endoscopic endonasal approach for craniopharyngiomas · anatomy of the suprasellar region. cps are...

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Endoscopic EndonasalApproach for

Craniopharyngiomas Jörg Baldauf, MDa, Werner Hosemann, MDb,Henry W.S. Schroeder, MDa,*


� Endoscopic endonasal approach � Craniopharyngiomas � Retrochiasmatic tumor


� The endoscopic endonasal approach for the management of craniopharyngiomas has increasinglybeen used as an alternative to microsurgical transsphenoidal or transcranial approaches.

� This approach is a major step forward in the treatment of these difficult lesions because of improvedresection rates and better visual outcome.

� Especially in retrochiasmatic tumors, the endonasal approach provides better access to the lesionand reduces the degree of manipulations of the optic apparatus.

� The panoramic view offered by endoscopy and the use of angulated optics allows the removal oflesions extending far into the third ventricle avoiding microsurgical brain splitting.

A video of the endoscopic endonasal resectio

n of an intraventricular craniopharyngeoma

Disca Deb Dewald* CoE-ma


accompanies this article at http://www.neurosurgery.theclinics.com/


Craniopharyngiomas (CPs) represent one of themost challenging tumor entities in neurosurgery.Because of its critical vicinity to important neuro-vascular structures, the surgery is demandingand requires a thorough understanding of theanatomy of the suprasellar region.

CPs are benign epithelial tumors of the sellarregion originating from remnants of Rathke’s cleft.They are classified by the World Health Organiza-tion as grade I neoplasms.1 The papillary form isalmost exclusively found in the adult populationand the adamantinomatous subtype mainly oc-curs in children.2,3 There is a bimodal age dis-tribution of the incidence of CPs with a higher

losure: H.W.S. Schroeder is consultant to Karl Storz Gpartment of Neurosurgery, Ernst Moritz Arndt Univepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Ernst Moritz Arn17475, Germanyrresponding author.il address: henry.schroeder@uni-greifswald.de

rosurg Clin N Am - (2015) -–-://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nec.2015.03.013-3680/15/$ – see front matter � 2015 Elsevier Inc. All


amplitude in childhood. However, the prognosisof these tumors in particular is a matter of growthpattern. The extent of the tumor in relation to theoptic chiasm, pituitary gland and stalk, hypothala-mus, carotid artery, and anterior cerebral arterycomplex as well as the location of the tumor withrespect to the sella and diaphragm, is importantfor surgical planning. In addition to the tumorsize and the multilobulated characteristics withsolid and cystic components, it is of significant in-terest whether the lesion does extend into the thirdventricle or not and its relation to it. To solve theproblem of choosing the right surgical strategyfor individual cases, a variety of topographicand clinical classifications of CPs have been trans-ferred into surgical practice parallel to

mbH & Co KG (Tuttlingen, Germany).rsity, Sauerbruchstrasse, Greifswald 17475, Germany;dt University, Walter-Rathenau-Strasse 43-45, Greifs-

rights reserved. neurosurgery.th


Baldauf et al2

technological progress of instrumentation andequipment.2,4–7

Albert E. Halsted has been credited with the firstsuccessful transsphenoidal resection of a CP per-formed in 1909.8 The transsphenoidal approachfor tumors of the sellar region is strongly relatedto Harvey Cushing and Oskar Hirsch.9 In 1909,Cushing described his first surgery through thetranssphenoidal route for partial removal of the pi-tuitary gland in a patient with acromegaly.10 Adetailed historical review concerning the endo-nasal approach for CPs written by Gardner andcolleagues11 mentioned that Cushing abandonedthe approach for CPs for safety reasons given bytechnological and visualization limitations. Incontrast, Hirsch developed and kept to the endo-nasal transsphenoidal approach and reported hisfirst small series of 12 patients treated for tumorsof the pituitary gland in 1911 at the third interna-tional laryngo-rhinological congress in Berlin.12

Ten of the patients improved in clinical outcomeand 2 died. The latter were subjected to autopsy.In one, a large tumor of the pituitary gland wasfound that mainly extended into the intracranialspace and third ventricle. Hirsch made 2 importantstatements about his experience regarding thetranssphenoidal approach. First, an improvementof clinical symptoms can be expected if the tumoris located exclusively inside the sella and revealscystic components. Second, if a tumor is mainlygrowing intracranially, the endonasal approachand all other extracranial methods will not suc-ceed. Fortunately, the introduction of the oper-ating microscope opened a new door toneurosurgery in general, as well as to the trans-sphenoidal endonasal route particularly. Hardystressed the importance of the microsurgicalapproach for pituitary adenomas and CPs in1971 and mentioned that “the intrasellar subdiag-phragmatic type of CP can be totally removedtransphenoidally.”13 Laws improved the microsur-gical technique for CPs and expressly underlinedthat if “the sella turcica is enlarged, transsphenoi-dal microsurgery can be the procedure of choice,even when significant intracranial extension ispresent.”14,15

The stepwise technological progress extendedthe transsphenoidal access, initially described byWeiss,16 to reach the suprasellar/supradiaphrag-matic space. However, transcranial approachesto CPs with intraventricular growth have alsobeen used via pterional, transcortical, interhemi-spheric, transcallosal, and transforaminal routes.2

The microsurgical–endonasal resection of sellartumors was successfully complemented by theuse of an endoscope by Apuzzo and colleagues17

in 1977 after Guiot had already introduced the

endoscope to transsphenoidal surgery more thana decade earlier.18 Two decades later, Carrauand Jho reported their first series of purely endo-scopic endonasal removal of pituitary ade-nomas.19,20 The continuous advancement of theendoscope, in addition to the development of spe-cific instruments and sophisticated endoscopicstudies of the parasellar and anterior skull baseanatomy allowed the extension of the spectrumof indications for the technique. This initial workwas spearheaded by “The original Pittsburghgroup” with Carrau, Kassam and co-workers aswell as the Naples group with Cappabianca andDe Divitiis, and also the Bologna group with Frankand Pasquini, who promoted the endoscopicextended endonasal approach in the early yearsof the 21st century.21–24 Nowadays, the endo-scopic approach is widely accepted and is usedregularly. However, there is a long learning curveand cadaver studies are recommended. Addition-ally, close cooperation between an ENT-headand neck surgeon and neurosurgeon is necessary.Based on their extraordinary experience, Kassamand colleagues24 specified a V-level scale ofcomplexity of endoscopic endonasal skull baseprocedures that provides a useful guide. Accord-ing to their scale, the endoscopic endonasalapproach to CPs is a level IV category referring tothe fact that intradural surgery is usually required.Several studies have demonstrated already excel-lent results for CPpatients.25–30 Comparedwith thetranscranial microscopic approach, the endo-scopic approach promises a higher rate of grosstotal resection (GTR) and improved visual outcomebecause there is less manipulation of the opticapparatus, especially in retrochiasmatic lesions.31


Patients with CPs can present with a great varietyof symptoms including headache, visual symp-toms, hormonal disorders such diabetes insipidusand hypopituitarism, mental and memory dis-turbances, gait difficulties, and hypothalamicdisturbances such as the Frohlich’s syndrome(adiposogenital dystrophy). The typical symptomsof increased intracranial pressure are commonlyrelated to an associated hydrocephalus owing totumor extension into the third ventricle.All symptomatic CPs are an indication for sur-

gery. Asymptomatic lesions can be followed withMRI. However, growing lesions should be treatedbefore they become symptomatic.32 If the patientpresents with acute hydrocephalus owing toobstruction of the foramina of Monro by a cystic

Box 1Limitations and unfavorable factors of theendoscopic extended endonasal approach

1. Hypoplastic sphenoid sinus

2. Narrow sellar floor/reduced intercarotid ar-tery distance

3. Combined prechiasmatic and retrochias-matic tumor extension

4. Significant lateral tumor extension

5. Predominantly solid component in largetumors

6. Type IV lesions according to Kassam6

Endonasal Approach for Craniopharyngiomas 3

component of the tumor, an initial transcranialtransventricular endoscopic cyst fenestration canbe performed before the endonasal tumor resec-tion to release the increased intracranial pressure.

The goal of surgery for CPs is GTR or near totalresection, if feasible. However, tumor removal hasto be restricted to subtotal resection or even par-tial resection when the risk of neurovascular dam-age is expected to be high to avoid unacceptablepostoperative morbidity. The surgical approachdepends on the individual growth pattern of the tu-mor. Important essentials for the endoscopicextended endonasal approach are listed in Table 1and limitations are presented in Box 1with respectto the recent literature.6,25,27,30 Categories Athrough G try to display an increase of the neces-sary surgical expertise according to certain patho-logic conditions. Each surgical case must beassessed individually for the endoscopic extendedendonasal approach or should be alternativelyconsidered for a primary or second stage transcra-nial approach. Type IV CP isolated to the thirdventricle and/or optic recess according Kassamand colleagues6 is stressed to be not feasible byextended endonasal approach. In our opinion,the endonasal approach is especially useful andsuperior to any transcranial approach when thelesion is retrochiasmatic with a prefixed chiasm.Compared with the transcranial approach, manip-ulation of the optic apparatus is reduced, as is therisk of visual deterioration. The success of tumorremoval depends on the consistency and charac-teristics of the lesion (solid, cystic, or multilobular)as well as the invasion of the hypothalamic area.

Table 1Categories of surgical expertise of endoscopicextended endonasal approach forcraniopharyngiomas regarding tumorlocation/extension according to recentliterature

Category Tumor Location/Extension

A Intrasellar 1 infradiaphragmatic

B Intrasuprasellar 1infradiaphragmatic

C Suprasellar 1 infradiaphragmatic;preinfundibular

D Supradiaphragmatic;preinfundibular, transinfundibuar

E 1 Ventricle floor compression

F 1 Ventricular invasion

G Pure intraventricular

Data from Refs.6,25,27,30

The latter has to be thoroughly assessed in allkind of CPs involving the third ventricle and repre-sents the main reason for preventing a GTR.

SURGICAL MANAGEMENTPreoperative Planning

Taking a case history and performing a neurologicexamination are the first steps in the patient eval-uation. Additionally, endocrinologic and visualassessment (visual acuity and visual field) ismandatory before and after surgery. An earlyconsultation with an ENT is advisable to define de-tails of the individual surgical strategy. We stronglyrecommend neuropsychological testing for adultsand children before surgery, if the condition ofthe patient allows, because behavioral or cognitiveproblems can already be present before interven-tion or might occur after tumor resection.33,34

Furthermore, the body mass index and eatingbehavior are of interest because of the possibilityof postoperative obesity and hyperphagia owingto hypothalamic damage.35

Sophisticated preoperative imaging is of utmostimportance and includes CT and MRI. CT revealscalcifications within solid nodules and rim orcapsule of cystic parts. Thin layer bone windowCT demonstrates the bony anatomy of the para-nasal sinuses, nasal cavity, clivus, and anteriorskull base. It discloses nasal septum deviations,conchal abnormalities, and provides an exactmap of the intrasphenoid septations, which areimportant for anatomic orientation. MRI demon-strates tumor extension in every plane includingdifferentiation in solid and cystic components ofthe tumor. It provides the basis to evaluate the sur-gical corridor as mentioned in Table 1 and Box 1.Neurovascular conflicts such as distortions of theoptic chiasm or branches of the Circle of Willis

Baldauf et al4

are well visualized on T2 sequences. These au-thors agree with others that a special meaning isrelated to the axial and coronal fluid-attenuatedinversion recovery or T2 sequences regarding hy-pothalamic invasion by the tumor.32 Our illustrativecase presents typical MRI features (Fig. 1).Depending on the imaging findings, an

approach is selected. The decision to approachthe lesion transcranially or endonasally dependson several factors. One of the most important con-siderations is the position of the chiasm in relationto the tumor. If the tumor is located retrochias-matic, pushing the chiasm anteriorly (prefixedchiasm), the endonasal approach provides better

Fig. 1. This 61-year-old man presented with a 6-month hdecrease of short-term memory. Ten days before admissionentation, and bladder dysfunction. Endocrinologic evaluatsipidus. A typical Addisonian crisis was observed. MRI reveainto the third ventricle with solid components (A). The ogland and sella seemed to be normal. Hypothalamic invasioedema on T2 and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imagright side (B). Gross total resection was performed, includifiltrated and destroyed by the tumor. The sphenoid and intshown in Figs. 2 and 3. Postoperatively, the patient was vlevel and cognitive function. Surprisingly, body weight remis no recurrence of the tumor on MRI 2 years after surgery(D) also demonstrates covering of the skull base defect by

access to the lesion avoiding unnecessary manip-ulations of the chiasm. This is especially true insmaller tumors, which only elevate the floor ofthe third ventricle but are not located intraventric-ularly. In these lesions, the lamina terminalisapproach should not be chosen. If the tumoris located anteriorly to the chiasm causing apostfixed chiasm like in tuberculum sellae menin-giomas, the lesion can be approached transcrani-ally or endonasally. However, in most CPs, there isa prefixed chiasm. If the tumor has significantlateral extension (>1 cm lateral to the carotids), itmight be impossible to remove these parts totallythrough the nose when they are stuck to the

istory of progressive mental deterioration including, he developed a disturbance of consciousness, disori-ion demonstrated panhypopituitarism and diabetes in-led a suprasellar contrast enhancing tumor extending

ptic chiasm was displaced anteriorly (arrow). Pituitaryn of the lesion was suspected because of the perifocales with lateral extension into the basal ganglia on theng section of the pituitary stalk, which was already in-radural phases of the extended endonasal approach isery confused, but recovered soon regarding consciousained stable. Hormonal substitution is required. There(C, D). The edema has resolved completely (C). Imagethe nasoseptal flap.

Endonasal Approach for Craniopharyngiomas 5

surrounding structures. Tumors with large lateralextension should undergo removal via craniotomy.However, tumor extension into the third ventricle,even when they fill the entire ventricle, can beremoved endonasally, provided there is communi-cation with the suprasellar space and no ventricu-lar wall invasion. The axis of the approach is idealto get even the tumor parts in the posterior thirdventricle.

Usually, a transsellar–transtuberculum–trans-planum approach is sufficient to remove a CP. Intumors with retroclival tumor extension, an addi-tion transclival approach has to be added. Ingiant tumors with extension in all directions, acombined endonasal–transcranial approach maybe necessary. In the rare instance of a purely intra-sellar craniopharyngeoma, a simple transsellarapproach is sufficient. The approach, steps, andgoal of the surgery should be discussed betweenrhinosurgeon and neurosurgeon at least the daybefore the surgery.

Perioperative Care and Patient Positioning

After induction of general anesthesia, the endotra-cheal tube is positioned and fixed in the left cornerof the mouth. The nasal surgical part may be char-acterized by mucosal bleeding. Therefore, a throatpack is inserted to the oral cavity to protect theoropharynx from accumulation of blood and irriga-tion solution during the surgical procedure. Xylo-metazoline 0.1% or epinephrine (1:1000) isapplied to the nasal mucosa before surgery withthe aid of cotton pads. Preoperative antibiotics(cefuroxime 1.5 g) are administered intravenously.The application is repeated when the surgery lastslonger than 6 hours. If a major cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) leak is expected, a lumbar drain is inserted,but is kept closed until the end of the surgery. Post-operative CSF diversion diminishes tension on theskull base reconstruction avoiding CSF leakage.

Perioperatively, 100 mg hydrocortisone is givenintravenously within the first hour of surgery fol-lowed by 100 mg hydrocortisone administeredover the first 24 hours. Oral medication is thencontinued. The dose depends on the clinical situa-tion of the patient.

The position of the patient is supine and theback elevated to 30� to reduce the venous pres-sure within the cavernous sinus. The neck is tiltedgently to the left and the head slightly extendedand turned toward the surgeon fixed to a Mayfieldclamp. If required, the navigational image guid-ance is set up and patient registration is performedusing CT and MRI data.

Beside the preparation of nose and nasal cavitywith iodine solution, the periumbilical region is

disinfected in case a fat graft is needed. Thenthe patient is draped and the ceiling-mountedboom arm that houses all videoendoscopic equip-ment needed during surgery is positioned. The 2right-handed surgeons stand on the right side ofthe patient. The operating nurse stands on theopposite side to allow easy change of the surgicalinstruments. The ventilator and the anesthesiolo-gist are positioned on the left side of the patientat the foot level.


Our endoscopic endonasal surgery is a 2-surgeon,3- or 4-handed technique as proposed by Kassamand colleagues.6 This technique enables 1 surgeonto work bimanually in the depth while the other sur-geon is moving the endoscope like a “mobile”endoscope holder (Video 1). The advantage is theflexible mobility of the endoscope with respect tothe operating field, which is somehow missingwith a fixed holding device. Sometimes, a third in-strument is used by the second surgeon helping inthe dissection, but usually he irrigates frequently toclean the lens and the surgical field.Weuse 18-cm-long rigid rod–lens Hopkins endoscopes with adiameter of 4 mm (Karl Storz GmbH & Co KG, Tut-tlingen, Germany). For very narrow nostrils or nasalcavities, 2.7-mm scopes are available; however,they are rarely required. Most of the surgery is per-formed under view of a 0� endoscope. However,the 30� and 45� endoscopes are also frequentlyused to work around a corner and to visualize intra-ventricular tumor extensions. In our opinion, a pre-requisite for extended endonasal surgery for CPs isa high-definition video camera. High definition pro-vides a brilliant image that allows easily the differ-entiation of the various tissues like, for example,the tumor, hypothalamus, and gliotic plane, whichcan be difficult with a standard progressive addi-tion lens or NTSC (National Television SystemCommittee) camera.36 Usually, the ENT–headand neck surgeon starts the procedure. However,the neurosurgeon should be able to perform thispart of the surgery as well. This is important in acase of emergency when the ENT is not available.

In our opinion, the endoscopic extended endo-nasal approach can be divided in different steps,which have been described and mentioned byothers.6,32,37

The Nasal Phase

The initial nasal phase of the approach is charac-terized by binostril endoscopic inspection of thenasal cavity to visualize the nasal anatomy. Thechoana as the main landmark, the turbinates,

Baldauf et al6

and, if possible, the sphenoid ostium are identifiedon both sides. Then, the lower and middle turbi-nates are lateralized to create some workingspace. To protect the mucosa, we place cottonpads soaked in with xylometazoline on the turbi-nates. The main working nostril is on the rightside because the endoscope is placed heretogether with another instrument or suction de-vice. We try to avoid resection of the right middleturbinate, but excision may be necessary if lateraldislocation does not provide enough space. Then,a nasoseptal flap is created and stored in thenasopharynx. The size of the flap depends on thesize of the skull base defect expected for theapproach. Usually, we harvest the flap on the rightside, but if there are major bony spurs or other un-suitable anatomic conditions, we elevate the flapon the left side. It is important to preserve at least1 cm of the septal mucosa near the skull base soas to not endanger the sense of olfaction. It isalso important to preserve the vascular pedicle(nasoseptal artery) of the flap at the site of the pos-terior septal artery. After having stored the flap inthe nasopharynx, the posterior bony parts of theseptum are removed and a reverse flap of thecontralateral mucosa is created to cover the ante-rior parts of the ipsilateral denuded septum. Thisflap is fixed with 2 sutures to the anterior cartilag-inous septum.38

The Sphenoid Phase

The sphenoid phase starts using both nostrils forbimanual manipulation. The rostrum of the sphe-noid sinus is removed with the aid of a high-speed drill. The sphenoid sinus is opened wide inall directions. Great care has to be taken to pre-serve the vascular pedicle of the flap when open-ing the sphenoid sinus on the side of the flap. Onthe contralateral side, the mucosal branches ofthe sphenopalatine artery (posterior septal artery)should be coagulated to avoid postoperative hem-orrhage. A posterior ethmoidectomy is performeduntil the tuberculum sellae and the planum sphe-noidale are exposed sufficiently. The mucosa ofthe sphenoid sinus is removed and the intrasphe-noidal bony septa are drilled flat to provide a goodbed for the nasoseptal flap.6,39 The created spacemust guarantee an optimal dissection within thesphenoid cavity avoiding collisions of the instru-ments during surgical maneuvers. When thesphenoid sinus is well pneumatized, importantanatomic landmarks can easily be identified,such as the optic canals, carotid protuberancesof the clival and cavernous carotid artery, clivus,and lateral and medial opticocarotid recesses.When the sphenoid sinus is not well-

pneumatized, neuronavigation is helpful to stayoriented during the necessary bone removal.The next step is the drilling of the skull base.

We routinely create a wide opening in the skullbase to provide ample room for dissection. Thebony sellar floor, the tuberculum sellae, and theposterior planum are removed from carotid tocarotid and optic nerve to optic nerve, respec-tively. The drilling technique is characterized byeggshell thinning of the bone with diamond drillsand gentle elevation of the remaining layer with aplate dissector (Fig. 2A–C). Continuous irrigationis required while drilling because it keeps thevision clear and avoids heat injury to the underly-ing neurovascular structures. The medial aspectsof the optic canals and the cavernous carotidsare unroofed partially. If the tumor has significantretroclival extension, the upper clivus is drilledas well. Significant venous bleeding is rarelyencountered during the transsellar–transplanum–transtuberculum approach. If it occurs, it caneasily be managed by application of FloSeal he-mostatic sealant (Baxter Healthcare Corporation,Hayward, CA) especially if the cavernous or in-tercavernous sinus are involved.

The Intradural Phase

The intradural step starts with horizontal dural inci-sions below and above the superior intercaver-nous sinus to facilitate coagulation of the sinus(see Fig. 2D–F). Alternatively, the sinus can beoccluded with titanium clips.37 After transectionof the superior intercavernous sinus, the upper du-ral incision is extended in a V-shaped fashion ante-riorly in the direction of the optic nerves. Theanteriorly based dural flap can be excised or sim-ply coagulated if it is falling back and obscuring theaccess to the suprasellar region. Thereafter, thediaphragma sellae is cut until the pituitary stalk isreached. Early identification of the pituitary stalkis a major advantage of the endonasal approach.Before the arachnoid is opened, the superior hy-pophyseal arteries have to be identified. It is ofutmost importance to preserve the vesselsbecause they represent the major blood supplyto the chiasm and stalk (Fig. 3A, B). Then, thearachnoid is cut to expose the tumor.The relation of the tumor to the stalk is explored.

When a patient presents with panhypopituitarismand the stalk is infiltrated (especially transinfundib-ular type II lesions according to Kassam and col-leagues),6 we do not hesitate to sacrifice it. If it isstill functioning, all efforts are taken to preservethe stalk. We agree that, in type II transinfundibularCPs, a high stalk section is recommended toachieve a GTR.32,40

Fig. 2. Sphenoid phase. (A) Eggshell drilling of the sella floor (SF) and planum sphenoidale (P) within in the sphe-noid cavity. (B) Thin bone layers are removed. (C) Panoramic view on the exposed dura after complete boneremoval. Location of the optic nerve (ON), carotid artery (CA), and superior intercavernous sinus (SIS [asterisk])are labeled. (D) Dura opening of the suprasellar space. (E) Coagulation of the SIS. (F) Section of the SIS.

Endonasal Approach for Craniopharyngiomas 7

The concept of CP surgery is characterized byinitial debulking of the tumor and identification ofthe interface between the tumor and adjacentanatomic structures and especially the hypothala-mus, which is frequently only a paper thin mem-brane. After a sharp incision of the tumorcapsule, cystic parts of the lesion are evacuatedby suction, and solid tumor tissue is removedwith the aid of grasping forceps, curettes, or ultra-sonic aspirator (see Fig. 3C–F). If the tumor is verycalcified, all techniques are insufficient and the tu-mor has to be removed in a time-consumingpiecemeal fashion with cutting instruments. Afterdebulking, the dissection plane between hypothal-amus and tumor is identified. The dissection isperformed around the tumor, before it is removed.It is ill-advised to simply pull on the tumor,because it can be adherent to the basilar artery,perforators, and hypothalamus. Cystic compo-nents of the tumor located within the third ventricleare frequently not adherent to the ventricular wall,and can be removed easily. Sometimes, the CSFpressure pushes the cystic part spontaneouslyout of the ventricle. When the tumor is collapsed,

an extracapsular dissection along the gliotic cleav-age plane is done bimanually by gentle traction–countertraction using 2 grasping forceps. Themost difficult decision to be made during theresection is how radical of a dissection to under-take. No general recommendation can be given.It is a very individual decision that is made while re-secting the lesion. We usually attempt a GTR of thelesion. However, when we cannot identify adissection plane between the craniopharyngeomaand the hypothalamus, we perform a near totalresection, leaving a thin layer of tumor on the hy-pothalamus. Usually, there is a good arachnoiddissection plane between the tumor and the neu-rovascular structures of the interpeduncular fossa.Sharp dissection is preferred in this area. If the tu-mor is not coming down spontaneously, 30� oreven 45� endoscopes have to be used to dissectthe tumor from the upper third ventricle. The tumoris expected to be adherent to the hypothalamusand columns of the fornix. Consequently, visualcontrol while working around the corner is manda-tory at this point of surgery to avoid forniceal dam-age or venous bleeding caused by traction injury.

Fig. 3. Intradural phase. (A) Supradiaphragmatic sharp dissection of arachnoid membranes. (B) The supradiaph-ragmatic area is exposed. Pituitary stalk (PS), posterior communicating artery (PCoA), superior hypophyseal artery(SHA), optic tract (OT), and tumor (T) are visualized. (C) Debulking of the tumor. (D) Bimanual extracapsulardissection with grasping and dissection forceps. The PS is lateralized to the left. (E) Switching to a 30� endoscopeenables safe retrochiasmatic tumor debulking (optic chiasm [OC]). (F) A large piece of tumor is mobilized fromthe third ventricle to the sphenoid cavity. (G) Final inspection of the dorsal part of the third ventricle after com-plete tumor removal (choroid plexus [CP], habenular commissure [HC], posterior commissure [PC]). (H) Inspectionof the anterior part of the third ventricle with the 45� endoscope (choroid plexus [CP], fornix [F], foramen ofMonro [FM], and massa intermedia [MI]).

Baldauf et al8

After tumor resection, the surgical field is irrigatedthoroughly to remove blood and tumor debris. Thethird ventricle is inspected using a 45� endoscope(see Fig. 3G, H).


Endonasal approaches for craniopharyngiomasusually result in a major CSF leak, particularly if

the tumor extends into the third ventricle. There-fore, a sophisticated skull base closure techniqueis mandatory to avoid a postoperative CSFleak.31 We usually avoid any foreign material andprefer fat, fibrin glue, and the nasoseptal flap(Fig. 4). We put a piece of fat in the skull basedefect so that it cannot fall intradurally into theresection cavity of the tumor. A larger part of thefat graft remains extradural between the planum

Fig. 4. Closure of the skull base defect. (A) Insertion of a fat graft (F) on dural level with intradural extension.Fibrin glue application on boarder area. (B) Covering the bony margins with a pedicled, vascularized nasoseptalflap (NSF).

Endonasal Approach for Craniopharyngiomas 9

and the sella. If the clivus is indented deeply, a fatgraft is placed for a better fit of the nasoseptal flap.The fat is fixed with a little bit fibrin glue. There-after, the nasoseptal flap is mobilized from thenasopharynx and carefully positioned over thedefect avoiding any foldings in the flap. The flapshould be at least 5 to 8 mm larger than the defectin all directions because it will shrink a bit. Utmostcare has to be taken to place the correct (perios-teal) surface of the flap on the exposed skullbase. Additionally, fibrin glue is applied aroundthe edge of the flap. The flap is then coveredwith Surgicel (oxidized cellulose; Ethicon, Inc,Somerville, NJ) and gel foam to protect the flap.Finally, nasal tamponades are placed to supportthe flap. They remain in place for 3 to 5 days.The lumbar drainage is opened immediately aftersurgery to secure CSF diversion and prevent in-creases in intracranial pressure. It remains openfor 5 days continuously at the level of the externalauditory canal. In rare cases presenting preopera-tively with hydrocephalus, a CSF leak may persistand ultimately require a ventriculoperitoneal shuntto stop the leakage.


Complications may occur intraoperatively or post-operatively. Intraoperative complications includeinjury to neurovascular structures, which maylead to major hemorrhage, brain infarction, andcranial nerve palsies. Nerve palsies occur fortu-nately only rarely, and are mostly transientaffecting the III and IV nerves.26,41 Utmost carehas to be taken when the tumor is adherent tothe basilar artery and perforators arising from thebasilar tip. Rupture of the perforators may lead tocoma and death. Dissection of an adherent lesionto the chiasm may result in decline of visual acuityand visual field cut. Preservation of the superiorhypophyseal arteries is essential in preservingvision.

The most frequent postoperative complicationseen after endoscopic extended endonasal

approach for CPs is a CSF leak. It has been re-ported to occur in 3.8% to 69%.25,26 Cavallo andcolleagues30 observed that the risk of CSF leakageincreases in patients with third ventricle involve-ment. We agree that placing a lumbar drain toreduce CSF pressure over the skull base recon-struction is advisable in cases with wide openingof the third ventricle. Because of routine applica-tion of the vascularized pedicled nasoseptal flap,the CSF leak rate after extended endonasalapproach with intraarachnoidal dissection hasdecreased dramatically.39,42 The prolonged post-operative discomfort with crusting and dischargeresulting from harvesting of the nasoseptal flapcan be reduced with the reverse mucosal flapcovering the donor site. Headache and reducedolfaction leading to a reduced quality of life havebeen reported as well.43

Other complications of the endoscopicextended endonasal approach in CPs are menin-gitis and hydrocephalus.25,26,28–30,41 Complica-tions, causes, and their management arepresented in Table 2. In terms of worsening of pi-tuitary function diabetes insipidus is mostly seen.Up to 46% permanent diabetes insipidus wasobserved by Koutourousiou and colleagues.28

The study also demonstrated that 78% of the chil-dren were affected and only 32% of the adults.

Similar to diabetes insipidus, hypopituitarismoften exists preoperatively or may deteriorate aftersurgery. Newly diagnosed panhypopituitarism af-ter endoscopic intervention has been reported inup to 67% of patients postoperatively.44

Consequences of hypothalamic injury representan important factor to patients’ quality of life. Anincrease in body mass index of more than 9% un-derlines the problem of hyperphagia.26 Mental dis-orders after extended endonasal approach for CPmay be discovered as well.26,41


The rate of GTR of endoscopic extended endo-nasal approach reaches around 70% in several

Table 2Complications after endoscopic extended endonasal approach for craniopharyngiomas

Complication Cause Management

CSF leakage Insufficient closureHydrocephalus

Lumbar drainage; reexplorationand repair


Hydrocephalus Preexisting hydrocephalus;hemorrhage


Hemorrhage Tumor adherent to neurovascularstructures

Hematoma evacuationExternal drainage in case of


Subdural hematoma30 Loss of CSF, pneumocephalus Hematoma evacuationSubdural drainage

Cranial nerve palsy Manipulation, dissection Wait and see

Intraoperativevascular damage24,25

Injury owing to dissection/vascularattachment

Irrigation, diathermy, application ofhemostatic agents, compression

Infection of fat graft26 Suspected pick up of bacteria duringfat passage through a contaminatednasal corridor

Reoperation, endonasal washout,antibiotics

Meningitis Bacterial infection Antibiotics

Diabetes insipidus/hypopituitarism/SIADH/hypernatremia

Manipulations of the stalk/hypothalamus; stalk sacrifice;damage to pituitary or hypothalamicblood supply, vasospasm

Medical treatment

Visual decline Manipulation; vascularHydrocephalus

Wait and seeShunting

Hyperphagia, weightgain, obesity

Hypothalamic injury Dietary restriction

Memory disturbance Hypothalamic injury Wait and see


Hypothalamic injury Medical treatment

Rhinologic sequelae(crusting/synechiae/sinusitis/hyposmia–anosmia)

Inappropriate resection of nasalmucosa; laceration of functionalnarrow passes and ostia

Rhinologic aftercare (douching,ointments, surgery for reventilation)

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone.a Shunt treatment is also indicated for recurrent CSF leakage.Data from Refs.24–26,30

Baldauf et al10

studies.25,29,30,45 The extent of tumor resection isrelated to tumor location, consistency, and mainlyadherence to neurovascular structures in partic-ular to the hypothalamus. In the cohort reportedby Koutourousiou and colleagues,28 the overallGTR rate was only 37.5%. However, they statedthat “GTR was not considered safe and was there-fore not attempted in every patient.” It is, there-fore, necessary to recognize that subtotalresection in combination with adjuvant radio-therapy may lower the risk of perioperativemorbidity in a certain number of patients.46 A sys-tematic review by Komotar and colleagues31 re-vealed an advantage of the endoscopic

extended endonasal approach and transsphenoi-dal microscopic approach compared with opentranscranial approaches to achieve GTR in CPs.Additionally, improvement of vision after extendedendonasal approach (56%) is significantly better incontrast with transcranial approaches (33%) andtends to be superior to microscopic transsphenoi-dal approach (44%). The same study demon-strated that deterioration of vision is lesspronounced in extended endonasal approachthan in the other approaches.Outcome regarding degree of tumor resection

and visual improvement in studies with at least20 patients is documented in Table 3.

Table 3Outcome in studies on extended endonasal approach greater than 20 patients regarding GTR/NTR/vision improvement

Author, Year No Patients/Surgeries GTR/NTR Vision Improvement

Koutourousiou et al,28 2013 64 24 (37.5)/22 (34.4) 38 (86.4)

Leng et al,26 2012 26 18 (69)/2 (7.9) 20 (77)

Kalinin et al,41 2013 56 39 (69.4)/— 32 (57.4)

Cavallo et al,30 2014 103 71 (68.9)/— 59 (74.7)

GTR/NTR/vision improvement presented as number of patients (%).Abbreviations: GTR, gross tumor resection; NTR, near total resection.Data from Refs.26,28,30,41

Endonasal Approach for Craniopharyngiomas 11


The introduction of the endoscopic endonasalextended approach is a major step forward in themanagement of craniopharyngeomas. It hasimproved the resection rate and the visualoutcome. Especially in retrochiasmatic lesionspushing the chiasm anteriorly (prefixed chiasm),the endonasal approach provides a better accessto the lesion and reduces the degree of manipula-tions of the optic apparatus. The panoramic viewoffered by endoscopy and the use of angulatedoptics allows the removal of lesions extending farinto the third ventricle avoiding microsurgical brainsplitting such as translamina terminalis or transcal-losal approaches. Of course, there is a significantlearning curve in this demanding surgery, requiringintensive training before performing thisintervention.


The authors thank M. Matthes, MSc, for his helpin preparing the illustrations.


Supplementary data related to this article can befound online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nec.2015.03.013.


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