endocrine mcq

Post on 11-Oct-2015






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MCQs true or false type

MCQs true or false type.

Endocrine and metabolic diseases(based on Davidson)

1.The following hypothalamic releasing factors stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete the hormones listed below


b.somatostatin-growth hormone

c.Thyrotrophin releasing hormone(TRH)-TSH and Prolactin

d.gonadotrophin releasing hormone(GnRH)-LH and FSH independently

e.corticotrophin releasing hormone(CRH)-beta lipotrophin and ACTH

Ans:a.false-Dopamine inhibits prolactin release

b.false-Somatostatin inhibits growth hormone release

c.True-Invivo significance of effect on prolactin is uncertain

d.True-Gonadal steroids and inhibin modify GnRH effects

e.True-Arginine vasopressin also effects ACTH release

2.The following statements about pituitary tumours are true:

a.Chromophobe adenomas may cause pressure effects or hormone secretion

b.Diabetes insipidus usually indicates suprasellar extension

c.Cushings disease is usually caused by acidophilic macroadenomas

d.Acromegaly is most often associated with basophilic microadenomas

e.Tumour enlargement with expansion of the pituitary fossa usually presents with headaches and /or a bi-temporal upper quadrantanopia


a.True-prolactin secreting tumours are the most common

b.True-may be visualised on CT scanning

c.False-usually basophil microadenoma

d.False-usuallyacidophil macroadenoma

e.True-other visual field losses may occur

3.The typical features of acromegaly include :

a.Thoracic kyphosis and myopathy

b.Hypertension and diabetes mellitus

c.goitre and cardiomegaly

d.growth hormone suppression during a glucose tolerance test



a.True-perhaps with prognathism and skull growth

b.True-or impaired glucose tolerance

c.True-and perhaps hepatomegaly

d.False-growth hormone levels fail to suppress

e.True-The skin is thickened with increased sebum production

4.Typical features of pituitary dependent Cushings disease include

a.enlargement of the pituitary fossa

b.amenorrhoea and depression

c.proximal myopathy and diabetes mellitus

d.suppression of plasma cortisol following dexamethasone

e.hypotension and hyperkalaemia

Ans:a.FaIse-not usually apparent on plain films

b.True-impotence in men

c.True-impaired glucose tolerance

d.False-plasma cortisol is not suppressed

e.False-hypertension and hypokalaemia

5.Recognised causes of hyperprolactinaemia include

a.oestrogen therapy

b.chlorpromazine and haloperidol therapy

c.primary hypothyroidism


e.Cushings disease

Ans:a.True-physiological pregnancy

b.True-And metoclopramide ,methyldopa

c.True-TRH is elevated



6.In childhood growth hormone deficiency

a.Panhypopituitarism is a typical finding

b.most patients have a craniopharyngioma

c.a genetic deficiency of GH releasing factor is common

d.delayed bone development is a characteristic feature

e.treatment with human growth hormone produces precocious puberty

Ans:a.False-usually isolated GHRH secretory failure

b.False-Affects the minority

c.True-as an isolated abnormality

d.True-with consequent short stature

e.False-Puberty not affected

7.Recognised causes of short stature in childhood include

a.Klinefelters syndrome

b.Turners syndrome

c.emotional deprivation

d.Cushings syndrome


a.False-may cause gigantism

b.True-and other chromosomal abnormalities

c.True-and malnutrition

d.True-usually with obesity

e.False-Primary hypothyroidism

8.Recognised causes of hypopituitarism include

a.post-partum haemorrhage

b.Cushings syndrome


d.autoimmune hypophysitis


Ans:a.True-Pituitary necrosis(Sheehans syndrome)

b.False-Usually microadenoma

c.True-usually macroadenoma


e.True-Acquired hypothalamic damage

9.The clinical features of hypopituitarism include:

a.hypotension with hyperkalaemia

b.a normal increment in plasma cortisol 30 minutes after parental ACTH

c.loss of libido ,menstruation and secondary sexual hair

d.hypoglycaemia without the typical symptoms

e.coma and water intoxication

Ans-a.False-Aldosterone secretion is maintained

b.False-There is secondary adrenal insufficiency

c.True-impaired LH then FSH secretion

d.True-There is increased insulin sensitivity

e.True-with hypoglycaemia and hypothermia.

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