email to rex - spring blossoms - 2014-04-16b

Post on 20-May-2017






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Dear Rex Tillerson,

President Jimmy Carter and nine other Nobel Peace Prize recipients told President Obama:

"As you deliberate the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, you are poised to make a decision that will signal either a dangerous commitment to the status quo, or bold leadership that will inspire millions counting on you to do the right thing for our shared climate."

When I read statements like this, I think of you and my hope you will start retiring refineries.

The letter continued with another statement that I strongly believe pertains equally to you:

"You are among the first generation of leaders that knows better -- leaders that have the knowledge, tools, and opportunity to pivot our societies away from fossil fuels and towards smarter, safer and cleaner energy. History will reflect on this moment and it will be clear to our children and grandchildren if you made the right choice."

Will you join with people of conscience who are speaking up loudly in growing numbers? It's time!The IPCC Working Group III report explains clearly that we must begin reducing CO2 emissions.It is incumbent upon you and ExxonMobil to get started — indeed lead — reducing CO2 emissions. Please meet me for coffee to discuss required and realistic options for your success and legacy.

Re-energize with clean carbon-free fuels — for life!Re-invent ExxonMobil as an energy company, be more than an oil & gas company.Re-direct capital investments from carbon-based infrastructure to carbon-free infrastructure.Announce a retirement schedule for your refineries — dismantle them — let the end-game begin.

Your "leadership by example would usher in a new era...."Sincerely yours,Doug Grandt

Douglas Grandt <>To: Rex Tillerson <>Cc: David Rosenthal <>, Shane Steward <>Please join Nobel Peace Prize recipients. It's time!

April 16, 2014 2:19 PM

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Douglas Grandt
Douglas Grandt
Douglas Grandt
Douglas Grandt







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