energy cost and its impact on regulating the buildings' energy

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Energy cost and its impact on regulating the buildings’ energy behaviour

Agis M. Papadopoulos 1

Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineers

Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece


The necessity to improve the buildings' energy behaviour was born out of the price shock

caused by the oil crises in the 1970’s. The respond was expressed by national legislative acts

regulating the demand for heating and ventilation. The results were important, though not

always without side-effects, for example in the field of indoor air quality. Furthermore,

economic and environmental considerations played an important role in determining the policies

applied, the latter particularly in the 1990’s and as a result of the Kyoto and Montreal protocols.

Finally, new problems, like the increasing demand for air-conditioning and its impact on the

national electricity systems began to influence the way in which a building’s energy behaviour

is considered. The enforcement of the European Directive on the Energy Performance of

Buildings (2002/91/EC) seems to provide for the first time an integrated regulatory tool,

enabling the simultaneous consideration of the energy, environmental and economic parameters

of building’s design. Its implementation, which is still facing delays, will prove the degree of its

efficiency. The paper discusses the evolution of these developments, as it was expressed in the

framework of the energy regulations over the last thirty years, on the hand of specific examples

in Europe. The discussion focuses on the thermal insulation of the building’s envelope, the

requirements for indoor air quality and the use of air-conditioning, in order to narrow the

subject which is too broad to be covered in its entirety. The development from the first

regulations in 1976 to the Directive 2002/91 was neither straight-forward nor solely driven by

the rise of energy costs. It is rather based on the quest for an energy conscious, environmental

friendly and financially feasible building, which has also to be friendly to its human users.

1 Agis M. Papadopoulos, Associate Professor on Energy Systems, Tel. +30 2310 996011, Fax. +30 2310 996012, e-mail:

1. Introduction

The European Directive on the Performance of Buildings (2002/91/EC), the implementation of

which has become mandatory for all member states since January 2006, is the most recent in a

long series of regulatory actions, aiming at the improvement of building’s energy behaviour.

This necessity to improve the buildings' energy behaviour became peremptory during the two

oil crises in the 1970’s, and was expressed in the effort to reduce the demands for heating,

ventilation and air-conditioning, without endangering the living standards of the day. However,

the phenomenon is neither new nor one-dimensional. In the recent, but deceptively easily

forgotten first half of the 20th century, drastic energy conservation measures were applied

affecting the economic and social life in most European countries. As a result of two world

wars, but also the great depression between them, energy became a precious commodity, though

the building sector depended on coal rather than oil in those days. At the end of the 20th century,

and especially during the rather careless at least as far as energy prices were concerned 1990’s,

most of the energy conservation actions taken, both on a national and on an international level,

had their origins rather in environmental than in purely energy saving motives, an approach that

is being reviewed due to the sharp increase in energy prices after 2003. Finally, the impact of

establishing satisfactory indoor air quality conditions had, throughout the 20th century, a tight

relation to the ventilation of buildings, and hence to their energy behaviour. The main

conclusion to be drawn from this brief and rather incomplete list of events and developments is

that regulating the energy behaviour of buildings has been a goal certainly predating the

volatility of the energy markets, which is depicted in Figure 1 and has become the driving force

behind all actions taken after 1973.

In these thirty years of intensified, systemic development in the field of energy design of

buildings, a new, interdisciplinary scientific field was developed, reaching a stage of maturity in

a fairly brief time period. It is characterized by an advanced, and experimentally well validated,

theoretical background, by its incorporation in the syllabi of most engineering and architectural

departments of Universities and, at least in many countries, by a flexible and fairly effective

legislative framework. At the same time, the architects, engineers and constructors active in the

field have access to powerful computational codes, to new generations of insulating materials,

building components, such as glazing, and HVAC systems, all of which enable the

implementation of progressive solutions, besides having the side-effect of ensuring that less

limitations are imposed on the architectural design. These developments are exemplified in the

evolution of the buildings’ energy behaviour in countries like Denmark or Germany, where

average specific annual consumption dropped, from between 300 and 400 kWh/m2a in 1970 to

less than 50 kWh/m2a, according to Gertis’s five steps classification, which is depicted in Figure

2. (Gertis, 1999) At the same time, in other European countries developments were not so

spectacular. Taking the average thickness of insulation enforced by national regulations in walls

as a good indicator, one can notice that there are two groups of countries: the first one includes

those that have progressively increased the required thickness by a factor of 2, the Nordic

countries and Germany being good examples of it. The second includes countries like Italy,

Greece and Spain, where little has changed after the introduction of the first generation of

regulations in the 1970’s. This evolution, which is depicted in Figure 3, will be discussed using

the developments in Germany and Greece as examples. Still, whatever the motive of

conservation actions may be, despite the progress made, and probably because this progress had

not the same pace throughout Europe, energy consumption in the building sector continues to

constitute a major part of the worldwide annual final energy use. In the European Union alone it

exceeds 40% (European Commission, 2005).

2. From energy conservation to building physics: Coping with the heating demand

The first oil crisis led in 1973 to an increase of crude oil price by more than 300%, within less

than two years. Given the fact that the importance of coal in the building sector had been

steadily declining since the 1950’s for thermal use and that the use of electricity and that the use

of natural gas was still rather negligible in Europe, though this was more popular in the USA,

the explosion in the retail price of heating oil was affecting almost entire societies. (Hirst et al,

1976) Reacting to this development, most European governments imposed regulatory policies in

the building sector, aiming especially at new constructions, mainly by means of setting tight

limitations for the thermal transmissivity values of the buildings’ envelopes, of reducing the

ventilation rates and of increasing the minimum efficiency values to be achieved by new boilers.

In that sense, the first German thermal insulation regulation from 1977, the WSVO ’77, is a

good example of imposing limits to the thermal losses through the building’s envelope and

reducing the ventilation/infiltration losses, by setting a maximum k-value with respect to the

building’s typological features, aiming at the reduction of values that were theretofore higher

than 1,2 W/m2K. (Papadopoulos, 1977) The aspect under which a building’s energy balance was

considered was to a great extent solely the thermal one. These policies applied were, at least

quantitatively, successful and buildings constructed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s showed

significantly lower energy consumption values than their predecessors. In terms, however, of

what is nowadays known as indoor environmental quality (IEQ) the results were not so

encouraging. In the shocked 1970‘s the issues concerning indoor air quality (IAQ) were

temporarily brushed away, and the trend in constructions was marked by increasingly airtight

buildings and reduced ventilation rates. This trend resulted in ventilation requirements as low as

2.5 l/s and person (Janssen, 1999). In northern European countries, with harsh winter climate

and very strict regulations, this led to impressive, albeit also dangerous, results as IAQ

deteriorated respectively to the energy consumption reduction (Batty et al, 1984; Ihle, 1996).

Still, similar trends were monitored even in countries with mild Mediterranean climate, as the

analysis of typical Greek buildings demonstrated (Papadopoulos et al, 2002). That the

minimization of ventilation rates would lead to worsening IAQ was inevitable, but it was

considered to be an acceptable risk, at least until the 1990’s. Furthermore, the surface of a

building’s openings was reduced, in order to reduce transmissivity losses, as windows of the

day rarely had k values better than 3.5 W/m2K, with the side-effect that natural lighting was

reduced and the estrangement of the building’s user to the environment could become a

problem, especially in northern European countries. (Schittich, 2003)

A second generation of regulations was produced in the 1980’s. On the one hand it featured

tighter transmissivity values than the previous regulations, but on the other it enabled higher

ventilation rates and, most important, it considered the building’s envelope not only a cause of

thermal losses, but also a medium for possible thermal gains. It hence signaled the transition

from the enclosed, defensive building towards an open one, or what became known as the

approach of building physics or bioclimatic architecture. Capitalizing on the expertise gained

from the first experiences mentioned afore, and from results obtained from large scale

applications in advanced settlements, like in Milton Keynes in the UK, in Solar Village III in

Greece, or in Horsens in Denmark, a systematic, more holistic approach was adopted towards

the utilization of solar energy, natural lighting, natural ventilation, as well as the thermal storage

properties of the building itself. Building Physics became an autonomous, interdisciplinary

academic field, the first computational codes became available to architects and engineers and

new materials and techniques came on the market. Continuing to monitor the developments in

Germany, the first thermal insulation regulation was updated in 1984, so that no building

element was allowed to have a k-value exceeding 0,7 W/m2K. In that way, and as the 1990’s

emerged and passed, the problem of coping with the heating loads of buildings was considered

as a manageable one. A third update of the German thermal insulation regulation took place in

1995, limiting the k-values of the various building’s elements to 0.5 W/m2K. When combining

the tighter legislation with the progress made in the field of thermal insulation materials, glazing

and heating systems, then the good results monitored in most of the European countries can be

considered as a good example for the implementation of a sound energy conservation policy.

(Papadopoulos, 2005; Nadel et al, 2004)

The introduction of the CEN standard EN832, on the “Thermal Performance of Buildings -

Calculation of Energy Use for Heating - Residential Buildings”, in 1998, marked a significant

change of attitude, as for the first time the term “thermal performance” was used, instead of

“thermal protection” or “thermal insulation”, whilst the standard was not only limited to a static

consideration of thermal losses, but instead it proceeded to the determination of the final use of

energy, in order to cover the building’s demands. The respective change in German regulations

epitomized this approach, replacing the term “thermal protection” used up till that time to

describe the legislative act with the “energy saving” one. (Reiss et al, 2002) Hence, one could

argue, that the parties involved in the building sector were provided with an advanced, yet fairly

comprehensible and flexible methodology to determine the thermal performance of buildings.

Combined with the regulations applicable in most European countries, which enforced high

standards of as it can be seen in Figure 4, the building sector could be satisfied with results, both

in terms of energy savings achieved and with respect to the macroeconomics of the measures.

(Petersen et al, 2001; Miguez et al, 2006) Still, since the mid-1990’s new challenges begun to


3. Facing a ‘new’ problem: Air-conditioning

In the beginning of the 21st century it became apparent that a new set of problems have become

to be dominating the field of building physics. Cooling loads began in the 1990’s to be a major

component of a building’s energy balance and, at the same time, a problem for the whole

electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems. An increased awareness in matters

of indoor air quality, due both to indoor and outdoor sources of pollution, led to the re-

consideration of limitations imposed on ventilation. (Vine, 2003) This interesting development

in the minimum requirements imposed on ventilation is most clearly expressed in the changes of

the respective ASHRAE standards; it is depicted in Figure 5. Finally, with emphasis given on

the environmental quality of the building, not only in terms of living quality but with respect to

its whole life cycle, the application of the Life Cycle Analysis concept started to become

attractive. (Casals, 2006) Out of these three problems, coping with the cooling loads has become

definitely the most important one, though it is closely linked to the other two.

3.1. Establishing good indoor environmental quality in a hostile environment

The influence of microclimatic conditions on the energy behaviour of buildings began to

constitute a major research field in the 1980’s. The enhanced urbanization, occurring both in

developed and developing countries, led to a drastic change of the geographical distribution of

population and production activities and consequently to a ubiquitous regional concentration of

raw materials and energy consumption (UNESCO, 1992). The urban environment characterized

by a dense and often continuous layout of buildings, as well by as the use of materials with high

thermal storage properties, leads, amongst other reasons, to the appearance of the “heat island”

phenomenon, notably known for the air temperature increase in the urban areas (Oke et al,

1991). The operational demands of buildings are both determined by these conditions and

contribute to their enhancement.

In that sense, the anthropogenic changes in urban microclimate and the atmospheric pollution,

combined with the increased awareness about the prevailing indoor air quality conditions due to

pollutants emitted from building materials and anthropogenic activities, influence the demands

set on ventilation and air-conditioning in a dominant way, leading to much higher energy loads

than this was the case until the 1970’s. It becomes therefore clear, that the whole concept and

design of a building’s HVAC system has to be considered on the basis of climatic and

atmospheric conditions prevailing in contemporary urban areas, and not those that were

measured at sub-urban airports some decades ago. (Santamouris et al, 2001) Buildings however,

have ultimately the goal of providing protection to human beings from the prevailing ambient

conditions and of supporting human activities, when they are used either for residential or for

occupational purposes. In that sense, and however ventilation is carried out be it naturally or

mechanically, it has to achieve three main tasks: a) to remove air pollutants, generated by

anthropogenic activities, from the interior by replacing the existing indoor air with fresh

ambient air, b) to dilute the air pollutants in the interior by mixing the old and fresh indoor air

and c) to supply in the cooling period air for maintaining a good sense of thermal comfort either

by introducing colder air or by featuring the necessary velocity to achieve the evaporative effect

on the inhabitants. These three tasks are the basic design characteristics of any contemporary

central HVAC system and can be achieved by any state of the art system, however at a certain

cost. The acceptance of this cost is based on two facts: (a) buildings constitute major capital

investments and especially in office buildings several studies link IEQ not only to human health

problems, but also to decreasing productivity, highlighting indoor air climate as an essential

quality these buildings have to feature (Wargocki et al, 1999). (b) human health is invaluable

and the possibility of poor indoor air quality and/or poor thermal comfort conditions prevailing

in their interior contradicts their raison d’ être. Finally, one has to keep in mind that the

overwhelming majority of buildings in Europe feature neither mechanical ventilation nor a

central air conditioning system, leaving natural ventilation the only way to comply with IAQ

requirements and, to a certain extent, to control indoor thermal comfort conditions. The

implementation therefore of the proposed and published CEN standards, prEN 15242, prEN

13779, EN 13791 and EN 13792, which accompany the European Directive on the Energy

Performance of Buildings and assess thermal comfort and IAQ in order to evaluate and classify

both mechanically and naturally ventilate buildings, constitutes a major step into the future.

(Railio, 2006)

3.2. On the market and economics of air-conditioning

For the reasons discussed in the previous paragraph, since the late 1990’s it became common

conviction that the lack of air-conditioning, in buildings designed without any particular

bioclimatic features, leads to unacceptably poor comfort conditions; an attitude that led to

massive retrofitting of split-unit types of air-conditioning systems, also known as room air-

conditioners (RACs). But even in buildings retrofitted in that way, the situation has not always

improved in terms of IEQ. As RACs do not enable the ventilation of the interior, the

concentration of air pollutants may as a matter of fact increase in such buildings, underlining the

point that increased energy consumption does not necessarily result in a respective improvement

of indoor environmental conditions (Avgelis et al, 2003). The solution to this problem lies in

natural ventilation carried out simultaneously with the operation of the RAC, leading obviously

to even higher energy consumption values.

Considering these conditions, and however buildings are air-conditioned, it becomes clear that

the impact of increasing IEQ standards on energy consumption is expected to become even

more important in the years to come, frequently exceeding the “traditional” thermal losses

occurring in the heating period through the building’s envelope. This has become fairly clear in

Southern Europe, but is also beginning to show in Central and Northern Europe, as the

propagation of air-conditioning appliances is becoming the primary reason for increasing energy

consumption in buildings, after the latter had declined to the afore mentioned policies reducing

their heating demand (Freedonia Group, 2002). Room Air-Conditioners (RAC) have become a

major success story in the HVAC branch winning market shares from central AC systems.

Whilst global air-conditioning sales are increasing at 4% annually, sales of RACs increase by

almost the double. In Greece the total installed electrical capacity of RACs is estimated to more

than 3,500 MW, while approximately 200 MW are installed every year. Similar developments

can be monitored with respect to central or semi-central units: their capacity is estimated to be

more than 1,500 MW with an annual growth of about 250 MW, considering only the last five

years statistics. The development in Southern Europe is in line with the Greek example. A high

penetration of room air-conditioners and their wide effect on the energy system is evident.

According to the EERAC study, (EERAC, 1999) the penetration of RACs in Southern European

countries will increase by more than 10% annually in the next years, adding more loads to the

electricity system and resulting in higher CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the heat waves that hit

Western and Northern Europe in 2003 acted as a catalyst for increased sales of RACs in markets

that were rather reluctant to adopt this technology so far. Combined with the decrease in the

prices of mainly Asian produced RACs, sales are expected to increase by more than 20%

annually in Western Europe, compared to the 8% for the year 2002 (RAC, 2003). The use of

such systems, however, enhances the street canyon phenomena, a major factor in the

development of the heat island in densely built urban areas, as the compressor units, which

constitute emission points of rejected heat, are usually suspended on the buildings’ facades or

place on the flat roofs. This rejected heat enhances, on a micro scale level, the street canyon

effect increasing even more the cooling demand of the buildings. At the same time, it further

reduces the coefficient of performance (COP) of the air-conditioners by up to 25% due to the

higher ambient air and surface temperatures, thus creating a vicious circle in terms of cooling

and electricity demand. (Hassid et al, 2000; Papadopoulos, 2001)

These developments lead to an increase in electricity consumption that is concentrated in the

two or three summer months, and become therefore a dominant element in the energy balance of

every power supplier. As an example, the summer peak load in Greece during the years 1999-

2000 showed an annual increase of 16% or 1,163 MW, while the annual growth rate for load

was approximately 4.1%. As the same time, and for the years 1995-2000 the peak load demand

increased from 5,000 to 8,500 MW. It has to be noted that until 1985 peak load demands were

recorded during winter and not summer (PPC, 2001). The additional capacities needed to cover

those peaks are obtained either by expensive generation facilities with low utilization factor like

hydroelectric plants and gas turbine plants, or by electricity imports from neighbouring

countries. In recent years, the Greek electricity utility faced several times the treat of black outs

on hot summer days, both due to limitations in production capacities and in the overburdened

distribution networks. Similar same difficulties were experienced in countries like Italy,

Germany and France during the summer of 2003, despite the fact that on an annual base these

countries show moderate growth rates in the use of electricity, as it can be seen in Figure 6. It is

evident, that such peaks, occurring only for a few weeks a year, cannot be covered at a

reasonable cost as the additional investments needed in infrastructure cannot be justified. In

order to face the summer load peaks, without affecting the demand side, new power generation

plants should be built close to the consumption location, i.e. in the major urban areas, at a high

economic and environmental cost. If the utility uses a time-dependent tariff or demand charge to

cover the additional cost of the capacities needed, the operational cost for air-conditioning

would be much higher for customers. Such an alternative, which would also discourage the

extensive use of air-conditioning, can on the long run be efficient only if it is accompanied by

the introduction of energy conservation techniques, aiming at the reduction of cooling loads.

But even if one would choose to neglect the economics of such a policy, there are certain

technical barriers one meets, when attempting to cover a steeply increasing energy demand. The

example of California in 2000 demonstrates that there are clear limits to the increase of

consumption that can be covered in a liberated energy market, even when demand side

management tools are applied (Faruqui et al, 2001). The Californian example also indicates that

when the total economic costs of covering the peak loads are taken into account, this may well

lead to peak electricity retail prices 3, 5 or even 10 times higher than the respective base load

prices; a cost that could not be carried even by the wealthy state of California. Whilst lessons

have been learnt on how to manage the energy market, in terms of an energy pool with typical

commodity market’s features, and at the same time on how to implement medium and long-term

capacity planning schemes, the necessity for reducing peaks in demand inevitably leads to

adapting a reasonably differentiated pricing policy. According to studies made during the

preparations for the Greek Olympic Games of 2004, the actual marginal cost for covering the

peak summer time demand does well exceed 150 €/MWh, compared to approximately 42

€/MWh for base load production and 73 €/MWh for the summer period (RAE, 2004; CEPD,

2006) The results of these studies were, unfortunately one could state, verified in the years 2004

and 2005 (RAE, 2005) One has also to notice that environmental, or any other sort of

externalities, are not included in these figures, though the may very well have to be considered,

with respect to the obligations arising from the Kyoto protocol and the impact the latter has on

power generation. The evaluation of the energy design and behaviour of buildings, as well as of

the conservation measures and/or various passive and active cooling and refrigerating systems

should be carried out with respect to this threshold. The main goals can only be to avoid or

reduce the generation of cooling loads, to postpone the burdening of the building’s interior on a

diurnal base and, finally, to try to produce refrigeration in a sustainable way.

4. Non-energetic aspects of air-conditioning

The widespread use of air-conditioning, however, is not only an energetic or economic problem.

Neither are environmental problems limited to the CO2 emissions due to energy consumption.

Prior to the Montreal Protocol of 1987, the refrigeration and air-conditioning market was

dominated by the use of CFC and HCFC refrigerants. Their properties, like zero flammability

and toxicity, make it relatively easy to design safe refrigeration systems that can be used in

locations where untrained members of the public may be in the vicinity of a refrigeration plant.

The European Commission’s Regulation on ozone layer depleting substances, (2037/2000/EC),

which was implemented on October 1st 2000, treats the whole spectrum of control and phase out

schedule of all ozone depleting substances. Given the fact that a threat to the ozone layer from

CFCs and HCFCs occurs only when these substances are released into the atmosphere, the EU

regulation includes specific measures aimed at minimizing CFC and HCFC emissions, which

have already lead to an increase of the owning and operational cost of refrigeration systems

using HCFCs and therefore support the penetration of either alternative refrigerants or

alternative refrigeration technologies. There are numerous new refrigerants on the market that

have been specifically developed to address the phase out of CFCs and HCFCs. On the long

run, however, only five important global refrigerant options remain for the vapour compression

cycle, on which almost every contemporary air-conditioning systems is based, as well as for the

various non-vapour compression methods including sorption, steam jet, gas cycle cooling etc or

passive and natural cooling methods. These are: hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs, HFC-blends with

400 and 500 number designation), ammonia (R-717), hydrocarbons and blends (HCs, e.g. HC-

290, HC-600, HC-600a etc.), carbon dioxide (CO2, R-744) and water (R-718). None of these

refrigerants is perfect. For instance, HFCs have relatively high global warming potential

(GWP), ammonia is more toxic than the others and both ammonia and hydrocarbons are

flammable. Interest in ammonia and hydrocarbons is stimulated, at least in part, by the fact that

HFCs are greenhouse gases which will be, according to the Kyoto agreement, subjected to

control measures. However, safety aspects also imply stringent emission controls for ammonia

and hydrocarbons. Although these aspects are not covered by the Montreal Protocol, they

nevertheless form criteria in the ongoing “environmental acceptability” debate. Appropriate

equipment design, maintenance and use can help to reduce these concerns, though at the cost of

greater capital investment or lower energy efficiency. Respectively, energy efficiency research

is partly encouraged by the contribution of energy production to CO2 emissions (UNEP, 2001).

All these aspects transform the future strategies on selection of refrigerant technologies into a

delicate optimization procedure, at least on a medium and long-term basis.

So far, the existing legislation on ozone depleting substances has placed increasing pressure on

CFC and HCFC end users to start using alternative working media and technologies. It has

resulted in the extended use of HFCs, which are highly attractive for cooling applications.

Despite the fact that all pure HFCs and most HFC blends require synthetic lubricating oils,

instead of the more conventional mineral oils used with CFCs and HCFCs, the use of HFCs to

replace CFC or HCFC in refrigeration plants is currently the option with the lowest cost for

many users. On the other hand, whilst they have zero ODP, HFCs have a significant global

warming potential (GWP). This is typically in the range of 1,000 to 3,000 times the GWP of

CO2. At the 1997 Kyoto meeting, HFCs were included as one of six global warming gases being

targeted for emission reductions. It is of high interest to note that in 1995 the air-conditioning

and refrigeration market was responsible for HCF’s emissions of 4.3 Mt of CO2 equivalent, a

figure corresponding to about 11% of the total HCF emissions. This figure has been predicted to

increase to 28.2 Mt of CO2 equivalent by the year 2010 equaling approximately 43% of the total

HCF emissions (March, 1998).

Considering the alternative refrigeration technologies, one has to mention the option of solar

refrigeration, though this is not a new technology as such. Thermal driven absorption and

adsorption technologies have been in use since the 1930’s, whilst the use of solar driven

sorption systems for the cooling of buildings has been studied systematically since the early

1970’s. Despite the progress monitored, however, no commercial major breakthrough has been

achieved in the building sector, with the exception of desiccant systems, mainly in the USA.

Sorption systems are referring either to open or closed cycles. Open cycles are mainly desiccant

systems, while closed cycles are adsorption or absorption systems. Absorption systems are the

oldest and most common heat driven systems and are for many years commercially available. In

the low-pressure side an evaporative refrigerant is absorbed by the absorbent formulating a

weak absorbent solution. Adsorption involves the use of solids for removing substances from

either gaseous or liquid solutions (Papadopoulos et al, 2003). Both phenomena of absorption

and adsorption are used to provide thermal compression of the refrigerant instead of mechanical

compression in the case of vapour compression cooling systems. In desiccant systems, sorbents

are used for the dehumidification of the incoming air, which in that sense is strictly not a

refrigeration process, though it is certainly part of air-conditioning.

By assessing the potential for solar energy refrigeration by means of a SWOT analysis, one can

draw the following results (Papadopoulos et al, 2004): Peaks in electricity demand occur, more

frequently in recent years, in most developed countries during the summer period, for the

reasons discussed afore. The close coincidence of the maximum insolation with both the cooling

loads and the peak electricity demand indicates that solar assisted refrigeration may be an

interesting option to handle successfully these two issues. Furthermore, the solar thermal market

has gained momentum in Europe since the mid-1990’s, leading to a satisfactory propagation of

hot water systems, which may well also be used for solar cooling purposes. In terms of

approaching a new market, this is a main argument for the possibility of partially solar powered

cooling using alternative technologies like sorption or steam ejector cooling. Increasing the

annual utilization factor of solar thermal systems, which is so far limited because of their use for

hot water production and in some cases space heating, can counterbalance the lower efficiency

of solar sorption systems, and make them financially feasible options. At the same time they can

be considered as the most environmental friendly cooling option from every aspect, including

ozone depletion potential, global warming potential and primary energy consumption. The most

suitable combinations of solar thermal technologies and sorption systems are depicted in Figure


5. Towards the reduction of cooling loads and demands

When determining a strategy, cooling loads in a building can be dealt with in three ways: (a)

Avoiding or reducing their generation in the first place, by applying the basic principles of

building physics. This implies the implementation of sound sun-protection schemes, the use of

thermal insulation, the use of reflective and low-absorbing materials on the building’s interior,

the practice of reasonable ventilation patterns and the reduction of internal thermal loads

production (b) Postponing their impact on the building’s interior. This presupposes a solid

comprehension of the specific building’s physics in order to capitalize on the building

envelope’s thermal storage capacity so as to delay the occurrence of high indoor air temperature

values. In that way one can cope with them late in the evening, when, on the one hand, the

ambience is cooler and, on the other, cheaper load electricity tariffs are applying. Still, urban

buildings, especially the contemporary ones are often light-weight constructions with low

thermal storage capacity and it is difficult to apply this technique (c) The third way is the use of

alternative sources and systems to produce the refrigeration necessary to cope with the cooling

demand. This becomes necessary when ways (a) and (b) have been exhausted, or when they are

impractical and, in any case, in order to solve the problem of dehumidification, which can

hardly be solved without mechanical air-conditioning.

Typically the “passive” options (a) and (b) have been the fields favoured by architects and civil

engineers, whilst the “active” option (c) was the pet-child of mechanical engineers, traditionally

with an industrial background. Still, the feasibility of the last option depends, to a good extent,

on the successful implementation of the first two ones, and, in that sense, on the integrated

energy design of the building. On the other hand, the idea of an exclusively naturally cooled

building, located in the densely built urban environment may seem attractive, but it is hardly

realistic. This is not only due to restrictions on the building architecture but also to the

prevailing environmental conditions, i.e. very low wind speeds and vortices in street canyons,

high level of noise due to traffic, increased air pollution etc. In terms of thermodynamics, i.e.

thermal processes and systems’ design, the relationship between passive and active strategies

can be expressed as one between covering the arising thermal load and ensuring the necessary

installed power to cope with the maximum demand. In terms of economics this relationship can

be described as the search for the minimum life-cycle cost of the building, whilst at the same

time trying to balance the capital and the operational expenses in a way appealing to the

building’s owner or/and user. The approach adopted by the European Directive on the Energy

Performance of Buildings, with the inclusion of renewable energy gains in the building’s energy

balance and the implementation of typified consumption values to be stated by the buildings’

energy certificate, is an important step in that direction. It will enable the consideration of future

operational expenses by the building’s possible user, increasing the pressure on the constructor

to abandon the typical criterion of minimizing the capital expenses, by building an energy

wasting building.

5. Concluding remarks

The impact of increasing energy prices on the regulation of buildings’ energy behaviour has

been the major driving force behind most of the legislative measures implemented by national

governments and international organizations and institutions, at least in the aftermath of the

turbulent 1970’s. In the 1990’s interest shifted towards facing environmental problems, both in

the sense of reducing atmospheric pollution and ensuring sustainability and in that of

establishing satisfactory indoor environmental conditions for the buildings’ users. This was to

some extent due to falling energy prices, but also in order to counterbalance some of the

evolutions of the 1970’s, when the effort to reduce energy consumption caused some serious

drawbacks in the indoor environmental quality of buildings. The dilemma, however, that for

some years seemed to occur between energy consciousness and high standards of living quality

is a false one, as developments since the mid 1990’s proved. Buildings can be energy conscious,

comfortable, healthy and environmental friendly simultaneously. At the same time, they can

also be feasible investments, especially when considering the latest developments in the prices

of oil, natural gas and electricity. In that sense, a building’s Life Cycle Cost and its

environmental Life Cycle Analysis’ indices can be both minised, whilst at the same time

ensuring high quality of living or working environment.

In order to achieve this complex and ambitious goal the regulatory approach used hitherto, with

elaborated and strict, but fragmented, acts of legislation does not suffice. Three decades of

intensive research in the field of building physics have proven that progress can only be

achieved if the ‘problem building’ is considered in a holistic approach. The same philosophy

has to be adopted in the regulatory approach, a philosophy that governs the new European

Directive on the energy performance of buildings which provides, in that sense, a useful

background for enforcing developments in the building sector. Key issues for its effective

application are the use of state of the art know-how, expertise and technology, the imposition of

a firm set of standards and regulations in practice and the elaboration of a new attitude amongst

the market players. In that sense, the successful adoption by the market of the new Directive

depends to a good extent on the adaptation of its philosophy in accordance with the local needs,

but also in the efficient training and re-education of those who will be asked to apply it. This

need becomes more important, as a frequently vented criticism about the new Directive with its

31 accompanying standards, is that it forms a complex problem for architects, engineers and

constructors. This may be to some degree true, in particular when considering further

regulations that already apply, like the one on refrigerants, or such that are in the stage of

discussion, like the one on the minimum use of certain percentages of renewable energy sources

directly for heating and cooling. On the other hand, complex problems can rarely be solved by

simplifying tools.


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Figure 1. Development of oil price since 1970 [Source: EIA, 2006]











Class I:UninsulatedBuildings

Class II: 1st - 2ndRegulation,


Class III: 3rdRegulation -

EPBD, 1990's

Class IV: LowEnergy Building,

late 1990's

Class V: EnergyAutonomous



/ m2


Figure 2. Evolution of heating energy consumption in German buildings, according to the 5

steps approach by Gertis







Sweden Denmark Austria Netherlands Germany Spain UnitedKingdom

Ireland Italy Greece


1982 1990 1995 2001

Figure 3. Development of average insulation thickness for walls, as foreseen by national

regulations, in European countries [Data sources: EURIMA, EUMEPS]

Figure 4: Insulation thickness in walls, as foreseen by national regulations in European

countries in 2003 [Source: EURIMA, 2003].






1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000









Billings (1895)ASHVE




22 States codes(1922)


ASA Standard(1946)

ASHRAE 62-73(1973)

ASHRAE 62-1981(1981)

ASHRAEStandard (1981)




Figure 5. Development of minimum ventilation rates in USA [Source: Awbi, 1998]















Portugal Italy Greece Spain UnitedKingdom

DenmarkGermany Irland Austria France Belgium


h p.









Consumption MWh p.c. Growth Rate %

Figure 6. Development of electricity consumption and its annual growth rate in European

countries [Data source: Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006]






25 50 75 100 125 150 175



single effectabsorption

double effectabsorption


r co


or e




generation temperature ( oC )

air collectorflat plate collectorevacuated tube collector

Figure 7. Possible combinations of solar thermal and sorption refrigeration technologies

[Source: Henning, 2000]

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