emma's winter yoga newsletter 2017/8 - emma live yoga · 2018-10-16 · emma's winter...

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Emma's Winter Yoga Newsletter 2017/8

Emma in Sirsasana variation, ‘Source of Light’, Malaga, December 2017

Wow! What a year it has been. Lots of highs and a few lows. A year

jam-packed with Yoga both indoors and outdoors, dynamic and

restorative, workshops, retreats to Scarborough, Crete, India,

Malaga, holidays from Gran Canaria to Blackpool, concerts, spas,

charity events, gigs with Will Smith, Bruno Mars, Craig David, The

Weeknd, hospitals, funerals- it has all been going on!

One of the many things I have enjoyed this year has been watching

the growth of the Sangha, our Yoga community, and all the new

connections which have been made through shared experiences and

journeys coming together. Whether it be a group jog on the

Scarborough coastline, learning a traditional Indian dance together

in Kerala, quilting over tea and chocolate fireside in the mountains

above Malaga, taking a group selfie as the tide rolled in in Kissamos

or going for a cuppa together after a workshop in Guisborough-all

these experiences have connected us and created the opportunity

for others to illuminate our path.

Festive decoration at ‘Source of Light’, Malaga

At the moment I am teaching 17 trainee Yoga teachers which tells

you how much of a boom Yoga is going though at the moment!

Wishing them every success in their studies and practice xx

As we embark on another year with all of its joys and sorrows, here

is news of all the events to come during the Winter. So, wrap up

warm, get the fire and roll out your mat…


Manju Patabhi Jois, Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Training,

September 2017

It was an honour to meet and experience guidance and wisdom from

the eldest son of Patabhi Jois himself. I was a little in awe as this is

the closest I will get to the source on the Ashtanga Yoga lineage.

My first impression was of a tiny guy with a huge smile!

He was very down to earth away from the shala, chatting to us about

plans for dinner and teasing me about my toe sox. Once inside the

shala, he had a quiet but commanding presence. With no

introduction, he led us through the full Primary series, his father’s way entirely in Sanskrit. You either knew the sequence and the

names of the asana or you didn’t. I think he did this to ascertain the level and commitment of your practice so I was thankful I had

chosen to haul myself out of bed all those cold mornings to practice

and study.

The training involved a daily early morning Mysore session followed

by the breakdown of asana, demonstration and recitation of

Ashtanga Mantra. I loved his use of massage in adjustment, and the

stories he had to tell about the original Western yogis including my

dear teacher David Swenson. He seemed to have a sixth sense for

when you were struggling or fearful, and it felt like he could see

through you as he watched directly beside you with an unwavering


I was happy to have met the criteria of his training and to have met

some lovely inspiring Yogis in other series along the way.

Kerala, Southern India, November 2017

Photo by Dr Zuzana Bajuszova

In true Yogic fashion, I will turn a negative into a positive and list

the things I loved about India!

-Nuns frolicking in the sea alongside the call to prayer from

the nearby mosque alongside the noisy celebration of the

Festival of the Snake- I loved how everybody lived peacefully

alongside each other without compromising themselves

-The colour and images of the Gods everywhere

-Seeing the beautiful language of Sanskrit on advertising


-The gorgeous children with their kohl-rimmed eyes and ankle


-The simple generosity of shopkeepers offering us a meal as

they ate their breakfast as we looked around

-The sunsets

-The lovely people who I met on my retreat who I am looking

forward to seeing again next year at my other retreats

Love these Yogis!

Food, Nutrition, Walking and Yoga Retreat at ‘Source of Light’ above Malaga, December 2017

What a fabulous five days we had with Richard, Betty and Rhianna at

‘Source of Light’ .

This place has amazing energy and is over a ley line. The weather was

glorious, as in bikini- glorious, for the most part although cold early

morning and in the evening. On the first day we were able to

practise on the mountain top Yoga deck and had a magical sunset

meditation in the evening.

Photo by Dr Zuzana Bajuszova

Most mornings we practised in the Lake room by a roaring fire with

panoramic views to the lake and the Mediterranean Sea.

It was lovely and surreal to see the Christmas decorations up under

blue skies amidst the palm trees! It was also nice to be able to get

out and walk until 6pm at night at this time of year.


Everybody was blown away by the food and how plentiful it was

enjoying three very substantial meals a day which included: Vegan

haggis, Millet meat balls, lasagne, sweet potato brownies, pineapple

caramel melt cake..mmmm, getting hungry just writing about it.

Everybody went away with recipes and inspiration for the festive

season and beyond.

I feel lucky to have met such like-minded people as Richard and

Betty. This was my second time back but this time as their 8 limb

Yoga teacher was extra special. They are truly becoming good

friends of ours and we enjoyed spending time with them before the

retreat began.

Emma, Betty, Rhianna and Rich

enjoying lunch in the sunshine

See details of the next Winter Wellbeing retreat in Nov 2018 below

as well as 2019 dates below and a Summer Yoga Holiday with the

pool! Brochures and booking forms for the Malaga 2019 dates will be

available in the new year. You can register interest or secure a place

with a cheque or cash should you wish to.

Guided Meditation on the deck

Retreats for 2018

9th-11th March ‘Spring Awakening weekend retreat’, Cober Hill, Cloughton, Scarborough (FULL-waiting list)

15th-22nd May ‘Sun, Sea and Yoga’ retreat, Western Crete (6 places available)

23rd-30th June Casa Benedetto, Succhivo, Ischia, Italy (2 places available)

20th-22nd July ‘Yoga and Pilates’ retreat with Lisa Wood, Cober Hill, Cloughton, Scarborough (20 places available)

15th-22nd September Sun and Fine food in Calabria, Southern Italy (18 places



15th-20th November Winter Wellbeing Retreat, ‘Source of Light’, above Malaga, Spain (9 places available)

Always working! Kovalam beach, Kerala, November 2017


29th- 31st March ‘Spring Awakening weekend retreat’, Cober Hill, Cloughton, Scarborough


11TH-16TH April Spring Wellbeing Retreat at ‘Source of Light’ above Malaga (9 place available)


13th-20th July Yoga Holiday with pool at ‘Source of Light’ above Malaga (9 places available)

A full description can be found under ‘Retreats’ on my website or in brochures available at classes and workshops. Let me know if you’d like to book any of them

and then contact Debby or Jilly at Free Spirit Travel and

they will give you all the assistance you need. I have brochures for my own

retreats available with all the contact details on if you’d like to get one in class or when you see me.

Dr Z Website Whizz kid

Photo by Emma Conally-Barklem

Zuzana continues to update and improve my website. She has now created a link

on my ‘Workshops’ page to specific flyers so you can download them for your

own information. New flyers for the February and March and beyond workshops

will be linked to the listings throughout 2018.

There is also a link to the new ‘Yoga Nidra’ class on the ‘Classes’ page. The January Detox and Wellbeing week details can be downloaded from the ‘Special Offers’ page.

Workshops and Events for January and

February 2018

January Detox and Wellbeing week at Serenity and Yoga Detox

Bootcamp 1st-6th January 2018 – schedule available to download from

the ‘Special offers’ section on my website

NEW! Yoga Nidra monthly class at Serenity- details available to

download under the ‘Classes’ section for Tuesday on my website

NEW! Sneak Preview…

Inner Glow, ‘Self-Love’ February at Serenity week Monday 5th-

Thursday 8th February

In the run- up to Valentine’s Day, this week will be all about honouring and loving yourself- Yes! You should be at the top of your

‘to do’ list. Join me for a series of Candle-Lit Yoga sessions with

Self-Love at the heart (ahem) of them!

A Flyer will be forthcoming so look out for this on the website/and

or in your mail box!

My closest friend and expert Crystal lady extraordinaire Kat Wills

of ‘Serenity Therapies’ will also be leading a Crystal Meditation with the theme of self –love starting at 6pm on Tuesday 6th February

during the same week. More details to come but also check out their

Website www.my-serenity.co.uk for further details….

10am-12pm Saturday 17th February

‘Good Vibrations’ Yoga and Sound Bath workshop with Adrienne Wood of ‘Sound Therapy’, Sunnyfield House, Guisborough, £20

Looking forward to this collaboration with Adrienne. There is such a connection

between Mantra, Pranayama, Yoga and the work that Adrienne does with the

Tibetan singing bowls and gongs. Booking as ever through me with the usual


What I’m up to this Winter, Yoga and otherwise…

Virabhadrasana A amidst the Malaga mountains…

Pre-Christmas spa break- yippee! Ready for this one and some time

with Zuzana after all the gadding about!

Looking forward to festive meals out with friends and family

Hoping for some new Yoga books from Santa to read by the fire

Some bracing runs and beach walks for fresh air and wellbeing- brrr!

Spa time with my mum and a short break together in York

A January Hot stone massage- lovely!

Yoga Nidra training in January with Dr Uma, author of one of my

favourite books, ‘Yoni Shakti: A Woman’s Guide to Tantra and Freedom’

Wishing you all a Happy Winter Solstice and relaxing festive season.

Ubhaya Padagunthasana avec Yogi cat

Hope you follow your heart’s desire in 2018. Thank you so much for your support both on and off the mat- you are the reason I can live

this amazing life helping others. Look forward to much more Yoga

next year with you.

Was it something I said?! Winter Escape workshop at Sunnyfield House, Dec 2017

Love and Namaste, Emma xx

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