energizing_ mudra - yogacheryl

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hand mudras


Energizing: Mudra - YogaCheryl

http://www.yogacheryl.com/energizing.html[26/12/2013 6:16:24 PM]

Energizing Mudras

These mudras are energizing and can help to with low metabolism, hypothyroidism, lethargy, depression, negative thought

patterns, lack of self confidence and low self-esteem.

Anushasana Mudra

Curl middle, ring, and little finger into palm, secure withthumb, extend index finger; rest back of hands on thighsBenefits: Activates prana into proximity of limbs, especiallyarmsPractice Tips: Use to feel expansiveness of your breath

Brahma Mudra

Make a fist and tun palms upwards pressing knuckles against

each other. Hold hands in front of solar plexus.

Benefits: Activates metabolism and your connection to your

personal power

Practice Tips: Use when you are feeling pushed around by the

events of your life

Contraindications: Anxiety

Kali Mudra

Interlace middle, ring and little fingers with index fingerspointing upward; left thumb crossed over right; hold hands infront of chest.Benefits: Activates energy in the upper chakrasPractice Tips: Use to break through negative thoughtpatternsContraindications: Beginners

Kubera Mudra

Curl ring and little finger into palm; touch tip of thumb to tipof index and middle fingers; rest backs of hands on thighsBenefits: Increases metabolism Practice Tips: Use when feeling a lack of confidence or willpowerContraindications: High blood pressure and heart disease

Energizing: Mudra - YogaCheryl

http://www.yogacheryl.com/energizing.html[26/12/2013 6:16:24 PM]

Makara Mudra

Touch left thumb and ring finger together. Place right thumb

inside of left palm resting in the webbing of left ring and

pinkie finger. Curl other fingers of right hand behind left


Benefits: Increases inner strength

Practice Tips: Use when feeling zapped of energy reserves,

depressed or dissatisfied

Palli Mudra

Touch the tips of the thumb and ring finger together, crossthe index finger in front of the middle finger, extend the littlefinger; rest back of hands on thighs.Benefits: Draws awareness inward, opens the heart andthroatPractice Tips: Use when feeling lethargy, low self-esteemContraindications: Anxiety, Hyperthyroidism

Prana Mudra

Touch tips of thumb, ring, and little fingers together, extendindex and middle fingers into V shape.Benefits: Activates upward flowing prana in bodyPractice Tips: Use to feel lightness and more energized in thebody. Try holding arms overhead and pointing up at the skyContraindications: Anxiety

Shivalingam Mudra

Place left palm up, place right fist with thumb extendedupwards in left palm; press elbows forward.Benefits: Energizing, connection to personal powerPractice Tips: Use whenever you feel lethargic or pushedaround

Energizing: Mudra - YogaCheryl

http://www.yogacheryl.com/energizing.html[26/12/2013 6:16:24 PM]

Surya Mudra

Curl tip of the ring finger into the base of the thumb andpress thumb on top, extend index, middle and little fingers;rest back of hands on thighs.Benefit: Activates energy at the solar plexus, stimulatesmetabolism, lengthens breathPractice Tips: Use when feeling a lack of energyContraindications: High blood pressure

Matangi Mudra

Interlace the fingers together and extend the middle fingersupwards, hold in front of the chest.Benefits: Activates solar plexus and digestionPractice Tips: Use when feeling low energy or low enthusiasmContraindications: High blood pressure

Merudanda Mudra

Make a fist and extend thumb up, keeping gentle pressure offingernails against palm. Rest hands on thighs with thumbspointing upBenefits: Activates the prana in the center of the chest,warms the bodyPractice Tips: Use when feeling low energy, or with sluggishdigestionContraindications: High blood pressure

Urdhva Merudanda Mudra

Make a soft fist and extend thumb away from palm; Lightlypress fingernails into the palm; rest back of hands on thighswith thumbs pointing away from each other.Benefits: Energizes nervous systemPractice Tips: Use when feeling lethargic or depressedContraindications: High blood pressure

Energizing: Mudra - YogaCheryl

http://www.yogacheryl.com/energizing.html[26/12/2013 6:16:24 PM]

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