eng07 - poetry freedom - portfolio - rachel lambert

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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A Poetry Journal

By Rachel.B.Lambert

This book is dedicated to my mother

for introducing me to poetry and

encouraging my love of literature.

Table of Contents

Page 1- Title

Page 2- Dedication

Page 3- Table of Contents

Page 4- Section 1: Haikus

Page 5- Thoughts on “Children”

Page 6- “Children”

Page 7- Thoughts on “School”

Page 8- “School”

Page 9- Section 2: Found Poems

Page 10- Thoughts on “The Law of Freedom”

Page 11- “The Law of Freedom”

Page 12 – Section 3: Original Poems

Page 13- Thoughts on “The Wind”

Page 14- “The Wind”

Page 15- Thoughts on “The Differences”

Page 16- “The Differences”

Section 1:


Thoughts on “Children”

This haiku is about children around the world and is translated to Chinese. The idea behind this Haiku is that some children have benefits that others lack. These children that have to work don’t have much freedom to do as they please because they need to work.



Some play day and night

Others are educated

And yet some must work

Xiao ha’r

有 孩子们 玩 天 和 夜

还 有 孩子去 学校

可是 有 孩子 工

Thoughts on School

This Haiku expresses the idea of school all over the world. The Haiku talks of peoples feelings on school and how due to poverty some peoples freedom is restricted and they cannot get an educated and therefore are stuck forever in poverty.



An “un” unique thought

Hated by some, loved by some

Longed for by others





Section 2:

Found Poem

Thoughts on the law of freedom

This poem is a found poem from the emancipation proclamation by Abraham Lincoln. This poem shows how poetry can be found in surprising places, especially when it has great or important meaning. This poem talks about African Americans gaining their freedom.

The Law of Freedom found in the Emancipation Proclemation

First day of January,

may persons held as slaves

be thenceforward and forever free;

forever maintain that freedom

no act or acts to repress these persons,.

By the Executive will,

,by proclamation,

the people thereof that disagree,

shall then be in rebellion

these people thereof,

shall on that day be

Forever free

represented in the Congress

and qualified voters

They in the absence testimony,

Shall be deemed conclusive evidence ,

and the people thereof,

are not in rebellion

against the United States.

Section 3:

Original Poems

Thoughts on “The Wind”

“The Wind” talks about how freedom is everywhere but sometimes freedom is taken away. The idea of journey to freedom is conveyed via the metaphor of wind.

The Wind Past rivers and lakes

The wind does blow

Past bakery's with cakes

The wind does blow

Sweeping along roads

The wind does blow

Free from war and codes

The wind does blow

Over mountains unmapped

The wind does blow

But now the wind is trapped

The wind does not blow

And snow does not whirl

The wind does not blow

And grass does not swirl

The wind does not blow

The world is dead

The wind does not blow

Hushed everything is said

The wind does not blow

All it can do is hope

The wind does not blow

And soon begins to mope

The wind does not blow

It's life snatched away

The wind does not blow

Without it's freedom the world is grey

The wind does not blow

Shut where none may see

The wind does not blow

Finally it is set free

And now the wind does blow

Thoughts on “The Differences”

“The Differences” is a poem spoken from the point of someone who is being bullied. Bullying can restrict someone's freedom by making them afraid to speak their mind or be themselves. In this poem, the person being bullied is gaining back their freedom and finally confronting the bully.

The Differences

What do you take me as?

A fool?

Perhaps a lost dog, or a bird that cannot fly?

You that are so great? And mighty and fun?

You that could have the moon in your palm if you deemed fit?

Or all the gold in the mountains or fish in the sea?

Well I am not the moon nor fish or gold

I am me and me I am

And you are you and you are yourself

Yet when I am me you mock me

And you shield you behind a curtain of sass and gossip

You insult me, but never to my face

You hurt me, but never with punches

You clip my wings so I may not fly

But you see the difference between us is not all that

It is that I do not care what you say

And I know soon it will be forgotten

And I am proud to be Myself

But you, you have hidden your self

you are ashamed of yourself

And there fore have made yourself a peacock

All talk and beauty but unable to grow up and fly

Citations http://atanu-ghosal.blogspot.com/2010/08/migrant-children-working-for.html
















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