emotional competency - gloating

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  • 7/27/2019 Emotional Competency - Gloating


    GloatingPleased about another's mishap

    You see the other guy mess up and you can hardly keep from smiling. You are gloating at their

    mishap. We all seem to enjoy seeing a jerk get what he deserves. Perhaps you feel a bit guilty or shameful for

    not feeling compassion, but you believe their mishap is their own fault.


    1. Pleased about an event undesirable for another2. Pleased about another's mishap.

    3. Celebrating a rival's mistakes.

    Root: Probably from Old Norse glottasmile scornfully.

    Note that envyand gloating have parallel structures. Envy is when you

    feel bad because a rival did well, and gloating is when you feel good

    because a rival did badly.

    Related Terms

    The English language terms: celebrate, crow, glory, rejoice, relish, rub it

    in, taunting, triumph, vaunt, and whoop are inexact synonymsfor

    gloating. The word Schadenfreude, borrowed from German is a close

    synonym. We also speak of someone getting their just deserts or their

    comeuppance when we are referring to gloating.

    Humor and Gloating

    Gloating is at the root of certain forms of humor. We laugh when the slap-stick comic falls down, especially

    if he is not seriously hurt, and if the fall could have been prevented. We laugh when people in power are

    knocked down a peg and are put in their place and perhaps made to look a bit silly. The emotion is

    stronger the less we care about the person, the more we hold them responsible for the misdeed, and the

    more the event was unexpected. Gloating is especially sweet if we envied the person or sought revenge on

    them. All this makes for especially good gossip. Our laughing (and gossip) draws attention to the

    preventable mistake (including hubris) and encourages others to learn from and avoid similar mistakes.

    Pity, Responsibility, and Gloating

    We feel pity and compassion when an unfortunate person is hurt. But we gloat when someone is hurt as a

    result of their own clumsiness, stupidity, pride, greed, or carelessness. Our assessment of their responsibility

    for the problem is the key distinction. If we believe they could have prevented the problem, we hold them

    responsible for their own pain; we gloat and hope they learned their lesson. If the hurt was an unavoidable

    misfortune, then we pity the poor person because they had no role or responsibility for the loss. Gloating is

    about mistakes, compassion is about misfortune. The degree of hurt or suffering also distinguishes gloating

    from pity. We gloat when the pain suffered seems proportional to our dislike of the person; in that case

    they are simply getting what they deserve. But we are likely to pity someone who suffers a true tragedy,

    even if we don't like them. The degree of dislike also influences the intensity of gloating. The more we dislike

    the person, the more intensely we gloat at their mishap. This is reciprocity in action.

    We feel contempt for someone who is demonstrating their characteristic lower stature. We gloat when


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  • 7/27/2019 Emotional Competency - Gloating




    He who laughs last, laughs best


    The Cognitive Structure of Emotions, by Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore, Allan CollinsThe Origin of Emotions, Version 1.0, by Mark Devon

    Fear, Sadness, A nger, Joy, Surprise, Disgus t, Contempt, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Fright, Anxiety, Guilt, Shame, Relief, Hope, Sadness, Depres sion, Happines s, Pride, Love,

    Gratitude, Compass ion, Aestheti c E xperience, Joy, Distress , Happy- for, Sorry-for, Rese ntment, Gloating, Pride, Shame, A dmiration, Reproach, Love, Hate, Hope, Fear,

    Satis faction, Relief, Fears-c onfirmed, Dis appointment, Gratification, Gratitude, Anger, Remorse, power, dominance, stature, relationships

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