elite cricket - decrease injury and improve performance (a sports physiotherapy update)

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Presented by Elite Athlete Sports Physiotherapist - Kusal Goonewardena, APA Titled Sports Physiotherapist. With over 15,000 treatment sessions in sports alone Kusal Gooonewardena shares the latest clinical findings on improving performance, perfecting biomechanics, decreasing injury rates and helping elite cricketers perform at their peak. In this presentaiton Kusal shares: 1. The types of injuries that are prevalent in elite cricket 2. Why these injuries occur 3. How to prevent these injuries and In this presentation Kusal shares: 4. How a cricketer can prepare for a cricket season or tour. 5. Elite Akademy Sports Physiotherapy's unique assessment process. 6. How Elite Akademy Sports Medicine is helping to identify these injuries earlier and therefore getting these athletes back faster, fitter and stronger. Hope you enjoy! For more information goto www.EliteAkademy.com



2. 14 YEAR CAREER - SPORTS MEDICINE. FOUNDER/DIRECTOR OF VIGOR SPORTS MED AND ELITE AKADEMY SPORTS MED. 3. OVER 15,000 TREATMENT SESSIONS IN SPORTS INJURIES & PERFORMANCE 4. MELB UNI SPORTS PHYSIO SINCE 2002 HEAD OF SPORTS MEDICINE AT MELB UNI SINCE 2008 5. CURRENT TEAM OF 4 PHYSIOS AT MELB UNI. LECTURER, CONSULTANT AUSTRALIA, CHINA, SRI LANKA 6. INJURIES IN CRICKET Low Back Pain Side Strain 7. INJURIES IN CRICKET Hamstring Strain Groin injuries Knee Pain 8. INJURIES IN CRICKET Shoulder Pain Sprained Ankle 9. THE KINETIC CHAIN Everything connected Movement involves contribution from the whole body 10. WHY DO INJURIES OCCUR IN CRICKET - 1 Dysfunction Somewhere in the Body Due to Ground Reaction Forces 11. WHY DO INJURIES OCCUR IN CRICKET - 2 Dysfunction Somewhere in the Body Repetitive habits Posture 12. WHY DO INJURIES OCCUR IN CRICKET - 3 Dysfunction Somewhere in the Body Poor Biomechanics 13. WHY DO INJURIES OCCUR IN CRICKET - 4 Trauma 14. WHY DO INJURIES OCCUR IN CRICKET - 5 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Athlete 1 Athlete 2 Loading Tolerance Loading vs Tolerance 15. THE LATEST CLINICAL FINDINGS THE NERVES Very, Very Sensitive 65-85% of athletes will have neural tightness if and when they increase their training load. Can decrease your Sports Performance Indicators (SPIs) by 25% Normal Nerve Affected/Dysfunctional Nerve 16. HOW DO THE NERVES GET AFFECTED - 1 + = 17. HOW DO THE NERVES GET AFFECTED - 2 + = 18. THE LATEST CLINICAL FINDINGS 75% OF INJURIES OCCUR DUE TO (1ST OF 4) 19. THE LATEST CLINICAL FINDINGS 75% OF INJURIES OCCUR DUE TO (2ND OF 4) 20. THE LATEST CLINICAL FINDINGS 75% OF INJURIES OCCUR DUE TO (3RD OF 4) 21. THE LATEST CLINICAL FINDINGS 75% OF INJURIES OCCUR DUE TO (4TH OF 4) 22. THE LATEST CLINICAL FINDINGS 75% OF INJURIES OCCUR DUE TO 23. WHAT CAN I DO BEFORE THE SEASON TIP 1: POSTURE What is good posture? Relaxed muscle groups vs Overactive What to feel Upper spine Lower spine/Pelvis Positioning Lets practice 24. WHAT CAN I DO BEFORE THE SEASON TIP 1 (CONT): POSTURE Motor Learning CORRECT BIOMECHANICS Keep it simple Keep it precise How many times before its perfect The Magic number 3000 repetitions 25. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON POSTURE/CONTROL TAPING TECHNIQUE 1 Thoracic Spine 26. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON POSTURE/CONTROL TAPING TECHNIQUE 2 New Core tape technique 8 months of research to perfect ideal during sport/training 27. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON LOADING VS TOLERANCE EXERCISE 1 Rolled Up Towel Exercise 28. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON LOADING VS TOLERANCE EXERCISE 2 The Spinal Roll Exercise 29. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON RECOVERY - 1 Contrast Baths and Salt Water Sea Swims (30-40 min) Contrast Baths (Hot/Cold) (Hot 1 min; Cold 30 sec) Repeat 7 times. 30. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON RECOVERY - 2 Sleep Best Form of Recovery 31. WHAT CAN I DO DURING THE SEASON RECOVERY - 3 Drinks, Fluids and Hydration Alcohol Awareness Red Bull Gatorade/Powerade/Lucozade 32. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Before/ During the Season Posture Taping Exercises During the Season Recovery Recovery Recovery Performance Up to 35% Better 33. WHAT HAPPENS AT ELITE AKADEMY SPORTS MEDICINE What is the CAUSE of my pain? Provide you with a diagnosis Can they HELP me? If yes, we work out how How LONG before I recover? Time taken to recover What can I do to PREVENT this? Exercises for recovery and prevention 34. WHAT HAPPENS AT ELITE AKADEMY SPORTS MEDICINE Free Biomechanical Assessments 35. WHAT HAPPENS AT ELITE AKADEMY SPORTS MEDICINE Free Biomechanical Assessments (Cont) 36. WHAT HAPPENS AT ELITE AKADEMY SPORTS MEDICINE Unique Pricing Structure in 2013 Special for all participants 4 week: $350 ($44/session) 8week: $550 ($34/session) 12 week: $750 ($31/session) **PAYMENT PLANS AVAIL** Usual Pricing 37. FINAL THOUGHTS Our Mission To help our athletes achieve the best results, in the shortest period of time. We love What We Do. We love Sport. 38. THANK YOU. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to send a note or call our clinic 8344 4948 My email address is: kusal@eliteakademy.com My twitter address is @kusalkumar The Elite Akademy twitter address is @EliteAkademy We share our athletes success stories and advice on our Facebook site www.facebook.com/EliteAkademy Lastly these slides have been uploaded to www.slideshare.net/KusalGoonewardena

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