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Post on 09-Jun-2022






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   Makawao  Hongwanji 




   E‐mail:    Website:      Resident Minister:  Rev.  Kerry Kiyohara   

August  2018                    P.O. Box 188, Makawao, Maui, HI  96768         Office Phone:  (808) 572‐7229          


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Sunday, August 5, 9:00 a.m. DHARMA FAMILY SERVICE 

Refreshments:    Gardenias 

Sunday, August 12 NO SUNDAY SERVICE 

Dharma School Picnic on Lanai 

Sunday, August 19, 9:00 a.m. DHARMA FAMILY SERVICE 

Refreshments:    Sweet Peas 

Sunday, August 26, 9:00 a.m. DHARMA FAMILY SERVICE 

Refreshments:    American Beauty Roses 


Words of Thanksgiving 

Before Meals:    We are truly grateful for this wonderful 

food, a gi  of life.  May we share its benefits with all beings.  

As we partake of this food, let us remember Amida Buddha’s 

compassion, which surrounds all people and all forms of life.  

Namo Amida Butsu.    Itadakimasu (we gratefully receive). 

The Panic Architecture of Modern Life and What to Do About It

The level of anxiety, anger, and rage in our society seems to reach new heights on a daily basis. Many people feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally drained, and yet cannot stop consuming media and responding with powerful negative emotions.

The key strategy of advertising and political propaganda is to introduce the FUD Factor—Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt—into the hearts and minds of the target consumer. This is done by a deep understanding of the psychology and physiology of human Needs, Wants, and Desires, or as we would say in Buddhism, our ego-centric and selfish “blind passions” that cause unnecessary suffering.

Simply put, if I understand what you consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously need, want, or desire, I can trigger a ‘panic’ reaction—anxiety, anger, and rage—in you. I can manipulate your thoughts, your emotions, your physical state, and your actions — and then sell you something, whether a political agenda (‘propaganda’) , a new product (‘advertising’), or simply escapism (‘entertainment’).

The ‘media’ including ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ is fundamentally designed to deliver advertising and propaganda to a specifically targeted consumer, and trigger economically or politically useful responses.

Smartphones mean we are constantly connected by seemingly useful apps, platforms, and services that in fact are specifically architected to trigger panic reactions, leading to so-called ‘smartphone addiction’ and FOMO (fear of missing out).

The neurophysiology of fear, uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, angst, and rage is well-understood and

exploited by the ‘elite’ of society, corporations, advertising agencies, politicians, activists, and sadly even religious and spiritual leaders.

Buddhism teaches that our “blind passions,” exemplified by the Three Poisons of Greed, Anger, and Delusion, are rooted in our fundamentally self-centered and egotistic nature and are the cause of unnecessary suffering in human life.

Buddhism helps people awaken to reality-as-it-is, not reality-as-we-want-it-to-be, and thus become liberated from the bondage of selfishness, so as to alleviate suffering for all people and living beings without discrimination or judgment.

Buddhist temples traditionally aspire to be centers of connection, community, and compassion, a place of refuge from the chaos of the modern world, a place of active learning, deep hearing of the Dharma, and quiet self-reflection.

It is said that the opposite of addiction is connection. Addiction to the Ego-Self is caused by a disconnection from reality, from who we truly are, from our humanity.

It is my hope ‘religion' returns to its original meaning of ‘re-connection’ with reality-as-it-is, with the true and real self, with the greater community of humanity.

The Buddha-Dharma is hearing, living and sharing the Teachings, and walking the Nembutsu path of Namo Amida Butsu with our fellow travelers.

The Buddha-Dharma is how we can learn to ignore the Panic Architecture of modern life and break free from the bondage of selfishness.

The kind and gentle ‘ohana of Makawao Buddhist Temple working together selflessly to make pickled peaches, prepare for and manage both a garage sale and Obon Festial, march in the Makawao Rodeo Parade, direct traffic in the parking areas, cook enough food for an army, clean up the temple, or welcome visitors with open arms is why I am absolutely confident the future is bright for the Temple.

Guided by the Compassion and Wisdom of Amida Buddha working in our lives, we naturally become grateful for the opportunity to share the joy of Namo Amida Butsu with everyone who visits the Temple.



How amazingly lucky we are to be allowed to live on Maui and in Hawaii!

How wonderful it is to be embraced by kind and gentle people of the Nembutsu at Makawao Bud-dhist Temple!

How inconceivable to be embraced by Great Compassion and Wisdom, never to be abandoned, just as we are!

Namo Amida Butsu!

In gratitude,

Rev. Kerry


Obon is more than just a festival with Bon Dancin’ and mountains of ono food. As Buddhists, it is an important opportunity to express gratitude to our de-parted loved ones and reflect on their continued influence on our lives.

Obon is a time for all people to pause and reflect on where we come from, to appreciate the people who shaped our lives, and honor the memory of loved ones and friends who have gone on before us.

By so doing, we find refuge from a chaotic world and respite from our busy lives. Rediscovering the attitude of gratitude will change our world and the lives of people around us.

Born human, we are united by the universal experience of losing a loved one who graced our lives, inspired us, comforted us, and loved us.

During Obon, the Gathering of Joy, we ‘dance in joy’ in awareness of the life given to us, and, with profound appreciation, honor the memory of loved ones lost, who continue to guide us in each moment of this unrepeatable life, and in gratitude for Amida Buddha’s Compassion and Wisdom working in our lives.

It is said,

Some fools dance,

Some fools watch

We are all fools

Just dance!

Mahalo to everyone who came out and made the Temple’s Obon Festival a special occasion for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and fun!

In gratitude,

Rev. Kerry 3 

Remember When 

  My grandson, Aison, asked me,   “Grandpa, you know how to play marbles?”  Yes!!  I played Ring, 5 holes, and chase‐chase marbles.  No “dig‐shots”.     And, no can cheat!!!   Yeah, “The good old days”….Remember?   Brings back my childhood memories.  I not sure if only Wailuku Guys played these games.  We played, Ring‐Tin‐Tin, and Pee Wee S cks.   My message today is for you to tell stories to your children and grandchildren (others too).  What is was like back then….the good ole days, where you went play and find things to do?  Yes, our mode of transporta on was our feet.  Bicycles, if you had.    But, mostly foot mobile.   Do you remember a ending Sunday church services?  How’s about Jr. YBA 

ac vi es, Scou ng, a ending New Year's Eve service or just hanging out at the temple?    I remember ringing the Kansho bell at midnight and playing fireworks?  Drank some sake.      A er playing basketball at temple, got caught si ng on the kitchen table with the other boys by Mrs. Edith Izumi.  We found beer in the refrigerator and was drinking it.  Good fun days!!!!   Last month’s dinner/movie night at temple Social Hall was “CoCo”.   I liked the theme song “Remember Me”.   I also found a song by Alan Jackson. “Remember When”.   Both songs very nice and have meaningful lyrics.  Go listen on YouTube.   So, the next  me you go to the Social Hall, sit down and talk story with the Sangha members.  Share your stories.  Bring back plenty memories.  Da before Days (Beer not included).   Remember, if you don’t tell your story……….. it ends with you.                    Gassho together, 



We have enjoyed a wonderful summer with all our preschoolers so it’s hard to say farewell to our

students entering kindergarten . Best wishes and great success to all of them. We were also excited to meet and greet our new students and parents during our summer orientations. We look forward to great school year!  



  Aug. 12, Sun   Maui District Dharma School          Picnic, Lanai    Aug. 24, Fri    Movie & Dinner Nite     Sept. 9, Sun    Grandparents’ Day Service,          9:00 a.m.    Sept. 16, Sun  Peace Day Service,          9:00 a.m.    Sept. 23, Sun  Autumn Higan Service,          9:00 a.m.  

 August & September 2018 Memorial Anniversaries 

(Please call Temple Office to schedule your service  ‐  572‐7229) 


            1st Year Memorial Service 2017                   1st Year Memorial Service 2017        

    August 11  Sylvia Asae Yamashiro                September     ‐      None     

    August 12  Jay Satoru Murashige 


  3rd Year Memorial Service 2016                               3rd Year Memorial Service 2016                    

    August 04  Jean Haruno Migita         September 01  Agnes Tsuruko Ariyoshi 

    August 13  Wallace Yoshiteru Watanabe 

    August 16  Myles Yukio Matsunaga 

    August 26  Hitoshi Yamashita 


  7th Year Memorial Service 2012      7th Year Memorial Service 2012                                

    August 20  Marvene Hanae Moore        September 25  Ronald Keiki Yamamoto 


  13th Year Memorial Service 2006       13th Year Memorial Service 2006 

             August     ‐      None          September 11  Umeyo Kiyota 


  17th Year Memorial Service 2002      17th Year Memorial Service 2002 

    August 03  Yoshiharu Wayne Matsuura       September 03  Koichi Ito 

    August 10  Violet Tsuyuko Kido         September 06  Masako Takahashi 

    August 17  Toyoko Kiyomoto          September 11  Haru Tanaka     



  25th Year Memorial Service 1994      25th Year Memorial Service 1994 

    August 06  Mie Matsunaga                  September     ‐      None     


  33rd Year Memorial Service 1986       33rd Year Memorial Service 1986 

    August 03 Torao Hashimoto                  September     ‐      None 

    August 03  Tamiko Takakura 

    August 20  Baby Girl Hamai 

    August 31  Yoneko Ihara 


              50th Year Memorial Service 1969       50th Year Memorial Service 1969 

             August     ‐      None            September 12  Miyo Okumura       


                 IN MEMORIAM 

Makawao Hongwanji Mission extends its deepest sympathy to families that have recently lost a loved one: 

                                   Family of the Late Mr. Hideo Tanimoto (77) who passed away on May 26, 2018 

Family of the Late Mrs.  Violet Haruko Onikama (103) who passed away on July 22, 2018 

Donations - Makawao Hongwanji Mission can operate only because of the generous donations from many, many people. All donations are humbly received with sincere gratitude and appreciation. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE YOUR DONATION PRINTED IN THE NEWSLETTER OR IF YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR DONATION LISTED AS ANONYMOUS, PLEASE INDICATE SO BY ATTACHING A NOTE TO YOUR CONTRIBUTION.

Contributions June 22, 2018 to July 22, 2018 DONATION: Aiko Makimoto and Mae Balmores Emiko Fujikawa Dale Kawahara Nalani Archibeque In memory of Toyoko Kiyomoto (17th year memorial) - Sharon Iwasaki In memory of Kazuo and Misao Tamura - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tamura In memory of Toyoko Kiyomoto (17th year memorial) - Arleen Kiyomoto and Ray Shoemaker Bazaar donation - Harumi Ushijima, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nakano NOKOTSUDO: Uradomo family Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ogawa Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tanitomi Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Nakamura Anonymous In memory of Koichi Nitta - Hazel Nitta and April Millard In memory of Hatsugoro Makimoto - Harold and Janet Inamasu In memory of Fujiko Nishida - Michael Nishida and Cynthia Nishimoto Nishida In memory of Shigeji and Sakayo Harada - Mr. and Mrs. Isao Asada In memory of Patrick Hamai - Mr. and Howard Hamai OFUSE: 7th year memorial service for Masaru Uradomo - Family of Masaru Uradomo 49 day service for Hideo Tanimoto - Family of Hideo Tanimoto

The Buddhist Path:  Dealing with Anger 

When you get so angry you don’t know what to say,  just say “I’m sorry”  When you get so angry you don’t know what to do, just be kind and gentle  When you get so angry  you don’t know what to think, just be grateful  Anger is a mirror  reflec ng what is inside of you, just as you are  

  Anger is the delusion  that life will unfold the way you want  Anger is a shadow created by the light illumina ng the way to wisdom  Awakening to the world as‐it‐is washes away anger like teardrops in the rain  

Just say Namo Amida Butsu 


Reflec on & Rememberance Dharma Message on July 15 

By:  Robert Yoshioka  

  Good Morning!  July is our O‐Bon month, let us go back from the past to the present and reflect.  My wife told me our life is like a toilet bowl, many ups and downs.  The last  me I spoke to you my subject was “How I Became a Buddhist”.  Well, my answer was through my grandparents, who came from Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Ken.   I grew up in  Sprecklesville.  It was a planta on community consis ng of several camps.  Camp 1 was 70% Japanese.  Camp 2 was 90% Japanese, Camp 3 was 70% Japanese,  Camp 10 was 97% Japanese, Camp 11 was 100% Filipino, and Stable Camp was 100% Japanese.  As you can see, the popula on of Sprecklesville was 80% Japanese but no Buddhist temple.  Only one Catholic church and yet every summer we have a huge O‐Bon fes val sponsored by HC&S and Puunene Hongwanji Temple.   In 1952, I moved to Kahului and by chance, I came across an old brown building that was called Kahului Hongwanji Mission.  At first, I thought it was abandoned.  But my curiosity told me to see what this spooky building was.  Inside was dark.  But I could see the alter with  ny lights.  Then, a lady came and asked me who I was.  I began asking her about the temple.  The next day, I a ended my first Sunday service.  It didn’t take long un l Kahului Hongwanji Mission moved to the new loca on next to the Kahului Bap st Church.   I began to take ac ve part in the YBA and Sunday services.  I guess you can say that I became a Jodo Shinshu member.  In 1957, I worked on Lanai, picking pineapple.  I also a ended Lanai Hongwanji.  One day, Rev. Nagao, who later came to Wailuku Hongwanji Minister, asked me if I could do the Sunday service because he had to go to Honolulu.  That was my first solo chan ng, the Vandana Ti Sarana.  When I came to Maui, Rev. Fujitani asked me to go to Lahaina, Makawao, and Paia Hongwanji to prac ce giving Sunday sermons.  That was the beginning of my young adventure!   In 1956, I, as an ignorant know‐it‐all 18 year old, decided to become a “bon‐san”.  My parents knew I had a love for the Boy Scout and YBA.  They were against my choice.  It surprised me!  “100% NO WAY.”  However, I went ahead despite of their objec ons.  With the help of Rev. Fujitani and Rev. Hida of Lahaina Hongwanji, I was able to obtain a full 8‐year scholarship from Honpa Betsuin.    This scholarship was two years at Maunaolu , two years at U.H., two years at Kyoto, and two years at Columbia University in New York.  Well, I did to Maunaolu.  But because of my parents’ constant objec ons, I decided to join the military.   I headed to Japan but shortly a er I got there, my orders were changed to Korea because they needed a lab tech.  I spent 13 months near the DMZ and was finally back to Japan.     I found out the journey to becoming a minister is not easy.  This ignorant kid really found out why my parents objected.  I could not read, write, or understand Japanese!  In Japan, Rev. Murakami gave me this thick sutra book and told me to memorize it.   Trying to balance my schedule at the hospital and the minister’s training was nearly impossible.  I had to make a choice.  I decided to give up my remaining 6‐year scholarship.  Later, I had to decide whether to stay in the military or marry my then‐girlfriend.  Well, Iwa and I just celebrated our 56th anniversary!   Camps are gone, sugar planta on gone.  No more ogo.  As 13‐14 year old boys, my friends and I walked from Sprecklesville to Iao Valley.  We also walked from Camp 2 to Maui Country Club to caddy.  Mom‐and‐‐pop stores gone, only Hamai Appliance going strong!   O‐bon is a  me to reflect, not only for those that went before us.  But we should reflect on oneself, you are the one that will con nue to make your life be er.   In many Buddhist literature there is a phrase, “If you put your trust in Amida Buddha, you will never be bandoned.”   That is why the “Hatsubon Service” is so important.  It is the  me to reflect and express your apprecia on.   My wife’s famous quote is “OKAGE SAMA DE”.  So, let us embrace and put our trust in Amida Buddha and to you, Okage Sama De.  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present my last sermon.  Oh, I mean my last Dharma message.  Namo Amida Butsu.  

MHBT 2018  BAZAAR / GARAGE SALE  ‐   Although it was overcast and wet, It was s ll the best  

for our Bazaar / Garage Sale!    It took endless man‐hours from workers of all ages (youngest being 3 years old) and great organiza on by Chairpersons Gail H. and Ruth T. to make this one of our most successful fundraiser events.    Thank you workers, thank you shoppers, we are humbled and grateful. 

Thank You for Another Great Garage Sale and Bazaar! 

What a wonderful turnout we had for our Annual 4th of July Garage Sale and Bazaar!  The early morning showers on Saturday did not deter our loyal fans who lined up from 5:30 a.m.  Bargains galore were swept up and rushed out through the cashier lines before the road closures at 8 a.m.  Yet there was s ll an abundance of treasures remaining for the rest of the crowds that came in a er the parade.  By the  me we closed our doors on Saturday at 2 p.m., approximately 1,081 people had come to look and shop.  Outside of the main hall, the furniture, art collec ons, cra s, books and toys, and plants all did well too. 

This year we were happy to see our Cub Scouts, Jr. YBA and other members, led by Reverend Kiyohara,  Mimy Kiyohara, President Floyd Nagoshi and Advisor Glenn Coryell marching in front of the temple in the Makawao Parade .  It was quite a sight to see Rev. Kerry marching in his minister’s robes donning a paniolo (cowboy) hat.   

On Sunday, the Bazaar with Bentos, Chow Fun, Sushi, Sweet Potato Manju, Nishime,  Pickled Peaches, Peach Jams, San Bai Zuke and fresh produce such as avocados, cabbages, limes, etc drew long lines again.  Everything was so delicious and quickly sold out!  Meanwhile, the garage sale con nued to draw nearly 600 more shoppers! 

Thank you to Sean Higuchi and Rev. Kerry for Facebook and social media adver sing. Thank you also to Hamai Appliance for Radio and Newspaper adver sing.  AND THANK YOU to all our members and friends in the community who con nue to adver se through word of mouth.  Please con nue to say nice things about Makawao’s Garage Sale/Bazaar.  One delighted customer from Oahu said she found out about the sale from a lady while riding the Maui Bus that morning. 

Many thanks again to all our affiliate organiza ons ‐ Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Judo and Jr. YBA ‐ for all your help in se ng up, parking cars, carrying heavy boxes, and cleaning up.  We couldn’t have managed so successfully without you!   

Big Mahalo to Bazaar Chair, and Sweet Potato Manju Chef, Diane Kosaka.   There were chili & rice, bisquits, coffee & water, and  bentos  for Window food sales on Saturday.  Thank you to Glynnis Okamura for cooking the bentos  and the worker’s lunch that day.   Sunday lunch was provided by Diane.  Others in charge of Bazaar food sales were Bobbi, Chow Fun; Sharon Nagoshi, Spam Musubi;  Jean Nishida , Nishime;  Rie Taketa, Mimy Kiyohara, Sushi chairs.   Big apprecia on also to the many hands that helped behind the scenes in the kitchen.   

There are so many of you who helped in so many ways.  We apologize for not being able to list  all of the names.  To you, we say Arigato, Mahalo and Thank You! Thank you!  Un l next  me… 

With apprecia on,  

Ruth, Karen, Alison, Sharon H., Glenna, Betty, Andy, & Gail





July 23, 2018  

Unfinished Business:   1.  Long Range Ad Hoc:  Report submi ed.  Rev. Kerry con nuing to work on research      regarding Eitaikyo Fund and will report back to Council.   2.  C.O.R. Commi ee:  Report submi ed. New Business:   1.  Sale of Temple Car:  Island Honda values car between $7,900 to $10,004 for resale.       Mo on made to sell temple car for $10,000 to Edna with a response  me of two weeks      and will be listed on Craig’s List there a er.  Mo on carried.   2.  Commercial Use of Kitchen:  Rev. Kerry made contact with UH‐MC Food Innova ve      Center  and another person (involved with Vegan Buddhist cooking) who may be       interested in seeking cer fied kitchen to rent.  Rev. Kerry to report back with more      concrete specifics.   3.  MHBT Revision of Brochure:  Rev. Kerry shared his sugges ons and  is currently open to      more comments/sugges ons. Minister’s Report:   1.  Temple front doors have been opened during business hours.  Rev. Kerry reports that five     visitors have stopped by.   2.  Facebook:  200 plus followers, paid adver sements ($10) 520 people viewed for        upcoming Obon Fes val, 100 plus flyers about Obon passed out during Third Friday      Parking this past weekend.   3.  Will be working on the following to create opportunity for people to understand Jodo      Shinshu Buddhism:     ‐  Introduc on to Buddhism classes.     ‐  Create Jodo Shinshu study group for members and other interested people.     ‐  Outreach:  Medita on workshops, expanding chan ng from Monday/Wednesday/       Friday to weekends and weeknights.     ‐  HHHM of Hawaii is reques ng statewide for ministers to host workshops featuring        topic of Advanced Health Care Direc ves.  The State will be paying a facilitator to       come over to lead the workshop. Affiliate Organiza ons:     Dharma School:  VIDSTA will be hos ng Annual Picnic on Lanai on August 12.    Informa on sent out to temple Dharma School families. Commi ee Reports:     Funeral/Nokotsudo:  Sharon Nagoshi will be Director now that Hedy Sentani and   Clifford Tokumaru are no longer co‐directors.  Will meet soon and report back to Council. Other Business:   1.  Dharma School:  Glenn Coryell proposed to sponsor a paid teacher ($50) for up to two      hours for a period of six months.  Will meet with Dharma School teachers for further      discussion.   2.  Council Advisors:  Sugges on of advisors having vo ng powers as other Council officers      and directors.  Glenn Coryell observed that advisors do not a end Council mee ngs.       Sugges on was made that a review be done of Temple’s By‐Laws so that a solu on may      come about.    (Full Council Minutes and reports can be obtained from Temple Office.) 


Successful Plant Sale on July 7 & 8, 2018 

By:  Sharon H. 

Despite the poor weather on Saturday July 7, the Plant Sale was very successful, making the most profit ever in 15 years. This would not be possible without the dona ons of the following people: Evelyn Cummings, Barbara Doi, Lynn Fujimoto, Janet & Allan Fukuda, Glenn Hamai, Calvin & Sharon Higuchi, Howard’s Nurseries, Inc. (Sandy and Howard Takishita), Donald Ito, Shigeru Karakawa, Harold Makimoto, Michael Nakagawa, Ray Nakagawa, Michael Nishimoto, Faith Oshiro, Asano Suizu, Stanley Tempo, Leatrice Taketa, Amy Teves, Ruth Tokumaru,  Bill Uemura, Celes ne Uradomo, and Iwa & Robert Yoshioka. Please call the office if your name has been inadvertently le  out.    MHBT is also grateful to the volunteers who price each plant, load and unload the plants, put up and dismantle the tent, carry plants for the patrons, answer ques ons, organize the area with signs,  serve as cashiers, count the money, obtain the necessary boxes, and provide moral support, all with cheerful smiles: Galan Arakaki,  Sharon & Calvin Higuchi, Carlys Higuchi, Sean Higuchi, Mimy Kiyohara, Ray Nakagawa, Leatrice Taketa, Amy Teves, Jan & Duane Yoshizu and Cy Yoshizu, and Louie.   The Plant Sale would not be a success without people who come and buy the plants, in good weather and bad. This event draws plant lovers from all over. A County worker preparing the road for the parade passed by and bought a Kupukupu na ve fern over the fence! MHBT takes pride in keeping Maui green and beau ful.   See you at the December Garage Sale and Bazaar. 


I am a link in Amida Buddha’s Golden Chain of Love that stretches around the world.  I must keep my link bright and strong.  I will try to be kind and gentle to every living thing and protect all who are weaker than myself.  I will try to think pure and beau ful thoughts, to say pure and beau ful words, and to do pure and beau ful deeds, knowing that on what I do now depends not only my happiness or unhappiness, but also that of others.  May every link in Amida’s Golden Chain of Love be bright and strong, and may we all a ain perfect peace.  



  Workers of all ages helped wash windows, trim trees and bushes,  sweep walkways and lanais, clean the social hall, dust the altar, clean the bathrooms, and much more.  Thank you all so much for making our campus sparkling clean for O‐bon!  We worked hard then we ate a delicious lunch prepared by Carol Y. and her crew.    

Arigato!!! Arigato!!!

Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii


1727 Pali Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 522-9200 Fax: (808) 522-9209

Web: Email:


WESTERNJAPANFLOODDISASTERRELIEFFUNDJULY 2018  Summer2018 loodingthroughoutwesternJapanhaskilledover220peopleanddislocatedmanythousands.Hightemperaturesandshortagesofdrinkingwater,food,andelectricityhavecompoundedthedisaster.AsofJuly20th,atleast99JodoShinshutemplesweredamaged.Membersofatleast182JodoShinshutempleswereaffected,withnearly50deadormissing. HawaiiKyodanwillimmediatelyrespondwithaninitialdonationtoHonzanfromtheSocialWelfareFundtohelpthoseimpactedby loodingandlandslides.Further,a“WesternJapanFloodReliefFund”hasbeencreatedtoallowtemples,membersandfriendsinHawaiitocontributetowardsthereliefeffort.ThefundswillbesenttoHonzantosupportHongwanji‐relatedtemplesandthosewhoareaffectedfromthisdisaster. ThespecialcollectionwillrunthroughAugust31,2018,andwearerequestingeachtempletocollectdonationsandsubmitonecheck(toHeadquarters)payableto“HonpaHongwanjiMissionofHawaii”with“WesternJapanFloodReliefFund”notedonthecheck.Donationscanalsobemadeon‐

The followingphotos show the situationof theaffectedareas. MililaniHongwanjiMissiongot thesephotosfromSenkōji,theirsistertempleinHiroshima.Photocourtesy:Rev.MasashiFujisawa



It was the perfect weather, it was the perfect crowd for a perfect O-Bon at

Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. We danced all night, we ate everything,

We talked story with family and friends. It was just a perfect event enjoyed

by all. Many thanks to all the people

that worked, all the people that

visited. Because of you, it was a big


August– September 2018 

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning “Makawao” 8:30 am Fitness Prog

2 9:00 am Family Service

3 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

4 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese Sch

5 8:30 am Chanting

6 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45 / 3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

7 8:30 am


8 8:00 am Clean-up “Makawao”

8:30 am Fitness Prog

9 9:00 am Grand parent’s Service

10 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

11 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese Sch

12 8:30 am Chanting

13 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

14 8:30 am Chanting

15 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning “Makawao”

8:30 am Fitness Prog

16 9:00 am Peace Day Service

17 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

18 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:45 pm Japanese Sch

19 8:30 am Chanting 8:30 am ~ 12:00 noon

Sewing Class

20 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

21 8:30 am Chanting 3rd Friday Parking

22 8:00 am Clean-up “Makawao” 8:30 am Fitness Prog

23 9:00 am Higan Service ——————————-

30 9:00 am Family Service

24 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

25 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese Sch

26 8:30 am Chanting

27 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

28 8:30 am Chanting


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:30 am

Chanting 2 8:30 am Fitness Prog 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

3 8:30 am Chanting

4 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning “Makawao” 8:30 am Fitness Prog

5 9:00 am Family Service

6 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

7 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese Sch

8 8:30 am Chanting

9 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45 / 3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

10 8:30 am


11 8:00 am Clean-up “Makawao”

8:30 am Fitness Prog

12 NO SUN-DAY SERVICE Dhama School Picnic “Lanai”

13 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

14 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese Sch

15 8:30 am Chanting

16 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

27 8:30 am Chanting 3rd Friday Parking

28 8:00 am Nokotsudo Cleaning “Makawao”

8:30 am Fitness Prog

19 9:00 am Family Service

20 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

21 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:45 pm Japanese Sch

22 8:30 am Chanting

23 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

24 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 pm Movie & Dinner Nite

25 8:00 am Clean-up “Makawao” 8:30 am Fitness Prog

26 9:00 am Family Service

27 8:30 am Chanting 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

28 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese Sch

29 8:30 am Chanting

30 8:30 am Fitness Prog 2:45/3:30 pm Japanese School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo

31 8:30 am Chanting

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