ener vation

Post on 05-May-2017






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enervation?n?'ve??(?)n/Submitnoun1.a feeling of being drained of energy or vitality; fatigue."a sense of enervation"synonyms: fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness, overtiredness, weariness, lassitude, lack of energy, lack of vitality, devitalization, weakness, feebleness, impotence, enfeebled state, debilitation, incapacitation, indisposition, prostration, immobility; MoreTranslate enervation toUse over time for: enervation

Enervation - definition of Enervation by the Free Online ...www.thefreedictionary.com/Enervation?tr.v. en·er·vat·ed, en·er·vat·ing, en·er·vates. 1. To weaken or destroy the strength or vitali of: "the luxury which enervates and destroys nations" (Henry David ...Enervate | Define Enervate at Dictionary.comdictionary.reference.com/browse/enervate?to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken. Synonyms: enfeeble, debilitate, sap, exhaust. adjective. 2. enervated.Enervation | Define Enervation at Dictionary.comdictionary.reference.com/browse/enervation?to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken. Synonyms: enfeeble, debilitate, sap, exhaust. adjective. 2. enervated.Enervate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam ...www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/enervate?to make (someone or something) very weak or tired. en·er·vat·eden·er·vat·ing. Full Definition of ENERVATE. 1. : to reduce the mental or moral vigor of. 2.enervate: definition of enervate in Oxford dictionary (British ...www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/enervate?Definition of enervate in British and World English in Oxford dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. English to English reference content.Enervate Synonyms, Enervate Antonyms | Thesaurus.comthesaurus.com/browse/enervate?Synonyms for enervate at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and ... see definition of enervate. Font size. X. Aa. Aa.enervate - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.comwww.vocabulary.com/dictionary/enervate?To enervate is to weaken, wear down, or even bum out. A three-hour lecture on the history of socks might thrill someone, it would enervate most people.enervating - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.comwww.vocabulary.com/dictionary/enervating... homework, and an emotional breakdown all have in common? They're enervating: in other words, they completely drain you of physical and emotional energy.Enervate dictionary definition | enervate definedwww.yourdictionary.com � Dictionary Definitions?enervate. [en'?r vat'; for adj. e n?r'vit, -vat']. verb. Enervate is defined as to weaken or take away physical, mental or moral strength. An example of ...enervation - Collins English Dictionary | Always Free Onlinewww.collinsdictionary.com � English Dictionary?You are here; > Home; > English Dictionary; > Definition of �enervation� ... Shivering with cold, he felt the enervation that comes after sudden fear. McCorquodale ...

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