emotions commentary

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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T.O.K Commentary September, 25th 2013Marta Azarpour Nothing great is accomplished in the world without passion Georg Friedrich HegelThe quote chosen, written by Georg Friedrich Hegel, focuses on the accomplished goals of an individual and the impact of passion in them. This quote was very appealing to me since Hegel is expressing the reason why it is so vital for people to focus on a certain subject area which is appealing to them, since, by conquering that specific area in their life, they are able to grow as individuals, as they are choosing to follow their curiosities and their interests. On another note, individuals which do not explore passion in an area that is not appealing to them, will not master in that area, as to a person who is passionate about it. This is due to the factor of passion influencing the extent at which someone can succeed. A passionate worker will always take different approaches that an individual who is not passionate about a certain topic. If individuals who are not strongly interested in a particular interest, but commit 100% to the interest, a passionate individual will give 110% more as they are curious about the topic and are moved by it. An example of this can be scientist Albert Einstein who shared a particular interest in the laws of physics. His passion contributed to his findings of for example, the mathematical formula that expressed the moving of particles. If we were to compare Einstein to a physicist that only perused that career because of their parents desires, Einstein does convey more passion in his work and by doing so, is able to prevail passion in his working environment. This statement can also be proved since, in his early years, he showed no interest to education taught in school and wasnt drawn as a genius amongst his class mates. This is due to the lack of passion he had regarding education inside school premises. Einstein only had passion for physics and the mathematical concepts in it, so any other topic was driven away from his attention, explaining why he did so poor in school; passion plays a significant role in the dedication of individuals. Another argument supporting Hegels quote can relate to the issue of war and peace. Nelson Mandela, a South African anti- apartheid activist who served the country as president from 1994 to 1999, served 27 years in prison due to his movement on promoting the rights of black individuals. Mandelas passion regarding the rights of the black people were what imprisoned him, and although he had to face the consequences on voicing his opinion, his passion for the rights and freedom of innocent people, contributed to the accomplishment of his goals. He became an iconic figure through his drive of fighting oppression in his country and simultaneously spreading peace. On the other hand, individuals who are passionate for their thoughts and their country have the tendency to create conflict and wars with others. Although Adolf Hitler, as an example, does not stand as a positive figure in the world, his passion for his country influenced the power he gained and therefore was able to convince others to join his movement. To conclude, the idea of passion implemented in goals is vital to conquer a certain purpose in life. Passionate people will always succeed at a different level than others who do not carry it in them. The illustrated figures aforementioned show how passion influenced their lives and their ideals. Einstein was able to make new discoveries in the laws of physics due to his commitment that was driven through his passion, the same way as Nelson Mandela who was so passionate about promoting equality in the world, that he ceased his freedom for twenty seven years and is still a contented individual, due to his effect on the world. While on the other hand, passion can also influence dark approaches as it was shown with Hitlers example of convincing a large amount of people to follow his ideals due to the passion he had for his country.

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