endangered animals

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Endangered species


Endangered species are those considered to be at risk of extinction, meaning that there are so few left of their kind that they could disappear from the planet altogether.

Endangered species

Conservation status

ExtinctExtinct in the WildCritically EndangeredEndangeredVulnerableNear ThreatenedLeast ConcernData Deficient

(byIUCN Red List of Threatened Species)

Why are species endangered?

Habitat loss and habitat fragmentation – The ever expanding human population constantly requires additional space and resources. Land is being cleared to harvest products such as timber as well as to make way for human settlement, agriculture and transport links.

Hunting and poaching – A wide variety of animals have been hunted, or fished, beyond sustainable levels and now face possible extinction.

Invasive species – Humans have introduced non-native species (both intentionally and accidentally) to a wide variety of habitats, often with devastating consequences. Introduced species may prove highly adaptable and outcompete native species for resources

Climate change - Droughts, ocean acidification, the loss of sea ice and an increase in storms and extreme weather events can all threaten species’ survival. Sedentary species like plants or specialist species which inhabit small ranges or islands, or those with specific habitat requirements are particularly vulnerable.

What is being done to help endangered species?

Conservation aims to protect the natural world and sustain biodiversity by carefully preserving and managing existing habitats and restoring areas which have been damaged or degraded.

Habitat restoration and Habitat preservation  

Anti-poaching measures

How can we help?

Choose sustainable products and Recycle  

Clean up your act and Get involved

Clean up your act and Get involved


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