l is fuluen1Pd

the : - \ t l l H ~ a g t " H e i ~ s as· ha,·p pro,·ük{'d riot a1Hl t l i ~ ( · n J •1. l t . ~ h ~ l lion and treac·hPrJ in nther pat ts of t hP J·:n•p1re ~ n t d in the

e o u n t r i ~ ~ of tltP .A.l11tt!4. ·· 1 ) ~ ~ ) . T h i ~ hapJH1 ning· t " o - l l ~ • Y nll lhP ,,.tn·ld UJHlPr t l u ~

. l i r ~ c · t i o n 11ot ot' (jprJu:•ttv. but of tl1e. l ~ ~ l t l e r s of Z1on. Byn· h i te peop1 s t h :\ .1 P \Y H (li vP rtkeepi11g np tlis('ord atnoug·

attention fron1 h P n H ~ P l v ~ ~ . dew-Made Cold Law.

H'fhe (Jold l .a"· was H l ~ and_ aHtPtlflPtl ~ J . H .•eially for

tuakiug it hard for the lJotlt' und the J ~ u g l i s l u u a n to o\YH agold tniue . , l \ V ~ ~ h a l l see pres(• nt l:y ho\\· the- J e\VS J.nauageto get parliatnents tu p a s ~ la\\'S in t.he iutert:'st of J e , Y s and

to t.he detrin1ent cf natives. ·\Vith e-YP.l'Y detnand for r a t e ~ anù taxtls "re in J•:ng·land are feeling t.laP pinch ot the Sl.lllle

J·udenn poliey.]"'Thf' privute. ganthlPr .; (tlaat is , tlu . Je"· "llouses' cont.,rol

ling the n t i n P ~ ) hnvt . no national i n t e r e ~ t hnt are absentees,

and t'or t.he ntost paT't untler th{' control of .")p\\· -UertHan

hauks. r r h ~ y exert jlO\VCl'fU) Ï n f l U P t H ~ P O ll poli1iea} p a r t i r ~ anJ ·officiais 1o \ \ · r e ~ t la"·s in t 1 u ~ i r faYotn· at1tl alter tardrs

to t.heir a l l v a n t n g ~ and to the distHlYnntage of the ~ i < l P H t popnla t Îo11. 'l'hey havP h e ~ n n s ~ o e i a t e d \Vith raidR and \Vars

:nul fore ig·n in t rig·u -s, an «1 h , Ye th J'Pn t {'TIed fi nYf l rn nH'"

tl, :at thPy \Yll1 \\'I'P& ·k their pnhli• · loans •nHl tnaktl. holTO\\· ing

(·.otHlitiou ou l ' a u ~ u 1 H" rrh ' V haV f l \ ) f ' 0 \1 !.d d U ho U t C 0 1\ \" H 1 Ï0 ll S ll l t h ln HHl l '

• • 0

tu a rk e t. , "· h t a nd h :u ·1{ , rn i i ng· :u H1 l o " -eri 11 g· ' ' P nt.h(\Îl' ('tlpt'ic·P :1111l o p p o i u g - t l u ~ n:dional ,,·111 hy i n f r o d t u · i t ~ g -fJhin e ~ f l o .

( H rhe ÏJ• (\ t. t .J t\ 1l () J1 f t l 1h ' s :1 l 'p [a J'k Ct. :1 t) d ll g l ' ( ' t ()f S 0 \1 1l <l

i n<lu st1'ia1 co itli1 -on s 1a '· c1 sgra f 'ed us " . th a mo 't al .y of

minf:lrs, hlaek atHl b i t e , ' v h o ~ e n1ag-nitncle is Pven no"- con

(·ealed, though it. k tH) t \. t l to be appnlling.

"Tl' ey hnve u ('ePP.<1Pd in shi ft ing to the S a f\ t}H" bur'len

of c o m p P n ~ a t i n g thfl- 1 1 Y i n ~ virtims of a preventnhle occupa-

tional disease. . . . ·

"Even then yon have not. exhaustP.fl the l>lnrk list. of,hoomR and s l n m p ~ anfl undesirable p r a e ' t Î c e ~ "\\-llirh hnYtl' ~ e t


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l{,f}' houths in ou1· street[-\ and (lrag·oo.ned uuufl'Plttliug eitizeus

by troops front thE' ( ~ o u n t r y iutla1ned by t b ~ Lt'l1ef that they

"·ere quelli ng another J a n t ~ ~ u n l{a id." (5;1-H.)

ln point of fa ct, ~ o u th 1\friea has Ù ~ { l l l a VPry pa ru disefor t h ~ o p ~ r n t i o n ~ of the E l d e r ~ of Zion.

Lady Phillips Pleads for ''a Friendly Cermany'' on

the Eve of the War.

Our a u t h o t · ~ note that children born of Uerman parents in

South Afi·ica are even more inimical to ~ n g l a n d tban tl.teir

parents before them. }for BGerntan,'' " .e must again read'·,Je\v.·' tfo our kuo,vledge, real Uerntans who settle in

~ o u th Afriea make excellent colonists. 'fhe Je\\' is another

proposition: T.he se·cret of the affection of. the J e\v n 1 i n i n ~l U ê t g n a t e ~ tor uermany anù German banks lS that the b a n ~ ! " ' · are a ll J ~ ' v hanks, and the Germany they love is J e \ v m a n ~ .

The 'vite of the Jew, Phillips, in lU13, by \\·ay of pre-

paring· us for the U·erman onslaught, published a small

volunte, entitle{l: "A } ~ r i e n d l y Germany: Why Not?' ' 'fhe

proper ans\\"er to this query would, of course, be "llecauReliertuany, like ourselYes, is run by J ews, and ,\·ars, not

frienflships, are t h ~ Je.,Ys· harvests." llut. that was uot thea n s ~ v e r of Lady r·t.illips. ~ h e is all for accepting the friendship nf the- ,Je,,·-(ferJnan Spider, and for urgiug the } ~ n g l i s h }'\J·, on thè Pve of the '"nr, to 'valk into hjs parlour ,vitbout

delay. .She evPn ~ u g · g · P s t s that t.he l•.,·Jy 1night contl'aet an1arriage \vith the Spider, and gives it a '\vedding· p r e ~ e n t . ~ \ V h a t , ' ' she asks, ''ar-e- ""e to give German as a 'd·ot' on

the l,l'Îtlï.d duy 'fhea n s ' v ~ r

she sugg·ests is a colony ort " .o ! · ;\ great (}erma n party,' ' she "·rites, "thinks that(_iprtnany should ]taYt1 eoloniPs: 'vell, if we are- in E'·arnest ,

"P 1nnst. H ( ~ c r p t t.his v i ~ " · , tnu:-;t Pxpress o u r s p l v e ~ "-illing to

t·PtHake the 1nap of thP "·orld.'' (79.)1

\\.,.rll, the t.hing has h ~ e u clone, or, rnthE'r, is in the p r o e c ~ r ' \ of h('ing carried <>ut; hut not. fl'Xactly hy a "Friendly Ger .

tu a n . \ · . ~ · l l o " · e y e r ~ the J e'vs ha lost nothing over it, and

tl•e J f l " ~ - G e r t n a n l:la.11ks have l>een kr.pt. alivP in t h ~ land

hy their J e , v - D r i t i ~ h bret-hren and tools .•Rut the marriage "dot" of colonies to J ~ w - G e r t n a n y is

to c o m p r i ~ e only one .c·olony frotn England. The rest? 'Vell,the lady shall reply:

"'Vith a single exception, I du not suggest. th at an acre

of B r i t . i ~ h ~ o i l should p a ~ ~ nnrlPr GPrmnn · ha n d ~ ; no suf'h

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clenullu i Ïlu p1e·d i n the cry i or a p1 c ' in . .he suu . · 'V thali res}Jet:i for· (.iertuan uecessities, J atn c o t n p e l l ~ d apatriot lo tuaitt1ain that ·o\\·e thosn count.rjes t.hat. 'vehave t a k ~ n uuder out· proteetion a contiuuance of our t r u ~ tee \-;hip. But thPJ'(.\ are other lands and other ~ t . a t ( ' S h o ~ e I.HlJlPlïal d t ) ~ · d i n i t . ' S are end<'tl. '[hPre are vas t P x p n n ~ e ~ oflerritor·y 110\V iu the hands of etYete- J ~ ~ u r n p e a n s WhO WOUid

gladly shelve their responsibilities. 'fhere are, ~ l u h o l n t n e d a u O U l t f r i ( \ ~ În a ~ f . a t P nf d f ' c n y ~ but great Ï" potential Wealth.W a l f i ~ h ]Jny and P o l ' t u g t . u ~ s P territors tttHl 1 \ u g - o r a ~ thPC ~ o n g o au(l .-\s.ia ~ ! i n o r '1nd, p e r h a p ~ , Hout.h .\tn(lrien-- -thef'e.are the ~ i g · n - p o ~ t s to a better u u d e r t n n d i n g . q l , e 1 h a p ~ 1he

lady 1neans 1hat t h e ~ < " t r i f t ( \ ~ \Yonl,] enuse- ( i " ·iunr l ' ,l''athf'llall n11d \V.arburg· t.o look HIOI't" kindly oH 11s !----- '.l'hPla dy pn ,P P ( 'ds : • 1 w " 1d. (.; eruta uy t-n ha Y P ruore 1ha n (' o1 l i 1d{ H l ~ S f ' ~ s i i H I : - \ ; 1t ha ,.P a Cnlolli:d f ~ r n p i r e : t JH' f a i n l ~ · d .

~ \ thf' T'I·nf , ~ · · n t l d l \f '- t h ~ ' ('o'I ! !' P.... \\""*' ... }, Pnld ; tt ·t ·P p t

t hHt a ( jertuan J ~ ~ n • p i t e ext e udiug- over the \Yhole ut CeutralAfrica \vould, hy 1-!'iving- · our neig·hhüttrR scope and occupatioll, p r o , a JlP1-pP.tua1 g-narantpfl of intPrnnt1onnl pea r e. 111i n e i ( l P n t ~ l l Tiritislt :ulvantag·t• \Voul•l he s ( · i ~ n t i f i c eolonia] f··o

operution 'vith( 1 ~ r t u a J l y

l.Ierr J)prnhurg" a ,Je,v , " ·hont\VP ~ P e t n to ha ,.P Hl Pt in a noth Pr coll n ecti on " a fnrn1 ero l o n i : l l SecrPtarv, rlid t l u ~ hnno11r· of ~ t l H l Y l l l g " onr. '·

tnethntls oH 1 h ~ ~ p o t . . anfl n ~ . l kno"· · g i v ~ n PYPT"Y (ïlt'llity'vhru h(' visited Soutl1 ..AfriC'a."' (7!J-RO .)

()ur n u t h o r ~ (lxpl:1tn thnt li"PtT lleruhurg- a tlirP<'in1'

nf . thP ] ) p u t . s ( ' h ~ JJank ntHl nf t l u ~ Jlank f'ür llatHlPl undl n d H s t r i ( ~ . nrHl hy virtue of his dil"f'rtor·s pnss he h ~ u l tht'right i-n ('OTllntanrl the p r i Y - i l e g e ~ "·hiclJ I 1 t H l ~ · Phillips ~ a : v s he "pnjo_vpfl."

l l i ~ real

o l l . i ~ < ' t . 'vas t.o

n d v i ~ e the

J \ n i s ~ r onthe- g - n T · r 1 ~ o n of ~ o u t h - " r ~ ~ t . 1\frica, nnd T1adv Pltil11ps' h n ~ -, .

ha n(1 : l H1 thP o t h ' r .T P " · n t n i t. t 1 n t h \- got a 11 t h \ in for -

ru a t in 11 hP u f' r-f1 (1.

The Bagdad Railway •

.As n ig·11 hP pP ,. tf '(1 J.J :u ly l lh 11 ips " ·a s e 1 t h 1 ·' in... t i(' ·O " P 1·

thr- llag-d:ul Hail\\·ay----t.h(lo .}p\\· -( -;prnta l l l,ig llPr1ha poirt1f'd

at. our ltHlianE 1 n p i n

If tha1 projPl't hast n t ~ c n t T Î P t l

duriHgt h "·a r, i h e l ' ~ n r t ' 1 :H •ses . : 111 1l t ' 1 , ns o o n s :n H1 ) 1 ,\ P rH

l'e a d ~ - t.o fl'r c . ha t t " e 1{a j ~ ~ l ' fa i1-.l .. 0 h ri n g 0 n· . J 11 t l 1us hPar JJad:v I•hilips.

" [ J: t:-\tl.\ · , thPrr is i h ~ ] ~ a g ( l a d J { n i l w n ~ · . . . . ' r h ~ ('hjPt·t nf(lerntany tn lntild a l i n ~ via J J : l ~ ï l a f l . frt1nt 1-h(> 'Ir.(ljtpr-• •

ranPnll to n a ~ R o r a l t Oll t l u ~ P e r ~ i a u Gulf. l ' J u ~ y ~ t ~ n l . runv


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past Eregli and plannPd f.or another 520 n1ilPs, i n v o l v e ~ Inany hranch lines. \Vhen it is constructed and conneetedvia Ispahan nnd 'feherau, in l)ersiu, 'vith the l!ussinn lin·e

at )le 'Y , i t \Vi ll g iv.e t i ~ rmany a position" this i s a t.y pical(;erman diplomatie p h r a s e ~ say our authors, and hP.re theau thoress is 'vell- inforn.ted ' ' in Asia ~ { i n o r . " She sees t.hatit. " ~ o u l d make our posit.ion difficult "·ith Italy, France-, Russin, and create difticulties f<>r Austria, and jar the BalkanStates; but "let us r e c o g n i ~ e th nt. specinl position and grantthnt (iermany may look upon t.he remains of the 'f·urkish1 ~ ~ n 1 p i r e as a légit.imate sphere of i11fluence, where it willcarry the h l e s : - ; i n g ~ of civilisation "·hich the 'l'urk has sl1ownhi1nself so un fit. to a p p l ~ · . • ]}p]gium nnd France "·il l appre(·iate this! . . . " l t is for ( t ~ r m a n y t.o decide \vhether it(·an ('01npensnte or don•ÎnntP: it. for us i.o declare that"·e h n v ~ no fundntnentnl ohjeet1on.q (80.)

The lady'R conclusion is t.hat "hand in band Gertnany and" l ~ n g · l a n d mny · lea!l th·e 'vorld to a rPalisntion of gloriousi<lPals. 1,herP alone can the tnte i n t ~ r e ~ t s nf humnnit.y lu:)

~ ~ r v e ( l , antl 'Vestern civilisation "·ill t h u ~ form a b u l ~ · a r k ng-n inst t.he encr.oaching hordes."

l[o,Y her Asiatic huslland is going to nssist in t.hiH \Vorkof opposing ()riental h o r d e ~ , she doeR not say, but he hasinld us h i n l ~ P l f i r ~ the l)hillips-Beit letters now in t l u ~ Cape1\lue ]look. 'l'he ndvice üf t h ü ~ J ew H u ~ h n n d , General Bothad < ) < ' l a r < ~ d tltat he \Yas "nceuson1ed to tnkE'," and w-e n1ny hPperfectly r.ertainly that (iPneral S 1 n u t ~ continueR i.o d r a ~ · insjlira t ion fron1 the same fon nt of w i ~ d o t n . IJn.dy PJ 1 llipA'hook \ V n ~ 'videly advertise·d nnd faYnnrably received in the..fp"p-controlle<l p r ~ s s of ·South Africn. Dnring- the war,I.Jady Jlhillips puldishe(l in the "C'ape Titnes'' a bit.ter attackon Genern l Roth a 3nd his ronneetion " ~ i t h the campaig·n in( j ~ r t n a n South-,,.,. ~ s t Africa.

Ceneral Smuts on the Mines.

'fhat GenP.rnl Sn1uts, "·ho s p e n 1 ~ by son1e occult process tohave been since converted into a "(Jentile front" for theChosen l)eople, once understood their metbods very weil isseen by a letter of hiR lvrit.ten to Miss ~ I o b h o u s e on the

occasion of the introduction of Chinese labour into theeolony. Sai<l General S t n u t ~ : "They ·(the Crown Colony Government) think that the

1uining industry must be saved nt all costs, and it cannotand will not be saved, for t.h ·e major part of it is bogusand o shnm. If ali the minflR t hat hnYe- no re-a8onnble chanet"

] 1

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t) t ,,·orkjllg at a protit ----tlt:lt i ...; , about HO pPr ePnt . of tlit:)ln-

ure nJlo,ved t.o g·o iuto 1 1 u ~ JLa11kruptc.v o u r t , the euunt.ry

\YÎIJ OJH'l" lUOl 'P l't. .. t l l r l t lo a llOI'llla} C'OtH)d Înn. rf}Jf '' L ' r a n ~ v a a l

\\' Il cf!a sP t o 1P t }, e happy h t nt i J g· ~ ! ' rnH t ld tn J' t ltt' t ra udu -

)(lut. and al) ,,·ill yt't hf' \ \ 'Pl i . ~ " ' " ' h o \ \ ~ ( ' \ P J . \ \ ' P ah o g u ~ ~ · o l c l i n t l n s t r ~ · ; Î 1 ~ J'f ') '1tl:d inu kPpt. goiug- for t.I1P

p u r · p o s ~ ·of still furtlu.•t· s\\·indliHg- thP i u v e ~ t . i n g · }Hthlic nt~ ~ u r o p 1'ht' !l ' f 'JH. f 'a 1 g·ofHl of th enulltry, utHI l tnny ~ H . Y of' South ;\{rien, sacrifi('?d for this ~ h a u 1 in(lustry aurl

\ \ ' t11 a r ~ all naPrt·il,v spi1111Ïrq.!' 1n JH'l'•lifion.H (;,(),)

The Phillips- Beit Revelations.

llavîng ~ e ~ u ,,·hat. ar·p the pro-tlertuau ~ f l n t i n i P n t s of thp,,·ife of the .Je\\·, .PI.illips, "·e wiJl uo,\· :-;t'p \lhat. Jnanner· ofJuan this ( ) r jP tdal ï ~ . \rhoua thP lloHH" .Jp\\ ( _ tJ \ '{\lt t tntt t l t . tl•\light. lu honour \\·ith an hPredit:u·y tit.lP and a hig·h p o ~ t iut h ~ ~ l i u i s t r y of )Junitious iu titufl of l ~ n g h u H l ' ~ \\'ar \vithhis wif 'P 's ··Frit.t.tHllY .. l ' l l l c l n \ Jt t · ~ t t l har,)J,· h : I Y f ~ h t ~ P n . . '

h Y p 11 l' in a tl ' · ' · .P n ( P tl 1 d . n ... t h •f n rf' t lt ) '\ 1J' P i1i 11 i ' .; · c o H 1 -

JHHIÏP..; i u v P ~ 1 P t l over l a ~ d t H n1illiou of Eng-1ish ~ O \ " P I P l g ' l l ~ 1n( it 'I 'Ht:IJI h o t ) ( { ~ a nd ~ ( \ ( ' U l ' Î t ÎP:-; .

l)hillip .;- Beit lPttPJ's " 'Pt·p "·l'ittpn i" JHn -. n1on· t l 1 : t ~a veat· hefore the ,JantP:"iOII l!.aid .. . t. t.hat titue tleit ;t1.t . l u ~ hr:.ul of "lllP ( 'u t ' l lPJ ' l l n n s f ' . ~ · a p o ~ i t i o u HO\\' f · u p i .hy l•t.iiJips h j t n ~ p } f . 1Ïtt' ·•(•urllf 'J' llousH'' ÎR thP. hn1np otilte ( l n t n d )[iniug- :nul IH \. f• ."'11Uf'Ht ('ot·poration, Litnih\<1.~ r h e l'Pal nationalitv of thfl " l lnusp ' · "·ill ht,. PYi<lPnt fron1 a


perusal of thP nnnJps of n n t P of it" rlirflc·tot·s lt l l!ll .t : I•.,_ (;.E < · k ~ t e i t t , ]Jouis )(ryfl!rshach. (·. E. H u h ~ · . I ~ l l f l , , i g · ' ' 'ag-liPl'.~ ~ a x J ~ ~ r : n u · kP, ()eh• \ ' f , 1 otu ht'l 'g', J . \y·. ~ ( ' h nn l ac 1 Pl' { " ' l1 oha rf' ce nily ('han gof ' t1 h i 11 :n 11 P. fn F tP 11 n l 11 ) H 1 f1 it pl 'r P 1dhP&H.L ~ i t · Lionel P h i l l i p ~ . ' f l h i ~ the irH;titutinn "'lti«·hl t o l c l ~ " l n r g ~ ('oniro_liug 1u1Pt't.. ~ · d iu tl1e c·hi('f ~ o u t h .Ah·it';'lll l e - " ~ p a p f 1 r s , v;hi(·h, in 1 1 u ~ "·nnl, ·of' ~ I r .. ulius JpppP "·hoought. t.o kno\\"' " a r ~ PontroJlp,f hy nntnralised n11•l unn3tura 1 ~ e ( l (1 f.rnta n !o:... I • ' o t ~ ''fi-t"•·n1ans. ' ' rt1a d 'c rT P . , , ~ , ' ' )ir .,'fPppe hPing h in1 t'el f one of t hPnl. h f ' ~ P a re sa t n p l ~ s nf 1hPa l i e n ~ ~ · l u • control not. on ly tn i n P ~ , hnt the ]Jn"·. Tja"·- 1 u a k ~ r ~ anrl t.l1e Stnt.e i t . ~ p ] f . •

' f l u ~ faet.s ahout, t,he J,ett.P.rs r ~ o o r d e d bv our : H l t h n r ~ ar,\

set out., perhaps, more clearly for g e r u - ~ r a l r ~ n r l ~ r ~ .in the"J ~ " ' R " Who's Who, and from tl1is J no"· o p o ~ ~ tn fJHoh .

ft no t P . ( p . 29) : -

• ..••







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The dew Ourse in South Africa.

'Vherever J f.l'"'s are, the re ca n be no rest an•l uo peacfl.'Vnrs, d i ~ p u t . e s , quarrelR, s t r i k e ~ , rebellions, revolutions are

a 1 hnrv-estR f'or the Je"·. Therefore he cultivates them onprinciple·. Let us take South Africa, f.or example.

rrhe Jew was attracted to South Africa, first by its dia-monds and, secondly by its gold. Next, he was drawn to itby the buge black population whose weaknesses he couldexploit by selling them bad liquor and· by using them as

instruments of illicit trade. The chiefs of the I.D.B. (illicit

dinmond· buying) and the I.G.n. (illicit golrl buying) are.JewR, but. a J ew is never se·en doing penal servitude; thepoor whites and the coloured race the pay penalty.

The J ew brought no capital into the country, he did not<lig for diamonds or gold, he did not prospect for them,b11t he hns succeede-d in getting p o s s e s ~ i o n of ali the dia-

JunndR. and he practicnlly oontrols ail the gold. How thiscontrol h a ~ bPen brought about bas been e:xplained by SirLionel P h i l l i p ~ . ·

June 15th, 1894.

"My denr Ileit, Naturnlly, "·hnte,·er 've do must be done

through others, but I do not think the vested intereRts can

afford to l ~ t thiugs drift with indifference. If you trustJthodes, an<l cable 'See R.hodes,' I will run down. My own



nnd watch,and spend

ourmoney in tryingto improve the Raad [Transvaal Parliament . ]

' 'Thf' be\vaarplatsen question [gold claims belonging to

t h ~ Stnte] "'ill, I think, he settled in our favour, but .at ac o ~ t . of cf2f>,OOO. Tt ÎA p r o p o ~ e · d to spend a good deal ofmoney in order to secure a better Raad, but it must bere1nen1berPd that the spen·ding of money on elections has byrPcent legislation been made a criminal offe.nce, and the

matter ".,ill have to be ~ a r e f u l l y hnndled.

" I am also informed that he said that he (t.he President)was very angry with the Ecksteins, that N ellmapius was

the be-st friend the State ever had, and now he has gone hiswidow baR nothing. while we have made a large- fortune out

of ltim.

.. .

(Signed) LIONEL p ~ H I J . ~ L I P S . " 18

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The n·ext 1Pt.t.er sh·ows that lthodes, one of our greatestEntpire-ntakers, was "not to he trustedq with u kno\vledge

of t •J ' \\' • t rPa s onous plo .

"Priva te. ,July 15th, 1894.

' ' l lv dear Beit•

l ) ]" .0 t t lCS.

" ..Tu ~ t , got your rahle rPading '])o not set' Ithorles, ·et r.,

of whirh T am rather gla.d. We don't, "'ant any row. Ourtrump card is a fund of ~ 1 0 , 0 0 0 - ~ 1 5 , 0 0 0 to improve the

R·aad. lT n f o r t u n a t ~ l y , the ( ~ o l n p : - . n i e R have no ser.rPt qprvif 'P

fntHL T n tH '1 t t l t : ~ v i n p a ''"n'·. We don't want to shell outourselves.

In spite of these letters, or, ntore likely, on account of

them , the "·rit.P.r waR uwardPrl one of our chivalrouR llered1-

tary t.itles! This lei-ter sho"·s the tTews plotting behinrl theba('kR of Roer and llriton n1 ke. Rl1orles wnA not to be

"tntsted" with t h ~ .T ewR' fil thy e c r e t ~ ; he knew nothingoabout t.hem.

The dameson Raid.

1\ fu rt.her lei ter hows the sa me .TP""s planning arnH?<lrebellion, and ()nly waiting tn find dupes that, ÏA to s ~ y , J . ~ n g l i ~ h n 1 e n , or, aR Jlhillips '\\'oulrl put. 1t, "otherR'' to carry

out their pla11R, having, of c o u r ~ e , not th·e s l i g h t e ~ t inten

tion of fight.ing themAelves.

AuguAt 12t l1. 189·1.

"My denr Jleit, 1 will also Aee w hethf'r it is not. impos

sible without crMlting unner.essary alarm here or active stepsin Pretoria, to get t.he Oon1panies to posse!'ls t.hemselves of afew rifles, etc.

(Signe.l) lilONF...L P H I T ~ I J I P S . ' '

This was over a yenr before the Raid \\yas actually brought

about. Boer and Bri.ton always got on weil togetber beforethis J ~ w intervened . . .The Jews floated a oompany to runthe R.a1d, and a substdtary company, the "Wolff Syndicate."

1 (

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and made money out of both! And 1nueh tnore importa nttban that, the .ltaid produced a slurup on t.ht- ~ t o < · k J:x

change, auù Beit, Phillips' partner, \vho hnd heeu riggingthe market for months befot·e, made a tuillion out of theslutnp! t i ~ , or all the "·orlll like the ,\t.aterloo e<)up uf tl1e

ltothschilds, and J e.ll·s' coup in New York after Jutland. JI t was this same Oriental alien, Beit, 'vho would have faileù

to "make" this million if there bad been no Raid, who sentthe telegram to J ameson saying that an Immediate advance

was i tive. l t was 1 in the interest of lle-it and tll'eJ ews. Dut it Rhoulù be- 11utice(l in passing that n numberof Englishmen s lives were sacrificed to secure the J e"\\·s'profits. M o r e o v e r ~ the Name gang of Jews betrayed the

raide-rs by informing t h ~ lloers, anrl sn Pnsured the tuilure

ot the expedition, t h ~ .Te" .ish "Reformers" having failed,.

as 1night haYe been ~ x p e c t e d , t.o go out, to help thetn as thPyha d p r o m i ~ ~ d .

'fhe suecess of the Raid from the point of .Tf\"" finance

was so great that the Boer War was in evita ble. The .J ~ \ v s had in their ltands ali the power to bring it about. '1


hads u c c ~ P d e d

in breaking the friendship bet,veen Jnn Hofmeyr and ('ecil Rhodes, whit"h hnd heen, until then, the

syntbol of unity between Briton and Dut.ch.

At the ,c()nclusion of the Boer 'Var the triumph of theJ ~ W A \VaR ùuly r e c o g n i s ~ by their political confedet·ntes at\\:r P s t m i n ~ t e r in the sho""er of b a r o n e t ~ i e A "·hich fflll uponthem. "honourR" which were properly ncknowledged bef()rehand by goldPn ~ t r e - n m R "·hich flowed into the secret. partyc h E & ~ t s .

Having secured contt'Ol of ali the gold and dinmonds ofSouth Africa, the J ews of the 'fransvaal with t.he J E'W banks

of Germany set ahout to capture control of all South African trad·e as well. As an example of how they have succeede<l, take the Victoria Falls Power Company, wit.h itshuge plant. With the exception of the boilers, practicallyali the machinery is German. The Jews are a race whotoil not, n:either do they spin; but they do reap. Apartfrom the moneys itself, "oontrol" is their one a1m. Takethe ' 'Rand Mines, Limited," which bas a small capital

( ~ 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) . I t bas secured control of a vast number of

other oompanies.

The invention of ' '&arer Sbares" is also a devieE' of theJews ; it prevents shares from being traced, and p r o v i r l e ~ ·ani d ~ a l means of share-manipulation.

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- --- - - -

The Four Com•nandments.

I t \viii u ~ p f u l t.o keep in mind the immortal rules, orc o m t u a n d m e n t ~ , of the pn>phf't of the NeweAl Jerusalem

revealed in the l)hillips-lleit letters. 'fhey are four : -

(1) "Whatever " ~ e do must be done through others."-That is to say, use officiais such as Prime Ministers, andYinistPrs not quite Prime, I ~ i r s t Lords, ·w ar }{inist.erA, etc.,

and ( 1hristian partn·ers, F . ~ c l i t ( ) r s , Secretaries, Managers, etc.,

as ' 'f}f'ntile l ~ ' r o n t .. "

(2) "Spend money in improving parliaments.' ' That is,spencl the p ~ o p l e ' s 1noney in hrihing and blackmailtng the

peoplo's representatives."

(3) "W e don't want to sbell out ours.elves" i.e., makeOhristians pay.

(4) "Now be haR gone h i ~ "·idow bas nothing wbi]e wehave made a large fortune nul .of hitn' ' --·i.e., Jew& to n1akefortunes out of rChriAtians' ru1n.

In this manner Jews have b e ( ~ n able to secure the mono

poly of trade throughout South Africa in alcohol, tobacoo,dynamite, newspapers, t h ~ a t r P R and cinemas, to name butn fe"· ite-ms, in addition t<> their grip on gold and diamonds.

1.'here is practieally not a theatre or cin-ema in ail &ut.h

Africa which not eontrolled by an American Jew, I. S.ScbleiRinger.


And here n1ust end the second part of rn story. WernerSombart bas aescrihed the spirit, the min and the sou] oft.he ,JE'W, n.nd haR s u 1 n m ~ d it up by Raying t.hnt it. hns aH runto t.he myRtery of the secrets of money and through money

t.o acquiring the LorrlRhip of the W orld.

The Second ·Book .of the story shows the fil thy and mur

{ l e r o u ~ means by wh1ch the Jew-power bas acquired tl1eIJOrd8hip of South Africn. Ily th·e same means the J ew bas

planted h i ~ Jieel on the prostrate fonn of Engla.nd and on

a11 Englnnd' 8 colonies and· sist.er nations.

Will Engla.nd ever rise again and come to grip8 with bersubtle, crafty, cruel, hypocritical, remorseless foe P


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" He ar, 0 J,_rael, J ehovab, the l.,ord our G,Jd One,

Bu' ·we. Jehovah his people. nre duni and so uudont,

'• S l a Y e ~ in eternn1 Eg\'ptta, bakinJ! their a r w } e f l ; l t bricks,

At ea&e in s u c e ~ s i v e l i o n ~ , p r a ~ . t i n g their politics ;

" P r i e ~ n s of the l • o u ~ c h o l d a1tH.r, b l e A ~ o i n l ! tl.e bres.d "nti wine,

Lords of t-he hellA of Oomorruh, licensecJ kcepf·r of ~ w i n e ; •• Pious fanatical zen lots, t hrottled by Tnltn ud ·COil,

Impious )echeroue scept;cs, cynicnl st'l.lkcr!4 of .-poil :

" Blarneying, s h i v e r i n ~ , ~ r • n v H n g , t u k i n ~ nU colours Rnd none,

Lying the fox in thf: covert, leaping un ope in the sun.

le Tnntalus-Proteu8 of Peoplcs, ~ e c u r i t y cornes from 'vithin !

Where t,he lion of Judah? \Veu.ring an n ~ s · s sk in!"

-· If Christ.iu.ndom a b n n d o o ~ the foUy nnd the w i c k e d n e ~ A ofanti·"emitistn, Jewery will be wHling to thiok more a.c,·uratcly

and more w i ~ e l y about the f o u n c i e r ~ And sacred I J o o k ~ of Chtist·•

ianit.y. - ~ I r . CLAUDE ~ ~ O ~ T Y . F I O R E , in the Jttt'i . /a Guardian,

Oct. 15, 19:20

cc 1 ~ o r n e t i m e s thiuk thot, when 1 retire from my profcs&ion, 1may do m o t h i n ~ fo r ,Tudnism, but it will be on li n e ~ -very differ·

ont from t hose of ClBude t.lont.efiore. fo r 1 am convinccd thatJ ud"ism will never be the religion ot' a monotheh-m which to

supplant C h r i ~ t i n n i t y . l t is e ~ s e n t i o . J l y a relif;!ion for a particu1arrace; deprive i t of thiA charact,erietic and of its histol'ic garment

and you mllke it cool, J i f e l e ~ s and insipid." 'J'he late ARTHUR

C o n z ~ , K.C., quoted in the Jewi/}h Guardian, Ot-t. 15, 1920." Jewery is one, and Israel is a Nation. ,-Jewi1h World, Aug

I l , J920.

" He ( the Chief Rabbi), will remind them 1 nm eure of theRaying of our Sages, ' n beneficient protection wbich God has

instituted in the )ife of the .Jew is that He has disper.-ed him ·'

over all t.be world." -lJI ' . Cu. ' ' ' t ; l : I . ~ I A N ~ , at the farewell

hnnquet to the Chief Rabbi .

.. The term •Jew ' donominnt.es Rnce tt nd not Creed. "-Jetvt3AJJ'orld, Dec. 15, 19:-)().

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