engl220 tristan chapters 1-8

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Tristan and Isolde

Chapter 1:Rivalin and Blanchflor

Rivalin, Lord of Parmenie, was young, hot-blooded, and lived for his own pleasure

Although he owed allegiance to Duke Morgan, he attacked his Lord

When a year’s truce was called, Rivalin went off to visit King Mark of Cornwall

Mark resided at Tintagel

Ruins of Castle

It was May, and spring festivals were in full swing.

Rivalin excelled, and all the ladies noticed him

King Mark had a sister named Blanchflor.

Rivalin and Blanchflor met.

They pined in secret.

An enemy invaded Mark’s kingdom, and Rivalin fought

Rivalin was wounded and near death

Blanchflor sneaks in to see him

She throws herself on him and covers him with kisses

He revives, gets her pregnant, and they run off to Parmenie

Rual convinces Rivalin to marry Blanchflor

Rivalin is killed by Duke Morgan, and Blanchflor dies giving birth to a son.

Chapter 2: Rual takes charge of the situation

His wife Florete pretends to give birth to a son.

The child is treated as their own.

He is baptized “Tristan”

He is well-educated and handsome

Tristan wants to purchase a new hunting bird.

Chapter 3: The Abduction

Hunting with birds was a sport of the upper classes

Tristan, his family, and his tutor Curvenal board a Norwegian ship where the sailors have hunting birds to sell.

Tristan stays to play chess

Tristan is kidnapped, but after a week of serious storms, he is put ashore in Cornwall.

He is helped by pilgrims, who take him to Tintagel.

Chapter 4: Tristan joins a hunt

Tristan has amazing hunting skills

Tristan was especially skilled at the fourchie

The fourchie is the preparation of a stag’s genitals


Chapters 5-6

Tristan also displayed advanced skills in music.

He impressed king Mark so much, that he was treated like a son

After many years of travel, Rual finds Tristan in Cornwall

Rual reveals that Tristan is Mark’s nephew.

Chapters 7-8

Tristan is made a knight

He goes back to Parmenie, seeking revenge on Duke Morgan

Tristan sneaks up on Morgan and kills him during a hunt

Battles follow, and Tristan is surrounded

Fortunately, Rual sends troops to the rescue

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