emma walker primary research - evaluation template2

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Evidence of my questionnaire

60% of the people who filled out my magazine were between the ages of 14-17, 10% were between 18-25 and 30% were 30+. 70% were female and 30% were male. 40% chose pop music as their preferred music style.

50% said they would expect the cover of a pop magazine to be bright and bold and the other 50% said they would expect the cover of a pop magazine to be busy with pictures and writing.The most popular colour suggestions were bright colours, pinks and purples and blues.

When asked to choose promotions/ offers that would appeal to fans of a pop music magazine and encourage them to purchase the magazine, a chance to win festival tickets gained 60%, a CD gained 20%, a poster gained 30% and other gained 10% and a music download was suggested in other. 70% of the people who completed my survey buy magazines not often, and the other 30% buy them monthly.

When asked what they look for in a pop music magazine, latest songs gained 50%, latest artists gained 40%, stories about and interviews with popular artists gained 70%, and other gained 10% and new music charts was suggested in other.

When I asked would you be prepared to enter your story about festivals or music experiences of your own into your favourite magazine, ‘yes, as long as it is kept private’ gained 10%, ‘yes, I would like to have my story in the magazine’ gained 20%, ‘no, but I would like to read other’s stories gained 70% and ‘no, I don’t think that should be a sector in a magazine’ gained 0%.




What is your age?


This shows that most of the people who filled out my questionnaire were teens which is good as my target audience includes teens of these ages.



What is your gender?


Most of the people who filled out my questionnaire were females, this is good as my target audience is females therefore I can gain advice for what females like.




10% 10%

What is your preferred music style?

Pop musicRock musicClassical musicR&B musicRap musicOther

My magazine is a pop music magazine and the majority of the people who filled out my questionnaire prefer pop, this will allow me to gain and develop ideas relevant to my magazine based on the audience’s preferences.


What would you expect the cover of a pop magazine to look like?

Plain and simpleBright and boldBusy with pictures and writ -ingOther

This allows me to gain an accurate conception of what my potential audience would be attracted to in the front cover.






What colour theme do you think a magazine targeted at females should have?

PurpleRedBright coloursLight/pastel coloursPinkOrangeYellow

This means I can know what sorts of colours I should include in my magazine in order to attract my target audience.



14% 7%

What promotions/offers would appeal to a fan of a pop magazine and encourage

them to purchase the magazine?

A PosterA chance to win festival ticketsA CDOther

This gives me an idea of the sorts of promotions/offers I should have available in my magazine which would be of interest for the readers.



How often do you buy magazines?

WeeklyMonthlyNot oftenOther

This gives me an idea of how frequently my magazine should be released according to when people buy them.





What do you look for in a pop music magazine?

Latest SongsLatest ArtistsStories about and interviews with popular artistsReaders sent in personal storiesOther

This helps me to decide what content I should include in my magazine which my target audience would be interested in reading and will make them want to purchase the magazine.




Which of the following would appeal to you more?

Female artistsMale artistsBands/groupsOther

This helps me to decide what artists I should include most or have as the front cover stars on my magazine.




Would you be prepared to enter your story about festivals or music experiences of your

own into your favourite magazine?

Yes, as long as it is kept privateYes, I would like to have my story in the magazineNo, but I would like to read other's storiesNo, I don’t think that should be a sector in a magazine

This helps to give me a clear indicator of whether this section would be popular in my magazine.

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