engl220 odyssey books xx-xxiv

Post on 24-Apr-2015






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  • 1. Book XX
  • 2. Neither Odysseus nor Penelope slept well
  • 3. Athena assures Odysseus he will prevail against the suitors
  • 4. Next morn, when Odysseus hears Penny weeping, he prays to Zeus
  • 5. Zeus sends thunder as a sign
  • 6. A loyal maid hopes the thunder signals the deaths of the suitors
  • 7. Servants readied the house for a feast day
  • 8. Eumaeus arrives with some pigs
  • 9. Telemachus dresses for battle
  • 10. Melanthios the goatherd arrives and taunts the old beggar
  • 11. Philoetius, the loyal cowherd arrived
  • 12. The cowherd expresses sympathy for the beggar, who reminds him of Odysseus
  • 13. Eumaeus and Philoetius pray for their masters safe return
  • 14. All went inside and were served dinner
  • 15. Suitor Ctesippus threw a heifers foot at the old beggar
  • 16. Telemachus gives all of the suitors a sound scolding
  • 17. Suitor Agelaus tells Telemachus he should order his mother to marry
  • 18. Telemachus refuses, and Athena sets the suitors to witless laughter
  • 19. Theoclymenus foretells disaster
  • 20. He saw the walls dripping blood
  • 21. And the ghosts of the suitors
  • 22. Laughed at, Theoclymenus leaves
  • 23. Hidden behind a pillar, Penelope has listened to the entire exchange
  • 24. Book XXI
  • 25. In the morning, Penelope retrieves Odysseus special bow
  • 26. The bow was a gift from Iphitus, later killed in anger by Hercules
  • 27. She carried the bow to the suitors
  • 28. Penelope announces that she will marry the man who can easily string the bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axes.
  • 29. Weeping, Eumaeus set the bow before the suitors
  • 30. Telemachus set up the axes and tried three times to string the bow
  • 31. He would have gotten it on the fourth try, but his father signaled him to stop.
  • 32. Penelope invites suitors to try
  • 33. The suitors are unable to string the bow
  • 34. Outside the gates, Odysseus reveals himself to the swineherd and cowherd
  • 35. The suitors decide to quit trying to string the bow for now. It is a feast day of Apollo, after all!
  • 36. Athena urges Odysseus to try the bow
  • 37. Led by Antinous, the suitors are outraged
  • 38. But Penelope and her son both invite the beggar to try the bow
  • 39. Eumaeus put the bow into the hands of Odysseus Eurycleia locks up the maids and Philoetius closes and locks the outer gates.
  • 40. Odysseus easily strings the bow
  • 41. He shoots an arrow
  • 42. He wins the contest
  • 43. Book XXII Slaying of Suitors
  • 44. Book XXIII Man and Wife
  • 45. Book XXIV

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