ema lift summit presentation: online conversations that accelerate buying process

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Leveraging Online Conversations to Accelerate Prospect Consideration Throughout the Buying Cycle •Aligning your objective to your prospects’ buying cycles •Enhancing online customer interaction and loyalty By: Dave Bulger, Partner, Director of Insight, Strategy and Planning EMA


Leveraging Online Conversations to Accelerate Prospect Consideration

throughout the Buying Cycle

Presented by:Dave Bulger, Eric Mower & Associates

Presentation Overview

• Theory• The Buying Cycle• Accelerating behavior change• Impact on insight, strategy, planning and creative for marketers

• Practice – PGi• Overview of business problem and solution objectives• Integrated marketing strategy• Putting theory into practice


It’s Not a Sales Cycle

(Aligning your objectives to your prospects’ Buying Cycles)

Total market:Average refresh:Average sales cycle:

60,0002 years60 days

Target Market

5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000



Research Solution Selection

Approvals / Decision

Needs Assessment

Maintenance / Expansion

Target Market

5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000


Research Solution Selection

Approvals / Decision

Needs Assessment

Maintenance / Expansion


Company A

Company B

Company C

Company D

Research Solution Selection

Approvals / Decision

Needs Assessment

Solution Selection

Approvals / Decision

Maintenance / Expansion

Needs Assessment Research Solution

SelectionApprovals /


Maintenance / Expansion

Maintenance / Expansion

Target Market

5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000



Company A

Company B

Company C

Company D

It’s not about what you are selling.

It is about what they are buying.

People are creatures of habit – and habits can

be changed.


Lead Generation



Point of Sale


Accelerating behavior change

• Goal Theory

• Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change

• Health Belief Model

• Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior

Goal Theory

“Do your best”

Proximal Goals

Goal Theory

1. Specific2. Measurable3. Achievable4. Realistic5. Time-Based

Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)


• Processes of Change• Decisional Balance• Self-Efficacy• Temptations


Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action

Health Belief Model

Education +Motivations



Recommended Action• Perceived Susceptibility• Perceived Severity• Cues to Action• Self-Efficacy

Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior

HD football is better...

I never have time for TV...

Behavioral Intention

Volitional Control

Subjective Norm

Attitudes(for and against)


• Goal Theory• SMART, proximal goals get you where you’re going faster

• Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)• People do predictable things en route to changing habits

• Health Belief Model• Motivations must outweigh barriers for successful change

• Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior• Behavioral intention = positive attitude + trusted advice +

perceived control

The Buying Cycle

(how we apply behavioral science to demand generation, engagement and nurturing)

Out of Market Learners Shoppers Buyers CustomersTargets who have either

recently purchased or currently have

no need, budget or interest.

Targets who are thinking

about making a purchase in the near future

but are still trying to

understand the solution landscape.

Targets who are getting

ready to make a purchase

and are looking for the best solution.

Targets who are ready to buy and are

actively comparing the

best alternatives.

Current users with re-sell, cross-sell or

up-sell potential.

Out of Market Learners Shoppers Buyers Customers

Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance

Out of Market Learners Shoppers Buyers Customers

Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance

Will PGi make life better for me? For my


Do others I respect think

PGi is right for them?

Do I fully understand why

I should use PGi?

Is buying/using PGi something I can and want to


Are my motivations for going with PGi stronger than my barriers?

No Sale No Sale No Sale No Sale No Sale


About PGi

• Global virtual meeting company• Founded in 1991• $650 million annual revenue• Customers include 90% of the Fortune 500

• Business model shift in 2009• Brought technology/infrastructure built for Fortune 500

companies to smaller companies • Augmented direct sales with marketing-driven structure• Scaling up SMB market penetration• Integrated demand generation and lead nurturing• Behavior change acceleration

Case study

• Business problem• Efficiently scale tools and processes to serve smaller companies• SMB market is less familiar with PGi• Provide incremental sales revenue• Decrease overall cost per acquisition

• Solution objectives• Set up systems and processes for selling and serving customers

for the long term• Generate demand for PGi meeting solutions• Increase number of prospect leads• Score and qualify sales-ready leads• Nurture non sales-ready leads

Demand Generation

• PGi.com• Online advertising• Co-registration and content syndication• Email• Search engine marketing• Social media• Online events (virtual trade shows, webinars)

Microsite/Landing Pages

• Lead scoring• Lead qualification


Info Request/Opt-in

PGi Sales Engagement




Click to CallEmail

Activity“Sales Ready”


Non-”Sales Ready” Lead

Integrated marketing strategy

Key Metrics

• Demand generation interactions• Impressions, opens, clicks, etc.

• Landing page/microsite interactions and analytics• Chat interactions, form fills, visitation data, bounce rate, etc.

• Sales pipeline analysis• Conversions to leads, opportunities, wins, losses, sales cycle

evaluation, etc.

Contact Form

Smart Landing Page(tailored Learner/Shopper/Buyer content based on interactions)

LeadWorksEMA Campaign Management


Contact Form


EMA Campaign CodeRMKR DMIDEMA Source CodeEMA Anonymous Visitor ID + contact fields

Lead Object Fields per mapping document


Lead Object Fields per mapping document

EMA Campaign CodeRMKR DMIDEMA Source CodeEMA Anonymous Visitor ID

Email Nurturing System

3rd Party Pub Leads

Instant Services

Offer 1Banner AdOffer 2

Banner AdOffer 3Banner Ad

Offer 1 Email

Offer 2 Email

Offer 3 Email Tailored

Emails (learner)

Tailored Emails


Tailored Emails (buyer)

EMA Campaign CodeEMA Source Code

EMA Campaign CodeEMA Source Code EMA Campaign Code


EMA Campaign Code + contact fields

Technical integration

Demand generation strategy• Target general SMB and

specific horizontal audiences• IT• HR/Training• Sales/Marketing• Operations

• Employ integrated mix of online marketing tactics• Paid search, online banners, lead

programs, email, online events

• Cater to learners, shoppers and buyers• Through media vehicles• Mix of informational, trial and

promotional offers

Nurturing strategy• 12-part nurturing email

and microsite “story”

• Content specific to buying stage and personas

• “Learner » Shopper » Buyer” streaming algorithm• Assigns position within story• Calculates email cadence

• Based on 90-day sales cycle• Approx. one email per week• Includes acceleration triggers

• Sales hand-off at the appropriate time

Experience and next steps• Experience• Vast majority of new leads are not immediately “sales ready”• 97% of new nurture program prospects enter as Learners• Shoppers = 2.5%, Buyers = 0.5%

• Growth plans• Continue to optimize current lead nurturing program• Enhance the marketing mix to drive interactions at all stages of

the buying cycle• Leverage CRM structure for additional marketing needs• Customer campaigns• Opportunity nurturing• Product launches• Integration with PGi.com



• Most prospects are not ready to buy• Marcom systems need to have a notion of patience• Engagement + Nurturing

• Don’t sell – instead, help prospects buy• Behavioral science is your friend• Match messages to their consideration process, not your sales


• Be nimble• Measure everything; analyze continuously• Don’t be afraid to test and optimize early and often


Any questions?




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