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Endosomal assembly and transport of heteromeric septincomplexes promote septin cytoskeleton formationSabrina Zander1,‡, Sebastian Baumann1,*,‡, Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters2 and Michael Feldbrugge1,§

ABSTRACTSeptins are conserved cytoskeletal structures functioning in a varietyof biological processes including cytokinesis and cell polarity. Awealth of information exists on the heterooligomeric architecture ofseptins and their subcellular localization at distinct sites. However, theprecise mechanisms of their subcellular assembly and theirintracellular transport are unknown. Here, we demonstrate thatendosomal transport of septins along microtubules is crucial forformation of higher-order structures in the fungus Ustilago maydis.Importantly, endosomal septin transport is dependent on eachindividual septin providing strong evidence that septin heteromericcomplexes are assembled on endosomes. Furthermore, endosomaltrafficking of all four septin mRNAs is required for endosomallocalization of their translation products. Based on these results, wepropose that local translation promotes the assembly of newlysynthesized septins in heteromeric structures on the surface ofendosomes. This is important for the long-distance transport ofseptins and the efficient formation of the septin cytoskeleton.

KEY WORDS: Early endosomes, mRNA transport, Septin, RNArecognition motif

INTRODUCTIONSeptins are GTP-binding cytoskeletal proteins that areevolutionarily highly conserved from fungi to mammals (Beiseand Trimble, 2011; Fung et al., 2014). They are involved in diverseprocesses, such as cell division, neuronal development or plantinvasion by fungal pathogens (Bridges and Gladfelter, 2014, 2015).In humans dysfunctions of septins have been implicated in cancerand neurodegenerative diseases (Bridges and Gladfelter, 2015;Dolat et al., 2013).A characteristic feature of septins is the central GTP-binding

domain that is flanked by a polybasic region involved in membranebinding at the N-terminus (Bridges and Gladfelter, 2015). Mostcommonly a palindromic nonpolar heterooctamer is formed byfour different septins. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for example,the septins Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11 and Cdc12 form the defined hetero-octamer Cdc11–Cdc12–Cdc3–Cdc10–Cdc10–Cdc3–Cdc12–Cdc11.Interactions between, for example, Cdc12–Cdc3, Cdc10–Cdc10

and Cdc11–Cdc11 at the so-called ‘NC’ interface are essential(Beise and Trimble, 2011; Sirajuddin et al., 2007). The terminalsubunit Cdc11 can be replaced by an alternative septin subunit Shs1,resulting in the formation of alternative heterooctamers (Boothet al., 2015; Finnigan et al., 2015; Garcia et al., 2011).

Such heterooctameric building blocks can anneal head to tail intolonger rods, which are bundled at specific subcellular locations toform higher-order structures, such as rings or filaments. Suchstructures are found for example at the division site between motherand daughter cells in S. cerevisiae (Bridges et al., 2014) or at thebase of dendritic spines in neurons (Tada et al., 2007; Xie et al.,2007). Extended filamentous structures are mainly known frommammalian cells, where they partly colocalize with F-actin anddistinct subsets of modified microtubules (Spiliotis and Gladfelter,2012; Spiliotis et al., 2008). Even though the structure of septinheterooligomers has been analysed in great detail, it is still unclearprecisely how septins are assembled and how they reach theirsubcellular destination (Bridges and Gladfelter, 2015).

We are studying septin biology in Ustilago maydis, a fungalpathogen causing corn smut disease. Its genome encodes the coreseptins Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11 and Cdc12 (UMAG_10503,UMAG_10644, UMAG_03449 and UMAG_03599, respectively).However, a clear Shs1 orthologue is missing (Alvarez-Tabares andPerez-Martin, 2010; Böhmer et al., 2009). A prerequisite for infectionis the switch from yeast to hyphal growth (Vollmeister et al., 2012).Hyphae growwith a defined axis of polarity expanding at the apical tipand inserting septa at the basal pole (Vollmeister and Feldbrügge,2010). An essential process involved in polar growth is long distancetransport ofmacromolecules such as proteins, lipids aswell asmRNAs(Haag et al., 2015; Jansen et al., 2014). Rab5a-positive endosomes actas important carriers that shuttle along microtubules mediated by theplus-end directed motor Kin3 and the minus-end directed motordynein (Lenz et al., 2006; Schuster et al., 2011; Steinberg, 2014).

The key factor for mRNA transport is the RNA-binding proteinRrm4, which contains three RNA recognition motifs (RRM) at theN-terminus and two peptide-binding MLLE-domains (Becht et al.,2005; Pohlmann et al., 2015). TheMLLEdomains interact withUpa1,an endosomal component that functions in recruiting Rrm4 to Rab5a-positive endosomes (Pohlmann et al., 2015). The RRMs bind targetmRNAs encoding, for example, the septin Cdc3 (König et al., 2009).Characterization of the transport of cdc3mRNA led to the model thatlocal translationof cdc3mRNAmediates loadingofCdc3protein ontothe cytoplasmic surface of endosomes for microtubule-dependenttransport. This process is crucial for efficient formation of a septingradient in cortical filaments at the hyphal growth pole (Baumannet al., 2014; Jansen et al., 2014). A second septin, Cdc12, also shuttlesin a microtubule-dependent manner on endosomes, raising thepossibility that septin heterooligomers might assemble onendosomes for subcellular transport (Baumann et al., 2014). Here,we provide detailed in vivo evidence that all septins are indeedtransported on endosomes in an interdependent manner to support theReceived 30 October 2015; Accepted 26 May 2016

1Department of Biology, Institute for Microbiology, Cluster of Excellence on PlantSciences, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, 40204 Dusseldorf, Germany.2Department of Biology, Center for Advanced Imaging (CAi), Heinrich HeineUniversity Dusseldorf, 40204 Dusseldorf, Germany.*Present address: Cell and Developmental Biology, Centre for GenomicRegulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain.‡These authors contributed equally to this work

§Author for correspondence (feldbrue@hhu.de)

M.F., 0000-0003-0046-983X


© 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




formation of higher-order structures at the growth pole. This suggeststhat preassembly of septin heterooligomers takes place on themembranous surface of endosomes.

RESULTSSeptins are important for polar growth and unconventionalsecretionCdc3 is needed for efficient hyphal growth of U. maydis (Baumannet al., 2014). To address whether the other three septins performsimilar functions we generated deletion mutants in the geneticbackground of strain AB33 (Tables S1, S2). In this strain, formationof hyphae can be elicited by switching the nitrogen source(Brachmann et al., 2001). Wild-type hyphae show mainlyunipolar growth, expanding at the apical pole while insertingsepta at the basal pole (Fig. 1A). All four septin deletion strainsdeveloped a substantial number of hyphae showing bipolar growthat 4 h post induction (h.p.i.; Fig. 1A,B). This resembles the growthdefects observed in rrm4Δ strains (Becht et al., 2006). At later stagesa large proportion of hyphae of septin deletion strains recovered andswitched to unipolar growth with basal septa (8 h.p.i.; Fig. 1A,B).However, compared to wild-type, septin deletion strains containedan increased amount of bipolar hyphae without septa (8 h.p.i.)indicating that these mutations cause defects in establishingunipolar hyphal growth (Fig. 1B).As a second read-out we tested unconventional secretion of

chitinase Cts1 (Stock et al., 2012), a process that is specificallydependent on Rrm4-mediated mRNA transport during hyphalgrowth (Koepke et al., 2011). We observed that all four septindeletion strains exhibited reduced secretion of Cts1 only in hyphae(Fig. 1C). Thus, all four septins are needed for efficient unipolargrowth and unconventional secretion of Cts1 indicating a commonfunction for septins during hyphal growth.

All septins localize to shuttling endosomes and in filamentsFluorescently tagged fusion proteins are best suited to study in vivoseptin biology. Therefore, we generated a comprehensive collectionof strains in the genetic background of AB33, expressing septinsfused N- or C-terminally to the green fluorescent protein (eGfp,Clontech) at the endogenous locus. Notably, the 3′ untranslatedregion (UTR) was preserved to keep potential regulatory elementsintact (Fig. S1A).We tested the functionality of the fusion proteins in a growth

assay for bipolar filaments and in the Cts1 secretion assay(Fig. S1B,C). Two main observations were made in theseexperiments. First, a functional Cdc3 wild-type protein was mostclosely resembled by the N-terminal fusion of Cdc3 (Cdc3–GfpN)whereas the corresponding C-terminal fusion was less functional.Second, the remaining fusion proteins of the other septinscomplemented the deletion phenotype to various extents.Visualizing the subcellular localization of all septin fusion

proteins revealed that they accumulated at basal septa and incytoplasmic rings (Fig. 2A,B; Fig. S2A). The latter might eitherserve as transient storage forms or could be indicative of assemblydefects (Böhmer et al., 2009). Certain fusion proteins tend to formthese rings more often than others (Fig. S2B). Importantly, allfusion proteins localized to shuttling units that moved with acomparable speed of about 2.3 µm/s in both directions throughoutthe whole hypha (Fig. 2C–E; Movies 1–4). In all cases, themovement was affected by the microtubule inhibitor benomyl(Fig. 2D; Movie 5). Benomyl prevents polymerization ofmicrotubules and therefore long-distance transport alongmicrotubules is abolished. This results in the formation of

bipolarly growing hyphae (Fuchs et al., 2005; Higuchi et al.,2014) resembling those from rrm4Δ hyphae (Fig. 1A; Becht et al.,2006). To identify the shuttling units, we briefly stained hyphaewith the lipophilic dye FM4-64. This dye follows the endocytoticpathway (Vida and Emr, 1995) and is widely used to stain Rab5a-positive early endosomes in U. maydis (Higuchi et al., 2014). Weobserved that all septins colocalized with FM4-64 positive units.Thus, as shown for Cdc3 (Baumann et al., 2014), all septins arepresent on shuttling endosomes (Fig. S2C).

Finally, we studied filament formation of all septin fusionproteins (Fig. 2F). For clear visualization of cortical filaments, weanalysed maximum intensity projections of z-planes (Baumannet al., 2014). We observed that all septins were present in corticalfilaments running along the longitudinal axis of hyphae (Fig. 2F).However, depending on the position of the fused Gfp, the filamentsdiffered in their appearance (see Discussion). For example, Cdc3–GfpN formed filaments with a gradient emanating from the hyphaltip, whereas Cdc3–GfpC formed only very short, aberrant filaments(Fig. 2F; Fig. S2D). The cortical filaments in Cdc10–GfpNexhibited a different appearance in that they did not reach thehyphal tip and only a slight gradient was observed (Fig. 2F,Fig. S2D). Filament formation itself was not inhibited by benomyl,but in this case the gradient was also lost (compare Fig. 2F andFig. S2E), suggesting that microtubule-dependent transport isneeded for gradient formation (Baumann et al., 2014). Somefusions (e.g. Cdc3–GfpC or Cdc12–GfpC) failed to form extendedfilaments, suggesting that the Gfp fusion site interferes with theformation of higher-order structures. In summary, consistent withresults obtained analysing Cdc3 (Baumann et al., 2014), all otherseptins also localize to endosomes shuttling on microtubules as wellas to cortical filaments.

Septins colocalize at distinct subcellular sites and Cdc3interacts with Cdc12 directlyTo verify that septin proteins colocalize at the distinct subcellularsites described above, we studied colocalization of twoneighbouring septin pairs, Cdc3–CherryN (N-terminal fusion withmCherry) with either Cdc10–GfpC or Cdc12–GfpN. Expression ofthe mCherry fusion protein was driven by the strong promoter Potefto improve detection of the mCherry signal (Shaner et al., 2004). Asexpected, for both septin pairs, the proteins colocalized at septa andin cytoplasmic rings (Fig. 3A). Moreover, using dual-viewtechnology, extensive colocalization on shuttling endosomes wasdetected (Fig. 3B,C; Movies 6,7).

Furthermore, single-plane analysis revealed wide-rangingcolocalization of both septins in cortical filaments (Fig. 3D).Interestingly, the gradient of Cdc3–CherryN was no longerobserved in a strain co-expressing Cdc12–GfpN (Fig. S3A, lowerleft panel). This suggests that the presence of Cdc12–GfpN altersthe filament-forming ability of Cdc3–CherryN (compared to a strainexpressing only Cdc3-CherryN; Fig. S3A, upper left panel),suggesting a direct Cdc3–Cdc12 interaction in these septinfilaments.

To verify the interaction, we performed basic fluorescenceresonance energy transfer (FRET) and more rigorous fluorescencelifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)-FRET experiments.Analysing hyphal tips revealed that bleaching the mCherryacceptor of Cdc3–CherryN resulted in a clear increase (∼6%,Fig. S3B) in Gfp fluorescence of Cdc12–GfpN (donor) in thehyphal tip. In agreement, the Gfp lifetime of Cdc12–GfpNmeasured in FLIM-FRET experiments was significantly lower instrains co-expressing Cdc3–CherryN in comparison to the control


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




(Fig. 3E, left). Measuring the Gfp lifetime in strains expressingCdc3–CherryN and Cdc10–GfpC revealed that the lifetime was notsignificantly altered in comparison to the corresponding controlstrain (Fig. 3E). Thus, as predicted from structural data fromS. cerevisiae and humans (Beise and Trimble, 2011; McMurray

et al., 2011; Sirajuddin et al., 2007; Versele et al., 2004), theN-termini of Cdc3 and Cdc12 are in close proximity. This is not thecase for the N- and C-termini from Cdc3 and Cdc10, respectively.Taken together, septins colocalize at the described subcellular sites,such as shuttling endosomes, and in identical cortical filaments.

Fig. 1. All four septins are needed for efficient polar growth and endochitinase secretion. (A) Hyphae of AB33 derivatives at 4 h (left) and 8 h (right) afterinduction of polar growth (DIC images). Growth direction is marked by arrows. Scale bars: 10 µm. (B) Percentages of hyphae after 4 h.p.i. (top) and 8 h.p.i.(bottom): unipolarity, bipolarity and septum formation were quantified (error bars represent mean±s.e.m.; n=4 independent experiments, at least 50 hyphae werecounted per strain and experiment; note that septum formation is given relative to the values of unipolar or bipolar hyphae set at 100%). (C) Relative chitinaseactivity of septin deletion strains as assessed by detecting endochitinase Cts1 (Koepke et al., 2011; Langner et al., 2015) in the yeast (top) or hyphal form (bottom;8 h.p.i.). Error bars represent mean±s.e.m.; n=7 independent experiments.


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




Fig. 2. See next page for legend.


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




This clarifies contradicting results in the literature on septinfilaments in filamentous fungi (see Discussion).

Heteromeric septin units are present on shuttlingendosomes and in filamentsTo address whether septins form heteromeric structures onendosomes, we chose a genetic approach to study the subcellularlocalization of each septin in the absence of the others. Initially, weverified that deletion of septins did not alter the amount or theprocessive movement of FM4-64-stained endosomes. In contrast,loss of kinesin-3 type Kin3 resulted in strongly reduced shuttlingendosomes (Fig. S3C). Thus, endosomal septins are dispensable forthe motility of endosomes.Next, we concentrated on one Gfp fusion for each septin (Fig. S1)

to analyse the interdependency of their subcellular localization.Importantly, absence of one septin caused either a severe reductionor complete loss of endosomal localization of the other septins(Fig. 4A). Cdc3–GfpN localization, for example, was greatlyreduced on endosomes in the absence of Cdc10 or Cdc11 andundetectable in the absence of Cdc12 (Fig. 4A). This suggests thatheteromeric septin assemblies are formed on endosomes. In case ofCdc12–GfpN, we observed fewer shuttling signals in the absence ofCdc10, but the remaining ones could be detected more easily owingto the absence of signals from the septin filaments (Fig. 4A;Movie 8; see below). This peculiar observation could be explainedby homotypic interactions, as observed for Cdc3 from S. cerevisiaein the absence of Cdc10 (McMurray et al., 2011). The sameinterdependency of subcellular septin localization was alsoobserved at basal septa of hyphae and in cytoplasmic rings(Fig. S3D).To study the interdependency of septins in filaments, we also

analysed the localization of Gfp fusion proteins in the absence of theother septins. Whenever one septin was missing the formation offilaments was altered (Fig. S4A). For example, Cdc3–GfpN-containing filaments were shorter and restricted to the region ofthe initial cell in strains lacking Cdc12 (Fig. S4A).To further substantiate these findings, we tested septin proteins

carrying a deletion in the α0 helix. This region is crucial for theseptin interaction at the NC interface and is important for heteromerformation (Bertin et al., 2010; McMurray et al., 2011). The α0 helixis conserved in Cdc3, Cdc10, and Cdc12 but not in Cdc11

(Fig. S3E). Analysing Cdc3α0Δ–GfpN revealed that cytoplasmicrings were no longer formed and septa localization was drasticallyreduced (Fig. S3F). Moreover, cytoplasmic signals increasedwhereas, importantly, endosomal signals were strongly reduced(Fig. 4B) indicating that the ability to heterodimerize is importantfor endosomal localization. There was also an increase of thecytoplasmic signal of Cdc10α0Δ–GfpN but only a weak reductionon endosomes was observed (Fig. 4B). Consistent with this, thepresence of Cdc12–GfpN on shuttling endosomes was hardlydetectable in strains expressing Cdc3α0Δ (Fig. 4B) suggesting thatcorrect heteromerization is needed for endosomal localization. Incase of Cdc10α0Δ, the reduction of Cdc12–GfpN was not as severe(Fig. 4B). Thus, annealing of octamers might not be essential forendosomal localization.

Analysing filament formation revealed that Cdc3α0Δ–GfpN aswell as Cdc10α0Δ–GfpN did not form any kind of cortical filaments(Fig. 4C). Consistently, Cdc12–GfpN failed to form filaments ifstrains expressed either Cdc3α0Δ or Cdc10α0Δ. Thus, heteromericunits are needed to form long extended septin filaments, furthersupporting the observation that cortical filaments are higher-orderstructures.

Finally, we tested a strain expressing both Cdc3–GfpC andCdc12–CherryC, a septin pair carrying C-terminal fusion proteins.This should interfere with C-terminal interactions of Cdc3–Cdc12.The presence of two fluorescently tagged fusion proteins in onestrain had no influence on septum localization or formation ofcytoplasmic rings. However, endosomal localization of bothproteins was almost abolished (Fig. 4D). Thus, when Cdc12carries a C-terminal extension, endosomal localization of Cdc3–GfpC is severely disturbed supporting the presence of heteromers onthe surface of shuttling endosomes. Furthermore, the C-terminaldomain appears to be needed for the attachment to endosomes. Inconclusion, our in vivo evidence indicates that septins formheteromeric building blocks on the surface of shuttling endosomes.

The RNA-binding protein Rrm4 mediates endosomaltransport of all septin mRNAsPreviously, we have shown that the key RNA-binding protein Rrm4mediates endosomal transport of cdc3mRNA leading to endosomaltransport of Cdc3 protein. Most likely this is achieved by localtranslation on shuttling endosomes (Baumann et al., 2014, 2015). Incontrol experiments, we verified that loss of septins did notinfluence microtubule-dependent motility of Rrm4 (Fig. S4B–E).

To test whether Rrm4 mediates transport of all septin mRNAs inorder to load endosomes with septin proteins, we performed RNAimaging experiments in live cells using the λN-Gfp system (Fig. 5A)(Baumann et al., 2014, 2015). Analysing septin mRNAs revealedprocessive movement in all cases (Fig. 5B;Movie 9). The number ofprocessive messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) particles as wellas the range and the velocity of movement were comparable for allfour mRNAs (Fig. 5C–E).

The transport of septin mRNA was clearly Rrm4 dependentbecause in the absence of Rrm4 no processive movement wasdetectable (Fig. 5F,G). This is consistent with early results showingthat Rrm4 is the key mRNA-transport protein (Baumann et al.,2014; König et al., 2009).

To extend this study, we analysed cdc3B16mRNA in the absenceof Cdc12 because, here, Cdc3 protein is no longer present onendosomes (Fig. 4A). However, processive movement of cdc3B16

mRNA still occurredwith a similar range and velocity (Fig. 5B,D,E).We even observed an increase in the number of events of processivemovement (Fig. 5C). A possible explanation for the latter would be

Fig. 2. All septins shuttle on endosomes along microtubules and localizein cortical filaments. (A) DIC image of hypha expressing Cdc3–GfpN (left).The red rectangle indicates the septal region enlarged on the right.Fluorescence micrographs of strains expressing Gfp fused either to the N- orC-terminus of Cdc3 (right); septa are indicated byarrowheads (inverted signals,maximum intensity projections). Scale bars: 10 µm (left); 2 µm (right).(B) Fluorescence micrograph of Cdc3–GfpN-expressing strain (left). The redrectangle indicates comparable regions exhibited on the right, asterisks markcytoplasmic rings.Micrographsof strain expressingCdc3–GfpN orCdc3–GfpC(right; inverted signals, maximum intensity projections. Scale bars: 10 µm (left);2 µm (right). (C) Micrograph of Cdc3–GfpN-expressing hyphae. Shuttling unitsare indicated by red arrowheads (top). Movement of the units over time isvisualized by a kymograph (bottom). (D) Kymographs of strains expressingGfpfused to Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11 and Cdc12 in hypha (see Fig. S1; Movies 1–4).N-terminal Gfp fusion proteins are shown on the left and C- terminal Gfp fusionproteins are shown on the right with their corresponding kymographs of hyphaetreated with microtubule inhibitor benomyl (Movie 5). Red arrowheads indicateexamples of moving units. (E) Bar diagram showing the velocity of Cdc3–GfpN,Cdc10–GfpC, Cdc11–GfpC and Cdc12–GfpN particles (at least 10 hyphaewere counted per strain; error bars represent mean±s.d.). (F) Micrographs ofhyphal tips expressing Gfp fused to the N- or C-terminus (left and right,respectively) of septins (indicated to the left; maximum intensity projections).Red arrowheads indicate examples of septin filaments. Scale bar: 5 µm.


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




that cdc3 and cdc12 mRNA compete for the same binding sites onendosomes. Given that endosomal transport of cdc3 mRNA can beuncoupled from Cdc3 protein transport, we can exclude thepossibility that the translation product Cdc3 binds its own mRNA

for autoregulatory purposes (Caballero-Lima et al., 2014; Haaget al., 2015). In essence, all septin mRNAs are transported in anRrm4-dependent manner on endosomes suggesting endosomalassembly of the translation products.

Fig. 3. Cdc3 colocalizes extensively with Cdc10 and Cdc12. (A) Hyphae expressing Cdc3–CherryN (magenta) under the control of the constitutively activepromoter Potef and Cdc10–GfpC or Cdc12–GfpN (green) at endogenous levels. Colocalization (overlay, in white with arrowheads indicating regions ofcolocalization) was analysed at basal septa (left) and cytoplasmic rings (right). Scale bar: 5 µm. (B) Kymographs (dual view technology) analysing colocalizationof Cdc3–CherryN (top, inverted image of red fluorescence) and Cdc10–GfpC or Cdc12–GfpN (bottom, inverted image of green fluorescence on shuttlingendosomes, red arrowheads; Movies 6,7). (C) Bar diagram showing the percentage of Cdc3–CherryN signals that colocalize with Cdc10–GfpC or Cdc12–GfpNsignals. Endosomes moving processively towards the tip or the septum were analysed (error bars represent mean±s.d.; n=15 hyphae). (D) Hyphae expressingCdc3–CherryN (magenta) and Cdc10–GfpC or Cdc12–GfpN (green). Colocalization (overlay, in white with arrowheads indicating regions of colocalization) wasanalysed in single planes (note that filaments exhibit cortical staining). Scale bars: 5 µm. (E) Bar diagram of Gfp lifetime measured by FLIM microscopy (n=3independent experiments, at least 5 hyphaewere analysed per strain and experiment, error bars represent mean±s.e.m.). *P<0.05; ns, not significant (paired two-tailed t-test).


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




Fig. 4. See next page for legend.


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




Rrm4 is essential for septin localization on endosomesNext, we addressed whether the endosomal localization of septinproteins is also dependent on Rrm4 (Baumann et al., 2014). To thisend we initially demonstrated that Cdc3–GfpN and Cdc12–GfpNcolocalized almost exclusively with Rrm4–CherryC (a functionalC-terminal fusion protein, Baumann et al., 2012) on shuttling units(Fig. 6A,B; Movie 10). This indicates that both septins are presenton Rrm4-positive endosomes (Baumann et al., 2014).Studying Cdc3–GfpN and Cdc12–GfpN in rrm4Δ strains showed

that the localization of both septins to septa and cytoplasmic ringswas not altered (Fig. S4F), but the endosomal localization was lost(Fig. 6C). This holds true for a strain expressing Cdc12–GfpN andlacking Cdc10 as well as Rrm4, suggesting that, in this case,endosomal localization of Cdc12–GfpN also needed Rrm4(Fig. 6C). Thus, endosomal septin localization is dependent onthe mRNA-transport protein Rrm4 further supporting thehypothesis of endosomal translation and assembly of septinproteins.

Septins are co-delivered by endosomesSo far we have shown that all septin mRNAs and encoded proteinsare transported on endosomes. This might be needed for efficientformation of higher-order cortical filaments at the growing pole.Initially, we focused on Cdc3–GfpN because it exhibited the bestbiological activity, and in previous studies we have demonstrated influorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experimentsthat recovery of Cdc3–GfpN depends on Rrm4 (Baumann et al.,2014; Pohlmann et al., 2015). In this study, we were able to increasethe spatial resolution and could resolve cortical filaments. Weobserved that Cdc3–GfpN signals recovered in the same corticalarea that was present before bleaching. Interestingly, the recoverytook place over the entire cortical area and not only at the end ofhigher-order filaments (Fig. 7A). The same is true for the recoveryof the Cdc3–GfpN signal in the absence of Rrm4, but in this case theextent of recovery was strongly reduced (Fig. 7A,B). Thus, Rrm4-dependent endosomal transport of Cdc3 promotes its efficientassembly in cortical filaments at the growth pole.Finally, we aimed to address whether heteromeric septin signals

recover at identical subcellular sites. To this end, we performeddual-colour 3D photobleaching experiments. At 5 min after dual-colour bleaching, we observed simultaneous recovery of Cdc3–CherryN and Cdc12–GfpN at identical subcellular sites, suggestingthat heteromeric units are assembled in cortical septin filaments(Fig. 7C). In addition, 3D photobleaching experimentsdemonstrated that the recovery of both fluorescence signals wasdependent on Rrm4 (Fig. 7D), although recovery of Cdc3–CherryNwas less prominent. This is likely due to the photophysicalproperties of mCherry causing extensive bleaching during

acquisition of z-planes (12 sections) at two different time points(see Materials and Methods). Therefore, the statistical analysisrevealed a significant difference only for Cdc12–GfpN (Fig. 7D).Importantly, FRET experiments revealed that without Rrm4, theinteraction of Cdc3–CherryNwith Cdc12–GfpN is strongly reduced(Fig. 7E). This is most likely due to the lack of endosomal assemblyand transport (see above). In summary, the in vivo data presentedhere substantiate the hypothesis that heteromeric septin buildingblocks are transported on endosomes to enhance formation ofhigher-order septin filaments at the growth pole of hyphae.

DISCUSSIONSeptins are highly versatile cytoskeletal components that formvarious higher-ordered structures such as rings and filaments atdistinct subcellular sites (Bridges and Gladfelter, 2015; Fung et al.,2014). At present it is unclear how the underlying intracellulartrafficking of septins subunits is orchestrated. Furthermore, infungal hyphae it was questionable whether the observed higher-order cortical filaments consist of the known heteromeric septinsubunits containing of all four septins, because Cdc11 and Cdc12could, so far, not be detected in filaments (Alvarez-Tabares andPerez-Martin, 2010).

Here, we present a comprehensive genetic and cell biologicalstudy in U. maydis using N-and C-terminally Gfp-tagged versionsof all known septins, while preserving endogenous expressionlevels and regulatory RNA elements. We demonstrate that all fourseptins are present in cortical filaments and provide detailed in vivoevidence to support the hypothesis of endosomal assembly andtransport of septin subunits.

Cellular functions of septins in U. maydisPrevious analysis of deletion mutants in U. maydis revealed thatseptins were crucial for correct cell morphology but dispensable forcytokinesis of yeast cells (Alvarez-Tabares and Perez-Martin, 2010;Boyce et al., 2005). In contrast to studies in human pathogens suchas Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans (Kozubowskiand Heitman, 2010; Warenda et al., 2003), loss of septins did notaffect plant virulence of U. maydis (Alvarez-Tabares and Perez-Martin, 2010). Here, we observe that all four septin deletion mutantsexhibited comparable defects in hyphal growth, providing geneticevidence that they function together in a complex. Loss of eachseptin causes the delayed formation of hyphal septa similar tothat seen in A. nidulans (Hernandez-Rodriguez et al., 2012).Furthermore, all septins are crucial for establishment of unipolargrowth as well as for unconventional secretion of Cts1 (Stock et al.,2012). Thus, septins appear to be particularly important for theefficient execution of the hyphal growth programme.

Assembly of septins in higher-order cortical filamentsLike in mammalian cells, extended septin filaments are present atthe cortex of fungal hyphae (Kaufmann and Philippsen, 2009; Khanet al., 2015; Kozubowski and Heitman, 2010). In U. maydis,filaments containing Cdc3 or Cdc10 were found in yeast-likegrowing cells and hyphae (Alvarez-Tabares and Perez-Martin,2010; Baumann et al., 2014; Böhmer et al., 2009). We observed thatall septins form cortical filaments consisting of heteromericsubunits. However, in contrast to their endosomal localization,the localization in filaments is affected by modifications of the N- orC-termini. This might be one reason why heteromeric septinfilaments have not previously been reported in fungi. For example,the N-terminal fusion protein Cdc11–GfpN does not assemble infilaments (this work; Alvarez-Tabares and Perez-Martin, 2010)

Fig. 4. Septins form heteromeric units on shuttling endosomes and infilaments. (A)Kymographs (inverted signals) of strains expressing theseptinGfpfusions indicated on the left. For each septin, one of the three other septin-encoding genes was deleted and tested (Movie 8). Endosomal shuttling (redarrowheads) is affected in most cases. (B) Kymographs (inverted) of strainsexpressing the septin Gfp fusions indicated in comparison with strains in whichthe α0 helix is deleted. Red asterisks mark the nuclear region with reducedbackground signal; red arrowheads indicate shuttling units. (C) Micrographs ofhyphae expressing Gfp fused to the septin indicated (maximum intensityprojections) in comparison to strains with deleted α0 helix. Red arrowheadsindicate septin filaments.Scale bar: 10 µm. (D)Micrographs of strains expressingCdc3–GfpC and Cdc12–mCherryC either individually (top) or simultaneously(bottom); septa localization (left), cytoplasmic ring localization (middle) andendosomal localization (kymographs, right) is shown. Red arrowheads indicatesepta (left) or shuttling endosomes (right); red asterisks mark cytoplasmic rings.


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Fig. 5. Endosomal shuttling of septinmRNA is dependent onRrm4. (A) Components of the λN*GfpRNA reporter system (Pcrg1, arabinose-regulated promoter;Tnos, heterologous transcriptional terminator; cdcX, septin gene carrying 16 copies of boxB hairpin in its 3′ UTR, Baumann et al., 2014). λN*Gfp2 is recruited tomRNAs containing the λN*-binding sites designated boxB (Baumann et al., 2014, 2015). (B) Kymographs of hyphae expressing the λN*Gfp2 protein and boxB-containing septin mRNAs (red arrowheads indicate processively moving particles; Movie 9). (C) Bar diagram showing the number of processively moving particlesnormalized to 100 µm (n=3 independent experiments, at least 10 hyphae per experiment, error bars represent mean±s.e.m.). *P<0.05; ns, not significant; unpairedtwo-tailed t-test. (D) Diagram indicating the range of processive movement (at least 30 hyphae per strain). (E) Bar diagram showing the velocity of processivelymoving mRNP particles either to the tip or towards the septum (n=3 independent experiments, at least 10 hyphae per experiment, error bars represent mean±s.e.m.). (F) Kymographs of a hypha expressing the λN*Gfp2 protein and boxB-containing septin mRNAs with an additional deletion of rrm4 (red asterisks indicatestatic particles or corralled movement). (G) Bar diagram showing the number of processively moving particles normalized to a 100 µm length in the septin mRNAstrain indicated in comparison to rrm4 deletion strains (n=3 independent experiments, at least 5 hyphae per experiment, error bars represent mean±s.e.m.).


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whereas the C-terminal fusion does (this work). Hence, a careful andcomprehensive analysis of their localization was needed.Based on the fact that septin filaments bundle laterally (DeMay

et al., 2011; Fung et al., 2014) and that they are most likely inregister with adjacent filaments (Kaplan et al., 2015), we proposethat bundles of heteromeric septin filaments are also formed inU. maydis (Fig. 8). Consistent with this, we noticed that theassembly of septins in cortical filaments depends on the differentsubunits. The heteromeric nature of the cortical filaments wasfurther supported by the observation that the α0Δ mutations,which affect the NC interface of Cdc3 with Cdc12, and Cdc10with itself, abolish filament formation. Furthermore, colocalizationexperiments showed that Cdc3 and Cdc12 fluorescence recoveredsimultaneously at distinct sites in the filament, strongly arguingfor the incorporation of heteromeric subunits. Formation offilament bundles requires intimate interactions of septinsubunits. In accordance, certain fusion proteins such asC-terminally tagged Cdc3 and Cdc12 are impaired in filamentformation. This could be due to a disturbed interaction with otherseptins or with potential septin scaffolding proteins (Sadian et al.,2013).Previously, it has been reported that heterooctameric septin

subunits anneal head-to-tail to form longer filaments only from theends (Bridges et al., 2014). We observed that recovery occurs overthe complete length of the filament. A possible explanation for thisapparent discrepancy is that we might mainly detect the lateralassembly of septin filaments forming bundles and not the annealingprocess itself (DeMay et al., 2011). A pronounced bundling ofseptin filaments at the growth pole would explain the observedgradient (Fig. 8).At present we can only speculate about the detailed function of

septin filaments for efficient hyphal growth of U. maydis. It hasbeen shown that Cdc10 colocalizes with a sub-set of microtubules(Alvarez-Tabares and Perez-Martin, 2010) indicating that septins

could regulate microtubule dynamics during hyphal growth, forexample, by specific post-translational modifications (Spiliotiset al., 2008).

Heteromeric septin subunits on the cytoplasmic surface ofendosomesPrevious studies have already reported a close link between septinassembly andmembranes (Bezanilla et al., 2015; Garcia et al., 2016;Heasley and McMurray, 2016). Using membrane bilayers andliposomes it was initially discovered that the polybasic regioninteracts with membrane lipids (Casamayor and Snyder, 2003;Zhang et al., 1999) and enhances rod formation (Bertin et al., 2010;Tanaka-Takiguchi et al., 2009). Moreover, these rods diffuse onmembranes in two dimensions promoting the annealing process,which results in the formation of higher-order septin structures(Bridges et al., 2014). The finding that Cdc3 and Cdc12 are presenton shuttling endosomes raised the intriguing possibility thatheteromeric septin subunits are assembled on endosomes(Baumann et al., 2014).

Now, we show that all four septins are present on shuttling Rrm4-positive endosomes. Endosomal localization was not affected by N-or C-terminal fusion proteins, suggesting that no higher-orderedstructures are assembled on their surface. Analysis of deletionmutants revealed that endosomal localization of septins wasinterdependent on each of the individual septins. This was furtherverified by analysing the aforementioned α0Δ mutations. Cdc3α0Δwas hardly detectable on endosomes and caused a clear reduction inthe endosomal localization of Cdc12. Consistent with this, if bothproteins carry a C-terminal fusion protein, none of them localize toendosomes, suggesting the formation of Cdc3–Cdc12 heteromers.Endosomal localization of Cdc10α0Δ was only reduced andtherefore its influence on Cdc12 localization was not as drastic.Hence, the interaction at the NC interface of Cdc10 with itselfappears to be unessential for endosomal localization. Taken

Fig. 6. Loss of Rrm4 abolishes septinlocalization on shuttling endosomes.(A) Kymographs analysing colocalizationin strains expressing both Rrm4–CherryC(top, inverted image of red fluorescence)and either Cdc3–GfpN (bottom left) orCdc12–GfpN (bottom right, invertedimage of green fluorescence; Movie 10).Red arrowheads mark examples ofcolocalizing signals on shuttlingendosomes. Note that the vertical lines inthe kymographs of septin fusion proteinsare not static endosomes, but they are dueto the localization of septins in corticalstructures. (B) Bar diagram showing thepercentage of Cdc3–GfpN and Cdc12–GfpN signals that colocalize withRrm4–CherryC signals. Endosomesmoving processively towards the tip or theseptum were analysed (error barsrepresent mean± s.d.; n=15 hyphae).(C) Kymographs of strains expressingCdc3–GfpN (left) and Cdc12–GfpN(middle and right, note that in the strain onthe right the cdc10 gene is deleted). Redarrowheads mark examples of shuttlingendosomes. Bottom panels showkymographs of strains carrying anadditional deletion in rrm4.


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together, we conclude that heteromeric subunits are formed on thesurface of endosomes (Fig. 8), but the exact heteromericcomposition such as dimers, tetramers or octamers needs to beaddressed further.

Endosome-coupled translation for septin assemblyWe propose that local translation of septin mRNAs mediatesendosomal assembly of septin heterooligomers (Fig. 8). This idea isbased on our previous study showing that Cdc3 protein and mRNA

Fig. 7. Rrm4 is needed for efficient recovery of Cdc3 and Cdc12 in septin filaments. (A) Representative 3D photobleaching experiment analysing hyphaexpressing Cdc3–GfpN (left) in comparison to a similar rrm4Δ strain (right; filled arrowheads, septin filaments; red arrowheads, endosomes). Scale bar: 5 μm.(B) Bar diagram of 3D photobleaching experiment (n=3 independent experiments; at least 5 hyphae were analysed per experiment, error bars represent mean±s.e.m.). *P<0.05, paired two-tailed t-test. (C) Representative 3D photobleaching experiment showing hyphal tips expressing Cdc12–GfpN (green) and Cdc3–CherryN (magenta). Colocalization (overlay, in white with arrowheads indicating regions of colocalization) was analysed before and 5 min after bleaching.Scale bar: 5 μm. (D) Bar diagram of 3D photobleaching experiments exhibiting recovery of mCherry or Gfp fluorescence as indicated (n=3 independentexperiments, at least 5 hyphae were analysed per experiment; error bars represent mean±s.e.m.). *P<0.05; ns, not significant (paired two-tailed t-test). (E) Bardiagram of FRET experiments showing Gfp fluorescence after acceptor bleaching with and without the presence of Rrm4 as indicated (n=3 independentexperiments, at least 5 hyphae were analysed per strain and experiment, error bars represent mean±s.e.m.); *P<0.05 (paired two-tailed t-test).


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Fig. 8. Heteromeric septin complexes are assembled on shuttling endosomes for transport and formation of higher-order structures. (A) Schematicdrawingof ahypha (growthpoleat the right, nucleus ingrey).Depictedare cortical septin filaments formedbyseptin heterooctamers (enlarged) that consist ofCdc11–Cdc12–Cdc3–Cdc10–Cdc10–Cdc3–Cdc12–Cdc11. An array of antiparallel microtubules with shuttling endosomes is depicted in the centre. (B) Enlargement of anRrm4-positive endosome transporting septin mRNAs that are translated by ribosomes during transport. This results in heteromer formation on the surface ofendosomes. (C) Two different scenarios explaining the presence of septins on endosomes. The interdependency of the septins for endosomal localization favoursthe right-hand model. A potential adaptor protein linking septins to endosomes is indicated by a question mark. Further details are given in the text.


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colocalize on endosomes and that without mRNAs or ribosomes onendosomes the translation product Cdc3 is absent (Baumann et al.,2014; Haag et al., 2015; Jansen et al., 2014). This is supported bythe finding that Rrm4-positive endosomes transport translationallyactive ribosomes (Higuchi et al., 2014; Palacios, 2014).We could demonstrate in this study that all septin mRNAs are

transported on endosomes. Furthermore, Rrm4 is essential for theendosomal localization of the analysed septin proteins Cdc3 andCdc12. These results clearly demonstrate that those heteromericseptin subunits that are formed in the absence of Rrm4 are unable tolocalize to endosomes. Thus, without septin mRNA on endosomes,heteromeric subunits cannot bind endosomes. Importantly, dual-colour 3D photobleaching and basic FRET experimentsdemonstrate that loss of Rrm4 affects the interaction of Cdc3 andCdc12 in vivo. This shows that septin subunits can be formedwithout endosomal transport, but less efficiently.Interestingly, due to the septin interdependency mentioned

above, local translation of septin mRNAs seems insufficient forendosomal attachment of the translation products. An attractiveexplanation would be that, compared to single septin proteins,heterooligomers bind endosomal lipids stronger. This could be dueto an increased avidity of membrane binding, for example, mediatedby the multiplication of polybasic regions in septin oligomers, or theability of septin oligomers to recognize membrane curvature(Bridges et al., 2016). Alternatively, an interaction partner thatspecifically interacts with the C-termini of Cdc3 and Cdc12 mightbe present. This is supported by our finding that Cdc3 and Cdc12lose endosomal localization when both proteins carry a C-terminalfusion protein (Fig. 8). In summary, local translation and assemblyof the newly synthesized proteins most likely function together inendosomal tethering of septins to coordinate their transport.

ConclusionDetails on the mechanism of intracellular septin trafficking have notyet been clarified. It is unknown, for example, how septins reachdendritic spines, the base of the sperm cell annulus or the base ofcilia (Mostowy and Cossart, 2012; Saarikangas and Barral, 2011).Here, we present in vivo evidence that septin heteromeric subunitsare assembled and transported on endosomes for filament formationand efficient hyphal growth (Fig. 8). Local translation during septinassembly might even explain how more complex septin filamentscould be assembled in humans, which contain 13 different septin-encoding genes with numerous splice products (Barral, 2010;Spiliotis and Gladfelter, 2012). A defined septin heterooligomerconsisting of distinct septin subunits could elegantly be produced bylocal translation of the individual septins at identical subcellularsites. The fact that septins have been found in neuronal vesicles andvesicle-like structures (Beites et al., 1999; Xie et al., 2007) opens theintriguing possibility that not only septin structures are conserved,but potentially also the intimate link to membrane trafficking forassembly and transport.

MATERIALS AND METHODSStandard molecular biology techniques, strain generation andaccession numbersStandard procedures for plasmid and strain generations were used asdescribed elsewhere (Brachmann et al., 2004; Loubradou et al., 2001; seeTables S1–S4). Proteins were tagged with eGfp, the enhanced version ofgreen fluorescent protein (Clontech, Mountain View, CA), or mCherry, aderivate of mRfp (monomeric red fluorescent protein). Accession numbersof U. maydis genes used in this study: rrm4 (UMAG_10836), cdc3(UMAG_10503), cdc10 (UMAG_10644), cdc11 (UMAG_03449), cdc12(UMAG_03599), cts1 (UMAG_10419).

Fluorometric measurement of endochitinolytic activityDetermination of Cts1 activitiy in the supernatant of cells was performed ina similar manner to in previous studies (Koepke et al., 2011; Langner et al.,2015). Note that U. maydis cells were grown at 20°C in order to preventmorphological defects. At least three independent biological experimentswere performed with three technical replicates per strain.

Microscopy, dual-colour imaging, image processing andquantificationLaser-based epifluorescence-microscopy was performed on a Zeiss AxioObserver.Z1 as previously described (Baumann et al., 2014, 2015, 2016;Pohlmann et al., 2015). Colocalization studies of dynamic processes werecarried out by applying msALEX (millisecond alternating laser excitation;Baumann et al., 2015) or with a two-channel imager (DV2, Photometrics,Tucson, AZ, USA; Pohlmann et al., 2015; Baumann et al., 2016). Yeast-likecells of all septin deletion strains were incubated at 20°C in order to preventmorphological defects (Alvarez-Tabares and Perez-Martin, 2010). Tovisualize septin localization at septa, in rings or in filaments, z-stacks withan exposure time of 150 ms/plane and a z-distance of 0.23 µm wererecorded. All parts of the microscope systems were controlled by thesoftware package Metamorph (Version 7.7; Molecular Devices).

RNA imaging in live cells, FM4-64 staining and benomyltreatmentRNA imaging in live cells and subsequent data analysis was performed aspreviously described (Baumann et al., 2012, 2014). Per strain andexperiment, >10 hyphae were analysed. Statistical tests were performedusing Prism5 (Graphpad, La Jolla, CA). Staining of hyphae with FM4-64and benomyl treatment was performed as described previously (Baumannet al., 2012; Becht et al., 2006).

3D photobleaching experimentsFor 3Dphotobleaching experiments, a 100× Plan-Neofluar objective (NA 1.3;Zeiss) and a 472 nm LED (CoolLED, precisExcite, Andover, UK) to exciteGfp fluorescence were used. An area of 15 µm from hyphal tips was bleachedwith 33% laser power of a 405 nm laser (80 mW fibre output, beam diameter16 pixels, bleach time 5 ms/pixel). Bleaching was carried out in 18 z-planeswith a z-distance of 0.3 µm. Fluorescence recovery was detected directly afterbleaching and 5min later,with an exposure timeof 350 ms/plane in a z-stackof18 planes with a z-distance of 0.3 µm. This time-point was chosen based onprevious FRAP experiments carried out with a comparable set-up (Baumannet al., 2014). For data analysis, z-planes were merged to maximum intensityprojections and the average backgroundwas subtracted. Fluorescence intensityafter bleachingwas set to 0 and the fluorescence recovery 5min after bleachingwas calculated. Intensity valueswere not corrected for acquisition bleaching aswe were only interested in a relative readout of the fluorescence recovery.Statistical tests were performed using Prism5 (Graphpad).

Dual-colour 3D photobleaching3D photobleaching experiments in the colocalization strain were carriedout using dual-view technology. The laser for excitation of Gfp(488 nm/100 mW) was set to 15% and the laser for excitation of mCherry(561 nm/150 mW) was set to 20%. The same area and bleaching settingswere used as described above (12 z-planes; z-distance of 0.2 µm, exposuretime of 500 ms/plane). Recovery of mCherry was strongly affected byacquisition bleaching. Data analysis was performed as described above.

FRET after acceptor bleachingFor intensity-based FRETmeasurements, the initial Gfp fluorescence signalwas acquired with an exposure time of 100 ms/plane (z-stack of 13 planes, z-distance of 0.3 µm, 488 nm laser line). Acceptor bleaching of mCherry wasperformed with an exposure time of 5 s/plane using the 561-nm laser line.The Gfp fluorescence after acceptor bleaching was acquired with thesame settings described above. For analysis, a sum projection of z-planeswas made and a maximum background subtraction was performed. Theapparent FRET efficiency was calculated using the following formula:EFRET=(intensityafter−intensitybefore)/intensityafter×100. Note that a region


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of 696×520 pixels was analysed in total, corresponding to about 30 µm ofthe hyphal tip. Statistical tests were performed using Prism5 (Graphpad).

FLIMFLIM was performed on a confocal laser scanning microscope (Zeiss LSM780) additionally equipped with a single-photon counting device withpicosecond time resolution (Hydra Harp 400, PicoQuant, Berlin, Germany).Gfp fluorescence was excited at 485 nm using a linearly polarized diodelaser (LDH-D-C-485) operated at a repetition rate of 32 MHz. Excitationpower was set to 1 µW at the objective (40× water immersion, Zeiss C-PlanApo, NA 1.2). The emitted light was collected in the same objective andseparated into its perpendicular and parallel polarization (Thorlabs PBS 101,Thorlabs GmbH, Germany). Fluorescencewas then detected by Tau-SPADs(PicoQuant) in a narrow range of the emission spectrum of Gfp (band-passfilter, HC520/30 AHF). Images were taken with a 12.6-µs pixel time and aresolution of 110 nm/pixel (Zoom 3,9; 520×80). A series of 40 frames wasmerged into one image to increase photon numbers per pixel.

Single-pixel fluorescence lifetime analysisThe fluorescence lifetime of Gfp was analysed using the software toolSymPhoTime 64, version 2.0 (PicoQuant, Berlin, Germany). Owing to thelow excitation power to prevent photobleaching during image acquisitionand the small pixel size to gain spatial resolution, the number of photons perpixel was still low after merging of frames, ranging from 300 to 2000photons per pixel. Therefore, we applied a fit model with a minimal numberof parameters to the data, in conjunction with a maximum likelihoodestimator (MLE, Stahl et al., 2013; Weidtkamp-Peters et al., 2009). We useda bi-exponential model function with two fluorescence lifetimes τ1 and τ2,background contribution and correction for shifting of the instrumentresponse function. The same model was applied to the donor-only andFRET-data sets. Thus, the decay histogram of eGFP is approximated in thesubsequent fluorescence lifetime analysis by an intensity-weighted averagelifetime τAv Int.

AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge Drs K. Schipper, V. Gohre, U. Fleig and laboratory members fordiscussion and reading of the manuscript. We are grateful to U. Gengenbacher andS. Esch for excellent technical assistance. Thanks to Dr R. Kahmann from the MaxPlanck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology for support.

Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing or financial interests.

Author contributionsS.B. and S.Z. were responsible for conception and design, acquisition of data,analysis and interpretation of data, and drafting or revising the article; S.W.-P. wasresponsible for acquisition of data, and analysis and interpretation of data; M.F. wasresponsible for conception and design, analysis and interpretation of data, anddrafting or revising the article.

FundingThis study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft[grant numbers EXC 1028, DFG FE448/9-1 (to M.F.) and CRC1208 (to S.W.P. andM.F.)]; and the iGRAD Molecules of Infection (MOI) programme to S.Z.

Supplementary informationSupplementary information available online athttp://jcs.biologists.org/lookup/doi/10.1242/jcs.182824.supplemental

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RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2016) 129, 2778-2792 doi:10.1242/jcs.182824




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