emotional portraits : photoshop · emotional portraits : photoshop mrs ras. open a new letter sized...

Post on 30-May-2020






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Emotional Portraits : Photoshop

Mrs ras

Open a new letter sized file in photoshop

We undoubtedly are having mixed feelings right now. Some may be exuberant that we aren't at school. Others may feel extremely stressed by having to deal with the new task of completing 7 classes completely online using "mostly" new programs. Sadness and even angry about missing out on experiences that we thought were our right (graduation, prom, sports, concerts and shows.) or maybe still yet annoyance of being cooped up with your families!!!

Pick an emotion that you or others are feeling. Find a picture that portrays an expression that emotion.

Copy image

edit> paste

Edit> free transform

Scale you portrait so that it takes up 80 percent of the page

Turn the image black and white

Enhance the contrast

Image>adj> brightness and contrast

Duplicate the layer

Pick a color that conveys the emotion you chose

Colorize your portrait so that it matches the color you choose for your emotion

Image > adj> hue and saturation

Click colorize

Enhance the color by using color balance


Image> adj> color balance

Toggle off the black and white layer

Add a new layer for painting

Using the paintbrush tool on 100 opacity and a hard edged brush block in the paints according to your reference

Press alt to get the eyedropper

Make sure you are painting on the new blank layer!!!!!

Begin to blend using either the mixerbrush tool or the paint brush tool on a lower opacity

Dont be afraid to add more paint on top of your blends to bring back clarity

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