email marketers handbook -sample

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Introduction.................................................................................................... 3

.Examples 4

.Free Mastermind Group 5

Why You Need To Build a List.................................................................................................... 7

Why You Need To Communicate The Right Way.................................................................................................... 14

© Mark Thompson 2

IntroductionMy name is Mark Thompson, and I’ve been a full time

internet marketer for almost 9 years.

I’ve made many mistakes over that time but the biggest by far was not using Email Marketing in my business in the first 5 years.

I used to hate the thought of Email Marketing because of the endless promotional emails I received from marketer on a daily basis.

I didn’t realize that it didn’t have to be that way and I could use Email Marketing the way that I wanted and use it with my own rules and not follow the herd.

Once I started doing that and focusing on building a relationship with my subscribers. Then almost overnight my business changed.

With one email I could educate and connect to my subscribers, I could sent traffic to blog posts, videos and articles, I could fill a seminar or sell thousands of dollars worth of products.

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A good email is a powerful thing and in this book I will show you everything1 you need to know about email from why you need a list, to how to build your list. From entertaining your subscribers, to how to write emails that convert.

In this book you’ll also get examples of good emails and bad emails. We’ll look at pre-selling offers and how to make sure your subscribers are waiting for your next email.

It doesn’t matter if you are selling physical products, digital products or advice the methods in this book will work for anyone.

If there is something in the book you don’t understand then simply contact me via the address at the back of the book and I’ll try to explain things in more depth to you.


Throughout this book I will give several examples, to keep it simple I will use the same or a similar Avatar each time.

Our Avatar is called Sarah she is a 28 year old personal trainer who has recently set up her own Gym and personal training


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You can apply the examples to any business you want or to any situation whether it’s selling eBooks or Haircuts, Software or Legal Advice.


I have set up a free Facebook Email Marketing Mastermind Group at:

<Link Available In Main Book>

Just click on the join link and I’ll grant you access ASAP

If you have any questions please feel free to ask there. If you also have any tips you want to share then please post them.

There are going to be two groups of people reading this book.

Business owners who want to increase their customer base and maybe market more services via email. Internet Marketers who want to build lists and sell their products and affiliate products.

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Many of the business owners have a full time job just running a business without having to worry about creating products and landing pages.

Many Internet Marketers have the skills and technical ability to market your business and create products successfully.

Whether you are an established marketer or business owner or total newbie why not use the Facebook group to find partners to help you succeed.

Good Luck!

Mark Thompson

P.S. I hope you enjoy this sample copy of The Email Marketers Handbook.

If you have any questions please contact me via

or via email

I hope you enjoy the rest of these sample chapters.

© Mark Thompson 6

Why You Need To Build a ListFor many years businesses have relied on Google to drive

traffic to their websites. Unfortunately over the past 18 months or so Google have started to make ranking well on a consistent basis virtually impossible.

With multiple algorithm changes many sites that used to get thousands of visitors each day are now struggling to get a hundred.

Google has done for websites what the great depression did for high street businesses. Decimate them.

The site owners that are thriving are the ones that used their content to generate lists of prospects and buyers, their focus wasn’t on the instant sale but on long term sales.

However it’s not only Google that have caused problems for businesses. Facebook have also massively moved the goal posts. It wasn’t long ago that you could build a fan page, get 10,000 fans and then make posts that all your fans would see.

That is no longer possible unless you are willing to pay for the privilege, it is estimated that about only 15% of your fans will be shown your post.

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This is as a result of Facebook's Edgerank algorithm. Which shows posts based on interaction by your fans.

Lets face it without a list you are at the mercy of other businesses and companies whose shareholders demand ever increasing profits.

In this ever changing business even a small list is a valuable asset that allows you to drive traffic and present offers to subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer.

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It is the simplest and most profitable form of marketing and should be the life blood of any business that is based either online or offline.

As an example lets suppose that you run a gym or are a personal trainer and you decide to run a new Zumba class for 30 people.

To get people interested you offer the first lesson free as a demonstration of how much fun Zumba is.

You stick up some posters and start to spread the word. A week before you are due to start you have filled 10 spots.


Well, not if you have a list.

A list can have anyone on it from existing customers, previous customers, people who have made enquiries, people who attended open days, employees of a local business who get discounts, people who have downloaded free reports or answered surveys etc

If you have a way of capturing an email address then you can have a list.

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With a list you can sit down and write a couple of emails, the first a presell giving the benefits of Zumba and the second offering a place in the upcoming class.

The emails might go something like... (I don’t know Zumba from a Zebra so just pretend I do!)


Welcome to the latest in our get fit quick tips.

Have you ever wondered what the quickest and most fun way to get fit is?

The answer is simple - Zumba

In our experience Zumba classes have been proven to have more success with students getting fitter faster and staying in shape longer than Yoga, step aerobics and Spinning classes combined.

A big part of the success is the combination of Latin beats and the simplicity of the moves which makes the routines simple to master while giving you an amazing cardio workout.

So If you are getting bored with your regular workout and want to try something new consider a Zumba class.

Watch out for our next email where we’ll tell you about the 3 top ways of getting fit without breaking sweat!

So with that first email you’ll have piqued their interest in Zumba, they know what Zumba is and it sounds fun.

2 days later you send out a second email...

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Woah....I didn’t expect that reaction to our last email about Zumba.

Right we hear you!

Due to all the questions we received about Zumba and Zumba classes we’ve decided to hold a free Zumba session next Wednesday at 7pm.

Places are extremely limited as we can only take 20 people so please phone Jane on 555-555-555 to book your place.

If you can’t make Wednesday but still want to give Zumba a go then tell Jane when would be a good time for you to have a class and we’ll see if we can organize a second class.

Not only have you filled the original Zumba class but you also know when other potential clients could make a second class.


That’s just one small example of why an email list should be part of your business.

There are hundred’s more ways in which a list can be both useful and profitable.

In the past year I’ve used lists to:

Send traffic to blog posts

Send traffic to Videos

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Send traffic to podcasts

Sell My own products

Sell Other Peoples Products

Research Products

Promote Webinars,

Promote Seminars

Invite People to my 50th birthday party (luckily all 2500 didn’t turn up!)

Presell Products

Send people to surveys

Raise money for charity

Launch a new business

Turn new subscribers in to long term customers.

The list of what you can do with a list of subscribers is almost endless.

I hope that you now see that no matter what business you are in a list is a valuable asset that you should start to build and interact with right now!

Before we move on think about this for a minute if you are selling a product and a potential customer goes to your sales page they will either buy or leave.

Thats the only choice they have if they leave you may never see them again.

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If you get a potential customer onto a list, you can continue to sell your products to them for years to come if you market to them the right way.

If you compare sales to a sales page verses sales from a list you will make fewer sales from the list on the first day.

The sales page will make more sales on day one and day two.

However from there on in the list will start to make more sales on a regular and long term basis

The result is that the list will out sell a sales page every time If you use it correctly.

Exercise:List 5 Ways You Could Benefit From Having a List

© Mark Thompson 13

Why You Need To

Communicate The Right Way

If only Internet Marketing was as simple as building a list and sending out emails on a regular basis then there would be no one stacking shelves in Walmart or Tesco.

Unfortunately, or Fortunately there is a lot more to it than that.

20 or 30 years ago the amount of information we received was limited to a few newspapers a couple of TV channels and a handful of radio stations.

Now sat here at my desk I can access more information in an hour than my grandfather and my father accessed in their whole lives combined.

We are getting deluged with information 24/7.

In the course of, a week I get hundreds or possibly thousands of emails. I don’t have time to read them all so I generally scan the headers.

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The only exception is for emails from people who I like reading and who entertain me.

If the email doesn’t stand out or if it’s not from someone whose emails I like reading then the chances are it’s not going to get read.

A Selection of This Mornings Emails

To get your emails read they need stand out from everyone else's emails.

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You need your emails to get responses from your subscribers. Create emails that not only get the message across but are entertaining.

When a subscriber takes time to tell you how much they enjoyed your emails what do you think the chances of them opening and reading your next email is?

I Think He Liked The Email!

Never forget the primary goal of an email is to get the reader to want to read your next email.

This book is not going to just focus just on building a list but also how to write emails that engage the reader and make them want to read your next email.

© Mark Thompson 16


The Following is the full contents of The Email Marketers handbook

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© Mark Thompson 18

© Mark Thompson 19

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