energies renouvelables et villes portuaires energias renovables y...

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New World, New Challenges 12th International Conference Cities and Ports – 15/19 November 2010 – Buenos Aires & Rosario, Argentina

© AIVP – The worldwide network of Port Cities


Jean-Marc Beynet

Expert aménagements portuaires maritimes et fluviaux BRL Ingénierie Nîmes, France

Nicolas Fraysse

Directeur de projets en aménagements portuaires maritimes et littoraux BRL Ingénierie Nîmes, France

► Energies renouvelables

et villes portuaires

Energias renovables y ciudades portuarias

Renewable energies

and port cities

Ingénieur ETP, docteur de spécialité en mécanique des sols, Jean-Marc Beynet possède une double expérience (études et travaux) de 30 ans pour la conception et la réalisation des grands aménagements hydrauliques maritimes et fluviaux, cette expérience ayant été acquise tant en France et dans les DOM-TOM qu’à l’étranger. Après avoir travaillé dans le bureau d’études de l’Entreprise DODIN, depuis plus de vingt ans, il poursuit sa carrière dans le bureau d’ingénierie de BRLi en dirigeant les équipes pluridisciplinaires d’ingénieurs et techniciens spécialisés en maîtrise d’œuvre d’ouvrages maritimes. Depuis 1992, il s’est plus particulièrement spécialisé dans les aménagements fluviaux et maritimes. Il est membre de l’AIPCN (Association Internationale Permanente des Congrès de Navigation), membre de l’IFM (Institut Français de la Mer) et membre associé de l’UPEM (Union Professionnelle des Experts Maritimes). Il a travaillé pour de nombreux grands ports (Ajaccio, Bastia, Calais, Cannes, Marseille, Papeete, Pointe-à-Pître, Port-Réunion, Rouen, etc.)

Nicolas Fraysse – Directeur de projet – Expert en géosciences– Directeur de projets en Aménagements Portuaires, Maritimes et littoraux, membre de l’AIVP, de l’IFM et chargé d’enseignement à l’Université Montpellier II, Nicolas Fraysse a une formation universitaire en géosciences et possède une double expérience (études et travaux) de 15 ans pour la conception et la réalisation des grands aménagements hydrauliques maritimes et fluviaux. Ses 3 années de responsabilités au support technique de la société Tencate - Bidim lui apportent l’expérience de la R&D et des solutions innovantes. Il est actuellement Directeur de projet sur les études et travaux des aménagements dans la baie du Mont Saint Michel et de ports de plaisance sur toutes les côtes françaises. Il est particulièrement mobilisé à BRLi pour les projets innovants de gestion intégrée du littoral dans un environnement sensible tels que la protection de côte par rechargement massif en sable, l’atténuation de houle par des tubes géotextiles ou l’incidence du changement climatique sur le risque de submersion. Enfin, depuis plusieurs années il porte les activités d’études techniques et d’impact environnemental de

parcs éoliens offshore, de ports durables, d’émissaires en mer ou d’opérations de dragage.


Pour respecter les principes du développement durable, les ports s’engagent à réduire leur empreinte carbone et travaillent à limiter les émissions de gaz à effets de serre. Les bassins portuaires qui accueillent des navires de croisière et des ferries sont souvent situés près des centres-villes. Pour ces villes portuaires, le branchement électrique des navires lorsqu’ils sont en escale

New World, New Challenges 12th International Conference Cities and Ports – 15/19 November 2010 – Buenos Aires & Rosario, Argentina

© AIVP – The worldwide network of Port Cities


devient une priorité. Ce raccordement aux réseaux terrestres permet de réduire les émissions de CO2 et de polluants (NOx, SOx, particules) dans les ports et les villes portuaires. Le branchement électrique d’un navire (dit « courant quai ») permet de se substituer aux groupes électrogènes du bord pour assurer l’ensemble des besoins énergétiques en escale. Les puissances à installer deviennent vite importantes lorsque la ville-port doit accueillir simultanément plusieurs navires de

croisière et ferries. En France, la puissance électrique provient principalement du nucléaire, énergie qui a priori ne produit pas de GES. En revanche, lorsque le réseau électrique est alimenté à partir de centrales thermiques à fioul ou à charbon, le branchement électrique des navires ne résout pas le problème en totalité car même si la pollution dans la ville portuaire elle-même est réduite grâce au branchement électrique, l’origine de l’électricité fournie dégage des GES. Il est donc souhaitable, dans tous les cas de favoriser les énergies

renouvelables comme source de production d’électricité pour alimenter les navires. La présente communication passe en revue les principales sources d’énergie renouvelables en argumentant selon les cas les procédés les plus adaptés en fonction des sites et des ressources disponibles : le photovoltaïque, l’éolien on-shore et off-shore, l’hydrolien et les usines marémotrices, l’énergie thermique des mers, la récupération de l’énergie de la houle, la géothermie, la pression osmotique, etc. Une source moins connue, mais prometteuse de par sa capacité de stockage, concerne les étangs

solaires. Ce sont les deux sources « éoliennes offshores » d’une part et « étangs solaires » d’autre part qui sont développées ci-après, car leur mise en œuvre permet également de valoriser des espaces proches des villes portuaires et des bandes côtières.


Para respetar los principios del desarrollo sostenible, los puertos se comprometen a reducir su huella de carbono y trabajan para limitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Los espacios portuarios que reciben barcos de crucero y ferrys a menudo se encuentran cerca del centro de las ciudades. Para estas ciudades portuarias, la conexión eléctrica de los barcos cuando hacen escala

se convierte en una prioridad. Esta conexión a las redes terrestres permite reducir las emisiones de CO2 y los contaminantes (NOx, SOx, partículas) tanto en los puertos como en las ciudades portuarias. La conexión eléctrica de un barco (llamada “electricidad de pantalán”) permite sustituir a los grupos electrógenos del navío para cubrir todas las necesidades energéticas durante la escala. Las potencias que deben instalarse resultan importantes cuando la ciudad-puerto debe recibir simultáneamente varios barcos de crucero y ferrys.

En Francia, la potencia eléctrica tiene principalmente un origen nuclear, energía que a priori no produce GEI. Por el contrario, cuando la red eléctrica se alimenta con centrales térmicas de fuel o de carbón, la conexión eléctrica de los navíos no resuelve totalmente el problema ya que, incluso si la contaminación en la ciudad portuaria es menor gracias a la conexión eléctrica, el origen de la electricidad suministrada produce GEI. Por lo tanto, conviene favorecer en cualquier caso las energías renovables como fuente de producción de electricidad para alimentar los navíos.

Esta comunicación recorre las principales fuentes de energía renovable argumentando según los casos y los procedimientos mejor adaptados en función de los lugares y de los recursos disponibles: la energía fotovoltaica, eólica on-shore y off-shore, la hidrólica y las plantas mareomotrices, la energía térmica del mar, la recuperación de energía de las olas, la geotérmica, la presión osmótica, etc. Una fuente menos conocida, pero prometedora por su capacidad de almacenamiento, es la relativa a los estanques solares. Estas dos fuentes “eólica off-shore” por un lado y “estanques solares” por otro, son las que se desarrollan

a continuación puesto que su implantación permite igualmente revalorizar zonas próximas a las ciudades portuarias y a las franjas costeras


Sustainable development means that ports are now committed to reducing their carbon footprint and are actively working to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Ports offering cruise and ferry berths are often close to a town centre. In these port towns, one of the priorities for cruise ship and ferry calls is electric power supply. Connecting them to land electricity grids generates less CO2 and pollutant (NOx, SOx, particles) emissions in the ports and port towns.

New World, New Challenges 12th International Conference Cities and Ports – 15/19 November 2010 – Buenos Aires & Rosario, Argentina

© AIVP – The worldwide network of Port Cities


On-shore electricity supply to ships (on-shore power points) can replace on-board generator sets and supply all the power needed while the ship is at the port of call. The power capacity required soon soars if the port town has docking facilities for several liners and ferries all at once. In France, electricity is mainly produced from nuclear power, a GHG-free source of power. On the other hand, if the electricity to be used by the cruise ships is produced by fuel oil or coal fuelled thermal power

plants, the problem is not totally solved; even if on-shore power points mean less pollution for the port town itself, the source of the electricity generates GHG. It is therefore preferable to encourage the use of renewable energy to produce electricity for calling passenger boat and liner onshore power points. This paper reviews the principle sources of renewable energy and discusses the most appropriate processes depending on the site and the resources available: solar power (photovoltaic plants), on-shore and off-shore wind fields, marine current power, tidal stream energy, tidal power plants, ocean thermal

energy conversion, wave power capture, geothermal energy, osmotic pressure, etc.; also, solar ponds, another, less known source of energy that is promising in terms of storage capacity. The two sources discussed in detail here are offshore wind fields and solar ponds because of the fact that they utilise areas near port towns and coastal strips.


12th International Conference Cities and PortsBuenos Aires 15-19 NovemberSubject – The climate challenge for port towns - Innovative measures to restrict GHG emissions.____________________________________________________________

Energías renovables y ciudadesportuarias

Renewable energy and port towns

Jean-Marc BEYNET 1, Nicolas FRAYSSE 2, Jean-Louis PACITTO 3

1. Sea & River Port Design and Construction Expert, BRL Ingénierie2. Project Director, Ports and Coastal Improvement, BRL Ingénierie3. Architect and town planning specialist, AMPHIBIA SIG

prospective research worker

Energies renouvelables et villes portuaires

Renewable energy and port towns

Flags from


Abstract :

� Sustainable development means that ports are now committed to reducingtheir carbon footprint and are actively working to limit greenhouse gasemissions.

� Ports offering cruise and ferry berths are often close to a town centre. In theseport towns, one of the priorities for cruise ship and ferry calls is electric powersupply. Connecting them to land electricity grids generates less CO2 andpollutant (NOx, SOx, particles) emissions in the ports and port towns.

� On-shore electricity supply to ships (on-shore power points) can replace on-board generator sets and supply all the power needed while the ship is at theboard generator sets and supply all the power needed while the ship is at theport of call.

� This paper reviews the principle sources of renewable energy and discussesthe most appropriate processes depending on the site and the resourcesavailable: solar power (photovoltaic plants), on-shore and off-shore wind fields,marine current power, tidal stream energy, tidal power plants, ocean thermalenergy conversion, wave power capture, geothermal energy, osmoticpressure, etc.; also, solar ponds, another, less known source of energy

� This point of view presented by BRL ingénierie contribute to theimplementation of the principles of the Charter for the SustainableDevelopment of Port Cities, initiated by the IACP.

Ports offering cruise and ferry berths are often close to a town centre.

Ships at berth generate air pollutant and noise emissions that impact : - the ship’s crew- people in the neighbourhood of the terminal

A single cruise boat can Ferries in Bastia French Port On-shore electricity A single cruise boat can need up to 10MW !

Technical Principle for Rotterdam Harbours

Ferries in Bastia French Port On-shore electricity supply to ships is a good way to prevent ship GEG emission

Connecting them to land electricity grids generates less CO2 and pollutant (NOx, SOx, particles) emissions in the ports and port towns.

An interesting web site has been activated in spring 2010 by International Association of Ports and Harbors - supported by AIVP- to promote Onshore Power Supply OPS : World Ports Climate Initiative (www.WPCI.nl)

In many countries, this connexion to land electricity grid is efficient to lower ports carbon footprint.The example of South America is clear, most part of electricity production is from Hydro plants :

(exepted Argentina…sorry…)

If the power source is petrol based, land grid connexion is not affecting the global GEG emission associated with port operation.. Here-under the Medium East example :

Source : Observ’ER – Ademe - EDF

� Local renewable energy production is also an alternative…

� The main renewable sources of energy are : – Current and tidal energy– Wave energy, – Thermal energy of seas, – Osmotic energy, – Photovoltaic energy, – Onshore and offshore wind energy, – A less known energy source concerns the solar ponds. …

� A few examples …� A few examples …

Current and tidal energy with marine current turbines� Use of the kinetic energy of the tide or the oceanic currents� Shallow waters� Vertical or horizontal axes� Development level : industrial prototype…







Wave energy with … many dispositives…� Use of the mechanical energy of the swell or the waves� Deep / shallow waters� Development level : industrial prototype…

PELAMIS (Ecosse Portugal, Île de la Réunion)


Floating offshore wind turbines� Use of the kinetic energy of the wind� Deap to Shallow waters� Vertical or horizontal axes� Development level : industrial prototype…



Marine thermal energy� Exploitation(Operation) of the difference of temperature between deep waters and waters of surface

� Minimal difference of 20°C to 25°� Development level : industrial prototype…(The heat of the water of surface serves to vaporize a fluid, for example some ammonia (which passes in the gaseous state in 28°C), to make him(it) pass, under pressure (approximately 7 bars), in a turbine which produces some electricity.

The deep water in + 4 or 5°C is pumped and used to make The deep water in + 4 or 5°C is pumped and used to make the ammonia to the liquid state.)


Fixed Offshore wind turbines� Same principle than onshore, but wind more regular and powerful.� Shallow waters (15 – 35 m)� Development level : industrial

Arklow bank - Ireland

Nysted - Danemark

Photovoltaic energy� Direct transformation from photons to electricity.� Onland� Development level : industrial

The Grand Port de Marseille, GPMM, launched the largest port- based rooftop integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) project in France at the beginning of 2009

The total nominal capacity of the project is The total nominal capacity of the project is 11.5 MW and the electricity produced by the plant will be sold to EDF under a guaranteed 20 year Power-Purchase-


Contractors : Nur Energy / EDF

Onshore wind energy� Direct transformation from wind kinetics energy to electricity.� Inland..� Development level : industrial


Fos sur mer (MRS)

2 principal renewable energy resources actually growing worldwide : SOLAR and WIND based technologiesMatureCost efficiency (if well studied…)

In most of cases they are compatible with ports and coastal areas

- World wide complementary natural resources wind and sun…

- In most of cases

This map shows the amount of solar energy in hours, received each day on an optimally tilted surface during the worst month of the year.

- In most of cases they are compatible with ports and coastal areas

Annual 50 m wind speed 1983-1993

FOCUS on offshore wind farms

Ocean is wide, but not really free…An example of site screening

Natural data between le Cap Gris Nez and la Presqu’île du Cotentin

Servitudes between le Cap Gris Nez and la Presqu’île du Cotentin

Maritime trafic…

Ouessan rail

Seine River and Le Havre + Caen Ouistream ports

Environmental data between le Cap Gris Nez and la Presqu’île du Cotentin

Synthesis of large scale datas for manche

What about shipping in the Neighborhood of an offshore wind farm

elements of conclusion on offshore wind farms :

- Site analysis is an important step of decision- If well situated, environment is not a big deal (except for construction steps)- Landscape impact make wind farms to be 10km away from sea side…- it neads numerous specialized studies ( sismics/ geotechnics/ birds and mammals survey / benthos analysis / socio economics analysis / acoustic / fishing / collision / … )- development is long (2 – 4 years) and hasardous (generaly around 1M€/site)

- not really affordable for cities and port authorities but it is always possible to take part to the project development and green power supply to ports…to take part to the project development and green power supply to ports…

It can also be a good opportunity for port development :- Construction(Min 10 ha-30 /project) – 2-3 years- Services

An alternative and low technicity energy source : SOLAR PONDS…

The phenomenon of the harnessing of the solar heat by a salty pond was not developed : we simply discovered it as natural phenomenon (for the first time in 1900 in a salt lake of Hungary) …

This lake in Sinaï contains rare animal species and effectively we can measure the "natural" temperature in lower coat(layer) of this lake in approximately 70 degrees Celsius of average, all year round.

Energy production…

Solar ponds can be used for direct heating of neighborhood or to produce electricity with a rankine cycle :

- The converter is called driving organic of cycle of Rankine - baptized by the name of an engineer of the 19th century. It is the same process as that used to extract the energy from the gradients of temperature of the surface of the oceans and the waters of the depths, and that to transform the geothermal warm water into electricity.

- The engine of Rankine works by using(employing) the warm water to evaporate - The engine of Rankine works by using(employing) the warm water to evaporate a chemical the boiling point of which is low, as those used in refrigerators. The vapor becomes then a high-pressure gas which is used to activate the turbine. Once used, the gas is recycled, cooled, condensed and reused - as in a refrigerator. The axis of the engine activates then an alternator which produces some electricity…

Ormat company built a factory of 5 MW from solar ponds in Israel, from the 80s (25ha natural solar ponds)

Experimental unity of El Paso University

Experimental unity of El Paso University

What about costs ?An Australian study specified the following average costs :

Synthesis dec. 2006 Australie (costs in australian dollar : 0,70 € )

Solar pond Onshore wind farms

Photovoltaic Diesel Coal

electricity cost/ kWh

0,18 $ 0,02 $ 0,50 $ 0,55 $ 0,18 $

investment cost/ kW

20.000 $ 1.000 $ $ 10.000 1.000 $ 4.000 $investment cost/ kW peak

20.000 $ 1.000 $ $ 10.000 1.000 $ 4.000 $

Investment /1kWh per year of life cycle

2 $ 0,19 $ 7 $ 0,11 $

•Recent developments :Really interesting coupled with thermal sea energy productionCan product non salted waterCan be used as direct heating systemfor green housing / agriculture / …

Energy production…

Salted pond are not existing worl wide, mainly in mediterranéean sea side

A good opportunity : former saltern conversion

But also in Australia, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean...Indian ocean, Pacific ocean...

Good examples :

SFAX (Tunisia)

FOS – Marseille (Salins de Giraud)

Good examples : Port Camargue – Salins d’Aigues Mortes (France)

Port de Sète (France)

Sites to be explored… : Near Nantes Saint-Nazaire (Guerande)

Le Havre (France)

Installation cost


Energy cost (€/MWh)

Life cycle (years)

Maturity of technology

Compatible for port and town


Stream energy 2,5 - 3,5 30-130 20-25 Soon ? Y nb of site limited

Tidal stream ~20 50-150 120 Y N Initial cost, nb of site limited

Wave 3 to 5 200 - 230 15 - 20 Soon ? N Not yet…

Offshore wind 1.7 - 3 100 - 130 20-25 Y Y but.. OK for participation to project must be subsidized

Thermal marine energy

10 - 20 250 - 300 25 - 30 N N But can produce heat / cooling and fresh water (4 - 5€/m3)

Osmotic pressure 40 - 50 40-50 5 - 10 N N Cost efficiency



Marine biomass N/A 40-80 15 - 30 N N Consumption of space

Solar ponds 20-30 ~Y Y Consumption of space / nb of site limited / fresh water

- As a comparison… -

Onshore wind 1.5 - 3 40 - 80 20-25 Y Y Mature technology

Onshore photovoltaic

150 - 300 20 - 25 Y Y But must be subsidized

Onshore biomass 40-80 Y Y Consumption of space and local GEG emission

Hydroplants 40-80 Y Y Nb of site limited in coastal zone

Nuclear Plants 40-80 Y N Not yet for small scale -

Carbon industry 40-80 Y Y But GEG emission…

Hopping these elements presented byBRL ingénierie will contribute tothe implementation of theprinciples of the Charter for theSustainable Development of PortCities, initiated by the IACP.Sustainable Development of PortCities, initiated by the IACP.

Gracias por su atención

Thank you for your attention

Merci pour votre attention

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