empowering the “mobile web” with chris mills

Post on 06-May-2015






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Empowering the “Mobile Web” with Chris Mills “Mobile web” applications are often criticised for having inferior performance and a limited feature set, compared to “native” apps. To redress the balance, browser vendors are working on a number of technologies to grant them superpowers. In this talk, Chris Mills will discuss the inherent historic problems with mobile apps and which technologies are stepping up to fill the holes. This includes device APIs such as Web Activities, Notification, Network Information and Vibration, offline apps, installable apps and performance enhancers such as asm.js and Emscripten. Presented at FITC Toronto 2014 on April 27-29, 2014 More info at www.FITC.ca



Chris Mills // Mozilla cmills@mozilla.com // @chrisdavidmills

don’t stress about taking notes:

๏ These slides are all at slideshare.net/chrisdavidmills

๏ developer.mozilla.org

๏ @chrisdavidmills

๏ cmills@mozilla.com

๏ #mdn irc channel on mozilla irc

๏ dev-mdc@lists.mozilla.org mailing list

๏ heavy metal drummer turned web nerd

๏ tech writer @ mozilla

๏ web tinkerer (HTML, CSS, JS)

๏ accessibility whiner

๏ educator

who am i?



what is the mobile web?


๏ (blarrrgh, awful...)

what is the mobile web?

the web for mobile phones

๏ real mobile browsers

๏ separate web sites for mobiles

๏ lots of ua sniffing crimes

what is the mobile web?

the web as it is experienced on mobiles/tablets/etc.

๏ more thought given to ux; to context

๏ progressive enhancement

๏ feature detection

๏ responsive

what is the mobile web?

the web while you’re on the move

๏ geolocation

๏ offline data storage

what is the mobile web?

web technologies providing “native” capabilities

๏ installable apps

๏ control over device hardware and key services

๏ app ecosystem/marketplace

๏ fully functional offline apps

๏ high fps performance

what’s the problem?

web versus native, the age-old struggle

the usual arguments

native is better?

๏ faster?

๏ more integrated, consistent experience?

๏ better developer ecosystem?

๏ more secure?

the usual arguments

๏ web sites accessing other tabs or apps?

๏ web sites accessing camera contacts e-mail?

solutions,moz style


we’ve been working hard on this at mozilla

๏ app ecosystem

๏ firefox os

๏ apis

๏ developer experience and tools

๏ performance

app ecosystem

installable apps

not a new phenomenon, but...

๏ pretty recent concept for the web

๏ manifest file defines app (manifest.webapp)

๏ installation controlled by app installation and management apis

{ "version": "0.1", "name": "To-do alarms", "description": "My awesome open web app", "launch_path": "/index.html", "icons": { "128": "/img/icon-128.png" }, "developer": { "name": "Chris Mills", "url": "http://yourawesomeapp.com" }, "locales": { "es": { "description": "Su nueva aplicación impresionante Open Web", "developer": { "url": "http://yourawesomeapp.com" } }, "it": {

manifest example

var manifest_url = location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/manifest.webapp"; function install() { // install the app var install = navigator.mozApps.install(manifest_url); install.onsuccess = function(data) { // App is installed, do something if you like }; install.onerror = function() { // App wasn't installed, info is in // install.error.name alert(install.error.name); }; };

installation example

app types

Apps can be:

๏ hosted: just like a normal web site, but with a manifest and install


๏ packaged: zipped up, hosted somewhere (like the firefox


app stores

you are free to distribute your apps how you like

๏ marketplace.firefox.com

๏ team of reviewers verify apps before they are accepted

๏ you can also host your own apps

๏ or set up your own marketplace

app payments

now you can charge money for web apps

๏ payments api (mozpay) that uses the bango payments provider

๏ receipt verification to make sure payments are completed

๏ in-app payments also available

web runtime

web rt allows installable apps to work on other platforms

๏ apk wrapper for android apps, which includes native equivalents

where possible

๏ similar native wrappers for desktop platforms coming up

๏ firefox marketplace/Firefox will generate these

firefox os

firefox os!

our mobile platform

๏ totally built on open web technologies

๏ mostly standards

๏ some are new inventions, with standardization being worked on

๏ designed for low power devices

successes so far

lots of success so far:

๏ 4 hardware partners

๏ 16 launches in 15 countries

๏ 30% market share with TEF in Uruguay; 12% market share with TEF

in Colombia

๏ vibrant developer community

๏ developer preview devices available


three main layers

๏ gonk: linux kernel plus hardware abstraction layer

๏ gecko: entire system runs on our rendering engine

๏ gaia: ui plus default system apps


everything runs in gecko

๏ each app runs in an iframe, hanging off main process

๏ this enforces cross app security (sandbox)

๏ as does api permissions system (see later)

๏ oom errors handled via a priority system



we want to control everything from the web

๏ so we’re creating apis to handle access to device hardware, system

functions, etc.

๏ security handled by permissions, in the manifest

api permissions

different apis have different permission levels:

๏ standard apis can be accessed by any app

๏ privileged apis can only be used in a packaged, verified apps (e.g.

contacts, device storage, keyboard)

๏ certified apis can only be used by vendor-installed apps (e.g.

camera, sms, dialer, bluetooth)

var pick = new MozActivity({ name: "pick", data: { type: ["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/jpeg"] } });

web activities (intents)

web activities

pick.onsuccess = function () { // Create image and set the returned blob as the src var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.result.blob); // Present that image in your app var imagePresenter = document.querySelector("#image-presenter"); imagePresenter.appendChild(img); }; pick.onerror = function () { // If an error occurred or the user canceled the activity alert("Can't view the image!"); };

web activities

var img = '/to-do-notifications/img/icon-128.png'; var text = 'HEY! Your task "' + title + '" is now overdue.'; var notification = new Notification('To do list', { body: text, icon: img });


!var myAlarmDate = new Date(month.value + " " + day.value + ", " + year.value + " " + hours.value + ":" + minutes.value + ":00"); !var data = { task: title.value } !var request = navigator.mozAlarms.add(myAlarmDate, "ignoreTimezone", data); !request.onsuccess = function () { console.log("Alarm successfully scheduled"); var alarmRequest = navigator.mozAlarms.getAll(); alarmRequest.onsuccess = function() { newAlarmId = this.result[(this.result.length)-1].id; } };


navigator.mozSetMessageHandler("alarm", function (alarm) { // only launch a notification if the Alarm is of the right type for this app if(alarm.data.task) { // Create a notification when the alarm is due new Notification("Your task " + alarm.data.task + " is now due!"); updateNotified(alarm.data.task); } });

alarm + notification

alarm + notification

window.navigator.vibrate(200); // vibrate for 200ms !window.navigator.vibrate([100,30,100,30,100,200,200,30,200,30,200,200,100,30,100,30,100]); // Vibrate 'SOS' in Morse.


window.addEventListener('devicelight', function(deviceLightEvent) { /* Check ambient light status */ if (deviceLightEvent.value > 500) { // snow _self.setSnow(); } else if (deviceLightEvent.value > 100) { // morning _self.setMorning(); } else if (deviceLightEvent.value > 10) { // evening _self.setEvening(); } else { // night _self.setNight(); } });

light sensor

light sensor

light sensor

window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", handleOrientation, true); !function handleOrientation(event) { var alpha = event.alpha; var beta = event.beta; var gamma = event.gamma; ! // Do stuff with the new orientation data }

device orientation

device orientation



window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function(event) { console.log(event.acceleration.x + ' m/s2'); });

device motion

var person = new mozContact(); person.givenName = ["John"]; person.familyName = ["Doe"]; person.nickname = ["No kidding"]; !var person = new mozContact(contactData); // Firefox OS 1.3 takes a parameter to initialize the object if ("init" in person) { // Firefox OS 1.2 and below uses a "init" method to initialize the object person.init(contactData); } !// save the new contact var saving = navigator.mozContacts.save(person); !saving.onsuccess = function() { console.log('new contact saved'); }; !


var message = "Hi!"; var number = "1234"; // There are several ways to retrieve a valid phone number !navigator.mozMobileMessage.send(number, message);


regular web stuff!

other standards features also work great in this context:

๏ indexeddb/localstorage

๏ web rtc/getusermedia

๏ css animations

๏ SVg

developer experience

developer experience

we want to give the web a first class development experience,

alongside native ecosystems:

๏ documentation

๏ developer tools

๏ frameworks, templates, libraries


announce new things, provide useful references, give


๏ hacks blog

๏ mdn app center

developer tools

developer tools

๏ firefox’s standard toolbox

๏ app manager

๏ remote debugging

๏ you can run gaia inside desktop firefox too

frameworks and libraries

ready made code to make development easier

๏ mortar app templates

๏ brick: web components for building up interfaces quickly

๏ libraries to solve real world problems, for example localforage

๏ firefox os boilerplate: great resource for learning about fxos

๏ phonegap now has firefox os as a target platform

performance enhancers

performance enhancers

because the web can still be a bit slow

๏ web workers

๏ asm.js

๏ emscripten

web workers

web workers

๏ run scripts in a background thread

๏ don’t block the main thread execution

๏ specify a script to run in the background

๏ pass messages between the two



๏ just javascript

๏ a very efficient low-level subset

๏ suitable for ahead-of-time optimizing compilation

๏ Unity3d now has asm.js/WebGL support



๏ an LLVM to javascript compiler (well, asm.js, specifically)

๏ compile c++ (and others) into JS and run it on the web

๏ = “very fast shit” ™


๏ look up localforage - polyfill for indexeddb/websql/localstorage

๏ simplewebrtc.com - simple webrtc library

๏ animate.css - good library for css animations

๏ raphaeljs.com, d3js.org - svg libraries

๏ emscripten.org - try quakejs.com and unrealengine.com/html5 in

a recent version of firefox, opera or chrome

๏ asmjs.org

๏ MDN app center: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps

๏ hacks blog: hacks.mozilla.org

thanks for listening!!

slideshare.net/chrisdavidmills cmills@mozilla.com // @chrisdavidmills

The end

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