end user bill of rights

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Give the power back to those who need it. Now is the time for devices of the people, by the people and for the people. Free them to work when, where and how they need. And then, prepare to enjoy the sweet fruits of success. It’s time – time to embrace mobility, rather than fight it. Join it. Join us.



We the People of the technology-driven world, in order to form a more perfect organization,do hereby proclaim that all organizations deserve technology which promotes productivity, provides for security and the common good, establishes true mobility, ensures a greater user experience, and enhances our daily lives.

With shared printers, fast internet, short help queues and outstanding service as our guiding principles, we will be free to secure the blessings of success for ourselves and our customers.

person on laptop happy

Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X

Article I:Freedom of Information

The People shall have the freedom

to create and store data once and

access it anywhere through any

device without threat of

security breach.


Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X

Article II:Right to “Bare Arms”

The People shall have the right

to ‘bare arms’ – that is, not to be

burdened by carrying multiple, redundant devices

such as a corporate laptop, a corporate smartphone,

a personal smartphone, etc.


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Article III:Freedom of Religion

The People shall not be encumbered

in acquiring devices using Apple,

Android, Windows or other

technologies to which they

have a religious attachment.

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Article IV:Freedom from Unlawful Search and Seizure

The People’s personal data must

be safeguarded when they are using

their personal devices for

company activities.

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Article V:Right to “Plead the Fifth”

The People shall not be required to

report their identity unnecessarily.

They should be able to log in once

and use that single sign-on for

all their work activities.

Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X

Article VI:Right to a Speedy Resolution

When the People have problems with their mobile

devices, they have the right to speedy

and remote resolution

of their problems. The

service desk that

supports them should

proactively identify and

fix potential problems

unseen and unheard,

with minimal need for

input from the People.


Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X


Article VII:Freedom of Association

The People shall have the right

to use social tools to enhance

internal collaboration and

customer service.

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Article VIII:Prohibiting Cruel and Unusual Punishment

The People shall not have to succumb to

painful, unattractive user interfaces or

out of date enterprise applications.

The People should have access

to regular updates that ensure

efficient and fast

access to critical

information and



Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X


Article IX:Freedom of Expression

The People shall have the

freedom to easily publish

and share innovative

and creative ideas

with others in their

workgroup, geography

or company.

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Article X: Freedom of Choice

The Enterprise shall devolve upon

the People the right to choose for work

the form factor – smartphone, tablet,

laptop – or software tool that they deem

makes them most productive.


Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X


Give the power back to those who need it. Now is the time for devices of the people, by the people and for the people. Free them to workwhen, where and how they need. And then, prepare to enjoy the sweetfruits of success. It’s time – time to embrace mobility, rather than fight it.

Join it. Join us.

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