engg drawing questions

Post on 06-Dec-2015






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Engineering Graphics Useful stuff


1. The size of A3 sheet as(a) 210 X 297(b) 297 X 420(c) 594 X 841(d) 420 X 594

Ans: (b)2. Hidden lines are drawn as

(a) Dashed narrow lines(b) Dashed wide lines(c) long-dashed dotted wide line(d) long-dashed double dotted wide line

Ans: (a)3. Match the following

(a) - (1) Leader line(b) - (2) Centre line(c) - (3) Visible line (d) - (4) Hidden line

Ans: (a)-(3), (b)- (4), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

4. If an object lies in third quadrant, its position with respect to reference planes will be

(a) Infront of V.P, above H.P(b) Behind V.P., above H.P.(c) Behind V.P., below H.P.(d) Infront of V.P., below H.P.

Ans: (c)5. If an object lies in fourth quadrant, its position with respect to reference

planes will be(a) infront of V.P, above H.P(b) Behind V.P., above H.P.(c) Behind V.P., below H.P.(d) infront of V.P., below H.P.

Ans: (d)

6. If an object lies in first quadrant, its position with respect to reference planes will be

(a) Infront of V.P, above H.P(b) Behind V.P., above H.P.(c) Behind V.P., below H.P.(d) Infront of V.P., below H.P.

Ans: (a)7. If an object lies in second quadrant, its position with respect to reference

planes will be(a) Infront of V.P, above H.P(b) Behind V.P., above H.P.(c) Behind V.P., below H.P.(d) Infront of V.P., below H.P.

Ans: (b)8. The height, width, and depth of an object can be shown with a minimum of

how many orthographic projection views?(a) 5(b) 3 (c) 4(d) 6.

Ans: (b)9. Which of the following pairs of orthographic views show the height

dimension(a) Left side and front view(b) Right side and front view(c) Top and front view(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans: (d)10.Draw the projections of the following points on a common reference line.

(a) M, 35 mm behind VP and 20 mm below HP(b) N, 40 mm infront of VP and 30 mm above HP(c) O, 50 mm behind VP and 15 mm above HP(d) P, 40 mm below HP and on VP(e) Q, 30 mm infront of VP and 50 mm below HP(f) R, 35 mm behind VP and on HP

11.The projections of the different points are shown in the figure. Define the position of the points in relation to the reference planes. The distances marked are in millimeters.

Ans; P- 40 mm below HP and 30 mm infront of VPQ- 20 mm above HP and 40 mm behind VPS- 18 mm behind VP and 40 mm below HPT- 30 mm above HP and 30 mm behind VPN- 30 mm infront of VP and 25 mm above HP V- 20 mm below HP and 20 mm infront of VP

12. Draw the projections of a straight line AB of 50 mm long when the end A is 20mm above HP and 25 mm infront of VP. The angle of inclinations 45 degree to HP and the line is parallel to VP.

13.Write down the scale factor for drawing the isometric projection ………..Ans: (0.816)

14. Draw the symbol for first and third angle projection.

15.Axonometric, oblique and perspective sketches show objects in a _______ manner.a) Orthographic b) Axonometric c) Oblique d) Pictorial

Ans:- d)

16.If a client of yours is having difficulty visualizing a design, what type of drawing would be the easiest to understand?


B)three-view orthographic

C)one-vew orthographic


Ans - A

217. Which of the following is not a pictorial drawing?





Ans – B

318. Which of the following projection methods does not use projectors perpendicular to the projection plane?





Ans - C

419. A circle will appear on an isometric drawing as a(n) __________ .





Ans - C

520. An axonometric drawing which has two axes divided by equal angles is:




D) Isometric

Ans – A

621. An axonometric drawing which has all three axes divided by equal angles is:




D) Isometric

Ans - D

722.In a trimetric drawing, the relationship of the angle between axes to each other is:

A)three are equal

B)two are equal

C)three are unequal

D)none of the above

Ans - C

823. In an isometric sketch of a cube:

A)the frontal face appears in its true shape

B)the receding axes are at 45 degrees to the horizontal

C)all faces are equally distorted

D)only the depth distances must be reduced

Ans - C

924. In isometric drawings:

A)Two axes are perpendicular

B) True measurements can be made only along or parallel to the isometric axes

C)All faces are unequally distorted

D)None of the above

Ans - B

10 25. In an axonometric drawing, the projection rays are drawn _________ to

each other and _______ to the plane of projection.A)





Ans – C


26. Non-isometric lines are located and sketched how?

A)They are drawn parallel to the isometric axis.

B)They are measured using the angle from the multiview.

C)They are measured using a non-isometric template.

D)They are located by determining the endpoints of the non-isometric line.

Ans - D

12 27. In an oblique sketch of a cube:

A)the frontal face appears in its true shape

B)both receding axes are at 30 degrees to the horizontal

C)all faces are equally distorted

D) the depth distances must be reduced

Ans - A

13 28. In an oblique drawing, all of the following angles are commonly used for

drawing the depth axis, except:A)





Ans - D

14 29. In an oblique drawing, the projection rays are drawn _________ to each

other and _______ to the plane of projection.A)





Ans - C

15 30. Which type of perspective view represents an adult viewer looking at an

object on a high kitchen shelf?A)

bird's eye view

B)worm's eye view

C)human's eye view

D)ground's eye view

Ans - B


31.Which type of perspective view represents an adult viewer looking at an

object on the ground?A)

bird's eye view

B)worm's eye view

C)human's eye view

D)ground's eye view

Ans - C

17 32. In a perspective drawing, the object always touches the:

A)ground line

B)horizon line

C)measuring line

D)station point

Ans - A

33. The type of projection when projectors are parallel to each other, but are at an angle other than 90 degrees to the plane of projection is:

a) Perpendicular Projection b) Oblique Projection c) Aesthetic Projection

d) Angular Projection Ans. B)

34. This line pattern is composed of three dashes, one long dash on each end with a short dash in the middle:

a) Object b) Hidden c) Center d) Phantom Ans. C)

35. If a plane is parallel to the plane of projection, it appears:

a) in its true size b) as a line or edge c) foreshortened d) as an oblique surface Ans. A)

36. Architectural drafters generally prefer to use ________ drawings to help illustrate 3-dimensional views of a structure.

a) isometric b) orthographic c) auxiliary d) perspective Ans. D)

37. This type of axonometric drawing has equal foreshortening along two axis directions and a different amount on the third axis:

a) isometric b) dimetric c) trimetric d) multiview Ans.B)

38. This type of section is limited by a break line:

A. Removed section

B. Revolved section

C. Broken-out section

D. Half section Ans.C)

39. This is a thin solid line directing attention to a note or dimension and starting

with an arrowhead or dot:

A. Dimension line

B. Extension line

C. Leader

D. Specification Ans.C)

40. Baseline dimensions are referenced from a common geometric feature known

as a ________.

A. edge

B. corner

C. datum

D. point of reference Ans.C)

41. In the section view, the areas that would have been in actual contact with the cutting plane are shown with:

A. A cutting plane line

B. Section lining

C. Visible lines

D. Lines and arrows Ans.B)

42. In architectural drawing ________ are often used to illustrate and detail structural components.

A. Foundation beam detail sections

B. Wall sections

C. Building sections

D. All of the above Ans. D)

43. The ________ is a standard element of a section view in a technical drawing.

A. Cutting Plane line

B. Section lines

C. Material hatch pattern

D. All of the above Ans. D)

44. Hidden lines are drawn as

(a) dashed narrow lines

(b) dashed wide lines

(c) long-dashed dotted wide line

(d) long-dashed double dotted wide line Ans. A)

45. Line composed of closely and evenly spaced short dashes in a drawing represents

(a) visible edges

(b) hidden edges

(c) hatching

(d) pitch circle of gears Ans: (B)

46. The recommended method of dimensioning a sphere with diameter 80 mm is

(a) 80фS

(b) ф80S

(c) S80ф

(d) Sф80 Ans: (d)

47. When an object is cut by a section plane parallel to H.P and perpendicular to

V.P, then the sectional view of the object is obtained in

(a) top view

(b) front view

(c) left side view

(d) right side view Ans: (a)

48. All of the following statements about multiview drawings are true, except:

A) each view is a 3-D pictorial image

B) based on orthographic projection

C) at least two views of the object

D) views are defined by planes of projection Ans.D)

49. What two types of projections give a pictorial view of the object without convergence?

A) orthographic and perspective

B) oblique and axonometric

C) perspective and oblique

D) isometric and orthographic Ans.B)

50. Inclined planes in a three-view drawing will appear as:

A) two surfaces and one edge

B) two edges and one surface

C) three edges

D) foreshortened in each view Ans.A)

51. The position of a point is in 4th quadrant. It’s position in front and top view will be


a. above and reference line b. both above reference line

c. both below reference line d. below and above reference line

52. The top, front, and bottom views align in this manner: (ans:b)

a. Horizontally b. Vertically

c. According to the planar views d. Parallel to the frontal plane

53. In isometric drawings;(ans:b)

a. Two axes are perpendicular

b. True measurements can be made only along or parallel to the isometric axes

c. All faces are unequally distorted

d. None of the above

54. Which type of line is particular to section drawings(ans:d)

a. Break lines b. Phantom lines

c. Extension lines d. Cutting plane lines

55. Which type of line is a part of a dimension(ans:c)

a. Break lines b. Phantom lines

c. Extension lines d. Cutting plane lines

56. Which line type is thin and light(ans:c)

a. visible lines b. center lines

c. construction lines d. all of the above

57. Lettering on a drawing sheet should have Ans.A)

a) all alphabets in capital letters

b) all alphabets in small letters

c) In a sentence only first alphabet is capital letter

d) In a sentence only abbreviations are capital letters

58. A circle will appear on an isometric drawing as a(n) ______

A) ellipse B) cycloid

C) circle D) parabola

ANS: (A)

59) What is the projection of the point A

(A) (B) (C)

ANS: (C)

60) Which of the following is true for a line inclined to HP and parallel to VP

A) top view shows true length B) front view shows true length

C) side view shows true length

ANS: (B)


Which one of them is the side view of the above isometric projection?

(A) (B) (C)

ANS: (B)


Which is the correct method of dimensioning?

A) first figure

B) second figure

C) both first and second figure

ANS: (B)

63) Which quadrant does the point lie if it is above HP and behind VP

A) I quadrant

B) II quadrant

C) III quadrant

D) IV quadrant

ANS: (B)


Which shows first angle projection?

A) both first and second

B) first

C) second

ANS: (B)

65) Lettering on a drawing sheet should have

(A) all alphabets in capital letters

(B) all alphabets in small letters

(c) In a sentence only first alphabet in capital letter

(d) In a sentence only abbreviations are capital letter

ANS: (A)

66) Which is the top view of the figure given below?

A) B) C)

ANS: (B)

67) When an object is cut by a section plane parallel to H.P and perpendicular to V.P, then the sectional view of the object is obtained in

(a) top view

(b) front view

(c) left side view

(d) right side view

ANS: (A)

68) In an isometric view, the angles of the object shown with arrows are always going to be

A) 30 degrees C)45 degrees

C) 90 degrees D)75 degrees

 ANS: (A)

69) This symbol indicates what?

A) diameter B) noC) hole center

ANS: (A)

70) On a drawing, full scale would be noted as

A) 1:2 B)10:1C) 2:1 D)1:1

ANS: (D) 71) Which of the lines below is used to indicated “Hidden lines”

(A) (C.)

(B). (D). ANS: (B)


The orthogonal projection according to the arrow’s direction would be:

ANS: (d)

73) If an object lies in the second quadrant, its position with respect to the reference planes will be:

a) a)Behind V.P, below H.Pb) Above H.P, In front of V.P, c) Behind V.P, above H.Pd) Below H.P, In front of V.P

Ans: (c)

74) In an isometric projection, the included angle between the edges of a cube is

a) 30ºb) 60ºc) 90º

d) 120º

Ans: (d)

75) In which of the following cases, the true length of line may not not obtained:

a) Line perpendicular to H.P and parallel to V.Pb) Line parallel to both H.P and V.Pc) Line inclined to H. P and parallel to V.P d) None of the above

Ans: C)

76) Line consisting of alternate long and short dashes represents:

a) Cutting planeb) Centre linec) Hidden lined) Phantom line

Ans: b

77) A circular arc is dimensioned in the view where you see its true shape by giving the value for its:

a) Diameter

b) Arc length

c) Radius

d) Chord length

Ans: a

78) What type of line has precedence over all other types of lines?

(a) hidden line

(b) centre line

(c) visible line

(d) none of the above

Ans: c

79) In isometric drawings:

a) Two axes are perpendicular

b) All faces are equally distorted

c) True measurements can be made only along or parallel to the isometric axes

d) None of the above

Ans: b

80) When a surface of an object is inclined to a projection plane, it will appear in the view as:

a) foreshortened

b) in true size and shape

c) as a line

d) as a point Ans. (a)

81) The given figure represents:

a) third angle projection

b) first angle projection

c) perspective view

d)None of these


82) Which of the following is not a standard drawing paper size??

a) 841 x 1159

b) 420 x 594

c) 210 x 297

d) 120 x 210 Ans. (d)

83) Which of the following represents partial or interrupted views, cuts and sections, if the limit is not a line or symmetry line.?

a) Continuous narrow lines with zigzag

b) Long dashed narrow dotted lines


Continuous wide lines with zigzag

c) Long dashed wide dotted lines Ans. (a)

84) From the adjacent figure, state which of the following is true :

a) a’b’=ab=Apparent Length

b) a’b’ = ab = True length

c) a’b’ = Apparent Length, ab = True length

d) ab = Apparent length, a’b’ = True length

Ans. D)

85) Which of the following sectional views are right ones and wrong ones, respectively ?

a) b – correct; c, d, e, f – wrong

b) b,c – correct; d,e,f – wrong

c) b,c,d – correct; e,f – wrong

d) All are correct. Ans: b)

86) Which of the following lines are used in revolved sections??

a) Phantom lines

b) leader lines

c) Hidden lines

d) Break lines Ans: d)

87) Which of the following is used to separate the halves of a half section?

a) Leader lines

b) Break lines

c) Half section lines

d) centre lines Ans: d)

88) Projection of a solid object onto an imaginary plane to regain the complete information regarding the size and true shape of object is called ____________

Ans. Auxiliary Plane

89) Which one of the following is not a standard reduction scale factor for technical drawings (IS 46 – 1988) ???

a) 1:20

b) 1:30

c) 1:50

d) 1:100 Ans. (b)

90) Which of the following is the right type of dimensioning to be followed ?

(1) (2)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) Both (1) and (2)

d) Either (1) and (2) Ans.b)

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