
Post on 16-Nov-2015






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Emotional Intelligence



  • A DefinitionThe term emotional intelligence was officially coined in 1990 by Salovey and Mayer

    Emotional Intelligence/Quotient is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. Emotional intelligence describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence.

    - Daniel Goleman (1998)


  • So whats EI and why is it important?

    Some research shows that IQ can help you to be successful to the extent of 20 percent only in life. The rest of 80 percent success depends on your EQ.20% IQ80% EQ*


    Traditionalistssay that emotionsHigh performerssay that emotionsDistract usIncrease our vulnerabilityCloud our judgmentInhibit free flow of data Must be controlledMotivate usIncrease our confidenceSpeed our analysisBuild trustProvide vital feedbackMust be managed

  • Physiology & Emotion

  • Why are we spending time on this?

    Its important to understand how our brains process basic and higher level emotions.

    This will increase your awareness of why we react the way we sometimes do.

    Emotion and your body have a big relationship!


  • ThereforeBasic Emotions--presumed to be hard wired and physiologically distinctiveJoySurpriseSadnessAngerDisgustFearEmpathy (Not necessarily) *

  • therefore, emotion has an evolutionary basisbut basic emotions can overwhelm rational thinking*

  • High Stress ContextA hospital can at times be a complex and stressful environment where interpersonal interactions to both patients and staff are of paramount importance. Some people thrive on this (e.g. some ER), some are overwhelmed by it.

    EI mitigates the effects of stress. Fariselli, L. & Freedman, j. Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Performance in Healthcare (2008)

    Both Physiological & Psychological aspects at work here.Source: Six Seconds (www.6seconds.org)*

  • The Psychological side of EmotionThe 4 Components of EI*Self AwarenessSelf ManagementSocial AwarenessRelationship Management

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVxdUqLJT6s&list=PL178CA240E1F56721&index=33&feature=plpp_video - Emotional Intelligence Part 1 8 minutes

  • *

  • Emotional development

  • The development of EIA genetic contribution is likelyThey are not destiny (timidity)Early expression of emotion by parents helps learningEarly abuse hinders learningPoor ability to read others emotion may lead to the development of poor social skills.*

  • Value of taking time for self- awareness requires abilitiesto recognize appropriate body cues and emotionsto label cues and emotions accuratelyto stay open to unpleasant as well as pleasant emotionsincludes the capacity for experiencing and recognizing multiple and conflicting emotions*

  • Using emotions to maximize intellectual processing and decision makingSelf Awareness is the foundation for EI development in everybodyGut feeling can be used to effectively guide decisions- a neurological understanding of how unconscious and conscious gut feelings guide decisions, e.g., when prioritizing, emotions help move the decisions.Harness emotions to promote or hinder motivation. (Anxiety, hostility, sadness) *

  • Developing empathyEmpathy is a feeling different from sympathy. When one is sympathetic, one implies pity but maintains distance from another persons feelings. Empathy is more a sense that one can truly understand or imagine the depth of another persons feelings. It implies feeling with a person, rather than feeling sorry for a person.Empathy is a translation of the German term Einfhlung, meaning to feel at one with. It implies sharing the load, or walking a mile in someone elses shoes, in order to appropriately understand that persons perspective.In research on married couples, empathy appears to include matching the physiological changes of the other person.socialawareness*

  • Developing empathy links toGreater emotional stabilityGreater interpersonal sensitivityGreater affiliation. Developing empathy*

  • The danger of the nice personalityHave you ever met a nice person, but the alarm bells have gone off?Charisma draws in but not always to desired ends, e.g., Hitler, Jim Jones.Empathy can be faked; so can other emotions.*

  • The art of social relationships--managing emotions in othersTo excel at people skills means having and using the competencies to be an effective friend, negotiator, and leader. One should be able to guide an interaction, inspire others, make others comfortable in social situations, and influence and persuade others.socialskills*

  • The subtle and complex abilities which underlie people skillsBeing attuned to others emotionsPromoting comfort in others through the proper use of display rulesUsing own emotional display to establish a sense of rapport*

  • Emotion related dysfunctionall or nothing thinkingovergeneralizationexcessive worryingworrying as magical thinkingdisqualifying the positionjumping to negative conclusionsshould statementslabeling & mislabelingpersonalizationstonewallingcriticism; contemptImpacts on physical healthcardiovascular diseaseprogression of diabetesprogression of canceronset of hypertensionStress related illnessImpacts on relationshipsImpacts on mental health*

  • There are instruments to measure EI...Take time for mindfulnessRecognize and name emotionsID the causes of feelingsDifferentiate having the emotion and doing something about itLearn optimism to challenge distortionLearn distraction techniquesListen to voice of experienceDevelop Listening skillsReuvens Bar-on EQi *

  • My Unique Ability exerciseThis is a Self Awareness exercise Based on the principle that you are particularly skilled at something that adds value to both your professional (current or future) and personal life.Delegation is the key to Management its not outsourcing your job! Trends emerge, these are the areas to reflect on, discuss with close friends/relatives.



    It is a very big field which includes NLP, Behavioural psychology, psychology, sociology, organisational behaviour basically anything that involves using emotion when conciously/unconciously interacting with people. *But what is Success? It means different things to different people, fro some it is a status Its important for me to be important, for others salary, for others fruitful working and personal relationships**Its not just about being nice. ***Common to all. Higher level emotion, Empathy not found in everyone. Sociopaths act or behave but dont feel. *Follow That GirlSix Seconds*71% of nurses rate stress and overwork as #1 health concern (American Nurses Association Dec 2001)

    Think about what proportion of this stress is internal and can be managed, therefore and how can it be mitigated?

    Think can you change patient behaviour or do you have control over your own emotions only *LEADS VERY WELL INTO EI DIAGRAM.

    6.55 People are born with a given temperament. **Recent research explores abuse-driven brain changes. In the relation between early abuse and dysfunction of the limbic system; Patients with abuse scored higher on a temporal lob epilepsy-related symptoms checklist; patients with sexual abuse scored significantly higher yet. Maltreatment before age 18 has more impact than later abuse; males and females were similarly affected.

    Researchers hypothesize that adequate nurturing and the absence of intense early stress permits brains to develop in a manner that is less aggressive and more emotionally stable, social, empathic and hemispherically integrated (75.)

    Teicher, M.H. (march 2002.) Scars that wont heal: The neurobiology of child abuse. Scientific American. 68-75*Alexithymia = when self awareness is impoverished. There are no words for emotion. There is difficulty in distinguishing between emotions. There is impoverished capacity for emotions. Also, this person is likely to be overly concerned about physical symptoms. Reference Taylor, G. J., et. al. (1991.) The alexithymia construct: A potential paradigm for psychosomatic medicine. Psychosomatics, 32, 153-164.*In neurobiological terms also referred to as somatic markers.**People who are unable to feel empathy sometimes display sociopathic behaviour. *The nice personality is one of the dangers in creating an EQ instrument--empathy can be faked.

    People who are unable to feel empathy sometimes display sociopathic behaviour.

    *Quickly relate the social relationships and managing emotions in others topic to Office of Personnel Management Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) and to Army Values as exemplified by FM 22-100; leadership; duty; respect; selfless service; honesty; integrity; personal courage. This ground will be covered more thoroughly in a later slide dealing with organizations and EI.**Dont interpret dysfunction too clinically. Many of the items on the list represent our daily challenges. The message is, when any or several of these exceed our capacity for acceptable behavior we need help. At that point, too, we would be the last person to recognize the problem. It is therefore important for supervisors and trusted coworkers to recognize the behaviors associated with going overboard.* Intrapersonal (Self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization) Interpersonal (Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Interpersonal Relationship) Stress Management (Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control) Adaptability (Reality Testing, Flexibility, and Problem Solving) General Mood Scale (Optimism and Happiness) *HANDOUT

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